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Documents Implementation of Administrative Control of Fire Barrier Located Between 695 Foot & 715 Foot Levels in Auxiliary Bldg
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/1994
From: Richard Anderson
NUDOCS 9405030237
Download: ML20070M804 (2)



Northem States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 1927 Telephone (612) 330 5500 i

April 27, 1994 Technical Specification TS 3.14.G.2 j

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT i

Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Report of Implementation of Alternate Provisions for Inocerable Fire Barriers This letter is provide to document our implementation of administrative control of a fire barrier located between the 695' and 715' levels in the Auxiliary Building.

In accordance with Section 3.14.G.1 of the Prairie Island Technical Specifications, all penetration fire barriers are required to be operable whenever the equipment they are protecting is required to be operable.

Technical Specification 3.14.G.2 requires that If Specification 3.14.G.1 cannot be met within one hour:

4 a) establish a continuous fire watch on at least one side of the affected penetration (s), or b) verify the operability of the fire detectors on at least one side of the inoperable barrier and establish an hourly fire watch.

Restore the inoperable penetration fire barriers to OPERABLE status within 7 days or submit a special report to the Commission within 30 days outlining the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the barriers to OPERABLE status.

On March 28, 1994 floor penetration #2705 was opened to assist in Motor Operated Valve testing to meet the requirements of NRC Generic Letter 89-10.

This floor penetration provides a fire barrier between the 695' and 715' levels of the Auxiliary Building. An hourly fire watch has been maintained rpin.m 9405030237 940427 PDR ADOCK 05000292 g


o Northern States Power Cornpany USNRC Apr,il 27, 1994 Page 2 since March 28 to meet the Technical Specifications requirements. On April 26, 1994 this penetration was closed.

No new NRC commitments are being made in this letter.

Please contact Jack Leveille (612-388-1121, Ext. 4662) if you have any questions related to this letter.


Roger O Anderson Director Licensing and Management Issues c: Regional Administrator - Region III, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC J E Silberg fpkr.494

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