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Forwards Constituent Gd Jaegar Expressing Concern Over Possibility of Leakage at Facility for Response
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1983
From: Lubowsky J
Shared Package
ML20082Q859 List:
TAC-52693, TAC-52694, NUDOCS 8312120413
Download: ML20082Q864 (4)




~ . -

,' 01 NOV 1983

, 1Hititch 6tates Senate l i MEMORANDUM l Gentlemen:

j Enclosed is letter expressing

} concern over the possiblity of ,

j leakage at Point Beach. Would

} you please send me supporting materials which would help me

.i in answering this letter?

I Thanks. ~

8312120413 831120 a'

PDR ADOCK 05000266



j Jack Lubowsky

-j Subc Energy, Nuci Prolif 6 Gov Proc i

c 'o Sen John Glenn  ;

i l SH 605 l Washir.; ton , D. C.

j 20510 4

4 l


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,4 Parts Friday morning, July 8,1983 .

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. Janka said the shipments from Morris will be coming up I-94 to I-43 through the city'of Milwau-A-WaS ShO Pmen S kee. They will continue u

===p 1-43 to Highway"147 - - -

The shipping youte had to be approved by the' US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said NRC -

spokesman Frank Ingram.

sC edUIed G MSa Ingram also said that shipping spent fuel was unusual. He estimated it is done no more than "a couple of hundred times a year in the entire Unit-ed States."

No specific dates for the shipments could be re-Specialto TheSentinct Janka said there was no way to added,"It's not going to be a caravan leased Janka said.

ar:f Sentime!s's!!wr!ter estimate the exset amount of materi- or anything like that, it will be He said storing the fuel la New York and Illi-Mr.aitowoc - Large quantities of al in each assembly because he said spread out.

nois allowed the company to rebuild and expand i high-level nuclear waste are going to that each one carried,different Janka said there were three rea- its " storage pools" for the fuel. Janka said each -

be trucked through Wisconsin start. amounts.

sons for bringing the fuel back to pool looks like a large concrete swimming pool.

ing liter this month to the Wisconsin: The company now has

" Janka said that spent nuclear fuel ' He said the company now has enough storage t n c ssa s age spac a nt or sconsin le t c Pow was taken out of Point Beach in the capacity to last until 1993, including the fuel as-mid-1970s and stored in Morris Ill., p g Co. said Thursday. semblies to be shipped. l near Joliet, and West Valley, N.Y., extrernely unlikely and storage costs WFPCO spokesman Rick Janka are lower at Point Beach. He also said the company is taking precautions said 109 fuel assemblies will be com- near Buffalo. The fuel is being taken to protect the waste during shipment.

back to the plant at Two Creeks to be Kathy Zanio, a spokeswoman for ing from a storage facility in Illinois "It's in a very heavy, heavily protected cask and 114 from a facility in New York. stored there. the anti nuclear Mobilization for which is 16 to 18 feet long, lying on the flatbed of Each assembly weighs about 25 tons. Each assembly will be carried by a Su ival, aid her group was very the truck," he said. "It's surrounded by a sort of a Jtaka said. semitrailer truck, Janka said, but he Waste Turn to Page 7 grating, which gives a cagelike effect. Plus, there are bumpers on both ends of it, so it almost looks like a huge barbell on the truck."

NUCl ear Waste Mobiiization for Survivai has about 3,000 mem.

bers in southeastern Wisconsin, Zanio said.


nig3iy$34$icTyl,To$a*,*y',,$137,",7,7,1'8 accident there would be no major danger. He also be,n9 1 Urne Janka said fuel storage in the General Electric Corp.-owned facility in Illinois was never intended to be permanent.

said WEPCO has never had an accident while shipping radioactive materials.

He said the shipping assemblies were the same Waste From Page 1 He said WEPCO decided to bring the spent fuel ones in which the fuel was shipped out. He said back from New York when the State of New they were designed to survive intact in any kind concerned about WEPCO's plans. York, which owns the West Valley facility, decid. of accident, ranging from a fender-bender to a "What we have to do right now is get the exact ed it wanted to " clean it up." train collision.

data on the shipments and the official date of ship- Janka said the US Departmert of Energy will be Zanio disputed that,saying that the fuelis dan '


' Zanio said. "But, I can say that everyone ger us.

using the New York facility for some form of ex-who lives along the route who is concerned about perimentation.

cuelear power will probably participate in scme kind of action."






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. . _. -n ++M, rA; Our winter fun in snow country lures the family You'll fi-outocars into the breath-taking mansions of country '-

sparkling white, where each laden tree beckons you good eat =

Q. further into the silence of softly falling snow. Manit/

Hidden Valley gives skiers the joy of down-hill tion as t-

skiing, chair-lifting them up for another try. And wooded i-for those die-hard fishermen, the fish are just as to crosse eager for the bait through a hole in the icel Travel invigorat our well groomed and marked snowmobile trails or sled.


} to Point Beach State Forest or to other scenic sites. j The seventeen inland lakes are the exquisite The Manitowoc County Fair in August, jewels enhancing the varied and unusual parks of located just off of Interstate 43, gives all the fun (

Manitowoc County. Fascinating Maribel Caves, and excitement a fair can bring all ages.

Devils River and the nature centers of Woodland Manitowoc County has an excellent airport Dunes and Collins Marsh are a must for lovers facility, served by a commercial airline, with of fern and fauna. Bring along your binoculars for private planes as well, and a rent-a-car agency. All a closer looki The sights and sounds of the marsh this is to enable you to reach the convenient and dune, the river and bog, field and wood bring marinas with charter boats containing your fishing the whole family closer to nature. gear to take you out into deep waters for exciting Beaches, campgrounds, country and woods fishing. Lake trout, coho salmon, rainbow trout, bring out the best of hiking, bicycling, horseback tiger trout and the mighty king salmon are all riding, swimming and bird watching. Our new lurking below.

Walla Hi Park is located in the southwestern part Come to Manitowoc County - we welcome you of the County in the Kettle Moraine area. to enjoy summer with us!