MONTHYEARML20045D8561993-06-21021 June 1993 San Luis Obispo Mother for Peace Supplemental Response to First & Second Sets of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by Pacific Gas & Electric Co.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20045D8301993-06-18018 June 1993 PG&E Supplemental Response to Second Set of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20045D8291993-06-18018 June 1993 Response to Third Set of Suppl Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents (Aging) Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20045A6751993-06-0404 June 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Third Set of Supplementary Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to PG&E Re Aging.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20045A6401993-05-26026 May 1993 PG&E Response to Supplemental Interrogatories Re First Set of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents (Cable Failures) Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace. * W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20044F7701993-05-21021 May 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Second Set of Supplemental Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to Pge Cable Failures at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20036B6691993-05-14014 May 1993 Pacific Gas & Electric Co Supplemental Response to Third Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035F5921993-04-12012 April 1993 PG&E Response to Third Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035D9911993-04-12012 April 1993 NRC Staff Response to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035F5861993-04-12012 April 1993 PG&E Response to Second Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035D9881993-04-0808 April 1993 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Response to Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Filed by Pacific Gas & Electric Co & Motion for Protective Order.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20035E0381993-04-0202 April 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Suppl Interrogatories Re San Luis Mothers for Peace First Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents....* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035E0441993-04-0202 April 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Supplemental Interrogatories Re San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents....* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20035D3891993-03-24024 March 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion to Compel Pacific Gas & Electric Co to Respond to First Set of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for ....* W/Certificate of Svc ML20035B5831993-03-22022 March 1993 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Responses to First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documens Filed by PG&E & Motion for Protective Order.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20034H8171993-03-12012 March 1993 PG&E Response to First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (Re Contention 1).* Related Correspondence ML20056C1891993-03-10010 March 1993 Pacific Gas & Electric Co Response to First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.* W/Certificate of Svc. Related Correspondence ML20034H8501993-03-0808 March 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to NRC Staff.* Related Correspondence ML20034H8291993-03-0808 March 1993 Intervenors San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Third Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to Pg&E.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20034H8471993-03-0808 March 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Second Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to Pg&E.* Related Correspondence ML20034G7541993-03-0404 March 1993 Pacific Gas & Electric Co Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents.* San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Requested to Respond to Subj Interrogatories.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20034F6281993-02-19019 February 1993 PG&E First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents.* Requests That San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Respond to Listed Interrogatories & Produce Documents. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20128P2251993-02-16016 February 1993 Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Written Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents to Pg&E.* PG&E Should Answer Interrogatories within 14 Days.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20213E6201986-11-0606 November 1986 Response to NRC Second Set of Interrogatories.Contentions Re Proposed Reracking & Alternatives Based on Understanding of Existing Industry Practice & Currently Available Technology. W/Proof of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20213E6091986-11-0606 November 1986 Response to NRC Second Set of Inerrogatories Re Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Not Possible to Either Identify or Supply All Ref Documentation Supporting Contentions.W/Proof of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20213E5791986-11-0606 November 1986 Response to Util Second Set of Interrogatories Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Equations of Motion Appear in Encl Computer Program.W/Proof of Svc ML20213F5011986-11-0505 November 1986 Response to 861017 Second Set of Interrogatories Re Seismic Analysis of High Density Fuel Racks for PG&E for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station & Request for Production of Documents.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20213F5851986-11-0505 November 1986 Suppl to 861003 Response to Intervenors 860916 First Set of Interrogatories Re Metals Used in Fuel Pools.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20211E2121986-10-20020 October 1986 Second Set of Interrogatories Re Contentions 1 & 2 Concerning Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20211E1871986-10-20020 October 1986 Second Set of Interrogatories Re Contention 1 Concerning Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Related Correspondence ML20215H6691986-10-20020 October 1986 Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents on Contentions I & Ii.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence ML20211E1721986-10-20020 October 1986 Second Set of Interrogatories Re Contention 14 Concerning Neutron Embrittlement & Other Metallurgical Deterioration & Environ Stresses on Spent Fuel Pool.Related Correspondence ML20210S8921986-10-0606 October 1986 Response to Util Interrogatories Re Preparation for Upcoming Safety Hearings on Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Safety Issues Should Be Considered Before Amend Accepted.W/ Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20210S9651986-10-0606 October 1986 Answers to Sierra Club 860915 First Set of Interrogatories Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.W/Certificate of Svc. Related Correspondence ML20210T2611986-10-0606 October 1986 Response to NRC Interrogatories on Contention 1 Re Util Responsibility to Demonstrate Safety of High Density Reracking.Intervenors Not Responsible for Solving Waste Storage Problem.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20210S9931986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to Consumers Organized for Defense of Environ Safety First Set of Interrogatories Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210S9711986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to Util & NRC First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents.Interrogatories Opposed for Reasons Indicated.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206U7481986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to 860916 Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Licensing Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210S9241986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Interrogatories Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210T0731986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Alternatives to High Density Reracking of Spent Fuel Pool at Facilities.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210T0541986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to Util First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210T0221986-10-0303 October 1986 Response to NRC Interrogatories & Request for Documents Re Contention 14.Related Correspondence ML20214Q2981986-09-16016 September 1986 First Round of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210B7341986-09-16016 September 1986 Interrogatories & Request for Documents Re Contention That Util Submittals to NRC Fail to Contain Date Necessary for for Independent Verification of Claims on Consistency of Public Health & Safety & Environ.W/Certificate of Svc ML20210B6701986-09-16016 September 1986 Interrogatories & Request for Documents Re Contention That Applicant Has Not Adequately Considered Alternatives to Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools ML20214P8291986-09-16016 September 1986 Requests Response to Listed Interrogatories Re Design & Const of Fuel Ponds.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20214Q3521986-09-16016 September 1986 First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Contentions 1-3 Concerning Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Related Correspondence ML20214Q3781986-09-16016 September 1986 First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Contentions I & II Concerning Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Notice of Change of B Norton Address & Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20210B6321986-09-16016 September 1986 Interrogatories & Request for Documents Re Contention 14 Concerning Neutron Embrittlement & Other Metallurgical Deterioration & Environ Stresses to Structural Integrity of Spent Fuel Ponds ML20214Q3621986-09-16016 September 1986 First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Contention 14 Concerning Reracking of Spent Fuel Pools.Related Correspondence 1993-06-04
MONTHYEARDCL-99-123, Comment on Prs 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors & Draft NUREG-1022, Event Reporting Guidelines. Util Areas of Concern Includes ESF Actuations, Significantly Degraded Components & Historical Limitations1999-09-20020 September 1999 Comment on Prs 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors & Draft NUREG-1022, Event Reporting Guidelines. Util Areas of Concern Includes ESF Actuations, Significantly Degraded Components & Historical Limitations ML20206F0101999-05-0303 May 1999 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60 & 10CFR50,App G,Re Pressure Temp Limits & Min Temp Requirements for Plant,Units 1 & 2.Exemption Related to Application & Suppls ,0205 & 0317 to Allow Use of Code Case N-514 ML20205N4081999-04-14014 April 1999 Comments Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR2,19 & 20 Re Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain.Requests Information on How Much Radiation Being Released Now at Diablo & Hanford NPPs ML20205N4601999-03-21021 March 1999 Introduces K Schumann as Representative of Nuclear Waste Committee (Nuwic) of San Lius Obispo County.Informs That Nuwic & Nuclear Waste Management Committee Concerned with Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods from Dcnpp DD-99-05, Directors Decision DD-99-05 Responding to 981124 Petition Under 10CFR2.206 Requesting That OLs Be Modified to Require Plant Owner to Have Independent Contractor Evaluate Plant Safety Culture.Intent of Petition Met1999-03-12012 March 1999 Directors Decision DD-99-05 Responding to 981124 Petition Under 10CFR2.206 Requesting That OLs Be Modified to Require Plant Owner to Have Independent Contractor Evaluate Plant Safety Culture.Intent of Petition Met ML20195E8841998-11-24024 November 1998 Petition for Mod to OLs to Require Plant Owner to Have Independent Contractor Evaluate Plant Safety Culture ML20236T3011998-07-24024 July 1998 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Avtivities (Effective Immediately).Lh Brooks Prohibited for 5 Yrs from Date of Order from Engaging in NRC Licensed Activities ML20248C2261998-05-22022 May 1998 Comment Opposing Revised Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Protection & Safety Sys ML20216C7461998-03-12012 March 1998 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71 Re Submission of Rev to FSAR & Design Change Repts of Facility Changes Made Under 10CFR50.59 for Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20199C0901997-11-12012 November 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re, Criticality Accident Requirements ML20129J4191996-10-18018 October 1996 Order Approving Application Re Corporate Restructuring of Pacific Gas & Electric Company by Establishment of Holding Company DCL-95-206, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-61 Re Improving Fire Protection Regulations1995-10-0606 October 1995 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-61 Re Improving Fire Protection Regulations ML20092M1811995-09-26026 September 1995 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR73.55, Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage at Plant Units 1 & 2 ML20091P8721995-08-23023 August 1995 Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-61 Re Nuclear Energy Institute Proposed Amends on Fire Safety for All NPPs ML20087H1661995-04-12012 April 1995 Exemption from Schedular Requirement to Conduct Biennial Exercise of Emergency Plans for One Year to Prevent State of CA from Having to Conduct Exercises for Diablo Canyon & San Onofre in Same Year ML20082H9151995-04-11011 April 1995 Exemption from 10CFR50,App J,Section III.D.1.(a),allowing Three Type a Tests to Be Conducted at Approx Equal Intervals W/Third Done During Plant Shutdown for 10-yr ISI DCL-95-001, Comment on Proposed Changes to Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity Rule 10CFR50.Endorses NEI Comments1995-01-0303 January 1995 Comment on Proposed Changes to Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity Rule 10CFR50.Endorses NEI Comments ML20077M7521994-12-30030 December 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & Low Power Operation for Nuclear Power Reactors DCL-94-270, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re Rulemaking for NPP License Renewal.Endorses Comments & Changes Proposed by NEI 941208 Submittal1994-12-0808 December 1994 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re Rulemaking for NPP License Renewal.Endorses Comments & Changes Proposed by NEI 941208 Submittal ML20149H0851994-11-0404 November 1994 Initial Decision (Construction Period Recovery/Recapture).* Renewed Motion to Reopen Record 940808,denied.Served on 941104.W/Certificate of Svc ML20072L2651994-08-23023 August 1994 PG&E Opposition to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Renewed Motion to Reopen Record.* Util Opposes San Luis Obispo for Peace Motion Based on Affidavit Stating No Evidence Found in Motion Re Flaw in Program.W/Certificate of Svc ML20072F0291994-08-12012 August 1994 Erratum to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion to Reopen Record.* Intervenors Corrects Error in Renewed Motion to Reopen Record Re Application for License Amend to Extend Term of Operating License for Plant.W/Certificate of Svc ML20072B2651994-08-0909 August 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re FFD Requirements Concerning Random Drug Testing ML20072A5821994-08-0808 August 1994 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Renewed Motion to Reopen Record Re PG&E Application for Amend to Extend Term of OL for Plant.* Motion to Reopen Record to Introduce Insp Rept Identifying Alleged Problems W/Plant.W/Certificate of Svc ML20072B8481994-07-26026 July 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Changes to FFD Requirements Concerning Random Drug Testing ML20071L2061994-07-26026 July 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Changing Current Drug Testing Policies to Exclude All Personnel in nonsafety-related Positions ML20071L1901994-07-20020 July 1994 Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Relaxing Rule on Drug Testing of Employees Working at NPP DCL-94-135, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-59 Re Proposed Amend to 10CFR50.54(p) Concerning Frequency W/Which Licensee Conducts Independent Reviews of Security Programs1994-06-27027 June 1994 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-59 Re Proposed Amend to 10CFR50.54(p) Concerning Frequency W/Which Licensee Conducts Independent Reviews of Security Programs DCL-94-134, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-60 Re Amend to 10CFR50.54 by Changing Frequency W/Which Each Licensee Conducts Independent Reviews of Emergency Preparedness Program1994-06-27027 June 1994 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-60 Re Amend to 10CFR50.54 by Changing Frequency W/Which Each Licensee Conducts Independent Reviews of Emergency Preparedness Program ML20064D1791994-03-0707 March 1994 Pacific Gas and Electric Co Reply in Opposition to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion to Reopen Record.* Motion to Reopen Record Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20064D1961994-03-0404 March 1994 Affidavit of Mj Angus Re Motion to Reopen Record ML20063L5721994-02-25025 February 1994 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Re Util Application for License Amend to Extend Term of Operating License for Plant.* Advises That Record of Proceeding Should Be Reopened to Consider Insp 93-36 Re Util Surveillance of Asw Sys DCL-94-021, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Commercial Grade Item Dedication Facilitation1994-01-26026 January 1994 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Commercial Grade Item Dedication Facilitation ML20059D2431994-01-0707 January 1994 Package of Intervenor Exhibits Consisting of Related Correspondence Not Admitted Into Evidence.Related Correspondence ML20062N0001993-12-30030 December 1993 PG&E Reply Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.* Mothers for Peace Proposed Findings & Conclusions Do Not Provide Any Supportable Rationale to Change Findings & Conclusions Previously Proposed by Pg&E.W/Certificate of Svc ML20058P3931993-12-22022 December 1993 NRC Staff Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Initial Decision.* Certificate of Svc ML20058K7491993-12-0202 December 1993 NRC Staff Motion for Extension of Time.* Board Has Extended Filing Time for Util Until 931230.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 931206.Granted for Board on 931203 ML20058K8771993-12-0202 December 1993 NRC Staff Motion for Extension of Time.* Requests That Board Extend Date for Staff to File Findings Until 931222. W/Certificate of Svc ML20059M5291993-11-19019 November 1993 Applicant Exhibits A-21,A-22,A-24,A-25,A-26,A-29 & A-F1, Consisting of Related Correspondence Not Admitted Into Evidence.Related Correspondence ML20058E0741993-11-19019 November 1993 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Licensee Application for License Amend to Extend Term of Operating License for Plant.* W/ Certificate of Svc ML20059E8931993-10-28028 October 1993 Memorandum & Order (Motion for Extension of Time).* San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace 931018 Request for two-wk Extension of Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Granted.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931029 ML20059E8531993-10-27027 October 1993 NRC Staff Response to Board Memorandum & Order Re Extension of Time.* Staff Believes That San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Has Shown No Good Cause for Requesting Extension to File Proposed Findings of Fact.W/Certificate of Svc ML20059E8631993-10-25025 October 1993 Pacific Gas & Electric Co Response to Motion for Extension of Time.* Util Does Not Agree W/Board Assessment That Mothers for Peace Request Appears to Be Reasonable But Will Not Oppose Request.W/Certificate of Svc ML20059B2191993-10-19019 October 1993 Memorandum & Order (Responses to Motion for Extension of Time).* Board Believes Intervenor Request for Extension of Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact Appears Reasonable. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931019 ML20059B1071993-10-18018 October 1993 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Proposing Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.* Requests Extension of Two Wks or Until 931119 to File Proposed Findings of Fact.W/Certificate of Svc ML20057D0531993-09-23023 September 1993 Notice of Appearance.* Notice Given That Undersigned Attorney Enters Appearance in Listed Matter & Listed Info Provided.W/Certificate of Svc ML20057B0401993-09-14014 September 1993 NRC Staff Reply to PG&E Response to Staff Motion to Amend Protective Order.* NRC Staff Moves Board to Adopt Language Requested in 930817 Motion as Stated.W/Certificate of Svc ML20056G4891993-08-30030 August 1993 Pacific Gas & Electric Co Response to Motion to Amend Protective Order.* Staff Asks That Protective Order Be Clarified by Adding New Footnote to Paragraph 3 of Order. W/Certificate of Svc ML20059M8621993-08-24024 August 1993 Intervenor Exhibit I-MFP-35,consisting of Rept, Self- Evaluation of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Dtd Jul 1993 ML20059D0841993-08-24024 August 1993 Intervenor Exhibit I-MFP-139,consisting of Insp Rept Re Dockets 50-275 & 50-323,dtd 920417 1999-09-20
[Table view] |
Docket Nos. 50-275-OLA_2; Pacific Gas and Electric Company
(Construction Period (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power
Plant, Units 1 and 2)
PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SUPPLEMENTAL INTERROGATORIES RELATED TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (CABLE FAILURES) FILED BY SAN LUIS OBISPO MOTHERS FOR PEACE Pacific Gas and Electric Company ("PG&E") herein responds to "Intervenor San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Supplemental Interrogatories Related to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace First Set of Written Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Pacific Gas and Electric Company," dated April 2, 1993
("MFP's Supplemental Interrogatories (Cable Failures)").
In accordance with the agreement entered into by PG&E and MFP concerning the scope of discovery at the May 12, 1993, prehearing conference,.
this response is limited to responses to Interrogatories 1-7 on the third page of Attachment 1 to MFP's Supplemental Interrogatories (Cable Failures), Copies of documents identified in Attachments 1
-5 are being provided to the representatives of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace ("MFP")
A facsimile copy of the affidavit required by 10 C.F.R.
l 9306110143 930526 PDR ADOCK 05000275 f r {}
/ )
4 S 2.740b(b) for the answers to the discovery requests is included in this response; due to logistical difficulties, the original will v
follow within the next several days.
ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES Please answer the following question with respect to the applications of the type of cable insulation that was discussed in the February 17, 1993, NRC Region V Morning Report:
Interrocatory 1:
Describe all maintenance and surveillance procedures applicable to this type of cable.
Answer to Interroaatory 1:
Electrical Maintenance activities for this cable are conducted in accordance with PG&E Maintenance procedure MP-E-54.2, a copy of which is attached to this Response. (Attachment 1).
Interroaatory 2:
Please provide records of all inspections and tests performed on this type of cable since DCNPP began operation.
Answer to Interroaatory 2:
Copies of inspections and tests for this type of cable are provided at Attachment 2 to this Response..
Interroaatory 3:
For each cable identified in response to interrogatory 1E, are temperature and radiation conditions monitored in the cables's location? How frequently are they monitored? How, if at all, is the effect of these conditions on qualified life of the cable evaluated?
Please document any such evaluations.
Answer to Interrocatory 3:
This Interrogatory refers to Question 1E which concerns environmental qualification of equipment.
Temperature and radiation monitoring are not conducted since this cable does not fall within the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 relating to qualification of electrical equipment which is subjected to a harsh environment after a
postulated design basis accident.
See Responses to Interrogatories 1 and 2 regarding maintenance and inspections related to the cables.
Interroaatory 4:
Please provide a description of the " analysis" of the cable that is now being performed by PG&E and a private licensee contractor.
Answer to Interroaatorv 4:
See LER 1-93-005-00, April 27, 1993, a copy of which is provided at Attachment 3.
Extensive root cause investigation is continuing regarding the 12 kv cable failures, but has not yet been completed.
The LER will be supplemented to the extent necessary following completion of the root cause investigation.
Interroaatory 5:
k Please identify the private licensee contractor which is performing the analysis.
Answer to Interroaatory 5:
The primary contractor laboratory supporting our investigation is Altran Materials Engineering Incorporated, 200 High Street, Boston MA.
Interroaatorv 6:
Please provide documentation of the contract between PG&E and the private licensee contractor regarding the analysis.
Please provide copies of any correspondence, memoranda, or notes regarding the contract, and any documents discussing the analysis or its results.
Please include all drafts and final versions of documents prepared in the course of this analysis.
Answer to Interrocatorv 6:
The contract between PG&E and Altran Materials Laboratories and related materials are provided at Attachment 4 to this Response.
Interroaatorv 7:
Please provide copies of all " licensee evaluations," as described in Region V Morning Report at 3 (February 17, 1993).
Answer to Interrocatorv 7:
The current Non-Conformance Report DCl-93-EM-N010 for'the 12 kv cable failures is provided at Attachment 5 to this Response.
Respectfully submitted, Joseph B. Knotts, Jr.
David A. Repka Kathryn M. Kalowsky WINSTON & STRAWN 1400 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005-3502 (202)' 71-5726
A Christopher J. Warner Richard F.
Locke PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 77 Beale Street San Francisco, CA 94106 Attorneys for Pacific Gas and Electric Company Dated in San Francisco, CA this 26th day of May, 1993 RELATED CORRESPONDENCE l
Docket Nos. 50-275-OLA Pacific Gas and Electric Company
(Construction Period (Diablo Canyon Power
Plant, Units 1 and 2)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SUPPLEMENTAL INTERROGATORIES RELATED TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (CABLE FAILURES) FILED BY SAN LUIS OBISPO MOTHERS FOR PEACE" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, or as indicated by an asterisk
(*), by Federal Express overnight delivery, this 26th day of May,1993.
Copies of documents being provided, as referenced in the discovery response, are being provided only to parties indicated by the (t) symbol.
Charles Bechhoefer, Chairman Frederick J.
Shon Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Jerry R.
Kline Office of Commission Appellate Administrative Judge Adjudication Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Office of the Secretary Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq.*(t)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Washington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:
Docketing and Service 1 White Flint North Section 11555 Rockville Pike (original + two copies)
Rockville, MD 20852
.. =
Adjudicatory File Peter Arth, Jr.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Edward W. O'Neill Board Panel Peter G. Fairchild U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission California Public Utilities Washington, DC 20555 Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Nancy Culver, President Truman Burns Board of Directors California Public Utilities San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Commission P.O.
Box 164 505 Van Ness, Rm. 4103 Pismo Beach, CA 93448 San Francisco, CA 94102 Robert R. Wellington, Esq.
Joseph B. Knotts, Jr., Esq.
Diablo Canyon Independent Safety David A. Repka, Esq.
Committee Winston & Strawn 857 Cass Street, Suite D 1400 L Street, N.W.
Monterey, CA 93940 Washington, DC 20005-3502 Robert ninosian Jill ZamEk*
California Public Utilities 1123 Flora Road Commission Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 505 Van Ness, Rm. 4102 San Francisco, CA 94102 Mr. Gregory Minor *(t)
MHB Technical Associates 1723 Hamilton Ave., Suite K San Jose, CA 95125
Hichard F. Locke Counsel for Pacific Gas &
Electric Company i
l i i
Docket Nos. 50-275-OLA Pacific Gas and Bicetric Company
8io - 323 -OLA
(Construction Period (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power
Plant, Unite 1 and 2)
AFFIDAVIT I, James E. Molden, being duly sworn, hereby state as follows.
I am en: ployed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company as Director, 1.
Instrumentation and Controls.
My business address and phone number are:
Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5/521 P. O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 (805) 545-4336 3.
I have provided the information which forms the basis for the answers to Interrogatories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 included in the attached "Facific Gas and Electric Cucipany's Response to Supplemental Interrogatories Related to First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents (CaDie Failures) Filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.'
The information contained in the referenced interrogatory answers and responses to requests for documents is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
ames E. Molden 3,,,,., g g.
p g
Oeldtraf~.5;4dLW/J 08dfb Sworn and subscribed to before me this 26th day of May, 1993 op,casscna m s -
l i
sanom sa7Meay fuery haas-Qasema a
"'_lo sanwsomosocoum 6% Comm W Aa4WI,
i Notary Public
'1- - r1 n - ---------
vhr Ar My cordssion expires:
-. - - -