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Advises That Schedule for Implementation of Installation of Addl Diesel Generators Cannot Be Provided Because Proposal from Contractor Only Recently Received
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1991
From: Zach J
CON-NRC-91-112 VPNPD-91-355, NUDOCS 9110100091
Download: ML20079H030 (2)


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.. j Wisconsin Electnc POWER COWMY at w Menon Po rica 7ars w*ow w Mrs pw n s tw, VPNPD 335 NRC 112 September 30, 1991 Document Control Desk U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Mail Station F1-137 Washington, DC 20555 Attention Mr. Robert Samworth, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate III-3 Gentlemen!.

DOCKETS 50-266 AND 50-301 JULY 9, 1991. MEETING EUMMARY POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLMil On September 11, 1991, we received your memo dated _ September 3, ,

1991, which documented our meeting with the NRC staff en July 9, 1991. .At that meeting we discussed our planning for the installation of additional diesel generators at our Point Beach Nuclear Plant. This discussion included prosentation of an estimated. schedule for-this diesel generator project. We were careful to qualify this schedule as tentative and noted that a detailed schedule estimate by our project vendor had not yet been prepared or reviewed. We are concerned that your summary of this meeting characterizes these tentative schedule estimates as an' ,

apparently firm commitment to complete-this plant betterment project by a specified date. Your minutes further characterize our latest estimate as a slippage from the schedule provided at our September 5, 1990 meeting.

While we are firmly committed to proceeding with this project, we cannot at this time project a committed implementation schedule.

We only recently received a detailed proposed schedule from our contracter and are currently reviewing and commenting on-this

--proposal. As discussed at the meeting, we shall be providing-you with a report addressing the final design as soon as it is ,


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9110100091 910930 j j h PDR ADOCK 05000266 p, PDR 1 V

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I Document Control Desk September 30, 1991 ,

Page 2 We also acknowledge your 60tormination that the installation of now '

diosol generators at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant will constituto Jan unreviewed safety question. NRC approval will, therofero, be necessary before wo may proccod with actual plant modifications and -

installation. Your estimate of how much timo wo should allow in I the project schedulo for this NRC revAcw and approval would be appreciated.


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Jakes J. Zach Vic'e President Nuclear Power Copy tot NRC Regional Admin!strator, Region III NRC Resident Inspector ,

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