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Submits Clarifications & Corrections to TS Change Request 178,dtd 941222,modifying TS for Addition of EDGs & Loss of Voltage Protection Function Mods
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/1995
From: Link B
Shared Package
ML20080K827 List:
CON-NRC-95-010, CON-NRC-95-10 VPNPD-95-016, VPNPD-95-16, NUDOCS 9503010327
Download: ML20080K824 (3)


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Wisconsin fEh>ctnc  :

POWER COMPANY 231 w Michigort Po. Bon 2046. Mawoukee.W 53201-2046 (414) 221-2345 VPNPD-95-016 10 CFR 50.4  ;

NRC-95-010 10 CFR 50.90 February 21, 1995 ,

I Document Control Desk U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Mail Station P1-137 "

Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

DOCKETS 50-266 AND 50-301 CLARIFICATIONS TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REOUEST 178 MODIFICATION TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITION OF EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATORS AND LOSS OF VOLTAGE PROTECTION FUNCTION MODIFICATIONS POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANTS, UNITS 1 AND 2 In a letter dated December 22, 1994, Wisconsin Electric requested t Technical Specifications change Number 178. Reviews of this change request have determined.that the following clarifications and corrections should be made:

(1) The Safety Evaluation for Technical Specifications Change Request 178, in the section on service water operability on page 4, states that'the service water limiting condi-tion for operation (LCO), will not be entered during the reconfiguration of the Unit 1 electrical distribution system, because five service water pumps will be oper-able, three from Train B, one from Train A, and one Train A pump from the alternate shutdown system. Five operable service water pumps exceeds the Technical Specifications requirement that four service water pumps are operable, '

two from each train.

Therefore, this should state that the service water LCO, will not be entered, because at least four service water pumps will be operable, at least two from Train B, one from Train A, and one Train A pump from the alternate l shutdown system. '


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Document Control Desk February 21, 1995 Page 2 This clarification is being provided because the state-ment used in the original Technical Specifications change request Safety Evaluation could be interpreted to imply that five service water pumps would be required to meet the operability requirements of the Technical Specifi-cations. This implication was unintentional and there-fore this clarification is being made.

This clarification does not alter the conclusion of the Safety Evaluation, that states the exemption allowing a Train A service water pump to be considered operable from off-site power, if it is running powered from the alter-nate shutdown system, provides for the continued safe operation of Unit 2 during reconfiguration of the Unit 1 electrical distribution system.

(2) Page 3 of the No Significant Hazards Evaluation, provided with our December 22, 1994 submittal, states that the modification to change the loss of voltage protection function from 1-out-of-2 logic on each bus to 1-out-of-2 logic on each bus is an improvement over the original design, because with the new design an inadvertent trip of a single channel will not cause the protection actions.

This should state that the modification changes the loss of voltage protection function from 1-out-of-2 logic on each bus to 2-out-of-3 logic on each bus. This was a typographical error in Technical Specifications Change Request 178. The modification to convert the loss of voltage protection logic from 1-out-of-2 to 2-out-of-3 is appropriately described in the rest of the Technical Specification Change Request 178. Therefore, this correction does not alter the conclusion'of the No Significant Hazards Evaluation.

(3) The mark-up of Technical Specifications page 15.3.3-6, included in Attachment 4 to Technical Specifications Change Request 178, had two lines at the bottom of the page that were inadvertently truncated. Additionally, this page has since been changed via Amendments 159 and 163, dated December 21, 1994. The corrected mark-up of page 15.3.3-6 is attached to this letter. The changes to page 15.3.3-6, as described in Technical Specifications Change Request 178, are still valid and are appropriately described in that change request.

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.o Document control Desk February 21, 1995 Page 3 l

These clarifications and corrections have been reviewed against the original Technical Specifications change Request. The " Safety Evaluation" and "No Significant Hazards Evaluation," with the clarifications and corrections above, remain valid and appropriate for this Technical Specifications change Request. The corrected mark-up of Technical Specifications page 15.3.3-f is also appropriately described in the original Technical Specifications Change request.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause in the processing of this Technical Specifications Change Request. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Sincerely, s_

Vice President Nuclear Power CAC/jg Attachment cc: NRC Regional Administrator NRC Resident Inspector Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Subscribed and swor,n before me on this a P day of R[buron.n 1995.

3 tuu , A Mtt G o r{)Public, State of Wisconsin My commission expires 10-27-9k .

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