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Forwards Completed Survey of Revised Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Schedule for App B of NUREG-1394 Rev 1 for Facility,Units 1 & 2
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1991
From: James Fisicaro
RTR-NUREG-1394 NUDOCS 9110310046
Download: ML20085K376 (7)


- _ . . . - . . . . _ . .

-:::_- Entergy. y~u opu ,iam Operations .a a,,

October 25, 1991 OCAN109116 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document. Control Desk Mail Station PI-137-Washington, DC 20555


Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 & 2 l Docket Nos. 50-313 & 50-368 I License Nos. DPR-51 & NFP-61 j ERDS Survey Gentlemen:

By letter dated September 30, 1991 (0CAN099103), Entergy Ope ra t. J on s provided a revised Emergency Response Data Sys.em (ERDS) implementation schedule. The schedule indicated that our survey would be provided by October 28, 1991. Please find attached a copy of the completed survey from Appendix B of NUREG 1394 Revision 1 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact me, Very truly yours,

. )&" u amesw. Fisicato Director, Licensing JJF/NBM/sj f Attachment cc: Mr. Robert Martin U. S. Nucle r Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan PJaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011

'NRC Resident Inspector Arkansas Nuclear One - ANO-1 & 2 Number 1, Nuclear Plant Road RusselIv111e, AR 72801 l

i c110310046 91102.5 I1kJ A i[g PDR ADOCK 05000313 I\ \

p PDR 1

- U. S. NRC.

. _ 0ctober 25, 1991-

. P63e 2 Mr.- Thomas W. Alexion NRR Pro. ject Manager, Region IV/ANO-1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Hall Stop-11-D-23

_One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Piko Rockville, Maryland 20852 Hs. Shori Peterson NRR-Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Hall Stop.11-D-23 Oso White Flint North 11535 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 4


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Page 1 of 5

.. 1. Contacts Note: Please provide name, title, mailing address, and phone number.

- A. Survey Coordia: tor (i.e contact for 1 ster clarifiention of questionnaire answen)

J. Tracy Taylor -

Supervisor, Systems Softwar.e phone 501-964-7958 Entergy Operations Rt. 3 Box 137G Russellville, AR 72801 '

B. Computer Hardware Specialist (s):

M. Jon Eno Systems Software Specialist IV phone 501-964-7956 Entergy Operations Rt. 3 Box 137G Russellville, AR 72001 C. Systems Software Specialist (s)

11. Jon Eno.

see item-B l-

_ D. - Application. level Software Specialist (s) .

LI IL Jon Eno see item 0 E. Telephone Systems Specialist (s)

Steve Green Telecommunications Specialist phone 501-964-7610

.. Enter gy Doerations Rt. 3 Box 237G Russellville, AR 72801 NUREG.1394. Rev.1 2 .

t oa ge 2 of 5 III. Selection Of Data Feeders A. How many dsts feeders are there (six maximum)?

1 (one)

B. Identify the selected data feeders and preside the following for each:

(1) a shon description of the categories of data points it will provide (e.g., met. rad, or plant data points, by unit) and (2) the rationale for selecting it if another system can also provide its categories of data pomts.

1) all points for both units
2) a) only place radiological data is available b) most conducive bardware for adding t>dem support C. Which data feeder is the site time determining feeder? This should be the feeder which is providing the majority of the dsts points.

See above i

B-7 NUREG-1394. Rev. !

Page 3 of 5 IV.- Data Feeder Information Note: A new Ser. tion IV must be fillei: ?ut for each feeder system selected.

General Questions --

1. Identineation of Dsta Feeder
a. What is the name in local parlance given to this data feeder (e.g Emergency Response information System)? Please give both the scronym and the words forming it.

Radiological Dose Assessment Computer System < RDACS f

b. Is this the site time determining feeder?


c. How often will this feeder transmit an update set to the ERDS (in seconds)?

-15 second update frequency

2. Hardware / Software Environment
s. Identify the manufacturer and model number of the data feeder hardware.

Diversified Technology model: .. CAT 1000

b. Identity the operating system.

l SaSta Cruz Operation (SCO) XENIX -


c. What method of timekeeping is implemented on th!s feeder system (Daylight Savings.

L Standard. Greenwich)? ,

Daylight Savings

.J. In what time zone is this feeder located?


4 i Page 4 of 5

3. Data Communication Details

.i . Can this dath feeder provide asynchronous serial dsts communication IRS *32-C) with fuU modem control?


b. Will this feeder transmit in ASCD or EBCDIC?


c. Can this ferder transmit at s serist bsud rate of 2400 bps? !f net. at what bat d rate can i; transmit?


d. Does the operating system suppon XON' s contro!?


1. Are any problems foresten with the NRC using XON/XOFF to control the trans-mission of data?

Yes - )) If an X0FF is received and the corresponding XON is lost because t,f link problems (is - data corruption), some way to re-transmit the XON is needed.

2) Data not transmitted because of extended periods of XOFF is not

-buffered and will not be re-transmitted

c. If it is not feasible to recontigure a serial pon for the ERDS linkup ti.e. change the baud rate, parity, etc.), please explain why.

Serial port is configurable l


f. _ Dr, e ny ports currently exist for the ERDS linkup?


1. If not. is it possible to add additional ports?

Yes I D-9 NUREG-1394. Rev. 3

Page 5 of 5

2. If yes, will the port be used solely by the ERDS or shared with other non-emergency time users? Give details.

Solely ERDS

4. Data Feeder Physical Environment and Management
a. Where is the data feeder located in terms of the TSC. EOF. and control room?

Feeder is located in the SPDS computer roora. This room is approximately 100 feet north of the Unit 2 control room with access from the Unit 2 turbine deck

b. Is the data feeder protected from loss of supply of electricity?


c. Is there a human operster for this data feeder?

fio . User interface devices are located in the control rooms of each unit and arc on-line and available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day

1. If so, how many hours a day is the feeder attended?

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