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Forwards Results of Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test Performed on 910105 for Preliminary Verification of Secondary Containment Boundary
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1991
From: Wallace E
NUDOCS 9103180109
Download: ML20070J739 (4)


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nn Tennet. nee Va' icy Avt'onty i101 Mrket Street Chattancoga. Terrenec 37402 MAR 131991 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-260 50-296 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE (SCLR)

TEST REPORTS In accordance with the BFN Technical Specifications (TS) on the reporting of SCLR testing, TVA is providing the results of its tests. On January 5, 1991, the SCLR test. was performed for preliminary verification of the secondary containment boundary (Enclosure 1), the leak rate was 10,822 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (TS limit 12,000 cfm). On February 10, 1991, a second SCLR test W9s performed (Enclosuro 2) the leak rate was 10,135 cubic foot per minute. This test established secondary containment (operable) prior to loading fuel into the Unit 2 reactor.

Please refer any questions or conunents to Patrick P. Carier at (205) 729-3570.


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E. G. i allace ger Nucicas Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Enclosures cc: See page 2 h

9103180109 910313 PDR ADOCK 05000259 4


2 MAR 131991 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission cc (Enclosures):

Ms. S. C. Black, Deputy Director Project Directorate 11-4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852 NRC Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Route 12 Box 637 Athens, Alabama 35609-2000 Mr. Thierry M. Ross, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. B. A. Wilson, Project Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Ctreet, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 i


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SECONDARY CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE TEST BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) 1.0 Report Browns Ferry Nuc1 car Plant Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test Report, per Technical Specification  ;

2.0 Pu rpose l This report describes the resulto and analysis of the test data taken i during leak rate testing of-the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Secondary t l Containment, pursuant to Technical Specification 4.7.C.I.A.

i l 3.0 Procedure I

j Surveillance Instruction (SI) 4.7.C outlines the procedures followed


during secondary containment leak rate testing, a

4.0 Data

- The SI was performed concurrently on all zones.- Following is the test l data:

1. Standby Cas Treatment System Flowrate: 10,822 CFM t
2. Reactor Building Differential Pressures:

, Unit 1 Reactor Zone -0.305 Inches Water C Unit 2 Reactor Zone -0.285 Inches Water j Unit 3 Reactor Zone -0.25 inches Water l Unit 1 Refuel Zone -0.30 Inches Water l Unit 2 Refuel Zone -0.27 Inches Wat 3r j Unit 3 Refuel Zone -0.25 Inches Water l 3. Wind Speed 3.56 MPH I

! 4. Wind Direction 161.31 DEC.

5. Reactor Building Air Temperature 70.5 DEG. F
6. Outside Air Temperature 49.97 DEG. F l

l 5.0 Analysis and Interpretation 3 The secondary containment (all three reactor zones and the common refuel

! zone) was leak rate tested on January 5, 1991, using 0-SI-4.7.C. The

{ purpose of this test was to demonstrate secondary containment integrity 4

prior to completing all modifications work. The SI. demonstrated'

, secondary containment capability to maintain .25 inch water vacuum under calm wind, conditions (less than 5 mph), with'a system-leak rate of not i more than 12,000 CFM. The test showed an inleakage of-10,822 CFM while l maintaining a vacuum of at'least .25 inches of. water, which meets the 4 acceptance criteria specified by technical _ specifications.

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. , .' 1 RNCLOSURE 2

. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE TEST BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) 1.0 Report Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test Report, per Technical Specification

2.0 Purpose This report describes the results and analysis of the test data taken 7

during leak rate testing of the Browns Ferry Nucicar Plant Secondary Containment, pursuant to Technical Specification 4.7 C.I.A.

3.0 Procedure Surveillance Instruction (SI) 4.7.C outlines the procedures followed during secondary containment leak rate testing.

4.0 Data The SI was performed concurrently on all zones. Following is the test data:

1. Standby Cas Treatment System Flowrate: 10,135 CFM
2. Reactor Building Differential Pressurest Unit 1 Reactor Zone -0.34 Inches Water Unit 2 Reactor Zone -0.32 Inches Water Unit 3 Reactor Zone -0.31 Inches Water Unit 1 Refuel Zone -0.36 Inches Water Unit 2 Refuel Zone -0.305 Inches Water l

Unit 3 Refuel Zone -0.32 Inchec Water

3. Wind Speed 5.15 MPli
4. Wind Direction 332.53 DEG.
5. Reactor Building Air Temperature 64.8 DEG. F
6. Outside Air Temperature 59.19 DEG. F 5.0 Analysis and Interpretation The secondary containment (all three reactor zones and the common refuel zone) was leak rate tested on February 10, 1991, using 0-SI-4.7.C. -The purpose of this test was to demonstrate secondary cootainaent integrity prior to completing all modifications work. The SI dewonstrated secondary containment capability to maintain 2505 inch water vacuum l under a wind condition of 5.15 mph, with a system leak rate'of=not more l than 12,000 CFM. The test showed an inteakage of 10.135 CFM while-maintaining a vacuum of at least .2505 inches of water, which moots the acceptance criteria specified by technical specifications.

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