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Suppl to Aamodt 830728 Oral Argument.Faegre & Benson Study Represents Significant New Info Supporting Timeliness of Motion to Reopen Record on Hartman Allegations.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/1983
From: Aamodt M
NUDOCS 8308160463
Download: ML20077J502 (6)





, USHRC In the Matter of )


53 AUG 15 41:27 METROPOLITAN EDISON CO, et. al. ) Docket 50-289 Restart

) LFF CE c? 5[.;nga y (Three Mile Island Nuclear ) $$dd[DT'-

Generating Station, Unit 1) )



1., Correction: Our initial contact with the Department i of Justice was in the early weeks of March, 1983, 2 A factual basis for our assertion that high level l management directed the falsification of leak rate data at Unit 2 prior to the accident is provided by Attachment 1 which consists of pages 50 through 52 from the Ornstein deposition of Hartman in October of 1979, On page 51 Hartman's answer concerning Hartman's failure to report the falsification of leak rates is as follows:

Yes, I really don't think -- I was kind of afriid of rocking the big boat up there, It seemed to me like they were totally unpredictable.

I knew they were aware of the problem, and their minds are greater than mine,

3. If the point has not already be'en made, the' Faegre &

Benson study, provided to the parties by service of May 4,

D . 1983, was significant new information which supports the p timeliness of our motion to reopen on the Hartman allegations. '

U$g m 4 Concerning our 3, 1982 motion for reopening m@ the record due to established comprise of the RWp tests, ma f Attachmeht 2 provides additional documentation concerning0 4 the matter of radiation protection of in-plant workers of x


! Licensee's willful negligence. Despite~the warning of an -


. 2-NRC inspector, Licensee did not remedy the failure to have a high radiation area properly posted. This resulted in the i

subsequent, avoidable exposure of a contractor supervisor. .

Willf-ul negligence of Licensee regarding the RWp tests was the point of our~ motion. Although Licensee's procedures eventually identified the compromise of the test, Licensee's J

procedures t6. prevent compromise of the test, alleged to be -

in place and effective during the Reop'ened Hearing, were not operable. Although Licensee and the NRC Staff protest that the test was compromised by a single individual, there;are, at the most, three individuals entrusted with the RWp training and testing. The f ailure of Licensee to have communicated the importance of protecting the RWp test to all of the few individuals involved despite the focus of the Reopened Proceeding is a reflection on Dre Long, who made the promises and was then the Director of Training, or on the hiring practices of Licensee. We believe, in view of Dr. Long's present position as Vice-President of Nuclear Assurance,that a determination, under oath, of the facts of the matter is l

needed, In addition, in rereading the inspection report of July 1,1982 (page 17) concerning this matter (Uncontrolled Training Exams), we continue to find that-lminagemegths response o

was . delayed in that the radiological assessor made two reports to' upper-level management (Ma and May 7),

Lbb h L'


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MarjoMe M. Aamodt August 11. , 1983

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uu:k a:=r .nur es= d r.=a t et t.117 un; re d i c t ab le . I knew they w e re a ir t.- e M the ==l

- , , - , au :pmmq G=, prob le r , an d their minds arc gre a

  • e r t h a.r. eti n a . They ===. rummu =d Q_ :nnuer u=:. vQ could da t h i n rs with their heads that I could never =ru =J


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_ C Was there s e rie q uali t y a s s u ran c e f un ct i on oF uu uu== . ve=]


, sose qua lit y as s u ran c e st r out that was depended upon mmm: ann =(

7'"* :w: .uz:u .:::.=f I ty met E. d te make s u re t h at th:r kind of thint would =w =i

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  • 1 W ' 1, as far as ! kn ew they had -- he had ,:. .nuq j ( '

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.: m v:n g.. Ercup would send a.n y sheets thst c om e back coneleted, n.-.. -:

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l. . they would ge to ISI, In Se r r i c e Inspection, and an anx

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n .mq. W} What he gett ia just the mininur .._..


- . :d: in f o rm at i on , you know. And -- That's all. As far as ,[.

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the QA is c or. c e rn e d , t h a t s all.I know about.



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- - . . C Was t h e re aJ. area t hat was le ft. out froE

. . . N.

'~.',. your traininE in the Me 1' Ed program on Auxilliar* ne

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.. . . . . . . w Ope rat or an d Control Roos Ope r at or or w a.a thers n oce - u m =- =g:


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.1 4.. ' thing discussed along these lines of re p o rt in g er



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CU g fi x in g up things which a p p e a re d t o be in c o rre ct ?

mv.a 1 4. - . =3 nw C $ ."i*'d$* .


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L u t. the* tc1d cr tc gt t one a.n yv a v vcu e as . mar- ":=*

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, f C Q, l C You get one Pea ing what?  !

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rua. :www;: .===:

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kmum - A Me a.n in g a le ak rate.

>= 1 L Chay. k re y ta. e e n.r~e t f i.he re ct t t i t h i r.t un= == ====


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it w eer Fri ca y P re s s C o n f e re n c e that the Dire ct or of the .m b um..  ! ,; ;; - . -

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Oi v i r i ce. of Ins-eetion En rc,r e e me nt held Fridav in whic: nu=


pm. ng e- 155 thousa=d oc11ars in fines w e re levied against l .uuunmmm

.~.;;L  %."....

p; ~--- Me

  • rep olit ar. Ed is on ? uuu , n.


- n =va. - ---

O L ITh -h uh . .u.m., .

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f.u:  ; Ve re you aware of the fine ihat the NFC


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w cos i r' h a ve le v ' e c or. F.e t Ed with regard to t h at D a-t i I .m., um

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- e r =wx u=mm l eel c. t ailripe ? _

,u., . ._.

nnmm.a I would like te introduce as

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. e E1nitit 12 0 $ a 1etter written by Vict or Ste 11o tc Eot , .._.

L l s'  := _

OP i.-- *f, " r *. r t - - l i t e.r, Ed . r c; , o th*ir findin rs , a. I m.,,

  • o the ite. of Ir ak age vecid like te d ra w your attentio- . ..

be from the safety valves a.n d the t a11 pipe t e n oe ra* u rt . ., . . . .

- 3:. t. n.  : e, -~

'f he e u mulat i v e civil pe n alt y for m:. we.-_

_ . . . }3.11 . .  ::v=

that one item alone would have been 630 thousand dellaps, , . . ,

I -

which a. mounted to a penaity of five thousand dellars  !

1 . . . . . . . . ..

, c. =:.=-

'" :. r a I a cay f or e ve ry day t h'a

  • they were not in c or:p li an t e _

. y. y 4 - - - - - -

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m. . omem cou r acro vc. 87  :*;: : a :. ~ ti t' S t

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fo f . ATTACHyT 2 .. , ',- g 7


Cpu Nuclear Corporation Docket tio. 50-289 Thrse Mile Island Unit 1 License No. DPR-50 As a result of the inspection conducted on January 6 - February 17, 1982, and in accordance with the Interim Enforcement Policy, 45 FR 66754 (October 7,1980), the following violations were identified.

A. Technical Specifications (TS) 6.13.1 requires, in part, that each High Radiation area (100 arem/hr or greater) in which the intensity of radiation is 1000 mrem /hr or less shall be barricaded and conspicuously -

posted as a high radiation area, and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiat. ion Work Permit. Any individual or group of individuals peruitted to enter such areas


shall be provided with a radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area. Each High Radiation Area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 mrem /hr shall be subject to the above provisons and in addition locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Radiation Protection Supervisor / Foreman or the Shift Foreman on duty.

Contrary to these requirements:

1. During the period January 22 through February 3,1982, a High Radiation Area (greater than 1000 arem/hr) door in the Reac*ar Building (RB) at the top of the "D" ring area was not locked such as to prevent unauthorized entry into the area. The door was opened by the inspector without a key by reaching around the other side and turning the doorknob.
2. On January 22, 1982, the key to a High Radiation Area (greater than 1000 mrera/hr) door located in the RB which allows access to the "D" ring was not maintained under the administrative control of the Radiation Protection Supervisor / Foreman or the Shift Forman on duty. The key was found unattended near the RB personnel hatch and was available for possible use by unauthorized personnel.

r S394@f9E% B20317

  • PDR ADOCK 05000289 G PDR g, pp .

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3. On February 1,1932, a contractor supervisor opened and walked through the High Radiation Area door (described in item A.1) without using appropriate means for access. Tne individual opened the door without a key by reaching around the other side and turning the doorknob.
4. Ch February 1,1982, a contractor supervisor entered the High Radiation Area (described in itan A.1) without being provided with a radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement IV).

3. Section 8.0 of the THI-1 Operational Quality, Assurance (QA) Plan, Revision '9,' dated T4ny 28,1381, addresses the requirenents if 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI. Section 8.1 of the QA Plan states, in part, that measures shall be established which insure

, that conditions adverse to quality such as deficiencies and nonconfomances

' be proeptly identified and corrected. Section 6 of the QA Plan-designates radiation control activities as im;xartant to safety, and states that such activities be controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.

Contrary to these requirements, as of February 3,1982, no proc:pt corrective action was taken to ass ~ure that the High Radiation Area door (desc-ibed in ite= A.1) was adequately locked. 'N s 'i tem was

__ identi fi ed by t NRC inspector and broucht to'the licensee'-s' ittention~

6n %nuarv ~22.1982, andlacain onWanuary 28, 1982. Lack of prc=ot Iorrective action permitted an unauthori::ed entry by an indivioual en rebruarv 1. '1982 (described in item A.3).

(emphasis added) bis is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement IV).

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, GpU Huclear Corporation is hereby required to sub=it to this office within 30 days of the date of this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including (1) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achie red. Under the authority of Section 182 of the Atocic Energy Act of 1954, as ameM.ed, this response shall be sutcitted under oath or affimation. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending your response ti me.

, (emphasis added) l I

MAR 17 1982 Dated gbal Signed 3p jf 3 v Richard W. Scaro.stecki, Director f' Division of profect and .".asident

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This,ig to certity tbgt the document SUPPLEMENT TO AAMODT

. ORAL ARGUMENTS'OF' JULY'28 was served on the list below on August 11, 1983 by deposit in U, S. Mail first class.

00L KE T_u Service & Docketing Branch . Gary J. Edles, Chairman TE U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Vashington, D. C. 20555 Board gg U.S. Nuclear Regulatory M E sk n Chairman Nunzio Falladino I Washington, DC 20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission cFFcE CF SE(At_ v Vashington, D. C. 20555 Christine N. Kohl 00CKEimG &


Commissioner John 1hearne Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission .

Vashington, D. C. 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Commissioner Victor Gilinsky Dr. John H. Buck .

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Vashington, D. C. 20555 Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

- Commissioner 2homas Roberts Washington, DC 20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vanhington, D. C. 20555 Douglas R. Blazey, Esq.

i Chief Counsel l .j Commissioner James Acselstine Department of Environmental Resources l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 514 Executive House, P.O. Box 2357 i Washington, D. C. 20555 Harrisburg, PA 17120

~i Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board TMIA

' U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1037 Maclay Street Vashington, D. C. 20555 Harrisburg, PA 17103 Att: Chaiman Administrative Judge Gary J. 3dles -

Union of Concerned Scientists Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Ianel c/o Harmon & Weiss U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Con =ission 1725 I Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20006 Vashington, D. C. 20555 Att: Chairman Administrative Judge Judge Gary I, Milho111n Ivan V. Smith 4412 Greenwich Parkway, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20007 Jack Goldberg, Esq.

Iegal Offices Jane Ice U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 183 Yalley Road Vashington, D. C. 20555 Etters, PA 17319 G. F. Trowbridge, Esq. -

Marvin I. Iewis Sha w , Pittmen, ?otts & Trowbridge 6504 3radford Terrace 1800 M Street, N. V. Philadelphia PA 19149 Vashin5 ton, D.'C. 20036 John I. Minnich #3 Chair =an, Dauphin County 617 Briarcliff Road Board of Commissioners Middletown, PA 17057 Dauphin County Courthouse Michael W. Maupin', Esqi tront & Market Streets Hunton & Williams Earrisburg, PA 17101 707 East Main Street, Box 1535 Richmond, VA 23212

. .Michae.1 F. McBride,.Esq(

LeBouef, Lamb.* Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Ave.,' N. Wl Suite 1 A______--_.- - _ _