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Rev 0 to NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1990
From: Grier J, Ritzenthaler D, Russell P
Shared Package
ML17334B410 List:
NUDOCS 9201140274
Download: ML20091J641 (215)



   ,3                                                                                            \

-W ) 1..' NF?A 30 Code Compliance Evaluation For Donald C, Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Indiana Michigan Power Company Prepared by: Piping, Valves. HVAC & Fire Pt atection Section American Electric Power Service Corporation Report Initiated gs L

         ;                                          June, 1990 1./


                             'A                               'A ~ L'J )? E d.c 4 L1/>_

Storabe Rooms Performed By: Stiq' rage Cabinets Performed By-P.J . Russell D.P. Ritzerthaler Nuclear Er gineering Department Nuclear Engineering Department PH&F Section PH&F Section 7

                                                       ,     /       , yj,g  '/h! ~?[

Approved By:/ J.D. Crier ' Nuclear Engineering Department PH&F Section Manager NFPA 30 Rev. 0 9201140274 911202 ^E PDR ADOCK 05000315 F PDR

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F k Table of Contents Page 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 overview 3 1.2 Background 3 , 1.3 Scope of Work .3

                                .1.4     Fire Protection Systems Reviewed                                                                       4

1- 5 General Assunptions

                                    .                                                                                                           5 2.0 Purpose-                                                                                                         5 3.0 Methodology                                                                                                      5
                       '4.0 conclusions / Recommendations 6

4.1 1987 Code Edition Year (1989-90 Review Year) 6

                         '5.0 . References                                                                                                      7 5 , l'  1987 Code Edition Year (1989-90 Review Year)                                                           7 6.0 Attachments 6.1: NFPA 30 Correspondence.

6.2 .NFPA 30 (1987 edition) 6.3 NFPA-30 Valkoown Checklist 6.4 NFPA 30 C'omp1 lance Evaluation

NFPA 30 Rev, O Page 2 of 8

1.0 Introduction ('" 1.1 Overviev This binder contains the results of American Electric Power Service Corporation's (AEPSC) review of the Cook Nuclear Plant's storage of flammable and combustible liquids for its comp 1b ace with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes. This code coupliance review specifically deals with the combustible oil storage room, the flammable liquid storage room and the portable flammable liquid storage cabinets located within the plant. These rooms (Miscellaneous Oil Storage Room and Flammable Liquids Storage Room) and storage cabinets have been evaluated against NFPA 30

                 " Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code".

1.2 Background

In developing our File Protection Commitment Data Base, It was found that AEPSC had committed to NFPA 30. AEPSC engineers were assigned to review, evaluate and justify code compliance issues for this code. The results of their reviews are contained in this report. 1.3 Scope of k'ork This analysis evaluates the dedicated flammable and combustible liquid storage rooms as well as the portable storage cabinets installed at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant to the requirements of NFPA 30. The 1987 edition of NFPA 30 was the edition under which the rooms and cabinets have been initially evaluated. The 1987 edition year was chosen so that the rooms and cabinets would be reviewed against the most current code requirements. The dedicated storage rooms are to be evaluated against the code requirements to determine compliance , noncompliance and open items. Deviations are to be reevaluated to determine whether each item could be deemed acceptable "as installedd based upon credited plant ' procedures or past practices at the plant. Deviations and open items which cannot be justified on these bases or on changes to the specific code requirements in later editions, are then to be evaluated based on engineering judgements, calculations, analysis of plant design features, field reviews, etc. In instances where the deviation cannot ae justified, modifications are to be made to the systems. All justifications, evaluations and recommended modifications are described in the code compliance verification checklist portion of this report. The areas of the plant that have been reviewed include:

                     -       Unit 2 Turbine Building Miscellaneous 011 Storage Room (Fire Zone (FZ) 89).

NFPA 30 Rev. O Page 3 of 8

lO: L/- - Service and Office Building Flammable Liquid Storage Room (FZ (j 131).

                       -        Portab1L flammable _ liquid storage cabinet locations in the Auxiliary _and Turbita Buildings.

The scepe of'this review is limited to these areas since they are the only areas where flammable. liquids are stored or where combustible liquids are dispensed. It_was determined that AEPSC's commitment in our 1977 Response to Appendix A to BTP APCSB 9.5-1, Section D.2.(d), dealt with flammable liquids only. Therefore, only the flamme.ble liquids room (FZ 131) and the flammable liquid storage cabinets need be_ included in the scope of this review. However, in the practice of good fire protection engineering, the Miscellaneous oil Storage room (FZ 89) has been included in this scope because of the dispensing operations which take place within this room. Two chapters of NFPA 30 are not applicable to the Donald C. Cook  ! Nuclear Plant. These chapters are as follaws:

                       -        Chapter 2 " Tank Storage".
                       --       Chapter 3 " Piping, Valves and Fittings".

-pI Chapter 2_does not apply since no permanent flammable liquid tanks exist within the security boundary. Likewise, Chapter 3 does not apply since no flammable liquid piping systems are installed within the Cook Juclear Plant's security boundary. Combustible oil storage ranks were not evaluated against this code since no commitments were made by AEPSC to install these systems within the NFPA 30 requirements. Future modifications to the flammable and combustible liquid storage rooms are to be evaluated for NFPA 30 code compliance. Any noted deviations and/or justifications will be documented and contained within this report. Future storage of flammable and combustible-liquids within the portable cabinets will. remain under the control of plant procedure PMI-2270. 1.4 Fire-Protection Systems Reviewed The fire protection systems which have been reviewed are identified


Fire Area Fire Zone Unit Description B 89 2- Miscellaneous Oil Storage Room Sprinklers B 131- 162 Flammable _ Liquid Storage Room Sprinklers Note: The review of the sprinkler systems in these areas was limited to only the sprinklers and piping network within the identified rooms. 7 NFPA 30 Rev. O Page 4 of 8

l.5 Ceneral Assumption ( This report utilized the fellowing general assumption shown below: (1) Specifications and drawings were used to evaluate the piping, fittings and miscellaneous hardware used in the storage rooms to confirm compliance with the requirements of the appropriated NFPA codes in effect at the time of this review. (2) Workmanship and construction practices during of installation the systems complied with the code requirements in effect at the time. (3) It is assumed that all surveillance tests and procedurem are properly implemented. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of NFPA 30 is "to reduce the hazard (flammable and combustible liquid storage) to a degree consistent with reasonable blic safety, without undue interference with public convenience and necx tity which require the use of flammable and combustible liquids. Thus, compliance with this standard does not eliminate all hazards in the use of flammable and combustible liquids". With this statement in mind, it should be understood that it is recognized that the flammable and combustible liquids storage rooms as well as the portable storage cabinets installed at Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant do

 .      not meet this standard verbatim. It is also recognized that these areas are not below the level ot safety prescribed per NFPA 30, as demonstrated by this report.                       The fire protection " defense-in depth" (as described within this text) philosophy assures plant safety.

3.0 Methodology NFPA 30 was broken down into two distinct categories (storage rooms and storage cabinets). The Piping, Valves, HVAC and Fire Protection Section of the Nuclear Engineering Department was tasked with evaluating both of these categories. NFPA 30 was reviewed in depth to determine which sections specifically addressed the ability of the storage facilities. Code sections covering topics, such as; information only, references to other NFPA codes, construction or equipment arrangement and nonrelevant types of occupancies were not included in this evaluation as these subjects do not affect the ability of the storage facilities. The storage room portion of this review was performed by both a field walkdown (see NFPA 30 Walkdown Checklist portion of this binder (attachmer.t 3)) and a document search. A summary of these results is contained in the NFPA 30 Compliance Evaluation portion of this binder. NFPA 30 Rev. O Page 5 of 8

   ;n I(,,)       Diis evaluation lists the applicable code sections; whether the -installed
   - (if       systems did/did_not comply or if the code sections were not applicable to the-installed. system; and comments or justifications for each noncomplying /not applicable section. This evaluation also has an additional column to identify the documents reviewed for verification of the specific code sections. One can see that each paragraph of the code was. evaluated for compliance / noncompliance.

The storage cabinet portion of this review was performed by a field walkdown (see Storage Cabinet Walkdown portion of thiu binder (attachment 3)). A summary of these results is contained in the NFPA 30 Compliance Evaluation portion of this binder. This evaluation lists the applicable code-sections; whether the installed systems did/did not comply or if the code sections were not applicable to the installed system; and comments or justifications for each noncomplying /not applicabla section. This evaluation also has an additional column to identify the documents reviewed for verification of the specific code sections. Once again, one can see that all applicable paragraphs were evaluated for compliance / noncompliance. In addition to the above mentioned portions of this binder, there also exists a " correspondence" section (attachment 1), as well as a section that contains a copy of the 1987 edition of NFPA 30 (attachment 2). 4.0 Conclusions / Recommendations j This evaluation concluded that flammable / combustible liquid storage areas of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant are generally in compliance with NFPA

              .30. The storage areas were evaluated against the code requirements of the edition year identified to determine compliance, noncompliance, and open items. Deviation. were reevaluated to determine whether each item could be deemed acceptable "as installed" based upon credited plant procedures or past practices at the plant. Deviations and open items which could not be justified are identified within this text and their recommendations are identified below.

4.1 1987 Code Edition Year (1989-90 Review Year) 4.141 Section 1.5, 4 4.2.1, 5-3.2.5 -- Provide a second exit in l the Miscellaneous Oil Storage-Room, FZ 89. This exit shall be located in the west wall. The exit door need not be fire rated. The exit door should contain a window (similar to the door in the Flammable Liquid Storage Room, FZ-131) to provide explosion relief, heat and smoke venting. The exit shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 101, " Life Safety Code",

                    -4.1.2        Sections 4-3.2 and 4-3.2.1 - Portable flammable liquid cabinets numbered 131-2, 69-1 and 44N-1 shall be repaired or replaced so that they meet the requirements of this code, l

k NFPA 30 ' Rev. 0 Page 6 of 8

_ . _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . _ . . . __m-_. i

                                  - 4.1. 3 -          : Section- 4 4. 2.5, 5-3 4.1 - A drainage system shall-be provided for the Flammable Liquid Storage Room and the             -

Miscellaneous Oil Storage Room. This drainage system. shall meet _ the requirements of this code as -vell as all environmental requirements. . . 4.1.4 Section Sk5.4.1 - A fire pre-plan shall be written for the Flammable Liquid Storage Room. 4.1.5 Section 4 3.1 - Remove 3 cabinets from Fire Zone 51 and 1  ; cabinet from Fire Zone 43 so that we remain in complience with this section.

                                 -4.1.6-               Section' 4 4.2.11 - Install necessary ductwork onto the existing KVAC inlet and exhaust of the flammable liquid storage room so that they meet the requirements stated in this section. Exhaust from the room should be directed to the exterior of the. building without recirculation.

5.0' References-5,1= 1987 Code Edition Year (1989 1990 Review Year) , 1, _ _ Drawing'#2-4047-8 Turbine and Heater Bay Areas 6 29-81 Basement Plan

 .1 2,        Drawing #1 4045-15                  Turbine and Heater Bay Areas                      1 26-86 El. 591'-0" and 595' 0" Basement Plan
3. FRA Fire Hazards Analysis Rev 4 1-31 90
4. Drawing #12 4018-A-42 Door Schedule 7 16-87
                     .5-         DrawingLd12 4019-18                 Door Schedule.                                     1-16 87             '
                                                                    -Safe Shutdown Capability l                                                                                                                       12-u6 Assessment. Proposed Modifications E                                                                     and Evaluations, Rev. 1
7. _ Fire-Pre Plans Fire Pre-Plans 9-20-85
8. Drawing #12-5681-A- New Oil' Storage-Room 6-5-81 Turbine Building Unit : '

19, PMI-2270= Fire Protection 4-24-89 10 .- Drawing 1-5179-19 Station Drainage 5-1-90

                   -11.         Drawing 2-5179 10-                   Station-Drainage                                  4-17-79 O

NFPA 30 Rev. O Page 7 of 8

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Attachment 6.1. i NFPA 30 Correspondence NFPA-30_ Code Compliance Evaluation For 3

                                                                                -Donald C. Cook Nuclear-Plant
                                                                                         ' Units 1 and 2 Indiana' Michigan Power company i

i 0 5


5 1 1 1 < i

W nad INDIANA MICHIGAN f\ ')'\ .

                                                                    ,y       POWER n -

s , , cate November 18, 1991 shjed Fire Protection Code Compliance Review From P.H. Jacques To B.J. Gerwe Per your request I have reviewed the status of Plant implementation of maintenance items and procedure revisions as outlined in the Code Compliance Rcview, Expanded Code Compliance Review, NFPA 30 Compliance Review and ESW Pump Room Area Extinguishers. With the exception of the items listed below all maintenance items and procedure revisions have been completed. NFPA 30 Code Compliance l (^)\ L-P.J. Russell memo dated June 29, 1990 Status Complete P.J. Russell memo dated July 2, 1990 Status To be completed by operations Department per your discussion with A. Puplis. P.J. Russell meno dated July 10, 1990 Status In some fire zones there are more than three flammable liquid cabinets. In these areas flammable liquid l cabinets are used to store Class A combustibles such as l cleaning materials, aerosols, grease, etc. We consider this to be an acceptable practice and monitor the j additional cabinets on a regular basis.

1 B.J. Gerva November 18, 1991

    ,      Page 2

(~)r (_ . Code ComD11ance Review - Impell Report No. 09-0120-012.1 IEA NFPA )4', Paragraph 1-9.5.6 c.y4'a. o ri

                ' Signs will be made for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Halon systema by December 31, 1991.

NFPA 72D, Paragraph 2034, 4052 Status Plant procedures will be revised or new procedures developed to verify that alarms are received in the Control Room from those Auxiliary Building standpipes that are fed from piping equipped with a flow alarm or are controlled by ZMO-10 and ZMO-20 by June 1, 1992. NFPA 12, Paragraph 1625 Status The vent lines referred to in this item were not part L of the original installation and will not be l /~N reinstalled for safety reasons. In the event of a ! (,) blockage in any part of the vent line pressure can back ) up through the back side of the pilot valves opening the valves and allowing an uncontrolled discharge of CO2 into all of the areas connected to the vent line. NFPA 13, Paragraphs 3-16.2.2, 3-16.3.5, 3-16.9.2 Status

This item will be completed with the Expanded Code t

Compliance review items, i NFPA 72D, Paragraph 2042 Item b. l Status l l Relocation of fire detectors or installation of l protective guards will require a design change. FA averwscA rsoQ os: tws tm SetE. M- % 9\ KEKo BY

                 ~6 3 CstETLt.O G.. f#- Ar*9/

l i i

B.J. Garwa November 18, 1991 Page 3

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Exoanded Code Compliance Review Imoell Report No. 09-0120-0381 NFPA 10,-Paragraph 4-3.2 Status Procedure 12 SHP 2270 FIRE.001 has been revised to verify that fire extinguishers are clear. On fire extinguishers the operating instructions are applied by the manufacturer as is the hanging bracket. Since the extinguisher can only be hung one way we will not change the procedure. The monthly inspection is the document that verifies that the extinguisher has been inspected. The inspection procedures meet NFPA criteria. NFPI 13, Par" aph 1041 Status A walk down of the sprinklers will be completed and the sprinklers realigned as needed by December 31, 1992. Valve 1-FP-196 was installed without a hand wheel. A determination will have to be made on whether one can (^)\. s_ be added without a design change. Paragraph 3612 Status A field walk down will be conducted and sprinkler heads changed as required by December 31, 1992. Paragraphs 36al, 3602, 3603 Status This item will be completed in 1992 or 1993 depending on budget allocation.

          -Paragraph 4143 Status A walk down will be completed and sprinklers installed per applicable drawings by December 31, 1992.


B.J. Garwo November 18, 1991 Page 4 ('s V, NFPA 72D, Paragraphs 2034, 4052 Elatus Procedures for the testing of the CFT Charcoal Filter Units will l'e completed by the start of the 1992 refueling outages for each unit. ESW Extinguishers Status Per your request we have verified that the fire extinguishers in the ESW Pump Room area are all ABC Dry Chemical extinguishers. Pe%y Im P.H. Jacques c: P.F. Chrteaux File

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7n41 PAT J. RUSSELLONEDOAEPSC ( T John E RutkowskiiAANAGERIALOCOOK (s /; James T Wojcik0 MANAGERIAL 0 COOK, Scott T Ritts0ENv0 COOK-

                        John P Carlson0ENV0 COOK, Dane M McKay0ENV0 COOK JOHN E OETKENGENVOCCOK, Paul H Jacques0S_and_AOCOOK Eric C Mallen0ENV0 COOK Bec:-

From:~ Diane M Fitzgerald@ENVOCOOK


Oil Room Floor Drains Dato: Friday, November 30, 1990 8:23:06 EST Attach:

 'Cartify:                N Forwarded by:
 -The purpose of this message is to summarize the various discussions, regulatory interpretations, and inspections which have occurred as a result of your July _12, 1990 memo regarding                 NFPA Code 30 compliance in the Cook Plant
 -. Miscellaneous Oil Storage Rooms. recognized that the various environmental regulations which apply to the storage of oil and hazardous chemicals are all ensure that spills are contained. To the contrary, NFPA Code 30 requires that drainage systems be provided to_ direct flammable liquids to a safe location. I&M and AEPSC Environmental pursonnel consulted regarding this regulatory dichotomy agreed t in cases such as this we must simply "do what we can" to comply with the f~' (, Ant of the both regulations.

 . Based on this philosophy, three options were discussed:
1. Routing floor drain flow within the rooms to new collection tanks
2. . Installing CO2 fire' suppression systems in the rooms
         -3. Providing curbs around the floor drains Although ccat estimates were not specifically calculated for the first two options, they were dismissed as viable options because of their impracticality, for-a number of reasons. While therofare some drawbacks to the installation of curbs around the flocr. drains, it was agreed that they would provide a reasonable. amount of-protection in the event-of drum rupture, would allow for
 ; flow of fire protection water fror the rooms, and would be relatively inexpensive to install.

Based on-our meeting on November 29, I understand you will proceed with the curb. design discussed with the Utility Crew (who work in the rooms), and will have the work package added to the existing plant modification to provide ventilation upgrades to the rooms. Please provide me with the drawings of the proposed curb design when they become available, and we'll see thmt they are reviewed by interested partjes at the plant. Let me know if you need any more assistance on'this project. l

 -f V

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 . ,r~y                                                                             saaf i                                                                                AMERICAN
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  • POWER 0' November 15, 1990 Sept Cook Nuclear Plant NFPA ?O Code Compliance F1.mmabte Liquid Storage Room from P.J. Russel1N1 11' D .90 To Q') altsb* ./
1) H.F. Youn g /M . R,%, Bang'h a vi Ch I
2) NFPA 30 Code Coepliance Report As you know, Section 4-4.2.11 of NFPA 30 (1987 edition) requires us to exhaust air from a point within 12" of the Flammable Liquid Storage Room's floor with make-up inlets being located within 12" of the floor on the opposite side of the room. It is my understanding that you have initiated a plant modification (12-PM-819) to upgrade the existing HVAC configuration within this room to meet the intent of Section 4-4.2.11.

One exception we are taking to Secticn 4-4.2.11 is the lack of an

  ,,_               airflow switch interlocked to sound an audible alarm upon failure of the ventilation system. A )uutification allowing this deviation follows, (V)

Per Attachment 1 (psge 3 of 34) of Procedure 1-OHP-4030.001.001, this room is to be tou; by the plant operators. One of the specifics that operators are to look f or is that the HVAC fan is running (procedure step no 2). Cince operators are continuously checking the fan (once per shaft). we feel that we already comply with the intent of this section of dFPA 30. Please attach a copy of this memo to 12-FM-819 for historical records. Return the original to .te ro that the NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation can be updated.

                                  - /      .
                         / / y' , 7. c'!.: V Concurrerges     B.J. Gerwe, f.o. Engineer

l l 'hf:4R/gh l d l cc: R.L. Shoberg J.D. Grier/B.J. Gerwe/P.J. Russell File NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation v sm i s,s:rm


                            'NG, HVAC
                                                                           /TP' lb<r' U NOV141990                                       INDIANA MICHIGAN FIRE PROTECTION Date     November 12, 1990 Subied   Containment Pequirements From     D. M. S'itceraldf To       D. L. Baker C. E. Hawk The puroose of this memo is to reauest an evaluation of proonsed alternative means of containment for oil, colluting materials and hazardous waste at two locations at the Cook Plant.

Soecificallv, we utilize the Service Buildina Miscellaneous Oil Storace Room and Turbine Ruilding Oil Storace Room for

 /~'\               the storace of bulk oils, solvents, and other V                  flammable / combustible liquids. The Service Buildino Miscellaneous oil storage Room is also used for temnorar" hazardous waste storace.

The flogr drains in these rooms are routed to the Turbine Room Sump, however, thev are plucced. The doorwaus to these rooms are also elevated at least 5 inches # rom the #1oor level to provide containment cacacitv within the rooms. P. J. Russell of AEPSC Pipinc, HVAC and Fire Protection has informed us that the floor drain plugs must be removed to comply with Section 5-3.4.1. of NFPA Code 30. This code reauires that drainace sustems be nrovided to direct flammable or combustible leakage and fire protection water to a safe location. Two alternate means of comnliance ware suggest bv Dussell: provide curbs a'round the drains

  • provide a separate drainaae tank #cr the runoff.

Considering the tank size recuired for the second option (able to contain the laraest expected flammable and/or combustible licuid leak and simultannous fire protection' water discharge), the curbina antinn annears more desirable and [_ more easily implemented (tha rurbs do, however, present a tripping hazard and create drum maneuvering di'#iculties.) (- Both Mr. Pussall and mvso valcone other sucanstions for containment which will s*ill onmniv wieh the NFPA Code. Intra-Symem i a--

4 k . Containment Pecuirements November 17, 1990 Pace 2 Until a more desirable option is found, however, nu snecific cuestion relates to whether the curbina option comn11es with the anolicable environmental reaulations. The reaulations to be considerad include, at a minimum; 40 CFR ll? 40 CFR 265 Michican Admin. Code part 5, Pule 323 uichican Act 64 nules In mv own research on this matter, it was found that Rule 3?3.115 states that a containment area shall be so constracted that no licuid collutina material can escane therefrom hv aravitv through sewers, drains... to the surface water or ground waters of the state. Drovided that we were able to nrovide sufficient capacity per the regulations, does this clause in and o# itself preclude the use of curbs, since the polluting naterial would reach the aroundwater in the avent of drum runture and fire svstem actuation? Perhaps we can cet tocether and brainstorm this issue. I would like to oive P. Russell an answer by the end of November. Thanks in advance for nour heln. lis c: J. E. Rutkowski J. T. w oicik Environmental Section ocute l l

l. ._. . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

( To: JEANETTE M. FITZPATRICK0NEDOAEPSC James T Wojcik0 MANAGERIAL 0 COOK {~')* (_ John E Rutkowski0 MANAGERIAL 0 COOK Scott T Ritts0ENV0 COOK, John P Carlson0ENV0 COOK (. Paul H Jacques@S_and_AOCOOK Bcc: From: Diane M Fitzgerald@ERV0 COOK


Floor Jrains Date: Frid.y, November 2, 1990 14:43:54 EST Attach: Certify: N Forwarded by: Pat Russell says you are the " lucky" u. ember of his group to have a LA!4 terminal---please pass this message along to him. Thanks. As we discussed the other day, we recognize the need to remove the floor drain plugs from the drains in the Service Building and Turbine Building Misc. 021 storage rooms, for fire protection reasons. We also agreed that constructing curbs around the floor drains in these rooms would allow large quaatities of fire protection water to drain from the room to the Turbine Room Sump in the event of system actuation, but would also serve to contain run of the mill oil or chemical spills in the room. One drawback to the curbing is that they will make it more difficult to maneuever drums within the rooms (possible tripping

  <h azard?)


  \u ver, in researching the regulations regarding the containment volume re.. ired, I'm not sure whether this design would comply with the regc,                                       (For example, Michigan regulations addressing oil spillage containment rec;uire that "the area be so constructed that no oil can escape therefrom by gravity through sewers, drains or the surface or ground waters of the state.")     I will ask our corporate Environmental staff for their cpinica on this, and let you know the outcome. How about replacing the fire protection system in these rooms with a CO2 system????

b V l


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 -( f ELECTRIC POWER Date    July 1.', 1990 Scect   Cook Nuclear Plant NFPA 00 Code Compliance Evaluation fem     P .J . Ras s e ll 9?N 7 - l ?. * 'll-Te      D. Fitzgerald - Bridgman Section 5 3.4.1 of NFPA 30, "Flamaable and Combuctible Liquid Code,

requires that drainage systems be provided to direct flammable or combustible leakage and fire protection water to a safe location. During our NFPA 30 code compliance Evaluation, we noted that the drains within the flammable and combustible liquid storage ooms are plugged. Since we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix n of BTP APCSB 9 5.1, we recommend that these plugs be removed, Obviously, once the drains are unplugged, we are exposing ourselves to the environmental concerns of allowing oils into the Turbine Building drainage system. We offer the following compromises so that both (ervironmental and fire protection) concerns are adequately covered. o Provide a 2 1/4" curb around the open drain so that the largest expected flammable and/or combustible leak will not spill into tho drainage system unless the fire protection system simultaneously discharges (Attachment 1). Obviously, the chances of this scenario occurring are . e uv v The fire pre-plans can be revised to include a section on the environmental concerns of a fire and simultaneous oil spill in these areas. The pre-plans can also include the clean-up actions needed if this scenario does, in fact, occur. or o provide a separate drainage tank for the largest expected flammable and/or conbustible 11guld leak and simultaneous fire protection water discharge. To assure that all environmental concerns are adequately addressed and that we meer the requirements of NFPA 30. we recommend that you review our proposals and initiate an acceptablu design change to unplug the existing drains within the Flammable Liquid Storage Room (Fire Zone 131) m swen

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s i 1 k/ July 12, 1990 , D. Fitzgerald Page 2 and the Miscellaneous 011 Storage P.oom (Fire Zone 89). Please ini t i a t.e ' this design change by December 1, 1990. If you should have any ' questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 2532.

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4 l P.J. Russell PJR/gh cc: A.A. Blind - Bridgman P.H. Jacques - Bridgman R.L. Shoberg gr J , D. Grie r/B.J '. #Ge rwe/P .J . Rus sell J Ut [ E a

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  >                                                                                                                                                                                                         ELECTRIC POWER Dae                           July 11, 1990
                                                                                                                                                                                          -- F N m Subiect                        Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plc.nt                                                                                                                                      l'ITW F f NFPA 30 Code Compliance                                                                                                                                                       jpp, Flammable Liquid Storage Room p/

c s _ From P.J . Russell ;N 7 " "W I0

1) J.D. Grier
2) H.pgrn go As you know, we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix A of BTP APCSB 9 5.1. Section 4-4.2.11 of this code requires us to exhaust air from a point within 12 inches of -~'

d theFlammableLiquidsStorageRoom'sfloorwithmake-upinlets"bei[g_ l located within 12 inches of the floor on the opposite side of the room. Exhaust from the room should be directed to the exterior of the building without recirculation. Obviously, these requirements are to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors within the storage room. \ During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Walkdown of this area, we noted that we do not meet these HVAC requirements. To assure that the accumulation af flammable vapors does not occur within this room, we recommend that you initiate a design change to make necessary upgrades to the Flammable Liquid Storage Room's HVAC system. The proposed HVAC system shall include all of the requirements stated in Section 4-4.2.11 of NFPA 30. Please initiate this design change by December 1. 1990. If you should have any questions or require additional information for this design change, please contact me at extension 2532. PJR/jmf cc: R.L. Shoberg

                                         '[ B.J . Cerwe/P.J . Russell File:  NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation Y                     CC3G              (4LSO, l'EsRvi R E 9   THC H VAC FAO ffMLUl%                                                                                                                       th (W M- OVT A C C c? l:406 9 Cs      TO    P. J.   @ u S $ G LL- 2r mLL BS Cs* V G CE D WDG K C o ?> & Ce rnt'L e A N C E    P G vee Hf     S G PCGt9 TE LY                                                                                                    RtG n$ NM                     WY W
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  ,-                                                                       ELECTRIC
  's                                                                      fMDWVER Da*    July 11, 1990 Subect Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant NFPA 30 Cede Compliance Evaluation Flammable Liquid Storage Room NU*

P.J. Russell b 1'"#C To J.R. Rosing Section 1-5 oi NFPA 30 " Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code" requires that egress from flammable and combustible liquid storage areas be in accordance with NFPA 101 " Life Safety Code" Section 29-2,4.1 of NFPA 101 requires that evory structure used for storage have at least two separate means of egress as remote from e'ach other as practicable. During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation, we noted that we do not meut this requirement in Fire Zone (FZ) 89 (Miscellaneous Oil Storage Room), f~'s Since we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 ( ) response to Appendix A of BTP APCSB 9 5.1, we recommend that you

'7          initiate a design change to install another exit it, the west wall of FZ
89. The exit door eed not be fire rated. The exit door should contain a window (similar to the door in the Flammable Liquid Storage Room, FZ 131) to provide explosion relief, heat and smoke venting. The exit shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 101, Section 29.

Please initiate the design change by December 1, 1990. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 2532. PJR/j mf Issuo CWAC on-Pt4-F3G cc: R.L. Shoberg sp6/~' J .D. Grier/B.J ' Ce rwe/P.J . Russell File: NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation v) wsS,vem

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 \         l                                                                            AMERICAN -

V fl.fCTRIC s.. POWER Da'e July 11, 1990 Subiect Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant NFPA 30 Code Compliance Flammable Liquid Storage Room f*" P.J . Russell ;,3N 7 " ~# I0

1) J.D. Grier
2) H.W. Young As you know, we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix A of BTP AP,CSB 9-5.1, Section 4 4.2.11 of this code requires us to exhaust air from a point within 12 inches of the Flammable Liquids Storage Room's floor with make up inlets being located within 12 inches of the floor on the opposite side of the room.

Exhaust from the room should be directed to the exterior of the building without recirculation. Obviously, these requirements are to prevent the

 ,G                   accumulation of flammable vapors within the storage room.

N.] During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Walkdown of this area, we noted that wa do not meet these HVAC require.nents. To assure that the accumula* ion of flammable vapors does not occur within this room, we recommend : . you initiate a desigt4 change to make necessary upgrades to the Flanaable Liquid Storage Room's HVAC system. The proposed HVAC system shall include all of the requirements stated in Section 4-4.2.11 of NFPA 30. Please initiate this design change by December 1, 1990. If you should have any questions or require additional information for design change, please contact me at extension 2532. PJK/j mf ec: R.L. Shoberg

                     '[      B.J. Cerwe/P.J. Russell File:  NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation
                                                                              / ,5 6e j' Q ,,, 5 : E D M Nym f) i AM \

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D W ('s amai AMERfCAN ELECTRDC POWER 0# July 10, 1990 FoQ. c.wsrcur sec h- W-9 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant MEMD F W V. W . TAcAve5 Tb NFPA 30 Code Compliance L.:rl(ms h E Flammable Liquid Cabinets NU* P.J. Russell v W '~ C ~70 P.H. Jacques Section 4-3.1 of NFPA 30 " Flammable and Comt.ustible Liquids Code" requires that not more than three storage cabinets can be located in a single fire area, except when, the cabinets are separated by at least 100 ft. During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation, va noted that we do not meet this requirement in Fire Zones (FZ) 43 and 51. Currently, FZ 43 contains 4 cabinets while FZ 51 contains 6 cabinets. Since we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix A of BTP APCSB 9-5.1, we recommend that you remove _ (A) one senraga cabinat from PZ 43 and three cabinetc fre FZ 51. If you should Lave any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 2532. PJR/jmf cc: A.A. Blind. Bridgman J . Carlson - Bridgman - R.L. Shoberg //f J.D. Crier /B.J . Aferwe/P.J . Russell File: NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation O


  • ELECTRK POWER Dam July 2, 1990
                                                          %CFh% To t \ - \ t-9 ) MCMD N4 S#  Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant                  GwTod . *cwo t*Som 9. H rA.cque NFPA 30 Code Compliance                        p s.r.A m .

NU* "4-70 P.J. Russell - I P.H. Jacques - Bridgman Section 5-5.4.1 of NFPA 30 " Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code" requires that we have an emergency action plan established for the Flammable Liquid Storage Room. During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation, we noted that we do not meet this requirement. Since we have committed to meet the requirements of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix A of BTP APCSB 9-5.1. we recommend that you reviso (3 the fire pre plans so that they specifically address the Flammable (,)- Liquids Storage Room, The pre-plan shall include all of the requirements included in Section 5-5.4.1 of NFPA 30. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 2532. PJR/j mf cc: A.A. Blind - Bridgman R.L. Shoberg gg J .D. Grier/B.J.A7erwe/P.J . Russell File: NFPA 30 code Compliance Evaluation ( l I



                                                                          !ct a System

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(' - ELECTRK POWER U* June 29, 1990 Fort Cwe,coor sec it- was b# Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Himo FC* H P.H M '

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NFPA 30 Code Compliance s.r.(pauc. Portable Flammable Liquid Cabinet.

          "U" P.J . Russell      [ g 19 P.H. Jacques        Bridgman As you know, we have committed to meet the require <ments of NFPA 30 in our 1977 response to Appendix A of BTP APCSE 9 5.1. Sections 4-3.2 and 4-3.2.1 of this code require that portabic storage cabinets remain tightly closed.        During our NFPA 30 Code Compliance Walkdown of the plant's cabinets we noted some deviations to these requirements.

Cabinet number 131 2 was noted to have a broken handle and cabinets 44N-1 and 69-1 would not remain closed due to inadequate latches. f-'3/ To assure that all portable flammable liquid c.abinets meet the requirements of NFPA 30, we recommend that you rake the necessary steps to either repair or replace these cabinets. Please respond to us in writing when these cabinets are upgraded into compliance so that we can update the Code Compliance Evaluation. If you should any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 2532. PJR/j mf ce; A.A. Blind - Bridgman R.L. Shoberg yjfe J . D . G rie r/B . J .p-Cerwe/P.J . Pusse11/D. P, Ritzenthaler File: NFPA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation ( 4 v. trtra System o

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l l I l. i .. I' f- Attachment 6.2 j

                                                                  .NFPA 30 (1987 Edition)                                                                           l l

s i l 4 i l HFFA 30 Code Compliance Evaluation l For fi 1

l. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant l l- . .

t Units 1 and 2-  : Indiana kl.. 9.gan Power Company { l. I L-: I


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S0-1 i V . W . C h*7 NF PA. All Reichts Rewat91 NFPA 30  ! Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 1987 Edition Thlt edition of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combust ble Luquads Codr, s us by the Technical Committee on Flammable and Combustible 1.iquids prepared r eleased , b) the Correlating Cotmaittee on Flaminable 1.iquidi, and acted on by the  ! National Fire Protection Association, Inc. at its Annual Niceting behl Slas 18 '.'I. 1987 in Cinunnati, Ohio. It was issued I , the Standards Counal on uh 1987, with an elinthe date of Augu$t 7, !!N7. and supcriedes all ousplren 17. editions. The 198'/ edition of this standard has been approsed bs the American

  • National Standardi institute.

s Changes other than editorial are indicated in a sertical tule m the margin of ' the pages on which thev appear. These lines aic induded as an aid to the user in identifying thanges (tom the presious edition. Origin and Developinent of NFPA 30 , From 1913 to 1957, this standard was written ist the form of a munidpal ordinance known as the Suggnted Godsnancefor the Storage, Handkng and De of flammable Liquids. In 1957, the format was changed Irorn a municipal oidinante to a Code, although the technical provisions we'te retained During the 71 sear existent.e of this suggested ordinance and tode, auinetous editions hage been publishec; as conditions and experientes base dictated. Recent editions of NFPA Sn inchde 1977,1981,1984, and this 1987 edition. In 1984, the chapter on autonmine and marine senice stations was renuned froni NFPA 30 and was . .* written as an indindual code, NFPA 30A, Automern<< and Manne Servier Statmn Code. la 1987, Chanter 5 (industrial Plantsh Chapter 6 (liulk Plants and Te:minah), Chapter 7 (Poi < essing~ Plantsh and Chaptei N C Series, Chemical Plants, and I)ntilleries) s,ere (ombined into a single cnai, er entitled " Operations." ' 0 \ w,..,wy_. m e- ww,,,_p, ,-m,,,,,,we,y,,-,.4,yg . ews-v r-g -e-"r=- *- ,-yvewe me

30s'_ _. _._. _ __ _ m etm i m m ne!ini m rHp ogni _ ___ _ _ Corninittee on Flammable Liquids Coirclating Conunitsee t m C ume,. n,..~. I e duhitit dr Arnionett A ( te G L Casa (* l . ( .i m & ( 'o keten landon. I topin ( lui. t A. t,d,,. an. t nd. ,,,,ori, t.ei..mi.n 4, f r. , R, p i e i ina w., d i ,am w, i Donald M jolis son, Aan prono ( \  % 61hase it Rua anski, ik pi ol %un p eic < . \ll inre h re,,n t ia s (. . A e , ,lu p l u s\ As C. L hingsbahee, blanta (e A f sul C lamt i ngh e ned \l O Os en kubias. %( M (.inbh n i n. u n ..o v io Technical Cornmittee on Flammable and Combustible Liquids Ekwield M. Johnson ( Aa ocem

                                                                                                                       %4n1buno 4.)

We p b tun en I hl & (. 6 W I Wilham 1. Anderson. M1 juseph R. Natale. Whil R4 se an h A t h n 1. tuon m Hent, M Bell. Dini ( hm.m al l % 4 de p %c I h noh son O hm rs bn.

                                                     % eldon L Brundrett. \1 & %f b um qum ( onsuhann                                          us,,h.ll L       p,,,,,,n. goa p ,m n S s.v. mn., g m Mu hael T. C.auellano. L.u pli 1. % rasp am A %"fn                                        %dhans t Rehr. t in ol % he atoo il im                                                                                        :ktp lin Mar shal . h.n .o Nonh suon a.

ilirp thuille d % pone L auru ti ed iht t%i Robert N. Renhet. h ison om f +upmi m luonn Muheel V. I'ranthin.. L' 4 ( oau (mani d. \t!". b betald J Rosa b t, t a in r at 41.. ton i er p james G. Gallup. %iI (mt ( mutna %c'un e ( otp i kt p % 1 l' 4 holoin ta i os proio non 'n i e n M se ne Gever. %!rri 'I ank Inunuit (son C % hailes,i i f rota + d4 % 4 mwi r ( o Istr' k.110r14. ff s'h%P Hial k f 45 k .sunt iel ( id ib y (at l j'. qt u i ( e t,.s m g% bso John J. Wo let. t not e w ute ri l alauann eri im g o,,n, g. w h ni, t w g u, s, an ymno ut (kee.ald I literrnan. L s enn ( otode ( os p im p iV 4% 0 iMep ( ha ma al Manulaiturers Aun t .,,,,,,ggy,,,,,,,,,,,, g ,, ,, y , ga; g,,,ng i dward llddebrandt. \ illaer nl Wen.n (.nne hte ' .m p Dept il degel R.$h h.In t W lH bh md 4 0 h g Hutan. 1 ikrp il lur Impr< tors A*nn j stucke 8 %mnh. r., bpstilommernogInt

                                                                                                                                                           "            I"""'"'"

Olteet W. jidinean Palo Aho, L 4 U*'"'"O 'I""** Josh, Paul Aallungal. Ottn e al the f ue Weihal *'P 3 n,unto R.1. f>pemer. Indtnuial kna in oien behard D Stalker %uullt e i Iwnns al t o James D. IUefles. Heraan % e4rt A %om 1.ul '"'P M P % I "d "'" 'M I " " E " "' """ * ""'

                                                     !neve kam, %itu rudr ( anada lad h allas e D, Malmesedt, Arnrr n an r se e s u r,                                 C I Teternet 14ailgo h nok ois t o

( .nn.p t en ibP APl!

                                                     % sun D. Mehta. %s al %ca % uems (.onunand                                                1humas lectelsonne. M nw t .o.up
4. L Mittermaier, l 6 heirn ( or p 'Wrp W6a m t *.i ' o ><1,' a o I o * "' ' i .

1Hrp (eau hne Pump MaindatIusett A=to s Harold $. h ast. Je , i k M insuioni t Alier nate s John A. Analet %rd Ian6 Inunule De* ui L lhwh aen. I h rm lil:non lin 4 Ahrrner in % ( .r s e t ) I Ahrt 'we to '> % %noai J. A Cedesvall. ( maks a (.hrn.nal Haiardt ik M M'P h' R R I"""' L 'o P' ' ' '" '" U

                                                                                                                                              * \ " ' * ' ' I      IH""'""'
                                                     > \bertvir in l l llawles t john thiggret ill. Ani.s r ai ari % arrhuvu tur ni n Assei l' I M" 'I          '
                                                                                                                                                                                     '"'I'"di' i                                                    i Ahrt ha:e to Amrru an % ap rhoutosor n t Asui hp1 Iluseell C. Opte 4ut h, H ph i ** w a m % wo
  • Tho#nas C I, lies. Ib + ( m mns ( or p p ,,

i A h* e nate in I . l Rosa l'. 4 Miet n.oc i , M I ( a.u flan.o Rkhard A. Grosa, toduunal knk Inever'$ llugh L Thompana. lin on. % 4.1 a som L ni 6 wen air to R i %pern es t i un r o. j u Au 04 i Mic hael k Hddebrand. Amenian Pet *..irum ind i g n e ni t . I l in e r nr e t ( Noneuting l l M k hael B. Moore. L' s ( Ai ugweomi %atri. A T e renc e P. %muh. t s t h i on.uion. i s..ti n A llraoh hrmhOhmn .g. n n m R64 hard t. Murphe, I woi Newerc h A i nemi reine , ur i n.or i, y in sis.n , (.

                                                     .Krp M P \ I:wm t omm i Udwrt P. Benedetu. \1 P % Malf luson l

l 1ho int ortwnn the mr&ninti nt Ihr 'mr + t vmmner le nr klimd re' < d*uwo n.dr"en% reg **an l hatt ve r nived 1 V 11 L Mendert ship nh .I ( .ninlinure sh.dl n it in .eral ni sht 11 i < ernur u r e an crubit sentrot id ihr kun uoon or .ien <bu usnrnt des rloiwd in the ( _oninnure on w hu h the menibe ris r it f htne.

I g . _ _- ton 1I m . 3M l Contents t b Chapter i General Provisions . . .... . .. .. . . 4 1 1 1 Scope and A .. .. .. 4 1 2 Defmitions . ............. pplication. . . .... . . . .... 5 1 3 Storage.......... ................... .. .. .. .. .. ... . 8 1 4 Pi csiu r e Ve55el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . M l.5 Exits.......................... ..., . . ,, .. .. . 8 Chapter 2 Tank Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... .. 8 . 2 1 Design and Construction of Tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. , 8 r 2 2 Installation of Outside Aixneground Tanks . . .. .. . . 9 2 3 Installation of Underground Tanks. . .. . . ,. . .. Iti 2 4 Installation of Tanks inside of Buildings. ...... ..... . , 18 2 5 Supports. Foundations, and Anthorage for All Tank Locations . 19 2 6 Sounes of i ..... . 20 2 7 Testing . . ....gnition. ........... . ... . . . . . .........., .. . . 20 2 8 Fire Protection and Identifkation. . . .. 20 2 9 Presention of Os erhiling of Tanks . . . . . . . . , . 20 210 Leakage Detection and lmentory Records for Underground Tanks . . . . . . . .. .. .... . . . . 21 Chapter 3 Pipin 21 31 General . . .g. Valves, and Fittings .

                                                            . .... .... . .                         ......                        .                                                                         21 3 2 Materials for Piping. Valses, and fittings. . . .                                                                                                                  21 3 3 Pipe Joints              .. . . .. .. ,                                  ..                      .                 .                                        .      22 3 4 S u p po r ts . . . . . . . , . .           . .. .                 .              .                                      .                                         22 3 5 Protection Against Corrosion. .                                          ..                  .                                                                     22 3-6 Vab es ..            .... .. . . . ....                                     .                             . .                                                      22 3 7 Testing . .              .... ..                  . . .....                 ...                  ,                 .           .. .                                22 3 8 Identincation . . .... .... ... .                                           ..                  ...... .                          .          .          .          22 Chapter 4 Container and Portable Tank Storage ,,                                                                                     ..                                  22 4 1 Scope . . . . . .           .. .. .. ...                                ...... ....                                                   .                            22 4 2 Design. Construction. and Qpaqty of Containers. . .                                                                            .                                   22 4 3 Design. Construction, and Capaatt of Storage Cabinets                                                                                                              23 4 4 Design, Construction, and Operation of Separate inside Storage Areas. . .                                     .                   . .                                                                    23 4 5 Indoor Storage . . . . .                        .......               ......                    ....... ...                                                        25 4 6 Protection Re                                                                                                                                                      28 4 7 Fire Control.quirements for Protected Storage of Liquids .
                                                                 ., .., ..                        .              .                       .                  . .                                         . 29 4 8 Outdoor Storage. . .. ...                                     ...... .. . .                                                                       .                29 Chapter 5      O                                                      .. .                         ,.                                                                     30 5-1 Scope... ......perations . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                . ..                                                                             .                .                         30 5 2 General.              .                    .                                     ,                                                                                 30 5 3 Facility Desiv.n . . . . . .               .. , .....                                                                                                              30 5 4 Liquid llandling, Transfer, and Use.                                                                    ..                    ,                                    32 5 5 Fire Prevention and Control . .                                      .                                    ..               .                                       38 Chapter 6 Referenced Publications .                                     .                     .                             .                                              10 Appendix A Additional Explanatory Material                                                                                  .                                        . 11 Appendix B Emergency Relief Venting for Fire Exposure for Aboveground Tanks.                                   .                   ..                                                           .                  12 Appendix C Abandonment or Removal of Underground Tanks .                                                                                                                  15 Appendix D .             . . , .                     .                                                                                                                    Iti Appendix E .        .

19 Appendix F Chapter 5 Source Tables . 52 Appendix G . , .. , 55 Index. . Sti 9967 E$1.on

i 3 0d__ ._._ OrimtmW osnmiu Lim un uno _ __ _ . _ _ _ NFPA 30 with other Sulataines, th at are subjeu to e>phnne  ! deu,nipodtioti, or has e other special prop < stics that

                                                                                             ""d "l" " " h            'P""f"'d ior         l Flemmable and Combustible Littuids Code                           di""'"

a nonnal'"h1"?"4"'#':las h< pod of sum flashnt ln c u! "*lawiht ation. 1987 Edition  !.l.5 in tentain mstallatiom the prmidom of tha mde ene he akered at 'he diu tenon of the authoiits N o rt( i: sn .mcoa i*i inuo ong ihr nnnino m irne, hasmg juriulit tion af ter uunideration of the spetial le atnies sin h as topogiaphical wntin n,tn. har:it ade<l. acugnanng pai.ner.iph m Appen aln.h 1 initori ruAin.ano nuro.d on oi.o walh, ade(puu of luiildmg esin, nature of in t upan-Intoon. mon on ette,c ,ies, pioxinun to buildings or adioining proprin arni ict h aml \ppendr (.,m ea puta.aion, i.e ionmi m ui., (lurMer of uunnuuion of M MddHe (pin ' aint ronuruunm of proinned tanks .oul (b.nauer of hquith to he stored, natute of pnaen. degree of l'or ew ord prnate lite piotation to be piouded. amt the .nte-quan of f aulities of the hre depaionent to utpr uith I his uandard. Lnow n as the l'Inmnudde uml Comhuo ILuinnable or unnbusohle hquid heet Iddr L,ynnh Codt. is f emminended f oi use as the basa of legal seculatiom Its pimidom are intemled to l*l.6 faiying plants, equipment, buildings, u s ui-irdut e the h.vaid to a degiec (omiuent with reaum. tures. and in tallatiom fot the uorage. hainihne. os able public salen. wahout undue inteileiente unh me of flannnable ni mmhuuible hqunk that air run p0 bht (omemern e ami net enin w hh h icipiire the ni unit t wnyplian e with ibe ter em oi tim (ode rnas he use of flammable and mmbuuible li<piids Tinn. (oniinued in me at the diviroon of the anihoun mmpliaine with this uandard does not eliminate all hasingjuriuliunm panide 1 thn do tud t omtnote a balaf ds kfl d M' the id llailitudide aint (oittlunlib}p lettaglutetl halald Hb hi tir adpuning pitqlt tts . t he hquids See the FinnocuMr und Com/nonNr laym,6 nde emteme of a snuanon that unght result m an es}do- //nm/bovA for additional esplanatot v inf oimauon Moh "8 smhlen r"alation of a f o r. un h ai madequate s of tonhned spat et 1.n L of .nh quate emo - geno senting of a tank. ladure to lu eproof the

                                                                  '" P us of elesated tanks. or hu k of dnunage os Chapter 1 General Prosisions                        difn"to mntrol spdh snav wnuitute sm h a haiaid.

1 1 Scope and Application. 1 1.7 Thh unde shall not apph to: 1 1.1 Thk mde applies to all llammab:e and mm. hmoble hqunk euept those that are solid ct'loWI l 1.7.1 1:ansportation of flaimnable .unt uimbmu-07x(J or alune, ble hquids. ~l hese s equurmenn aie uint.uned m the l' S llepartment of Irampiutanon regulanum os m 1 l.2 Requirernents for the wie uorage and use of N F PA 3M. Sturnlaed for Tank l's /ar In tro / lu now,/r the great sanen of flammable aint mmbmtible hq. and Combmtshlr layunh. uids unnmonk asailable depend primanh on then Ilre Chara(telhtKs, partimlarh the ll.nh poisit. u hi(h 1 1.7.2 Storage, handhng, and me of f uel od tanL<. is the basis for the sneral(lassihcanorn of hquids as aru' tontainets omnetled unh od hunung eip u p-defined in Seuion 1.o. It should be noted that the ment. Thne requiremenn ate (mered separatch m (lauih(.aion of a liquid (aa he thanged la mntami. NI PA 31. Sinndan/ for the /mtallaimn el (>d /ho mne nation. For esample, hlling a Claw if hquid into a livnipment. tank which lau wniained a Clan i liqual(an aber m (lawituation. as c an espoung a Clau 11 liquid to the 1 1.7.3 Stotage of flammable and unnhmohle hq. sapors of a Clau I hquid sia an interumnetung sapor ui<h on f ainn and holated < onunn tion pn. hne Wr 2-2 6 4 und 2 L3 6). Care shall be exen hed in 'I bese requirements ait uneied separatch m fPA N;cus. un h (ases to apply the requiremenn appropnate to 395. Arandard for the Xtorner ol / lammable om/ C.oubm nble laywds on Farms ami /wlated Co r on mnon Projectu the auual dandn auon. 1 1.3 The udatilin of liqunh b inueased hv heat. 1 1.7.4 Liquids without flash pinna that ( a n he mg When Clau 11 or Clau 111 hqui<h are espmed to llammable under some unulinom, sm h as iertam noiage condinons, use mnditiom or pon en opera- halogenated Indrocarbom and mistoirs mnt.nning a where thn are naturath or auiinialk heated to halogenated hub otarhmn. Mer NFPA 321, uundard ihme then fl.nh poma, addanmal reqmreinents on lhon ( In m/vn n,oe ql Flanonab6 und Combenh/r

  ,. he nei nsan. 'l hne reqmrements im iude mn.               L e.podt )

sMletatnHt tot stu b !!elin as s elitd.itit en. e%lx atn e te s Igninoil so(lit n. diking, alul ele ( H it al alca t las4tn a- 1 1.7.5 Slists, spray s, or foams. d u m t/uvomb/r tudL ut towh in runt:nne r s, u huh apr truludrd in (,lusp!rt ]y 1*l.4 Addittorul reqturefnents imn he not eudis hir l*l.8 j rbiallatiotn in.nle ill au ot daih e with t he ap-the sale storage and me of liquids that unmual pla able reqmrements of statulards of the Nanonal bur mng (harauerhin s. that are subjec t to self igni- Fue Prote(non 3 un ution: Ni PA 31 Vanduid for tion w ben esposed to the air that are highh ir.n tne />m /mnine Plann; N F PA 33. Ntand od ho spon Apph-mr ow

ci se au reovisiou _ 30 4 cation l%ne flarrowside ural Cersl>ustille Materiab; llarrel. A wlutne of 12 LW gal (l% 0 LL

        \'                                                                  NFPA 3L Stan tard for thppong and Coatom l'rwrues l'une flamesable er Lymds; NFPA M.                                                    Ba sement. A uorv of a bmiding or stiuttute Standardfor the Manufac ture of Organu Coatnics; N FPA                                       hasing 4 or inoie of its height pelow groumilesel and
36. Staridard for Solernt htrartwr Plaritu NFPA 37, to whO auess lot hie hghtmg purpmes is uiuluh testritted-Standard for the frutallatwrs and l'se of Statwnm Cor.v bustwn Engmes and Gas Turbines; NI PA 45. Siandard for ferr Protutwn for Laboratones thg Chermalst and IloHing Po,nt. i .I he tempera Cha c5cits a sapor pressure ofpsia 14,ture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  @u nun   at whi(h Heh a litptid faabiter         10 ofbe tin Shall         NFPA deemed W. Standard to be in cornpliance         for liculth Ca,,

with  % here any anurate lunhng juunt n unas.nlable f or the this arde material m tot miuur es that do not has e a mmtant lunkng punt f or purposes of this unie the 1 1.9 .\letrication. If a value for measurernent as 10 pettent point of a distillation perfortned in .u-ghen in this standard is followed in an equisalent wrdatae with ASTNI D M.'. Stansod 2timd ol Tnt salue in other units. the hrst sta.ul iiregarded as the /or Dntdlatwn r1 Petrolenn Prodw ri. tnas be used as the requirement. The gnen equisalent salue mas he boihng point of the hquid. approximate. Iloil Os er. An esent in ihe but rung at < et t im mis 12 Definitions. in an open top tank when, altet a hmg pr:Hul of quieuent bur nmg. there is a sudden inucase in hic Aerosol. A material that is dispensed from its intensits amiated with e\ pulsion of bur ning oil wntainer as a mist, sp. . or foam by a propellant f rom the tank. lioibmer ou ut s w hen the t esidues under prenure. f rom sur f ac e burning beuime nune dense than the unburned oil and sink below the sut t.u c to lor a a hot A artment flouse. A huilding or that pornon of a Im n & b pm ws d%msatd mm h Iwet Man bud ing (ontaining more than two dweihng ututt ge ,imnin d We hpl w h Win Wh hoi Approved. Aueptable to the "authorin hadng leer, c alled a " heat we eT re.u bcs u atei or water in-jurisdn tion / "il en"d'i"n in the honoin of the tank the wates n first sujict heJted, alHI sulnetpletills IMHis al!IHnt c\- NOTE: 1he Natninal fire Proiettam Am unon don not plmisch inetilowing the tank. Oih subjett to In>il-apprme. lhlpelt or (cf'llth afH inntall4HorM. pf ttleduf n. effnp- g ggpy g . gg (gym gg g{ gg .g g 4] ment, or maicoal not don is appeme or naluate inung . latoratones in determmmg the aueptatuba of mstalianone or pomts, indu hing hoth hght ends and s at ous procedurci, equipment or nutenak, the authona haung juni. t esid uct These (haiatterniu s are present iii tinnt danon mn hee aoeptante on o.mphan<c u.h M PA or mher crude oih. and tan he predmed in ssutnetit miu appropoate standar3h in ihe ah enic of uth endants, said tures. authunn rm requne eudern e of propet muallanon. pnw e-dure or use. i he authona haung urwinuon non ako ref er i" the hsonc or tahehng praou n o an orgamianon erned VHI \ O. d h .- im n om

                                                                                                                                                                                           . , m g ,g , ,      q,,, g m % n , ,_ gg wuh nuluci e aluauons whnh n m a }* moon to drict nunc                                       , #[,                                     d . mo On W d 4a (omp un e with appropriate standards toe the current poulu

non o: kned items he m W i +m n w a% uw w e a m M mh g ,g g oil l pon noung. the sudden o.mtren of u. ort to ir.un Assembly Occupancy. All bud. or portions uusn a pornon or ihr unt o.menn to mriti..w of buildings used for gathering 30 or nune penons for such pur pmes as deliberatinn, wonhip, entertain- Ilulk Plant or Terminal. 'I hat por non ot a piop. ment, dining. amusement. or awaitmg tramportation. ein where hquids are re(ened in tank sessel pipe-

                                                                                                     .                                                                     hoes, tank (ar. m tank schiile, atul are stored of Atmospherie Tank. A uorage tank that he been                                               g.nded in bull hit We purpme of diurdiming a h designed to operate at pressures tiom,atnanphe'"                                             hquMs in ud mel. pipelme. ud t.u. td wM in thrtiugh 0.5 pug G60 mm lig through wh nun Hg)                                               poruW ud, m wnhunen measured at the top of the tanL Authority llavin jurisdiction. The authorin                                                   Chemical Plant.              A large it .tegrated plant or that gsaying jurhdicuou' n the organizat on, ollue or                                             l M li t hill til *W l1 a          allt tither iii.tri a r eliiien s <ir indnidual responuble for apprming' eqmpment, an                                              ddnumhva m pdyd in i kmid irntalla mn or a pimedure.                                                                       mim m md s hsd wa mm No t f.-        ne phree %ahonn haung purnda non" n used in                                  Closed Container. A mutainer a hetein dehned.

NpA k;Wnienn m a broad mannel LuMe julhdK hom and so sea 1ed }n medin o! a hd ol U!heI de\ e Iba!

                                                                                  "appros al' avenon s ats as do then tryma.uhihan Whrte                                   neither hquid Itot s a}Hir u d! ev ape lioni tt at (u di-u hlM taletV n phntats, the "authoritt haing ut adu non" tua sf a Icatet al. MJte. k M al <*f 4 dhrr t rgliin.: depaflDictil 16r                      gg g gpgqg,jg g irdis idWi MR h als a hie ( hie l, f u e fnarsh.Ai, t hirt E d a lit t'                                               . .

m ennon bureau, labor depar une nt. ht ahh departinent. Combustible Ligmds. See liquidt {nid.hDQ olf ulal, elet 'r afispet hat. fit qit her s hJning suiunii n aut honn . For irnurain e purpmrt an mwf.uu r myci non Container. Am sewel of On C \ gal!"'S Ii of att pallinrm, rating hof eau, tr sither Imut atu r I siinl talin rt}H r- lpp ( 3 y(lgg ggp({ f gig { pat)ggu ag {jgg (){ Qtij ][1g lHjllhls, st'illailir ma n he the "aut hipf lt% hnif tf }ut hdu thsn ' l11 niam (m unahaun tbr pfo wny owner or hn drugn.urd agent MtulhCE the nde td 1pr autlHif tt % ha%mg u t iU ik 'l' ui ' al Crude Petroleum. H' s d i t u al.b< "1 mist tu es t hat W n t i n tne n t in4f asfusik8in. t he t iflinlaIHhng i IM rr 4 *r (Ir}6aIt- IN\ U d M l" NII } ' d8 Id\ U meh' d t dhflal tilag ht t he "JutIHiritt hM Hig parloth lb ail IHil kleell ldlH c%et! ill a lef tlicI s .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ' M 7 [ftaM

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ....m.

M-6 em u3t i pro iuno s nr.t t t syt u o ont Distill ry. A plani or that pot tmn o! a plant liarardous hinterial or liarardous Chernir al. ) whcie liquids ptmtuted b5 lermentamm air uituen. Niatetial presenting d.mgen bewnd the hie prob- , trated, amt w here the wm entrated pnulm ts may aho lems relanng to liash point and lusihng punt. 'I hese be mixed, posed. to pa(Laged. dangen ma arise lium but ate not bruite d to touun. r eauhin , irntabdity, or un aoshiiv. Dwelling. A buikhng ouupini rulushch for residente purjunes and h.ning amt most than two liarardous Ileartion or llasardous Chemh at ite. dwethng units or as a tuiaiding or nu ming home action. Reauiom that inuh m dangen beuoul the sening not more than l*> persom with meak or fu e pniblenn relating to llah point and luoling p<ont deeping auonuntxtatiom or lunh of enher the tra(tann or of the pnuluut Ihese dangen m.n imlude but are not limned to insit Dwelling Unit. Om or mote neo rilnto tra< tuin speed (ituluding detonanoin, esm the use of one or miyte nuhy m uluak Inms together a airanged du nnulo' inu tb>m or puulmtion of umtable of trae a gingle imusrLecpmv umt. w it h wo mg. In mg, tne material, samtary, and slee;ung Ltilion. Hotel. Ihnhlings or groups of hmblings muler Educational Occupancy. The ou upam s or me the sann inanagenu nt jn w hu h du1e are s!ecinne of a buddmg on situouse'or am potion thereof in d" ' " D " "

  • I d """ ' l"' I"'#* I"'"M "b * "I I" Ud"*

penom .membled f or the pur piise ol learmng or of Wenn wlui au huNed with or widniut nu ah. unlud-r et en mg ettucatuinal inutt uuion. ing but not htmted to mm dubs. nuitch, and apait-Fire Area. An area of a buihling separated f rom inentludelt the temaituler of the building hs wintruoion haune a hre reshtame of at lent I hi and h.ning all incidental Liquid Use or Storage. 1Ne or uon ne commutmating opemngs proper h protn ted in an a a subodniate atinit to that w hu h estahinhed the anembh haine a hre inntante ratmg of at leet 1 '"( up.uu s or an'a deutu atuut hr. Imtitutional Occupanew ~1 he ou u s ni me Flammable Aerowl. An acomd that h re<puint of a huddme or un ut tur e'or .on pm non theicol in to be labeled "Flainmable" under the l's, lederal penom harbored or dnained to ro ene medu al liaiardom Sulatarues Labehng Au. ihantable, or other iare or treannent. or bs petsom unolutuanh detained. Floh Point. The minimum temperatute at whi< h a liquid ghn olf upor in sufficient wruentration to Labeled. I(piipment or materiah to whu h has f oun an ignitd heen att.n hed a label, n ndad os other identdung the hqual uah de misture wnh air ryear the sur f ate i.: o ofm L of an theorsenel a spetihed ganitanon bs ni

                                                                                                          .in eptah'e          appiopnate the auduinn test ptmedure and apparatm a lollo"C                             haung juriulionm" and uim erned unh pn duo I.o The floh point of a hquid haune a siwoda leu              culuanon. that maintams pet uidit mspn non ot pro-ihan 15 st/s at lon'F 07#C# and a Hash porn below                dut non of labWnt upopmem oi m.nenah and in 2nWI (93'Ci shall be deter naned in anordatue unh                w hose lahchng the manubu tures unlicatn c omph.

ASTN! D %C $tarulard 3Irthod of Tnt [oi fbon Pona alu e with appropuste standatds or peitor matue m a h the Tue 0/med 7'nter. speuhrd manner. thi The Hah punt of a hguid haing a siu min of Liquid. For the pur pose of this mde, ain maten.d 45 513 of more at inn ~F diNC) or a fleh point of 2nWI MC) or higher shall be determined in .nand, ihat ha a Iluuhn g cater than that of 3nn penetranon am e with AN'l \1 b 93+n. Standard 3I<timd of Tnt fy, ephah when teurd m .utotdaine wah 35 i \1 D Fimb imna h the Pooh Slattoo Limed Tnin. W Tot foi Pna tr utwn for B a u m nw,o Alan onn Men nos otherwise identified. the term liquid shall

4) As an ahernate A5TNI D 382ssi. \tanduid "'*" I"ah Hannnable and combusuble bqmds.

3Irthods 1) Tnh fur Hmh Pona ni Priodnan and Patro-r Inun Prodiatt h hetWimh Limed Tnter, m.n he med Io testmg ananon turfnne luck wohin the uope of ihn L.unbustible Ligm.d. A hquid being a llah pn u edure. P"i"' d ' "' dh* C I""'I UI#CL uh As an ahernate. ASTN! D 327M2 standuid Condanoble laquuh shall be subdiuded as loh 3I!! hod of Irm for thoh Pon t vl Lupads % \rtull.oh 9,a C_/ cud Tnin, ma be med f or pamn. enameh. lat . Mau 11 hquuh shallindude dune haim HA quest urnhhn. and telated poiduus and the(r gynn a o, gog [omy g M a md kim M

     < omponenn haung fl.nh poinn hetueen 32*) pHa                     g,m 3 alul 231f I (l I   !), an(l h.D ing a s nd inin h ns er than                    b lll A           4 gy glg gy                      yg 15n unkn at , , I c u.                                           HA ima a m dim 1 M w a mi M% ;.m i fe! As an ahernate. bTN! D 923 7% uundaoi                      mna Tot 3/nhods for Hoh Pooa "I l.nmuh 4 htallmh Idmrd                            ( lao 11iB hquuh shall unlude ttune h.nmg Trun mat he used tot m.nenah nher than those lot                  Hah poum a o.aune2nn r gita whu h pediu het.dlash hit thoch esnt hi, A51 \1 D 3213 7, f or auadon tut hme luch and A51NI D                            Flammable Li 327N m f or panut enameh. Im quen, uinnhn. te-                    pou u he b n-<

inni< quid. A liqual A cQ arul haung home a upiia Hah lated proda n, ami thcu uimponenn t un e not eu cedmg in un per q m Ailum dnn. me

    .       _ _ _ _ . . _ . ___ _ _ . - _ _ . . _ _ _                                                            ___._m___._.___                                                   _ . _ _ .

4 m c.t s e a si rin n asuiss 30J/ Q m m li liquid,g) at 100T (37.8'C) shall be know n as a Class Pressure Vessel. Any fired or unnted sessel withini ihe uope of the applitable settinn of the u ASML lhnler usull'omure Vrwl Gmir.

                              - Class I liquids shall be subdhided as follows:

Class I A shall imiude those haiing flash twiints Process or , Processing. An integrated seqtyrme below 737 (22.8'C) and hasing a boiling point below of operanont Ihese % ,nteina3 he nuluin e of bot.h 1007 (37.8'C). ph)>wal and du inieaf operations, unien the term n Class til shallindude those hau,ng flash points llHMIlhed to sestrht it to olit* of IIIe otbt'r* IIIe 1 eqm me mat inuihn but h ma limiu d ni I alune 100lr (37.8'C),below 73*l (22FC) and hasing,;on. sepeatium a boihng pinnt pmilit.uion at or or dunge [m state, ' energt o>torm, os onnposhion. l Class IC shall indude those basing flash  ! at or abme 737 (22.8'C) and below 10&f (37#CL points Protection for Exposures. Fire plotn tion for l struuures on ptoperts adjatent o hqmd Stniagc. Iise Listed. D uipment or materiah induded in a Ikt protntion for unh vrmtmes shall be aueptable pubhshed bs lan organisation aueptable to the "au- when Imated either withm the juriuiktion of am thorin h.ning public hee depas: ment. ot adonent to plann basing i ud esaluation.jurisdation"and that maintaita periinlic torRerned with prml-insprotum of prhate fue brigadn capable of proudme ouding production of Ikted equipment or materiah and water streann on $tru tmn on propein adjaent to . whose listing states either that the equipment or hquid stoiage, material meets appr.p.s. standards or has been tested and found smtable i use in a spedhed Refinery. A' plant in whic h flammable og unnina. manner. tible liquids ar e piodm ed on a omunermal u ale inon uude petioleum, natural gasotine, os othei hydro.  ; NOR The meani for utenuhing liued equipment m.a mi cat hon '.oun n. for eat h organaatu.n con <ctnet uth pouluu cialuanon. some el uhu h do not scoignise equipmem ss bued unless a n aim labeled The "authoon haung juowbuem~ ihmad uniac the Safety Can. An appto)ed vouainer of not more mem emphned h ihe hsung omnuanon in utennh a hued than 5 gal (18 9 la iapaun. haunu a spiing dosing emhu lid and spout uner and 50 di ugned that a udi saleh . teline internal pienuse when subinted to hic espo-Low. Pressure Tank. A storage tant dnigned to sure, whhstand an internal prenure abme 0.5 piig (3.5 kPa) but not more than 15 psig (103A LPa) neasured separate inside Storage Area. A naon or build-at the top of the tank ing taed fm the storage of liquhh in omtainers or portable tanks, wparated liom other npn of mcu. Sierrantile Occupancy. T he occupano or use of pancies. Smh areas mas im hule:  ! a building or struoute or am pertion thereof for the t n displasing selling or buying of gmxh. warn, or inside Room. A ennn rotalh etalosed within a enen handise. building and haung no estenor walk. Occupancy Classification. The systern of defin. Cut Off Romn. A room within a building and ing the predominant operating charaueristic of a baung at le.nt one esterie wall portion of a building or plant for purposes of apph. i mg re% ant sections of this Code. This may mdade Attached !!uilding. A buildmg h.ning ordy one but is not limited to dhtillation, osidatF n, cracking, onnmon wall with a building basing other )pe and pohmerization. ou upancies. office Occupancy. The ouupano or me of a Service Stations, budding or structure or any pornon thereof for the transacnon of business, or the rendering on co hing Automotive Service Station. 1 hat portion of of professional seni(n. pioperty where hquids med as nunor f ach are sioted and dhpensed hom hsed eqmpment mio the f uel Operating Unit (Vessel) or Process Unit (Vessell, tanks of motor schidn and shall m(hale any f acilinn The equipment in which a unit operation or urut nailable for the sale and senite of tirn. batter'es prmess a conducted, and aucuorin. and for nunos automoti e maime. nalRe work. Major automothe te Operations. A general term that indudes but h body and lender wo:L are escluoed. pain. - painting. not hmited to the use, transler, storage, and pon cu-ing of liquids. Marine Service Station. 'Ihat ponion of a propert where hquids med as f ueh ;ue noted and  !

                          ' Outdoor Occupancy Clanification. Similar to no                                   dhpemed f rom hsed equipment on shote, pien, cupancy danihcanon cuepi thal it applies to ontdoor                                   whanet or floating dm Ls into the 'h.el ranks of                                  '

operations not em hned in a building or shehet. self piopelled uait. and shall indade all ladhtin used in omncuton therewith. Portable Tank. Arn dowd scucl h.ning a liquid capadtv mer 60 t!K gallom ("27 1A and not m- Service Station Located inside lluildings, tended for lhed imtallaiion. That inution of an aunnnoine seniu station lo-wrm

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 $0-8                             .___ MMM W t"                 8.*"" 9 R t t i N" H!' ' "!"               -

cattd nithm the perimeter of a bmkling or huthling 1.hjuld Warehouse. A sep.nate, det.u hed i su uuuie that abo ointains other ouupamies. the huihling os attached hmiding usni tor warenoudng. sessice statioin mas be ein haed os pat fialh esulosed t3pc operatiom f or hquidt tw the building walk. Ihnirs. (eilings, or par titiom. tw may he open to the outside. The $etuce station Wharf. Am dm L, pier, bulthead. ot other sti m - dispeming area shall mean that area of the nenne tore osci oi umuguous to naugabic water with don t  ! station required for diu>eming of fuels to nustor phuital auru f rom land, the pinnan f utunon of schides Dopeming of f uel at nianuf auuring, auem- which is the tramter of liquid urgo m bull between hh. and Intmg operatium n not induded widun thh shore natalhnom and ain tank senel, smh as ship, defmition. harge, hghter boat. or other mobile floanng uait. ' Stable Liquid. Am liquid not de fmed as umtahic. 13 Storage. Liquiyh shall be unted m tanks ni m omtainen m anordame with thapter ., or ( haptei Unit Operation or Unit hocess. A segment ni a L pin sical or (hemical pnxeu that mas go mas not he p V . U ne k our lfitegf ated widt <pther Wgnlents to(f'nstitute the rIbirl* tanung inpmh aaH (omph w ngi b h l, g 4 .,-or g 4a% ut.nturing sequem e. as applnable. Unstab!c Liquid. A in .id whic h,in the pure state 1.L 1 F nd pn nme senek Wall k drugned amt ut as commetmih pnw u(ed or tranquo ted, will in i ni onlan wah kuion 1 i Poe' sigoroml) poh rnerne. de(ompne. urnier go tornien- IWde m oi % tim Vill. Diusion 1 or thuuon 2 satum reacoon, or soll beunne self reat'ne urnter (Pre ute Venekt as a phuhle. of the 1%3 B\ll. (onditiom of shm k, prenure, or temperatme. jgg y,yj p,,, g.,j >g,,f, Vapor Pressure. The preuutc. measured in Ib l 12 Unbred pienuie seuch shall be deugnrd ami per sq m tabsolutch mened hv a solanic bquid "' - uuni in .u unnlam e w ah %un>n Vllt Dn nu m deteinuned in A5TN1 D 32 M2. Standaol 3hrA"d "I Im <""I Po om Tot lvo Wpor Po v oa r of Perrotrum Produtn trod y_,Dng hn m 101 du UN M\ll # al< < Al; thods, 1 4.3 lired and unhied pecuute seuch that do not Vapor Prorening Er;ulpment. Thme osm P"- omionn to I- hi or 1-4 " mas he uwd prouded ments at a sapor pox enmg nitem dnigned to pro' appioul has been obtained honi the uaw or othm (en npors or liquidi(aptured during fdhng opera

  • gmernmental juriuhumn in whi< h ihn are on he nom at wnic e sianom, bulk plants, or ternunals. med. $m b pienure seneb .ae generath actet red to as " state $pnialJ Vapor Procening System. A mtem de igned to upare md pnnen sapon dhplaird during blhng 1 5 E sits. Egrew f rom hmklings and ar eas < os en't operarium at wniw statiom, bull planto or teimo hs thh unie shall be m auuntam e u nh N f PT 1"l' nah hs me of mnhannal and or (hemical meant /afe suten codr' Esampin are suiems uCng blowei aunt for uptur-ing upon and ref rigeration. ah.orption, and (om-huuios, nuems for pnaeuing upon- Chapter 2 Tank Storage Vapor Recovery System. A miem designed to 21 Design and Construction of Tanks, repiute and retam, without prmnsmg, upon dn-pl.Ked dunilg tdliPg ollet atHirn at wM a r watHms, 21.1 Materiath. I anks shall he drugned .ud hunt hulk plants. or terrninah. Examples are balant ed. m an ordam e u nh in ogimed good engmeet ing piewme upor displ.n ement mienn and ut uum, standanh lor the rnaterial ot uontimoon hemg med, awht usteam without upor pnxening. and shall be of urel or appimed nomombmtible material, wah the folhming linutanom and eucp.

Ventilation. As spetihed in thh unic, senulation tiom: h for the pinention of hre and explouon. It h tai The material ot tank ninurm inin hall he uinn uunidered adequate if it a suthuem to pe n etyt panble wah the liquid ni he stoird. In one of doubt anumulanon of signifnant quannon of upor air about the pn>pernn of the hquoi io be umed. the rmstures in onnemranon mer one-fouith of the supplier, piodm er of the hqual, or othm wmpetem

 . m er ricnunable Unnt.                                               authorin shall be ounnhed M Tanks e onunn ted of unnlunable in.n e nah Warehouses.                                                       shall be suhnt           to the approul of the anihoun haung pu naht oon aval hound in-General Purpose Warehouse. A wparate, de-                             I Imtallati"n undeigioniul oi ta(hed hmhlmg or pornon of a budding med onb for w a rcht uning-t s pe (* pet allorn.                                         1 [se w het e retpin ed ln the picqict tirg ed the hymd stored. or u4L n.aehou w oprianom irienra n, a ne m m .sc                                             (, w 11 N hquids MHac4timnd ni Hage ( f aa m < rNde to ihr pubiu ai.d nu luilt ge nti al pur pow n,rn hanano ano a. anon. and mao,o w u d,ome areas not esposed to a spdl or leak of (:lan i oi Claw u pe ope r anom ll hqmd, or i

  'M 7 ( $dIDfi
                                             - - .     -. ,      ,                 .--         -    --.      ...,-c   - . _    . ,

t i m stow.i __ 30-9

4. Storage of Clau Illit hquids inside a bmiding 2 1.4.2 Low pinsure tanks shall be bmit in auont-( proterted by kn appemed autwnatic hie estinguish-mgsu-un an(c with setogtuted standaids of dnign.1;>u pin-sure tanks taas be built in auontaine unic (c) Unlined conctete tanks mas be used for stot mg (a) American Pr noleum Inuitute St.uulatd No liquids basing a gravin of in degtres AlI or he.nici. 620. Remmmendol Rulu for the lh uen mal Comtoutmo Concrete tanks with spe(ial linings inav be used for o/ La t er. Wrlded. l or/'t, ou t, %auge Tanb. lilth other senices prinided the dnign n m auordaine l dmon.199.

with sound enginetting pi.ntice. (b) The primi (d) Tanks ruar base unnbustible or mmuiminati- rnsch, set oon \llL pinDnnmn of W Code I ofheiheUrstol Ault Pir mor tholo ble linings. unnt P,come r,wl Code.1983 lihtion. (e) Special engineering consideration tuas be re- 2 1.4.3 Tanks buih anos ding to (f rulci w nten 1.ab. quired if the spe(ihc giadte of the liquid in be stoted euceds that of water or it the tank k designed to oratorin Inc. requnements in 21.31 in.n be used (ontain liquids at a liqunt temperature bdow O'l I"I oPri"Und P't"uin not eu enhnu i pug ms L P,o ( - 17 pct aint shall be hmued to 2 *> pue il7 2 Li'.n imdei emer genn sentmg unidinons 21.2 l'abric, tion. 2 1.4.4 Prnsu;e seuels mas he usnt as low picume 2 1.2.1 Tanks may be of ain shape or a pe ,onuo gang tent with murut engineering deugn. 21.5 Pressure Venels, bl.12 Metal tanks shall be wehlrd. riseted, ami caulked, or bolted. or umstructed la use of a o mbi- 2 1.5.1 'I he nonnal opo stme pieum e of t he s nw I nation el the e methods- shau not eveed the dnum pinmie nt the seuel, 21.3 Atmospheric Tanks. 2 1.5.2 wa age tanks dnuned to w oloi.unt pic-2 1.3.1 Aumnpherit tants. imluding tiune inun po- "" " "I " " " I 5 P" 2 ' I " A I k h" ' h" U """ d '" "" tatmg sewndary tontainment shall be budt m at- 4 " " "" "" "I \" """ I ' I undance with fewgnized statulards of dnien ra 2.l.6 Prmisions for Internal Corrosion. T/ ) apprmed egnhalents. Annosphent tanks shall be When tanks are not deugned m u uadant e 2 1.6.1 I" apprmh huat. imtaued,or am and used of the withm the uopn of their followinr with the Ametitan Penoleum linniute. A mei n an (a) Underw riters 1.aboratories i nt. , Atarnlard /,a sotien of Mn hann al 1.nemeen, on the i oder wi ne n Strel Aborgroural Tanb lor flammable atol C,aubuaible Laboratorin lin. 'uandaids. or it s ot io n m is anta o lJyuh/3 t:Li-12 19s t ; Atarida,,/ lor sterl t ,nl.,rround Pated bo und th " Pi'a i< led I'd iii t he ilnign h o iini-Tanb ihr Hamr:able und (a.mbu tiNr I.vjunh. I't.h in med, addmonal metal thit koro ni niiable pio-1976; or Standant for Steel Irmle Tonb /or Od /ho ne, in tn e t oat mgs ut knings h.dl he pi m ninl to Furl. I'lan-19 sit unnprinate f or the t on ouon low npn ted dming tb) American Petroleum in,titute stand.ud No. the deugn hic of du tank 650 Welded Sterl Tonb fnr Ud Stence. $ nth Edinon. 2 2 Installation of Outside Abm eground Tanks. 1980. fu American Petroleum inuitute Speafuanons 2 2.1 Location with Respect to Property Lines. Pub-121L liolted Tunb for Storage d Productea, Engn,d1 lie Ways, and Important lluildings on the Same Twelf th Edition. Januan 1977; 12D, field ti r!d,4 Property. Tanb lor Storage of Prodwtum Lu wds. Lighth Ydinon. january 19h2; or '12F. Shop Wrl rd Tunb for St<aaer of 27 2.LI ben abosegiound tank toi J eh uniage o1

            'P odutwn lajuuh. Sn enth Edition. Januan 1982.                      U"       h U"4 U "' ' E" I U A I"l""k "* CP' "

pimided in " " 1'.21 and those lupmis wah hod-mer uh American So< ien f or I.nting and &latena!- Ao Standard At*rahcarson lvs Glao t'd.rr Ronlostra P.-dsrarr i,uu,nm har;nterono and uneditc meyn,uqg., peg,hp;3 y g;(u ,wgunne angya.ap inter /pouhd Perrotrum Atorace lanb. AS I M D in21 unh a wed niobni deH e.u n on- 12 t i t ni eympned wah emn genn s enone dn n n Oso mh te) L.nderwriters Laboratonn lin , standard /," not pernut pieuutn to cu red 2.3 pug (17 2 LP.n. Glm-FArr Reinforced Plastic Undercround Atorage 7anb shall be loiated in au ;.idarn e w uh i able 2 1. Whric for Petroleum Prodmn, l'L 1316m3. tank spating is < ontmgent on a w eak oiot-to shru

             .,.)  3.,. Low preuure timLs and ptenute scuch se.un dnign, the met shall pinent n nicin e i enit s .

m e h uen m sn m du mdmm b m p. m.n be used .n atumsphen< tanks- du m on g in n p s 2 1.3.3 Atruosphern tariks shall not i e used t o the f.n i oi the pur pmc of sn non 2 2. a floating inot uorage of a hquul at a tempetatute at or ahme as tank n detmed e one ihat nu ot porates coher' boihng puint. t. A punn,on ni double.dn L metal floanne inot 21.4 Low. Pressure Tanks, m, an open top rank in m onLun e u o h .\ Pl standaid ri d t. t il 2 1.1.1 I he riortnal operating preunte of the taitk 2. A hxed metal i<iot u nh s enulanon at the top shall not ev erd the dnign preuurr of the tank arul root e.nn m ait ot dain e u nh Al'1 standant Mo, w o,

30 10 ei unmt i nin mutt *inu a t unttngps and cantaining a met.d floating ioof or aner sneeting 2 2.1.6 ther) alunegtound tank for the stinage of  ; an3 one of the following requnements: Class illit liquids, culuding uintable liquids, shall be

a. A ptmtoon or double-de(L inctal floating located in anordarn e with 'l able 2 5, eu ept w hen roof meeting the requirements of API Standaid ti30. located widnn a d ath for a l tank (s) stonng alan C,iked I or Llau area 11 os la undr.nnage. %, hen a
b. A metal floatimg (mer suppoited in h.qi . Clan lHil liquid Honge un is widiin i dikd atu tight metal floating desnes t, hat proude sulbu.mi' rnt or drainge p.uh for a Clan I or Clau !! Muid, bumano to present the hqu:d, suriate liom being 2 2.1.1 or 211.2 4.dl apph.

enposed when hall of the flotaoon n lost. (Id An internal metal floating pan, roof, or (mer 2 2.1.7 Where two tank properties of dnesse own-that does not meet the requiremems of (a) 2., or one enhip hase a (onunon bomufan, the authonn hau that uses plastic loam (evept for seah) for flotation. ing jurisdntion inas, with the w ritten tornent of' the egen if~ encapsulated in metal or hberglan, shall be onnen of the two prope: ties, substitute the dhtances (omidered a hxed roof tank, pnnided in 2-2.2.1 through 2 " 2Ai f or the minirman 9 2,14 \.ertical tanks hasing a weak nud. toohell distatues set lonh in " " 1. l seam one 2 2.3.3) and storing Clau til A hquids tuav 2 2.1.8 Where end f ailute of bori<omal picuore be hx ated at one hall the datantes speuhed in Iable uns and senels m expose pn>pein, die ud W.dl 21, prmided the tanks are not withm a diked area or be pla(rd with the longnudinal axis parallel to the 1 drainage path for a tank storing a Clau I or Llau 11 m*.nen important exposure.  ! lupud.  ; 2 2.2 5 iacing(Shell to Shell)between Any Two Ad-87 2.1.3 thery atxneground tank h. jarenteuept boveground Llau 1. Clan 11. or Clan lil A Inpu,n the stora e ofds, t me Tanks. liquids with inil-mer charat teristio and guntable 2211 Tads unring Clan I 11. or til A uable i Intuuh. operating at nenuier euceding ..a pug i idi all be sepmted in au oidam e u nh I .dile i wah enu dt 2 ,. euept as pon ded in 2 2.21 l t I ,.. L1,a! or eqmppetwill pernut preuurn . L t) to

                                                                                                                                                                                . cuerd ggnq senni..a pug (17.y !,ia shall be hnated in auondante with ~1able 2 2.                                                                                                                 2 2.2.2 Crude petroleum tanks h.ning indhidual l

8 2.1.4 Escit almeground tank for storage of liq- rapa(nies not euceding 126.Ono gal (3.000 banclu. uids with boil-mer charatteristin shall be located in when honed at produuion laulun;s in nolated tota. accordame with Table 2 3. Liquids with lunbmer nons, nced not be separated in note than 3 It 40.!'O (haracteristin shall not be stored in hxed roof tanks "4 larger than 150 f t (45.7 m) in diameter, unten an apprmed inerting ustem is pimided on the tank 2 2.2.3 Tanks used onh for stoting Clau 11111 liq-uids mas be spated no leu than 3 it to 180 no ap.ut 82.1.5 Esen ahmeground tank for the storage ol' unten withiti a diLed area or drainage path h r a tank umtable liquub shall be h>cated in a(cordam e 'w oh uorim; a Clau I or !! liquid, in w hic h (ase the Table 2 4. poniuorn of l able " 7 apph. Table 21 Sable Liquids (Operating Prersure 2.5 psig or Leu) (17.2 kPa)

                           === ~ _ . - . - . . - _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ - . _ . = _ = = = = = . = = = = = = = = = = ===. .-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    =

Minimum Distance in Feet from Minimum Distance in f eet from Property Line which is or Can Nearent Side of Ant Public Was Be Built 1.'pon. Including the or from Nearest imp >rtant Oppioite Side of a Public hav fludding on the %ame Propertv _ _ Type nf Tank Protection and Shall Be Not Leon Than 5 f eet _anyl Shall ILt No,t Isrse Thar!),Fe.rt Proirt tuin lov bp.sures*  % umes <hameter of tank i .. umn ihanye;teryd _ . See FJ.1thol s one Dumeter of tank bot need not '. i Ane v.f M r u red I M fret Apprmed loatn or merung miem" on ianks not cured ' umrs shameter ol tank 5. innn ihametti ot unk Vertirst with Weak mg 150 f eet m dumeter *" Ruof to Shel,l Seam , _!bameqr of unk i 4 mot . <hamrict of unk

                                      %g,g                                       Proirtoon f or 19.iwers* _

2 imits dumeter ed unk but nrrd , g noi rute i to tort

                                                                               .slpf resed inct~tinQ % %4t in#'

ilornuntal and Vertical ..n the unk or .,ppros ed z umn1ahir M - umn I ahk ih with Imergency Melief _ io.un mtem oif s try al t mLs Venting to Limit Prcoures p g ,, g , ,,.  ; ,.g 7,, ga j n - to 2.5 psig - - - - - - - - - None J n mn I able M_ -_-_ _. - - - - _ . i able J + _ _ _ . . - - b , h

                               " ser Ni P \ n1 umind /w bgc n &me.. wru >
                               *" f oi unks met l'>o it m dumrier, use "Proset oon f or i s p nu t n ' or "None? as apph< aMe s1 (_ mir i h = o Au m WEw                                                                                                                                                .

l 4 T oh iton wt 30 4 l Table f.! Stable uquids (OperSting Pressure Greater Than 2.5 psig) d7.2 kPal


(' Minimum Distance in f eet froen Mintmum Distante in f eet from Property Une which is or Can Marest Side of Any Put>lic Way Be Buit Upon. Including the or from Nearest important Type of Tank Protection Opposhe Side of a Publie Wat_ Building on the $ame Property _ l% times Table 24 but shall ma iW times Table 24 but shall not Protestion for i spmu"', W inn than 25 fen w in: An 2'i kn 3 tunes hble 2 6 but shall not Iw umn Table 24 but shall tu>t N"* he ins than 50 feet he ins than 23 feet ,

  • 5ee dehmuun for *Prointion for Lspisures."

lit l' nits: I fi = 0 30 m. Table 2 $ Boll oser Uquids

                                                      . - - - - - - - . - - . . - - = = = = = = = - = = = = = = .=

Minimum Distance in f eet from Minimum Distante in f eet from Property Une % hich is or Can Nearest Side of Any Puhhc Way Be Built Upon, including the . or from Nearest important Opposite side of a Public Way Building on the same Prcperty Type of Tank Protection and shall Be Not tres Than 5 f eet _and $ hall _Be Not less The_n $_f eft floating Roof [he 2 2.1.ltiq

                                                               -None                                                         Diameter of tank                   n omo diameter of tank _

Apprmed foam or merung Dimm M unk %n dim m Wud ustem Fined Roof (See 2414 tai Protettuin for lyisurn* 2 tiriirs diameter ..t oini . a.iiriirs<hanieter..It.oik 4 umes dumetet of tank but need ed mk None um de not esteed MO teet

  • See dehrumm for *Protettian lot tsinesures "
                ** See Nf PA 69. $kmdardfor Entlouen Preventwn Setem.

51 Units: I ft = 0 30 m. Table 2-1 Unstable Liquids

                                                                  - - - .                 --==.=_==.n_=_==.===;                                                                        == -

Minimum Distance in ieet from Minimum Distance in f eet from Property Line which is or Can Neares Side of Any Public Way ,, Be Built Upon, including the or from Nearest important Type of Tank Protection opposite side of a Pubhc Way Building gn the Same Property Tank proicoed with ans one of the lollowmg: Approsed water spras. Apprmed merting

  • TAk 'M hm mit leu Nn Not los than 25 teet o3 gg llorisontal and Vertical Apprmed insulanon and Tanks with Emergency Relief reingeranon. Approsed Venting to Permit Pressure hartk ade Not in Escess of 2.5 pug 2% umn Table eti but not ins Proirction for Espmurn" than 50 teet N"'I"'U"" " I'"

5 omn Iable 2 ri but not leu leu than 100 f eet ihan 100 feet . Tank proteard with ani one of the tollowing: Apprmed water sprav, ., m TAk'M tim m im N.ot leu than 50 ten Approsed incrungy ,g, 3g gg flocinantal and \,ertical Apprmed msulatum and Tanks with Emergency Relief ref ngeraoon. Apprmed Venting to Permit Pressure barrkade 4 " "'" # * " #" Protetuon for 1.xposures" , , Not tru than 100 f eet 8 timn Table .'% hut not leu Nit k Wan l'io h than 150 f eet

  • See NTPA tk9 Mandasd for EOlmwn Preventr n Wrew
                   " See dehmoon for ~Prmettum for Ex;mmutre
                   %! Units 1 It = 09 ru we7 uten

30-I2 ,_ _, I t.4hpt A B 1,lADyt B Qr_t hl t t IQtf!13,t, opt. , _,_, ,_,____.. _ l Table 2 5 clu Illa Uquide inteiior of tne pastn menihk' for hre hghtmg i _ . ==u===== purposes. ' Minimum Distance Minimum Distance in Feet from Proper 1, in Icet freci 2 2.2fi The minimarn boisannut tepatation be. Une which is or Can Nearest Side of Any twten an LP-Gas cot 6taitior and a uns I, Clan II or se Built Upon. Public way or from Clan lil A liquid notage tank shall be 20 f t di ~m ), including the Nearest important except in the case of Clan I. Clau 11, or Cku 1814 Opposite $lde Building on the _Capuhr Gallons of a Public way Same Pro {wg--- li id unb opating at [irenures eu rediny 23 pQ (1 v.2 LPa) of equippen hith emetRete ut:Ong which will perimt prenures to enced 2.", pini(!L2 12.000 or leis 5 5 12wl to sowo io 5 L Pa), in which case the umisiom of 2411 and Io imum or more

                   $$b                      I5 is is 2 212 shah appit Suhab e meannes shap be taken to presente Clan lil A h,he     quidsauumulation under adiatent of Clan1.P-Gas ij Clcontamers n 11. on si Unas; i ft - o so m; i pl 3 8 t~                                                                         such as by dikes, dhersion lurbs, or grading. When flammable or combustible liquid Aturage tanks ate Table 2 6                                                                within a diked arca. the LP bas omtabiers shall be Reference Table for 1,                  in Tables 2 1 to 2 4                                     outside the diLed area and at least 1011 O m) ent

_ _.._ _ _ . _ _...__'se _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ from the centerline of the wdi of ihr dild area,1 he Minimum Distance Stinimum Distanc' foregoing prmisions shall not upph whQ LP Gas in Feet from Property in Feet from container 5 of 125 gal H75 L) or len (apautt are Line wHch is or can Nearest side of Any

                                        '                                               '       '                 irytalled adjatent to fuel oil 5"oply tanh of GO gal ln<      LYgs,'                      e ret ln          rtanI               (2M required   U Ofhetween 10" ' P"d'      N" h "#b L1,ual wparation'is aboseground Capuiry Tank                 opposue side of                       Building on th,                                                                              . Gas (ontamet s cclons                 a Public way                         same Propern                          and undergtound flannnable and combustmle hquid g 3 ,, g,,                            3                                      3 unks installed in auordatue wnh 5e ciion L3.

nc to ;50 to s 2 2.3 Control of Spillage itorn Ahmeground Tanks. Di tu 15 3 12.001 in sowo eu s 2 2.3.1 Facilitin shall be pimided so that any aut-30.001 to 50ma so to denul dicharge of any Clau 1.11.or til A liounds will Stum to imooo 50 15 rewed hom endangering imporum Im! dies. SNN'i IN.$i 1[ $ an prmided adjoining for mpro /-2.perty, or reaching waterwan, as 3 2 or 2 2.3.3. Tanks stormg Clau imo mi m 135 4s lililliquids do not require special drainage or dikmg 2mowim prmmons for fue protection purpmes. swown 16s 35 3mmi or more i;3 no 2 2.3.2 Remote impounding. Whete protecnon of si Umm i f t - a 39 m; I pl - 3 e L. adjoining properts or water wan is bs means of dramage to a remote impounding alta, so that im-pounded liquid will not he held ag umt tanks un k 2 2.2.4 For unstable liquids, the distance between sutems shall comply with the following: such tanks shall not be len than one hall the sum of m) A slope of not len than I penent awas Irom their diameter 5- the unk shail be prmided for at leaa 50 f t 115 m) toward the unpouading area 2 2.2.5 When tanks are in a diked area containing (b) The impounding area shall hase a capacus not Clan I or Class 11 liquids, or in the drainage path of ten than that of the laigest tank that can drain into it. Class I or Class 11 liqunts, and are compacted in thr ee k) The rome of the drainage sutem shall be so or more rows or in an irregular pauern, gteater hicated inat if the liquids in ti.e drainage surem are spacing or other means may be required by the igmted, the fire will not seriously expose tanks on authout) hasing jutisdittion to make tanks in the adjoming propertt Table 2 7 Minirnum Tank Spacing tShelbto Shell)

 = = = = = = = = = = = =                                ===_-                         =:=============.====== = = --

F'ined or llornontal Tanks . Floating Roof Tanks Class I or II li<3uids Class III A Lit {uids All tanks not over 150 feet u sum ot adp<ent tank dumcien ., sum of adstent tai L dumeten % sum ed adutem tank dumetro k" S**'" E _ _ ___.. h"'."3I'"'.hd"2 5'] ___. _]no nodes hanj,iy_et__ put nyi ns %p feci 1 Tanh larger than 150 feet in diameter if reinote impounding is n mm of aducent unk dumeten i som of adi urm tank dumeten - mm of adpieni tank dumrten 4 accordance with 2 2.3.2 If impounding is around i mm ed adytem tank dumrien , sum of adptem tank dumeten , mm of adyt ent tant durneirn tanks in accordance wnh 2'EA'3 _ . . - - . . .- - - . - - - -.- - - ..- -. - -- si linn I f t = 0 30 m l w me i

1 r m siou u i 30-13 (d) The confiacs of the iml=emding area st.all be 1. When stoting nor malh stable hquids in setti. ( located so that, w hen lilled to una(ity, the liquio inel ul wne toof tanks uimin ucted with weak not be (lmer than 501L (15 m) hein am pn pn ty shell seae: en floating soot tanks. of w hen storing line that is or can he built upon, or liom an> tant. (tude petroleum in punhaing aicas in ain tspe of tant. one mtwin nion foi cat h tant in cu en of Around Tanks by DiLing;. 10.000 bbh and one sulninision toi ca(b gioup of 2 When 2.3.3piointion Impoundinr, of a djoming propein or water _wau tanks (no unk cut oling to.non bhk upaan i hao is by means of impounding In diking around the ing an aggregate t.quun imt cu ruhng 13,00n bhlt tanks, such sptein shall comply with the followiag: 2. Wh. n uniing noimath uable lupnds in tants (a) A sh>pe of not leu than 1 penent away from not onend in sulnnoon (lh one tuhnnidon to the tank shall be prmided for at least 50 tt (15 m) or eat h taulin euns of 2.3m hhk (37C,on 1.) ami one to the dike base, w hithner is test suhdhidoc .or rat b group of tanks no tank cucul. (b) The mlumetric capatin of the dikal area shall I"4 2 M " hhh (37 0 ""IJ " dtihI ' not he leu than the gteatot amount of hquid that un 0"" "Pd(") ""' C" C"h"4 fJ'7"0"E'" hhk"d"4 Il "" a W C-be released liom the largest tank withm the diLed 3 When Monng umiah;c hqmih in ato npe of area, assuming a full tank. lo allow tot whune tant, one subdn nion f or rat h tatik eucpt that tatiks ouupied by tiinks, the opadh of the diked area inuaHed m aumdatu e w ah the drainage rowse-endosing more than one tank shall be (ah ulated af ter inents of NI~PA 13. Mamlaol /m ht< > yon i nol deductirig the mlurne of the tanks, other than the htmo /m l'or l'n to rmin shall icquite no aihbtion. i largnt tank, below the height of the diLc. sulninidoit Sim e umtahic liqunh wdi re.u t nmic (c) To permit aucu. the outside bee of the dike at rapidh when heaint than w hen at audiient innpere ground M el shall be rmimer than 10 l. (3 m) to am nun, udahudon in ihainage (haniu h k the 1o c-propesty line that is or un he built npon. I e ""I '""I" "I (d) Walk of the diked aira shall be of caith, urel. 1. Whenner two or inoic tanks uniine Clao I wntrete, or solid mawnn dnigned to be bquidnaht I"l"" k d "' """ "I ."l"' h h os n U.n h i D no in and to withstand a tull hultstatit head. I aithen di.unnn are loi and ni a (oinnuin dikal at u. inin. walb 3 f t (OSO mi or more m heirht shall base a flat

                                                                                          "'ediate diLn shah In- promini hoween .ut .ni ent section at the top not len than 2 f th60 m) wide. The                                tanks to hold at least 10 pen ent of Ihe upa< in of the slope of an eatthen wall shall be wmhtent with the                                   tank so emlosed. not inthuhng du mhune displu ed angle of repme of the material of whi(h the wall k                                   in the tank.

constructed. Diled areas for tanks wotaining Clan 1 5 1 he drainage t hannch or intennediate dikn liquids h>cated in curemeh porous mih nas inpure shall be located between tanks m as to tale f ull special treatment to pre ent seepage of haraidom aduntage of the audable spa (c with due negard f oi quantitin of hquids toloudying areas ot waterwan m the mdnidual tant upation Inter medute dikn. ase of spilh. where med sh.dl be not leu than 1

  • m i G mo m height.

tei Euept as pimided in di below the walb of the diked area shah be restricted to an aserage mterior do Wheir pimiuon n made tot draming wates height et tiit (14 no ahme interior grade. from diL ed areas. such drams shall be ionn olled in a til Dikes may he higher than an aserage of 6 It t 13 '"d""" 3" d' (" I"" e n t Ud""""hk "t ' "'"h"M ihk in) ahme interior grade where prminom are m.ule hquMs fiorn entenna nanual watn t ouise% }n'hbr for normal acceu and necenars emergenu auen to '#"".s. or puhbr dratnt d then juneme wouhl con nnue a har.u h (,onnol of dr.unage shah be ranks, vahes and other equipment, ami safe egreu auenihk utuler fue u.ndinom tiom oubule the f rom the diked enchnure.

                                                                                           < h k e"
1. Wheie the aierage height of the dike mntain.

mg Class Iliquids h mer 121i(16 mi high meaut ed * ""'"4" "' '"nibusiihir in.nedalt empn or luu f rom intenor grade, or w here the diuante between dnnut on ku nk shau not he pn nuned wolun du-thked .o ea. any tank and the top indde edge of the dike wall n leu than the height of the dike wall, prmidom shan 2M Normal Venting for Aboveground Tanko be made for normaloperation of uhn and f oi aucu to tank roof (s) without enteiing below the top of the 2 2 A.1 Ainephe r n snuage tanks shall he .ute. dike.T hese provisiom mn be met through the use of quatch sented to pi m e nt the dneh.pment ot ut - remote operated vahet elnated walkwap.or dmilat uum or prewuie suihiient to dkton the root of a arrangemenn. mne n,ol tank os cu erding ihr deugn prnsme m

2. Piping pawing through dik e walk shall be the one of other atmoth eru tankt a a inolt ut dnigned to pinent ruenne urewn .n a inuh of hlimg ut emptuno . nut aunmphn u t em per at u t e settlement or fue expmune. <hanget
3. The nunimum dhiam e between tanks.nul tor " M .2 Lumd u nn &H be ed m m mdm e of the interior dike walk shah be a It t I.a nu wah either ili die Mnes.m Pniokum unnnne (g) Each diLed area u>ntanung two or more tanks statulant L 2n00 niam .Um9% ,n ,ool 1.,.m shall IW subdnided, lHefeiahh hs di.Unage ( haillit h /%ourr \lorner /anb, l % 2 tu 12) i st hei at ( epinl or at least hv intermediate thLn m order to ninent uandard; or shah be at leau a31.unc a the hlling or spdis from endangering adjatent tants withm the wohdiawal mnnn tion. whu hnei is laiger. but m no diLed area as f ollows: une ins than li m d i uo nonunal inside diameter.

w t u.un

3MI il W !RIt.M D.U"* M H48IIF81^'DD8 22.l.3 low prenure tanks and preuute sench nuif to shell scam shall I.e torntr uc ted to f ad ju rfer. shall be adequately sented to pres ent desclopment of ential to ari) other seam. Design inethawh wha b will preuure or sacuum, as a result of hlling or emptying prmide a weak nud.toahell seam umsuu tion ate and atmospheric temperature changes, hom t uerd- contained in API 650, W.lded Atrel 7anb /vr (h/ ing the design pienure of the tank or sessel. Ptoleta Storaer, and UL 142, Standard /vr Stul Aboe@vund tion shall aho be pimided to pinent merprenure Tunb for Hammable and Cembmtd4 Layuidi, from am pump dmhanging into the tank or senel when thh pump dmharge prtmune can cueetl the 2 2.5.4 Whese entire dependerne for einergernv desig~ n preuute of the tank or seuel. rebel is placed u[wsri pienute rehning dn u n, the total sentmg (apauty of both not mal and einer gena 22.4.4 If anv tank or preuure sewel has more than sents shall be enough to piment s upture of the shell one hil of withdrawal mnnettion and simuhaneous or luittom of the tank il serhtah or of the shell or f.lhng or unhdrawal tan be made, the sent site shall heads if horitotnal, if unuable liquids are stor ed. the be Nued on the rnasiinum anthipated umultaneous S ef fects (d heat or gas resuhing f roin poh merizatiori, flow. d*(omlunitiori, condemation, or self reattnity shall be takeri into auount. 'I he total rapatits of both 2 2.4.5 The outlet of all sents and sent drains on normal and emergeno senting dni(n shall be not tanks equipped with veriting to er mit preuutes lees than that derned f rom 'lable 2+ eut pt as euceding . 5 pug (17.2 LPa) thal be arranged to pimitied in 2 2.5 6 or 2 2.5 ' hut h devne mas he r dinharge in such 'awas as to piment Irxalized user- self-closing manhole uner, or one mmg long ho'. heating of, or llame impmgement on. ant part of the that permit the cmer to lif t under internal pt emure. tank, m the nent upors tiom suc h sents are ignited. or an additional or lar ger reliel sabe or sahn, I he wetted area of the tank shall be eak nlated on the ham 2 2.4.6 Tanks and pressure sench noting Clan i A of 55 percent of the total esposed atca of a sphere or hquids shall be equipped with senting dnites that spheroid, 75 penent of the total esposed area of a shall be noimalh (losed cuept when senting to horuontal tank, and the heu 3n fi 6nn ahme er.nle preuure or sacuurn wnditiom, lanks and presure of the espmed shell area of a sertaal tankf We senels uoring Clau IB and IC hquids shall be appenan ft fo,14, wwne /etage 4 npuul tank en i equipped with senting desnes that shall be not malh dosed euept when senting under preuure or sat, 2 2.5.5 For tanks and uorage seuch dnigned for uum wnditions, or with listed flame arrestors. Tanks preuurn mer i psig (6.9 k Pa), the total rate of of 3,000 bbk. (476,910 L) capacits of len containing senung sh.dl be determined in auordany with Table (rude petioleum in crude.producmg aren, and outi 2+. eucpt that when the espmed wrued arca of the side aboseground atmospheric tanks under 23 8 bhh. surlate is greater than 2,800 sq tt (260 mi. the total (3.785 L) capacits wntaining other than Clau I A rate of senting shall he in acmedarne wuh Table 2 9 hquids may hag e open sents. ISrr 2-2.6,2,) or (alculated hs the following formula: 2 2.4.7 Flame arrewors or senung dnices required CFil = 1.107 A"" m 2 2.4.6 mas be omitted for IB and IC liquids where conditiom aie such that their me mas, in case of D.

                                                                }"j ,                                     ,

g ,g g g g obstruction, resuh in rank damage, lagmd ptoperoes ,I jmtitsmg the ominion of unh dnnes italuce, but .or 7: hour are not Imuted to, modemation, torrouver eu, (n s-tallization, poh meritation, f.recimg. or pluggmg. A=c med weurd un be, m up.uc 'ert When any of 'hese conditions t mas be gnen to heating, use ofeuu, mmideration The f oregon g toimu!a is based on Q = 21.non V " dnun emploung speual materiah of mourumon. the me of liqmd seah, or inerting On NFPA 69. Standed on bpbow4 Mle 2 8 %ned Area Versus Cubic feet free Air per Preerntwn $ntems). Ilout* (14.7 psia and 60*F) (101.3 LPa and 15.6*C) 2 2.5 Emergency Relief Venting for Fire Expo- == - .- m == - - = = = ~ sure for Aboveground Tanks.

                                                        '"l t i       cui          ,_

s<g ri cni s

sure at w hu h the uhe trat hrs the f ull open insunon

s. son em 1 ismi soum and the flow (apacin at the latter ptruuie. If the itait om mnm etum snwm to open inessure h less than 2.5 p,sig (17.2 LPa) and 0 00 1. Uxum 2spo umam the preuure at full open }umtion a greater than 2.5 smi 1.:sium l vom s.uuum inig (17.2 LPa). the llow (apac its at 2.5 p3 i g (17.2 LPa) wo isomi j 3sgo swum sh.dl alui be nonped on the senting deut e. The flow 7.ono i.snum  ! oum n.s m * ' a its shall be espiewed in c ubic feet per Imur of su m t ao(um I - a r a Nfl (l'i 6'C) and I l.7 psia (760 mm ligt si rnni io te . o 93 m9 m n - n o m' (a) .I.he Hoy c.ipaut) of, tank senting devit es under

*intetiolate for .nu ourdiale ulues 8 in. (20 < m)in nonnual pipe slic shall be deletIntned 2 2.5.6 The total emer genn selief senting (apacin in auual test of e.u h nlm and site of s ent. Thpe How f or ans speubc stable liquid can be deter mined in the teus nm he conducted in the inanutaunier d testi-following formula: hed by a qualihed impanial obsenes, or mas oc conduued by a quahhed, impatual onnide neru s. 3,337 The flow capacity of tank s enting desites N in. i20(nu Cubit Set of f ree air per hour = V -- - nominal pipe size and langer. mdudmg manhole Lv st unen wnh long tudn or equisalent, mas be (aku-lated pro 3ided that the openin; pieuu.e h auuath V = cubic feet of free air per hout f rom Table 24 measured, the rating pienure and unseqnmding L = latent heat ol vapositation of ywula liquid in tier onfue area are uuted. the woni " calculated" Htu per pound appears on the nameplate, and the computauon n M = molecular weight of specifu liquids based on a flow usethuent of u3 apphed to the rated orifue aica. 2 2.5.7 for tanks containmg stable liquids. the re- th) A suitable f or mula ha thh cak ulation in p quired airflow rate of 2 "14 or 2 2.5.6 mas he mult iplied by the appropriate fauor listed in the CFH = 1,titi7 C, AVPl - p, followine schedule when ptote(tion is prosided as indicated. Only one f actor can be used f or an. one where CFil = senting requirement m cubit teet of tank. f ree an per bout 0.5 for drainage in auordante with 2 23 2 for G ' "5 fthe H"" "Tih('ent) tanks met 200 sq tt (leui mh of wetted area A = the ordue area in sq ui 0.3 for water sprn m auordarue with NFPA 15. "I""""'"""^" " ' " " \tandard for WatermSpray Fned hytnngor pE " N" "f)\'q"f'j. , {"" , ,, y. , a p., e J and dramage anosdance wnh F,u3'*,ne Protntwn. outside the tank in inches of water 0.3 for insalation in accordance with 2 23.7w 0.15 for water rpra with insulation in asundarue 2 2.6 Vent Piping for Ahmeground Tanks. gith 2 ".5.7(a) and drainage in auontarue with 2.M i \ em piping shall be torno un,d in auord- . 2.3.2 Hee Appenda B) ,, 9m gy ,y ta) Insulation ustems for whith uedit is taken shall meet the following performame critt ria- ".2.6.2 Where sent ipe outlets f oi tanks storing

1. Remain in place under hre exposure umdi. Llass I hquids aie ;u puent to bmldings or pubhr tions, wm, they shall be hwated so that the s apon are released at a sale point outude of hmhhngs and not 1 h.ithstand dnlodgment when subjeued t" leu than 12 it a6 mi abme the adiatent gnmnd lune stream unpmgement during tue expnure. i h" lesel. In order to and their dnperuon. s apors shall be requnement may be wnhed where use of sohd hose di%ed upwaM or lumiomalh m%n in>m (hneh 3treams a not (ontemplated or would not he pra tit al.

adWm w4i Vem oudm Adl be Imued so that 3 Maintain a maximurn omductatue sahie of thimmable sapon will not he H apped in cases or 4.0 Bru per hour per square foot pe: degree Fahren- other obstruoions aint shall be ai Ic.nt ~i it (1 *i mi he t (Blu hr3q lt! F) when the outer insulation ja< Let f rom building opemnet or uner h at a temperature of 1,taio"F mo t A% and u men the mean temperatuir of the insulauon b 2 2.6.3 The mamfolding of tank sent piping shall 1 nn0'F (537#C). he asoul-d euept where tequired im sprual pm-pmes suc h .n vapm reunen, sapor umwnanon. oi 2 2.5.8 The outlet of all sents and sent drams on air pollunon contiol. When tank vent pipmg a mam. tanks equipped with emet gem v senting to pertmt folded. pipe sizes shall be such as to dhuiaige. within preuures exceeding 2.5 pug (17 2 LP.o shall be the pienurc hnutatiom ol the miem. the s apois thes , arranged to dm harge in un h a was as in preseni ma he required to handle when manif ohird tanks knalized merheaung of or llame impingement on are subje(t to the same hie expmure. wtu 30.16_ et w uit t un mutuunst e t sqemu om _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f.2.6.4 Vent piping for tanks sioting Class I liquids tamped in plate, The tank shall be plac ed in the hole shall not be manifolded with sent pipmg for tanks with care, smce dropping or tolling the tank into the stonng Clan 11 or Clan lit liquids unless posithe hole can bteak a weld, puruture or damage the tank, means are prosided to present the sapois f rom Llan or scrape o!! the protecthe coating of a>ated tankt i liquids from etarting tanks storing Clan il or Clau (See Petruirum Eqmpment trutstute (PED RP 100 86, Rn-lil liquids. to present contamination Orr 11.h and voovnded Prartur for St Imtalianon of Undopound pouible change in classihtation of the less solatile Liquu/ Storage S,utms.for fur:4n inferinatwna liquid. I 2 3.2.2 All underground tanks shall be un ered u nh 2 2.7 Tank Openings Other Than Vents for Above. a minimurn of 2 ft (0f,0 no of earth, or shall be pound Tanks. (usered with not leu than I f t (0.30 m) of c arth. on top of which shall be placed a slab of seinfoned 2 2.7.1 Each connection to an almeground tank uincrete not leu than 4 m. (10 crn) thi(L. When thes through which liquid cen normath flow shall be are. or are likely to be, subjected to tralhc. thes shall provided with ar be protected against damage from selndes li aning as close as pracu,iinternalor an tank-cal to the shell of the external vahe located mer them by ,a lean 3 ft (0.90 m) of cat th (mei, or 18 in. (45.7 im) of well tamped earth plus either 6 in. 2 2.7.2 Each mnnection below the h.qmd lesel (15 cm) of reinforced mncrete or N in. (20 (m) of through whkh hquid does not normally flow shall be asphaloc concrete. When asphaltic or seinforced ion-prmided with a liquidlight closure. This may be a neie pas ng , used as part of the protection,it shall vahe, plug, or blind, or a combination of these. extend at least I ft to 30 m)Innieontally bemnd the outline of the tank in all directions. 2 2.7.3 Openings for gaging on tanks storing Clast i liquids shall be provided wnh a sapornght cap or i 2 3.2.3 for underground tanks built in anordame cover. Such cosers shall be timed when not gav ig. with 2.i3.1, the burial depth shall be such that the 2 2.7.4 , f.or L.lan 185 and Clau IC h.qmds other tha" static head imimed at the bottom of the tank will not cured 10 pug (68.9 LPa) if the hil or sent pipe are crude oth, gasohnes, and asphalts, the fill pipe shall 611cd with hqual. If the depth of uner is greater th.m - be so destaned and imtalled as to mimmae the the tank diameter, the tank manuf actures shall he pouityility of generatmg static electnoty. A h)! pipe comulted to determitse ti reinforcement is requned. entermg the top of a tank shall termmate withm o m.  !!5 cm) of the bottom of the tank and shall be i 2 3.3 External Corrosion Protection. Tanks and mstalled to asoid excessive vibranon' their piping shall be protected by either: 2 2.7.5 Filhng and emptsing connectiora for Clan Ja) A properb engineried. installed, and main-1, Clan 11, and Class illa liquids that are made and tamed cathodic protecnon n, stem in acmidance with broken shall be h>cated outside of builc'ings at a remgnued standards of deugn. such as: h> cation free from any source of ignition an i not leu l) Amerkan Petroleum Imtitute Publication than 5 f t (1.5 rn) away from any building opning. 1632 1983, Cathode Protution of Undncound Petro-Such connections for any liquid shall be cimed and trum Storace Tunb and P4pmg Suteru liquidtight when not m use and shall be properl) 2) Underwriters IA>ratories of Canada ULC-wennFied 8603.1si 1982, Standardfor Galeann Cononon Protn - 2 3 Imtallation of Underground Tanks. '"'" k""a for Stul Undncound Tanb for flammaldr and Lombmtsble Lmmds. 2 3.1 Incation. Excavation for underground stor- 3) Steel Tank Institute Standard No. sti P?. age tanks shall be made with due care to amid S itoP3" Sutem for Ertnnal Corronon t ndermining of foundations of existing structuret /penficanoru formtunon v/ Undnpound Strel Storagr Tanb luU. Undergiound tanks or tanks under buildings shall be 4) National Association of Cot rmion Engineen so hecated with respect to existing huilding founda- Standard RP Ol-69 (1983 Rev.), Reconunended Prac. tbm and support.3 that the loads carned by the latter tice. Contud of External Corrouon of Undnpound or cannot be tramtmtted to the tanL rhe distance from 5d,,nged Alrtalhc Pipmg S,utenu, any part of a tank storing Class Iliquids to the nearest 5) Natmnal Amniation of Corrmion Engineers wall of any basernent or pit shall be not leu than I f t hdud RP-02 85, Recommended Practice. Control (030 m), and to any m erty bne that can he built upon, not less than 3 t tg,9n ra). 7 he distante Irom o/ utenm/ Gamsn m 3frmlk hrard. PmMlh h M g, Sg, nv part of a rank storing Class !! or Llan til liquids d h'lW Surm hton to the nealest wall of anv basernent. pit os propertv dn Appuned or listed mtrosion resistant mate:L lis d-all be not leu than I tt (0.30 m). ab or wstems, whnh may indude spenal alhn s. hbergian remtoned plasar. or hberglass iemton ed 2M llurial Depth and Cmer, plank maungs. l23.2.1 All underground ranks shall be installed in 2 3.3.1 Sein tion of the ts pe of protecnon to be with the manuf ac tureri imir m oom, emphned shall be based upon the wrmuon tmton I a%rdante where availabL and shall be set on nrm foundatiom of the area and the ludgeinent of a quahhed engo and sut re nded with at least 6 in, i15 mu of noin or- neer. The authority h'asing junsdiction mav wane the rome meri rnaterial sm h as dean sand or grasel well r equir ements f or wrrouon prointion where evi-467E&wm i- - . .~ - . _ - - - - - - - . - - _ - - - . - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ . - TA W lLHi^ct __. 30-17 l 1 deme is prmided that such protection is not nnes. Table 210 Vent Line Diameters  ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ " - -  % sary. (See API Pubhcation 161%I979, frutallatwn of A* 811 i Underpund Petrotrum Storage Systerru,forfurther mfor. M*d"f;sy nos. mn IN imnd iv ruxh boah i 2 3.4 Abandonment or Reuse of Underground 2oo i +inc h t wuxh i h Tanks. 300 14. irnh I tion < h i "e mi h Wo i t+irn h I W iru h 2 inch 2 3.4.1 Underground tanks taken out of service SW I vWnth 14im h 24rnh shall be safeguarded or disposed of in a safe manner. 6W 14uuh 2dni h 2anc h (Scr Appendh C.) 7W 2 mch b nth 2nnt h , fino 2an< h 2dex h 3.un h 2 3.4.2 Only those used tanks that comply with the 900 2 ara h 24nc h sant h applicable sections of this Code and are apprmed by 2.itu h 1. M 3dnc h the authority havingjurisdiction shall be installed for si en,a i in - 23 un t n - o so m. I ol - SiL flammable or combustible liquids service. went hnes uno n.100 n. ml 2m h of pp gic ; en. 2 3.5 Vents for Underground Tanks. 2 3.5.1 Location and Arrangement of Vents for 'C""I"d"""d"".f the bmklin and highet than the NU PI P""I>cning \ ent ouden s iaq be abuse nonnal Class I Liquids. Vent pi >es from underground snow Ineg. They inas be hued wah 4eturn bends. storage tanks storing Class I fiquids shall be solocated c ane sneeno or other doites m ndnimize ingten W is outside of buildings. that the discharb*e point fme@n matetial, higher than the fi pi e epening, and not less than 12 it (3.6 m) above the a 'acent ground in cL Vent pipes 2 3.5A Vent piping shall be mostruned in auord. < shall not be obstructe by deuce. {rovided for vapor ante recov,ery or, other asectated, pipnig equipment angurposes un ess the returnwith pip'ng Chabners all be3.imtalled Tank unt pipes without andorvapor Sagi traps tre otherwise pro- tank and uid can wilect. Condemate tanks, if tected to himt essure development to less than in whirh utilired, shahcfl be imtalled and maintained m the,maximurn workmg pt;enute of the t nk and i bs equipment by the provmon of prenure vacuum iredude ud W the w bh>cking pip adof the va ior return ()im te M bn vents, rupture mstalled m the tank vent lines. \ d.scs, or other tan ,ent outlets andsenting kicated desices so that thes will not be subjected to phuical , damage.The tank hnd cf the sent ni>e shallenter the devices shall be protected to mimmue the possibilitt tank 4)aougia the top. of blockage from weather dirt. or insect nests, and shall be so located and directed that flammable vapors 2 3.5.5 When tank sent i wdl riot accumulate or trasel to an unsafe locanon, sins ed be smh as to disbping arge. is manifolded, widiin du pnum, pipe enter buildmg openmgs, or be trapped under caves limitations of the nstem, the va > ors thes can be ' I and shall be at feast 6 feet from buildmg opemngs'. required to handle When manifolded tanks are blled ranks contammg Class IA hqmds shall be eqmpped with pressure and vacuum ventmg devices that shall simbnmmN tank openings connecte Hu nke cM vh melhd to manifolded sent piping W be normally closed e3 cept when sentmg under res* m > resent product contamination may be used no. Class B or vided that the tank pressure will n6t euced that sure Classor ICvacuum liquids shall condmons. be eqmppedTanks wii stonr.;h prenure- Permitted by 2 3.2A when the vahes close. vacuum vents or with listed flame arrestors. 'lanks stonng gasoline are exempt from the, requirements of manifolded for pressure and vacuum senung devues, ence t as g,p,, unt piping pg ,,rne shall be stamnn sufiornt Mr mmapors to dinharer t generated required to present excessive back pressure.or f ame den two namfoldtd tank are umultaneouslyJdled. ,rrestors. prmided the vent does not exceed 3 m. ab cm) nominal inside diameter, (Str aho 21.1 NFPA 2 3.5.6 Vent pipin. for tanks stunng Class ! liquids i JOA, Automotiir and Manne Senur Station C< J shall not be manifoided with sent piping for tanks 2 3.5.2 Vent Capaciav. Tankienting systems shall ~ storing Class 11 or Class 111 hquids unlen positive be provided with sullicient capacity to present blow. means are provided to pievent the vapors from Class back of sapor or liquid at the h!! opening while the I liquids from entering tanks stonng Class 11 or Class tank is being filled. Vent pipes shall not be leu t an S  !!! liquids. to present' contamination bre I 12 and I W in. (3 crm nominal inside diameter. The required possible change in clanification of the Ien volatile senting capacity depends upon the filling or with. liquid. eng . $e ricted$nt pit i s' ire i c$r a 2 3.6 Tank Openings Other Than Vents for Under. ground Tanks.

with Table 210 will preveni back.prenure deselop-ment in tanks from eueeding 2.a psig (172 kPa 2 3.6.1 Conne(tium for all tank openings shall be Where tank venting devnes are installed m sent lines.

their flow ca ,acities shall be determined in accord- liquidtight. \., ante with 2.[.5,9. 2 3.6.2 0 enings for manual ga ing. if indepen-2 3.5.3 Location and Arrangement of Vents for dent of the'>hll pipe. Shall he piovuked with a liquid. Class 11 or Class lilA Liquids. Vent pipes froin tight cap or cmer. Cmers shall be kept ilmed when tanks storing Class 11 or Class tilA liquids shall not gagmg 11 mside a building. cath such opening '9s7 teon . _ - ~ _ _ . , ,. ..- - . , . - ~ . - , , - . , , , , - - . , __ , - - , . - - l 30-10 namin i etu omuw t ou i 7 un t os.: thall be protnted against liquid uset flow and pmible damper hatalled where seqidted in Nil'A 9nA. vapor release by means of a spring. loaded thet L iahe Standard /vr the /mtallatwn v 1 or other approsed deshe, Ventilating Sutenn, or NI l'A, 9l/ Ao Cornhtwimte Standard lvr the botal- and lanon v/ lifviar and bhumt Autrno for lat \tml, and 2 3.6.3 fill and diu har ge lines shall enter tanks ordv Va/mr Rrewcal er Cunerme 'I he inom shall be liqmd. thrsugh the top Fill hnes shall be sloped toward the tight where the walls joiti the floor. tank. Underground tanks for Clan I hquids having a 1 capacity of more than 1.000 gal (3h5 L) shall be 2 4.2 Vents. Vents for tanks inside ot hwhhne i equipped with a ught hil desice for omneuing the idl shall he as required in M 1. M3. 2 2 6 2, and 2 L>. , hose to the tank. eucpt that emergern s scruing in the use of weak tool seams on tanks sh.dl not he per rmited. Auto. 2 3,6.4 for Clan lit and Clan IC liquids other than matic sprinkler ustenn designed in auordame wah , crude oils, gasolmes, and asphalts, the hil pipe shall the requisetoents of Nf pA 13. Standardfor the botab i he so designed and installed as to mimuute the lutaan v/ 3 prank /n Autrvo. mas he au eped by the pmiln'in of generating static electricits la terminat. authorns hasing ju'rkdi< tion as equh, dent to waici mg within 6 m. (13 on)of the bottom of the tank. spras sutenn liit pm pnes of iah ulating the ie. 3 3.6.3 filling and empning and sapor tennerv Lbuired l ept f orairlbtw rates lor eillelgerus tanks u>ntainin - (lin 11111sellls in 2./3S hqunh. senn connectionr. for Clau 1. Clan 11. or Ctan lil A hquhh ,1,ag g.nninate ounide the iuddingt that are made and broken shall be located outside of buildings at a huation fiee f rom an> sourte of igni. 2-1.3 Vent Piptrg. Vent piping shall he o m. non and not leu than 3 it (I.3 m) awat f rom arn struned in anordame with thapter 3 buildmg opening. Such (onnections shall be closal and liguidtight when not in use and shall he properh 2 4.1 Tank Openings Other Than Vents for Tanks idenoned- Inside linildings. ( onnn tiom im all tank open-inn shall be hquidlight. 2 3.6.6 'l.ank opem.ngs prmded for purpmes of. sapor recusert shall be p>mble 2 .l.M sapor telease by rneans ol protected agamsta spr mg loaded I .nh ninnn c hecinonsnia ahe tank mude of hmklmo through which liquni un nor malh Ibiw shah be or drv. break umnecuon, or other appitned desire, prm idni w ah an imernal or au cuer nal sah e lo< ated unten the openmg is pipe. connected to a sapor as dose as pr.uural to the shell of the tank. proccumg sutem. Openmgs designed for combmed hll and sapor recmery shall aho he protnted against 2 4.4.3 'l anks f or storage of Clau I oi Clan 11 v h.apor release hquids inude building. 6H be pun ided w nh either - ne a the hH unless connection e umultaneoush of the hqmd connects delnen the sapir retmery>l A connections shall be upornght. (a) a nonna$ dosed teniotch minant uhe, (b) an automauc.< loung heama tiuted uhe. or 8 4 Installation of Tanks Inside of Ilulldings. m anodier q mned dew on em h 'ipd om. 2 4.1 lecution. Tanks shall not he pu nutted imi le fer (onnnnon elow= the hquid lesel, eu ept for of buildmgt connn uons used for eningeno dkposal to proule for qmtk (utoff of ihnt in the esent of bre in ibe Exceptwn: If the storace of th7 mds on outude abmmuund urinas of the tank. or undnground tanb o mit practualbecamr o/ gm enment This f utution can be iruoiporated in the uhe reculatwns. temperature sonadnatwns. or prodwtwn con. tequired m 21.11 and il a separate vahe, kn he udnalwro, ta4 may be prmitted mude of baddings or k>cated adjacent to the uhe requurd m 2 4 I " structurn on accwdance u tth the apphrable prorunnu ej Chapter 2, Tank Storage. Productwn cen:tderatwrn that 2-4.4.4 Openino for manual gaging of (;lau I or may mrnutate storage irmd< v/ buddings mcNde but are Clau 11 liquids, it independent 'ot the hH pipe. shall noi hmited to 4(ch eixouty, pn'nts. 4tenhty, hsdrmcopurn, ~ he provided with a uporoght up or uner. ()penmo semotwrts to temperature ihunge. and ner'd to store temph shall be kept dosed when not gaging Va h un h ranly pendmg completwn of 3 ample analy3n. opening f or any liquid shall be piointed against  ! hqual mntlow and pouible upor selease bs meain j 2 4.1.1 Storage tanks imide of buddings shall be ot a springdoaded t hn L vahe or othen appuned permitted onh in areas at or ahme grade that hase dem e. Substitutes for manual gagine imlude but are adequate drainage and are separated f rom other not hmued to. hean. dun flat gage glanet magnetic parts of the htu! ding by umsnuaion hasing a fire indrauhn or huluntath remote readmg dnkes and reskence rating of at least 2 hrs. Day tanks, r'unmng sealed do.n gaget I tanks. and surge tanks 'uc per mitted in prmen arcat ! Opening to other n>orm or buddings shall be pro. 2 4 A.5 Fm Clau lit and Clau IC hquuh oihei ihan sided with non<ombustible hquidught raised silk or o ude nih. gasolinet and .nphaitt she hu ppe hah ramps at least 1 in. (10 cm) in hnght, or the floor in be so deugned and imtaHed as to mitunu/c the the storage area shall be at leau 4 in (10 um below pnsiinha of generating stata elet train hs ie:annai. the sursounding th.or, As a nunimum. eac h opemng mg widun 6 m. (15 t nu of the honom of the tank. ShiiH h< prosided with a listnl. self 4loung IFhr (K) hre door irntalled m anordano with NFPA m. 2 4 A.6 t he hU pipe unhie of the tank shall he , Standard for ferr Ders and Wmdous or a hsted hre untaued to aumi cu cune ubranon of the pipe. l l w ramon 1 l l i , _~ _ , _ _ -_ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ i s imMomt _ _. _ _ _ _ 3 0. ni l 2 4.4.7 The inlet of the fill pipe and the ontlet of a 2 5.4 The design of the supporting structure for b vapor recmely line for which mnnections are made tanks such as spheren shall requite special eneneer. and broken shall be located outside of huildings at a ing musideration. Appendix N of the API Standard  ; ~ location free from any source of ignition and not lens 620 lvW. Recennmended Ruin for the lienen and Con-than 5 ft (l.5 m) away frum any building or.ening. structwn of Largr. Welded. Low Preuurt Storage Tank. > Such connettions shall be closed and tight when not wntains informstion ergarding supporting stim- ', in use and shall be properly identified. tures. , 2-4.4.8 Tanks storing Class 1. Clan 11, and Clan 2 5.5 Ever y tank shall be so supported as to pro ent . III A li the cueuhe concentration of loads on the support-devke,orquidsother imide meansbuildings shall betoequipped shall be provided, present with ingaportion of the shell. overflow into the buildiag. Suitable devker, mclude, I but are not limited to.a float vahe a prnet meter on 2 5.6 Tanks in Areas Subject to Fh>oding. the fillline, a vahe actuated by the weight of the tank contents, a low head pump incapable of producing 2 5.6.1 a tanL n. hu aird in an area subjett to , overflow, or a liquidright o$erflow pipe at least one ll 5"' din . . masons shall be taken to pipent tanky. - pipe sire larger than the fill pipe discharging ly caher ul ot enipn. Iront floating dunng a nse ui -! gravity back to the outside sourte of liquid or to are water lesel up to the ntablished maximum fimul apprm ed location. S'd F 2 5 E2 enegnaund Tank 2 4.4.9 Tank openin vapor recovery shall bs provided t protnted agamufor purposes2of [xnsible Each sential tank shall be louted so that > vapor release by means of a sptmcloaded (hnk sabe in top extends alnne the maximum ikeod Mage in at or dry break connecuons.,or other apprmed devite. 30 p rcem of in allouble norge opmn. unten the openmg a pipe-connected to a vapor proccuing system. Openings de igned for mmbined 2 llorisontal tanks located so that more than hit and vapor iecmcry shall aho be protected agamst 0 penent of the tank's storage apaiin will be t vapor release unless wtmettion of the liquid dehsery submerged at the establishe d thxxl stagi sh.ill be hne to the fill pipe umultaneously connnts the vapor anchored: anached to a foundanon of conctete or of , - recovery line. All connections th'a ll be vaportight. steri and concrete of sulhcient weight to pimide 2 5 Supports, Foundationn, and Anchorage for All adejuate load for the mab e or mmbuuible h,qmdtankand when hiled with submerged flam. hv flood Tank Locations, water to the established Hmxt uage; or adequatch suured inmi Hoanne by otha ineam. 'I ank sents or 2 5.1 Tanks shall rnt on the ground or on founda. othn og enings wWh are not IntuuWu aan be tions made of wi crete, mamnrv. piline, or steel, "'""d'jI dh"se maunnut. Hood uage wain inet . Tank foundations shall be designed to minimire the pouibility of uneven settling 'of the tank and to 2 - on A dependable an emp mwater padhmi)bsh shall be avaib led unk.mept minimize corrmion tne foundation. in any part Appendix E ofof Alithe tank rntingiSO-Standard We Nr hlliniing that where bl the tank wnh waier is impraakal or lded Strel 7anb hazardous because of the tanki mments tanks shall 1980. and A Synficationfor ndix B of A lyl l Standard 6Df.or 19W, Recom Od Storag'.' I mende ules for the Dmgn and Comtructwn of Large. be pmsd h uhn nom minu movem m Welded. Low-Piruure Stora *9'P tion on tank Tank, provide informa-2 Spherital or spheroid tanks shall he pro-teord by applicable metlunh as speuhed for enhe l 2y5.2  %. hen tanks are supported atxne the founda, seniul m horitomal unk tom, tank supports shall be installed on him foun- > l dations. Supports for tanks storing Clau I. Clan 11. 2 5.6.3 Underground T mks. or Clau lil A liquids shall be of concrete, mamnry. or proteued ueel. 3mgle wood tirnber supports inot 25.6..l.1 At Imatiom where there is an ample aml  ; cribbing) laid horir6ntally may be used for outside dependable water supph .n .ula ble, under ground almveground tanks if not more than 12 in. (0 30 ma tankuontaining flammable or mmbmnble liquids, m high at their lowest point. placed that more than 70 peneut of their storage capacity will be submerged at the maximum Homi ! 25.3 Steel mpports or exposed piling for- ranks nage shall be so anchored. weighted, or secured ano L uoring Clau 1. Class !!. or Clau fil A liguids shall be pinent mmement when filled or loaded with water ptotected in rnateriah having a hre iewtame ratmg and submerged by flomt water la the euardished of not leu than 2 hrs. except that ueel saddles need thxid suge. Tank sents or other openings that air not not be protected if leu than 12 in. (0.30 nd high at liqmdtight shall be extended alune maximum Homi their lowest point, At the discretion of the authority eage water incl. having jurisdiction, water sprav ante wnh NFPA 15, Standardor/ water protection Spru3inThrd actord.- 2 At toutiom wheie there is no ample and Sutenu for firr Po,rectwn. or NFPA 13, Stundun/ for the dependable water mpph or where bliing ot under-horallatwn of SfmnAler Sutcmi, or equivalent nias he ground tanks with water is unpractical became of the med, mntento each tank shah be safeguarded againu e U l ._,,._._-.__._..,_-_._m-.,,___-,.-m_---,, 30-20 o wu oii e tn o3nst s t uit : t sqt new oni _ _ _ __ _ _ nun cinerit wileil einpn. alnt submeiged In high lightneu. ept Io! Liridelgf outui lafik%. this lighi+ ground water or llomt water in ain hormg or la new shan be inade at operating pieuuir with aii. r.e(uting in other meam 1.ath sut h tank shall he so inest gas. o waier prior to plating the tank in sen ne. comtruded and imtalled that it will uleh resist in the case of hehl-cie ted tanks, the ten (alled f or m esternal prenures it submciged. 2 7.1 or 24 2 may be c omideted to be the test for tank tightnen Undergiound tanks and piping, he. 2 5.6A Water Loading. .I he hlhng of.. a tank to be hac l>emg tos u ed. endosed, or pl.n ed in me shall protes ted in water loading shall he stat ted as mon as 1,e trued ha dghtneu hsduinatiulh. or unh ad flood watens are predkted to teath a dangerous lhul pressuie at noi les ,than 3 psi t"n 4 LPai aint not imir e stage. Where independenth f ueled wates pumps ate th.m 'i pu 01 'i LP.a du 3 7 I for h,nne perouir rehed upon. suthuent tuel shall ,he asailable at all g,, ngl Au prenure shall .uit he med to tot tanks times to permit u.ntmumg operanom untd all tank $ that oinuin H unm dile or iondioud.le luguids iis ate hlled. Tank vahes shall be locked in a dosed vaport pnuion when water loading has been uimph ted. 2 5.6.5 Operating Instructions. 2 7A tiefore the tank is iniualh plat ed in set sice. all leaks or dehir matiom shall be unieued m an ai t e pt. Ope ating imttuuiom or poneduin to able mannet. Niethank al unikmg is run persmtted be followed m a thnni eineigentv shall la tradils bii (ortn ung kab ili w eli}d unks eu cpt 1,irdiide auilable. leaks in the ioot. 2 Persunnel relied up>n to urn out thul 2 7.5 'I anks to be operated at pt enures hetow then ernergeno pnxedures shall be m. n med of the tota- design prenure mas he ieued la the applaable tion and operanon of sabes and other equipment pimidom of '.Ml or N 2 h.ned upm the pseuuse na essait to ettect the intent of these requirementt dneloped undet tuli emer gem s senting of the tank 2 5.7 in areas subjeu to earthquakep the tant sup- 2 7.6 undenromut unL dm h.o been n . ports amt uinneutom shall be doigned to iesnt paired or ahued. or n smpeurd of le.ikmc eall be damage as a rnult of sm.h shot ks. 9.ued m a m.mner appnoed la the wdunin u,mg 2 6 Sources of Ignition. In locatium w here flam. l"'i"Ndi""/'5*" M FA 32 N "I""N""*" I' "'" il '" * "#"I'd "'"I'""' mahle sapors mai he present. piecautiom shall be C """d I" "*"U taken to pre ent tgrution hv chminatmg ot i.ontrol. f"*"U '"N'"C ' U"lauhI "d". for in]vonanon en tonne nnWmh hug wurtes of ignition. Sources o mdude open llames, lightmng, smokm,t ignition ma$ 2 3 Fire Protection and Ide:ntification.

g. cutung and welding, hot sur f ac es, trktional heat, sparks inath , 2 8.1 A hre rstingukhmg unem in aumdante w oh electriul, aiul mechanicah spontancom igmoon, an apnik able Nil'A standant shall be prouded or he

<.hemkal and pin n al<hemk al rea(norn. and radiant .n,nlal,lc for s cuit.d atnunphent hsed root uor age heat. N FPA 7,. Ruornmnded Pnu nce on stant Dunn - unks larger than in.Uno gal tIW.230 l i < apas m . en. and N FPA 78. Lighnung Ntr<ta,n Code, proude suirmg Clan I hquids. if louted in a tongeued aita informanon on such proteumn- whne thne k an unmu.d expmme huaid ni du-2 7 Testing, tank tioin adjm ent inopeus or to ;ulbu ent juopn a trom the unk. Fixed niot tanks uunna Claw 11 or til 2 7.1 All tanks, w hether shop buih or held creued. hymds at temperature helow their liash 1.omis and shall be tested befoie thn aie pLued in senke m floating tool unks uoimg ain hqual generalh do not accordatue with the apphuble paraeraphs of the reqmte protntion u hen installed ia t omph.une w ah Code under ihn were buik The A551L Code 5n tion 2 2. uamp or the Lnting Stark of l'nderwriten Lana. tonn int on a tank shall be nidence ot compliame 2 8.2 'I he apphution of Ni PA in1. wondant wre", with ihn test lants not marked in attordaine with  !"' the Idenn/unnon of the for Hamds ot alaronds, to the ahme Codes shall be teued belot e thn are placed storage tanks (ont unmg hquiA shall not he requiied in senne in aunidatue with good enameenny pun. euept when the contenn a heahh or traun.n tipin and reinence shall be made to the seutom on degree of harard of 2 or nuire or a inting in the Codn listed in 2431. 2.l A 2. or rating of l. I he mar Ling need not he apphed dacoh 2-in to the tank but.knated wheie it un tradih he seen, such as on the shouldet of an au cuwas or walkw.n to 2 7.2 When the sertual length of the hlt and sent the tank or tanks or on the ppmg omside of du ppn is un h that when hlled with hquid the Hatk diked area. !! more than one unk n nn..hed, the head impned on the bottom of the tank ru erds 10 ma Lmgs shall be so lo< ated that cat h unk i an ie.nhh p4 HM kPai, the tank and related piping shall > he nk ut.hed. rnted huhmtatk alh to a pinsure equal to the uant herd ihm mq>osed. lo speaal uses w here the height 2 9 Proention of Osedilling of Tanko of the sent ahme the top of the unk n eu cune. the hulimtatu teu prenure shall be deternuned in mmg 2'E l I Tunah scyriung trander of Claw I hquids reoignited engmeermg piaun e. fiom mamhne ppchries os inanne i.eucis shall,f ollow formal written pos edmn to pu tem mnidhng ot 24.3 In addition to the ten utled for in 24.1 and tanks utdiimg one ot ene followmg mettunk of pro. 2JJ'. all tanks and c onnn uum shall be tested f or truioir ,w e n . ririm mvts en omw. - 30-21 k (a) Tanks gaged at frequent intervals bv personnel 3 1.3 Piping systems consist of (^ (ontinuoudy on the premises dunng psoduct reteipt I bohing, gaskets, sabes, fittings,p se, tubing. flan I exible connectors. with ficquent acknowledged communication main- the preuure to,ntaining pans of other cornponents tained w th the supplier su that flow can be promptly such as expanmm .jomts and strainers, and devices shut down or dherted. that serse such purposes as mixing, separating, snub-(b) Tanks equipped with a high lesel deteolon bing, distributing. inetering, or controlling flow, desice that is independent of any tank gaging equip. ment. Alarms shall be located where penonnel who 3 2 Maten,als for Piping, \,alves, and rittings, aie on duty throughout product transfer can prompdy airange for flow stoppage or diversion. 3 2.1 Pipe, vahes, fautets fittings, and other pres-(c) Tanks equipped with an independent hi h 8"*"'*"ung Paus as (ose cd in R3 shah nwet lesel detection system that will automaticalh sku-t the materialypeoficadons ature limitauons of ANSI and B31.preuure and temper-down or dhert Wow. 3 lWO. Pctndrum Rr-fnen Pi or MSI BhM9. @M Pendrum (d) Alternatives to instrumemation descn. bed m. Jh) Train and (c) where 3 2.2.putatwn 3 2.3, andPipine 344/ Plastic Sutems. euept materiah, or similar as prmided as in  ; jurisdicto, n as afapprosed fordmg eqmvalentby the authonty haung protecimn- perrnitted by 3 2.4, shall be dnigned to speuhutions 2 9.1.1 Instrumentation systems cmered m. 2 9.l(h) emixxhing temhnized shall bE wmpati e with engineering the fluid senne,principin and and (c) shall be electncally supervued or equivalent. b9.2 l'ormal written procedures required in 2 9.1 3 2.2 Nodular iron shall(unfonn to ASTM A3M-i shallinclude: Y M"hf lar at Llevated I"'" P"" " Rdd"""CC" ""* l" D'"h!'Irmpraturn. ' (a) Instructions cmcring r -' hods to check for proper line up and receipt of initial delherv to tank 3 2.3 Vahes at uorage tanks as required bv 24.7.1 cesignated to recene shipment, and L4.4.2, and theirionnecnoin to the taiik. sh dl ( f ormance b) Provision for training and monitoring be of steel or nodular iron cuept e pimided in of operating personnel by terminal the per-super- 34.3.1 or 3 2.3.2. s mon. (c) Schedules and procedures for inspection and 3 2.3.1 Vahes at storage tanks mas be other than testing of gaging equipment and high-lesel instrn- steel or nodular iron when the chemical charaueris-mentation and related systems. Inspection and testing tics of the liquid stored are not wmpatible with steel intervals shall be acceptable to the authorit or when installed hitetualh to the tank. When in-Jurisdiction, but shall not exceed one year. y having Stalled externath to the tank', the matenal shall hase a , ductility and melting point mmparable to steel or ' 210 Leakage Detection and Inventoty Records for rmdular iron so as to withuand reasonable streurs Underground Tanks. Accurate imentory records ' and temperatures imohed in fire exponne, or oth-or a leak detection program shall be maintained on all erwne be proteued such as bs materiah hasing a Clan ! Liquid Storage Tanks for indication of poui- lire-tesistance rating of not leu than 2 hrs. , ble leakage from the tanks or associated piping. (Scr NFPA 329, Recommended Practice /~r Handimg l*nder- 3 2.3.2 Cast iron brau, wpper, ahuninutn. mallea-g>wnd Erakage uf flammabIt and Combmnble Ltyuido) ble iron, and similar materiah mas be used on tanks described in L2.2.2 or for tanks storing Clan IllB liquids when the tank is located outdoon and not Chapter 3 Piping, Valves, and Fittings wnhin a diked area or drainage ath of a tank storing 3 1 r -ral. , ,h!J (1 design, ( .brication, auembiv test, and 3 2.4 Low melting point materiah, such as alumi.  ; ) wtaion >f piping wstems containing liqmds shdl *"n. WPPer, and brau: m inatenah that when on ts ,mtab* - for the expeued working prenures and "P"I' such as plunm or nonducule matenak. str ecturn stresses. Conformity with the applicable such as, iron, may be used underground for all see i 4 of ANSI B31. American'NatwnalStandard al, hmuds wnhm the pressure and temperature F.mits of rovidons of this chapter B3l Amencan hatwnal Stanaard Code for Prn-for a be renure Piping, and the facie evideme of ANSI,P mmph. ""' l' ng If such materiah are ined omdoors m shalt considered prima an,e with the foregomy provbiom. abuseground uptn(nnems handung Clan I. Clan 11, or Clan 11 A hymds or withm hmhh.nes handhng 3 1.2 This chapter does not apply to any of the any liquid, ihn shall be either: tal nutabli proteued , following: ~ ming hre gposure. or b) so lociued that am . . leakage resulung f rom the f(ailure would not unduit ta) Tubm. ;or rv g on any od or gas wells and any gme penons,impot tant buildin piping wnmV di .ctly thereto. (c) located where leakage can readbs heorwntrolled structmes bsoi ib) Motor ghh aircraft boat, or portable or operation of an aueuible remoteh located sahen). stationary englue. (c) Piping within the sm 3 2.5 Piping, salves and httings may base wmbus-and presmre venel mde. pe of any applicable boiler iible or nonwmbustible limnus. t IW Mtm ,. - , . 1 _ _ ,. . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . , , . _ _ , , _ _ _ . . , , _ . _ . _ . . , , . _ , , _ , 30-22 itent on wo roeints i t.ngua i oni 3 3 Pipe joints. Chapter 4 Containei and Portable Tank Storage 3 3.1 Joints shall be made liquidtight and shall be 41 Scope. either welded,llanged.or threaded, cuept that listed flexible wnnectors mas be used when installed in 4 1,1 This chapter shall apply to tne stoiage of accordance with 3 3.2. Threadedjoints shall be made Intuids, including flanunable aetmoh. in diums or up tight with a suitable thread sec.lant or lubricant. other toritairiers riot euceding 60 gal (227 !_) indi. Joints in piping n stems handling Class I liquids shall sidual(apacity and portabk tanks not cut eding (M be welded whkn :ocated in concealed spaces within gal (2PM L) indhidual(apacity and linuted trandm buildings. mtidental thereto For ponable tanks cuerding 66n gal (2498 IJ. Chapter 2 shall apph. 3 3.2 Pipejoints dependent ujum the friction char-atterhtus or resilieno of combustible materials for 4 1.2 This chapter shall not apply to the following. mechanical continuity or tai Storage of wotainen in bulk plana, sen ne shall rmt be used mude bu hquidoghtnen ildmgs. of piping I het mas he used st.nions. rehneries themical pLma, and dimilenet outside of buildmp abme o.r below ground. It used Wb (uia in & M1 % W mm de-ahmeground outude of bmldmgs the piping shall cither be secured to present dnengagement at the ,,gg g, I g htting, or the piping nstem shall be so designea that h) lieserages, when packaged m nuliudual u,n. any spill resultmg f rom di engagement muld not tamers not exceedmg a capauty of one gallon. unduly expme persons,important buddings.or uruc- ab Meditines, hudstuilo 4 osmetia. and other tures, and could be readH) controlled by remote wnsumer produas wntainmg not nuire than 50 sahes- percent bs mlume of water-nmuble hqunh and with the remainder of the wlution not hemg flammable 3 4 Supports. Piping sptenn. shall he subuanualh when pxkaged in mdkidu.d u>mainen mo euerd. supponed and protn ted aginnst phmal damage mg one gallon m sim and eueun.e suenes anung f rom tenlement. uhra-tion, espansion. or contracnon The imtallation of M l.he uorage f hquuh that no fue point nonmetallic p'iping shaP be in anordance wnh the C. uphen t, cuedl'Mup leu MeduxL byDto92A the Clneland t > pen A5,o the Mng ;xnnt of the manuf auurer s instrucuons hquid, or up to a temperature at whk h the .ampic 3 5 Protection Against Corrosion. All piping for being trued show s an obsiom phs sical thange. liquids, both abmeground and undergiound, where (f) The storage of distilled spints and wines in subject to external corrosion, shall be painted or wooden barreb or unks. othervise protected. (Ser 2JJ for twtr<twn of popng conmted to umferground tanbd 4 1.3 For the purpme of this thapter, umtable hguids and llanunable aermoh shall be treated as 3 6 Vahes. Pipmg ss stems shall contam a sutTaiem la liquids. number of sahes to operate the nstem properb and to protect the plant. piping sutems in wnnation 4 2 Design. Construction, and Capacity of Contain-with pumps shall contain a suthcient number of ers, sahes to wntsof propeth the flow ofliquid in nortnal operatmo and in the event of phpkal damage. Each 4 2.1 Onh a shall be med.ppimed tontamen and Metal mntainers andportable por tSletanks tanh connection to piping by whkh eqmpment such as tank cart tank schicles, or marine senels discharge meeting the requiicments of, and mm @mg prod-ligtdds into storage tanks shall be provided with a uus authori/ed bs Chapter 1, Tale 19 of the Code "/ check sahe for automatic protection agaimt bac k- f<dnal Rrrulatwro t DO I Regulanonu. or NF PA 3N, ilow if the piping arrangement is such thit ba(L flow Standard for PortaNr Xbyprng Tanh /"r flanonab/r and from the sptem is ponible. (See alw Condnunble laymds, shall be au eptable. Pohethdene mntainen meeting the requirements of, and mntain-l 3 7 Tesdng. Unlen tested in auordance with the ing products authonted bs. DO I 5pnihcation n ! apphtable seuiom of ANSI B31. Ameman Natwnal and pohethdene drunn authonied hv DOT Exemp-Standard Code for Pmuerr Piping, all piping, before tion Prax edures, shall be aueptable. Plauic (omain. being uncred; endosed or plated in me shall be ers meeting the tequirements of ANSI;A51 M D hulrostatiu:lly tested to 150 percent of the maumum 3133-Sn. Plaata Containen (fern Cano for Fronicum anticipated pressure of the sptem, or pneumaticalk Products. used f or petroleum product walun the l tested to i10 percent of the maxirnum anticipated smpe of that specifnation shall be aueptable [ preuure of the ustem, but not leu than 3 pst (R3 l kPa! gage at the highnt pomt of the ustem. I hn teu l 2.2 Eat h punable tank shall be ponided with one j shall be mmnta;ned for a suthmnt time to romplete or more deuu, mualled in the top wah uthuent i nsualimpn tion ot all joints and wnnections. but f or emergeno senting capac it to Hnu miernal pinsme l at least 10 nunutet

  • under fu e ex1..nure mndinons to in pug on 9 kPan l or 30 penent of the bursung pressure of the tank.

13 P Identification. Exh loading and unloading whk hnei is creater The total scruing (apa< ity shall n'er f or hquid storage diall be nientihed in 4 o!or be not iew than that spn ihed in 2-2.3. I or 2 2.3.6. At ux!c or markmg to identih the powf uu tor whn h the least one preuure-auuated sent haung a munmum tank h used. i ap.4 m of 6.oon cu (t (170 mS of trer att per hour l %t! htm I' l <mt Ats a e,tummu Tm s1onSt_ _30-23 (14.7 psia (760 mm lig) and 60*F (i5.6*C)] shall be 4 3.2* Storage cabinen shall be designed and con-struued to hmit the internal t rmperature at the ( used. It shall be set to open at not less than 5 psig (34.5 kPa). If fusible sents are used, they shall be center, I in. (2.5 un) from the top to not more than 325'r (162MC) when subjeded to a 10 minute hic actuated by elements that op)erate at a teinperaturenoi test with butners simulatmg exceeding soo aFniom fiie eyxaute 148.9% . When used for pain drying oih, and simi(lar materiah where pluggingusing of the standau' ane ternpentute tune as ghen the presrure actuated vent can occur, fusible sents or in AFI 51 E 152 81a. Alljoints ar.d searm shalliemain - vents of the tit >e that soften to failure at a maximum tight and the door shall temain secutch (tmed dur- - of 300'F (14s.9'C) under fire exposure may be used ing the hre test. for the entite emergency venting requisement. ' The cabinet is not required to be sented for hic 4 2.3 Contamers and portable tanks for liquids shall proteuion puiposes; howeser, the hdlowing shall conform to Table 4 2.3 except as prmided m 4 2.3.1 apply: or 4 2.3.2. (a) If the cabinet b ed foi other seasons, the cabinet shah be moed outdoon in smh a nunnn 4 2.3.1 bledicines beverages, foodstulls, nametia. dut wW not (ominonuse die spetard peilonname and other conunon wnsumer products, when pa(L. of the aged according to commonly auepted practnes for jurisdntaluno. tion. as aueptable to the audonn> haung retail sales, shall be exempt liom the requirements of (b) If the cabinet is not sented, the sent openings 4-2.1 and 4-2.3. shall be valed with a propeth htted metal bung. 4 2.3,2 DOT Type lit 4311 Metal (abinets tomttmted in the following comamers.construued arupoheihilene teited in auordance nonteusable with DOT spuification 2U, treated if necewarv to piesent maneer are aueptable. ~Ihe bottom, top, door, and permeation, rnay be used for storage of Class 11 and sideemi cabinet shall be at least No,18 gage sheet steel Class 111 liquids,in all capacities not to euced 23 gal. and double waHed uitt l} in Ci H cno an sp.n ejoints sir,il be rneted, welded. or nude tight hs unne 4 2.3.3 Claw i A and Class IB liquids may be stoied equalh eiledi e meam. Ihe door shall be prmided in glau containers of not more than one gallon 'oth a three point iatth anangement ,md the do<n sill capacity if the required liquid purit) (su(h as ACS Shall be raised at least 2 in. ($ um abm c the honom of analytical reagent grade or higher) would be alle ted the cabinet to retain spiHed liquid wittun the cabinet. by storage in metal containers or if the liquid would cause excewive corrosion of the rnetal container. 4 3.2.2 Wooden cabinets comnuned in the follow. ing manner are aueptable. ~1 he honom, sides, and 4 3 Design, Construction, and Capacity of Storage Cabinets, top leastshah be omstruard I in. (2.5 on) in thi(knew, of euesim w hi shalb'iads not kihwood break at down or delaininee m.dn fue tomhnont AH pinh 4 3.1 Not more than 120 gal (454 Llof Clan i. Clan  !!. and Class ill A liquids mas be stored in a storage shah be rabbeurd and $NH be f.Nened ut two duco nous wMi wood m ews h hen nune than one door h cabinet. Of this total. not more than 60 'al (227 L) used. there shall be a rabbetted merlap of not len mav be of Clan I and Class 11 liquids an(5 not more , tha'n three (3) such cabinets may be h>cated in a single than 1 up C anh Wuns shah be eqmpped wnh a rueans of lakhing and hinges shau be consuuued and fire area, except that, in an 'indmtrial occupants, enounted in sut h a additional cabinets may be kwated in the same hie capaaty when suhniannn as to not lose duit hoMu, ige area if the additional c'abinet, or group of not more than three (3) cabinets, is separated from other cabi- or ]!an ca{uble of ointauung a 21n. tron) depth of nets or group of cabinets by at least 100 h (30 m). I"l""I to retam$" I spdln E" {nouped hymd withm at @e hononi the of the taWnd (abinet. Table 4 2.3 M a imum Allowable Size of Containers 4 3.2.3 Lkted cabinets that base been (omtru ted and Portable Tanks and tested in auoidame with 1,12 shall be aucpt- = = = = = = = - ~ . = = - = = = = able. 4-4 Dnigu, Construdion, and Operation of Sepa- .riam_mabte 13'luid.._._ 'l _. - rate imode Storage Areas, (Nrr h tmn I .. Defuu-Container Type , .Ctase _IA Ctm it Ciasi IC Class il Clast til g,N (For additional inhamMiun, see Apendix Ci . clais a p, i qi i ut i gal 3 pt 4 4.1 Inside Rooms. Metal Mher than 001 drun.u or 4 4.1.1 Imide nunm shall be anatruued to meet .ippnned plasut i el s ul s ul s et i ci the selected bre-teshtante rating as spenhed in safety Cans / pl s vi s et s pt 5 ul 4 m M mmuoion AH mumh M dw n u a i no u 60 ut no u noos ou pt TCCif."idi""$ psen in NFPA 25 L unnbud Wr/mh .4 w _dseme n a dd e - ~ ~ - m - u mpi Mio pt twi pt noo pt 680 p1 ano p) t"+dramt for thwns shall be hquidlight ami the rooin Tanks Polyethylene shall be hquidt:ght where the walb jom the llo a. Dor sie n o Where an automatic hic ptotection miem is pro-as athot ued hs uded, as indicated in 14.L L the miem shall tw ' _ Dor taempuun ia su yoi 60 pi noof designed and imtaHed in auont.mce with the appto, y M 1;nnv i pi - o m ta 1 yt - o m t. I N - 3 = L priate Ni PA standard lot it e ape of miem seletied. i $987 Enon < 30 24 tutu Arit t. et> < ountsunt t i H2t un ( oN 4 A l.2 Openings in interior walls to adjatent rooms Eurytwru Rensculation h permitted tchere at n ontmtored or buihiings slulllx pimided with: conterotomh nung a /adan/r mtrin that o druAed to (a) Normallv (losed,ibted if hr (11) fire doins for auternattra/h sound un alarm, dop rearadatmn. uralpro. interior walls w'ith fire rmistan e rating of 2 hr or less. ndr full rs4uual to the ouNdt na the rwnt thai twpor uir Where interior walh are sequired to huse gnater '""'u'es m roncentratwn over onefourth of the lateer than 2 hr fire resistame rating, the listed line dmn, flammalde lima are detuted. shall be compatible with the wall rating. Door a may be 11 duds ase used, thn t. hall not he used for ans arranged crations if to stavare doors open during to designed material handling'o(n (hne automatkal other pur;x,$e and shah (oniph wnh Ni PA 91. in a fite emergenn bv prmision of listed th>sure Standardf<,r the halu#atjon of h/tunt ainMduinit Sutnio devices fire thunishall be installed in auordarac I"' U"d' M* A* "'"I I "e"' N'""'"d "' C"'" O "% II with NFPA S0. Standard /or Trrr Doon and Wmdotes. "'dk" P d i' '" d '"Cd d " 'C"I * * * "' i' ' d l"" . I' ""' . . . within the building, the opening shall be et (b) N.onmmhmtible h.ymd, tight raned suis or with a hre dmir or darnper, as required in PANfmpped 91. Tarnps at least 4 in. (10 crrn tri he,ght i or other,wke Sgapujargjn,gh,frugaffaggonyjyfo,vrpandj,yhaus;Spg,vu l the flow of ,hquuh to the adyHn* $ forramp ll ot, Stock, and Papur Remuent ur Cont'estni. l'ot mgesigned to present,ble ahernatne to the sillor f arcat A permini grasity smerns, the inake up air shall be iupphed is an opeligrated tiernh. whi(h drams to a sale from imbide the huilding. locan,oin aum3 the width of the opening imide of g g;g g ; g g least one tubic foot pet' rninute of eshaust per squale hun of Iloor area (I rn'per 3 m l). but not len than 130 4 4.1.3 WmKI at least I in. (2.5 cno nominal thi(L- cf m 01 in't The rnethanical sentilation mirm for ricss mas he med for shehing. racks. dunnage uutt- dispeming areas shall he es uipped with an airflow INMrds, floor on erlav. and sir'nilar installations, swn(h or other equall) relia le inethm! that is inteh hx Led io sound an audible alarm upon isilure of Ihe 4-1.1.4 Nera s entilatiori n stem. the following: ge in imide vtniens shall (oriiph widi 4 4.1.7 in esers itnide loom. an aide at 3 f t (0.90 nd wide shall be snairitained so that no mntainer A utotnatic Total Attowahle is rnore than 12 f t (3.6 mi f ront the aide. Containers Fire Protection

  • Fire Mamirnum Quantitice-- GaHons' oser 30 gal (113.5 Ln capacits storing Clan 1 or Clau Provided Realstance Moor Area Ng Ft Floor Aren ll lipids shall not be stored mote than one < ontainer VE% 2 hr Suo uj f t 10 high.

NG 2 hr 500 sq f t 4" \ LA I ht 150 sq f t 5 4 4.1.8 Whete di.npensing is heirig done in imide 1 br ~ NO. 150 wth 2 runus, operatioin shalliomph with the prosisioin of %t L ran 1 49 h = H 00 in'. I gal = 3 M L Chapter 5. que pre 1coion uurm sh.dl be spnnkler. uter spr.o. (ar%n thoule, dn t hemnd halon. or other approsed Mem- 4 4.1.9 11asement Storage Areas. Clau I liquids ** T >tal aNwahle quantities ol u.ns l A and lH L.alunh shail ru.t 3 hall not lie pernutted in irnide storage r<nurn in cuecd that pctmuted m lane 44 23 .and the prouuurn of h.nernent arcat 442.10. 4 4.2 Cutoff Rooms and Attached Buildings. 4 4.1.5 Electrical wiring and equipment hirated m . imule rooms med for Class I liquids shall be suitable 4-1.2.1 Comtruuton design of eucrior walk shall for Clm I, Dnision 2 classihed hx ations; for Clau 11 Inoside ready aneuibilirt for bre hghong operations and Clau fil liquids shall be suita.Ae for general me. through prosision of anen opemngs wmdows, oi N FPA 70. Nutwnal Elermcal codr $. prmides inf orma- liRh'"ewht nonwmhusuble wall panch. Where Clau tion on the design and installation of eleurical eqmp. I A or th liquids are dispensed, or where Clau IA ment. liquids are uoted in mmamers larger than one gah lon. the exterior wall or root mmtruction shall be designed to in lude exphnionoenting featmes sm h 4-4.1.6 Escry imide room shall be ptmided with aglightweight wallauemblies. lightweight root auem. either a gravity or a mntinuous mechanical exhamt bhes. root han hes. or wmdows of the esplouon. sentilation sprem. Mechanical ventilation shall be venting tspe. NFPA 68. Gmde for inplowen rentmo used il Clau ! liquids are dispemed within the room. prmides information on this subjed. (a) Exhaust air shall be taken from a point near a 4 4.2.2 Where other poitions of hmldino or other wall on one 3ide ot the :oom and within 12 in. tin uni propenies are esposed eat h opemng m the espoung of the floor with one or more make-up inles loated widl sh.dl be proteued with a listed 14 hr (D) ht e door on the opposite side ot the mom within 12 in,(30 t m) frorn the floor. The hxation oflxah the exhaust and inuallut in anordante with NFPANn. Standoed loi y,,r INcn and W. lotn. and the walk shall hm e a ! inlet air openings shall be arranged to proude as f ar fire-resktame rating of not leu than 2 hri l as prauxable, air mmemenn acrow all pornom of I the floor to present auumulation of flammable va. 4-4.2.3 Except as noted in 1 " 6 rior ,w alk. l port Exhaust f rom the room shall be directh to the teiling. and floors shall hair a hie resistatu e ratmg of I exterior of 'he buildin;t without recirculation. not leu than " hrs where th>or area of the ioom or l wrw l 1 _- _ _ _ . ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cosrMu n ann sm7 Atui tau sionAct 30-25 l building euceds 300 sq ft (27 m') or a fire resistance rooms where dispensing of Clas I liquids is permit- l q" rating of not less than one hou.1 r a floor atca of 300 ted, electrical sptems shall wmply wnh 41.1.5, ex- ~ l sq ft (27 m') or less. Such coutr action shall wmply cept that within 3 ft (0.90 m) of a dispensing norrie l with the test s cifications ghen in NFPA 251, Stan- area, the electrical miem shall be suitable for Clau I, dard Methode fire Tests of Budding Comtrwrion 6nd Disision 1: sentilation shall be ptosided per 4 4.1.6; Materiah. Wal shall be liquidtipt at the floor lesel. and operations shall wmply with the prmisions of Chapter 5. 44.2.4 Openings in interior walls to adjacent rooms or buildings shall be in accordance with 4 4.1.2 (a). 4 4.2.12 Unsement Storage Areas. Clr a I hquids shall not be perrnitted in the basement areas of cutoff 44.2.5 Curbs, scuppers, special drains, or other rooms and ana6M buildings. Clau 11 and Class ill A suitable means shall be provided M picyent the flow liquids may be stored in basements pnnided that of h uids under emergency conmtions mto adjacent . builging areas except where the mcuvidual container tion failitiessprinkler automatic protection are punided in and other withline enionknotm capacity is 5 gal (18.9 L) or less or if the hqmds stored 4g , are only Class til hquids. The drainage sptem, if , used, shall hase sufhcient capacity to carry off ex- 4 5 Indoor Storage. I petted discharge of water from hre protettmn sp- i tems and hose a reams. 4 5.1 Basic Conditions. 4 4.2.6 Rcols of attached buildings, one story in . heigh *. may be lightweisght noncombustible construc, 45.1.1 'I.he storage of unt h.ymds shall not phm. . tion if the separating mterior wall as specified in calh oburud a means of egress. Class I hqmds m 4-4.2.3 has a minimum (0.90-m) parapet. other than separate inude storage areas or ware- . houses shall be oo placed that a fue m the hymd - - 4 4.2.7 Unprotected storage in cutoff noms and simage would not pierlude egrew isotu the area. , ~ attached buildings shall comply with Table 4-4.2.7. (Scr 4 4.2.10for mard storage of'liymds.) 45.1.2 The uorage of liquids in watainers or por-table tanks iball comply unh 4 5.2 through 4 *i.,, as 44.2.8 Protected storage in cutoff rooms and at. applicable. Where separate inside storage arem are tached buildings shall comply with Sectmn 4 6 as required. they shall confonn to Section 4 4. Where applicable. (Str 4 4.2.10for murd storage of hquidi.) other factors substantially mcicase or droene the , hazard, the authorits haung junsdi< tion may modif y ' 4-4.2.9 Wood at least 1 in. (2.5 cm) nominal thick- the quantities specified. ness may be used for shehing. racks, dunnage scufl.  ! boards. }loor overlay, and similar installations. 45,1.3 Liquids used hn mamtenan(e paintmg or other similarmit, building equent mamtenante 4 4.2.10 Where two or more claues of liqmds are P!"l*' "1.av be uoted teinju,ranh in dmed ton. stored in a single pile or rack section. the inaximum tainen outude of norage cainnets or sepanne inside quantit ies and hei ht of storage permitted in that pile sunage areas. U Uinned m anumnt, nu to euced a or rack section sha$1 be the sinallest of the two or104ay mos supph e at amidpated rates of consumption, separate quantities and bei hts The maximum total 45.1.4 Clau I liquids sitall not be stoird in a base-quanuties permitted shall se hmited to a sum of me% mept as pnmdd m M.5. proporuonal amounts that each class of hquid present bears to the maximum total permitted for its respec- 4 5.2 Dwellings and Residential Buildings Contain-tive class; sum of proporuonal amounts not to euced ing Not More Than Three Dwelling Units and 100 percent. Accompanying Attached and Detached Garages. Storage m euess of 25 gal (94.61.) of Class I and ' 4-4.2.11 Dispensing operations of Class l or Clasi ll Clan 11 liquids wmbined shall be liquids are not penmtted in cutoff noms or anached addition, worage in eueu of 60 gal 27 dnohibited. L) of clan In buildings exceeding 1000 v} ft (93 m8 ) floor area. In til A liquid shall be prohibited. ~ [ Table 4 4.2.7 Indsor Unprotected Storage of Liquids in Containers and Portable Tanks Container Storage Portable Tank $iorage _ Mas. Pile Ma s. Quant. Ma n. Total Mas. Pile Mas. Quant. Mas. Total Class lleight ifu per Pile fgab J uant. gah ___ lleght ifu__per , Pile f gal _ J uant.,yalj IA 5 660 h60 __ pPer ugic,d_ __ In 5 1375 1J73 7 2.900. 2n*6 IC 5 2.750 2.759 7 4Dn 4no f _ (  !! 10 4.125 d50 7 , you _ l i ooo  !!!A I5 1173n 27. Sin _ 7 _ _ _ p q60 __ 4 0 0a l' nim 1 fi = 8 30 m; I gal = 3 t 1997 E$twe .< , ~-. . ., .-,--_,~.,___-._.m. , . - - _ _ - - . _ . _ _ - _ - . _ _ . . ,.-m . - - - . _ - i I p) 26 6 twuoi t on routu sinu i t nat'nn cold __ ] aneles, Ilulldings C<mtaining 13. St lard for the tratallanon of S  ! 4More5.3 Than Assembly ThrecOcc$ welling Units and llotels. requi .ments for Ordinary liaraid bfnrNrr hterv, roup 2 Ouu. Storage in cuess of to gal (37.8 L) of Class I and ross th>or area used for (ornpming the ' Class 11 liquids combined or 60 gal (227 L) of Class pancies. maxirnum qu The g'antity permitted shall be tunsidered as ll!A liquids shad be in containers stored in storage that portion of the thx>r actually being used for , cabinets, in safets cans, or in a separate inside storage merchandising liquids and immediately adjatent l atca not haviny im openmg communicating with that aisles, portion of the auilding used by the public. 4 5.5.2 The aggrecate quantits of additional stock 4 5A Office, Educadonal, and institutional Occu* in areas not auesuQe to the public shall not euced a:cies. Storage shall be limited to that required the greater of that which would be petmitted il the or operation of olhte equipment, maintenam e. area were accessible to the public, or 60 gal (227 L) of demonstration, a id laboratory wotL. This storage Class I A.120 gal (454 L) of Clan lit.180 gal (681 L) shall comply with the prosidons of 4 5A.1 through of Class IC. 240 gal (908 L) of Clan 11. or 660 gal 4 5A A cuept that the storage for industrial and (2498 L) of Class lil A liquids or 210 gal (9n8 L) in educationallaborator) work shall comply with NFPA any combination of Class I and Cim 11 intuids subjeu 45, Atandard on fur Protertwa /vr Laboratones ('unt to the limitations of the individual dan These quan-Chrmnuh. t. ties mas be doubled for areas proteued as dehned 4 5.4.1 C.ontainers for Clan I h. quais outside of a in 4 5.5.1. Storage of Clan I A liquids shall be prohib-ited in baenwnt storage areas. separate inside storage area shall not enced a tapac-ity of I gal (53 L) cuept that safety cans can he of 2 45.5.3 Quantities in cuen of those perrnitted in gal (7.6 L) capacity

  • 05.5 2 shall be stmed in accordame wnh odier 4 5A.2 Not more than 10 gal (37.8 L) of Clan I and . propriate seuions of this u>de.

Clan 11 liquids combined shall be stored in a single hre area outside of a stor, age cabinet ut a separate 4 5.5 A Contamers shall not be uat ked more than 3 mude storage area unten m safety cans. h W W M m 2 mam M & W h h gicater, unlen on hxed shelung or otherwise sain-4 5A.5 Not more than 25 gal (94 6 L) of Clan I and f actoril) sec ured. Clan 11 liquids combined shall be stored in a s ',lc fire area in safety cans outside of a separate naide 45.5.5 Shching shall be of stable construction of storage area or st'orage cabinet. sulhcient depth and arrangement such that omtain-ers displayed thereon shall not easily be displated. 4 5AA Not more than 60 gal (227 L) of Class ifI A liquids shall be stored outude of a separate inside 4 5.5.6 Leaking containers shall be remosed imme-storage area or storage cabinet. diateh to an adequatelv sentilated area, and the 4 5.5 hiercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores, and contenn nansfened to an undamaged connunen Other Llated Areas Accenible to the Public. 4-5.6 GenerabPurpose Warehouses, tSu l2.Dr/o A 5.5.l

  • In display areas that are accenible to the '"D"'"J public, the storage of Class 1. Clan 11. and Clan Ill A liquids shall be innited to quantuies needed for dis- 4*5.6.1 (,.eneral purpose warehouses shall be sepa.

play and normal menhandinng purpmes but shall rate, detached buddsngs or shall be separated f rom not exceed thelimits as gi.en by the following fahn u, othn ype occu Ta6/r A; on if approsed,pannes by a, a hre perunon uandard haung the hie wall. a hr.e-resa-(a) in protected dis tance tanng of not len n ch opemng in a quantit) of Clan 1. Ikilav . andareas,  !!! A lithe total abgrega'e il not p wau shau k pnnead wn an automanMoung, imed 35 fu;e har w% the luuNe hnk w oWn euced 2 gal perbasement area but, except ft ufor (81 ) L of per gron m' th>or display areas. the quids ""**""' s """d""E '"echanism h>cated in the open-m or on quantity of Clan I A liquids shall not eneed I gal per a fup pan!xxh sules ol & opening;Each openmg m u it (40 L per m 2) of gron ther area. In basement non shan be nnnted ,wA an aumman,o dfsplav areas, the storage of Clan I A liquids shall bedoung. hed @darue r @ ne doo he dmn3 aan be installed m aco>r with NIpi A 80. Standard fus Prohibited. Frre Doors and %ndows. (b) In unprotected display areas on other than the ground thor. the total aggregate quantity of Class ill. 4 5.6.2 Warehousing operations that invone stor-IC.11. and lil A 1iquids shall not eueed I gal per s4 age of liquids shall be reunded to separate inside it No L per nf)ot gron thor nea and the uora.:e of norage areas or to liquid w.nehouses m ,ucordam e Clan I A hqmds shall be prohibited, in unprotened with 5euion 4-4 or 4 5 7. as applicable. eu ept as ground thor display areas, the total aggregare quan- pnnided in 4-5 A1 utv of Clan 1.11. and til A liquids shall not euced 2 gal per sq f t (81 L per nN of grou fkwir area but the 4 5.6.3 Clan til and IC liquids in umtainers of I g.d quannty of Clan I A liquids shall not en eed I gal per (3.8 Li or len capacitv. Class 11 liquids in umiamen sq f t HC L per m*) of grow theor area. of 5 gal f18 9 L) or less capits, and Clan ill hquids "Piorened" shall mean protected with automatic in containers of 60 gal (22i L) or less capantv mas be sprinklers imtalled at least m auordance with Nf'PA stored in warehouses handling mmbusuble u>mmod-1967 fotaan 1_ . _.~ ~ - ~ - - - - .. - -- - _. - .. .. - - - . . - . - . . - (mioste ois coutot.1 Tm nour _ ___30 -27 ities, as defined in the scope of NFPA 231. Standard distance between the two open of storage hall be 8 f t ( for General Storagt, prosided that the storage area is (2.4 m). protected with automatic sprinklets m a(cordance with the provisions ol' this standard for 20 f t (6 m) 4 5.6.8 Mixed Storage. 1.iquids sball not be stored storage of Clan IV cominulities and the quantities in the same pile or in the same ta(L settioni as j ordinary combustible tomnuxlities. Wheie th uids are and height of liquid storage are limited to: (a) Class I A liquids--not permitted pacLaced togerhn with on;inan (otnhunih n, i,o in. Lus, the storage shall he minidend on th- basis of (b) Class IB & IC 660 gal (2498 L)--S It (1.5 m) two or high whitheser more danes (ommtulit]. predominates of liqui s are stored in a Wh. sing ? pile or (c) Clan 111375 gal (5204 L)-5 f t (1.5 m) high single rack section, the masimum quantities primit-(d) Clan til A 2750 gal (10409 L)-10 ft (3.0 rn) ted m the pile or ta(L section shall be the upallest of high the two or more separate maumum quannues, and the peWa of Mora penniued in that pUe or ratL ( sect on shril be the east of the two or more separate c) Clan lilB 13.750 gal (52044 L)--l$ it (4.6 m) heights. The maximum total <p..mtities pennmed The liquid storage shall aho conform to 4 5A4. shall be limited to the sum of proportional amounts 4 5.6.5. 4 5.6.0, 4 5.6.7. and 4 5.61 that each clan of liquid present bean to the maxi- , mum total permitted los ni espnthe <lan. The sum  ! 4 5.6.4 Liquids in Plastle Containers. Ellecthe of proporoonal amounts shall not euced 100 per. 2 September 1.1990. Class I and Clau 11 liquids in (ent. plastic containers shall not be stored in general. l purpose warehouses, but shall be noted in separate 4 5.7 Liquid Warehouses. Orr 1-2 (Afhsatne) miide rooms or liquid warehouso in accordance wah Section 4 4 or 4 5.7. as applicable. 4 5.7.1 Liquid wanchouses shall be separate, de. tached huildings or shall be separated hom other Eurption No.1: I brutds in plastic contmners may be stared tspe occupantles bs standard I hr hte usik, uith  ; in general-purpose uarchumn in anordance seith protu- c'ommunicating openings protnted on eath side of tion and Morage hmitatwru spu$ra in 4 Sk3 asfullotes: the wall with automativdosing. \ived 3 hr (A) bre Fire doors shall be installed in anordanc e with (a) products contmnin not more than 30 pruent by do(nyA NFl bo, Standardfor [ute IMn and \\ rndo:n. volume of uater mbcuble hquids and uith the remainder i./ the solutwn bang notflammable uhen (wkaged in ondn ad- 4 5,y,y g g gy, ,,,eyou,, 9u;;g;ug ;, g,(,,ca mu,e b r r.'bable li uids runtatning more than 30 than W h 0 sn? hut leu than % h (U nn Hmn au cent by volume sn indivbhwl containers not rureding n. "" Y* "' h " ** ' ""' "I 'N"i"I" A I"U" ' h'" ib.rr. can be built upon,"the exposmg uali sh.dl base a '"I"".4 hre resktance rating of at least 2 hn with eat h Eurption No. 2: Class I and Clau ll hquids sn planic "d'"i" % P'"d " " h ' U "'d $" ' W '" ' d'"' contamers may be stored in a general purpose uwehume of 4 5,y,$ g g gy, ,,,cyou,, ;, go(,,cy g n g, g3 99 o, ge, , un contatners approved and pre tested for me with these from an important buildmg or line of adjoinin *##""I'- pro erty that can be huih upon. the esposting wal1 4 5.6.5 Basement Storage Areas. Clau I hqmds shal ,hase a fire tesntame ratino of 4 hn with cath opemng protetted with a hsted 5hr (A) hte dma, shall not be permitted m the basement areas of buildiags. Class 11 and Class lil A hquids may ,be 4 5.7.l An anathed unehmne h.ning communi-stored m basements provided that automanc sprm-Ller protection and other fire rotecuon f acihnes are (ating non kom openings dm adjatentin thehuret!uir Idingdarea. 4 hr shall fue wall hase separa. these - prouded in accordance with e(tion 4 6,. nings prmem d 4 4 5.6.6 Palletired. Solid Pile, or Rack Storage. (a) Normalh dosed, listed 3 br i A) fire doon on Liquids in containets may be stored on pallets, m exh side of the wall. These doon taav he airanged to sohd piles et on racks subject to the quantitin and stay open during mateiial handling operations. onk heights limits of 4 5.6.3 provided the protection is in it the doors are dmigned to dose automaticalh in a , accordance with Section 4-6 as applicable. fire emergency by pimision of listed dosare desites. (b) Noncombustible. liquidtight t aised silh or - 4 5.6.7 Separation and Aisles. Palletbed or solid ramps, at least 4 in. t 10 t m)in height. or other design pile storage shall he arranged w that pdes permitted features to present flow of liquith m the adjoining m 4-5 6 3 are separated inom each other by at least area. 4 ft (1.2 m) ahles Aisles shall be provided so that no container n more than 12 f t (3.0 no from an aisle 4 5.7.5 Fire doors shall be imtalled in mordame Where li3uids are stored on racks, a minimum l f t with NFPA 80. Stand <vd /br fue lho and Wmdmn. (1.2 m) wide able shall be provided between adja(ent rows of racks and adjacent storage of liquids. Main 45.7.6 The total quantity of liquids within a liquid i aisles shall be a minimum of M it (2.1 m) wide. Where warehote.e shall not be restricted. ~l be maximum pdr j ordinary combustible commodities are stoied 1 the heights and maximum quamin per pile. arrangeit as same area as liquids in containers, the nu - um palletired and'or solid pde storagt. shall uunph with 487 ($ hon ~_.-m,_~__.m..__ --.__-.,.-----__.-.-..~--,-..__.,._--_._--%,,-._...- , . - , . , _ - - - 30-88 IIMtMABM ann CoMBt'sTIBLI,UQUtDs Cool Tabl* 4 4.2.7. Y unprotec'ed, or Table 4 6.l(a) if for Portuble Shipping Tank for Flammable and Combus-protected, in ccordance with Section 4 6. The stor- tsble Liqukh, for informatwn on portable tant drugn.) age heights of containers on protected racks shall Materials handling equipment shall be suitable to comply with Table 4-6 l(b), as applicable. handle containers and tanks safely at the upper tier les el. - Exception: An unprotected licuid tearehotar located a min. imum of100ft (30 m) 4 5.7.11 No container pro /vrty that can be bud [t t,pon u not required to conform torom or e\portable tank shall be posed buildungs or adjoining Table 4 . 2.s, af there u protectwn for exposures. Wherf stored closer than 36 in. (0.90 m) to the nearest beam. chord, girder, or oth7r toof member in an unpro-protectsonfor expxures s not prouded, a marumum 200ft gec,,g g,7z gou,,, (61 m) dutance u ren L 405.7,7 Ch I liquids shall not be permitted in the 4 4.7,12 solid pib nd palletired storage shall be I nment arc.o of liquid warehouses. Ciass 11 and arrar. ped so that {nlea an aeparated from each other Class ll:A gods may be sto:ed in basements pro. by at icast 4 ft (1 .' m). Aisles shall be provided so that vided that automauc sprinkler protection and other no container or tank is more than fire protection facilities are provided in accordance an aisle. Whete storage on racks ists asex,12 permitted f t (3.6 in m) from with Section 4 6. this Cede, a mimmum 4-ft (1.2 m) wide aisle shall be provideti between adjacent rows of racks and am 4 5.7,8 Limited amounts of combustible commodi- adjatent storage of hquids. Main aisles shall be a ties, as defined in the nope of NFPA 231, Standardfor mmimum of 8 ft (2.4 m) wide, and access shall be General Storage, nd NFPA 231C, Standard for Rack maintained to all doors requited for egress. S*orage of Material.s, may be stored in hqu d ware-houses if protection is provided in accordance with 4 5.7.13 Mixed Storage. When two or more clanes Section 4-6, and the ordinary combustibles. other of liquids are stored in a single pile, the maximum than those used for packaging the liquids. are sepa. Suantity permitted in that pile shall be the smallest of rated a inininium of 5 ft (2.4 m) horizontally, by aisles t ie two or more separate maximum quantities and or open racks, from the liquids in storage. the heights of storage permitted in that pile shall be 4o5,7.9 the least of the two or more separate heights as given shall be h, Empty in Tables 4-4.2.7 or 4 6 l(a), as applicable. When two mited to aor idle combusu.ble maximum pile size ofpallet 2500 storage sq ft or more classes of liquids are stored in the same racks (232 m2) and to a maximum storage height of 6 rt (1,8 as permitted in this Code, the maximum heig~ ht of m). Idle pallet storage shall be separated from hquds storage permitted shall be the least of the two or more by at least 8 ft (2.4 m) wide aisles. However, pallet separate heights given in Table 4-6.l(b). storage m accordance with NFPA 231, Standard for G4 neral Stovage, shall be acceptable. 4 6 Protection Requirements for Protected Storage of Liquids. 46.7.10 Containers in piles shall be sepa ated by pallets or dunnage to provide stability and to present 4-6.1 Containers and portable tanks stormg fiam-excessne stress on container . e s. Portable tanks mahle and combustible liquids inay be stored in the stored over one tier high shall be designed to nest quenties and arrangements specified in Tables tecurely, without dunnage. (See ?!FP/ 46, Standard 4-6.l(a) and 4-61(b), provided the storage is prn-Table 4-6.l(a) Storage Arrangea . 4 W 'rotected l'alletired or Solid Pile Storage of Liquids 8, ucts . und Portable Tanks Storege Man. Sege, lleight u. , Max. Quantity per Pile (gal.) _ Max. Quantity gald Clus Level Containers Port. Tanks Containe rs Port. Tanks Containers Port. Tanks Ground Floor 5 - 3.000 - 12.(o0 - IA l'pper Floois 5 - 2.0m - 1000 - Bawments N< . Permined - - - - Ground Floor 6% 7 5.000 20.000 15,000 40.000 IB Upper Floors tM 7 3.000 10.000 12.000 20.000 Buements Not Permuted - - - - Ground Fimr  % 7 5.000 20.000 15.000 40,000 IC Upper Floors  % 7 3Amo 10 000 12Aoo 20.000 Buerrents Not Pernutted - - - - Ground Floor 10 14 10.000 40.000 0 .000 80.000 11 Upper Floors to la 10.000 40.000 25.000 mono Bawments 5 7 7.500 20 000 7 500 20.MO Ground Floor 20 14 11000 30 Moo ~> u.000 100#o0 Ill '1pper Fkors 20 14 '5.000 . h0 Moo 30#00 l o0 Moo Bnemenes 1o 10.000 20000 "5 000 40 000 SI Unns: 1 It = 0.30 m: i gal = 33 L.

  • These height hmuaoons may be ir .rened in 10 f t for cont.oners of 5 gal or !cu m capautt NO FE: See section M for protecuan requirements n apphnbie to thn tspe of storage.

1967 Este - (T - coNTAINtu wu roRTAntf tau sTou Act 30-29 Table 4-6.l(b) Storage Arrangements for Protected stored. Where Ifin. (3.8 cm) fit e hose is med, it shall (. Rack Storage of Liquids in Containers be installed in accordance with N FPA 14, Standardfor . the trutallation of Standpipe and llose Sytont. Man. Mas. stre. Quantity 47,1.1 At least one portable fire extinguisher has- ..lseight ifn jgalt ing a ratin Type Storage outside of,g butof notnot lessthan more than 102011 shall f t (3 m) be the f rom, located Class Rsck level Containers Containers 7%p door opening into any separate inside storage area. Double Row Ground Fknr 95 Singfc Row I n Not Permined J. . A can one plaW fue ednguMer b mg a ratmg of not less than 2015 shall be located not IB Doude Row Ground Floor 25 15.000 less than 16 ft (3 m), nor mot e than 50 it (15 m), from IC Sing e Row aenni Not Permined any pass I or dass y Mud Moge Mea kMed outside of a separate inside s.orage area. Double Row Ground Fk or 25 24.000 11 or l'pper Floor 25 24.000 47.l.3 in Single Row Basemena 15 93mo warehomes, protected general Ducpose and lige Ntulu-Row Groun Sor 40 4 M.000 suHicient number to ieach all liquid storage areas. til Double Row Ueper Flor 20 4M,000 or Smgle Row 7.nems 20 '4.000 4 7.1.4 The water supph shall be sufhcient to meet si Unia: I h - 0.30 nu ! ga! - 3 8 t the fixed fire pmtection 'demand. plus a total of at NOTE: See Se tinn 4 6 ter protecian requiremenu as appina- least 500 gal (1892 L) per minute for mside and ble to um opc M storage- outside hose lines. (See C-4-6.2.) tected in accordance with 4-6.2 and 4 6.5, as applica. 4 7.2 Control of Ignition Sources. Precautions bk shall be taken to present the ignition of flammable vapors. Sourtes ofignition indude but aie not limited a6 A ,ther quantities and airangements may be to: open llames; lightning: smoking; cutting and es e suitably, protected and approved by the hot surfaces; f rictional heat static, electrical, r uhmm iaving jurisdiction, w elding;hanical and mec sparks; spontaneous ignition, indu ing heat-producing chemical reactiots and radiant ( -u.T v tre automatic sprinklers are used, they heat. h.a' he e talled in accordance with NFPA 13. Stan- , m hr I e trutallation of Sprinkler Systems, and ap- 47.3 Dispensing of Class I ant Class (I liquids in pr e >v the authority having ju'risdiction. (hr uid warehouses snall not he general permittedpurpose unlen theor li" dispensing area is suitabh c additwnalin[ormation see A) ndu D.) off from other ordinarv combumble or liquid stoiage 4 6.2.1 Other systems such as automatic loam water areas, as specified in Section 4-4 and otherwise systems, automatic waterspray systems, or other conforms with the applicable prmisions of Section combinations of systems may be considered accept. 4-4. able if approved b'y th" authority hasingjurisdiction, 4 7.4 Materials with a water reactivits degree of 2 or (For additionalinformation, see Appendix b.) higher as outhned in NFPA 704, Standard Svarm er 4 6.3 Rack- . ring Class I or Class 11 liquids s. .tl the Identificatm,n of the Fire Ha:ards <;f Matenah, shall be either s' ow or double-row as described in not be stored m the same area with other liquids. NFPA 2%' dardfor Rack Storage of Mutenah. 4 8 Outdoor Storage. 46.4 0 -.. :ombustibles other than those used 4 8.1 Outdoor storage of liquids in containers and for pac! an. ae liquids shai, not be stored in the portable tanks shall be in accordanre with Table 4 8. same rac xction as liquids, and shall be separated a as t minimum of 8 ft (2A m) horizontally, b 4 8kualified bv 4-8.1.1 through 4.x.1 A and 4 8 " and 4-8l4. open racks, from liquids stored in racks. y aisles or 48.1.1 When two or more dasses of materiah are 4-6.5 in-rack sprinklers shall be installed in accord- stored in a single pile, the maximum gallonage in . hat ance with the provisions of NFPA 231C. Standardfor pile shall be the smallest of the two or more separate i Rack Storage of Materiah, except as modified hv 4-6.2. ~ gallonages. Alternate gered. Multiple hnesleveh of in rat.k sprinklers of in-rack shall sprinkler be stagl heads shal 4-8.1.2 No container or portable tank in a pile shall

be prmided with water shields unless otherwise sep- he more than 200 ft (60 m) f rom a 12-f: (3.thnu wide L arated hv herizontal barriers, or un'ess the sprinkler access way to permit approach of fire (ontrol appa-

! heads aie listed for such installations. ratus under all weather conditions. (~ y 4-7 Fire Control. 4 8.1.3 The distances lisied in Table le appir to propernes that have protectmn f or exposures as l 4-7.1 Suitable fire defmed. If there are esposures, and such protection hose lines, either Ibextinguish,rs in. (3Acm) lined or or prcconnected 1-in. (2.5- for exposutes does not exist, the distances in column cm) hard rubber, shall be provided where liquids are 4 shall be <loubled. ne w 30-30 itynting e.n costat/sipt t i sqtyns coat Table 4 8 Outdoor Liquid Storage in Containers and Portable Tanks 1 2 3 4 5 Portable Tank Distance Distance to Distance to Container Storage Mat. Between Propeny Line Street, Alley, Storag Man. per Pile Piles or That Can Be or a Public Way Class _ per , ile Gallons (1) Racks ifn Budt Upon titit2H31 (ftH3) lleight lleirSt Gallons O) (4) (fo Gallons (1) (4) (fu IA 1, h)0 10 2.000 7 5 50 lu 18 2.200 12 4 A00 14 5 50 10 IC 4 A 00 12 H. Moo 14 3 50 10 11 H.NoO 12 17,t,00 14 5 25 3 111 22.000 th 44.000 14 5 10 5 M Uniw 1 It = OJO m; I gal = S it L NOTE 1 ih See 4 M l.1 regarding mhed (tan storage. (2) Sec 4.M 13 regarding proteuion for espmui q3) See 4 81 A for smaller pile wet (4i For storage in ruks. the quanoo hmits per pdc do not apph, but the rwk arraratement sh.dl be hmited to a maumum .d 50 feet in length and *wo row or 9 lect m depth. 4-8.1.4 When total quantity stored does not exceed be kept free of weeds, debris, and other (ombustible 50 percent of maximum per pile, the distances in matenah not necessary to the storage. wiumns 4 and 5 may be reduced 50 percent, but to not less than 3 ft (0.90 m). Ch Operations 4-8,2 A maximum of 1,10G gal (4163 L) of liquids in d u # P * / pterf M 5 U " d @ " " ,T" M " closed containers and portable tanks mas be stored adjacent to a huilding h>cated en the sanie premises 51 Scope. and under the same management pro' tided that: (a) The building is limited to a one-ston building ' 5-1.1 This chapter applies to operations inwhing of fire.nesistn e or noncombustible construction and is the use or handimg of hquids either as a principal or demted principally to the storaga and handling of incidental activitv. except as cos cred elsew here m this liquids, or Code or in other NFPA Standards, th) The buildin has an exterior wall with a hre-resistam e rating of> not less than 2 hr and hasing no 5 1.2 I.he prmisions of chapter relate 9 the onening to ahme grade areas within 10 ft (3 m) control of hazards of hre intoh mg hquidy I hese horizo itally of such storage and no openines to below prousigns may npt provide adequate, proret non f or grade areas within 50 ft (15 m) horizontalk of such operations mvohmg hazardous matenals or t hemical storage. react ons nor do they cansider health hazards result-ing ham exposure to such materials. 4 8.2.1 The quantity of liquids stored adjacent to a building protected iri accordance with 4-8.2(b) mav 54 General. Liquid processing operations shall be exceed that permitted in 4-8.2, provided the maxi- louied and operated so that thes do not consutute a mum quantity per pile does not exceed 1,100 gal signincant fire or explosion haeard to life, to propertv (41631.) and'each pile is separated by a 10 ft (Sim) ofothers.or to important buildings or tacilit es wohin minimum clear space along the common wall. the same plant. Specihc requirements are dependent on the inherent risk in the operations themsches. 4 8.2.2 Where the nuantity stored exceeds the 1.100 induding the liquids being processed, operating tem-gal (4163 L) permitten adjacent to the building gisen peratures and pressures, and the capability to control m 4-8.2(a) or the provisions of 4-8.2(b) cannot be anv liquid or vapor releases or hre incidetus that met, a minimum distance in accordance with column might occur. The interrelationship of the mam fac-4 of Table 4-X shall be maintained between buildings tors mvoked must be based on good engineering and and the nearest container or portable tank. tr.anagement practkes to establish suitable physical 4-8.3 .I.he storage area shall be graded m. a manner and operating requirements Wu 3-5./.7.) to dhert possible spilk awas f rom buildings or other 5-3 Facility Design. exposures or shall be surrounded bs a curb at least 6 in. (!i cm) high. When curbs are used, prmisions 5-3.1 Location. shr!! he made for draimng of accumulations of ground or rain water or spills of liquids. Drains shall 5 3.1.1 l terminate at a safe h> cation and shall be accessible to sel to adj ommg1lheproperty minunum distame or to ot' aimportant the nearest prot ewing vn-operation under bre conditions. buildirr on the same property shall be based on the stability of the liquid ano vessel capacitt and shall be 4-8.4 The storage area shall be protected against in accordance with Table 13.1.1. except as modihed tampering or trespassers where necessarv and shall in 5-3.1.2. 19817 Echoe

  • or m uoss 30-31 s 5 3.1.2 Where process s essels are located in a build- sided, subject to approval of the authority having jurisdiction. (See MPA 229, Standard on l)po of

(. ing adjoining and the exterior property that can wallbefacing ~ built upon or nearestthe exposure (line of B utiding Cominution.) important building on the same property) is greater than 25 f' (7.6 m)'from the exposure and is a blank 5 3.2.2, Where walls are tequired Ior separat. ion of. wall having a fire resist.1,nce ratmg of not less than " processmg operanons f rom otl 3er oc, npanues , or hrs, any greater distances required in Table 5 3.1.1 property hnes, they shall hase a fue-resntance raung of at least 2 hrs. In addition, when Clan I A or may be' waived. Where a blank wall hasing a fire, resistance rating of not less than 4 hra is provided, unstable liquids are being stoted or processed, the distance requirements may be waived. In addition. separatmg wall shall base explo when Class IA or unstable liquids are handled, the accordance with good engmeen,sion rewtance ng pracute. (Serm wall shall hase explosion resistance in accordance 5J22 nlative to eqlosion rettef of other walls of tho with good engineermg practice. (See 3&2.7 relative to buddwg or area.) explosmn reli<fof other walls of this building). 5 3.2.3 Class I liquids shau not he handled or used in basements. Where Class 11,iquids .ne handled or 5 3.1.3 Other lit used abme grade withm buildmgs wa, h basements or iters, exchangers. etc., shall not be fo> umps, heaters, ffuid processing equipment. such as cated closer than "5 feet (7.6 m) to dmed pus mio which flatnmable vapots mas trasel, where the adjoining property is eorbuilt can broperty suchlines below g upon, chanical senu#e lationareas designed shan k piouded to present the wh me-atcumu on the same 'h"II h# P'"'id'"; or to the nearest important building'of the process. I"'I"" "f II"**"hI' "'6 "I M"""' hroperty that is not an integral part u> present liquid spilk f rom running into heements, his spacing requirement may be waised where ex. posures are protected as outlined in 5-3.1.2. 5 3.2.4 Prmision for smoke and heat senting may be desirable to assist access for hie hghtmg. NFPA NOTE: Equipment operated at prnsures om 1000 pug o()M Gide fm Sied und 1/ent \>nn% provi& s G000 kPa m,n require gir, iter spaong g  ; gg 5 3.1.4 Processing equipment in which unstable liq- 5-3.2.5 Areas shall hase exit tacdities arranged to uids are handled shall be separated from unrelated pres ent occupants from bung trapped in the eient of iant facdities that use or handle hquids by eit fire. NFPA 101, Code for Safen to Ltfr from fire in g5 ft (7.6-m) clear spacing or a wall having . re- a h_her Buddmp and Stneurn ptoudes mtormation on the . resistance raung of not l ess than 2 hrs. Ihe wall shall design of exit facihties. Exits shall not be expmed by also hase, explosion resistance in accordance with the drainage facilities described in 5 3 A.

good engmeermg pract ce.

5 3.2.6 Acequate aisles shall be maintained for 5 3.1.5 Each process unit or builling containing unobstructed mmement of perso'nnel and fue pro-l liquid processing equipment shall be accessible from tection equipment. at least one sidt Sr hre fighting and hre control. 5-3.2.7 Areas where Class I A or unstable liquids are i 5 3.2 Construction, precessed shall hase explosion venting throbgh one or more of the followmg methods: ta) open air 5 3.2.1 Processing buildings or structures shah be of construction; (b) lightweight walk and/or root u1 fire resistise or noncombus'tible construction. except lightweight wall paneh and roof h.m hes;(dmindows that combustible construction ma) be used when of explosion-senting type. NFPA tW. Gmde for Explo-automatic sprinklers or equivalent protection is pro- l sion L ennng, prmides mformation on thh subject. Table 5 3.1.1 Locatian of Processing Vessels from Property Lines and Nearest Important Building l on the Same Property Where Protection for Exposures ns Prtuided Minimum Distance from Nearest Minimum Distance from Property Side of Any Public Way or Line that Is or Can Be Built from Nearest important (!pon, including Opposite Side Building on Same Property that Is Not an of Public way ift) Integral Part of the Process tfu l Stabir Lmuul Urutable Lmmd %bie Lmmd Unwhle Lmurd Veuel \tmmum E * *"" "Y "*"" E **"" b'M _b "P "" Operaung Uquid Not Oser t her Aoi Over Over Not User a her Not t her Oser (hlpdflo I4db [Qlld 25 f{4 23 pH4 25p34 k 3 pH4 2I}NT 14 lhl4 2 % pHR 273orins 3 m a 20 3 m- n 2o 276 to 730 10 15 25 40 i 10 D 20 731 to 12.000 15 25 40 60 3 lu 15 20 g 12MI to 30,000 20 10 30 so i 10 t3 2o 303ml in 50.000 30 45 75 120 10 la 23 40 30 001 to 100.000 30 75 125 200 0 23 to on Oser H80,000 wo 120 200 300 23 lo ] __ loty N()TE: Double ad id alme dntam es where protenton for ex}murn n not prouded m7 t amon -. , ~ 30-32 nwy38_t t on counesrint ugeins coor 5 3.3 Ventilation, Class 11 or Class 111 liquids are stored or handled at a temperature above their flash points (see 11.3). So3.3.1 Enclosed processing areas handling or using Class I liquids, or Class !! or Class Ill liquids above 5-3.5.2 All electrical e their flash points, shall be sentilated at a rate of not of a tspe specified by,quipment and installed inand wiring shall be accordance less than I cu ft per minute per sq ft (0.3 m* per min with, NFPA 70, Nationa! Elertncal Code, 2 per m ) of solid floor area. This shall be accomplished by naturat or mechanicai s entilation with discharge or 5 3.5.3 So far as it appl!-s, Table 5 3.5.3 shall be enhaust to a safe location outside the building without used to delineate and classify areas for the purpose of recirculation. installation of electrical equipment under normal conditions. In the applicatmn of classified areas, a Exception: Recirculation is permitted where it is monitored classified arca shall not extend beyond an unpierced conimuotulv using a fad-safe system that u dengned to floor, wall, roof, or other solid pdrtition. T he desig. automatically sound an alann, stop recirculation, and pro' nation of classes and divisions is defmed in Cha vide full exfnaust to the outside m the event that vapor-air Articic 500, of NFPA 70, Natwnal Electncal Cob)ter 3, e.(See mixtures on concer tratwn ever onefourth of the lower NFPA 497A, Recommended Practice for Clawfacation of flammable limit a r detected. ~ Class l Ha:ardous (Clawfieds Locatwm for Electncal Prosision shall be made for introduction of make- Imtallatioru en Chemical Proce s etrecu, and 497.\l. .\lan. up air in sucn a manner as to avoid short-circuiting ual for Clasuficatwn of Gase3, I apors, and Dust 3 for the sentilaticn. Ventilation shall be arranged to in. Electncal Equi clude all flooi areas or pits where flammable vapors for guidancej pment in Hazardom tClan / eds Lwarmus, may collect. Where natural ventilation is inadequate. mechanical sentdation shall be provided and shall be 5 3.5.4 The area classifications listed in Table kept in o 5 3.5.3 are based on the premise that the installation handled, beration while ocal or sont flammable sentilation liquids may are being be needed for mee:s the applicable requnements of this code in ,all the control of special fire or health' hazards. Such respecip Should this not be the case, the authorits sentilation, if prosided, can be utilized for up to 75 havmg junsdiction shall hase the authorits m (lasuf 5 the extent of the area, percent of the required ventilation. NFPA 91, Stan-dardfor the butallation of Blower and Exhaust Ssstenu for 5 3.5.5 h here the provisions of 5-3.5.1,53.5.2, Dust, Stock, and rapor Removalor Conteving, arid NFPA 90A, Standardfor the trutallation of Air Conditioning and a.3.5.3, and 5-3.5.4 require ihe installation of electn-rentilating Systenu, provide information on this'sub- cal equipment suitable for Class I, Disision I or ject. Division locations, ordinary electrical e including switchgear may be used if insta1uipment ~ 1ed in a 5-3.3.2 Equipment used in a building ard the sen, room or enclosure that is maintained under positise ulation of the building shall be desig' ned to limit pressure with respect to ttfe classified area. Ventila-flammable vapor air mixtures under normal operat. tion make-up air 3 hall not be contaminated. NFPA ing conditions to the interior of equipment, and to 496, Standard for Purged and Frenunad Enc /muro for not more than 5 ft (1.5 m) from equipment that ElectricalEquipment, prmides details for these ts pes of exposes Class I liquids to the air. Examples of such installanons. equipment are dispensing stations, open centrifuges, plate and frame filters, open vacuum filters, and 5 3.5.6 For marine terminals handling flammable surfaces of open equipment, liquids. Figure 5-3.5.6 shall be used as a minimum basis to dehneate and classifs areas for the purpose of 5 3.4 Drainage. installation of electrical equipment. 3.4.1 Emerg^ency drainage q stems shall 'oe pro- 5 4 liquiA Handling, Transfer, and Use. 5 u ded to direct flammable or combustible lipid leak- ' age and fire protection water w a safe .ocanon. This 5-4.1 G-netal. may require curbs, scuppets, or spechl drainatu systems tc. control the spread of bre (see 2 2.3). 5-4.1.1 Class I liquids shall be kept in closed tanks or Appendix A of NFPA 15. Standard for Water Spray containers when not actually in use. Class !I and Claw Fixed Systenu for Fire Protretion, prmides informatmn 111 liquids shall be kept in closed tanks or containers on this subject. when ambient or process temperature is at or abme 5 3,4,2 their flash pomt. Emergency drainage systems. if connected to public sewers or discharged irito public waterways. 5-4.1.2 Where liquids are used or handled, provi-shall be equipped with traps or separators. sions shall be made to promptly and satelv dispme ot 5 3.4.3 A facility shall be designed and o """"P revent the normal discharge of flammabfe>erated or com- to gustible liquids to pubhc waterways. pubhc sewers, 5-4.1.3 or Class ! liquids shall not he used outside l closed ssstems where there are o >en flames or other i adjoinmg properth ignition' sources within the classihed areas as set forth 5-3.5 Electrical Equipment. in Table 5 3.5.3. l 5 3.5.1 This section sLall apply to areas where Class 5-4.1.4 Transf erring liquids bs means of pressurin i i liquids are stored or handIed and to areas where ing the container with air is prohibned. Transferring I '987 Eetion i OPT RATIONS 30.-33 Table 5 3.5.3 Electrical Area Classifications x _ Location NEC Class ! Division Extent of Classified Area Indoor equipment installed in accord- 1 Area wahm 5 feet of ans edge of such equipment estend-ante w'th i 5 3.3 2 where flammable ing m all directions sapor-air mixtures mas exist under normal opera' ion i Area between 5 feet and 8 feet of ans edge of such equip-ment extending in all directions Aho, area up to 3 f eet alune floor or grade lesel wahm 5 feet to 25 f eet horizon-talh from any edge of suth equipment.* Outdoor equipment of the type i Area withm 3 feet of any edge of such equipment, citend-cosered in 5-3.3 2 where flammable ing m al! direcuans. sapor air mixtures rnas exist under normal operauon 2 Area between 3 feet and 8 feet of ans edge of nuth equip-ment estendmg m all dire (uom Aho area up to 3 leet ahne floor or grade lesel withm 3 feet to 10 feet horuon-talh from arn s dge of su(h equipment T ank- Abos eground 1 Area inude dike where dike height n greater tl[.[the on-tance f rom the tank to the dike for more than 50 pertent of the tank circun ference Shell. Ends, or Roof and Dike Area 2 Withm 10 feet from shell endt or root of tank Area m-side dikes tu lesel of top of dike Vent I Withm 5 feet of open end of sent, extendmg m all dars-uont 2 Area bertueen 5 feet and 10 feet trom open etul of sent. extendmg m all directions Floating Roof i Area abme the roof and withm the shell Underground Tank Fill Openmg i Am pit, hm or spaic below grade lesel if ans part n withm a Dnmon I or 2 clasuhed area. 2 Up to 144 mches ahne grade lesel wnhin a horunntal ra. dius of 10 bet from a toene hll conne(tion, and wahm a horuontal adius of 5 feet trom a ught hll connetnon. Vent-Duchargmg Upward I Withm 3 la.. of open end of sem. estendmg m all ducc-tiont 2 Area bets.een 3 feet and 5 feet ut open rud of sent. eu tendmg m all direcno<n Drum and Contamer Filhng i Wuhm 3 feet of sent and tsil opemngt extetalma m all Outdoors, or Indoors directiont with Adequate Venulation _ 2 Area betwren 3 feet and 5 teet f r-m sent or bli opeamg. extending m all direcuont Aho, up to 18 mches 3Nne tiour er gra ie lesel wuhm a horizontal radius of 10 feet frum sent or 611 openings. Pumps, Bleedert Withdraw ' Fittino, \leters and Similar Deuces Indoors 2 Within i feet of ans edge ut suth deuret entendmg m all direcuans Aho up to 3 feet ahne thmr or gra:lt lesel wahm 23 feet huruantalh trom ans edge at sutb deuces Outdoors 2 Whm 3 leet of ans edge of sucn deuces, estendmg m all direcuont Aho up to is mches ahne grade lesel wuhin 10 feet horuontalh f rom ans edge of such deutes Pas Without Mechamcal Ventdauon 1 Eaure area wnhm pn if any part n wahm a Duman I or 2 clasuhed area With Adequate Methamcal 2 Enure area wnhin pu if ans part is wishin a Dniuon 1 oi-Ventdauon 2 clasuhed area Contammg V.het Fittmgt or Pip- 2 Enure pit-mg. and not wahm a Dnmon I or 2 Clasuhed Area - - Dramage Ditchet Separators impoundmg Bauns Outdoor 2 Area up to 18 m(hes atme dath. separamt, or baun_ Aho up to is inche3 ahme grade wnhm 15 teet huruontalh f rom ans edge. Indoor Same as pits *The release of Clau I hquids mav generam saport to the estent that the ennre building. and pmubh a tone surroundmg u. should be (onudered a Clan 1. Oniuon 2 locanon 1*u Eeien 50-34 iIMist AItt r AND CostitUsint! t t NUIDs CODI: Table 5 3,5.3, cent. ~ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - location NF.C Class I Division Extent of Classified Area TanL Vehicle and Tank Car

  • Loading I Withm 3 feet of edge of dome, extending m all duenions Through Open Dome 2 Area hetween 3 feet and 15 feet liom edge of dome. ex.

tendme in all duccunns. Leading Through flouom Connection, I withm 3 feet of pnni of senung to atmmphere. cuend-With Atmosphenc Ventmg ing m all direniont 2 Area between 3 leet und 13 feet (rom pdm of senting n, atmosphere, cuendmg m all dircumns Also up to in in(hn atme grade wuhm a horizontal radms of 10 feet frten point of loading connet oon Ofhte and Rnt Rooms Ordmary 11 there is any openmg to thne rooms unhin the cuent of an indoor clamhed area, the room shall be (lamhed the same as if the wall. cutb. or partition thd not euu-Loadmg Through Closed Dome Wnh I k nhm 3 feet of open end of sent, cuendmg in all diret. Aimospheoc Venung ta ms. 2 Area hetween 3 feet and 15 feet f rom open end of sent. cuendmg m allirectiom. Aho wah:n 3 feet of edge of dome, extendmg in all dueuiom Loadmg Through Cimed Dome Wuh 2 Wuhin 3 feet of pomt of mnnnoon of !=nh hit and upor Vapor Control _ _ knn. cxtendinir m all diretoont ___ Bouum Loadmg W th Vapir Control 2 Wuhm 3 feet of pomi of tonneroont euenthng m .dl ch-Am Bottom Unhwadmg retuom Aho up to IM un hn aime grade unhm a hoo-ronut radius of 10 lert f rom gjmtytyonney.m __ _ _Sn rage and Repair Garage for Tank i All pus or spam below tiour icwl Vehnin 2 Area up to i!< mches ab.oc tb or or grade Inel f or enine norage or rep.ur garage Garages fcir Other Than Tank Vehi- Ordinary 11 there n am opening to thew rooms wuhm the curni of cles an outdoor clamhed area, the enure room All be clam. hed the same as the area clamhcanon at the punt of the opemn g Outdoor Drum Storage Ordmars Indoor Warehousmg Where There n Ordman If there is am opening to thew moms wnhm the cuer5 I  % Flammable Luiuid Tramfer an indoor clamhed area. the room 611 be slambrd the same as d the waii. mrb. or paronon did not cuit Pvn and Whanes See Figure 5-3 3 ti 'When claminng extent of area, conuderation shall he gnen to fact that tank cars or unk schwies m.n he spoun. at urung pnmo Theretnre, the curemunes of the kiadmg or unloadmg pmuuns shall he uwd. liquids by pressure of inert gas is permitted only it 54.3 incidental Use of Liquids. controls, including presme-relief devices, are pro-l sided to lirnit the pressure so it cannot exceed the 54.3.1 This section shall be applicable where the i design pressure of' the sessel, tank, container, and use and handling of liquids is onk incidental to the piping system. principal business, such as automobile assembh, con-strucuon of electromt eqmpment, furnilme manu-5 4.1.5 Posithe displacement pumps shall be pro. facturing, or other similar activities. vided with pressure relief discharging back to the . I rank. pump suction, or other suitable location, or 54.3.2 Class I and Class 11 h.quub slyall be drawn shall be provided with interlocks to present overpres, f rom or transferred into vessels, containers. or por. sure. table tanks in the followmg manner oniv: (a) from original shipping containers with a capac-54.1,6 Piping, vah es, and fmings shall be in accord. nv of 5 gal (19 L) or less, ance wnh Chapter 3. " Piping, Vahes, and Fittings." (b) f rom salet> cans. 54,1..,, Listed flexible wnnectors may be used (c) through a closed piping ustem. where sibration exists. Approsed hose may be used at id) f roni portable tanks or wntainers bs means of transfer stations. a device drawmg through an opening in the top of the tank or contamer, o" 5 4.2 Equipment. Equipment shall be designed (e) hv grayitt through a lhted self< losing vahe or and arranged to present the unintentional escape of self-closing f aucet, or liquids and vapors and to minimize the quantity ( f) if hose is used in the transf er operation, it shall escaping in the esent of accidental release. be equipped wnh a self closing sahe without a hohl-1967 ccdste , ....~.~,_.-~.---~~..-----~.~a -, - ~ - . - - _ ,-s. ~ .. ... _ , opt it % TION % 30-3$ .P ^ 60' - - 50 --> e-- - 2 5 * ---* ~ e25 , DECK h 0 . ,- '/ OPERATING ENVELOPE OPEN SUMP tN DECK FOR  : AND STORED POSITION ORAtNING LINES AND HOSES or toADING ARMS OR Host S 1 FOOT = 0 3 METERS / = 60 7 . ., ,. . - ~ , , w r - , O f-  : iwmM7Emnw&wbl  ;/ APPROACH h PIER - WATER LEVEL + _. --m W. OtytSION 1 fe,,,/ DtVISIC* 2 lNONCLASSIFIED NO T ES. t- (1) The *usurce of sapor" shall be the operating emelope and storevi pm tion of the authoard flange nennettuin of the l loading arm (or huse). (2) The berth area adjacent to tanker and barge targo tanks is to be Division 2 to the followmg extent

a. 25 tt 17 ti m) horuontalb in all directums on the pier ude from that portion of the hull containing cargo tank
b. From the water lesel to 25 f t (7.ti mi atme the targo tanks at their highest pouunn.

j (3) Addiuonal krauons mas base to be clasuhed as equired hv the presente of other wurres of flammable liquuls on the i terth. nr by Coan Guard or other regulanons. Figure 5 3.5.6 Marine Terminal Handling Flammable Liquids. open latch in addition to the outlet vahe. Only listed 5 4.3.4 The quantity of liquid that may be located O or approsed hose shall be used. ;utside of storage cabinets. insitie storage rooms. l cut off rooms and attached buildings, general pm-5-4.3.3 Except as provided in 5-4.3.4 and 5-4.3.5. all pose warehouses. liquid warehouses. or other spruric stocage shall comply with Chapter 4. "Contamer processmg areas that are cut off by at least a 'bhr Storage." hre-rated separation irom the general plant area -hall L w ree. p i 30-$6 stunniu i en cousemeu tiqqp coor _ _ _ _ _ not exceed the greatcr of the quantits in either (a) or shall remain in place until fdling is completed and all the sum of (b), (c), (d), and (e) b. lowb dome covers hase been dosed and secured. (a) A supply for one day or (b) 25 gal (95 L) of Class I A h.qvids .m contamers-54,4.1.5 Bonding, as specified in 5 4 A.11 5-4 A.13, and 5 4 A.l A, is not required; , (c) 120 gal (454 L) of Class !!!. [C,11. or Ill, liquids (a) where vehides are loaded exclusi ely with m contamers, products not having a static accumulating tendeno, (d) Two portable tanks each not eneeding 660 gal such as as (2498 L) of Class IB, IC, Class !I, or Class lilA crude oils,residual phalts,oils, induding cutback asphalts, and water-soluble liquids; mmt hquids, and (b) where no Clan I liquids ate handled at the (e) 20 portable tanks each not euceding 660 gal loading facility and the tank schicles loaded are uwd (2498 L) of Clan 11111 liquids, exclushely for Clan 11 and Clau lit liquids; 5 4.3.5 Where quantities of liquids in excess of the (c) where schicles are loaded or unloaded through limits in 5-4.3A are necessarv, storage shall be in c owdhonom or m pipe is moducu; se ortop mnnenions wpether the how nonconductne. tanks, w hich shall comply with ihe applicable require-T nkS age and Sutions b-I hl. 5- Filling throu h open domes into the tanks of tank schicles or tank cars that iontain sapor-ait 54.3.6 Areas in which hquids are transf' erred frorn rnixtures within the flammable tange, at where the op,e tank or mntainer to another container shall be hquid being hued can lonn such a mixture. shall he separated from other operations that might represent nspout that euends near the an ignfm source by distance or b5 " fire resistant by bonoinmeans of the oftank a dow;lius precaun.on n not requited wnsiruction. Drab.3ge or other mean's shall be pro- when loading hqups sided to control spilh Matural or mechanical sentila. static charges. M PA th,,u . ate nonanunndaton /kcmnnamkd Pra<tne of m tion shall be provided in a,cordance wuh 513, "#! '*!O, pniudes addiuonal inf ormanon on st oc clutncn> protecnon. " Ventilation." NFPA 91. Standan.' '"II. /mtallatwa e[ Blown and Ephaust Sytem fin Dmt. Stock, and Vapor 5,4,4, g ,y 5,7,7 cu,,,,,,, yo p,0,cc, ,g,;n,, ,,,,, Remneal or Lonming, proudes mforman_on on the currents, tank car facilities uhere flammable and design and m , stalfanon of mechanical sentilauon. combustible hquids are loaded or unloaded through 54,4 Loading and Unloading Operations. PPen domes shall be protected by permanenth bond. mg the fill pipe to at least one rad and to the ra< L 54,4.1 Tank Vehicles and Tank Cars, structure,if of metal. Multiple pipes entering ihe ratL area shall be permanenth' bonded together. In addi-54 A. l .1 Tank vehicle and tank car loading or un- tion, in areas where chessne strav cunents are loading facilines shall be separated from abose- known to exist, all pipes entering the rack area shall ground anks, warehouses, mher plant building or be prmided with msulating sections to electocaik the ne rest im of adpining property that can be isolate the rack piping from the pipelinet These built u precautions are not necessar where Claw 11 or Clan Class !ponliquidsbyand a distance of at at least 15 . cast ft W.6 m)25forftClass (7.6 m) If for til liquids are handled exclusisch and there is no and Class !!! liquids measured f rom the nearen fdl probability that tank cars will wntain sapors f rom ds >out ormas .istances (liquid or sapor)hvtransfer be reduced utilizingconnection. Tneseprevious cargoes of Class i liquids. fixed fire pro-teaion systems, diken fire-tmed barners, or combi- 5-4A.1,8 Equipment such as piping, pumps and nations of any of these. Buildings for pumps or meters used for the transfer of Claw I hquids between shelters for personnel may be a part of the fanht), storage tanks and the hil stem of the loading rac k shall not he used for the transfer of Clan II or Class 5-4 A.I.2 Static Protection. Bonding facilities for 111 linuids. protection agtinst static sparks during ihc loading of tank schicles through open domes shall be provided Exceptwn No I: 7'ho procumn shall twt apph to water-N w here Class I liquids are loaded, or ib) w here Clau mmdde lurmds when the clau o determned h5 the mncen- ~ or C! ass lit liquids are loaded inm schides that tratwn of luimd m water. .as contain vapors from previous cargoes of Class I liquids. Exceptwn No 2: Tho proebwn shall not appi; where the equipment b cleaned betueen trmnjen, 5-4A.1,3 Protection as required in 54 A.1,2 shall consist of a metalhc bond wire permanentiv electri- 54 A. I .9 Remote pumps lo(ated in underground cally mnnected to the fill stem or to some part of the tanks shall has e a Ikted leak-detection deuce installed rack structure in electrictl contact with the fill stem. on the pump dncharge side that will indicate if the The free end of soth whe shall be provided with a Pi ping s+srem n no' essentialh liquid-nght. ~Ilus damp or equhalent device for convenient attachment deuce shalt he s hecked and tested at least annualh to some metallic part in electrical contact with the accordmg to the manutat turer's specifications to in. cargo tank of the tank schicle. sure proper mstalianon and operation. 5-4 A.l A Such bonding annection shall be made to 5-4A.I.10 When top loading a tank sehnle wuh the i ehide or tank before dome covers are raiwd and Class I or Class II hquids wahout a s apor < ontrol W Emm ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ori nnow 30-37 system. vahes used for the fmal control of flow shall 5 Loading pumps capable of building up . be of the self-closing type and shall be manually held pressures in excess of the safe working prenure of k open except where liutomatic means are prmided for cargo hose or loading arms shall be prouded with shutting off the ' low whra the schide is full. Auto- bypasses, rehrf vahes, or other at rangements to matic shutoff systems shall be prosided with a manual ~ protect the loading iacilities against euesme pro-shuto!T vahe located at a safe distance from the sure. Relief desites shall be tested at least ennualh so loading nonle to stop the flow if the autornatic sy stem determine that they function satistmotily at their set fails. When top loading a tank schicle with vapor pressure, control, flow control shall be in accordance with 5 and 5- 5-4A.2.7 All pressute hoses and emphngs snA be inspected at inten ah appropriate to the setsite. With 5- When bottom loading a tank schicle with the hose extended, the hose and map!ings shall be t or without vapor control, a pWthe means shall be tested using the in service maximum aperatina pim provided for loading a predetermmed quantity of sure. Any hose showing material detenoration. signs liquid, together with a secondary automatic shtitoff of leakage or weakness in its carcass or at the cou-control to present merfill. The connecting compo- plings shall be withdrawn from sers we and reps ued nents between the loading rack and the tank sehicle or discarded. required tu operate the secondary control shall be functionalh wmpatible. The connection between the 5-4A.2.8 Piping. sahes and titor as e el be in ac-liquid loading hose or pipe and the truck piping shall cordance with Chapter 3, wub the hJ!oung cu ep-be by means ut a dry disconnect coupling, tions and addi ions. ra; Hexibitts of piping shall be awm ed bs appro-5-4.4.,1.12 When bottom loading a tank schicle ' hat priate laum and arrangement of piping suppous so ts eqmpped for s apor control. but w hen s aper tontrol that moiio , of the whhf mutture resuhmg imm is not used, the tank shall b; vented to the atmo-was e actiol. currents. tides. or the moormg on esseh sphere, at a height not lower tb- the top 4the cargo wg noi 31 ject the pipe to cuesw ur.m tank of the selucle, to presc ; pressunianoo of 6 tank. Connecuons to the plant sapor control castem

  • N*j"i"t tenstic. ot (omoumble s that depend matenalson orthe incnon on t_he duai-erooung shall be designed to present - escape of vapor to the atmosphere w hen not connected :u a tank schicle. of pipe ends f or nushanas, continuits ut pipmg shall not be pe;mitted.

5 4.4.2 Wharves. (c) Swisel joints may be used in piping to which hose: are connected, and for articulated swheljoint 5- This section shall appl > to fl w transfer systems, prosided the design is such that the except marme seruce stations as coscred NFPA mhanes, mechanical strength of the joint wdl not be unpaired 30A. Automorn=e and, Alanne Seruce Lation Code. If if the paking materiah should tail, as hs exposure to liquids are handled .n bulk uantities across eneral bre. purpme piers or wharves, N PA 307. Standari for the Corutructwn and Fue Protectwn of Manne Terinmals. Ime (0)comeung I" '0 050Llass " " '*I or '"'Llau H *il lit*uid3 '" "'. ".. I ' to teading ' ha hert and Wharres, shall be folloded. wharf shall be prmided with a readi s accessible block 5-4A.2.2 Handling packaged cargo of liquids. in. sah e located on shore near the appmah to the w hat and outside of any diked area. % here more than one cluding full and emptv drums, bull, fuel, and stores mer a wharf during cargo transfer shall be line is invoked, the sahes shall be grouped in one the approsal of the wharf supervisor and the semor location. deck otlicer on dun. (e) Means shall be 3rosided for easv an ess to cargo line vahes located b ow the whart deck.

  • 5-4A.2.3 Whanes at which liquid cargoes are to be transferred in bulk quannties to or frem tank vessels 5-4A.2.9 ISpelines on whanes shall be adequatelv shall be at least 100 f t (30 m) from any aridge our a bonded and groended if Class I or Class 11 hquids are nevigable waterway, or from an emrance to or super- handled. It enessn e stray turrents are encounter ed.

structure of any vehicular or railroad tunnel under a insulating joiets shall be installed. Bonding and waterwav. The termination of the wharf loading or grounding mnnect ons on all pipehnes shall he lo-unloading fixed piping shall be at least 200 ft dio m) cated on the whart side of hose nser insulaang from a h tlanges, if med, and shall be ac cessible f or inspet. tion. ture of ridge or trom an entrance to or superstruc. a tunnel. 5-4 A.2.10 Hose or articulated swise! }oint pipe con. 5-4A.2A Substructure and dec k shall be substan. nections used for cargo transfer shall be capable ot tially designed for the use intended. Deck mas em- auommodanng the combined ettetis of thange in ploy am material that wdl afford the desired mmbi- draf t and maximum tidal range, and moonny hues nation of flexibilits. resktance to sho(k, durabihn, shall be kept adjusted to present surge of the sessel strength, and hre resistatue. Heau nmber mostruc- trom plarmg stress on the car go transfer sutem tion is acceptable. Hose shall be supported to amid kmLmg and damage 5-4A.2.5 Tanu used exclusnelv f or ballast water or Class 11 or Class ill liquids mas he imtalled on 5-4 A.2. l l Matrnal shall not be plated on w hais es suitably designed whanes in sm h a manner as to obsu m i at tew to hre hghting ' 907 EJ tw 30.-38 rtauunist r Asn tiquins conr equipment or important pipeline control valves. (a) open flames (g) spontaneous ignition %here the wharf is accessible in vehicle traflic, an (b) hghtning (h) f~rictional heat or unobstructed roadway to the sho: e end of the wharf (c) hot surfaces sparks  ; shall be maintained l'or access of fire fighting appa- (d) radiant heat (i) sta ic electricity ratus. (e) smoking (j) electrical sparks (f) cutting and (k) stray currents 5- 1.oading or unloading shall not com- welding (1) ovens, furnaces. and mence until the wharf supervisor and the person in heating equipment, charge of the tank vessel agree that the tank vesselis properly moored and all connections are properly 5-5.2.2 Smoking shall be permitted onh in desig-made. nated and properly identified aieas. 5- Mechanical work shall not be performed 5 5.2.3 Welding cutting, and similai spark-pro-on the wharf during cargo transier except under ducing , operations shall not be permitted in areas special authorization based on a review of the area contammg flammable liquids until a written permit involved, met.tods to be employed, and precautions authorizing such work has been issued. The permit necessary. shall be issued by a person in authority following his/her inspection of the area to assute that proper 5-5 Fire Prevention and Control. precautions hase been taken and will be followed 5 5.1 General. until thejob is completed. (Ser NFPA 513. Standardfor Fhe Prevention in Lse of Cuttmg and Welding Processes.) 5 5.1.1 This section covers the commonly recog- All e such as nized management control sutems and meth615 used 5 ta 5.2.4 Static Electricity.i ils, machinery, and ing whuipmentere an ignitable to resent or mimmne the loss from fire or explosion t (ture may be present skafl be tionded or connected m iqu d processing facihnes. te a ground. The b(md or ground or both shall be NOTE: Other recognued factorn of hre presenoon and mn- pl. ucclly applied or shall be inherentis present bs trol invuhmg construcuon, location separauon. etc.. arc (os. the nature of the installation. Electrically isolated cred chewhere in this chapter. sections of metallic piping or equipment shall be bonded to the other portions cf the system or indi-5 5.1.2 The wide range in size, design. and location vidually grounded to present hazardous accumula-of liquid processing facilities preclucies the inclusion tions of static electricity. NFPA 77, Ruummended Prac-of detailed fire prevention and control systems and tact on Static Electncity,' prosides information on this methods applicable to all such facilities. The authority subject. havingjunsdiction may be consulted on specKc cas-s, where applicable: otherwise, qualified engineering 5 5.3 Inspection and Maintenance. judgment shall be exercised per 5-5.1.3. 5 5.3.1 All fire protection equipment shall be prop-5 5.1.3 The extent of fire prevention and control erly maintained and perioche mspections and tests provided for the liquid processing facility shall be shall be done in accordance with both standard prac-determined by an engineering evaluation of the op- tice and equipment manufacturer's recommenda-eration, followed by the application of sound fire tions. protection and process engmeering principles. The evaluation shall mclude. but not be limited to: 5 5.3.2 Maintenance and operating practices shall (a) analysis of fire and explosion hazards of the control leakage and prevent spillage of flammable liquid operations, liquids. (b) analysis of hazardous materials, hazardous 5 5.3.3 Combustible waste material and residees in chemicals, or hazardous reactions in the operations operating areas shall be kept to a minimum, stored in and the safeguards taken to control such materials, covered metal containers and disposed of daily. cnemicals, or reactions, (c) analysis of facility desig~n requirements in Sec. 5-5 3.4 Ground areas around facilities w here liquids tion 5-3 of this chapter, are stored, handled, or used shall be kept free of (d) analuis of the liquid handling, transfer. and weeds. trash, or other unnecessaiy comnustible ma-use requirements in Section 5 4 of this chapter.  !"" DIS-(e) analysis of local conditions. such as exposure to 5 5.3.5 Aisles established for mosement of person-and from adjacent nel shall be maintained clear of obstructions to permit earthquake potennal propernes. Ihmd potential,orderly or evacuation and ready act ss for manual fire-f f) consideration ci fire dcpartment or mutual aid fighting activities, res ponse. 5 5.4 Emergency Planning and Training. 5 5.2 Control of Ignition Sources. 5 5.4.1 An emergency action plan, consistent with 55.2.1 Precautions shall be taken to prevent the the available equipment and personnel. shall be es. ignition of flammable vapors. Sources of ignition '. onshed to respond to hre or other emergencies. mclude, but are not limited to: ~ l This plan shall include the following: 1987 Eamon opt rations 3M9 P (a) Procedures to be used in case of fire. such as systems (see NFPA H. Standard for the Imtallation of b sounding the alarm, notifying the fire department. evacuating personnel, and controlling and extin-Standpipe and Hmr Splem3). or through hose connec-tions from sprinkler systems using combination spray guishing the fire, and straight stream nozzles to permit effectise hue (b) Appointment and training of persons to carry control (scr NFPA D, Standard for the Imtallation of out firesafety duties. Spnnkler Sptenu). (c) Maintenance of fire protection equipment. h, hen the need .is mdicated 5 5.6.3 (d) Holding fire drills- mobile foam apparatus shall be provided.per NFPA IIC, a-a (e) Shutdown or isolation of equipment to reduce Standardfor Moleile foam Apparatic, provides informa-the escape of hqu d. tion on the subject. (f) Alternate measures for the safety of occupants while any fire protection eqmpment is shut down. 5 5.6.4 Automotive and trailer-mounted fire a" v ratus where determined necessarv. shall not bc .ned 5 5.4.2 Personnel esponsible for the use and oper- for any purpose other than fire fighting. ation of fire protection eqmpment shall be trained in the use of that equipment. Refresher training shall be 5-5.7 Fixed Fire Control Equipment. conducted at least annually. 5 5.4.3 Planning of effective fire control measures 5 5.7.1 A reliable water su ly or other suitable fire shall be coordinated with local emergency response Control agent shall be availa i e m pressure and quan-uty to meet the fire demands mdicated hs the special agencies. harards of operanon, storage, or exposuie as mas be 5 5.4.4 Procedures shall be established to provide determined by 5-5.1.3. for safe shutdown of operations under emergency conditions. Provisions shall be made for periodic 5 5.7.2 thdrants, with or without hxed monitor training, inspection, and testing of associated alarms. noules, shall be prosided in aumdance with ac-interlocks, and controls. cepted practice. The number and plaement w ill depend on the hazard of the liquid processing f acil- , 5 5.4.5 The emergency procedure shall be kept ity, storage, or exposure as may be determitied in , ,(% readily available in an operating area and updated 5-5.1.3 See NFPA 24, Standard for the lmtallation of regularly- Private Fire Smue Maaru and Thar Appurtenances, fut information on this subject. 55.4.6 Where premises are likely to be unattended for considerable periods of time,'a summary of the 5 5.7.3 Where the need is inditated bs the hazards shall be emergency plan,ble locanposted or h>cated m a stra- of liquidbyprocessin~$x tegic and accessi on, mined 5-5.1.3. f ed storage or exposure protecuon as deter-m.n be required 5-5.5 Detection and Alarm. utilizing approsed sprinkler sptems, water s systems, de. luge systems, hre resntne matenals, or a pray 5 5.5.1 An approsed means for prompt notification combination of these. See NFPA 13. Standardfor the of fire or emergency to those within the plant and to Imtallation o[Spnnkler Systenu, and NFPA 15, Standard the available public or mutual aid fire department for trater Spray Fued .Suterm for Fire Protection. for shall be provided. mformation un these subjects. 5 5.5.2 Those areas, inclucmg buildings, where a 5 5.7.4 The following fire control sutems mas he potential exists for a flammaue liquid spill, shall be appropriate for the protection of spetific hazards as momtored as appropnate. Some methods may m- determined per 5-5.1.3 If clude: shall be designed, instalkd,provided, and maintainedsuch'in ac-ssstem (a) Personnel observation or patrol; cordance with the following NFPA standards: ' (b) Process monitoring equipment that would in- (a) NFPA i1, Standard for Low Expan.uon Foam and dicate a spill or leak may hase occurred; Combmed Agent Sptems. (c) Provision of gas detectors to continuously mon- (b) NFPA i1 A, Standard for Medmm and High Ex-itor the area where facilities are unattended. parmon Foam Sprems. 5 5.6 Portable Fire-Control Equipment. (c) NFPA 12. Standard on Carbon Dioude Extmgunh-ing Systerm. 5 5.6.1 Listed portable fire extinguishers shall be provided for facihues m such quantities sizes. and @W dcd n We DW Fire Extm-types as may be needed for the special hazards of f"Ah*R S.)*b operation and st > rage as determmed per 5-5.1.3. (e) NFPA 121L Standard on llalon 1211 Fur Extm-N FPA lo, Standard ler Portable Exttnguuhers, provides guulung Sutems. information on the suitability of various types of (O NFPA 16. Standard on Deluge foamdruter Sprin-extinguishers. klee and FoamMater Spray Sytems. 5 5.6.2 When the need is indicated per 5-5.1.3. (g) NFPA 17. Standard for Dn Chemical Extmpmh. water may be utilized through standpipe and hose mg Sutenu, wee 30-40 rtAuu Ant t ann couitesTintt i.iocins cont Chapter 6 Referenced Publications NFPA 303-1984, Fhe outedwn Standard /ur Mwihai and Boatvards 61 The following documents or portions thereof NFPA' 307 1985, Standardfor the Construction and are referenced within this document and shall be Fire Protection of Marine Te amals, Piers, and Wharves considered part of the requirements of this docu- NFPA 321 l'987, Standard on Basic Classtficatwn of ment, The edition indicate (f for each reference is the- Flammable and Combustible Liquids current edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of NFPA 329-1987, Recommended Practicefor Handling this document. These references are listed separately Underground Ledage of flammable and Combmt:ble Liq. to fadi: tate updating to the latest edition by the user. uids NFPA 3851985, Standardfor Tank Vehiclesfor Flam-61.1 NFPA Publications. The following publica- mable and Combwtible Liquids tions are available from the National Fite Protection NFPA 386-1985, Standard for Portable Shipping Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, NIA 02269. TanA5for Flammable and Combustible Lieuids NFPA 496 1986, Standardfor Purged and Preuurized NFPA 10-1984, Standardfor Portable Fbe Extingubh- Enclosures for Electncal Eqwpment ers NFPA 497A 1986, Recommended Practicefor Clamti-NFPA ll-1983, Standard for Lov Exparuion Foam cation of Class I Hazardonu (Classufied) Locatwns for and Combined Agent Sutnru EleancalInstallations in Chemical Proreu Areas NFPA 1l A 1983,' Standard for Medium and High NFPA 497hl-l986 Manualfor Classsficatwn of Gases. Exparuion Foam Sutens Vapors and Dwts for Electrical Equipment in Hozardow NFPA l1C 1956, Standardfor Mobile foam Appara- (Classsfied) Locatioru tus NFVA 704-1985, Standard Sutem for the identificatwo NFPA 121985, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extin- of the Fire Hazards of Materiali gubhing Sutems NFPA 12A 1987, Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Ex-tinturthing Suterru 61.2 Other Publientions. NrPA '12B-1985, Standard on Halon 1211 Fue f,x- ASTaf Publications are available from the Ameri-tingubhing Sutems ~ can Societs for Testing and N!au tials, 1916 Itare NFPA 13-1987, Standardfor the Irutallation of Sprin- Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. hier Sntems NYPA 15-1985, Standardfor Water Spray Fixed 3u- ASTbt A 395 82, Ferntic Ducide fron Preuure Retain-tems for Fire Protectwn ing Castmgs for Use at Elevated Temperatures NFPA 16-1986, Standard on Deluge foamMater AST51 D 86-82, Standard Method of Testfor Dutdla-Sprinkler and FoamMater Spra, Sutems tion of Petroleum Products NFPA 17-1985, Standar<tfor Diy ChemscalExtingubh- AS'TNI D 56-79, Standard Method of Test for Flash ing Sutems Point by the Tag Closed Cup Testo NfPA 24-1987, Standardfor the Irstallation of Prit ate ASTN1 D 93 80, Standard Method of Tnt for Flash Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances Pomt by the Peruks Marteru Closed Tester ~ NFPA 30A-l987, Automotive and Manne Smue Sta- ASTNI D 3828-8 l. Standard Methods of Tots for Flash tion Code Paint of Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Setafiash NFPA 45-1986, Standard on Fire Protectionfor Labo- Closed Yester ratones Using rhemicals ASTSt D 3278-82, Standard Method of Tnts for Flash NFPA 51E-1984 Standardfor Fire Prevention in Usc Point of Ligwds b, Setaflash Closed Tester of Cutting and Welding Process ASTStD 5-73(1978), Testfor Penetratwn for Batumu NFPA 69-1986, Standard on Explosion Prevention r.ous Matmals Systerru ASThi D 323 82, Standard Method of Tntfor Vapor NFPA 70-1987, Natwnal Electnca! Code Pressure of Petroleum Products (Rnd Method) NFPA 77-1983, Recommended Practace on Static Elec- ASTNI D 92 78, Cleveland Open Cup Test Method tricity ASTht! ANSI D 3435-80, Plastte Containers tjerry ^ NTPA 80-1986, Standardfor Fue Doors and Windows Carup for Petroleum Producu NFPA 90A-1985, Standard for the hutallatwn of Air Conditianung and Ventdatung Sutens ANSI B31, Ammcan National Standard Code for NFPA 91-1983, Standardfor the trutaliatwn of Blower Pressure Ptymg, American Society of Stechanical En-and Exhawt Systensfor Dust, Stock, and Vapor Remoral or gineers, Lnited Engineering Center, 345 East 47 Conteung Street, NY 10017. NFVA 99-1987, Standardfor Health Care Facdtties NFPA 101-l985, Life Salett Code ASN1E. Boi,er and Pressure Veuel Code, American NFPA 220-1985. Standard'un Typn of Budding Con- Society of Stechanical Engineers, United Engineering structwn Center 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017. NFPA 231-1987, Standard for General Storage NFPA 231C-1986, Standard for Rack Storage of Ma. API Publications are available from the American tenals Petroleum Institute,1220 L Street, N.W., Washing-NFPh 251 1985. Standard Methods of Fire Tests y' ton, DC 20005. Building Corutructwn and Matmah NFPA 302-1984 Fire Protectwn Standardfor Pinuure API 650. Welded Steel Tanks for Od Storage, Sixth and Commen i Motor Craft Edition,1980 1987 Estum rm Amsmx A 30 -11

  • API Specifications 12B, Bolted Tanb for Storace of desired >criotmance of the cabinet during a hre k Productwn L: quids, Twelfth Edition, January,1977 Sleans o accomplishing this ma3 indude thermalh A PI 12D, Field Welded Tanksfor Storage of Production actuated dampers on the s ent openings or suf hciently I,iquids, Eighth Edition, January,1982 insulating the sent piping sutem to prevent the APl 12T, Shop Welded Tanbfor Storage of Production internal temperaturc of the cabicet from rising ahme Liquids, Seventh Edition, January,1982 that specified. Am make up air to the cabine* should API 620, Recommended Rules for the Dnign and al,o be arranged In a similar manner.

Corutruction of Large, Welded, Exw Pressure Storage Tanb. Fifth Edition,1982 If sented, the cabinet should be sented from the API 2000, t entmg Atmo5phere and Low Preuu" bottom with makeup air supplied to the top. Aho. Storage Tanks,1982 - mechanical exhaust s enulation is preferred and APl 1615,lrutallation of L,nderground Petroleum Stor- should comph with NYPA 91, Standard fm the Instal-PI l$1, e ommended Practicefor Bulk Laquid Stock lation of Blown anf Exhaw Sutenu fofua, StotL and at Retau outlets,1977 \ "P" li'mov"I muhiple " L"'m'"o s.orage NI'ni'"hhnM cabinets should 'hebe asoided.'cn* "i UL Publications are asailable from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, A.4-5.5.1 'I he following table can be wmuhed f or IL 60062- guidam e in deter mining' amoum of stoiage permit-ted in mercantile establishments. Ul.142 1981, Standard for Steel Abovegroun.d Tank for Flammable and Combmtsble laquids UL S0-1980, Standard for Steel truule Tanb for Od Ationee siorge Amounu, c non. Per sq Fi Burner Fuel ta ga ;c nt ;nga UL 8121980, Standard for Valres for Flammable pn,icoca Fluidi g ,emem o  ;  ;  ; g Ground Flu - 1 2 2 2 - sti Pr1953. Specificatwa for 3t -Pj Sutemfor External Other n ,iin 1 J 2 2 2 Corroswn Protectwn of Underground Steel Storage Tank. vnywieuca - asailable from Steel Tank Institute, 666 Dundee 31.m,ni o i i t i ;d Road, Suite 705, Northbrook, IL 60062. cround rioor i i " " " Other rioon o i l i 1 Appendix A Additional Explanatory Staterial Maximum total quanuues permined shall be hm-A38 Where loading and unloading risers for Class ited to the sum of pro oroonal amounts that cat h 11 or Class !!!A hqmds are located class of I quid present e.u s to the maximum total immediate area as loading and unload in the sameing rners for permitted foi its respectis e class. The sum of propot-Class I hqmds, consideranen should be gnen to uonal amoums shall not exceed Inu penent. providing posita e means, such as diff erent pipe sues, connection devices, special locks, or other methods designed to prevent the erroneous transfer of Class ! A-5-4.2 Where the sapor space or equipment is '- liquids into or from any container or tank used for usualk within the flaminable range, the probabilin of Class 11 or Class til A liquids. explosion damage to the equipment (an be limited hv prouding an explosion suppression su-Exceptwn No.1: Thh provmon need not apph to unter. iner'ing, tem. or bsb)desigwng the enmpment to mutain the mucsble Itqwds when the class b determined by the concen~ peak explosion' :m be modihed by tratwn of liquid m water. explWon b>reisure that the specia' hazaids of opera-Exceptwn No. 2: Thh protvwn need not apph where the '""""""I*"'""'"*Y"'"~"""0' tonsuleranon should be gn en m pon uling protection equipment u cleaned betaeen trarufert bs one or more of the ahme means. A 4-3.2 Venting of storage cabinets has not been See NFPA % Gwde /or Expbnwn Wntinc and demonstrated to be necessary for hre protecuon NFPA 69. Standard un Extdouon Prerennen Sntem, for purposes. Additionally, senting a cabinet could wm- additional informanon on various methods of miti-promise the ability of'th- cabinet to adequately pro ^ gming Imses f rom explosu>ns. tect its wntents from mvokemem in a hre smce cabinets are not generally tested with any senting. Theiet ire, senting of storage cabinets is not recomroended. Howeser, it is recognized that sorne jurisdictions may reqmre storage cabinets to be sented and that ventmg inav also be desirable for other reasons, such as health and saf ety. In such cases. the sennne surem should be installed so as to not attett substantially the M i c2tsty 30 -12 itennnt t e.n t ouannat t ugems roni Appendix B Emergency Relief Venting for Fire For aieas exceeding ",800 sq f t cho.12 m4it has Exposure for Aboseground Tanks been conduded that compkte fire irnohement is unlikelv. and loss of metal stiength Irom oset heating tau a enda o m a pc: of the reyumar.a. ofi4u XIr.s d*n ,,, will cadge failure in die vapor space befoie desclop-wr u mld,dedfo, ajormanon parpm,, . alt raent of maximtim pomble sapoi emlet on rate. Therefore, additional sentmg cai>auts bemnd the The requirements for emergency scnnng gnen m sapor equnalent of 14.090.000 hiu hr will not be Table 2-8 and the modification factors in 2 2.5.7 ate euectise or required. derhed from a musideration of: For tanks and storage sesseh designed for pres-

1. Probable maximum rate of heat tiansfer per suies user i psig, additional sentin unit area: surfaces bemnd 2.800 sq f t (2bo.1" m?g foi is behesed to ex posed

". Sire of tank and the penentage of total .aca k'c qesh ble because, under tjiese gorage,toghnons, likely to be exposed; hqmds are stored close to their boihng pomts. I here-fore, the time to bring the mntamer mments to

3. T.ime required to bring tank contenn to boil; boihng :onditions mas imt be signific ant Foi these
4. Time required to heat unwet portions of the .,ituations a heat input s alue should be determined on tank shell or roof to a temperature where the metal the basis of will lose strength, , ggg g .,;
5. Effect of drainage, insulation, and the appli-cation of water in redu~cmg hre exp'osuie and heat The flow capacmes are based en the awumption transfer. that the stored liquid will the char.uterntin ut Table 2-8 is based on a com ausite cune that i, hexane, and the vapon hberated hay been n'angosed considered to be compmed of 'three straight lines to equnalent f ree air at 6WFjl5xu and 1 L, pua when plotted on log-log paper. The cune m n be ( I U I 3 k Pd' h' """4 "P P'"P"d t" I""""
  • defined in the foDowing manner:

The fust straight line is drawn on log-log paper C F H = ' "d between the ponit 400,000 Btuehr, at "Oiq ft (1538 LN Al mh ex 4.000.000 Btu brposed at 200surface areamh sq ft (18.58 and the point exposed surf ace area. where 70.5 is the fr or f or cornerting pounds of gas The equation for this portion of the cune is Q = to cubic feet of air; Q = the total heat i_nput per hour 20.000A expressed in Btu: L = latent heat of sapori/ation: The second straight line is drawn on log log graph and M = molecular weight. paper between the points 4.000.000 Btu /hr, at 200 sq No consideration has been gnen to pmsible expan-ft (18.38 m9 exposed surface area and 9.950.n00 sion from he heating of the sapor abme the hoihng Btucht, at 1.000 sq ft (92.9 m9 exposed surtare area. point of the liquid in speahc heat, or the ditteiem e The equation for this portnn of the cune is Q = m density betucen the dncharge temper anne and 199.300 A" '"" 60*F t l3RC), since .ome of these ( h.mges are mm-The third straight line is plotted on log log graph pensatino paper between the points 9.950.000 Btu hr, at 1,000 Since tank sent vabes are ordinarih .aed in CFil sq ft (92.9 mh exposed surface area and 14.090.000 standard air, the figures devised from Table 2+ mas Btu /hr, at 2.800 sq f t (260.12 m9 exposed sur f ac e be used with the appropriate tank pressure as a basis area. The equation for this portion of the cune k for sabe selection. Q = 963,400A""" Table B 2 gives for a sarien of chemicah the constants which can be med to mmpute the vapor generated and equivalent free air for liquids othei ga ;99,300 A""* than hexatie. w here greate a deured. -Q = 0.004 A Qa= 963.400 A.m- Inspeuions of the table w d,r, exat show tnew that the me of A._ Q_ ._) _Q ^ 9- hexane in derising Table 24 provides results winch 20 ano ovu !m 4.m u oion 1.wo puanu""' are within an acceptable degree of an; uran for the m 6m ooo no iaon 10.391""" listed hquids. 40 300 000 300 1o32.000 1.400 ll.122.000 io j .t poo J H H1 350 ' 1491.0450 1.000 t 1.oo l .oi eu no 1300,000 400 1922auw> l yno 12.o40.000 70 1.400.000 300 6.719.000 2.000 10 -H9.000 so i .G 4000 600 7. 0 0.000 2.400 11. I e jion 90 iMoo 000 700 t 129 om 2y00 14.00, uion U no 2 000 000 suo N76Aoun an<l mer 120 2,400 000 900 9 372.900 140 2.9 0.000 1.000 10.os 10 000 160 1240 9:o Iwo D,oonon 200 4000_000 . O 30-43 \f~ ]t \ s-v Amsmxa k t a p t. ; a p. p ..yb  ;  ; qq n;mt .. m yp 7 y mir  ;.  ; p3 ngI;ii1~- .e fym .':L i M8 1 gi NiiniY ia- 4 y :. h hbr:- e apM # { c - R g-pd u l1 l- ' . z .H L"l H wm h},t ! ..l,t hum t nama de + }l- n mi m d;~i:  ! ms 3

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.s= x.- -.m m u.-: :. w 1...)e.: 20' '200 1,000 2,800 A= EXPOSED WETTED SURFACE AREA IN SQUARE FEET NOT E See Table B.I for approumate wetted area for hormmtal tanks. Hgure B.I Curve for Detertmning Requirements for Emergency Venting During Fire Expmure. /m \' \> \mj e i 196713 tron }0-44 Ft_olsl Ant.r ANiicouterintf t1gl=ita uint O Tabie B.I Approxirnate Wetted Areas For fiorizontal Tanks (Wetted Area Equals 75 Percent Total Arco Tank Tesh themeen. Ihammee. F eet S 4 5 6 7 8 9 le tt 13 Feet 3 4 5 6 7 e e 10 11 12 Taak T ank . lanch. APPROK!M ATE wtTTED Ak1A OF TA%1 WITH f TAT HEAte teach, APPRohtW ATE %ETTED AR44 Of TA%ht %f'ill FLAT HL AD4 Fees fea 3 52 3M 6M5 791 902 1013 1129 1241 4 39 35 w 701 810 923 low 1155 1272 3 46 f.5 MM 40 71M N24 944 lono 1181 1301 6 53 74 100 12P 41 734 847 9nn lomi 1207 1329 7 60 84 112 142 173 42 751 M66 9m7 1107 1233 13;7 8 67 93 !?4 156 190 226 43 747 M5 loom l i to 12 W IM 9 74 102 136 170 206 245 296 44 9iH 1029 1134 12w4 1414 10 MI 112 147 184 223 264 30M 353 45 923 loil 117x lilo 1442 11 86 121 159 198 239 283 329 377 42M 46 941 1972 1241 1336 1470 12 95 131 til 213 256 301 350 400 454 509 41 9h0 1993 122i 1302 149% 13 102 140 183 227 272 320 371 424 4Mo 537 4M 979 1114 1244 1388 1527 14 109 150 194 241 089 339 393 447 506 %5 44 99M 1135 1272 1414 15u 15 116 159 206 255 305 358 414 471 532 594 30 ll57 129T 1440 15*3 lb 123 169 218 269 322 377 435 495 55N 622 51 1178 1319 1466 1612 17 130 178 230 283 33M 395 456 518 SM4 650 52 1199 1342 1442 1640 1M 137 48 242 298 355 414 477 342 610 67M 53 1020 13n6 151* thns 19 197 253 312 371 433 499 565 63o 707 54 1246 13w 1R1 I n% 20 206 265 326 3MM 432 500 5M9 662 7D 53 1263 1414 1570 170% 21 216 277 34 0 404 471 541 612 6aM 763 in 1437 IW3 1733 22 225 2M9 354 421 490 562 636 714 792 37 14no inJ2 l'al 23 235 300 368 437 508 584 659 740 Ngo 5M 1444 164x tw9 24 214 312 383 454 527 605 683 765 84M 59 1507 1674 iM9 25 324 397 470 546 626 706 791 M76 no 1.541 1700 194 26 336 411 487 565 647 730 817 905 61 172n Iwa 27 347 425 503 584 668 754 843 933 62 1752 1923 2R 359 440 500 603 690 777 M69 9til n3 177M loTI 29 371 454 536 621 ill Mol M9" 9M9 64 tro3 1979 30 3M3 16M 553 6-10 732 M24. 921 101M 63 1829 2007 31 395 482 569 659 753 A4M 947 1o46 66 1833 2016 32 406 3M6 67M 775 M71 973 1 174 97 2"n4 33 510 602 697 796 895 WJ 1103 6M 2092 34 524 619 715 Mli UlM 1025 113' 69 2120  % 539 635 734 M38 942 1031 1159 70 olio 36 553 632 753 M60 9n6 1977 !!M7 71 2177 37 367 664 772 M1 9 43 1103 1216 72 220i Si l'mtr I it = 0.30 m; I wi tt = 0 09 m', O 'W Ekon . . -. , - - - - - .- - ~ . . . .-- - - f] _ aregmx e 30-45 Appendix C Abandonment or Removal of (.. Underground Tanks Tkh Appenda b w a part of the reywemenn of thu M PA dxument but u mdudedfor injurmahan purpmes vods Table B 2 Values of LVE for Various llammable C 1 Introduction. Liquids C11 Caie is required not ontv in the handling and use of dammable or combustible liquids, but aho in Heat a abandoning tanks that hase held flammable or com-v.porizado" bustible litjuids. This is particularly true of under-Moiceulae t s"[l$n's ground service station tanks that are niost frequently Chemical LVE Weight Point used for the storage of motor fuel and occasionall Acetaldehsde 1673 44 05 252 I h.or ,the smrage of oder Hanunde or c Acetic acul 135a 60.05 174 quids, such as crank;ase drainings (which may con-

  • Acetic anhsdride '792 102.09 177 tam some gasoline). Thiough carelessness, explosium Areic,ne ' 1708- 58.08 224 hre occurred because llammable or mmlnwtible Acemnitrile - 2000 41.05 'Ir ~ liquid tanks had not been properly conditioned be.

Acrylomtrile 1930 53 05 263 fore being abandoned. n Amil alcohnt 2025 88.15 216 iwArbiakuhol 1990 88 15 212 CI2 in order to present accidents caused bs im. Anihne l 1795 '13 12 186 proper condit omng, t n recommended thai the Benzene 1493 78 11 169 procedures outlined below be followed when under-n liuni acetare 1432 116.16 133 ground tanks are remmed, abandoned, or tetnpo-n Bunt alcohol -_. , 2135 74 12 254 rarily taken out of serike. iso-Butti alcohui 2135 74.12 248 Carbon disul6de 1310 76.13 150 C13 Underground tanks taken odt of senice toa) chlorc. benzene 1422 112.56 134 be scfeguarded or disposed of by ant one of the thice [D- Cglohexane C5cloheitanol 1414 1953 84.16 100 16 154 195 followmg means: (a) Placed in a " temporarily out of service" condi-Cglohexanone 1625 98.14 { ltii tion. Tanks should he render'ed "temporarih out of ~ o Dichlorobenzene cis Dichloroethylene 1455 147.01  ; 120 service" on!v when it is planned that thes will be 1350 p.95 l 137 returned to hctive senice within a reasonable period t 51 e amide l or pending removal or abandonment within 9n dass 9 l Dirnethst amine 1676 15.03 250 , (b) Abandoned in place, with proper saf eguard. Dimethil formamide 2120 73 09 248 mg. Dionane (dietnslene ethen 1665 K 10 177 (c) Remmed. Ethvi acetaw 1477 M 10 157 i 2500 Ethil alcohol 46 07 36h C-1-! In casei where tanks are either rendered Ethyl chloride ~ -1540 64.52 167 " temporarily out of senice" or permanently aban-Ethslene dichloride 1363 98.97 137 doned, recdrds should be kept of tank site, location. Ethyl ether 1310 74.12 152 date of abandonment, and method used for placing the abamdoned tank in a safe condition, ural I 62 l , casoline 1370-1470 9&o 140-t 30 C15 Procedures for carning out each of the abm e n Heptane 1383 100.20 13H methods of disposing of 'undergraund tanks ate 19 r gen cyanble ) )$! described in the following sections. No cutting torch Methvi alcohol 2680 32 LH i 44 or other flarne or spark-produdng equipment shall "" " " E" " Methyl ethSt ketone 1623 70.10 191 Methyl methacrylate 1432 100.14 143 06enge rendered de, in cad case, We numbered n octane 1412 114.22 132 steps given shall be carried out successiveh. n,Pentane 1300 72.15 1 133 C-2 Rendering Tanks " Temporarily Out of n-Propyl acetate 146M 102 13 l 115 Service." n-Propyl alcohol 2295 tm)9 ; 296 Yet hWro C-2 1, Cap or plug ,all lines such as hil line gage openmg, pump sucuon, and sapor return. 5eture Tuluene 1500 92.13 156 ainu ramperm? \ invi netate j 1532 j N&O9 16a o-Llene ' 1538 l 10& l6 149 g  ; , NOTE For data on other chemicals, see chemistn handbook b C-3 Abandoning Underground Tanks in Place, C31 Remove all flarnmable or combustible liquid from the tank and from all connecting hnes. t987 Estion 30-46 rtetmtiti AND mstatm ntumtw mm _._ C32 Disconnect the suction, inlet, gage, and ven. ing to junk dealer, a suflicient number of holes or lines. openings should be made in it to render it unfit for further use. NFPA 327, $tandard Procedures for Cirun. C33 Fill the tank completely with an , inert solid ing or Safeguarding Small Tanks and Contan.m, pio-material. Cap remammg undergound pipmg. sid, es information on safe procedures for such oper-C-4 Removal of Underground Tanks. C41 Remose all flammable or combustible liquids Appendix D from tank and from connecting lines. 3 . . . The App <nduz a w>t a part of the reparewm or rho A rt'A don.wa l C4 2 Disconnect pipmg at all tank openings. Re- bui u maud<d p . !vn ano,, purp.on mat mme sections of connectmg lines that ate not to be used further and cap or plug all tank openings. Alter The following contains additional information and removal, the tank may be gas freed on the premises if tecommendanons relatmg to the requaements m it ran be done safelv at that h> cation, or may be ~ Chapter 4. The individualitems bear the same num- 1 transported to an area not accessible to the ber as the text of Chapter 4 to which they apph. j the gas freeing completed at that kication.public'and - C 5 Disposal of Tanks. D44 TI,e preferred method of stora e ofliquids in i build.mgs is m cutoff rooms or in attac ied buildmgs C51 If a tank is to be disposed of as junk,it should rather ihan in inside rooms because ut fine depart-be rctested for flammable vapors and, if necewary, ment accessibility and the advantages of prmidmg rendered gas free. After junking and before releas- explosion senting where needed. Table D-4-6.2(a) Autornatie Sprinkler Protection for Solid Pile and Palletized Storage of Liquids in Containers and Portable Tanks (Flammable Aerosols Not included) = z..- = . = = . - = = = = = == =- Storage Conditions Ceiling Sprinkler Design and Demand A ('9 U I Minimum Minirnum Density lione Stream Duration Class Container Size gp:n/ High Ord, Maximum Demand sprinklers & _ Liquid and Arrangement sg ft Temp. Temp. Spacing _ (gpm) Hose _ Streamy ', gal. or leu. sith wnhout cartono pahetued or whd pile o 30 3: uni 3oim too ujtt 7;ii IA umtamers greater than 3 gal 2 hrs on end or ude, palletued or o ho 3000 vin o no q f t 7N '"hd pde _ , , . _ , , - , , , , , , , , , _ 3 gal. or leu. with without g o 30 HH A. H m ICig',*

  • canont p.dletued or whd pde 100 w1 h 500 " his omtainers greater than 3 gal gg .M No u on pallets or whd pde, one high _ _ _ , _ __

tontamers greater than 3 gal . 11 on pallets or sohd pile. more OM 3000 mm 40 sq f t 7;o 2hn than one high on end or ude I B.* IC,' portable tanks one high do 100sq h Se H) O hrs  !! _priable tankt two high o ho 3000 Num 80 sq h 730 2ha 3 gal. or lew. wnh/w sthout # " "' I'" "I h ."" I l ranont palletued or whd pde inntai'er greater than 3 gal on pallets or whd pde. on o 25 .b h io 30i M 120 v; it 300 I hr _ end or udet _up,to thsee high _ _ __ l container gre. iter than a gai.. on pallets or whd pde. on 033 3000 3000 100 uj tt ~30 ?hn j end or udet up to is feet high __ _ _ ! pnable tanks one high oS t win 3000 luo sq h _ 300 I hr ! - _ . E'""Ddl!h !"t_bh_ _ _ _ _ " 3" *"' 3""" '" "Lh_- _ Mo 2 fu s . see Tppenan L mto,aumon paragraphs V )I FX (1, $ce Tame h has and seuion 4-6 for adshoonal mtormanon pen.nnma to proteived palleured or miul pihng of hipads 12 Mmonum h<.,e suram demand m< lude *rnalt hand hme il S int hru ieuuireit m 4-713 f 3, The de"gn area t omemplates the use ni wer pipe u uems % here dn pipe n uena are mpurrd, n nunalm es a posuble dHa whit h necih 9, he ompenwird tot in m< remed areas ut appht auon 4plus 30 prn eno 5I l'not I gal = 1 % L : I ut h = o no mE I b = o 30 m. 1967 Et90n . - - - - - ~ - - . . . . . . . . - .- - ,- - 6 Arrisnix o 30-47 ( Table D 4-6.2(b) Automatic Sprinkler Protection Requirements for Rack Storage of Liquids' '(- in Containers of Five Gallon Capacity or Less,' in Cartons on Conventional Womi Pallets or Without Cartons but Strapped to Pallets 3 (' Flammable Aerosols Not included) Ceiling SpMkler Design A Demand *"I*' N "I*' In. Rack Sprinkler Arranjement and Demand llose Duration Densley Area gft) Racks oser 9 ft Minim Number of Stream Spankier Clau gpm/ liigh Ord.. M a s. Racks up to 9 ft (2.7 m) to 12 ft Noasle Sprinklers Demand Asliose 1.iguid sq ft Temp TempJ.acitig (2.7 m) deep (3.7 in) deep Pressure OperatingjQm,t_ 5tream_ al ord temp al ord. temp. al o spunklers spnnklers a feet sprmLlen M leet d unh one apart honiontally apart horisontalls les el h) une line sprin- bi iwu lines spun- bi ti spnnLien klers abow each Llen afne each e4 en two leu 1 lesel of unrage lesel of vorage els. it unh two O40 3000 5mio 3" P"' IW # I"'

5. ' in low c-) W in mw height; tudinal Hue space, serse Hue <pacn, t 16 sprmk!cn staggered staggered sciti- ca on inp 3 serticalb <alh and within 20 inch. d 3 or in. of .ihle more leek di shields rey'd.

where muhdnel di shields re tuned di hulraulu alb where mulubel mon remove . , , . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . .0 ord. temp, al ord temp. ai hsdrauht alh sprinklers 8 tem sprmLlen atert mov remote-apara hori21mtally apart honruntalh vi apnnklen at mih lesel, op b) one hne sprin. b)iwo Imn bett tu n a ed ", e klen betw. Inch ineb at nearnt to three in ck gg at nearnt to hmt foot sertical sertkal inien ah - intenah O.30 3iu) 5000 '4 30 pu 750 2 hrs d 'I * "P O d 5" ' "" height) sene Hue (patn. tudinal thic spaw, staggerrd staggerrd urti-strinath calh and wuhm 20 m ut aale di shr. Ids required where muhdesel di shields tequired where muhdnel III 0.25 3000 5m) # '9 Same as Clan 11 Same as Clasi 11 30 psi 300 2 hrs max. It hd. Clasi__ _ NOTES'il} See Table 4 *ilib! wnd setoon 4 6 los addnional nuormanon pertamme to proietted r.ak storage  !?) Additionalin rad prmection required for unhd sbehes. as mdn.oed m D-4 6 2id! , (3) See 4 6.3 for 17es ol' racks permmed H1 see 4-6_5 foe auitirional informanon pertaining to m-rx k spnnklers W Mmimum how nream demand m(ludn small hand hme (1% .nchest requaed m +713 (6) The design arra contemplate.the me of wet pipe miemi. Where dn pipe nuemt are trquued. n uuroduies a p.nubir delas whkh needs to be comtensed for hs mtreawd areas d applicanon .plus 'to peneno ~ ~ ~ ~'~~~' '- - ~ SI Umtr 1 gal = 3 d L: I sq h = o. 7-J i h = H30 nn i m. = 15 tm i. ? l I l-l I l l 19157 E%Cf4 m _ . . _ - _ _ . , , . , 3048 rtut3t satt Asp rostatsrintt uovinuoor _ Table D-4-6.2(c) Automatic Sprinkler Protection for Rack Storage of 1.iquids in Containers Greater Than Five Gallon Capacity Ceiling Sprinkler Design & Demand W ""."* M..' " " " ' In-Rack Sprinkler Arcangement and Demand Duration llose Denuity __. Area (g it) On End Minim. Number of stream Sprinkler Class gpm/ liigh Ord. Mas. On Side Storage (ou pallets) up to Noule Sprinklers bemand & llose I.i, quid _ sift Temp. Temp. Sp pa Racks up to 9 ft 9 ft deeg racks Pressuse Operatmf gpmt Stream a) ord. temp. a) ord, temp. al hydrauttalh sprirklers 8 feet sprinklen N feet mon remote-apart horuontalh apart horuuntails 6 spnnkirts ai cath lesel bl one hne sprm, b) one line nr.nn-gg klets aime each klers atme each tier of storage uct of storage I'" ,

  • 0.60 30t O 5000 30 ps iim 2hn 2$

c) heate m lonp d lue in longe h2ight) tudma! flue sp Ke. tudmal flue space, staggered uaggered sertKallt sertwalb d) shields required .in shieldi reamred where muhilesel where muhiloci an we 4) atme a) w av atme at we an atme IB,IC hi one lme sprm. be we % aime de !! klers esen three (mau. O N) St o) $mHI N tiers of smras;e O seetIalm e 30 p i 750 2hn .5 heigho d we (1 aime d) we di arme di see di ahme a) see a) atme M we al c'. me al we ai atane ggg b) of e hne sprm. b) one lme sprm-klers eters mth klers een third . *f* O.23 30fH) 5m0 N les el (mu inium; les el imaumum) i3pn him I hr U c) see c) atme c) we c) atme di see d) ahow di see d) atme NOTLS: W See Table 4 ti libi and D-4 6 2(bn for addiuonal informauon pertanung to protected rmk uorage (2) Addiuonal in-rmk protecunn required for soiwi shches, as mdwated m D 4 6 2:d1 13> See 4 6 3 for ispes et racks permitted W See 445 for addmonal mformation pertairung to in-tad sprmk!cn. t3 Mmimum how stream demand includes small hand how (Iw mthesi required in 4?.IJ 16> The design area (muemplates the uw of wet pipe syvem( Where dn pipe sutems are reqmred, it .ntimbu es a p.mbir strias which needs to be compensated for bv mcreawd areas of apphi.auon (plus 30 percenti Gi Where there 's one ner of drums arme the highesi hne of m. rack sprinklen the teihng water denund denun m,n be redu<rd to 0.?3 gpntsq f t oser 50MI a 11 ~ - - ~ ~ 51 t/nns: Igaiild.~liii i 0.09 mt I ft = 030 m; I m

  • 2.5cm O

4- _m ' ArrtNtux t 30-49 Table D-4 6.2,1 Automatic AITF.Wwer Protection (1) Requirements for L 'I' Rack Storage of Liquids

  • in Containers

('Flemntable Aerosols Not Included) _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - . - m_.===== Celling Sprinklers Design Ac Demand in-Rack SprinUct Arranjement and D+ mand (4) Area (sq h) Minimum Number of Stream tion tion Clm Density fligh Ord. Onl.nd Storage, of drums Norale Sprinklers Demand AIFF Water I.iquid gpmisq ft Temp. Temp. (on pallets) up to 15 ft Pressure Operating r3) Supply supply I A. Ill , IC.11 0 30 1500 2550 a) ord temp sprinkler 30 psi 3 500 15 nun 2 hrs up to 10 lett apart sprmklers ho nomalh per lesel b) one ime spnnklers atxne each lesel of storage o k rate in longuedmal flue spue, uagered > Sertkallv dj shickh required for muhitesel _ NOTES: ti! sutem thau be a rimed bead uet nsiem wuh apprmed dawes for proporuomng AFF F. @ f.xcept as mahfi ed herem, in.suk sprinklers shall be iruulled in ucordance mth NFPA 20C. hJudle /6u-4 Sum or mirrmh. ti) llose stream demand includes innde hand hme t1% i6cheo requiud m 4 71.3 (4) Maximum height of norage shouul be hmned to 25 feet. ~ il (Jnm: i gal = its L 1 sq ft = 0 0Tm'; I ft = 0.30 m; I m. = B cm D4-6.2 on conventional double row racks to a maximurn (a) Sprinkler system densities and areas of applica. height of storage of 25 ft (7.6 m) should be penWed tio'n presented in this appendix are based upon protecuan m amrdance with Table D+6/..l. limited test data and hre experience. Design criteria in this appendix do not apply to storage'in plastic drums. (5tr Appendix E for adddianahnferination on this Appendix E mbyct.) . . . , Thu Appenda n two a paa of the vrquurmonu vt livs NFPA dvament , (b) For design cntena for specific mstalian,ons, out u wtudedfor mja. anon purpmo eng msurance engmeers, fire protecuon consuhants, and MW other knowledgeable persoru should be consuhed. IN uLih OmmIm n=0mW (c) Palletized and Solid Pile Storage. For pro- Appendix D explains fire test data and loss experi-tected storage of liquids, as specined in Table ence that were used to help promulgate protection 4-6.lia), automauc sprinkler protection should be tables that are presented in Appendii C. % hile these provided in accotdance with Table D-4-6.2(a). data are limited, they do illustrate the seriousness of a (d) Rack Storage. In protected storage of liquids Potential drum rupmre m a fire and the, primary arranged, as spec.fied in Table 4-6.l(b), automatic railure mode of bmit-up internal pressur L sprinkler protection should-be prmided in accord. nation with the weakem,ng of the nm oint, j eduemtcombi-l ance with Fables D-4-6.2(b) and D 4-6.2(c), as appli. locahzed overheating. The possibihtv ot ,a BLEVLo - cable. exr.ept that racks with solid shelves should be type expimion (floihng lagmd Exparrdmg \ apor provided with in rack sprinklets at every tier or level. Ex losion) is also demonstrated. Due to the many l " un[nowns, conservauve practice would be to htmt all D4-6,2.1 Class I liquids stored in drums to not over one drum (a) Automatic aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)- high, since protection tables were dueloped with this water spnnkler systems for container storage of lig- philosophy; t ery tunn M Bre tests uids has been shown to be an acceptable method for to Hanunable aerosols, dicate mami the h_aserious expen..ence, problemreladte i providing fixed protection. (See Appendix E for addi- they present to the fire rotecnon engmeer. Explod- - nonalinfonnalmn on thu wbjen.) ing pressurned aermo cans are to be- expected p g (b) For cntena for speciftc instalian. om. ,msurance engmeers, fire protecuon consukants, and together with the flaming breball and rodeung ac-gjon,3picading fire to a potentially larger area.'The other knowledgeable persons should be consulted. - ~ protection philosophy expressed is priinan!v to limit l k) Rack 3torage ofliquids in containers (drums of storage heights and to contemplate a larger aiea of . 55 gal (208 L) capacity 1 stored on-end on wood pallets application. Use of pressure-reheving can designs mrwe W50 numat t. an comusmt.r_pqcms conr would be expected to affect favorably the design with on-end palletired storage were only conducted considerations for fixed protection. three high. When 5 or 10 gal of gasoline were spilled on ihe E-4 6(a) fire Testa--Drum Storaget floor and then ignited, the 5-gal spill gase a more (1) 1949 Fire Tests. A series of fire tests were severe exposure to drums because of the longer time raade in 1949 at the Factory Mutual test cemer in before sprinklers would have operated. The 10-gal Norwood, Massachusetts. The tests were conducted spill expmed more drums, but the expmure to a'ny in the 15-ft-high section of the fire test building used one drum was no more severe. at that time. The tests used ICC Specificanon 5 A sery smallleak from a drum filled with gasol;ne drums, which were 14 gage compared with the 16 gave a very sesere exposure, because of the localized gage Specification 17C drums and 18 gage Specifica. exposure to the leaking drum and insullicient heat at tion 1,E drums used more commonly today. the ceiling to operate t'he sprinklers. The tests imolved storage horiiontally on metal Drums contaming beniene heated much more rap-racks up to four drums high, and pallenzed upright, idtv than drums containing water because of the three drums high. Test drums contamed enher wa- jger specific heat of benzene. Earl) pressure build. ter, gasoline, or benzene. located m the first or second up in the vapor space is more pronounced v ith water, tier and equ ppqd with pressure and temperature. possibiv because of more film sanorization on ihr sensmg conn ctionn The gasoline and benzene e4 Eges of the fue. drums were piped to manual sents so that pres 3ure could be relieved before the drums ruptured. Other (2) 1967 Fire Tests. A series of fire tests were drums in the array contained water or were empt). made to compare the effects of sesete fite exposure Sprinkler protection consisted of open, old-type to water- and heptane-filled drums The tests were spnnklers, which could be manually turned on. either carried out in the Factors Mutual explosion tunnel, at the start of the fire (short preburn) or at a time us'ng new ICC-17E (16 gage) 55 gal drumo pre-sunulatine the first burni. Sprinklers weresprinkler operanon spaced either at 100(long/ sq it head A single drum was encircled with a rmg of oil with a flow rate of 0.22 or 0.28 e,pwsq ft or spaced at 50 burners. Temperatures ueie measured at s a rious sq ft head with a flow rate of 0.44 or 036 gpm'sq ft. pomts m the tfrum T he tuel rate to the oil burnen , Gasoline was pumped through piping to desig- wu abat I gpm. There was no cooling applied to the nated discharge points in or near the pde at flow rates drurn. from I to 15 'gpm. In some tests,5 or 10 gal of fuel ,Using heptane, the drum ruprured at about 17 were poured on the floor below the d' rums and psig, at a drum rim temperature of i19WF (643#C). ignited. Duration of flows were the length of time I he cmer seam unrolled and a BLEVE ts pe explo-required to empty a single drum at the rate r,f dow sion resulted, after a fire exposure of 3 to 4 minutes. used. On similar tests using water, failure occuned at 40 When prinkler discharge was turned on immedi- psig after 10 minutes. ately, the pressure that deseloped in the ten drums The tests indicated that the heptane hlled drtnn was due almost entirelv to the vapor pressure as will rupture much sooner and at a muth lower the txxlv of liquid increased in temperature. When internal pressure than a water h!!cd drum. This is sprinkler discharge was started, simulating normal attributed to the fact that drums were found to leak sprinkler operation, there was a rapid pressure around the joint of the rim before the rupture. The increase due to heating of the vapor space. This small leakaee of heptane vapor through the rim joint usuallt dropped when cooling by sprmkler discharge causes a 16calized flame at this alreads ueakened - started. location on the rim, whereas steam issuing from a Early tests showed that 100 sq ft spacing of sprin' similar leak in a water-hiled drum tends to' cool the klers and densities of 0.22 and 0.28 gpn6q ft would metal at this point. not prevent excessive temperature and pressure in-creases in drums. Spacing of 50 sq ft per sprinkler (3) 1974 Fire Tests A series of fire tests were was used in subsequent tests. Test measurement and made to evaluate protecuon of on-end drum storage visual observation indicated that 0.56 gpm/sq ft pro. with AFFF foam discharging from a standard sprinkler uded considerably better coohng and tlushing away system. The tests were conducted in the 30-foot high of fuel thzn the O'.44 gpm/sq ft sprinkler dens ty. area of the Factory Mutual test center in Rhode Island. When fue! was discharged on the floor, only the Based on the 1967 tests, a standard for suc(ess was bottom tier of storage wis severely exposed. When that no drum should exceed 15 psig pressure. fuel was discharged at a higher level, simulating a Tests were made with water-filled ilrums, palletized, 1 aking drum, those drums in the immediate vicinity 2,3. and 4 pallets high, and on racks. 5 tiers high. >a upper ners were severelv exposed. Fuel was heptane, piped to the base of the top tier The rate of fuel flow hail serv little effect on the of storage, wnh a 10-gal floor spill in each case. heating of any particular drum. The lower rates, I to Spnnklers were automanc,236*F (141To heads. 2 gpmL nad a much longer duration and resuhing Tnt h In this test, storage was 4 pallet-loads high. exposure was greater before the 35-cal duration Fuel discharge rate was 2 epm. Sprinkler dischange supply was used up. density was 0.30 epntsq ft. '1 he hrst sprinkler opened hith on-side drum storage in racks, the rate of at 34 sec. Oniv 4 sprinkiers operated, but the three-temperature rise in the test drum on the lowest tier dimensional hre in the pile continued strong. Seseral was 3 to 5 times as high with storage more than one drums bulged,2 ruptured, and 6 exceeded 15 psig drum high than it was with one-high storage. Tests pressure. j f 987 Em:n i artsmx t _ _ __ _ _.30-51 i Test 2; In this test, storage was 3 tiers hig h. sprin- palkt hv 2 pallet bs 2 pallet high on rm ks. Storage s kler density was 0.60 gpm/sq ft. Other mndinom height was 9 tt 9 in Proteuion w.n in twehe 16WF were the sa'me as Test L (71 l*C) sptmklers spated to x 10 it prosiding a Two sprinklers opened at about I minute 20 sec. discharge density of 0.30 gpmaq lt. A consit.erable number of drums were deformed. Fifty sco>nds af ter igmoon. (ontainen began to Four of the 8 monitored drums exceeded 15 psig h m st. At 62 sec, 3 sprinklen operated. 'I he fue pressore. became more and more intense and with all 12 Test 3: This test was rack storage with 160'F sprinklers operating, there was no supprewing elleu. (71.l*C) automatic sprinklers in each tier except the The discharge was mcreased to 0.50 upmsg h with-bottom. Fuel rate was 2 gpm. Ceiling protection was out elTe(t Atter about 5 nunates, the lief 1 was neat h 0.30 gpm/sq ft exhausted. Contamers aese thrown to eten coiner Fise in-rack sprinklers and one ceiling sprinkler of the teit building. opened. One drum in the first tier, which had no Temn mer tne hre s.cie mer 1000T in-rack sprinklers, reached a pressure of 16 psig. Two (337Yberaturestor 3) rninutes and mer 17iWF 1926 tid drunn fell from the fifth tier, due to burning away of for 2 minutes. a pallet. Test O Test 4 was a repeat of Test 3. except the fuel E-4-6(c) Fire expenene exaicples upolung dano flow rate was 15 gpm, mab!e and combusuble hquids m u.ntamen sim ed m Eight ceiling sprinklers and 5 in rac.k sprinklers buddmp operated. Ceihng temperatures rets hed 16f? F (1) 1951 Fire, Drums of penoleum naphtha (909FC). One munitored drum in ue hrst der were stored tempoiatin in a groeral purpose 20 psig. Several drums were bulged. home used mamb for storing un emb in wood Tai 5: Teu 5 was a repeat of Test 2. except storage N,xes Morage was i drum high on pallen was 2 tiers high. Two drums had small punuures and Icaks ne.n the The fuel was a greater distance botuim, camed either mahimb or in uuning sprinklers did not operate until 3;,fromafter to 4 nunates the ceihng so equipmem 1he lea was ixnited. and oce dium igmoon Damage to drums was sesere with mam suinured a the N,uom scark 3 dium mpuue ic-rupturing and all eight morutored drums going mer 15 Pug- ,,ukd was ment w hith called o xned 272 sprinklen. prompth and thes and'I be hrelen sprin dekuu-Generally. results w ere good in rack storage, w here were able to contain the tue. helped hs the low m rack sprmklers were piouded at each ner. For combustible concennation in the wmehouse and bs palletized storage. the AFFF protection controlled d' failuie of am other drums to rupture. floor fire, although pallets hmdered spread of foam. Forn-two mdhon un ends were w et dowru but to e Ceiling sprinklers only did not adeg :elv ptotect damage was hmited W explouon damage was re-palletized storage where an elesated spin resuhed m a norted. (The intemin of the llLEVL u as has e ht en ihree-dimensional fire withm the mle- limited hs much of the houid icAing hom the drum Most of the ruptured drums tailed at the top heh>re it . upt u red- ' foul dam.we was ahma chime, but one drum deseloped a slow leak at a geno,ono, bottom chime.,in Test 5. several drums were heated (2) 1965 Fire. Pressmized tontainen of paint by a locahzed hre which did net,open sprm>.len at the d 1 > h hid m mA A k eW W dw t ool. Thys s heated hqm, low merpressuuzauon d release and a resuldng sesen can BL Alead L to su6b e,r- W dskmINMm when the drum esentually ruptures' n- M hmW mim e a Lw mt i m* he h d M m W W'iT m m E-4 6(b) Fire Tests--Small Containers s mnklen. The hre spread 25 h along a r.u k but was % (1) 1957 Fire Test (Nonpressurized Sme.Iler s owed bs aisles and mert nu& rial. A pmnon on the Containers). A fire test was made on 10}-it high root mer the hre area tullapsed. storage of paint in 1-gal cans in cartons The storage ~ (3) 1966 Fire. Preworue I comainen of ah ohob was palletized. but thb pallets were fire stopped, so it base hair spras and deodoram weie ston d palleti<cd. u as equivalent to mlid piled storage. The pamt varied 17 h high. The hre was(ontained wnhin a L2nn q h in Bash point f rom 105 to 170T (40.5 to 7ti7 C) pile bs 107 s,perating spdnklen. D.unage cu ecded (Clan 11 and til AL Sprinkler protection was 160 F son.uon (71.l*C) heads.10 x 10tt.wah (4) 1971 Distribution Warehou e Fire. A gpnesq h Ceiling height wast. 15 f a density of 0.23 spiinklered 67.000 sq tt. one uon. nomomhuuible Nx sprmklers operated and controlled the hre- warehouse fm aummmise equipmem .md supple . Temperatures over the fue reached a maximum of wa,, deurm ed hs hre trom undnerunned ume. I100 F (593.3*Ci and dropped below 500T (260TI 9 orate musiued of urious meal plavic .md rubbet atter 10 minutes. Fne hundred and three um had i 03eir rmers blown off and 20 cans had bunt seams. burts enhle in raidhoard liqmd s incanom. mmmnen plus Hananable rangmg to,m,uul oun. i pt I he paint icleased f rom the uns was slight, but " anosol am up no and imluding Y,wl meid woulu be much more ugruhcam d a pde had toppled drumt Meduid ot umage we nuiuh on umiden wer or if cam had not all been unred uner-ude up. pallets on open metal iatLt double iow. with 3 and I (2) 1970 Fire Test (Pressurized ContainersL A hre uen to a total simage height of 13 to t7 tt A wmiderable pornon ot the ratLs wet e med to ~ test was made in the 30 A high seuion of the Fauon Muwai Rhode Island re it taalin. 'I he storage was 13 simage of lianunable and mmhu nble liquuls in be d and 16-oz uns "t lacquer in shipping canom stored 2 and Sie d metal unnamen on wooden pallets. I tici s w% 34-52 n.Amntr ann cousesTrut2 ogems conr high. Both flammable and nonflammable aerosols in sourev rangnph pint cans in cartons were palletimi and stored in rar.grafh in Chapter 5 in itsi taition portions of the racks. Ceiling sprinkler design was wet 53 2 2 (Neo - pipe, extra-hazardous schedule, usir.g 17/32 orifice, 5323 62.32 lb5'F (73.9'C) heads, supplied from a fairly strong $42 4 (NcM - city water supply (52 psi static,38 psi tesidual, with 542.5 621,731.2 1,580 gpm flowmg), A review of the hsdraulics indi- 5416 ( Aho see 543 5) 7-3 41. ( Alm see 3 9 W cates sptem was capable of supplving a density of 532.7 7341 53 3 v ntaanon 5-3 5. 643. 7a 3 0.20 gpm/sq ft for the most remote' 2,000 sq ft area. Despue immediate fire department usponse to a 5333 djM-2kt n ,g ,, ,, ] central rtation water flow alarm and use of a fire 533.2 5-352,7-332 departnsent siamese connection, the fire spread be- 5 3 4 Drainne 5 3 4 r-7,742 yond the capability of the sprinkler system and the 5-34.1 5a 4 L v t 7.3.e i system was soon mertaxed, resulting in early roof 5342 5-3 4 2. 'u n collapse and breaking of sprinkler piping, and thus 5-343 5441 7423.m : requiring closing of the main control valve. Numer- In Ge'eral 5-3.5 Electocal Equipment 57.65,743 ous " fireball" explosions of aerosol cans and ruptutes 571 651.7731 of 55-eal drums wer: reponed, seseral affecting 5451 (k""'d' manualfire fighting operations, requiring about 5 hrs Sj Sj $3;y2;d3 2 3$ for control- 535A 3-74. 6-5 -t 7 7 3 4 (5) 1975 Fire. About one hundred 55 gal drums 5-355 571,.7736 of Class 1B and IC liquids were stored palletired,3 53.5 6 Table Tabin 57 3. 64 3. A 7-7 4 drums high, in a corner of a general-purpose ware. 5a16 rigure rigure 65 3 54 Liquu! Handhne Transfer 52.542 house, together with ordinar) combusuble commod. *"d ities up to 11 ft high in ra(Ls. The roof was Class 11 y4 i On*,7.,i steel deck,15 ft high. 3a i3 seg 3 3 u g n ,,a 3 5prinkless were on an ordinary hazard system, 3 4a 2 sta2 ItiO F (71.I'C) heads. 34.13 5243 Employees disccncred a large f re in 5(1.4 5245 drum storage area. Shortiv afterpublic the progress fire de- in the 5-415 7-432 partmem arrived, drums started to rupture, creating 0+2 Equipnient 7-4 4,7 4 a large firebails. One drum failed at the bottom and 3-43 incidenna tne of 52. rocketed throu Li4"id' building. Theoof r'gh the roof, partially landing collapsed and 750 was then shut otT Most of'the building and contents ft from the one system d 3433 y.I,4 522 g y i ., were severelv damaged. 5 43 4%e, 342 The fire probabls siarted in an open wa.5:e pail near 343- ' 5t2 3. 7-4 i i . ,.. L i . the drum storage. Total loss was about 53.300,000. Intent of 8-i 2 5436 52.3 5-14 Loadmg and llnh>ad. 54 6-3. ing Operassons Appendix F 54 4 i Tank Whicles b4 74, and Tank Cari 5" L i 'd Chapter 5 Source Tables 5441.2 6-3.p , 6aLMi The following tables may be used as a cross-refer- 54 U3 6471 ence between indi$idual paragraphs in Chapter 5, L44IA F E2 Operatunu. and the source paragraphs in the 19M 3d

  • I ** * 'd 7 3 Edition of NFPA 30. g4 4q 6a a 64 8

#44la 54 41 A (Euepnons 64 2 Source Paragnph H-2 Newi Paragraph in Chapter 5 in 1984 Edition 5441.9 643 51 scope 5 1,7-1. 54 A l.10 64 4 L 6412 51.1 5-1 1 ( Revned) 544111 6451.4353 5441.12 64 5164 a 1 ~ 5-1.2 (New) - 52 General 54 2 Iln General; 54 (2 Mann 6 4, 51 n i 54 Faahn Deugri (New) - - - h4 411 'Newi - 53 i Locanon 7-2. %3 54412 64 1I bl 1.1 4i 54423 6-4 t .2 5-31 t Table Tables 711.k 2 6 54414 h2 53.I 2 r Reuwd> 741.I 5-44.23 64J '3Ci1J<New3 -. 3- > { 16 6-44 54 J.4 333 5-4427 6-44.1 54 1.5 7A2 fin Conrapui k+4 2* 6*lA 6'41 7-41 *l3 M1 !!n Parti '25 - 64 3I 542 Conurucacn 741  % 6432 Soll IReuwd) 7dl ! !!n P.aru '" 4413 _ _ _ _ _ tW87 Dimon j J .I arerson r 30-53 - Source Paragraph Source Paragraph Paragraph in (' s Paragrap,h lu Chapter 5 in 1984 Edition - . in 1984 Edition 1957 Editioci (d) 6-4 A4 52.2.3 5435 4 'I - (e) 645.5 5 2.3 5436 544.2.9 44.5.6 524 54, i 544.210 645.7.64.58 524.0 54.l.1 544.111 G4.6.2. 646.3 52.4.2 J 4 1.2 5442.12 647 52,4.3 5-4 3 2ia w ei " 544.2.13 647.1 53 A.5 54.1 A 53 - 55 Fire Presen6on and 55,48.7o.84 534 - Controf 532 52 55.1 General - 53.3 5314 55.11 - 53.4 534 55.1.2 742 Intent of 53.4.1 514.1

55. l .3(a H O - 5-3.42 344.2' 55.2 Control of Igni6"n 56.66.7-7 53.43 53 A.3
  • Sou n.cs 513 533 1 55.2. l(a N () 56.i. 42.2 (in Generah 5351 5111 55.2.2 7 7.1.1, 8 4 1 5152 533"
  • 552.3 54I tln Generab,7 7.2.2 536 -

(in Generah. 342 5-4 344, 5-4 A I (in Gener4D 5-11 3 4 1 1. t 55.2 4 Statw Electruits 55 b5 (in Generah 55i L361 313 Inspection and Main- 55" M 71 tenance 55.3 53 7 -nf aM h 5531 55.b. 6 N.2. 7 6.4 554 51U 5132 59.1 ~ 533 533.1 5 5.3 3 59.3, 7.K3 5-56 533 i M3 4 3 9 4. 7 MA 56 5 12 55.3.5 (Also see 53.2.6) 5 9.2 ( Alm see 74s 561 55 tilash 55 4 Emergency Planmng 562 52A iln bencrah ( - and Trainmg 57 535 , 55 4.l(AHO 64.3 M 4.8 57.1 535ItReuwdt 53 A.2 - 57.3 5133 5 5A.3 - - Table 5 7 3 Table 513 6 533A - 5-7A 3134 .55.4.5 - 57_3 - 5546 - 57.6 5333 55.5 Dei- ton and Alarm L 58 - 515J 53 5. 7 6 3. H-4.7 LK1 5)"3 849 59 > 53.5.2 - 59.I 5132 . 55.5.34aMc) - 542 5-316.5133 . ~ 55 ti Portable Fire Control 59.3 53.13 Equipment 594 5134 556.1 Lil !!ntent on. 44 %. 6-8.1, 741. M-4 4 Chapter ti - 53h2 Intent 01 u461. 742,3 6-1 - 53A3 .- 6 1.1 541I 5364 - 6-12 5 4 1.1 53 7 Fixed Fire Control 6- 1.3 - Equipment 6IA k4 415 l -5 17.1 552.74?. 6-43 6-2 - i j'. 517.2 7412 6 11 b313 557,3 i4 42.2 Lil l ta H b I 55.7 Aca n 6 5-117 6 2 4. M46 6-13 533 62,31 533I [ 6-2.3.2 53 13 Paragraph in . 6-233 533.1 Source Paragraph ,44 1987 Edi6on 0-3 T in 1984 Edition-6 il a-4 4 1 l , Chapter 5 Jhapict 5 6-32 54 4.1.5 ' Evepu m H 2 New i 51 3-1 6-33 54419 j Litt 51.1 6-34 - 51.2 514.1.10 [ 6361 j- 52- 54.3-13 634.2 54.4 I IH I .- g 52.1 - 5431 6 13 522 5 4 1.! 6-111 b4A 1.11 3-2.11 Lt.3 3 - d-15.2 544112 5112 5414(ase1 6-333 _ _ _ . , _ . . k4 41 1I 1987 Ects 1 .. - - - - - . - . , ~ ,n . .. . , - - . , . _ 30-54 slutu Anu Aso couseman uquins coot Source Parapaph Parapaph in Source Paragraph Paragraph in in 1984 Edition 1987 Edition in 1934 Edition 1987 Edition 6-3.6 - 74 - 6 3 F.) 5-4 4.1 12 7 4.1 - 63.7 5- 7-4.1.1 5-4.3.5 63.7.1 544.1.3 7 4.1.2 63.7.2 5-44.I.4 7-4.1.3 - 6-3.7.3 5-4.4. l .5t a H e) 7-4.1.4 04.3.3 637.4 7 4.2 - 538 5-44.1.7 7-4.21 5442.8 43.9 544.2 74.2.2 6-4 74.2.3 - 44.1 7-4 3 - 6-4.1.1 5-4.42.2 74.3.1 6-4.1.2 F4 4 2.3 743.2 541.5 641 54.42.4 7-44 542 6-4.3 54.42.5 7 4 4.1 542 6-4.4 5442.6 7-4.42 6441 544.2.7 75 %S41 6-4.5 544.28 7 5.I 544.1.1 6451 5-41.2 8(a) 76 5-5 6-45.2 5 4 4.2.8tb) 7&1 5-56.1 t M 5.3 L4.4.2,8tc) 74.2 (Intent oO 541.2 6-4.54 5 4.4.2 Bid) 7-6.2 I 5 4 7.1 6-455 5-4 4.2,8(e) 762.2 557.2 6-4.56 54429 742.3 5562 f> 4.5 7 5- 7-624 5574:auh 643.8 544210 7 6.3 5431 6-4 6 (Intent oO 5-5.6.1 7-6.4 5-5:51 6-4 61 ( on 5-56_2 77 646.2 b4.4111 7 7,1 - 6 4 6.3 5 77.1.1 55 2. ItaHil 647 5- '7.12-5 5 2 4 (In General) 64.7.1 544.2.13 7 4.? 63 ' 3.5 < 77.2.1 651 5 3.5.1 (Remed) 7 7 2.2 (in General) %5.23 &52 5-3.5.2 7 7.3 5-35 6-5 3 535.3, 77.3I F3.5 I (Reuscrli 643.1 New 3/12/86 77.3.2 5352 Tabte 65 3 Table 53 5.3 7733 535.3 Faure 6 3 5 Figure 5 3.5 6 77.34 US 3.4 45.4 53.54 7 73.5 - 6-6 55.2 7-7 3 b L3 5.5 66.1- T.bic 7 7.3 535o 67 534 78 - 471 544.1 7-8 1 43 55 L8 2 tln Concepti 5 3 1.5 481 5-56.I 7.i. 3 55.3.3 t, 9 2 553.1 784 5-5 3 A 48.3 55 4.lf aHO Chapter M - Chapter

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71 3-1 8. l .1 L4.3.5 7-11 - 412 (Intent on 5435 72 541 & t.3 544.2.8 7 2.1 53.1.1. S2 544 Table 7 2.1 Tabic 541.1 42.1 5-4 4.2 72.1.1 541.2 ( Revisedi 43 541 7-3 - 8-31 (In Part) 5-3.1.5..* 4 4.5 7-3.I 532 8-4 55 7-31.1 fin Part) 53 0.1 (Revised 841 552.2 74!2 %32.5 8-42 5423 732 %3.4 843 732.1 544.1 844 5561 7-312 L340 845 357.1 732.3 534.3 8-46 3 5 7 A m.4 0 743 533 M47 b53. I  ?.3 3 . 53.3.1 848 53 4 tw in 7432 L3.3.2 649 %531 7 3A - 7 3 4.1 ( Also we 5-9.2) 53.2 6 ( Also see L5.3 4 6 5-3.2.7 I 1W Eenon Am wtx o 30-55_ f. ~$ Appendix G Referenced Publications . NFPA 371984. Standardfor Installation and U3e of - Stationan Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines Q' NFPA' 51 1987, Standard for the Dengn and Installa-G1 The following documeets or portions thereof tion Oxygen Fuel Gas Spteru for It'elding, Cutting, and are referenced withm this standard f*or informational purposes only and thus should not be considered part Allie Procenes of the requirements of this document. The edition NFPA 68-1987, Guidefor Explosion Venting NFPA 71 1987, Standard [or the Imtallation. .\lainte-indicated for each reference is current as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this document. These tefer. nance, and Use of Sugnahng Spievn for Central Station ences are listed separatelv to facilitate updating to the Sm' ice latest edition by the user. NFPA 72A 1987. Standardfor the Installation .\iain-tenance, and Use of Local Protectn e Signuhng Suteru for . Guard's Tour, Fire Alarm and Supenison Sen;ne G 1.1 NFPA, Publicats. or* 5. National Fire Protec- NFPA 7281986. Standard for ti.e tratallation. ,\ lain-ti ssocialmn, Batter) march Park Quincy, SI A ,,,y,we. and Use of Aindmg Proturme Signdng Spm Jor Fire Alarm Sen we NFPA 72C-l986. Standard for the Irutallatinn, .\1asn. NFPA 101984, Standardfor Partable Dre Eatingu. % tenance. and Use of Remote Station Puantnr Signahng ers Sutems NFPA 14 1986, Standardfor the Imtallatwn of Stand- ' NFPA 72D-1986. Standardfor the fontallation. .\lann-pipe and flose Sutems tenance, and Use of Proprwtary Protectn e Signahng sy-N FPA 24 1957 Standardfor the frutallation ofPnvate tems Fue Senice \latns and Their Appurtenances NFPA ~7-1983, Renanmended Practice on Static Ein. NFPA 31 1987, Standard for the trutallation of Od trican Burning Equibment NFPA 781986. l.ightning Protation Code NFPA 32 $985 Standard >r Drycleaning Plants NFPA 204. \l 1985. Gmde lbr Smoke and Hent Ventnog NFPA 33-1985. Standard >r Spray Appfwatwn Usung N FPA 327 1967; Standard Pm edu.e, )or Clea,ung m Flammable and Combwtible .\ atertals Sajeeuarthug Small Tank and Conra inm . NFPA 34-1987. Standard for Dipping and Coating NFPA 3951984. Standard jm the htwage ef Flavann-Proceurs Using Flammable or Combustible 1.iquids ble and Combustsble Lupads on Farms and Judated Con, NFPA. 35-1987, Standard for the .\lanufacture of struction Protects [) . \ Organic Coatines NFPA 36-1985 Standardfor Solvent Extraction Plants NFPA 12'.!l 1987. Standard jia the in>tallatwn. .\ lain-tenance. and U>e of Public Fire Senire C nmunkatwns O 19837 Emon . - , - , - - . + - - - $-$li iIMtM h ttl LAhlt (Mitt'*Qttil til Udtyt3 ( UDI , _ _ _ , _ ,_ Index C 19M7 Nathinaq .tre Irolf(Win dWKlathHl All Ulghtl Reseried 1he topsright m this in les is separaie and dinf..rt f rom the topitight m the d(u ument u hkh h andeses 1 he luenung piouuont tr( forth for the d<n ume nt are riot ingipletable to this inct t. I his indes stias sion be reprinli6i.4 d in m hide tit eri pa t in arit riirant withiius the es t tr54 tesuttn pertnesuon of the Naisonal lite Proiettion Awusauon, isn. .A. Druins Design. t apant 6 - .4-21. l abic 4 2 3 fueseus. l .4 Nai l Aerosol Duelling units 4-53 l Dehn. .. l 2 Def erunon 12 f larnmau.e 413 Du ellings . 44 2 De h nnton . . 14 Dehrunon . 12 Alarm statems. 15$ A nartrnent howee )chnanon . . . ... IV 1 Appikation of code .l.1 4 l .jp Electrical area cla6sintation opt ma $4 3 4. Inh;e %3 5 3 Liectrical equipment Luintf rmmt und atta(hed buikhnge 4 4 2 ll Pervel Inude rouine . 4413 Dehnuson , .......... ..... ..,.. .... l.2 Poneiging plants ., . 343 B:Sements . 4489.44212,4564.3373 Emergency planning and training 34 4 . Drhnauen . .l.g I ants .la 1 M m er Poxeiun ; hmidmus L:t ; 3 -w hmoon . . .. ..,. . 17 Laplosion senting / c ' oter hquids, tank location 2114.labk 2.6 (.utoll rooms and clat hed hiiddings 44JJ Basilog point Prot esun . . . isp7 Dehnion . .l.2 Esposures,g plant. protection forlables 21. 2 2 21 and 3 4 Inrildings Dehruno.t . . ... I2 Atta< bed 4 4 f, D.4 4 Latinguishers, portable hee . Dehneno .. , , , ,la tomamers and portable ,anks . _4 7 l 1,4 7 l 2 (her there .wrlhng unus . , 43$ Pitu rising plants. .55hl Pnurtimr. ... .. . L3 Three or less dwelh. g urins . 44 3 .F. .C. r" ire appa:atus. So b 1 M 6 4 Cabinets, storege . . ve Storage e abmrts II" *"" Ctrs. sank . see Tank sehnlet and can U' h "'""" 34 ".3'i C1:ssihcation of li uids . . . . ,.I4 b " '*" '"I' Lontarniaati n. t iansed hi. .112 "*" Combustible liquide I.'!" U" ' '"' " *b' " ' ' ('( Dehmuon I ue pnnection a'n'd' 'id' entifics' ion * .12 Class lillt tank l<= anon . . JT Able 24 I.'"' I Containcts - . Chap 4, D-4 E,'d hir .34 S union Dehmmm et 14 U.E" * * ' """'""" ' ' ' 'P I d""' 45 "*I' 12 Drugn, ainitt us uott, and (apa sts 42 Flammable liquids Idhng f eokuet bull plann. . 54 D' h ""'"" 5 rull hre testi . L 4-N tn II"*h P"E" i , i *, . nation of liquids . l l.2 y; ","reas. tanks in 2 Mmeground wnks. mternal 21h Pipmg, estrrrial . . . . . . l'nderground tankn. . 233 Currents. tray . 41441.7 .C,. Garages, aitat hed and detac hed . 43 2 Desection sisirms , . L5 3 Di'es around tanks 2233 .II. Dutillertes De hmoon 14 Drtinage flasardous matemis or themicals roorra and ana< hed bushbr gi 0423 Detatunno .. 14 Inude u nunt - , . - 4-41 S hi llasardicas tenction or themkal reaction Pn= riung buddm;1 .534 Deh nnion 12 I t9st Eaw 1 I l l

  • em

 %~ ,.-mm-.-_. nut is . . ... . . . . 4a 3 i ne p, .enmin . u * ( -- Dehniuon . . Housekeeping . . . . .......m. .See hiairitt e seue .14 0.cueral. . , . 4 . 1.njusd hasidh:1g. trissi=ler, asui use ... I2 M , Ilydrants. .. . . . . .54 7.2 . I'. .t. Petroleum, crude .4 71 Ah 2 Dehnuem ignition sours es. conuel of . . impounding Piers, , see Wharses Around tanks bi thking . . . 4 . . .24 33 Piping systems. . . T ' hap :1 .Sm. 03* Remote . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 2432 Idenuht anon . Incidentalliquid use or storage Alar:1tah . . 34 Dehruuon , . ,.. ., . . . 14 Pipe tomts . 3d , Inspection . . . . . 353 Plutet teon Il-o a t or iom m . JO %uppsrts 34  ! Temng A7 Vah rt . .Sh '  % harg es, L442* .J . Piping, tent Atanegtuund tanks . 24 u j joints, pipe . . . 3 3. 3-4.4.0 ft. 3-4 4 210 lankt mmle huthhngs . .' 4 1 Utuiergtound tankt 2d.3 Plante liulk . l.,. Dehnunin . . , 14 Chenuul . . Chap. a Debtutu n ,- .l.2 Leakage Opetetuint . . ( h.ip i Detetuon and im entori, under grousui tanks . . 2. t h. 4 4 4 I " Prwess or processing Drainage *) stem tot . .. ... .. . . . . . . 54 4 1 Detuuiu.n . l.2 Liquids . , .sce aim spetihi; tipre su(h an Loinbustible lujunt$ Process unit (tessell Butloset . .1able 2d Detunnon 12 i Dehnst6on . . . ... . .)4 Handkng. transler. and use . . . . 54 incidental use . ....,....543 ' Stable . . . . . Tables 21. 24 .R. Dehnition . . . . ..........14 l'nstable . .. ,. . .413, Table 2 4 i Dehnioun . . . . . . . 14 Reactive liquids. we lentahlr lupoih 14 ading operations . . 3-4 4 Renneties WharT et , .54421.2 De hnuiur) .44 Rooms Cul-oll . 4a 2. D.444 De htut pit , .14 .M. Inude. > 4 1. D. l. 4 Dehmtton  !.2 Maintenance . . . , m .45.3 . Marirse terminals. .,53 3.t> Metr. cation. . . .l.14 .S. safety cans .O. l'ehuna n l2 Scope of cmie 11 herwise stauons  ! Occupancies Automain Anembh 44 3 - Dehnunou . 14 Dehmuon . . . . 14 Dehmium . .14 Clamhcanon ul inwie bmidmgs Dehtuuon . . 14 Dehtution < = 14 I douuonal . 44.s Ntatme Dehmuun . . . 14 Dehnnion . , , . . ,14 Insut uonnal . . 43 4 Spillage, atweveground tanks 24ct , Dehmtion . .. . . . . . . 14 Sprinkler eptems Nietunale. 4 3 3. A 4 5.3 i Cont mers .md portahic tanu . . 4.sil D4h 2 Dehtuuon . .._id Prineums planti Lin2 Othe e 4d -l htable liquids Dehninon 14 Dehr. mon. . . . ,14 Outdoor I ank lotohon Tables 21. 24 Dehnnum .-. .14 5tanapipe and Sse optems .tih2 l , Openings, tank (non.trnu static pinteciton . 5 4 412 ihtu b4 41.7 u 2 4 Almeground . 727 Storage .id Inude huddmus - 444 Inttoor . . .. . 44 Undergiound , jdb h ed. 45 h I. 44 7 );t Operating unit (see <0 Outdoor- . . 4.v Dehmoon . . . .14 Palleured. whd psic, or rat L. . 4 4 ti b la 7.6, 45 7 8 theu Operations 1.liap ?2 4 5 7.114 0 i the n 4 6.3. D-4 6 be htutum :14 Pr otetied . . . 44 " % ' Iaidny deug 4. .%3 Storage area, separate inside 4 , l. nann - . , _ . - _ . - , _ - . , . . _ _ . , _ _ . . _ . , _ . , _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ , _ _ _ . - . . . , _ _ _ , - - , . . _ _ ,.-.__.m__._____ . , 3048 el otu nnli olit ountulel s f lyt ilts t otit _ _ _ _ __ Dehnuinn . ..... . 12 .U. Morage cabinets, design, construction, and capauty of . . 4 3, A 4 3 2 Mores, recall 45$ t, nit operation or prmess ikhndion . 12 (Jnloading operation . . . 544 ~.\ ha t i ci . . . ..344212 L'nstable liquids Lit hint u.n - 12 flaenihng. k314 .T. 1 * 'd '' d "" l db3' 2~4 Tc k schicles and cars. loading and unloading. .3441 'Y* Tcnks, storage . . Chap 2 l Aluntgrourni ValrN ..... .36 l l kwhng in ..25h ilatef uli f ot . 't ? Itnpiu r' ;tu g ...2-2.32.2233 Vapor control . srr Ventilanon

1. it;.llanon . . ...- - ... ... . . 22 Vapor pressure twauon. 2 2.1. I ahire 21 the u "+ Dr htunc a = l2 (1penings anosot enti . . 127 Vapor processing equipenent Spating he tw eeti .u4u ent - ..2 2 2. Table 2 7 t k hnn u,n 12

!  % . ... ... . . . . J.' 23 Vapue perxtosing s) stem \pdl ete ge tr g ventrol. De hnu pin .2 2 4 thru 2 2 6. App li .l.2 Alnunphel u- -. l .3 Vapor recontry sistem Dchnu ton .1 2 Dr h nn p en - - .- 12 ' Devgn and tonitt ut tson . . 21 Yehltles, tank , a we l ank schu le-* and t at

  • l~t e ptolet tpan and idenuh4 anon . . . 24 Ventilation f loaun g t oe d , 2-21.1 Dennn vin . . .. 12 Inside huihhngs - . 2-4 prot esung buddnigt 4ii 1.ow pecuute =2 1 4 Vetiting . . -

er a!m Piping. u-nf De bout e ,n . . .12 Thin rgtound tanh i L er as ationsphrt u tanL 21.42 l n et gent t erhet .!> \pp 11 (htthlhng ptrsente.I of . 20 Nu in d .' J J Por tshic laplognin. . . we i s plosion $rniing Dehnuson . ,.... .l.2 prot riung buildings M24 Draign tonsit ut tuin, and up.uin . .42 'le.nks miute buddings . 2-4 2 theu 2 4:i (her ten gallont . Chap 2 L'nderground 20 i l nder fuW gallons . . Chap 4 Vessels, pressure . 14 2-1i 50unes of ignit6on . ... .. 24. Dehninon . 12 5.upp erto foundaunt.s. and enthorage 24 lie as atmosphets tant . 2.I12 'I rst inig . . 27 De at low piruure tank 2144 l'ruh r ground Volattlity of liquids 114 Wandon.urnt temos al. or trust 20 4. App C lhuul der ih and tinct. 212 ( ot tinn.n proirt tion esire nal . 2 :t 1

  • g\.
  • Ibuthnyaltas m 20 0.4 Inst alianon . . , 2 /3 i rakage detettion .uid ins ent. .) r et or dt .

. 210,b4419 Warehouses la ation . 21.1 (.rnrial pau pnr 4.; o t sperungs u.onarnt) 2d 6 Dehinuon i.. \ ents 233 1upad 4. ') 7 Vef ut al 2 2.12, 2 2 i :t Drhninon i2 lerminals, bulk,.. Waste disposal ire \l,unirn un r De benuon .l.2 Whs scs L412 Tetts, fire . App i De h mo. .n 12 9 MIFfahm -,. - . . - . . . ~ . . _ . . ~ - - . ~ . - - . _ _ - . _ . . . - - . - - .6 t I i k@, . i l i e- p 1 Attachment 6.3 NFPA 30 Walkdown checklist ) i -NFPA-30 code corpliance Evaluation t For i Donald C.' Cook Nuclear Plant i Units'1 and 2 -Indiana' Michigan-Power coropany  ? I r i [  ? f t + . l. O 1, f 5 i -i i 4 n 1, l l l ] 1 I

] - I d

t i i 4 ) i i .- I l i t ' i ', s i l I i t t l $ l ) i FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS STORAGE R7JM l t. i WALKIXMN CifECKLIST I@ c< co,muc m or, , .,. RuSS m l . t 1 r t i b  ? L ( l. l t n t t k 9 i Y it-e--4-e.+'w4--*,wwe.marv==_ww,*,,-wew,w- '_.-w-ra_-eru- ___.-.m-e.-w.sses-s_------_me-____.__--se-e._uem-_-w_---nw-- e+w**rm--Y ,, em 7" - ( '\ O) ( v' Z:14. na%a C~ly MY # NFPA 30 - 1987 CO : G w.r s'ersh '+.3 F11X'.ABLE AND COfiBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE A/A = Aof Aff'% <A6/e* CODE CO?tPLI ANCE VALEDO'"3 CHECKLIST / - Coup /s aar e \ hr Mc> o Ccepleert W - Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1-1 Scope and Application 1-1.1 This code applies to all flammable and conbustible liquids except those that are y solid at 100 F (37.8 C) or above. 1-1.2 Requirernents for the safe storage and use of g the great variety of flammable and combustible liquids commonly available depend primarily orr their fire characteristics, particularly the flash point, which is the basis for the several classifications of liquids as defined in Section 1-2. It should be noted that the classification of a liquid can b'e changed by cortamination. For example, filling a Class II liquid into a tank which last contained a Class I liquid can alter its classification, as can exposing a Class II liquid to the vapors of a Class I liquid via an inter-cornecting vapor line (see 2-2.6.4 and 2-3.5.6). Care shall be exercised in such cases to apply the requirements appropriate to the actual classification. [ NFPA 30 - 1987. , . FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIKDOWN CHECKLIST 4 Code ! Section i No. Code'Section Ua)_idown Renarks i 1-1.3 The volatility of liquids is increased by j heating. ..When Class II or Class III liquids l are exposed to storage conditions, use conditions or process operations where they' - are naturally or artificially heated to or above their flash points, additional require-ments may be necessary. These requirements

include consideration for such itens as-i ventilation, exposure to ignition sources,
j. diking, and electrical area classification.

i l 1-1.4 Additional requirements may be necessary for l the safe storage and use of liquids that have 1 l unusual burning characteristics, that are subject to self-ignition when exposed to the air, that are highly reactive with other j substances, that are subject to explosive j decompositioc, or have other special properties that dictate safeguards o-ser and above those specified for a normal liquid of similar flash point classification. i 1-1.5 In certain installations the provisions of , ! this code may be altered at the discretion of. J-

the authority having jurisdiction after consideration of the special features such as j topographical conditiens, barricades, valls, adequacy of building exists, . nature of l

i i 4 . . . . . . .. . .. . , . - - - . .- ., , , .. . - - . . . - ~ . - - . - . - . - . - , - - . , - . - . ( NFPA 20 - 1937 FIAMMABLE MG COMPUSTIBLE LIQUIDS LODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALEDO*.N CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section alkdown . Remarks 1-1.5 occupancies, proximity of buildings or Cont'd adjoin?.ng property and character of construction cf such buildings, capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be stored, nature of process, degree of private fire protection to be j provided, and the adequacy of facilities of the fire department to cope with fla=mable or combustible liquid fires. l 1-1.6 Existing plants, equipment, buildings, 7-structures, and installations far storage, handling, or use of flammable or combustible liquids that are not in strict coepliance with the terms of this code may be continued in use at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction provided they do not constitute a recognized hazard to life or adjoining property. The existence of a situation that might result in an explosion or sudden escalation of a fire, such an inadequate ventilation or confined spaces, lack of adequate emergency venting of a tank, failure to fireproof the supports of elevated tanks, or lack of drainage or dikes to control spills may constitute such a hazard. ~ 4-O O NFPA 30 - 1987 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIJJXNN CHECKLIST I-1 Code . Section l No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks J i . l 1-1. 7 - This code shall not apply to: I f 1-1.7.1 Transportation'of flammable and combustible y liquids. These requirements are centained in j the U.S. Department of Transportation regula- ] tions or in NFPA 385.

  • Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible i Liquids.*

4 1-1.7.2 Storage, handling, and use of fuel oil tanks j and containers connected with oil burning equipment. These requirements are covered } separately in NFFA 31, " Standard for the

_ Installation of Oil Burning Equipment.*

i ? j 1-1.7.3 Storage of flammable and combustible liquids i on farms and isolated construction projects. 7 - l These requirements are covered separately in i NFPA;395, " Standard for the' Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids on Farms i and Isolated Construction Projects." I j 1-1.7.4 Liquids without flash points that cas be flammable under some conditions, suc'a as y ! certain halogenated hydrocarbons and mixtures-containing halogenated hydrocarbons. (See NFPA 321. " Standard on Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids.") l I i NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIA* ICE WAIJJXL'N CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 1-1.7.5 Mists, sprays, or foams. (Except flamnable ((~ aeros-1s in containers, which are included in Chapt 4.) 1-1.8 Installations are made in accordance with the gy/7 applicable requirements of standards of the National Fire Protection Association: NFFA 32,

  • Standard for Drycleaning Plants;" NFPA 33,

" Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable l l or Combustible Materials;* NFPA 34, " Standard for Dipping and Coating Processes Using Flammable or Combustible Liquids;" NFFA 35, " Standard for the Manufacture of Organic Coatings;" NFPA 36, " Standard for So?. vent Extraction Plants;* NFFA 37 Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines;" NFPA 45, " Standard for Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals; and Chapter 10 of NFPA 99,

  • Standard for Health Cire Facilities," shall be deemed to be in compliance with this code.

1-1.9 Metrication. If a value for ceasurenent as g-given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated is regarded as the requirement. The given equivalent value may be approximate. r-NFPA 30 - 1987 FIRetABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIA' ICE WALEDOW CHECKLIST Code Section Code Section , Walkdown Remarks No. > 1-2 Definitions The scope of this chapter is not included in  ;[" l this report. Definitions are placed within NFPA 30 for information purposes only. 1-3 Storage Liquids shall be stored in tanks or in con- Re (g 6 C b ffer3 2MY tainers in accordance with Chapter 2 or Chapter 4. 1.4 Pressure Vessel All new pressure vessels containing liquids hk4 i shall comply with 1-4.1, 1-4.2, or 1-4.3, as applicable. 1-4.1 Fired pressure vessels shall be designed and f constructed in accordance with Section '. +b (Power Boilers), or Section VIII, Olvision 1 or Division 2 (Pressure vessels), as applicable, of the 1983 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 1-4 2 Unfited pressure vessels shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section VIII, A Division 1 or Division 2, of the 1983 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. l l l i " \ fr\ s/ NFPA 30 - 1987 FIA*fAABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE VAITJXLW CHECrd.IST Code Section No. Code Section' Walkdown Remarks 1 4.3 Fired and unfired pressure vessels that do not p) conform to 1-4.1 or 1-4.2 may be used provided approval has been obtained from the state or other governmental jurisdiction in which they are to be used. Such pressure vessels are generally referred to as " State Special." i 1 1.5 Exits Egress from buildings and areas covered by this code shall be in accordance with NFPA g. 101, " Life Safety Code." Chapter 2 Tank Storage The scope of this entire chapter is not included in this report. No permanent flammable liquid tanks exist within the fdf[( security fence. I'

  • j -Chapter 3 Piping. Valves, and Fittings i

The scope of this entire chapter is not b'g ; i included in this report. No flammable liquid i , piping systems are installed within the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Chapter 4 Container and Portable Tank Storage 4.1 Scope b l t .. 7 I NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMA13.E AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODS . CODE COMPLIANCE VAIXDOWN CHECKLIST ~ ^  ; e I Code , Section i No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks + i , 4-1.1 This chapter shall apply to the storage of - y L ' liquids, including flammable aerosols, in  ! drums or other containers noc exceeding 60 ' { gal (227 L) Individual capacity and portable  ! l' tanks not exceeding 660 gal - (2498 L)

individual capacity and. limited transfers j incidental thereto. .For portable tanks l exceeding' 660 gal -(2498' L)., Chapter 2 shall

. apply. 4-1.2 This chapter shall not apply to the following: . i

(a)- Storage of containers in bulk plants, 1 i l service stations, refineries, chemical plants. '

l- and distilleries. I-1, .(b) Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, aircraft', boats, or portable or Z stationary engines.  ! ! (c) . Beverages, when packaged in individual 1- i containers not exceeding a capacity of one i , gallon. l I i ' t I 6 t i  !- 2 E i 3 s f _s !' NFPA' 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE L1 QUIDS. CODE 3 CODE COMPLIANCE UA1 IDOL 7 CHECKLIST i l Code Section l No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks i '4-1.2 (d) Medicines, foodstuffs, cosmetics, and ][ 1 Cont'd other consumer products containing not more '

than 50 percent by volume of water-miscible liquids and with the remainder of the solution not.being flammable when packaged in i j

individual containers not exceeding one gallon .

. in size.

4 j (e) The storage of liquids. that have no fire ]r point when tested by ASTM D 92-73, the ! Cleveland Open Cup Test Method, up to the l Lolling point of the liquid, or up to.a

temperature at which the sample being tested ' .;

j shcvs an obvious physica1' change.  ; i

(f) The storage of distilled spirits and ][

} wines in wooden barrels or casks. )' ' j- 4-1.3 For the purpose of this chapter, unstable ][ l liquids and flammable aerosols shall be  ; } treated as Class IA liquids. 4 l _ 4-2 Design, construction, and Capacity of j Containers i I t i-i ! 4 I , __ ~ _ ,._ - - - . ... NFPA 30 - 1987 FIMCTABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE 4 . CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST i -' ~ Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks i I 4-2.1 Only approved containers and portable tanks /~ TLs *

  • r N dc+ ^* Ce shall be used. Metal containers and portable tanks neeting the requirements of, and con- y) OgM coAaeq n All g

taining products authorized by, Chapter I, Title 49 of the ' Code of Federal Regulations

  • f.C w d s M e COMB do' (DOT Regulations), or NFPA 386 Standard for C04.seg r ggF Sk pp*]froMSkr/~ed 4

) Portable Shipping Tanks for Flammable and .m - 8# Combustible Liquids," shall be acceptable. W l Polyethylene containers meeting the require- o f'SIO ~ " CO k ments of, and containing product _s authorized by, DOT Specification 34, and polyethylene drums authorized by DOT Exemption Procedures, j shall be acceptable. Plastic containers I meeting the requirements of ANSI / ASTM D 3435-80,

  • Plastic Containers (Jerry Cans) for Petroleum Products,' used for j petroleum products within the scope of that j specification shall be acceptable.

/ 4-2.2 Each portable. tank shall be provided with one pI or e /8 w L

or more devices installed in the top with 4

sufficient emergency venting capacity to limit l internal pressure under fire exposure j conditions to 10 psig (68.9 kPa), or 30 j . percent of the bursting pressure of the tank, whichever is greater. The total venting capacity shall be not less chan that specified , 'in 2-2.5.4 or 2-2.5.6. At least one pressure-i i 4 , .- -._,.; , , , . _ - m -- .n.s, N - 'I t NFPA 30 - 1987 __ -. FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE VAIIDOkW CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks i 4-2.2 actuated vent havigg a minimum capacity of Cont'd 6.000 cu ft (170 m ) of free air per hour (14.7 psia (760 mm Hg) and 60 F (15.6 C) shall be used. It shall be set to open at not less . than 5 psig (34.5 kPa). If fusible vents are i used, they shall be actuated by elements that

operatg at a temperature not exceeding 300*F
j. (148.9 C). L' hen used for paints, drying oils, and similar materials where plugging of the pressure-actuated vent can occur, fusible i

vents or vents of the type that soften to 4 failure at a maximum of 300 F (148.9*C) under fire exposure may be used for the entire j emergency venting requirement. 4-2.3 .N # #' # Containers and portable tanks for liquids ' a s u<da ,o p ho

sha.11. conform to Table ' -2.3 except as fagoo,g.,7 cem u; fyJ 3 .ee 1

74"Is d ,yG for ss M v K. i provided in 4-2.3.1 or 4-2.3.2. gg cous,..-es. u c.g n.s - e ce A 4'7. s&eh do ~ J*l rt ,y ] 4-2.3.1 Medicines, beverages, foodstuffs, cosmetics, and other common consu:ner products, when  %.,  ; A s,p,Js .rten.) d,a r% s emm, j packaged according to commonly accepted practicer . for retail sales, shall be exempt from the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.3. ( 2' Nj . /A i ) l l 4 i i ,,.e.,. . , , . ,3 - r - - ' . . e. - +. - ' - . ,-v- - - -- w *. -----: -n- - . - - * . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - -w= -e-- - +"- O y-i , NFPA 30 - 1987 [ I FLAMMABLE AND COMBUST 1IiLE LIQUIDS l CODE , CODE COMPLIANCE VALKDOVN CHECKI.1ST . L f 1 t i


{ i Section  ! j No. -Code Section Valkdown Remarks [ t 4-2.3.2 DOT Type III polyethylene nonreusable con- g  ! tainers, constructed and tested in accordance i with DOT specification 2U treated if ( 4 necessary to prevent permeation, asy be used { l for. storage of Class II and Class III liquids,

f. in all capacities not'to exceed 2 1/2 gal.

a [ i i 4-2.3.3 Class IA and Class IB liquids,may be stored in f l l glass containers of not more than one gallen IEI A [

capacity if the required liquid purity (such as ACS analytical reagent grade or higher) '
. would be affected by storage in metal con-p tainers of if the liquid would cause excessive i [

corrosion of the metal container. . i f p 4.3 Design,. Construction, and Capacity of Storage

Cabinets f i

{ ! 4.3-1 Not more than 120 gal (454 L)lof Class I, g ,g /,

Class II, and Class IIIA 11gulds may be stored gC pC"_ y gj ,)3 [

I in a storage cabinet. Of this total, not more ' l i than 60 gal (227 L) may be of Class I and bie t MNW l Class II liquids and not more than three (3) { such cabinets may be located in a single fire f area,.except that, in all industrial occupancy,  !

i. additional cabinets may be located in the same {

l fire area if the additional cabinet, or group  ! { of not more than three (3) cabinets, is {. separated from other cabinets or group of l cabinets by at least 100 ft (30 m). l b  : t ! i 4 ( ) .I k 7 i NFFA 30:- 1987 t FIR 9 FABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS. CODE - CODE COMPLIANCE VAIJCDOWN CHECKLIST 3 l +  ; Code $ection ' E 'No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks [. i I t Storage cabinets shall be designed and 4-3.2 g % gg, Do m eb Ie Is yd 3 constrteted to limit the internal temperature ,, 1 at the center,1 in. (2.5 cm) from the top to Cci % -s o i-- p\khwo , not more than 325 F (162.8 C) when subjected i to a 10-minute fire test with burners i

. simulating a room fire exposure using the i

standard time-temperature curve as given in ASTM E 152-81a. All joints and seams shall remain tight and the door shall remain securely closed during the fire test.  ! i The cabinet is not required to be-vented for ' t fire protection purposes; however, the  ; } following shall apply N i. (a) If the cabinet is vented for other [ } reasons, the' cabinet shall be vented outdoors  ! in such a manner that will not compromise the 6 j 4 specified performance of the cabinet, as I acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. j r (b) If the cabinet is'not vented, the vent

  • i-openings shall be sealed with properly fitted

, :netal bung. i I d t t (  ?  ; t 4 , s , , . . . . . . _,_ . . - . - . . . . - - - , - - - - - ~ --- - + - - ^ - ~ - - * ~ ' * ~ ~ ' ' ' - - - - - - ~ - - - - ' - - _ m r NFPA 30 - 1987 r ~ FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE .-CODE COMPLIANCE WAIIDOWN CHECKLIST -Code Section No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks 4-3.2.1 Metal esbinets constructed in the-following 5v-7e k I*' ~ ~ '

  • I manner are acceptable. The bottom, top, door, gggg e and sides of cabinet shall be at least No. 18 gage sheet steel and double valled with 1 1/2 in.' (3.8 cm) air space. Joints shall be riveted, velded, or made tight by some equally effective means. The door shall be provided' with a latch arrangement and the dc.or-sill shall be raised at least.2 in. <

(S cm) aboveithe bottom of the_ cabinet to f retain spilled liquid within the cabinet. 4 3.2.2 Wooden cabinets constructed in the following arttar are acceptable. The bottom, sides, and top. shall be constructed of exterior grade plywood at least 1 in. (2.5 cm) in thickness, l which shall not break down or delaminate under fire conditions. All. Joints shall be  ! rabbetted and shall be two j directions with wood screws. When more than one door is used, there shall be a rabbetted overlap of not less than 1 in'. (2.5 cm).  ; boors shall be equipped with a means of latching end hinges'shall be constructed and mounted in such a manner'as to not lose their ' holding capacity when subjected to fire exposure. ;A raised sill or pan capable of containing a 2 in (5 cm) depth of liquid provided at the bottore of the ca inet tc. retain spilled liquid within the cabinec. - ~' t .'g g ~: ' , , - , . . . . ~ p i NFPA 30 - 1987  %%MMABLE AND COMEUSTIELE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIJJX74N CIIECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Femarks " I 4-3.2.3 Listed cabinets that have bcen constructed 55 " " 7 and tested in accordance with 4-3.2 shall be C r.6 % M ', pcAdem ] acceptable. 4-4 Design, Construction, and Operation of Separate Inside Storage Areas (See Section 1-2, " Definitions.) (For additional infornation, see Appendix C.) 4-4.1 Inside Rooms 4-4.1.1 Inside rooi.s shall be constructed to meet the selectcG fire-resistance rating as specified [' s g, gy bm gf% in 4-4.1.4. Such construction shall comply ~ , g ,gM (bOWrM od. with the test specifications given in NFFA 251, " Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Build ~ng Construction and Materials." Except l for d ains, floors shall be liquidtight and the room shall be liquidtight where the walls join the floor. Where an automatic fire protection system is provided, as indicated in 4-4.1.4 the . system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the appropriate NFPA standard for the type of system selected. . _ . . _ ._ I y r .l NFPA 30 - 1987 FIR 01ABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE , CODE COMPLIANCE WALKIXh7 CHECKLIST i k 1 Code i Section 4 - No. Code Section Walkdown P.esarks I' w__-- 5 l '4-4.1.2 Openings in interior walls to adjscent-rooms j or buildings shall be provid:G with: (a) Normally closed, listed 1 1/2 hr (fL) fire j . *,7 ( decrs for interior walls t-ith fire-resistance Y I&$ ' Et TON I# C' " # rating of 2 hr or less. Whera interior walls 4, * , 'are required to have graater chan 2 hr fire-  % w, Q g* j resistance rating, the listed fire doors shall 1 be compatible with the wall rating. Doors may bd Mr (No l's fMS be arranged to stay open during material D OW 'd t

handling ' operations if doors are designed to i close automatically in a fire emergency by provision of listed closure devices. Fire doors shall'be installed in accordance with NFPA 80, " Standard for Fire Doors and Windows."

! -(b) Nor.c.,mbustible liquidtight raised sills / or ramps st least 4 in. (10 cm) in height or ' RM5 oft cyrcA.msbh b otherwisa designed to prevent the flow of w he,qdk liquids to the adjoining areas. A permissible / alternat1re to the sill or ramp is an open-grated trench, which drains to a safe locatior., across the width of the opening } inside of room. l 4 I l 3

c. .. _ ~ _ . - - _ . . . - - -_ . _ _ . - _ , __ _-__-.._____.._--..h

~ - e

  • NFPA 30 - 198 7 -

FIAW3LE AND COMSUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE - CODE COMPLIANCE WAIFI/JJN CIIECKLIST I . i r Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks t P ' 4-4.1.3 Wood at least 1 in (2.5 cm) nominal thickness / T ro 2 Y beordS *f- E'" - t. may be used for shelving, racks, dunnage. Scu@floords CE *e M

scuffboards, floor overlay, and similar uQ g

 % [ Installations. , ~ spec h o u . , 4.1.4 Storage In inside rooms shall comply with the following:

Automatic Total Allowable X .h!cor b_x EO4

~ Fire Maximum Quantities-- l Protection

  • Provided Fire Resistance Floor Area Callons/Sq Ft/

Floor Area g /, jg (J[/s } YES complea uce of 1 0 <f o % )s i f S i d i NO 2 2 hr hr 500 sq ft 10 4** m  : 500 sq ft i j' YES 1 hr 150 sq ft 5 D "D* .  ! NO- I hr 150 sq ft 2 2 - I SI Units: 1 sq ft - 0.09 m , 1 gal - 3.8 L.

  • Fire protection system.shall be sprir.kler,

, water spray, carbon dioxide.. dry chemical, [

halon, or other approved system.  !

** Total allowable quantities of Class IA and 'i IB Liquids shall not exceed that permitted in  ! Table 4-4.2. 7 and the provisions of '4-4.2.10. i j I i c _ m -- e m .m g -rm- -d -ew- - - 7 -- a- m .9m - t v-P" -+ W# 4- - ='-f r P--9~- + - + w *-$1- 1 i 4 NFPA 30 - 1987~ FLAMMAP,LE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE l j , CODE COMPLIANCE WAIJJXN'N CHECKLIST

  • 1


l. Code-
! No. Code Section .

Walkdown Remarks I. 1 4-4.1.5 Electrical wiring and equipment 1ccated in inside rooms used for Class I liquids shall be { y g,QM gg t ;,/yo bs$ [- l suitable for Class-I, Division 2 classified D ,g,g , g 2 f g e wds, locations; for Class II and Class III liquids, l shall be suitable for general use. NFPA 70, , g g M .b w Ng hn er od W N >

  • National Electrical Code,* provides ( ggt g information on tne design and installation of - -

electrical equipment. p. 4-4.1.6 Every inside room shall be prosIded with either a gravity-or a continuous mechanical

exhaust ventilation system. Mechanical '

l ventilation shall be used if Class I liquid; are dispensed within the room. (a) Exhsust air shall be taken from a point near a wall on one side of the room and Kj q g,Jfc4 /_5 /cxo M M [ within 12 in. (30 cm) of the floor with one * [ , or more make-up inlets located on the opposite side of- the room within 12 in. (30 cM from ogc,,g jg" hem nR hoor ' the floor. The location of both the exhaust and inlet air openings shall be arranged to I provide, as far as practicable, air movements across all portions of the floor to prevent accumulation of flammable vapors. Exhaust from the room shall be directly to the . exterior of the building without i t recirculation. , l ~ , s  ; s P NFPA 33 - 1987 f ,_ FLMDIABLE AND CO?iBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE..


~ CODE COMPLIANCE VAIXDOWN CilECKLIST .i ' Code , Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks l 1 . } 4-4.1.6 Exception: ' Recirculation is permitted where t *f j { Cont'd it is monitored continuously using a fail-safe ) MC M C) W f-system that is designed to automatically sound -[ an alarm, stop recirculation, and provide full C7 M > 'S g$7 g pp, exhaust to the outside in the ' event that  ; vapor-air mixtures in concentration over one-fourth of the lower flammable limit are l detected.- l \ l i If ducts are used, they'shall not be used for j  ! any other purpose and shall comply with NFPA-  ! 4 91, " Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor l l Removal or Conveying.* If make-up air to a l mechanical system is taken from within the l i building, the opening shall'be equipped with a fire door or damper, as required in NFFA 91 [ {

  • Standard 'for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust; Stock, and vapor
i. Removal or Conveying." For gravity systems. j j the make-up air shall be ' supplied from outside i the building.

3 <. t . t-1 i l

j.  ;

1 i = t , L -i- M i NFPA 30 - 1987 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE VA1JJXNW CHECKLIST Code I Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks l 4-4.1.6 (b) Mechanical ventilation systems shall S c*"  ? # ' *' b 7 Cont'd provide at least one cubic foot per minute of 3 j exhaust.,per per 3 m'), butsquare foot not less of floor than area(4(1mg) . 150 cfm ' The mechanical ventilation system for dispensing areas shall be equipped with an air flow switch or other equally reliable method that is interlocked to sound an audible alarm upon failure of the ventilation system. 4-4.1.7 In every inside room, an aisle'ar least 3 ft (0.90 m) wide shall be maintained so that no container is more than 12 ft (3.6 m) from the aisie. Containers over 30 gal (113.5 L) capacity storing Class 1 or Class 11 liquids shall not be stored more than one entainer high. 4-4.1.8 Vnere dispensing is being done in inside c y reo:ns, operations shall cuceply with the provisions of Chapter 5. 4-4.1.9 Basemenc Storage Areas. Class I liquids shall . [ , not be permitted in inside storage rooms in M / A-

  • g r o "d s.

basement areas. 4 4.2 Cutoff Fooms and Attached Buildings l l M co r NFPA 30 - 1987 FIRDtABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COPPLIANCE VALKDOWN QiECKLIST

  • i l

Code , Section No. Code Section- f Walkdown Remarks 4-4.2.1 Construction design of exterior walls shall provide ready accessibility for fire fighting g f g 4  %%r  ! operations through pro rision of access openings, windows,'or lightweight non- y fa.{. We hus }de 4 g gwQ combustible wall panels. Where Class IA or IB liquids are dispensed or where Class IA  %%G i liquids are stored in containers larger than g 4 - one gallon, the exterior wall or roof construction shall be designed to include g g 7 [cd5 QI  ; i explosion-venting teatures, such as light-

  • weight wall assemblies, lightweight roof g g / , f c.y assemblies, roof hatches, or windows of the , ,

explosion-venting type. NFPA 68,

  • Guide for i Explosion Venting," provides information on [

this subject. l 4-4.2.2 Uhere other portions of buildings or other 4g a vtkor M3 properties are exposed, each opening in the 4 f exposing wall shall be protected with a gse y%e be ' O ' "j ghq3 fo listed 1 1/ (D) fire door installed in gj co.asiv udt'^'- accordance with NFPA 80, ' Standard for Fire 5" , Doors and Vindows," and the valls shall have a fire-resistance rating of~not less than 2 hrs. [ j I I l i a t  : ( i i i 4 f i I r} O NFPA 30 - 1987 FIWi'iABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LTQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAUCDO*.'N CHECKLIST Code , Section No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks l 4-4.2.3 Except as noted in 4-4.2.6, interior walls, CO / g { g , u.d 6. ., o uTi,or MG M ceiling, and floors shall have c fire- / g resistance rating of not less than 2 hrs where r Fa f- T7s c h sib iaN j #[f floor area gf the room or building exceeds 300 g g,j,pv e h og , - sq ft (27 m ) or a fire-resistance rating of not less thgn one hour for a floor area of 300 sq ft (27 m ) or less. Such construction shall comply with the test specifications given in NFPA 251,

  • Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials."

Walls shall be liquidtight at the floor level. 4-4.2.4 Openings in interior walls to adjacent rooms ( t g.,; 'A ' r +' h EXT or buildings shall be in accordance with 4-4.1.2(a). 4-4.2.5 Curbs, scuppers, special drains, or other suitable means shall be provided to prevent K1 g, gM f bghp the flow of liquids uncer emergency conditions into adjacent building areas except where the individual container capacity is 5 gal i (18.9 L) or less or if the liquids stored are l only Class III 11gulds. The drainage system, if used, shall have sufficient capacity to carry off expected discharge of water from fire protection systems and hose streams. ! .. I NFPA 30 - 1987 ' FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOLN GIECKLIST ' i-i h ' Code # i !' Section  ! No. Code Section l Valkdown Remarks i 3- i i 1 4-4.2.6 Roofs of attached buildings, one story in p{ 1 height..may be lightweight noncombustible construction if the separating interior wall j

as,specified in 4-4.2.3 has a minimum 3 ft j (0.90-m) parapet.

4 i j 4-4.2.7 Unprotected storage in cutoff rooms and i attached buildings shall comply with Table d 4-4.2.7. (See 4-4.2.10.for mixed storage of j liquids.) l, 4-4.2.f Protected storage in cutoff rooms and attached gg gledle G thoM,3

buildings shall comply with Section 4-6 as '
applicable. (See 4-4.2.10 - for mixed storage  !

}. of liquids.) I c  ; 4-4.2.9 Wood at least 1 in (2.5 cm) nominal thickness may be used for shelving, racks, dunnage, / 7 2" pf [g-g ggg } p scuffboards, floor overlay, and similar installations. - g gd ed sc eNGo s-$1 o4-  ;

g ,.y ,4pech e u, j 4-4.2.10 Where two or more classes of liquids are

' { stored in a single' pile or. rack section, the  ! l maximum quantities and height af storage / i ) permitted in that pile or rack section shall. j be the smallest of the two or more separate quantities and heights. The maximum total i i  ; ~ l i , t I i t i  ! 1 I i t }. - u .. . . _ _ -. . _ . . _ _ ... .c__ _ __ _ _ _ ._ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 f'\ .f r % s k ' NFPA 30 - 1987 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUST 13LE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CllECKLIST } 1 Code  ! Section No. Code Sectirn Walkdown Remarks 4-4.2.10 quantities permitted shall be limited to a Cont'd sum of proportional amounts that each class of liquid present bears to the maximum total permitted for its respective class; sum of

  • proportional amounts not to exceed 100 "

percent. 4-4 2.11 Dispensing operations of Class I or Class II / #f' - liquids are not permitted in cutoff rooms or V A 8Cf3 h I ^><3 b SP N fr attacgedbuildingserceeding1000sqft g 3g / /, Ag w/m 34o (93 m ) floor. area. In rooms where dispensing of Class I liquids is permitted, electricai N Ekckaccb Sy dh. /-II t CIeC4 rte.S systems shall comply with 4-4.1.5..except mg 1/ y , /, g that within 3 ft (0.90 m) of a dispensing nozzle area, the electrical system shall be suitable'for Class 1, Division I; ventilation shall be provided per 4-4.1.6; and operations g Ml ON shall comply with the provistons of Chapter 5. 4-4.2.12 Basement Storage Areas. Class I liquids shall not be permitted in the basement areas of cut- M[A # b'"# "If0 - 8 3* w off rooms and attached buildings. Class II 7e 3 -@ tsar ' and Class IIIA liquids may be stored in base-ments provided that automatic sprinkler protection and other fire protection facilities are provided in accordance with Section 4-5. 4,5 Indoor Storage . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t_ _O. - _ _ _ __ - .. f ( U]. NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTICLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAU~DOWN CHECKLIST ' Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4-5.1 Basic Conditions ggg ~ f 4-5.1.1 The storage of any liquids shall not physically obstruct a means of egress. g 4 oh .o o I, Class I liquids in other than separate inside Sp % is a wo A b le d ^' O' S

  • storage areas or warehouses shall be so placed p ,-f, that a fire-in the liquid storage would not preclude egress from the area.


  • 4-5.1.2 The storage of liquids in containers or e e g4 portable tanks shall comply with 4-5.2 through -

4-5.7, as applicable. Where separate inside storage areas are required, they shall conform to Section 4.4 Where other factors " substantially increase or decrease the haztrd, the authority. having jurisdic* tion may modify .the quantitics specified. j 4-5.1.3 Liquids used for btailding maintenance painting C, g- -fkg  ! or other similar infrequent maintenance g /p / 4 3 m7Y q ga If purposes may be stored tempor.rily in closed P"ep%c of S w e ->y N e t hs  ; containers outside of storage cabinets or J A g, ' separate inside storage areas, if limited in L, fg f e ,w e ., ,f, C o m A g " M b C C' #

  • I of f amount, not to exceed a 10-day supply at 'C**" **
  • anticipated rates of consumption. p fc c*Au r e PET- R 7^ t 4-5.1.4 Class I liquids shall not be stored in a basement, except as provided in 4-5.5.

/ g, 4 4 , 3y gp y C,m n NFPA 30 -'1987 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE. COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4-5.2 9wellings ad Residential. Buildings Containing pd f4 hot More Than Three Dwelling Units and A. companying Attached and Detached Garages. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.3 Assenbly Occupancies, Buildings Containing h) fAr More Than Three Dwelling Units, and Hotels. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.4 Office, Educational, and Institutional bO!Ar Occupancies. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.5 Mercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores, and Other Related Areas Accessible to the Public. ))f This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.6 General Purpose Warehouses. (See 1-2, j Definitions.) This chapter is not applicable to the Donald Ib C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.7 Liquid Warehouses. (See 1-2, Definitions.) 7F j 7 fyp p T ' )_ g J v NFPA 30 - 1987 FLMLMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOW CHECKLIST l Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks i 4-5.7.1 Liquid warehouses shall be separate, detached A l4e, u k Ws <* w+hC8~ # buildings or shall be separated from other cQ / 6 N g-type occupancies by standard 4-hr fire walls, T ggg of>j)N with commun. sting openings protected on each hhb C O4 WN side.of the wall with automatic-closing, listed 3-hr-(A) fire doors, M gD# ~ }U Fire doors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 80, [/ ]- kr, I'd?S " Standard for Fire Doors and Windows." - 4-5.},2 If the warehouse building is located more than 10 ft (3 m) but less than 50 ft (15 m) from an ' important building or line of adjoining property that can be built upon, the exposing b NC '/ - 7 7-wall'shall have a fire-resistance rating of at least 2 hrs with each opening'protectad with a 1 listed l'1/2-br (D) fire door-4-5.7.3 If the <archeese is located 10 ft (3 m) c:r j less froc an important be!1 ding or line of (g adjoining property that can be built upon, tha (f __ f, j, g/) exposing wall shall have a fire-resistance rating of 4 hrs with eacn opening protected with a listed 3-hr (A) fire door. p- g T- +- y e  % = . . . . e .- .. . .., (?' M) l ) f"% l N.J NFPA 30 - 1937 ) ' . FIAMMAELE AND CGMBUSTIdLE LIQUIDS CODE C007, COMPLIANCE UALKDOWN CllECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4-5.7.4 An attached warehouse, having communicating openings in the required 4-hr fire wall separation from the adjacent building area, shall have these openings protected by: (a) Normally closed, listed 3-hr (A) fire doors on each side of the wall. These doors 3 kr. Fa't-e( LA L lisd may be arranged to stay open during material / handling operations, only if the doors are 'N OCE designed to close automat.ically in a fire emergency by provision of listed closure devices. (b) Noncombustible, liquidtight raised sills / or ramps, at least 4 in. (10 cm) in height, g pw p S or other design features to prevent flow of j liquids to the adjoining area. 4-5.7.5 Firt doors shall be installed 10 accordance with NFPA 80, " Standard for Fire Doors and CO Windows." 4-5.7.6 The total quantity of liquids within a liquid gg sc.} k / fi warehouse shall not be restricted. The , 6 4 maximum pile heights and maximum quantity per e rgur &c 5_ - / pile, arranged as palletized and/or solid pile tbV # g 4 c, storage, shall comply with Table 4-4.2.7, if oi eve,p g r w c3 M. L-----_. .. - ~ x ,. x- p - NFPA 30.- 1987 FI M 4ABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECKLIST. i Code' I Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4-5 7.6 unprotected,'or Table 4-6.1(a).if protected, Cont'd in accordance.with Section 4-6. The storage heights of containers on. protected racks shall comply with Table 4-6.l(b), as applicable. 1 Exception: An unprotected liquid warehouse located a minimum of 100 ft (30 m) from exposed buildings or adjoining property that MfA can be built upon is not required to conform to Table 4-4.2.7, if there is protection for exposures. Where protection for exposures is ' not provided, a minimum 200 ft (61 m) distance l is required. 4-5.7.7 Class'I liquids shall not be permitted in the , i basement areas of liquid warehouses. Class II dA g r c,*wd Wr 2 N[ M4 , and Class IIIA liquids may be stored in base- ' ments provided that automatic sprinkler , protection and other fire protection facilities are provided'in accordance with Section 4-6. 4-5.7.8 Limited amounts of combustible commodities,  ! as defined in the' scope _of NFPA 231, " Standard [ for General Storage " and NFPA 231C. . " Standard Age CPbt ** ] CO N "SO b!"5-for Rack Storage of Materials," may be stored a, f 34 e> red W/rw diL Of% l in liquid warehouses if protection is provided * ' 6 f/ %d NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLlANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST l Code Secti;n No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4-5.7.8 in accordance with Section 4-6, and the Cont'd ordinary combustibles, other than those used for packaging the liquids, are separated a minimum of 8 ft (2.4 m) horizontally, by aisles or open racks, from the liquids in storage. 4-5.7.9 Empty or idle combustible pallet storage shall [ {\ q g wqq t5 be U ft limiteg)toamaximumpilesizeof2500sq (232 m and to a maximum storage height of f egg ph b N' S "#4 6 ft (1.8 m). Idle pallet storage shall be separated from liquids by at least 8 ft (2.4 m) wide aisles. However, pallet storage in accordance with NFPA 231, " Standard for General Storage," shall be acceptable. 4-5.7.10 Containers in piles shall be separated by / pallets or dunnage to provide stability and to ,/ C1 I f*I P SM"f0fA / P' /~3 gf prevent excessive stress on container walls. 1 Portable tanks stored over one tier high shall be designed to nest securely, without dunnage. Jtoble. O \f l S 5^ DCCSf/ve (See NFPA 386, " Standard for Portable Shipping s j u s e, edct S e st S

  • M2 o ^>

Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids," for information on portable tank design.) C o ^ > N ^' W " Materials handling equip:nent shall be suitable to handle containers and tanks safety at the upper tier level. ' n l r. e o . i NFPA 30 - 1987 FIR'.MABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN C11ECKLIST Code Section Code Section Walkdown Remarks No. I 5-3.2.7 walls and/or roof; (c) lightweight wall panels Cont'd and roof hatches; (d) windows of explosion- ) venting type. NFPA 68, "Cuide for Explosion Venting," provides information on this subject. 5-3.3 Ventilation i o l CI Enclosed processing areas holding or using .U < ' r * ;X 'i~ C/ V'i N 5-3.3.1 ,O ,1' ' ' Class II liquids, or Class 11 or Class III liquids above their flash points, shall be ventilated at a rate of not 3 1ess than 1 cu per minute per sq ft (0.3m)perminperm{t) of solid floor area. This shall be accomp-lished by natural or mechanical ventilation with discharge or exhaust to a safe location outside the building without recirculation. l Exception: Recirculation is permitted where it is monitored continuously using a fail-safe r_ ,; system that is designed to automatically sound an alarm, stop recirculation, and provide full exhaust to the outside in the event that vapor-air mixtures in concentration over one-fourth of the lower fla, unable limit are detected. e . y , Am NFPA 30 - 1987: ' FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECKLIST - 2 Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarka I' 5-3.3.1 Provision shall be made for introduction of Cont'd make-up air in such a manner as:to avoid 2 short-circuiting the ventilation. Ventilation shall be arranged to include all floor areas ' 'or pits where' flammable. vapors may collect. l l Where natural ventilation'is inadequate, ' mechanical ventilation shall be provided and 't shall be kept'in operation while flammable 4 liquids are being handled. Local or spot ' l ventilation may be needed for the control of , special fire-or health hazards. .Such ventilation, if provided, can be: utilized for

up to 75 percent of the required ventilation.

NFPA 91, . " Standard for : the Installation of i

Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal.or Conveying," and NFPA 90A, >

" Standard for the. Installation of: Air ' Conditioning and Ventilating Systems," provide j information on this. subject.  ;

5-3.3.2 Equipment used'in a' building and the ventila- ,

-, ,.s j g* ? tion of the building shall be designed to ' ' , , , , ,., E, , , g ,,_ 0, 3 p limit flammable vapor-air mixtures under -  ! , normal operating conditions to:the interior o f . equipment, and to not more'than 5 ft -t (1.5 m) from equipment that. exposes Class I e l liquids to the air. Examples of such  ! l equipment are dispensing stations, open  ; centri fuges , plate and frame filters, open f l- vacuum filters, and surfaces of open equipment. ~' t .. - - ~ ,, - . - - - - , . . . & . L.$ G NFPA 30 - 1987 ' FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIEJXNN CHECKLIST Code Sectton No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 5 3.4 Drainage IlfL L d' 5-3.4.1 Emergency drainage systems shall be provided. CF rauds d o cyPPeOI to direct flammable or combustible liquid -p leakage and fire protection water to a safe fkgg M location. "This may require curbs, scuppers, or special drainage systems to control the spread of fire (see 2-2.3). Appendix A of NFPA 15, " Standard for Vater Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection," provides information.on this subject. I

  • 5-3.4.2 Emergency drainage systems, if connected to public sewers or discharged into public waterways, shall be equipped with traos or separators.

5-3.4.3 A facility shall be designed and operated to ,. , prevent the normal discharge of flammable or combustible liquids to public waterways, public sewers, or adjoining property. 5-3.5 Electrical Equipment i 'T tb ~ y *-1..) 5-3.5.1 This section shall apply to areas where Class . ,_ I liquids are stored or handled and to areas - where Class II or Class'III liquids are stored or handled ar a temperature above their flash . points (see 1-1,3). ___...__...;.___...._-....y. f-NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CllECKLIST 1 Code Section Code Section Walkdown Remarks No. 1 5-3.5.2 All electrical equipment and wiring shall be A This sectror'M & L '* N of a type specified by,-and installed in I o {q M Th e $ S Mr Cl[fQ accordance with, NFPA 70, " National Electrical j 6 ' b__* Code." 5-3.5.3 So far as it applies, Table 5-3.5.3 shall be , , fc~ " q Spc 4,,, a d o es eF used to delineate and classify areas for the "N purpose of installation of electrical # S 5#7 equipment under normal conditions. In the p z7 _3 , cp , ( ' application of classified areas, a classified area shall not extend beyond an unpierced ficor, wall, roof, or other solid partition. The designation of classes and divisions is defined in Chapter 5 Article 500, of NFPA 70, " National Electrical Code. (See NFPA 497A, " Recommended Practice for Classification of Class I llazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas." a,d 497M, Manual for Classification of Gases, Vapors, and Dusts for Electrical Pquipment in llazardous (Classified) Locations," for guidance.) 5-3.5.4 The area classifiestions listed in Table , 5-3.5.3 are based on the premise the installation meets the applicable requirements of this code in all respects. Should this not be the case, the authority having jurisdiction shall have the authority to classify the extent of the area. . = -i 3 Q Q ' ' NFPA 30 - 1987 FIAMMABLE ' AND COM3USTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 5-3.5.5 Where the provisions of 5-3.5.1, 5-3.5.2, g 5-3.5.3,'and'5-3.5.4 require the installation I ' @; - %O 5 G & o ^> UMS #N ' of. electrical equipment nuitable for Class I,  %, g peg arm v Division 1 or Division.2 locations, ordinary G i'P } S-3.S.f electrical equipment including switchgear may per be used if installed in a room or enclosure that is maintained under positive pressure with respect'to the classified area. Ventila-tion make-up air shall not be contaminated. .i NFPA 496, " Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures'for Electrical Equipment," provides details for these types of installations. ^ 5-3.5.6 For marine terminals handling flammable g ', 'o ' r b e c. 5 %p & S ~#I~' liquids, Figure 5-3.5.6 shall be used as a ,c gg a minimum basis to delineate and classify areas for the purpose of installation of electrical } to /%-(- ' equipment. 5.4 Liquid Handling, Transfer, and Use T. r( e 5.4.1 General 7. T L E- Class I liquids shall be kept in closed tanks or containers when not actually in use. Class - - II and Class III-liquids shall be kept in closed tanks.or containers when ambient or process temperature is at or above their flash point. 7 f - x xj; NFPA 30 - 1987 . FLAMMABLE AND'COMBUSTIBLELLIQUIDS CODE-CJDE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECKLIST + -? l Code-Section .g !- 'No. . Code Section- Walkdown Remarks i 5-4.1.2 Where 11gulds are used or handled, provisions gg , , ,~ 29 4 vf, ,%g 1, ,3 .J shall be mede to promptly and safely dispose of - leakage or spills. 'j" 4 5-4.1.3 Class I liquids.shall not be used outside closed systems where there are-open flames or */ , #' '. r" '] " I 4 "' other Ignition sources within the classified , l . areas as set.forthLin Table 5-3.5.3.  : i c . t 5-4.1.4 - Transferring 11gulds by means of pressurizing . . p fi l the container with. air is prohibited. Trans- l j ferring liquids by pressure of inert gas is  : permitted only.if controls, including [ 3 pressure-relief devices, are provided to limit  :[ the-pressure so it.cannot exceed the design j . pressure of the vessel, tank, container, and .; i piping system. 5-4.1.5 Positive' displacement pumps shall be provided ,  ; with pressure relief discharging back to the i- O ) ~!

tank, pump suction, or'other suitable .

l location, or shall be provided with interlocks '[ to-prevent overpressure.- 5-4.1.6 Piping, valves, and fittings shall be in. 4 , accordance with Chapter 3, " Piping. Valves, .; 4 and Fittings." l ) i t . .t l .l r's f' -y \ L/) + + {J n %J NFPA 30 - 1987 11AMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPL:\NCE WAIJ.DOWN CHECKLIST Code Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 5-4.1.7 Listed flexible connectors may be used where p q", vibration exists. Approved hose may be used at transfer stations. 5-4.2 Equipment. Equipment shall be designed and .[ ,g Q g$7" g arranged to prevent the unintentional escape / of liquids and vapors and to minimize the quantity escaping in the event of accidental release. 5.4.3 Incidental Use of Liquids This section shall be applicable where the use i-and handling of liquids is only incidental to the principal business, such as automobile assembly, construction of electronic equipment, furniture manufacturing, or other similar activities, a s Class I and Class II liquids shall be drawn t ., ,. g.  ; ,,';, '- b_ " 'vt re from or transferred into ++m vessels, , ' - ' c'; F ^ containers, or portable tanks in the following , . , - , manner only: (a) from original shipping containers with a ' '  ; '2 capacity of 5 gal (19 L) or less, ,


r CODE COMPLIANCE VALKDOWN CHECKLIST , Code 'Section ! No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks .~  % 5-4.3.2. (b) from safety cans,. 3 'a , ,ee S . '{ 1, ' j ' ~ Cont'd . (c) through a closed. piping' system, I (d) from' portable tanks or containers by means of a device drawing through an opening inLthe top of the. tank or container, or, l '(e) by gravity . through a listed self-closing valve-or self-closing faucet, or (f) If. hose is used in. the transfer operation, it shall be equipped with a self-closing valve without a hold-open latch in . addition to the outlet valve. Only listed or '# approved hose shall'be used. 5-4.3.3 Except as provided in 5-4.3.4 and 5-4.3.5, all , ;, 7 , , ,' .,, 4 , , y e. storage shall comply with Chapter 4 " Container *- ' + ' - > '- ] ' ' Storage." 5-4.3.4 The quantity of liquid.that may be' located outside of storage cabinets, inside storage rooms, cut-off rooms and attached buildings, general purpose warehouses, liquid warehouses, or other specific processing areas that are l-I _ . _. . . = e W-J :( U .U-s NFPA 30 - 1987 U


,5-4.3.4 cut off by' at . least a '2-hr fire-rated ~ Cont'd separation from the general plant area shall not exceed the. greater of the quantity in either (a) or the sum of (b), .(c), (d), and (e) below: .(a) A supply for one day, or , _( b) 25 gall (95 L) of Class IA liquids in containers, (c) 120 gal-(454 L) of Class IB, IC, II, or

III, liquids in containers, i

.(d) Two portable tanks each not exceeding 660 gal (2498 L) . of Class IB, IC, Class'II, or Class IIIA liquids, and. l 4 (e) 20 portable tanks each not exceeding 660 ] j gal (2498 L) of Class IIIB liquids. 5-4.3.5 . Where quantities or liquids in excess of the  ; i limits in 5-4.3.4 are necessary, storage shall ' a-be in tanks, which shall comply with the

applicable requirements of Chapter 2, " Tank  ;

Storage," and Section 5.3, 5-4.1., and 5-4.2. 1 i. ) NFPA 30 L1987 [(h .f . FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS. CODE CODE COMPLIAhCE WAIKDOWN CHECKLIST. i L 4 Code' Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks-i l 5-4.3.6 Areas in which liquids are' transferred from g U y,gd p 3 eg g , one tank or container to another container' , separated from other operations that might represent an ignition source by distance or by. fire-resistant construction. Drainage-or other means shall be'provided to control'  ! spills. Natural or'mechanicsi ventilation shall be provided in accordance with 5-3.3, " Ventilation." NFPA 91 " Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and' Vapor Removal or Conveying," provides information on the design and installation of mechanical ventilation. 5-4.4 Loading and Unloading Operations. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald f C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 5-4.4.2 Wharves. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 5-5 Fire Prevention and Control - . / r P L (3 < 5-5.1 Ceneral T. rt-(f ' k [ - 3  : fm _ b V NFPA 30 - 1987 f FLAMMABLE AND. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST Coda Section No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 5-5.1.1 This section covers the' commonly recognized ((~ management control systems and methods used to prevent or minimize the loss from fire or explosion'in liquid processing facilities. NOTE: C'her recognized factors of fire i prevention and control, involving construction,. location, separation, etc. , are covered - elsewhere in this chapter. 5-5.1.2 The wide range in size, design, and location g , 'g gor c. f, re, u M u  ?.c c,e cuC Wp . of liquid processing facilities. precludes the ' ,- /  ; inclusion of datailed fire prevent ion and t< t 5 t-control systems and methods applicable to all' such facilities. The authority having F jurisdiction ray be consulted on specific cases, where applicable; otherwise, qualified engineering judgment shall be exercised per 5-5.1.3. 0 _-,,ss-5-5.1.3 The extent of fire prevention and control 1 - h .'. ~' / provided for the liquid-proceasing facility ' shall be determined by an engineering + evaluation of the operation, followed by the i application of sound fire protection and process engineering principles. The evaluation shall include, but not be limited to: g, -

A. -;. - ,. . .

NFPA 30 - 1987 FINIMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE VALKDOWN CIIECKLIST Code Section Code Section Walkdown Remarks No. 5-5,1.3 (a) analysis of fire and explosion hazards of *'/A e. it ' ^2 FM i fM "' '#^#) Cont'd the liquid operations, 'J . , , (, 7 (b) analysis of hazardous materials. hazardous chemicals, or hazardcas reactions in 3 i the operations and the safeguards taken to control such materials, chemicals, or reactions, (c) analysis of facility design requirements in Section 5-3 of this chapter, (d) analysis of the liquid handling, transfer, and use requirements in Section 5-4 of this chapter, (e) analysis of local conditions, such as exposure to and from adjacent properties, flood potential, or earthquake potential i (f) consideration of fire department or mutual aid response. 5-5.2 Control of Ignition Scurces 7,ggr 5-5.2.1 Precautions shall be taken to prevent the l l ignition of flammable vapors. Sources of ignition include, but are not limited to: ) } . -W- ff*h ~ NFPA 30 --.1987 x FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE WAIEJ)0WN CHECKLIST ' ode C -Soction No. R Code Section Walkdown Remarks 5-5.2.1 (a) open flames [ Cont'd (b) _ lightning (c) hot surfaces (d) radiant heat (e) smoking (f) cutting and welding (g) ' spontaneous ignition- -(h) frictional heat or sparks .(i) static electricity (j ) ' electrical sparks (k) stray currents _ (1) ovens, furnaces, and heating equipment __ 5-5.2.2 Smoking shall be permitted only in designated , I and properly identified areas. l 5-5.2.3 Velding, cutting, and'similar spark-producing ,, operations shall not be permitted in areas containing flammable liquids'until a written permit authorizing such work has been issued. The permit shall be issued by a person in authority following his/her inspection of the area to assure that proper precautions have been taken and will be followed until the job is. completed. (See _NFPA 51B, " Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding l Processes.")

l. l

- . ~ - .. - .. . .. - - -. . .F% NFPA 30. s1987 FIR 4MABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS' CODE ' CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST + 1 Code i Section No. Code'Section' Walkdown Remarks. . 5-5.2.4 Static Elsetricity. All equipment such as [ tanks, machinery, and piping where an gj ignitable mixture may be present shall be bonded or connected to a ground. The bond or , ground or both shall be physically applied or shall be inherently present by the nature of the installation. Electrically isolated , sections.of metallic piping or equipment shall be bonded to.the other portions of the system or individually-grounded to prevent hazardous [ accumulations of static electricity. NFPA 77, " Recommended Practice.on Static Electricity," [ provides information on this subject. , i 5-5.3 Inspection and Maintenance 't ~Tg7 t&7 5-5.3.1 All fire protection equipment :shall be properly maintained and periodic inspections and tests shall be done in accordance with both standard practice and equipment j manufacturer's recommendations. 5-5.3.2 Maintenance and operating practices shall . control leakage and prevent spillage of  ; flammable liquids. 5-5.3.3 Combustible vaste material and residues in operating areas'shall be kept to a mi'imum, stored in covered metal containers, and disposed of daily. I 1 . g..-.; . em - + ~ 3 4 ~ i ~ -NFPA"30 ~1987; ' FLAMMABLE AND. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE  : - CODE COMPLIANCE WALKiXNN CHECKLIST + Code Section- I No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks. , . 5 t 5-5,3.4 Ground areascaround facilities'wher3' liquids are stored, handled,"or used shall be kept \/ ' free Lof weeds, . trash, or other' unnecessary I . combustible msterials. ~ ~ 4 5-5.3.5 Aisles established for- movement of personnel ' shall be maintained clear of obstruction to '* permit' orderly evacuation and ready access for manual'fi~e' fighting activities. j 5-5.4 Emergency Planning and Training grsti 67  ! An emergency action plan, consistent with the i available equipment and personnel, shall be V  ! ~ established to respond to fire or other ' emergencies. This plan shall include the following:  ! (a) Procedures to be used in. case of fire, 'such as sounding the alarm - notifying the fire '- ' department, evacuating personnel, and controlling and extinguishing the fire. i  : (b) Appointment and training of persons to [ carry outofire safety duties. i t .t (c) : Maintenance of fire protection equipment. i (d) liolding fire ' drills .  ; i l' , ,  % 1. g. .- . , , ,,.g y 3 .e . . . . . - . . . . g"- t NFPA'30 - 1987' ~ l FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE-I.IQUIDS CODE .: CODE COMPLIANCE WALKDOWN CHECF11ST.. , =i Code . .Section No. Code-Section Walkdown Remarks # I 5 5.4.'1 (e) Shutdown orLisolation of equipment'to 1 Cont'd reduce.the escape.of liquid-(f) Alternate measures 'for the cafety of ' occupants while any fire' protection equipment is shut down. i 5.4.2 ' Personnel responsible: for the use and operation ) of fire protection' equipment shall be trained tj in the use of that equipment. Refresher training shall be conducted at least -annually. i 3-5.4.3 Planning of effective fire control measures ,j shall be coordinatedivith' local emergency responsa agencies. 5-5.4.4 Procedures shall be established ~to provide for- I safe' shutdown.of operations under emergency' conditions. ' Provisions shall be' made for periodic training, inspection, and testing of

associated alarms.. interlocks, and controls.

5-5.4.5 .The emergency. procedure shall:be kept readily- " available in an operating area'and updated ' regularly. b l f 't i 'i ? I ) '__ , , , , ._ .c . . . r .- w s ~~ -- ~~- - - -

  • e . . - - .

r . -, 'f ~l V - ;U. -' , NFPA.30 - 1987. FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS. CODE - CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST - code  ; Section _ .. No . , Code lSection. 'Walkdown Remarks + t 5-5.4.61 ~Where premises are likely to be unattended for . considerable periods.of time, a t;msary of the V emergency plan shall be posted or located in a . strategic and accessible location. < 5-5.5 Detection and Alarm - *Ti tLW-5-5.5.1 An ' approved means for prompt notification of - fire or- emergency to. those within' the plant and to the available public or mutual aid fire -[ -department shall be provided.- [ 5-5.5.2 Those areas, including buildings, where a g3 - *4- -v 'u o NP 'c potential exists for a flammable' liquid spill, r, '% ecpu  ! -shall be monitored as appropriate. Some methods may include:

  • i i

(a) Personnel observation or patrol; I  ;(b) Process monitoring equipment that would ' indicate a spill or leak may occurred; (c) Provision of gas detectors to continuously monitor the area where facilities are unsttended. 5-5.6 Portable-Fire-Control Equip =ent- 7 f7c g NFPA 30 - 1987 'IlleiABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIOUIDS CODE 7DE COMPLIANCE VALKDOW Cl!ECKLIST Code Section l No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks l l 5-5.6.1 Listed partable fire extinguishers shall be g f g -frg/ j d ufscd 7 provided tor racilities in such quantities, s/ f g fg ns sizes, and tspes as may be needed for the (a coa \ >cs6s .4 Mc #wJW i special hazart.s of operation and storage as determined per 5-5,1.3. NFPA 10. " Standard ,"A j< ey1r ~ pv F M r'}wSity < for Portable Extinguishers," provides information un the suitability of various types of extinguishers. 5-5.6.2 When the need is indicated per 5-5.1.3, q water n.ay be utilized through standpipe and hose systems (see NFPA 14, " Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and liose Systems"), or through hose connections from sprinkler systems using combination spray and straight steam nozzles to permit effective fire control (see NFPA 13, " Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems"). 5-5.6.3 LTnen the need is indicated per 5-5.1.3, mobile ,, foam apparatus shall be provided. NFPA 11C, " Standard for Mobile Foam Apparatus." provides i information en the subject. 5-5,6.4 Automotive and trailor-mounted fire apparatus, where determined necessary, shall not be used for any purpose other than fire fighting. ~ NFPA 30 - 1987' FIAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBi2 LIQUIDS CODE - CODT t,OMPLIANCE VAIXDOWN OECE.IST  ! Code- -Section ._ , No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks _ 5-5.7 Fixed Fire Control Equipment. 7'i ri er 5-5.7.1 A reliable water supply'or other suitable' fire control agent shall be pressure '/ ' and quantity to meet the~ fire' demands indicated by:the special hazards of operation, storage,.or exposure as may be determined by S-5.1.3. 5-5.7.2 Hydrants, with orgwithout. fixed monitor  : nozzles, shall be provided in .accordance with ./ l accepted practice. The. number and placement j will' depend on the hazard of_the liquid- . processing' facility, storage, or exposure as { may be. determined'hy 5-5.3.1, See NFPA 24, , " Standard for: the Installation of' Private Fire  ! Service Mains and Their Appurtenances," for- -; information on this subject.  ; 5-5.7.3 Where ' the need is indicated by the hazards of liquid processing, storage..or exposure as 7 determined by 5-5.1.3, fixed protection may be required utilizing approved sprinkler systems,  ; water spray systems, deluge systems, fire i resistive materials, or a combination of these. See NFPA 13. " Standard for the . Installation of Sprinkler Systems," and NFPA 15, " Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems'  ; for Fire Protection," for 'informarion on these subject. l s

  • =3 ,v -

- n- - r ,s r- *+ NFPA 30 - 1987 FilJU1ABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE CODE COMPLIANCE VALKOOWN C11ECKLIST Code Section Code Section Walkdown Remarks No. 5-5.7.4 The following fire control systems may be appropriate for the protection of specific p, ,a-l hazards as d2termined per S-5.1.3. If t j provided, such systems shall be designed, l installed, and maintained in accordance with ' the following NFPA standards: (a) NFPA 11, " Standard for Low Expansion Foam and Combined Agent Systems," (b) NFPA 11A, " Standard for Medium and High Expansion Foaa Systems," (c) NFPA 12. " Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems,' (d) NFPA 12A, "Srancard on Halon 1301 Fire l Extinguishing Systems," (e) NFPA 12B, " Standard on Halon 1211 Fire l Extinguishing Systems," l j (f) NFPA 16, " Standard on Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam Water Spray Systems.," (g) NFPA 17, " Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems," _ LA \d ~ V Aj -NFPA'30 - 1987 FIMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE . CODE COMPLIANCE WAIXDOWN CHECKLIST Cod 5 Section No '. Code Section Walkdown Remarks Chapter 6 Referenced Publit stions ' This chapter is for information purposes 'only. Therefore, it is removed fro:n this report. i 1 _ --m - -- _ l~ + > t a 4 m' i n 4 f .b i h 't I a t

j. c 4

i ~ 4 a L I-  ! 4 POS'T Le F W M uLE L12DID CADINETS l j m WALK!XMN CifECKLIST  !.

..e \.

C - - ex. .... - - ,tE.  : l l  ?  ? d' i

i. a I

l. L 9 __ f l 4 t -t i f 1 a E I h 1 I .5 6 a , I if i e > q ~ k i L0 } f 1 a. n 1 *-ca.-d+--m__2.._.mm_._ _.-w_m_,m_--_y_,_ mew,...w.ww, , _ , , - _ ,,-%w., ,ww y, .w,- i ! 9 'O cG 1

j. t

! NFPA 30-1987 !- Flaznable And Combustible Liquids Code l t Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist I Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks , l-/ 4-3.1 / j i 4-3.2 V i 3 l 4-3.2.1 # l '/ 4-3.1 / I Ej.2 i y 4-3.2.1 / t 6A1-/ 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 g 4-3.2.1 j 1 I f i-I I t 1 a a 3-1 b c. l NFPA 30-1987 , Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist i i .' Fire Zone - ! Cab net No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks I-

3 /-/ 4-3.1 /

4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 / j .- J/-J 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 / 4 t 3 J-/ 4-3.1 -

i. 4-3.2 y i

4-3.2.1 4 / I l 1- 7 i 5-i. f NFPA 30-1987 ) i Flanunable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdown. Checklist' [ Fire Zone - 3 Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 35-l 4-3.1 s l 4-3.2 y 5 4-3.2.1 / 3+'-/ 4-3.1 s l 4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 / 43 , 4-3.1 Q Nde ' e.. b rr.e fs /? l :n 4-3.2 /' '* 5 a c e .1 4-3.2.1 / I . . . . . - .~- . . _ . . , _ _ . . . . _. . . _ _ . . - - . _ . - - - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -~ i: NFPA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible 1.iquids Code Code Coupliance Walkdown Checklist.. .} [ t i ( \ Fire Zone - .i t Cabinet No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks Yb ~ 2 4 - 3.1' f /I'{'lc~t - f 6t h '*1&b"_> ' ss ,'n ! / /t cs 4-3.2 aew . 4-3.2.1 / ~3 4-3.1 g g t.,h. Y Cab,%.' b sM e'" 4-3.2 ./ $S ct Cen 4-3.2.1 / t '{ d3d '* ' 4-3.2 & A .*, f.; 3 ! ea b:n f3 k ,17 ; n f( e, a c.-q. .  ! y 4-3.2.1 V i ! .. t ! [ t t l I e j i

  • )

j- 6 i' I -~ _ /~m. v rJ NTTA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks //M-/ 4-3.1 t/ 4-3.2 ~' 4 I 4-3.2.1 h i Affg _g 4-3.1 , I 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 / Y//,5 - / 4-3.1 y 4-3.2 g 4-3.2.1 / i i NFPA 30-1987 Flanunable And Combustible Liquids Code code corepliance Valkdown Checklist-Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks ! $/*l 4-3.1 $} Ad+be : [. co hjoe h wero

4-3.2 / 'eml M Mu's zone 1

4-3.2.1 i  ? 4 A "A 4-3.1 /~ /c . & cab;n,,Q , ,ce - t  ; 4-3.2 / d'..wl ;.. f[13 nme.  ! i 4-3.2.1 / l 3 5 gj-3 4-3.1 Q N-te & ea b.w ., .Q ue<-  ; 4-3.2 y , +.- .,1  ;. , ff. '5  ; a ,. , . 4-3.2.1 / 4 4 1  ! f s I r 4 i i e ,, e . -.. . , ... , _ - - _ . . , - _. .- ,,, , .-... ~ . a . NFPA 30-1987 Fla:nmable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks [/-! 4-3.1 h /{,h b G .~ N ; o e b 3 s-cc 4-3.2 l {, m] l,3 ,$,'S o ccct 4-3.2.1 Sl ~~ S 4-3.1 } /I hN ' do Cc N <%# l5 'N '< 4-3.2 y f. _ -d .., Yb :s awo. 4-3.2.1 / 5/-C 4-3.1 &J - i, , a; it . <c e .~ c c, .',, e % 4 3.2 j 4-3.2.1 / ' @ G 6 ~ NFPA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdown C1.ecklist i I l ! t I l- Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Valkdown Remarks j SJ-/ 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 7 i 4-3.2.1- / l l i 6~ 2 ~ A - 4-3.1 - 4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 / i 5g' .3 4-3.1 - 4-3.2 v 4-3.2.1 y i i l I 1 . . _ , _ . . . _ . _ _ _ - - . . . . . _ _ - _ _ - . - . . - _ . . , _ _ _ . . . . _ . . _. _ _ _ _ . . ~ _ _ . . _ _ . - _ - . -___ _ _...__._.___ _._--__. ..< s ~ t t NFPA 30-1987 . t Flammable:'And Combustible Liquids Code , Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist i i Fire Zone - Cabinet No. i Code Section Valkdown Remarks } E2-f 4 3.1 p 4 > 4-3.2 / ' t l 4-3.2.1 / ' t I i

t I

1 /DB -/ '*3 1 ' 4-3.2 v I t h .k-3.2.1 / 1  !# ~/ 4-3.1 ' s 4 t

4-3.2  !

l 4-3.2.1 # I i s ! l 1  ; j , i !. '. I +- - , , - . -- ,r- a_ ., , -- .-. - -- - -- - ~ , . . . , , - - , - = - - - - , > . , - NFPA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Campitence Walkdown Checklist Fire Zene - Ga'n f ne t No . Code Section Valkdown Remarks og7 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 ,/ k'/ 4-3.1 # 4-3 ? 4-3.2.1 / 1/ .z 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 ,/ 4-3.2.1 / r [U '~% h i, NFPA 30-1987 Flaminable And Ambustible Liquids Code c Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist i Fire Zone - I Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks I i $ ((e -/ 4-3.1 / l i 3.2 /  ! s i 4-3.2.1 # t f j

i i i

{' /3/'/ 4 3.1 / '

3.2 #
i. ..

{'- 4-3.2.1 V g. 1 . 1 f )' /3 / ~2 4-3.1 /  ; a , 1 4-3.2 @ //Wle n, /%g,, t 4-3.2.1 y + l t I i i i l , I  ! [ t 4  : f .. e -e 4 l i NFPA 30-19F' Flannable And Combustibue Liquids Code Code Compliance Walkdo n Checklist 1 ' ! l j Fire Zone -- - Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks 4 t j' t /31- 3 4-3.1 / " i 4-3.2 / ' i j 4-3.2.1 ,/ f i i

/3/- f 4-3.1 y 4

l 6-3.2 / . 6 6 1-

4-3.2.1 y ,

r i l !' I ~7 7 , 4-3.1. / i

4-3.2 -

!t 4-3.2.1 / l I

I i

t [ h r I a b i. , . . . . . - . _ _ _ _ . ~ _ . , . _ . . . _ _ _ _ , _ . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . - _ . , e e i i 4 1 l-I i UFFA 30-1987 i Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code l i Code Compliance Walkdown Checklist l Fire Zone -'- l Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks l 70 '/ ' 4-3.1 / i 4-3.2 #

4-3.2.1' c/

{ 1 80 ~ / 4 3,1 / 4-3.2 / j i !. 4-3,2.1 # i I s 82-/ 4-3.I s jz 4-3.2 y I f 4-3.2.1 # i I' t t 2 -. _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ . _ . - .. . . _ . . . _ . _ _ . - - _ . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - . _ _ . _ . - _ . _ _ . . _ . i-1. 'o o <@  ; I J ' NFPA 30-1987 ' I . Flam:nable And Combustible Liquids Code } Code Compliance Ualkdown Checklist [' + i4 i Fire Zone - j Cabinet No. Code'Section Walkdown Remarks ,

/J/ -/. 4-3.1 /

4 4-3.2 7 1

4-3.2.1 V -

1 i

j. v27-2 4 3.1 j j 2 1

,. 4-3.2 / i 4-3.2.1 # ! t i r .. t i fyy_. 3 '4-3.1 / I 3 i. j' 4-3.2 ' i f/ , !. 4-3.2.1 I i i 4 t f 4 1 i i-5

i. [

- - - .. . . - . . _. . - -..------..~ NFPA 30-1987 Flamraable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Compliance Valkdoen Checklist Fire Zone - l Cabinet No. Code dection Walkdown Remarks / /J7- [ 4-3.1 s/ 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 L , i l 4-3.1 / };y - f* 4-3.2 6-3.2.1 # 8b/ 4-3.1 y 4-3.2 / 4-3.2.1 1 , O O O NFPA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code Code Coep11ance Walkdown Checklist Fire Zone - Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks [O~~ 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 80 .3 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 / 4-3.1 y I * ( 4-3.2 y 1 4-3.2.1 y ~ i i

i. .

NFPA 30-1987 l 1 Flansnable And Combustible Ltquids Code .; j Code compliance Walkdown checklis* i i = . Fire Zone - I . Cabinet No. Code Section Walkdown Remarks ' t j i y g' 4-3.1- 7  ! ? ) 1 4-3.2 / lr

' 4-3.2.1 # .

1 [ f , //f-/ 4-3.1 y-  !

4-3.2 /  !
4-3.2.1 /

/R.7- 8 4-3.1 / 4-3.2 / i j 4-3.2.1 y i-t f '~ 6 % v 1 f h [ t t ? I

a i"

1 i I 2 & I, t 1 __ . . . , . . . . _ . _ , _ . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ , . . ~ , _ , . _ . . , . . . _ . .- i  ! e f 5~ \ f n NFPA 30-1987 Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code  ; Code Compliance k'alidown Checklist l I ! t i Fire Zone - I l Cabinet No. Code Section flalkdown Remarks t I YYb ~ A 4 3.1 i {. 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 / 4-3.1 # 4-3,2 4-3.2.1 @ A E6 Mf //wm 3 6.h3e lo M G /M, i i

i l

! 4-3.1 i 4-3.2 4-3.2.1 i i i 1 s. Attachment 6.4 NFPA 30 complianco Evaluation NFPA 30 code Co.apliance Evaluation For Donald C. Cook !!uelear Plant Units 1 and 2 Indiana Michigan Power Cornpany C O i i _ _________._ _ ___._ _ _ mm___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . CODE COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION CHECKLIST i- NFrA 30 - 1987-4 FIM MABLE AND COMSUSTIBLE LIQUIDS CODE F I Informatien i ! Code Obtained'By:

j. Section W-Valkdown' t j Jo. Code Section D-Document Summarv of Results i
j.  !

5' W-5: GENERAL PROVISIONS Title . !:  ? 1-1 Scope and Application Title i j- , 1-1 l' This code applies to'all flammable'and Information Only { [! combustible liquids except those that are  !

. solid at'100 F (37.8 C) or above.- <

i . j 1-1.2 Requirements for the safe storage and use of Infor%ation Only  ! ( the great variety of flammable and. combustible [ l liquids commonly available depend primarily on , their fire characteristics, particularly the-  !

flash point, _w hich is the basis for the  !

! several classifications'of liquids ss defined j { -in Section 1-2. It'should be noted that the i classification of a ' liquid-can be changed by [' contamination. .For example, filling a Class  ; ! II liquid into a tank which last contained a j Class I liquid can alter its classification, [

f. as can exposing a Class II liquid to the  ;

j' vapors of a Class I liquid via an inter-l l connecting vapor line (see 2-2.6.4 and -  ; I 4 2-3.5.6). Care shall be exercised'in such i { cases to. apply.the requirements appropriate L to the actual classification.  ! J l'  ! ! t 1  ! ! i L i i  ? t l i t I f 4 . .. . . . , _ . . , ,~_,,_.,v._,, .. . . ~ . . . . . , - _ _ _ _ , . . . . . . . _ _ . _ , , - ..A I _ = Information ' Code Obtained By: 'Section U-4falkdown D-Document Summary of Results 'No. ' Code Section The volatility of liquids is increased by Information Only 1-1.3 heating. When. Class II'or Class.III liquids are exposed to. storage conditions, use conditions or process operations where they are naturally or artificially heated to or above their flash points, additional require-ments.may be necessary. These requirements include consideration for such items as ventilation, exposure to-ignition sources, diking..-and electrical' area classification. Additional requirements may be necessary for Information Only 1-1.4 the safe ; storage and use of liquids that have unusual burning characteristics, that are-subject to'self-ignition when exposed to the air, that are highly reactive with ' other substances..that are subject to explosive decomposition, or have'other special properties : that dictate safeguards over and ' above those'specified for a normal '1 quid of similar flash point classificatien. In certain installations the provisions of Information Only 1-1.5 this code may be altered at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction after consideration of the special features such as topographical conditions. barricades, valls, l- adequacy of building exists, nature of ( 1 w s I t T 4 i Information I Code 'Obtained By: Section V-Walkdown-  ! No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results  ; j 1-1.5 occupancies, proximity of buildings or . l ji Cont'd adjoining property and character of - , construction of such buildings, capacity and j 5 construction of proposed tanks and character t ! of liquids to be stored, nature of' process, r l degree of private fire protection to be

j. provided, an'd the adequacy of facilities of-d' the. fire. department to cope with flammable or i
- combustible liquid fires.

l- 1-1.6 Existing plants. equipment, buildings.. Information Only '- i structures, and installations for. storage, ~ handling, or use of flammable or combustible j liquids that are not in strict compliance with , j the terms.of this code may be continued in use .; j at the discretion of the authority having

jurisdiction provided they do not constitute a recognized hazard ' to life or adjoining property. The . existence of a situation that  !

j might. result in an. explosion or sudden j escalatic of a fire, such as inadequate i l ventileti,n or confined spaces. lack of j adequate . emergency venting of a tank, failure j i to r'ireproof the supports of elevated tanks, orl lack of drainage or dikes to control spills I l may constitute such a hazard.  ; l r ! i 4 s _ . . . . ,,._ . . . . . . . _ l ~ i I Information Code Obtained By: Section V-Valkdown Code Section D-Document Summary of Results No. This code shall not apply to: Title 1-1.7 Informatioa Only 1-11 7.1 Transportation of flammable and combustible liquids. These requirements are contained in the U.S. Department of Transportation regula-l tiens or in NFPA 385, " Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flam:nable and Combustible Liquids." Information Only. 1-1.7.2 Storage, handling, and use of fuel oil tanks -~1 containers connected with oil burning equipment. These requirements are covered separately in NFPA 31, " Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment." Information only 1-1.7.3 Storage of flammable and combustible liquids on farms and isolated construction projects. These requirements are covered separately in NFPA 395, " Standard for the Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids on Farms and Isolated Construction Projects." Ir formation Only 1-1.7.4 Liquids without fissh points that can be flammable under some conditions, such as certain halogenated hydrocarbons and mixtures containing halogensted hydrocarbons. (See NFFA 321, " Standard on Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids.") i vmw - i  ; c !! t i Information i ECode Obtained By: i V- Walkdown ~ Section l-No. Code'Section' D-Document Sur.ary of Results  ; i

1-1;7.5 Mists sprays, or foams. (Except flammable Information Only
j. aerosols'in containers,-which are included in l

!  : Chapter 4.) 1-1.8 Installations are made in accordance with the Not Applicable to the  ;

applicable requirements of standards of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant i i National' Fire Protection Association

[ 32,: " Standard for Drycleaning Plants;" NFPA 33, l

  • Standard for. Spray Application Using Flam=mble or Combustible Materials;" UFPA 34,'" Standard i l for Dipping and Coating Processes Using ,

j ! Flammable or Ccmbustible Liquids;" NFPA' 35,  ! i " Standard for the Manufacture of Organic l Coatings;" NFPA 36. " Standard for Solvent  ! l- Extraction Plants," NFPA 37, Standard for the- !  : Installation and Use of Stationary Combusti*on ' l Engines and Cas ' Turbines;" NFPA 45, " Standard

for Fire' Protection for Laboratorie ' sing

! Chemicals; and Chapter 10 of NFPA 99, ' i " Standard for Health Care Facilities," shall-be deemed to be in compliance with this code. j l_ . t i 1-1 9 Metrication. If'a val'ue-for measurement as Information Only !. given in this standard is followed by an I equivalent value 'in other units, the first j 4 stated is regarded as the requirement. The  ! given equivalent value may be' approximate. k-i ? \ i i i j-1 J Information Code Obtained By: Section V-Valkdown Code Sectiv D-Document St--ry of Results No. The scope of diis chapter is c.ot 'l-2 Definitions included in this report. ' Definitions are placed within NFPA 30 for information purpcses only. 1-3 Storage Refer to applicable enapters Liquids shall be stored in tanks or in con- for compliance /noncospliance tainers in accordance with Chapter 2 or Chapter 4 1.4' Pressure vessel This chapter i.s not included in All new pressurc vessels containing liquids this report. Pressure vessels are shall comply with 1-4.1. 1-4.2, or 1-4'.3, not useo for the purpose of as a;pplicable. storing flammable / combustible liquids. i 1.5 Exits Cosply: The Fl===ble Liquid I Egress from buildings and areas covered by V, D this code shall be in accordance with NFPA Storage Room has two exits. Does Not-Comply: The Misc. Oil 101. " Life Safety Code." Storage Room has insufficient exits. An investigation is ongoing to determine the upgrades necessary for code compliance. Technical Data fl. 2. This entire chapter is not Ch 2 Tank Storage included in this report. No permanent flammable liquid tanks exist within the security fence. i 5 Information , Code Obtained By: Section it-Valkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4 Ch 3 . Piping, valves, and Fittings This entire chapter is not

j. included in this report. No l

flammable liquid piping systems are installed within the Donald C. , Cook Nuclear PLtnt. Ch 4 Container and Portable Tank Storage Title 4.1 Scope Tit.e1 i 4-1.1 Jaas si,egti: Thall apply to the storage of Information Only I liquids, including flammable aerosols, in l drums or other containers not exceeding 60-I Sal (227. L) individual capacity and portable l tanks not exceeding C60 gal (2498 'L) l- indivicual capacity and limited transfers . Incidental thereto. For portable. tanks l exceeding 660 gal (2438 L), Chapter 2 shall

4-1.2 This chapter shall not apply to the following

}' (a) Storage of containers in bulk plants, Information Oc3:

service stations. refineries, chemical plants, and disrilleries.

! (b) Liquids in the fuel tanks of. motor Information Only vehicles, aircraft, boats, or portable or Il stationary engines. 1 I i 1 p ^ . . . i d- . i Information- !' Code , Obtained By: Section V-Walkdown .  ! No. Code Section D-Document Sn==ary of Results  ;; , i 4-1.2 (c) Beverages, when packaged in individual Information Only l Cont'd: containers - not exceeding a capacity of one . , gallon. i '- (d) Medicines, f odstuffs, cosmetics, and Information Only I j, other consumer products containing not more

than 50 percent by volume of water-miscible

! 11gulds and with the rem-inder of .the solution 1 not being flammable when peckaged in I- individual containers not exceeding one gallon in size. l- i


{1 (e) The storage of 11gulds that have no fire Information Only 'j j -point when tested by ASTM D 92-78..the Cleveland Open Cup Test Method, up to the !. boiling point of the' liquid, or up to a i {- temperature at which the sample being tested j i shows an obvious physical change. j (f) The storage of distillcd spirits and Information Only I i wines in wooden. barrels or casks. f ] 4-1.3 For the purpose of this chapter, unstable Information Only { liquids and flammable aerosols shall be ! treated as Class IA 11gulds'. i 1-

4-2 Design, Construction, and Capacity of Title j .. Containers '

! I

j. I 1
i 3'

i  ! ~ k P + Infornation Obtaired By: Code Section U-Walldown D-Doctaent Summary of Results No. Code Section -{ Only approved containers and portable tanks U,D Comply: Liquids are kep? in their 4-2.1 shipping containers within the shall be used. Metal containers and portable dedicated liquid storage rooms, or tanks meeting the requirements of, and con- are stored within approved taining products authorized by, Chapter I, containers (no portrble tanks Title 49 of the " Code of Federal Regulations

  • exist). Approves .sntainers are (DOT Regulations), or NFPA 386, " Standard for U/L or EH appror J wit' self Portable Shipping Tanks for Flammable and closing lids anu en interior Combustible Liquids," shall be acceptable.

flame arrester. Polyethylene containers meeting the require- Technical data; 9. ments of, and containing products authorized by, DOT Specification 34, and polyethylene drums authorized by DOT Exemption Procedures, shall be acceptable. Plastic containers meeting the requirements of ANSI / ASTM D 3435-80, " Plastic Containers (Jertf Cans) for Petroleum Products," used for pe troleum products within the scope of that specification shall be acceptable. Each portable tank shall be provided with one Not applicable to the Donald C. 4-2.2 or more devices installed in the top with Cook Nuclear Planc as there are no sufficient emergency venting capacity to limit portable tanks in use. internal pressure unoer fire exposure conditions to 10 psig (68.9 kPa), or 39 j percent of the bursting pressure of the tank, I whichever is greater. The total venting capacity shall be not less than that specified in 2-2.5.4 or 2-2.5.6. At least one pressure-c______ , _ , , . ;I 1 Information Code Obtained By: Section' W-Walkdown Code Section' D-Document Summary of Results No. I 4-2.2 actuated vent-havigg a minimum capacity of Cont'd 6.000 cu ft (170 m ) of free air per hour (14.7 psia (760 mm lig)' and 60 F (15;6 C) shall j be used. It shall be set to open at not less than.5 psig (34.5 kPa). If fusible vents are l used, they rhall be actuated by elements that i l operate at a temperature not exceeding 300 F (148.9 C). When used for paints, drying oils, and similar materials where plugging of the pressure-actuated vent can occur, fusible , vents or vents of the type that soften to failure at a maximum of 300 F (148.9 C) under. fire exposure may be used'for the entire emergency venting ;equirement. Containers and portable tanks for liquids W Comply: A visual walkdown 4-2.3 shall conform to Table 4-2.3 except as - (performed by this author) provided in 4-2.3.1 or 4-2.3.2. verified compliance with this paragraph. Medicines, beverages. . foodstuffs, cosmetics, Not applicable to.the 4-2.3.1 and othe: common consumer products, when Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. packaged ccording to commonly accepted practices for retail sales, shall be exempt from the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.3. G Y.O S) . Information Code- Obtained By: Section V-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results i

4-2.3.2 DOT. Type III polyethylene nonreusable con- Not applicable to the tainers, constructed 'and tested in accordance Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. I with DOT specification ~2U, treated if Note
This section of the code is necessary to prevent permeation, used considered a recommendation.

j for storage of Class II and Class III liquids, in all capacities not to exceed 2 1/2 gal.

4-2.3.3 Class IA and Class IB liquids may be stored in Not applicable to the f
glass containers of not more than one gallon Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
capacity if the required liquid purity (such Note
This section of the code is j as ACS' analytical reagent grade or higher) considered a recommendation.

j would be affected by storage in metal con-i tainers of if the liquid would'cause excessive corrosion of the metal container. l ! 4.3 Design, construction, and Capacity of Storage Title Cabinets 4.3-1 Not more than 120 gal (454 L) of Class I, W Comply: All portable storage Class II, and Class IIIA liquids may be stored cabinets (with the exception of in a storage cabinet. Of this total, not more Fire Zones 43 and 51) meet the than'60 gal (227 L) may be of Class I and requirements of this paragraph. Class II liquids and not more than three (3) such cabinets may be located in a single fire Does Not Comply: Excessive area, except that, in all industrial occupancy, cabinets stored within Fire Zones additional cabinats may be ?ocated in the same 43 and 51 will be removed. fire area if the additional cabinet, or group Currently six cabinets exist within of-not more than three (3). cabinets, is Fire Zone 51 and four cabinets separated from other cabinets or group of exist in Fire Zone 43. cabinets by at least 100 ft (30 m). , i s __ 7 \m / __.nformation Code Obtained By: Section W-Walkdown Code Section D-Document Summary of Results No. Storage cabinets shall be designed and W,D Comply: All cabinets (with the 4-3.2 constructed to limit'the internal temperature exception of 131-2) were visually at the center, 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the top to inspected and found to be of sound not more than 325 F (162.8 C) when subjected design. All vents were plugged. to a 10-minute fire test with burners All cabinets were purchased to be simulating a room fire exposure using the approved per UL or EH guidelines. standard time-temperature curve as given in Technical Data; 9. ASTM E 152-81a. All joints and seams shall remain tight and the door shall remain securely closed during the fire test. The cabinet is not required to be vented for W Does Nr.t Comply: Cabinet 131-2 fire protection purposes; however, the will not remain securely closed following shall apply: doring a fire due to a broken bandle. (a) If the cabinet is vented for other reasons, the cabinet shall be vented outdoors in such a manner that will not compromise the specified performance of the cabinet, as acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. (b) If the cabinet is not vented, the vent openings shall be sealed with properly fitted metal bung. Information ' Code Obtained By: Section W-Walkdown No. ' Code Section D-Document Summary of Results . . i 4-3.2.3. Listed cabinets that have been constructed See Section 4-3.2 .and tested in sccordance with 4-3.2 shall be , acceptable. 4-4 Design,. Construction, and Operation of Title Separate Inside Storage Areas (See Section.1-2,." Definitions.) (For additional information, see Appendix C.) 4-4.1 Inside Rooms Title  ; Note: This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Took Nuclear Plant since the storage areas are " Cutoff Rooms

  • and not "Inside Rooms"'per the definitions contained in Section 1.2 of this code, I

r m D O O l Information Code Obtained By: Section V-Valkdown Code Section D-Document Summary of Results I No. Cutoff Rooms and Attached Buildingn Title 4-4.2 Does Not Comply: The Miscellaneous 4 4.2.1 Construction design of exterior walls shall V, D provide ready accessibility for fire fighting Oil Storage Room does not provide operations through provision of access ready access for fire' fighting. j openings, windows, or lightweight non- An investigation is' ongoing to j determine the upgrades necessary- " . combustible wall panels. Where Class IA or' IB liquids are dispensed, or where Class IA for code compliance. Technical Data; '2, 3, 7. liquids are stored in containere larger than I I one gallon, the exterior wall or roof Comply With Intent: The Fla:nmable construction shall be designed to include V, D explosion-venting features , such as , light- Liquid Storage Room does have an weight wall' assemblies, lightweight roof exit to the outside. This exit assemblies, roof hatches, or. windows of the is equipped with a window that explosion-venting type. NFPA 68, " Guide'for does provide explosion venting Explosion Venting," provides information on features. Technical Data; 1, 3, 7. > this subject. Where other portions of buildings or other V, D Does Not Apply: These rooms are 4-4.2.2 properties are exposed, each opening in the positioned in locations where they exposing wall shall be protected with a do not pose an exposure to other listed 1 1/2 hr (D) fire door installed in portions of buildings or other accordance with NFPA 80, " Standard for Fire properties. Doors and Windows," and the walls shall have a-fire-resistance rating of not less than 2' hrs. .......-.........r ~ b k , 'Information Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-4.2.3 Except as noted in 4-4.2.6, interior walls, 'U, D Comply: ' Fire Doors are three hour, d ceiling, and floors shall have a fire- rated, fire dampers are 1 1/2 hour - resistance rating of.not less than 2 hrs where (for FZ 89) and fabricated to floor area gf:the room or building' exceeds 300 3-hour construction (see SSCA, sq ft (27 m ) or a fire-resistance rating of Rev. 1, Section 9.7) for FZ 131. not less thgn one hour for a floor area of 300 The walls have a fire resistant sq ft (27 m ) or less. Such construction rating of at least 2 hours. All ~ shall comply with the test specifications penetrations are sealed. given in NFPA 251, " Standard. Methods of Fire Technical Data; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13 Tests of Building' Construction and Materials." Walls shall-be liquidtight at the floor level. , 4-4.2.4 openings in interior walls to adjacent rooms WD Comply: Fire doors are Class A or buildings shall be in accordance with rated doors. 4-4.1.2(a). Technical Data; 1,2,3,4,5,6. 4-4.2.5 Curbs, scuppers, special drains, or other V, D Does Not Comply: The drainage scitable means shall be provided to prevent system is plugged in both rooms. the flow of liquids under emergency conditions Hence, liquid would back up in the ! into adjacent building areas except where the room during a fire and overflow individual container capacity is 5 gal the curbs (which do comply with (18.9 L) or less or . if the liquids stored are this code). , ! only Class III liquids. The drainage system, Technical Data; 10, 11, 12. if used, shall have sufficient' capacity to carry off expected discharge of water from fire protection systems and hose streams. f a I ) d Information Code :Obtained By: Section W-Walkdown Code Section D-Document Summary of Results No. 4-4.2.6 Roofs' of attached buildings,.one story in- Not applicable to the Donald C. height, may be lightweight noncombustible Cook Nuclear Plant.since these storage rooms are not " attached-construction if the. separating interior wall as.specified in 4-4.2.3 has a minimum 3 ft buildings". (0 90-m) parapet. 4-4.2.7 Unprotected storage in cutoff rooms'and Not applicable to the Donald C. attached buildings shall comply with Table Cook Nuclear Plant since these 4-4.2.7. .(See 4-4.2.10 for mixed storage of- storage rooms are " protected". liquids.) Protected storage in cutoff rooms and attached .See Section 4-6 for compliance / 4-4.2.8 buildings shall comply with Section 4-6 as non-compliance. applicable. (See 4-4.2.10 for mixed storage of' liquids . ) Woed at least 1 in (2.5 cm) nominal thickness W Comply: Some minor amounts of wood 4-4.2.9 may be used-for shelving, racks, dunnage, was being used as scuffboards in scuf fboards , floor overlay, and similar both areas (FE 89 and FZ 131). installations. This wood was at least 1* thick. 4-4.2.10 Where two or more classes of liquids'are W comply: .The single pile or rack stored in a single pile or rack'section,,the storage contained within these maximum quantities and height of storage rooms complies with this permitted in that pile or rack section shall paragraph. be the smallest of the two or more separate quantities and heights. The maximum total ~ g G \ J Information ^ Code Obtained By:- Section W-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Dqcument Summary of Results 4-4.2.10 quantitles permitted shall be limited to a cont'd sum of proportional amounts that each class , of liquid present bears to the maximum total permitted for its respective class; . sum of proportional amounts not to exceed 100 percent. 4-4.2.11 Dispensing operations of Class I or Class II W. D Comply: Both storage rooms are liquids are. not permitted in cutoff rooms or less than 1000 sq. ft. attacgedbuildingsexceeding1000sqft Technical Data: 1, 2, 3. (93 m ) floor area. .In rooms where dispensing of Class'I liquids is permitted, electrical W Comply: Field verified to be systems shall comply with 4-4.1.5, except within electrical requirements that within 3 ft (0.90 m) of a af spensing- stated in this code. Verified nozzle area, the electrical system shall be by this author as well as J.D. suitable for Class I,. Division I; ventilation Markum (NED, I&C Section). shall be provided per'4-4.1.6; and operations shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5. W. D Does Not Comply: Make up inlet is located well above 12" from floor. (both rooms). No air flow svitches are on this system (both rooms). Technical Data: 25 4-4.2.12 Basement Storage Areas. Class I liquida shall W, D Comply: These rooms are not not be permitted in the basement areas of cut- considered to be in a " basement." off rooms and attached buildings. Class 11 Technical Data; 1, 2, 3. and Class IIIA' liquids may be stored in base-ments provided that automatic sprinkler protection and other fire protection facilities are provided in accordance with Section 4-6, 4.5 Indoor Storage Title w g. Information Code .0btained By:  ; Section W-Walkdwn ' No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results f 4-5.1 Easic Conditions Title  ; 4-5.1.1 The storage of any liquids shall not W Comply: Liquids;cre stored in such physically obstruct a means of egress. , a manner that adequate aisle space Class I liquids in other--than separate inside . is ma.*_ntained for exits. storage. areas or warehouses shall be so placed that a fire in the liquid storage would not preclude egress from the area. 4-5,1.2 The storage of liquids in containers or See applicable sections for portable tanks shall comply with 4-5.2 through compliance /non-compliance 4-5.7, as applicable. Where separate inside storage areas are required, they shall conform to Section 4.4. Where other factors "substantially increase or decrease the hazard, the authority having jurisdiction may modify  ; the quantities specified. 4-5.1.3 Liquids used for building maintenance painting D Comply: Liquids removed from their c other similar infrequent maintenance dedicated storage rooms are under purposes may be stored. temporarily in closed the control of plant procedure , containers outside of storage cabinets or FMI-2270. separate inside storage areas, if limited in Technical Data; 9. amount, not to exceed a 10-day supply at anticipated rates of consumption.  ; 4-5.1.4 Class I liquids shall not be stored in a W. D Comply: The Class I liquid basement, except as provided in.4-5.5. storage room is not in a basement Technical Data; 2, 3. 4 l J \  ? Information Obtained By: Code Section V-Walkdown Code Section D-Document Summarv of Results No. Dwellings and Residential Buildings Containing Not applicable to the Donald 4-5.2 Not More Than Three Dwelling Units and C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Accompanying Attached and Detached Garages.' Assembly Occupancies, Buildings Containing Not applicable to the Donald 4-5.3 More Than Three Dwelling Units, and Hotels. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. 4-5.4 ' Office, Educational, and Institutional Not applicable to the Donald Occupancies. C. Cook Nuclear Flant. 4-5.5 Mercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores, and Not applicable to the Donald Other Related Areas Accessible to the Public. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. General Purpose Warehouses. (See 1-2, Not applicable to the Donald 4-5.6


C. Cook Nuclear Plant. (See 1-2, Definicions.) Title 4-5.7 Liquid Uarehouses. Note: By strict definiticn these plant areas l do not meet the NFPA 30 requirements of a liquid warehouse. However, we will conservatively l consider these areas liquid warehouses and evaluated them to the requirements of Chapter 4-5.7 of NFPA 30. I c O O Information Code Obtained By: Section W-Walkdown -No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-5.7.1 Liquid warehouses-shall be separate, detached D Comply With Intent: The Flammable buildings or shall be separated from other Liquids Storage Room does coinply type occupancies by standard 4-hr fire walls, with this section. The Misc. Oil with communicating openings protected on each Storage Room is separated from side of the wall with automatic-closing,. other occupancies by I hour fire listed 3-hr (A) iire doors. Fire. doors shall walls. However, the Misc. 011' be installed in accordance with NFPA 80,. Storage Room as well as the " Standard for Fire Doors and Windows." adjacent areas have combustible loadings-of lens than 3 hours. In i sddition, sprinklers' exist in all of these areas for added protection. Technical Data; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 4-5.7.2 If the warehouse building is_ located more than Not applicable to the Donald C. 10 ft (3 m) but less than 50 ft (15 m) from an Cook Nuclear Plant since the important . building or. line of, adjoining exterior walls are not within 50 ft. property that can be built upen, the exposing from an important building or vall shall have a fire-resistance rating of at property line. least 2 hrs with each opening protected with a listed 1 1/2-hr-(D) fire door. i 4 5.7.3 If the warehouse is located 10 ft (3 m) or Not applicable to the Donald C. ' less from an important building or line of Cook Nuclear Plant since the adjoining property that can be built upon, the exterior valls are not within 10 ft. exposing wall shall have a fire-resistance from an luportant building or rating of 4 hss with each opening protected property line. with a listed 3-hr (A) fire' door. 6 J m . ~ 'Information. Code' Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code'Section 'D-Document Summary of Results 4-5.7.4 An attached warehouse, having communicating W. D Not applicable to the Donald C. openings in the' required 4-hr fire wall- Cook Nuclear Plant since neither . separation from the adjacent building area, of the two liquid storage rooms is shall have these' openings prctected by; an " attached warehouse". Technical Data; 1, 2. (a) Normally' closed,' listed 3-hr (A): fire doors ota each side of- the ? vall. These doors may be arranged to during material handling operations, only if the doors are designed to' automatically in a fire provision of listed closure devices. (b) Noncombustible,l11guidtight raised sills or ramps, at least 4 in. (10 cm) . in height, , or other design features to prevent flow of . liquids to the adjoining area. 4-5.7.5 Fire doors shall be installed in accordance V, D Comply: Fire Doors are "A". rated, with NFPA 80, " Standard for Fire Doors and Technical Data; 3, 4, 5.  ! Windows." i t 4-5.7.6 The total quantity of liquids'within a liquid W Comply: No solid pile storage warehouse shall not be restricted. The greater than 5 ft. in height was maximum pile heights and maximum quantity per noted at the time of this inspection. l pile, arranged as palletized and/or solid pile  ; storage, shall comply lwith Table 4-4.2.7, if .j f . i 4 m v t Information Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-5.7.6 unprotected, or Table 4-6.l(a) if protected, Cont' d in accordance with Section 4-6. The storage heights of containers on protected racks shall comply with Tabic 4-6.l(b), as applicable. Exception: An unprotected liquid warehouse , located a minimum of 100 ft (30 m).from ' exposed buildings or adjoining property that. can be built upon is not required to conform ' to Table 4-4.2.7, if there'is protection for i exposures. Where protection for exposures is not provided, a minimum 200 ft (61 m) distance , is required. 4-5.7.7 Class I liquids shall not be permitted in the V,D Not applicable to the Donald C. ' basement areas of. liquid warehouses. Class 11 Cook Nuclear Plant since storage and Class.IIIA liquids may be stored in base- areas are not in the basement. ments provided that automatic sprinkler Technical Data; 1, 2, 3. protection and'other fire protection facilities are provided in accordance with Section 4-6. 4-5.7.8 Limited amounts of combustible commodities, V Comply: No ordinary combustible as defined in the scope of NFPA 231, " Standard storage is stored within either for General Storage," and NFPA-231C, " Standard the Flammable. Liquids Storage for Rack Storage of Materials," may be stored Boom or the Misc. Oil Storage Room. in liquid warehouses if protection is provided-t t i Infonnation Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-5.7.8 in accordance with SectLon 4-6, and the Cont'd ordinaty combustibles, other than those used for packaging che liquids, are separated'a minimum of 8 ft (2.4 m) horizontally, by aisles or open. racks, from the liquids in


4-5.7.9 Empty or idle combustible pallet storage shall V Comply: No pallet storage is size of 2500 sq needed f'ar these storage areas. belimiteg)toamaximumpi. .ft (232 m and to a maximum storage height of Hence, no storage was.noted at the 6 ft (1..d m). ' Idle pallet storage shall be time of the inspections. scoarated from liquids by at least 8 ft (2.4 m) wide aisles. However, pallet storage in accordance with NFPA 231, " Standard for General Storage," shall be acceptable. 4-5. 7.10 Containers in piles shall be separated by W Comply: All pile storage appears psilets or dunnage'to provide stability and to to be stable (engineering prevent excessive stress on container walls. Judgement). No visual excessiva Fortable tanks stored over one tier high shall stress was evident on container 1 be designed to nest securely, without dunnage. walls. (See NFPA 386, " Standard for Portable Shipping Tanks for Flammable'and Combustible Liquids," for information on portable tank design.) Materials handling equipment chall be suitable to handle containers end'canks safety at the upper tier level. T ..m m N) L.) 0 Information Code Obtained By: Section V-Walkdown i Code Section D-Document Summary of Results No. 4-5.7.11 No container or portable tank shall be stored Not applicable to the Donald C. closer than 36 in. (0.90 n) to the nearest Cook Nuclear Plant since these l I beam, chord, girder, or other roof member in warehouses are protected by wet an unprotected warehouse. pipe sprinkler systems. 4-5.7.12 Solid pile and palletized storage shall be U comply: Both storage areas are well maintained and have adequate arranged so that piles are separated from each other by at least 4 ft (1.2 m). Aisles shall aisle space. Both rooms have but l one rack available for rack storage. be provided so that no container or tank is Doors and accessways are well more than 12 ft (3.6 m) from an aisle. Where maintained for egress. storage on racks exists as permitted in this Code, a minimum 4 ft (1.2 m) wide aisle shall be provided between adjacent rows of racks and any adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 ft (2.4 m) wide, and access shall be maintained to all doors required for egress. 4-5.7.13 Mixed Storage. When two or more classes of W Comply: The liquid storage liquids are stored in a single pile, the contained within these rooms maximum quantity permitted in that pile shall complies with this paragraph. be the smallest of the two or more separate maximum quantities and the heights of storage permitted in that pile shall be the least of the two or more separate heights as given in Tables 4-4.2.7 or 4-6.1(a), as applicable. l r m m J-O O O Information Obtained By: Code U-Walkdown Section Summary of Results Code Section D-Document No. 4-5.7.13 When two or more classes oi liquids are stored l Cont'd in the same racks as permitted in this Code, the maximum height of storage permitted shall be the least of the two or more separate ' heights given in Table 4.6.1(b). i Title 4-6 Protection Requirements for Protectad Storage l of Liquids Recortmendation Only. 4-6.1 Containers and portable tanks storing flammable and combustible liquids may be stored in the quantities and arrangements specified in Tables 4-6.1(a) and 4-6.1(b), I provided the storage is protected in accordance with 4-6.2 and 4-6.5, as applicable. Recommendation Only. 4-6.1.1 Other quantities and arrangements may be used where suitably protected and approved by the authority having jurisciction. U Comply: A walkdown (performed 4-6.2. Where automatic sprinklers are used, they shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, by this author) of the sprinklers " Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler installed within these rooms was conducted and it was found that Systems," and approved by the authority having the systems meet the intent of jurisdiction. (For additional information, NFFA 13. see Appendix D.) / /,, , , . 73 Q i wy ( e Li ' ) l l l t Information Code Obtained By: ! Section W-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-6.2.1 Other systems such as automatic foam-water Not applicable tg the Donald C. systems, automatic water-spray systems, or Cook Nuclear Pladt since these other combinations of systems may be areas are protecdad with wet pipe considared acceptable if approved by the sprinkler systems. authority having jurisdiction. (For additional information, see Appendix D.) 4-6.3 Racks storing Class I or Class II liquids W Comply: The one rack in each room shall be either single-row or double-row as is considered a single row rack. described in NFPA 231C, " Standard for Rack No in-rack sprinklers are required Storage of Materials." for these 8' high racks. 4-6.4 Ordinary combustibles other than those used W Comply: These areas are utilized for packaging the liquids shall not be stored for the sole purpose of storing in the same rack section as liquids, and shall combustible and flannable liquids. be separated a minimum of 8 ft (2.4 m) No ordinary combustibles are horizontally, by aisles or open racks, frca stored in these rooms. liquids stored racks. 4-6.5 In-rack sprinklers shall be installed in W Not applicatle to the Donald C. ' accordance with the provisions of NFPA 231C, Cook Nuclear Plant since these " Standard for Rack Storage of Materials," areas do not r.eed in-rack sprinklers. except as modified by 4-6.2. Alternate lines of in-rack sprinklers shall be staggered. Multiple levels of in-rack sprinkler heads shall be provided with water shields unless otherwise separated by horizontal barriers, or unless the sprinkler heads are listed for such installations. f f% - . d i Information Code Obtained Ey: Section U-Valkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 4-7 Fire Control Title 4-7.1 Suitable fire extinguishers er preconnected W, . D Comply: Fire extinguishers are-hose lines, either.1 1/2 in. . (3.8 cm) lined stored outside of rooms. Hose or 1 in. (2.5 cm) hard rubber, shall'be lines are also stored outside of provided where liquids are stored. Where rooms. A cursory review of NFPA 1 1/2 in. (3.8 cm) fire hose is used, it shall 14 (performed by this author) be installed'in accordance with NFPA 14, verified compliance with this , " Standard for the Installation of Standpipe code. and Hose Systems." Technical Data; 14, 15,-3, 18. 4-7.1.1 At least one portable fire extinguisher having- W. D Comply With Intent: The fire a rating of not less than 20-5 shall be extinguisher to the Misc. Oil , located outside of, but not more than 10-ft Storage Room is greater than 10 ft (3 m) from, the door opening into any separate from the door. However, the plant  ; inside storage area. fire brigade is well trained and location of extinguishers are kept on fire pre-plans. No problems with locating extinguishers are expected. Technical Data; 3, 7, 14. 4-7.1.2 At least one portable fire extinguisher having W, D Comp 1v With Intent: The portable rating of not less than 20-B shall be fire extinguishers may not always located not less.than 10 ft (3 m), nor more fall within the distance require-than 50 ft (15 m), from any Class I or Class ments since the cabinets are also II liqui.d storage area located outside of a portable. Fewever, the plant fire separate inside storage area. brigade is well trained and loca-t tion cf extinguishers are kept on fire pre-plans. No problems with locating textinguishers are expected. Technical Lcta. 3, 7. - n '] - [h f'*g [h l Information Code Obtained By: Section V-Valkdown D-Document Summary of Results No. Code Section W. D Comply: Hand hose lines are 4-7.1.3 In protected general purpose and liquid ware-houses, hand hose lines shall be provided in provided in sufficient number to sufficient number to reach all liquid storage reach all liquid storage areas. Note: See comment for Chapter 4-5.7. areas. Technical Data; 3, 14, 16. U,D Comply: The firs protection water ~4-7.1.4 The water supply shall be sufficient to acet the fixed fire protection demand, plus a total supply is adequate to meet this l requirement. l of at least 500 gal (1892 L) per minute for Technical Data; 16. inside and outside hose lines. (See C-4-6.2.) Control of Ignition Sources. Precautions WD Comp 1v: Ignition sources are 4-7.2 shall be taken to prevent the ignition of controlled by plant procedures. flam=sble vapors. Sources of ignition include No flammable vapors were noted at l but are not limited to: open flames; the time of this inspection. l Technical Data; 9. I lightning; smoking: cutting and welding; het surfaces; frictional heat; static, electrical, and mechanical sparks; spontaneous ignition, including heat-producing chemical reactions; and radiant heat. Dispensing of Class I and Class II liquids in W,D Comply: No ordinary combustibles 4-7.3 general-purpose or liquid warehouses shall not are stored within ar;as dispensing Class I and Class II liquids. be permitted unless the dispensing area is These rooms are suitably cut off suitably cut off from other ordinary _ from other ordinary combustibles. combustible or liquid storage areas, as Note: See comment for Chapter 4-5.7. specified in Section 4-4, and otherwise Technical Data; 1, 2, 3. conforms with the applicable provisions of I Section 4-4 i . . ~ . _ . . ._ _ , . . . - i Information Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section' D-Document RSummary of Results ~ 4-7.4 Materials with a water reacticity degree of 2 W,D ' Comply: No materials.with'a water or higher, as outlined in NFPA 704,:sball not reacticity of 2 or higher were be' stored in the same area with other liquids. noted at- the time of this inspec-tion. A request has been made to include this requirement within ' PMI-2270. Technical Data: 24. 4-8 Outdoor' Storage Title NOTE: This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant since the stora58 areas are considered " cut off rooms" and not " outdoor storage." No outdoor storage exists. CHAPTER 5 OPERATIONS (See Appendix F for Cross-Reference Tables) Title , 5-1 Scope Title , S-1.1 This chapter applies to operations involving Information Only the use or handling of liquids either as a principal or incidental activity, except as covered elsewhere in this Code or in other NFPA Standards. I e w~ v - V l l ' l i I l' Information Code Obtained Ey: Section V-Walkdown Ccde Section D-Document Summarv of Resulta No. l l Information Only l 5-1.2 The provisions of this chepter relate to the I control of hazards of fire involving liquids. These provisions may not provide adequate protection for operations involving hazardous materials or. chemical reactions nor do they consider health hazards resulting from exposure to such materials. 5-2 General Not applicable to the Donald C. Liquid processing operations shall be located Cook Nuclear Plant since this is not considered a " liquid and operated so that they do not constitute a significant fire er explosion hazard to life, processing operation." to property of others, or to important buildings or facilities within the same plant. Specific requirements are dependent on the inherent risk in the operations themselves. includit- the liquids being processed. l l operatin, _mperatures and pressures, and the ! capability to control any liquid or vapor releases or fire incidents that might occur. ( The interrelationsi.Ip of ths many factors l involved nust be based on good engineering and l management practices to establish suitable physical and opecating requirements. (See l 5-S.I.3.) Title 5.3 Facility Design Title 5-3.1 Location 1 - . _ .- - . . - . ~ ] q .. Information Code. Obtained By- ' Section- . -W-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results-i 5-3.1.1 The minimum distance of a processing vessel to Not applicable to the Donald C. adjoining property or to the- nearest important Cook Nuclear Plant. building on the same' property shall be based. on the' stability of the liquid and vessel capacity and shall be in accordance with Table 5-3.1.1 except as c4odified'in 5-3.1.2. 5-3.1.2 Where process vessels are located in a Not applicable to the Donald C. building and the exterior wal'. facing the . Cook Nuclear Plant. exposure (line' of adjoining property that can be built upon or-nearest 02portant building on the same property) is greater. than 25 f t (7.6 m) from the exposure and is a blank wall ' having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hrs, any greater distances required in Table 5-3.l.1 may be waived. Where a blank wall'having a' fire-resistance rating.of not less than 4. hrs is provided, distance require- , wents may be waived.' In addition, when Class IA or_ unstable liquids are handled, the wall shall have explosion resistance in accordance .i with' good engineering practice. .(See 5-3.2.7 relative to explosion _elief of other walls of this building.) i i f , c _ --- ,3 ,s( - ,- Y r / 8 (*- Information Code Obtained By: Section W-Valkdown D-Document Summary of Results No. Code Syction 5-3.1.3 Other liquid processing equipment, such as Not applicable to the Donald C. , pumps, heaters, filters, exchangers, etc., Cook Nuclear Plant. I shall not be located closer than 25 ft (7.6 m) i to property lines where the adjoining property is or can be built upon, or to the nearest important binilding on the same property that is not an integral part of the process. This spacing requirement may be waived where exposures are protected as outlined in 5-3.1.2. NOTE: Equipment operated at pressures over 1000 psig (7000 kPa) may require greater spacing. Processing equi eent in which unstable liquids Not applicable to the Donald C. 5-3.1.4 t are handled shall be separated from unrelated Cook Nuclear Plant. plant facilities that use or handle liquids by either 25 ft (7.6 m) clear spacing or a wall having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hrs. The vall shall also have i explosion resistance in accordance with good l engineering practice. Each process unit or building containing Not applicable to the Donald C. 5-3.1.5 liquid-processing equipment shall be Cook Nuclear Plant. accessible from at least one side for fire fighting and fire control. Title 5-3.2 Construction f h A l Information Code Obtained-By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results .i 5-3.2.1 Processing buildings or structures shall be of Not applicable to the Donald C. fire-resistive or noncombustible construction, Cook Nuclear Plant. except that combustible construction may be used when automatic sprinklers or equivalent protection is provided, subject to approval of the authority having. jurisdiction. (See NFPA 220, " Standard on Types of Building Construction.") 5-3.2.2 Where walls are required for separation of W Comply: The door to the exterior processing operations from.other occupancies of the building is equipped with a or property lines, they shall have a fire- window which would provide some . resistance rating of at least 2 hrs. In explosion relief. Due to the addition, when Class IA or unstable liquids limited amount of flammable  ! are being stored or processed, the separating liquids being stored here, this wall shall have explosion resistance in window provides adequate protec-accordance with good engineering practice. tion against explostion. This (See 5-3.2.7 relative to explesion relief of statement is based on this other walls of this building or area.) author's engineering judgement. Note: The fitat sentence of this requirement doe?- not apply since , no liquid processing occurs at the Cook Nuclear Plant. 5-3.2.3 Class 1 liquids shall not be handled or used W,D Comply: Class I liquids are in basements. Where Class I liquids are stored on the ground floor within handled or used above grade within buildings a building that has no basement. with basements or closed pits into which Four inch ramps are provided to flammable vapors way travel, such below grade keep liquids from spilling to the areas shall be provided with mechanical outside. j ventilation designed to prevent the accumula- Technical Data: 1, 3. tion'of, flammable vapors. Means shall be provided to prevent liquid spills from running l into basements. i L s ,' :\ [ ,.,i (%d ) {% )} </ Information Obtained By: Code W-Valkdown Section Summary of Results Code Section D-Document No. Provision for smoke and heat venting may be U,D Comply with intent; Although no 5-3.2.4 specific fire pre-plan exists for desirable to assist access for fire fighting. NFPA 204M, " Guide for Smoke and Heat venting," this area at this time. the fire provides information on this subject. brigade is well trained in manual venting of areas (by the use of collapsible duct tubing). In addition, we expect natural smoke and heat venting to occur through the glass window installed on the exterior door. In addition, this section of the code is only a recommendation. Technical Data; 7. Areas shall have exit facilities arrsnged to W,D Does not comply; The Miscellaneous l 5-3.2.5 Oil Storage Room does not meet the I prevent occupants from being trapp.o in the exit requirements required by i event of fire. NFPA 101, " Code for safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and NFPA 101. Structures," provides information on the Comply: The Flammable Liquids l Exits shall not Storage Room has adequate exits, design of exit facilities. Technical Data; 1,2 be exposed by the drainage facilities described in 5-3.4 W Comply: Adequate aisle space was 5-3.2.6 Adequate aisles shall be maintained for un- evident during these code obstructed movement of personnel and fire compliance unikdowns. protection equipment. I 'Information L Code Obtained By Section W-Walkdown [ No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results -  ! 5-3.2.7' Areas'where Class IA or unstable liquids are Not' applicable to.the Donald C. , processed shall have explosion venting through Cook Nuclear Plant. r -one..or more of the following methods: (a) open air construction; (b)1 lightweight i walls and/or roof; (c) lightweight wall panels and roof hatches; - (d) windows of explosion-  ? venting type. NFPAL68, " Guide'for Explosion Venting," provides information on this subject. ,j 5-3.3 Ventilation ' Title -i 5-3.3.1 Enclosed processing areas holding or using Not applicable to the Donald C. -Class II liquids, or Class'II or Class.III Cook Nuclear Plant since these liquids above their flash points, shall be rooms are not processing areas. ventilated at a rate of not 1 E"*" 1 #" 5' per minute per sq ft (0.3 m 3) per *** min per m') ' of solid' floor. area. This shall'be accomp-lished by natural or mechanical' ventilation with discharge or a safe' location outside the building without recirculation. Exception: Recirculation is permitted where  ;

it is monitored. continuously using a fail-safe I system that is designed to automatically sound an alarm, Estop recirculation, and provide full *

, exhaust to the outside in the event that L vapor-air mixtures ~ in concentration over one-  : fourth of the lower flammable limit are detected. i t l' i l v I ' ~. i Information ' Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown - No. Code-Section D-Document Summary of Results I 5-3.3.1 Provision shall be made for introduction of Cont'd make-up air in such a to avoid short-circuiting the ventilution. Ventilation ' shall be arranged to include all floor areas or pits where flammable vapors may collect. Where natural ventilation is inadequate, . mechanical ventilation provided and shall be kept in operation while flammable liquids-ate being handled. -Local or spot ventilation may be needed for the control of t special fire or hwelth hazards. Such ventilation, if provided, can be utilized Jar up to 75 percent of the required' ventilation. NFPA 31, " Standard.for the Installation-of Biower and Exhaust Systems'for Dust, Stock, and. Vapor Removal or Conveying,"'and NFPA 90A, ' Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems," prov;de information on this subject. 5-3.3.2 Equipment used in a building and the ventila- U Comp 1v: No open Class I liquids , tion of the building shall be designed to1 were found. Dispensing of Class 1 limit flammable vapor-air mixtures under liquids is done by pouring or. i normal operating conditions to the interior pumping. The pumping equipment of equipment,.and to not more than 5 ft used is of the type that would (1.5 m) from equipment that exposes Class I limit the flammable vapor-air 7 liquids to the air. Examples of such mixtures (pump from the top of the  : equipment are dispensing stations, open barrels, thus the heavier centrifuges, plate and frame filters, open flammable vapors would stay within i vacuum filters, and surfaces of open equipment. the barrels). l

i i -t i

, _ m _ . + i i i Information  ; , Code. Obtained By:

i. Section U-Valkdcen l- No. Q 3e Section D-Document Summarv of Results , -

t 5-3.4 Drainage- Title . 5-3.4.1 Emargency drainage systems shall be provided W.D Does not comply; The drainage i l to direct flammable or combustible liquid system for the Miscellaneous Oil  ; j leakage and fire prctection water to a safe Storage Room and Fl==amb1w uquina l Ic:ation. This may twquire curbs, scuppers, Storage Room is plugged. l' or special drainage systems to control the Technical Data; 10, 11. l . spread of fire (see 2-2.3). Appendix A of NFPA 15, " Standard for Vater Spray Fixed i l l Systems for Fire Protection," provides j ! informat xi on this subject.  ! l 5-3.4.2 Emergency drainage systems, if connected to U Not applicable to the Cook Plant  ! public sewers or discharged.Into public since no drainage system exists [ waterways, shall be equipped with traps or for these rooms (see 5-3.4.1). e separators.. [ 5-3.4.3 A facility shall be designed and operated to U Comply: Flammable and combustible , s prevent the normal discharge of flammable or liquids are not normally dis-j' combustible liquids to public vacerways, charged into public wateeways,  ; 4 public sewers. or adjoining property. sewers or adjoining property. I 5-3.5 Electrical Equipment Title i i

5-3.5.1 This section shall a9 ply to areas where Class Information Only i

! 1 liquids are stored or handled and ta areas NOTE: By this paragraph this p where Class II or Class III liquids are stored chapter applies to the Flammable j j; or handled at a temperature above their flash Licnid Storage Room and does not j !" points (see 1-1.3). apply to the Miscellaneous 011 { Storage Rooo. j l:  !

i i: l l

l , a e~ w e - - e v -w- - - , - - - . - w ,.n ,- - , - - , - .w e --- i,

information j, Code Obtained By

!; 3ection U-Walkdown ll No. Code Section D -Document Scannary of Results ! _5-3.5.2 All electrical' equipment and string shall be V Comply: Fielo verified to be

of a type.specified by, and irstalled in within slectrical requirements accordance. with, NFPA 70, "Nat ional Electrical stated in this code. Verified by Code." this author as well rs J.D. Markum (NED. I&C Section).

5-3.5.3 So far as it applies Table 5-3.5.3 shall be V Comply: Field verified to be used to delineate and classify areas for the within electrical requirements purpose of installation of electrical stated in Table 5-3.5.3. Verified equipment under normal conditions. In the by this author as well as J.D. application of classified areas, a claseified Markum (NED, I6C Section). area shall not' extend beyond an unpierced floor, wall, roof, or other solid partition. The designation of classes and divisions is defined in Chapter 5. Article 500. of NFPA 70, " National Ele'c.trical Code. TSee NFPA 497A,

  • Recommended Practice for Classification of Class I'Hazardrus (Classified) Incations for Electrical Instellations in Chemical Process.

Areas," and 497M, Manu i for Classification of Case., Vapors and Dusts for Electrical Equipment in R zardous (Classified) Iecations," Ni guidance.) 5-3.5.4 The area classifications listed in Table Information Only 5-3.5.3 are based on the premise that the installation seets the applicable requirements of this code in all respects. Should this not be the case, the authority having jurisdictio t .shall have the authori:.y to classify the extent of the area. -- - , - + ,<w ,.y e_- , u w _ -w r- .w ~- . ,, --w-.. 4.m,+-%-e---.,,-,r- -..-~,--.,----e., ~ e.,-r. - . . . I f t' t Information Code Obtained By: Section U-Valkdown . No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results f 5-3.5.5 Where the provisions of 5-3.5.1, 5-3.5.2, Not applicable to the Donald C.  ; 3.5.3, and 5-3.5.4 require the installation Cook Nuclear Plant's flammable  ; of electrical equipment suitable for Class I, , liquid storage area. Division 1;or Division 2 locations, ordinary  ; electrical equipment _ including switchgear may j be used if installed in a room or enclosure  ; that is' maintained under positive pressure 'l with the classified aren. Ventila- t tion make-up. air shall not be contaminated. NFPA 496, " Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for P,lectrical Equipment," provides details. for these. types of installations. 5-3.5.6' For. marine terminals handling flammable Not applicable to the Donald C. 11gulds. Figure 5-3.5.6 shall be used as a Cook Nuclear Plant. minimum basis to delineate and classify areas for the purpose of installation of electrical j equipment. 5.4 Liquid Handling, Transfer, and Use Title  ! f 5.4.1 General Title  ! Class I liquids'shall be kept in closed tanks. J.D Comply: No open pools of Class 1 or concainerr when not actually in use. Class liquids were found at the time of Il and Class.111 liquids kept in this inspection. Control of closed tanks or containers when ambient or flammable and combustible liquids process temperature is at or above their flash is assured by PM1-2270. point. Technical Data; 9. 5-4.1.2. Where liquids are used or handled, provisions V Comp 1v: Good cleanliness was shall be made'to promptly and safely dispose of noted by area walkdowns. leakage or spills. t t I , - a..- n.. ., , .- , - - . , . , , , . .,. _.. ... i 3 .. r ., L i t Information  ! ! . Code' Obtained By:. , Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section' D-Document Summary of Resultz I L .  ; 5-4.1.3 Class I' liquids shall not be used outside W.D Comply: Plant procedures control'

closed systems where there are open flaues or- the use of flammable liquids, open

. l other ignition sources within the classified flames and other Ignition sources. areas as set forth in Table 5-3.5.3. Technical Data; 9 l l !- 5-4.1.4 Transferring liquids by means of pressurizing W Comp 1v: Liquids are transferred the container with air is prohibited. Trans- by hand pumps or by gravity ferring liquids by pressure of inert gas is -(pouring). permitted only if controls.. including

pressure-relief devices, are'provided to limit l the pressure so it cannot exceed the design  !

{ pressure of the vessel, tank, container, and [

j. piping system. [

t 5-4.1.5 Positive displacement pumps shall be provided Not applicable to the Donald C. j with pressure relief discharging back to the Cook Nuclear Plant. I i' tank, pump suction, or other suitabic location, or shall be provided with interlocks  ; to prevent overpressure. l 1 i , i ! 5-4.1.6 Piping, valves, and fittings shall be in Refer to Chapter 3. l

accordance with Chapter 3, " Piping, Valves, i snd Fittings.'


5-4.1.7 Listed flexible connectors may be used where Not applicable to the Donald C.
vibration exists. Approved hose mcy be used Cook Nuclear Plant. t i

at transfer stations. i 5-4.2 Equipment. Equipment s'.aall be designed and W Comp 1v: equipment is designed and I 3' arranged to prevent the unintentional escape arranged to prevent escape of I of liquids and vapors and to minimize the liquids and vapors. quantity escaping in the event of accidental release. i-j 4 < ,n , - - - -, - ~ + ,. , m - , . --- ,- --- , s j-f

information -

2- Code Obtained By: Section V-Valkdown __ No . ' Code Section D-Document Summary of Results '5.4.3 ' Incidental Use of Liquids Title- , This section shall be applicable where the use Information Only and handling'of liquids is only incidental to the principal business, such as automobile , assembly, construction of electronic equipment, furniture manufacturing, or other similar activities. Class I and Class II 11gulds shall be drawn from or transferred into vessels, container.a. er portable tanks in.the following manner only: ,; (a) from original shipping containers with a V Comply j capacity of 5 gal (19 L) or. less, l i l (b)- from safety cans, V Comply I j (c) through a closed pipi g system, Not applicable to the Donald C. i Cook Nuclear Plant. l (' (d) from portable tanks or containers by V Comply l ' means of a device drawing through an opening . I in the top of the tank or container, or, I j (e) by gravity through a listed um1f-closing V Comply valve or self-closing faucet, or l h 7'N E i  !. Information j Code Obtained By: Section V--Walkdown l No. Code Section D-Document Sunesary of Results i i 5-4.3.2 (f) . if hose is used in the transfer Not applicable to the Donald C.

Cont'd operation, it shall be equipped with a self- Cook Nuclear Plant.

l closing. valve without a hold-open latch in' , l addition to the outlet valve. Only listed or approved hose shall be used.

l. 5-4.3.3 Except as provided in 5-4.3.4.and 5-4.3.5, all Refer to applicable sectf.ons l storage shall comply with Chapter 4, ' Container

? 1 ^ 5-4.3.4 The quantity of liquid that may be located V,D Comply With Exception as stated i outside of storage cabinets, inside storage in PMI-2270, flammable liquids are rooms, cut-off rooms and attached buildings, returned to the storage room and/or general purpose warehouses, liquid warehouses, storage cabinets at the completion or other specific processing areas that are of each job or whenthe '.1 quids cut off by at least a 2-hr fire-rated must be left unattended. The separation from the general plant area shall combustible liquid requirement is not exceed the greater of the quantity in not as restrictive. However, this either (a) or the sum of (b), (c), (d), and procedure does require that the (e) below. Shift Supervisor be made aware of I any required temporary storage (a) A supply for one day, or areas. By plant walkdown, this l, author noted that no combustible { (b) 25 gal (95 L) of Class IA liquids in or flammable liquids were found containers, outside of their dedicated storage rooms or portable flammr.ble liquid (c) 120 gal (454 L) of Class IB, IC, II, or cabinets. III, liquids'in containers, Technical Data; 9 _ - - = ..e . . . . .. .- ~ , Information Obtained By: Code W-Walkdown Section Summary of Results No. Code Section D-Document (d) Two portable tanks each not exceeding 660 Cont'd gal (2498 L) of Class IB, IC, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids, and (e) 20 portable tanks each not exceeding 660 gal (2498 L) of Class IIIB liquids. Where quantities of liquids in excess of the V,D Comply with exception; In certain 5-4.3.5 instances a temporary combustible limits in 5-4.3.4 are necessary, storage shall be in tanks, which shall comply with the oil storage location may be set up outside of dedicated storage appli cable requirements of Chapter 2,

  • Tank Storage," and Section 5.3, 5-4.1, and 5-4.2. rooms. No tanks are used for these instances. However, these locations are temporary and under the control of the Shif t Super-visor.

Technical Data; 9. Areas in which liquids are transferre ' from 'J . D Comply; liquids are transferred in 5-4.3.6 either the Miscellaneous 011 one tank or container to another container Storage Room or the Flamwable shall be separated from other operations that might represent an ignition source by distance Liquids Storage Room. These rooms or by fire-resistant construction. Drainage are separted from the plant by or other means shall be provided to control substantial fire valls. Refer to Section 5-3.3 for HVAC compliance / spills. Natural or mechanical ventilation non-coepliance. Refer to Section shall be provided in accordance with 5-3.3, 5-3.4 for drainage compliance /non- " Ventilation." NFPA 91, " Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for compliance. Technical Data; 1,2,3,4,5. Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or Conveying," provides information on the design and installation of mechanical vcetilation. t 3. . I g ,-. t j' t Information Code Obtained By:  ! i- Section U-Jalkdown  ; i No. Code Sectia.a D-Document Summary of Results  ! t 1 j  ! 5-4.4 Loading'and Unloading Operations. This chapter is not applicable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. t t i

' 5-4.4.2 Wharves. This chapter is not applicable to  ;

the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. j 5-5 Fire Prevention and Control Title , l 5-5.1 General Title i !' 5-5.1.1 This section covers the commonly recognized Inferreation only

management control systems and methods used to prevent or minimize the loss from fire or Note. Since no liquid processing  ;

explosion in liquid processing facilities. , faci 71 ties exist at this facility i 5

thir, entire section does not 1

aproly. , NOTE: Other recognized factors of fire prevencion and control, involving construction. l location, separation, etc., are covered  ! elsewhere in this chapter. f i i 5-5.2 Control of Ignition Sources Title { 1 l 5-5.2.1 Precautions'shall be taken to prevent the W.D Comply; fire prevention practices  ;

j. ignition of flammable vap<xs. Sources of are strictly enforced by plant {
-ignition include, ter arn ra>t limited to
procedure PMI-2270.

' Technical Data; 9 J 4 I. I ?m  : 1 I e 9- . Information t . Code obtained By:

.Section V-Walkdown No .' Code Section D-Document Sit ===ry of Results 5-5.2.1 '(a) open flames j

Cont'd -(b) lightning- 6 (c): hot' surfaces'  ! (d) .-radiant heat j 1 (e) smoking: [ (f) cutting and welding i (g), spontaneous ignition- ,

-(h)' frictional heat or sparks-4 (i) static electricity 1 -(j) electrical sparks f
j. (k) stray currents i- (1) ovens, furnaces, and heating equipment

! . . l 1- 5-5.2.2 Smoking shall be pernitted only in designated V,D . Comply; oil storage areas are

l. '

and. properly identified areas. designated "No Smoking

  • areas by j- PM1-2270  ;

1 Technical Data; 9 [ l  ! 5-5.2.3 Welding, cutting, and similar spark-producing W,D Comply; A welding, burning and operations .shall not be permitted in areas grinding permit is required before [

containing flammable liquids until a written starting any of these activities.

4 permit authorizing such work' has been issued. These permits are issued by the l The permit shall be issued by a person in- Plant Fire Protection Coordinator. authority following his/her inspection of the Technical Data; 9

area to' assure that proper precautions have f been taken and will be followed until the job i is completed.. (See NFPA 51B, " Standard for
Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding '

Processes.") r . t = a  ! i e - - . - , __ . - _ _- t 5 - . s j s_/

I i Information Code. Obtained By-l Section W-Valkdown l Na. _ Code Section D-Document Summary of Results ,

l >

i. 5-5.2.4 Static Electricity. All equipment such as V,D Comply; When transferring liquids 'l l

tanks . machinery, and piping where an from bulk storage to approved I

ignitable mixture may be present shall be containers, the two containers are .

( . bonded ' or connec ted to a ground.- The bond or. required to be grounded per FMI-  ! L ground er both shall be physically applied or 2270. [ [' shall be inherently present by the nature of . Technical Data; 9  ; j the installation. Electrically isolated {

- sections of metallic piping or equipment shall

^ i- be bonded to the other portions of the system j . or individually grounded to prevent hazardous l accumulations of static electricity. NFPA 77,  ! " Recommended Practice on Static Electricity,"  ; provides information on this subject.- I i i 5-5.3 Inspection and Maintenance Title i j .5-5.3.1 All. fire protection equipment shall be V,D Comply with exception; Sprinkler l i properly maintained and periodic inspections alarms are tested annually by Ops. l

and tests shall be done iri ace rdance with Surveillance Test Procedures.  !

both standard practice and eqvipment Pumps are tested on an eighteen i manufacturer's recommendations. month testing cycle. These tests do not follow standard practice cycles. However, the equipment ! is well maincained and combined with the defense-in-depth fire protection reduadancy, we feel confident that the fire protection features of these rooms will i perform when needed. i Technical Data; 17 4 j' 5 5.3.2 Maintenance and operating practices shall V Comply; A field walkdown of these [

control leakage and prevent spillage of areas verified ccepliance with l l flammable liquids. this paragraph. f; I b l

t ,,. .._ . . , . _. . ,, _ - - . _ _ . . . . _ . ~ . , . _ _ . . _ ._ -. = _ , -ru , s Information

J -Code Obtained By:

i :Section U-Valkdown , No. Codo Section D-Document Summary of Results i } , 5-5.3.3' Combustible waste. material and residues in U . Comply; Both of the liquid stearge operating areas shall- be. kept to a minimum, areas were free of combustible stored in covered metal containers, and vaste material. disposed of daily. 5-5.3.4 Ground areas-around facilities where liquids W Comply; grour.d areas were clear cf j are atored, handled, or used shall be kept unnecessary combustible material. , free of weeds, trash or other unnecessary j- combustible materials. I 5-5.3.5 Aisles established for movement of personnel V Comply; adequate aisle space was 4 shall be maintained clear of obstruction to evident during this author's walkdown. permit orderly evacuation and ready access for

j. manuri fire fighting activities.

 ; 5-5.4 Emergency Planning and Training Title ! An emergency action plan, consistent with the D Does not comply; while a fire pre-l available equipment and personnel, shall be plan exists for the Miscellaneous  ; established to respond to fire or other Oil StoraSe Room, no pre-plan i emergencies. This plan shall include the exists for the Flemmable Liquids I following: Storage Room. Cook Nuclear Plant  ; pre-plans do not cover all of the j (a) Procedures to be used in case of fire, requirements stated in this section, 4 such as sounding the alarm, notifying the fire however, all requirements are met department, evacuating personnel, and by the following: controlling and' extinguishing the fire. a) pre-plans b) pre-plens & training procedures (b) Appointment and training of persons to c) plant procedures carry out fire safety duties. d) plant procedures e) pre-plans & training procedures {c) Maintenance of fire protection equipment. f) plant procedures - - - - - . - , , _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - ~ . - - - -, - . - p\ [-) \ %J \ %J l Information Code Obtained By: Section U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Summary of Results 5-5.4.1 (d) lloiding fire drills. Technical Data; 7. Cont'd (e) Shutdown or isolation of equiptent to redece the escape of liquid. (f) Alternate measures for the safety of occupants while any fire protection equipment is shut down. 5-5.4.2 Personnel responsible for the use and operation D Comply; The fire brigade is of fire protection equipment shall be trained trai.,ed by approved fire brigade in the use of that equipment. Refresher trainit.; procedures. training shall be conducted at least annually. Technical Data; 26. 5-5.4.3 Planning of effective fire control measure. D Comply; The fire brigade is shall be coordinated with local emergency responsible for fire fighting response agencies. within the power block. Coordina-tion with local emergency response agencies is controlled by PMI-2270. Technical Data; 9 5-5.4.4 Procedures shall be established to provide for D C,omply; Safe shutdcun of the plant safe shutdown of operations under emergency is assured by ECA 4023.001.001 conditions. Provisions shall be made for Operators are being periodically periodic training, inspection, and testing of trained on this precedure. associated alarms, interlocks, and contcols. Technical Data; 12 5-5.4.5 The emergency procedure shall be kept readily Comply; emergency procedures are available in n operating area and updated kept in the Control Room. regularly. (: Information Obtained By: Code Section V-Valkdown Code Section D-Document Summarv of Results No. Where premises are likely to be unattended for Not applicable to the Donald C. 5-5.4.6 considerable periods of time, a summary of the Cook Nuclear Plant. emergency plan shall be posted or located in a strategic and accessible location. Title 5-5.5 Detection and Alarm l V, D Comp 1v: Annunciator Response 5-5.5.1 An approved means for prompt notification of Procedures will assure prompt l fire or emergency to those within the plant notification. and to the available public or mutual aid fire Technical Data: 19, 20 department shall be provided. V Comply: The Operation Department 5-5.5.2 Those areas, including buildings, where a potential exists for a flammable lic,uid spill, makes daily tours of the plant, shall be monitored as appropriate. Some including the flammable and combustible liquids rooms. methods may include: (a) Personnel observation or patrol; (b) Process monitoring equipment that would indicate a spill or leak may have occurred; (c) Provision of gas detectors to continuously monitor the area where facilities are unattended. Portable Fire-Control Equipment Title 5-5.6 l I C . n . , s_- , i' i Information Code _Obtained By:

Section .

U-Walkdown No. Code Section D-Document Sumeary of Results 5-5.6.1 Listed portable fire extinguishers shall be W. D Cosply: Fire extinguishers are l .provided for facilities-in such quantities, stored outside of rooms. A j

sizes, and types as may be needed for the cursory review of NFPs 10 (performed i .special hazards of operation and storage as by this author) verified that we determined per 5-5.1.3. NFPA 10. " Standard meet the intent of with this code.

for Portable. Extinguishers," provides Technical Data; 3, 14, 18 j l . information on the suitability of various l

j. types of extinguishers. -l l l
t i 5-5.6.2 Uhen-the need is indicated per 5-5.1.3, V, D Comply
Firt hose stations are .

l water may be utilized through standpipe and provided outside of rooms. A i hose systems (see NFPA 14, " Standard for the cursory review of NFPA 14 (performed , Installation of Standpipe'and Hose Systees"), by this author) verified , or through hose' connections from sprinkler compliance with this code. j systems using combination spray and straight Note: We use spray nozzles due to i ! steam nozzles to permit effective fire control the affects that straight stream (see NFPA -13 " Standard for the Installation nozzles could have on high voltage . 1 of Sprinkler Systems") . equipment. l Technical Deta; 3, 14, 15  ! i 4 5-5.6.3 Uhen the need is indicated per 5-5.1.3, mobile Not applicable to the Donald C. j i' foam apparatus shall be provided. NFPA llc, Coom huclear Plant since S-5.1.3 .; " Standard for Mobile Foam Apparatus," provides does not apply to this facility.

  • information on the subject.  !

5-5.6.4 Automotive and trailer-mounted fire apparatus, D Comply; Fire Pro 0ection equipment where daterminad necessary, shall not be used is restricted te its intended r for any purpose other than fire fighting. purpose per FMI-2270. }  ! Technical Data; 9 [ 4 r i t r ~~ . p- . m ~ (- i Information Code Obtained By: - i Section ' V-Valkdown No. Coda-Secticn D ncument_ _ Summary of Results - t l 1 ~ 5-5.7 Fixed Fire Control Equipment Title 5-5.7.1 A reliable water'other suitable fire V,D ComplT: A more than suitable control agent shal'. . Inn available La pressure wcter supply is cvail*ble. and quantity to r.cet the fire demands Technical Sata; 16 } indicated by the.special hazards of operatien,  ! storage, or exposure as mry be determined by  ! 5-5.1.3. s I 5-5.7.2: Hydrants, with or without fixed acnitor V, D cesply with exceptioa- Hydrants j nozzles, shall be grovided in accordance"sith are svsilable for these araas.  ; accepted practice- The number and placement Hoverer the yard hydrants ara l will depend on the hazard of the liquid- approxinstely 109 ft. apart rather i processing facility, storage, or expcsure as than 250 ft apatt. The lacrease  ! may be determined by 5-5.1.3. See NFFA 24, in spacing does not affact these  ; " Standard for the Installation of Private Fire storsgo are.s since both rooms _are - Service Mains and Their Appurteaances.* for within 250 ft. of a hydrant.  ! information on this subject. Technical Data; 16, 22 [ f 5-5.7.3 Uhere the need is indicated by the hazards of V, D Copely: A fixed pipe, autamat~c  ! liquid processing storage, or exposure s sprinkler system exists for tbis j determined by 5-5.1.3, fixed protection may be area. A cursecy review of NFPA 13

  • requ4 red utilizing approved sprinkler systems. (performed by this author} ver iled water spray systems, deluge systems, fire that we meet the intent of this ccde.

resistive materials, or a combination of Technical Data: 23 these. See NFPA 13, " Standard foi the  ! Installation of Sprinkler Systeus,* and NFPA [ 15, " Standard for Vater Spray Fixed Systems  ! for Fire Protection," for infor ation on these subject. l 6 -- _ _ ___ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - - f i. ww * {' l . ~Informatien l Code .Obtained By: l - Section . .iJ-Walidown l No. _ Code Section D-Document - Summary of Results -

t. 5-5.7.4 The following fire control systems may be Recemmendation Only. Not applicable

[ appropriate for the protection of specific - tc the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant [ - hazards as' determined per 5-5.1.3. If _ since these_ type systems are not i, - provided, such systems shall be designed, ' installed in either the Flammable l installed, and maintained in accordance with Liquids or Combustible Oil !' the,. following NFPA standards: 5torage Rooms.

' (a) NFPA 11, " Standard for Low Expansion Foar 4

and Combined Agent Systems," 1 . . (b) NFPA 11A. " Standard for Medium and High ~ - Expansion' Foam Systems,*

(c) NFPA 12, " Standard on Carbon Dioxide-j Extinguishing Systems,"

) (d) NFPA 12A, " Standard on Halon 1301 Fire i Extinguishing Systems," i [- (e) NFPA 12B. " Standard on Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems,* (f) NFPA 16, " Standard on Deluge Foam-Water , Sprinkler and Foam Water Spray Systems.* 1 1 (g) NFPA 17, " Standard for Dry Chemical , Extinguishing Systems - i-l i i - 4 6 . - - . . a w -- .- -. , _ . . . - e s_. ., . . . + . . , , , . . . - m - .,m,. ,.%.m _e-m._ , -- u._ ,,.~,,... . .---- ) Information Obtained Ey: Code V-Walkdown Section Su=sary of Results E-Dr,cument _ ;2o . Code Section Chapter 6 Referenced Publications This clist.- is for infor stion , puq>oses only. Therefor, it is i removed from this report. l { (~ Y' i l l l lteferences ) (Tecimical Data) l U

1. Drawing #2 4047 Turbine and 11 eater Bay Areas 6 29 81 _1 Basement Plan I- _2. DrawinS #1 4045 Turbine and lleater Bay Areas 1 26 86 4 E1 591' 0* and 595' 0" j Basement Plan
3. Fire llazards Analysis Rev. 4 1 31.90 j

-4 Drawing #12 4018+A Door Schedule 7 16 87

5. Drawing #12 4019 Door Set.edule 1-16 87
6. Safe Shutdown Capability 12 86 '


7. Fire Pre Plans 9 20 85 -'

8._--_ Drawing #12 5681-A Nets 011 Storage Room 6 $.81 Turbine Building Unit 2 - '9. PMI-2270 Fire' Protection 4 24 89 10._ Drawing 1 5179 Station Drainage 5 26 83 ,( 11. Drawing 2 5179 Station Drainage

12. OHP 4023.001.001 Emergency Remote Shutdown e
13. DCC FP101-QCN Haterial_and Application Spec Rev 11 l Initial and Repair Installation
14. Drawing #12 5267 4 Fire Facilities. Basement Plan' 5 17 88 ,
15. NFPA 14 Standpipe and llose Stations 1990
16. SD DCC-FP101 Fire Protection System Water 10 10 88 17, 12 T11P.6040.PER.001- Performance Test Proceduto 7 30-87
18. NFPA 10- Standard for Portable Fire 1988 Extinguishers-19.1 OllP 4024.101 Plant Fire System Annunciator 4 27 82
20. 2-OHP.4024.201 Plant Fire System Annunciator -.4-27 82
21. NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation 1987 of Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances

'O 22, 12 5152 4 Fire Protection Flow Diagram 7 25 89

23. NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of 1989 Automatic Sprinkler Syntetas
24. Correspondence Memo,
  • Flammable and Combustible 6 20 90 Liquid Storage Rooms", P.J . Russell to P.H. Jacques, dated 6 20 90
25. 12 5756-8 lleating 6 Ventilating Service 8 ?O 85 Bay Area
26. TAM Section 5.02 Fire Btigade Training 12 22 89 l

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