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First Supplemental Response to First Document Production Request.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/1983
From: Durbin S
Shared Package
ML20076E171 List:
NUDOCS 8308240210
Download: ML20076E190 (14)




nn . k. j,[ ,

In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-275


) (Reopened Hearing --

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power ) Design Quality Assurance)

Plan t Units Nos. 1 and 2 )


GOVERNOR DEUKMEJIAN' S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO APPLICANT'S FIRST DOCUMENT PRODUCTION REQUEST Governor George Deukmeji an hereby provides this first supplement to his response to the first document production request propounded to him by Applicant Pacific Gas and Electric Company. This supplement provides the answers specified by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board in its August 9,198 3, l

l order. Further supplemental answers are contemplated, as i

l provided by 10 C.F.R. section 2.740 (e) .


All documents relating to Diablo Canyon design or design quality assurance prepared by PG&E, the IDVP, or the NRC, having commen ts , no tes, or the like on them and any writings prepared by or for you discussing, commenting on or otherwise referring to those documents.


The board's order divided the documents sought by this request into two categories. The first category consists of 1.

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all documents relating to Diablo Canyon design or design quality assurance prepared by PG&E, the IDVP, or the NRC, having notes or comments made on them. An index of such documents in the possession of the Governor, his counsel, or consultants to counsel is attached hereto as Exhibit 2-A-1.

The second category of documents consists of writings i

discussing or commenting on documents dealing with Diablo Canyon design or design quality assurance, prepared by PG&E, the IDVP-, or the NRC. The board's order limited the documents in this category to be produced to those created prior to

! October 1, 198 1. The only such documents are in the possession i

of MHB Technical Associates and consist of documents pertaining to past hearings in this case, dealing principally with seismic criteria and other previously litigated subjects. Should PG&E desire production of these documents, they will be produced at the MHB offices in San Jose at a time mutually convenient to the parties.


l All other documents relating to Diablo Canyon design i

or design quality assurance not produced in response to Request No. 2 which have been prepared or reviewed by or for you.


I l

Pursuant to an August 17, 198 3, telephone conversation between Mr. Nor ton and Mr. Strumwasser, this request has been i clarified to exclude all documents prepared by the applicant, the IDVP, or the NRC not having comments, no te s , or the like on


i 2.

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Pursuant to the same telephone conversation, documen ts having the following characteristics have also been excluded:

documents prepared by the personnel of the Office of the Attorney General or the Office of the Governor, which have been seen only by some or all of the following people: George Deukmejian, Governor; S teven A. Merksamer, Chief-of-S taff to the Governor; Vance W. Raye, Legal Aff airs Secretary to the Governor; John K. Van de Kamp, Attorney General; Nelson Kempsky, Chief Deputy Attorney General; Andrea Sheridan Ordin, Chief Assistant Attorney General; Michael J. S trumwas se r, Special Counsel to the Attorney General; Susan L. Durbin and Peter H. Kaufman, Deputy Attorneys General; Christina Neal, Analyst; and support staff of the Governor 's Office and the Office of the Attorney General. (The term " support staff" excludes consultants and all other person retained by cont rac t. ) This response constitutes certification of the foregoing characteristics of the documents thus excluded.

Pursuant to the same conversation, counsel f or PG&E is being sen t under separate cover a copy of the file consisting of all press clippings in the Office of the Attorney General concerning Diablo Canyon.

As to all remaining documents responsive to the request, an index of the documents requested is attached hereto as Exhibit 3-1. For the applicant's convenience this list includes documents already on file in this case.



All documents that contain calculations ~, analyses or' computer programs performed by or for you regarding -the design of Diablo Canyon structures, systems or components.


Other than those documents listed in the response to Request No. 3, above, no such documents exist.


All cor respondence or records of meetings' or telephone , ..

conversations between Mr. Hubbard (or his associates) and Dr. .

t Rosette [ sic.] (or his associates) related in any way to design -

of structures, systems, or components at Diablo Canyon.


All documents have been indexed, produced, proferred, or excused from production in prior requests.

t REQUEST NO. 7: ,

All notes, calculations, meeting minutes, computer outputs, drawings or other writings prepared by MHB Technical Associates or Dr. Rosette [ sic.] or any otherhof your technical consultants related in any way to design or. design quality assurance at Diablo Canyon. -

4 4.


All documents have been indexed, produced, proferred, or excused from pr oduction in prior requests.

DATED: August 19, 1983 JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, Attorney General of the 'S tate of California ANDREA SHERIDAN ORDIN, Chief Assistant Attorney General MICHAEL J. STRUMWASSER, Special Counsel to the Attorney General SUSAN L. DURB IN ,

PETER H. KAUFMAN, Deputy Attorneys General By -

SUSAN L. DURBIN Attorneys for Governor George Deukmejian 3580 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 800 Los Angeles, California 90010 (213) 736-2105 l

l l 5.

Exhibit 2-A-1 DOCLPDTIS PREPARED BY PG&E, 'I1E IINP, CR 'HE NRC HAVING bnRGINAL POIYS BY 'I1E OCNERtIR'S REPRESENmTIVES DOCLNENT MARGIN 4LIA AITH OR T TITLE T DA'IE DATE MARGINALIA 000MNr n 18 81 MB Preliminary Report, Seismic Reverification Program, R.L. Cloud Assoc. (Draft) 11 19 81 MB Statement of George Maneatiu before the House Subcomittee on Energy ard the Environment 11 19 81 MB Statemcnt of Richard Eckert befae the House Subcmmittee on Energy ard the Envirorincnt 12 4 81 MB PG&E letter to NRC regarding qualifications of R.L. Cloud Associates to corduct design verification 1 8 82 ME NBC rotice of meeting with PG&E 1 13 82 MB PG&E submittal of prcposed Phase II program to NRC 1 28 82 MB NRC letter to PG&E regarding acceptability of proposed review plan 3 15 82 MB NRC Information Items: cover letter fewarding four R.F. Reedy letters 3 15 82 ME NRC Information Items: cover 1atter fawarding four R.L. Cloud letters 4 15 82 MB PG&E letter to NRC regarding PG&E ocxnments on Mardi 8,1982 R.F. Reedy repat 6 18 82 MB IINP Phase II Program Management Plan 7 16 82 ME NRC rotice of meeting with PG&E, Brookhavel National Laboratory, ard the IINP 72182 MB Internal NRC letter regarding Diablo Canyon Seismic Reverification Program Inspections:

May 26-28,1982 t 71482 MB PG&E letter to NRC respording to Violation

! rotice from Inspection Repat 50-323/82-09 l 7 27 82 MB IINP (Teledyne) July Semi 4bnthly Report 7 1 82 ME NRC Board Notification: Brookhavcn Repat I of its Irdeperdent Evaluation of Diablo I

Canyon Design Verification l 8 16 82 MB Response of PG&E to Governor Brown's Motion to Reopcn the Recad 8 23 82 MB NRC Staff's Response to Governor Brown's Motion to Reopcn the Proceeding...

10 13 82 MB NRC SECY-82-414: Diablo Canyon Design Verification Program - Phase II l

Recxxnmerdations 11 10 82 MB Sumary of November 10, 198 2 Comission Meeting, PG&E presentation of ocxnments on October 20, 198 2 NRC Staff Briefing 11 12 82 MB Stone ard Webster November Semi 4bnthly Repa t i

l Exhibit 2-A-1 Page 1

D00JMFNF MARGINALIA Atm 0R OF TITLE T TATE IA'IE MGGINALIA DoctMNP 1 28 83 MB January 28-29 Presentation regarding Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Conpanent Cooling Water System 2 17 83 MB NRC (Chairman Palladiro) letter to Horocable Marris Ikhll, U.S. House of Representatives 3 11 83 MB IDVP 2rd Fri&y of Mardi Seml-Monthly Repcrt 32583 MB IDVP Erd of March Semi-mnthly Report 3 14 83 MHB NRC Conmission Meeting: Interim IINP 32583 MB NRC Interview of Virgil Tennymn 4 S 83 MB Staterrets of Virgil Tmnyson and Richard Roam 5 27 83 MB IDVP letter forward Preliminary Draft of ITR's No. 36 ard 38 5 17 83 5/3V83 MB Motion of Governor George Deukmejian to Reopen the Record on Construction Quality Assurance 6 6 83 Kaufman NBC Staff Response to Joint Intervenor's and Govenur's 2 tion to Reope) on Constrtrtion Quality Assurance 6 10 83 6/15/83 Durbin First Docummt Production Request by Applicant Pacific Gas ard Electric Cmpany to Governor Deukmejian 6 6 83 Durbin NRC Staff Response to Joint Intervenor's and Governor's Motion to Reops on Construction Quality Assurance l

l Exhibit 2-A-1 Page 2 l




Exhibit 3-1 10/30/81 Letter from Gov. Brown to Palladino with memo to Denton outlining California's proposal for an independent quality verification program.

l -

11/07/81 Letter from Byron Georgiou to Chairman Palladino listing 13 seismic design errors, and reiterating request for an independent verification program.

Attached is a description of each of the 13 errors.

I 11/16/81 Letter from Herb Brown to Chairman Palladino further elucidating on Gov. Brown's verification proposal, and i

further outlining PG&E/Blume QA deficiencies.

11/19/81 Statement of Richard Hubbard before House Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment summarizing deficiencies in PG&E's Diablo QA program.

12/14/81 Letter from Richard Hubbard to Lawrence Lanpher, containing comments on the 11-12-81 R.L. Cloud report.

1/15/82 Letter from Herb Brown to the NRC Commissioners transmitting attached comments by Governor Brown on the proposed seismic design verification program.

2/17/82 Presenation of Richard Hubbard for Governor Brown concerning PG&E's proposed seismic design verification pr og ram. Presentation given at February 17, 1982 meeting with NRC staff.

l 2/25/82 Letter from Herb Brown to NRC Commissioners and enclosure presen ting Governor Brown's technical comments on the proposed seismic design verification pr og ram.

1 5/24/82 Affidavit of Richard Hubbard concerning breakdowns in the Diablo Canyon Quality Assurance Program.

8/ 2/82 Letter from Alan Dynner to Harold Denton enclosing technical comments from counsel to Governor Drown on the proposed phase II Diablo Canyon design verification program.

Exhibit 3-1 Page 1 l


~- ~ - ~ ~ '

9/ 9/82 Presentation of Richard Hubbard on the proposed Diablo Canyon verification program, presented at September 9, 1982 meeting with NRC staff.

11/.10/82 Presentation of Richard Hubbard concerning proposed phase II Diablo Canyon design verification program, presentation made before the NRC Commissioners.

3/ 7/83 Dr. Jose Roesset to Michael J. Strumwasser - Lists questions regarding the seismic analyses conducted for Diablo 3/25/83 Richard B. Hubbard to Michael J. Strumwasser -

Encloses Summary of Anonymous Allegations regarding Diablo 3/31/83 Supplemental affidavit of Richard Hubbard concerning breakdowns in theDiablo Canyon Quality Assurance p rogram.

4/26/83 Dr. Jose Roesset to Michael J. Strumwasser - Comments on the review of the seismic design of Diablo 5/ 2/83 Curran Roller to Michael J. Strumwasser - Encloses Information Concerning Bechtel/PG&E Schedule Incentives at Diablo 5/ 3/83 Dr. Jose Roesset to Michael J. Strumwasser - Comments ,

on the open items and errors reported by the IDVP 6/17/83 Richard B. Hubbard to Michael J. Strumwasser -

Summaries of ITRs 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 7/28/83 Richard B. Hubbard to Michael J. Strumwasser -

Encloses Summaries of ITRs 25, 26, 27, and 28 8/ 8/83 Richard B. Hubbard to Michael J. Strumwasser -

Comments for NRC Commissioners re: IDVP Diablo P roceed ing 8/18/83 Dr. Jose Roesset - Comments on ITR's Exhibit 3-1 Page 2

Unknown Richard Hubbard, Dr. Jose Roesset - Summaries of and comments on remaining ITR's, SER, IDVP Final Report, ITP Phase I Final Report (dates of completion unknown)


Exhibit 3-1 Page 3

o e- n~ -


) CFTjg 0F ggggt g, In the Matter of ) GCunerma a sgpyt,


) 50-32 3 0.L.

(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power )

Plant, Units 1 and 2) )


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this date I caused copies of the foregoing GOVERNOR DEUKMEJI AN' S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL ANSWERS TO APPLICANT'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND GOVERNOR DEUKMEJIAN' S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO APPLICANT' S FIRST DOCUMENT PRODUCTION REQUEST served on the following by U.S-Mail, first class (except for those persons marked with an as ter isk ("*"), to whom the envelope was posted Express Mail),

pos': age prepaid.

Hon. Nunzio Palladino, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H S tree t, N.W.

Washing ton, D.C. 20555 Hon. Victor Gilinsky, Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N.W.

Washing ton, D.C. 20555 Hon. Thomas Roberts, Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N.W.

Washing ton, D.C. 20555 1.

Hon. James Asselstine, Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N.W.

Washingbon, D.C. 20555 Hon. John Ahearne, commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Stree t, N.W.

Washing ton, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Hon. Thomas S. Moore, Chairman

  • Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 .

Hon. W. Reed Johnson

  • Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Hon. John H. Buck
  • Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Judge John F. Wolf, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing ton, D.C. 20555 j Judge Glenn O. Bright Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l Judge Jerry R. Kline Atomic Safety and Licensing Board l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, D.C. 20555 l

! Harold Denton Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


. Leonard Bickwit, Esq.

! Office of the General Counsel i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

, 2.

i t

Lawrence Chandler, Esq.

  • Henry J. McGurren, Esq.

Office of Executive Legal Director BETH 042 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing ton, D.C. 20555 Secretary U.'S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing ton, D.C. 20555 Atten tion: Docketing and Service Section Mrs. Elizabeth Apfelberg 1415 Cozadero San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Janice E. Kerr, Esq.

Public Utilities Commission 5246 State Building 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 l

Mrs. Raye Fleming 1920 Mattie Road Shell Beach , CA 93449 Mr. Frederick Eissler Scenic Shoreline Preservation Conference, Inc.

4623 More Mesa Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Gordon Silver i

Sandra A. Silver 1760 Alisal Street San Luis Obispo, CA 934 01 l Joel R. Reynolds, Esq.

Eric Havian, Esq.

John Phillips, Esq.

Cen ter for Law in the Public Interest 10951 West Pico Boulevard, Third Floor Los Angeles, CA 90064 B ruce Nor ton, Esq.

  • Nor ton, Burke, Berry & French 2002 East Osborn Phoenix, AZ 85064 Philip A. C rane , J r. , Esq. * .

Richard F. Locke, Esq.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, CA 94120 3.

David S. Fleischaker, Esq.

P. O. Box 1178 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 Arthur C. Gehr, Esq.

Snell & Wilmer 3100 Valley Bank Center Phoenix, AZ 85073 Mr. Richard B. Hubbard MHB Technical Associates 1723 Hamilton Avenue, Suite K San Jose, CA 95125 Mr. Carl Neiberger Telegram Tribune P . O. B ox 112 San Luis Obispo, CA 93402 Virginia and Gordon Bruno Pecho Ranch P.O. Box 6289 Los Osos, CA 93402 ,

Nancy Culver 192 Luneta San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Maurice Axelrad, Esq.

  • Lowenstein, Newman, Reis, & Axelrad 10 25 Conn ecticut Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 I

DATED: August 19, 1983 JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, Attorney General of the State of Calif ornia ANDREA SHERIDAN ORDIN, Chief Assistant Attorney General MICHAEL J. STRUMWASSER, Special Counsel to the Attorney General SUSAN L. DURBIN, l PETER H. KAUFMAN, Deputy Attorneys General By ,

l SUSAN L. D RBIN Attorneys for Governor George Deukmejian 3580 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 800 l Los Angeles, California 90010 (213) 736-2105 1.
