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Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Theoretical Work Concerning Displacement of High Density Spent Fuel Racks Due to Hypothetical Seismic Excitation. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/15/1986
From: Ferguson R
Sierra Club
CON-#386-736 86-523-03-LA, 86-523-3-LA, OLA, NUDOCS 8609220143
Download: ML20210E178 (10)



0( t'E I LD N4 BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of: ) DocketNos.M-2k-0


) cppig ,, ..i ASLBP No. 800fE1JOf*L,U[ MI-(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, ) BRAh Units 1 and 2) )

SIERRA CLUB'S INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICANT, DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 The SIERRA CLUB, as intervenor in the above referenced case, requests the Applicant, Pacific Cas and Electric Company, to answer the interrogatories set


forth below.


1) Each interrogatory is to be answered separately and fully in writing under oath or affirmation by the officer of, employee of, or consultant to the Applicant who has personal knowledge thereof.
2) -In case of an objection, the reasons for the objection shall be stated in full.
3) Requests involving " records and documents" shall be understood to refer to any books, papers, articles, letters, memos, meeting summaries or transcripts, computer programs, technical studies, or other documentary materials relating to the subject (s) of the interrogatory which are known to any officer of, employee of, or consultant to the Applicant.

l 4) Requests involving " reports of calculations" shall be understood to refer to any documents containing or referring to assumptions, equations, l

l fermulas, data, descriptions of analytical techniques, computer programs, theoretical results or any other information used to assess qualitatively and/or quantitatively the subject (s) of the interrogatory which are known to 8609220143 860915 PDR ADOCK 05000275 1 g PDR l



' any officer of, employee of, or ' consultant' to the Applicant.

5) All references to " spent fuel pools", " pool floor", " pool walls",

etc., refer to the spent fuel pools at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and/or 2.

6) All references to " spent fuel racks", etc., refer-to high density spent fuel racks proposed for the reracking of the spent fuel pools at Diablo Canyon by the license amendment currently under consideration.
7) Requests involving references to the behavior of spent fuel racks refer to behavior induced by postulated seismic excitations such as the postulated Hosgri Event. .
8) References to longer works such as the SER, the FSAR, the' Reracking ,

Report, etc., should refer to section numbers or other specific identification.

9) Pursuant to the schedule set forth in the order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of August 28, 1986, answers to these interrogatories are due October 3, 1986.


1. Identify all records and documents relating to theoretical work regarding the displacements of high density spent fuel racks at Diablo Canyon resulting from hypothetical seismic excitation of the spent fuel pools. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, any reports of calculations esgarding:
1) the displacement of any rack toward a wall or another rack;
2) displacements resulting in collisions between a rack and a wall; 3
3) the nearest approach of a rack to a wall; 2
4) the presentation made by PG&E to the NRC at the meeting of February 20, 1986; 2


5) tha claim rsportsd in tha Sefety Evaluntion, App 2ndix A, pcg2 49, regarding rack displacements.

II. Identify all records and documents relating to experimental studies which serve to verify theoretical rack displacement calculations.

III. Identify all records and documents relating to theoretical work regarding impact forces and/or fluid coupling forces exerted on spent fuel racks as a result of interactions between racks or between a rack and a wall in response to hypothetical seismic excitation of the spent fuel pools. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, all reports of calculations involving:

1) the forces on a rack arising from rack-rack interactions, including


collisions; 1

2) the forces on a rack arising from rack-wall interactions, including collisions;
3) interaction forces reported or discussed by PG&E to the NRC at the meeting of February 20, 1986;
4) the claim reported in the Safety Evaluation, Appendix A, page 49 regarding rack forces. (" Safety Evaluation By The Office of Nuclear Regulation Relating to the Reracking of the Spent Fuel Pools At the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 ,, ....," U.S.N.R.C.,

Washington, D.C., May 30, 1986.)

5) the claim made in the S'afety Evaluation, Appendix A, page 24, that the fluid coupling method conservatively underestimates the coupling forces.

IV. Identify all records and documents relating to experimental studies which serve to verify theoretical calculations regarding rack forces, including impact and fluid coupling forces.


V. Idantify cil rgcords and decuscnts roleting to thtoratical ennlysis of a

rack strength. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of calculations involving both impact loads and fluid coupling loads.

VI. Identify all records and documents relating to. experimental studies which serve to verify predicted rack strengths. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of experiments involving both impact loads and fluid coupling loads.

VII. Identify all records and documents relating to the fluid coupling coefficients used in the time-history analysis, as discussed in section 6.2.3 of the Reracking Report. ("Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2", PG&E, September, 1985.) Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of calculations involving:

1) a complete discription of the fluid coupling coefficients;
2) the theoretical derivation of the fluid coupling coefficients;
3) experimental verification of the fluid coupling coefficients;
4) limiting values attained by the fluid coupling coefficients during time-history analysis of rack behavior during seismic excitation.

VIII. Identify all other records and documents relating to theoretical analysis of the fluid coupling between racks.

IX. Identify all records and documents relating to experimental studies performed to verify the theoretical analysis of fluid coupling between racks.

X. Identify all records and documents relating to theoretical analysis of fluid coupling between a fuel rack and a wall of the spent fuel pool.

XI. Identify all records and documents relating to experimental studies performed to verify the theoretical analysis of fluid coupling between a rack and a wall.

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es XII. Idcutify oli records and documsnts ralsting to tha dansity of ths i

racks and/or ,the bouyant force on racks under water. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, any discussion of the effect of rack bouyancy on rack behavior durind seismic excitation.

XIII. Identiily all records and dosuments relating to the velocity dependence of' the coefficient of friction between stainless steels.

XIV. Identify all rdcords and documents relating to the time during which a rack may be in cont'act with another rack during a collision with another rack or in., contact with a wall during a rack-wall collision. Such documents shouldinclude,bu[arenot limited to, reports of calculations involving:

1) velocity and/or displacement time-histories for racks undergoing



2) typical or average times during which a rack is expected to be in contact with another rack or with a wall during a collision.

XV. Identify all records and documents relating to the possibility of and/or consequences of two or more racks colliding with a third rack or with a wall. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of

.c'alculations involving:

1) the frequency of such three-body collisions;
2) typical -volocity and/or displacement time-histories of such collisions;
3) maximum [impactan.1fluidcouplingloadsonracksinvolvedinmultiple collisions.

XVI. It appears from the Reracking Report that the time-history analyses performed assume that a rack will collide with another rack "out of phase" whensver it has moved a distance of J 125 inches relative to the pool floor from its equilibrium position. In other words, it appears that the time-history analyses assume as a contraint that the maximum displacement of a i



rack relative to the pool floor is 0.125 inches. Is it true that such an assumption was made for the purposes of the time-history analyses?

XVII. If the assumption discussed in XVI was made, identify all records and documents relating to the verification of the validity of this assumption.

Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of calculations involving the change in the average separation between racks during seismic activity.

XVIII. If the assumption discussed in XVI was made, identify all reports and documents relating to the examination of the consequences of this assumption. Such documents should include, but are not limited to, reports of calculations involving the effect of changes in the value 0.125 ,

inches on rack behavior, including rack velocity, maximum impact loading and maximum fluid coupling loads.

XIX. If the assumption discussed in XVI was not made, describe when and where collisions between racks are expected to occur in the time-his to ry analyses.

XX. Identify all records and documents containing evidence that sliding and tilting motion will be contained within suitable geometric constraints such as thermal clearances, and that any impact due to the clearances is incorporated.

XXI. What equations of motions were used for the time-history analyses in the eight degree of freedom model? If the equations of motion were transfo rmed before being solved, give both the original and transformed equations. All parameters in these equations should be fully identified.

XXII. What is the maximum allowable impact force on a fuel assembly?

Identify all records and documents related to the experimental and/or theoretical derivation of this value.


'd XXIII. Identify all records and documents relating to the damage sustained by a fuel element if the maximum allowable impact force is exceeded.

REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF, DOCUMENTS With the exceptions noted below, the Sierra Club requests that the Applicant, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, provide copies of all records and documents identified in the above interrogatories. Those documents requiring reference only are:

a) "Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2", Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco, California, 94106, September, 1985; '

b) " Safety Evaluation By The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Relating to the Reracking. of the Spent Fuel Pools At thhe Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2.........", U.S.N.R.C., Washington, D.C., May 30, 1986; c) " Friction Coefficients of Water-Lubricated Stainless S teels for a Spent Fuel Rack Facility", Ernest Rabinowicz, (Report to Boston Edison Co.), Newton, Mass, November 5, 1976; d) "Hosgri Acceleration Time Histories", (Computer Diskette), PG&E, June, 1986; e) "The Effect of Liquids on the Dynamic Motions of Immersed Solids",

R.J. Fritz, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans. of the ASME, p.167, February 1972; f) Any document known to have been transmicted to the Public Document Room at the Cal Poly State University Library prior to September 16, 1986.


A Th2 Sierro Club spscifically rsqussts tha docuncnts:


" Dynamic Coupling in a Closely Spaced Two-Body System Vibrating in a Liquid Medium: The Case of Fuel Racks," K.P.Singh and A.I.Soler, 3rd International Conference on Nuclear Power Safety, Keswick, England, May 1982;

" Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers and. Pressure Vessel Components,"

Chapter 16, K.P.Singh and A.I.Soler, Arcturus Publishers, Inc., 1984 Respectfully submitted M -

Dr. Richard B. Fergus e Vice-Chairman Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter -

September 15, 1986 8



) .ASLBP No. 86-523-03-@CMETING & $ERVICf.

(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, ) BRANCH Units 1 and 2) )

CERTIFICATE Ol[ SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the SIERRA CLUB'S INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICANT in the above-captioned prodeeding have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, or as indicated by an asterisk by express delivery, this 15th day of September, 1986.

B. Paul Cotter, Jr. , Chairman '

Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel

_ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Glenn O. Bright Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 2qgp5 Dr. Jerry Harbour Administrative Judge .

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Ms. Nancy Culver 192 Luneta Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Bruce Norton, Esquire Norton, Berry, French & Perkins, P.C.

P.O. Box 10569 Phoenix, AZ 85064 1

b h Mrs. Jacquelyn Wheeler 2455 Leona Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Philip A. Crane, Jr. , Esquire P.O. Box 7442 San Francisco, CA 94120 Laurie McDermott, Co-ordinator CODES 731 Pacific Street Suite #42 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Mr. Lee M. Gustafson Pacific Gas and Electric Company Suite 1100 1726 M Street NW Washington, DC 20036-4502 Docketing and Service Branch Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Henry J. McGurren, Esquire Lawren

  • J. Chandler, Esquire Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission k'ashington, DC 20555 Richare! F. Locke Pacific Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street San Francisco, CA 94106 2

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