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Environ Qualification Analysis of 250 Volt DC Limitorque Motor Operators for Valves Located Outside Containment of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1990
Shared Package
ML20065L663 List:
NUDOCS 9012100023
Download: ML20065L665 (32)


' ' ** 1. PAGE I 0F 32 Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.

2. BCN NO. 21




EQEL R34-1 .



See Attached a


See Attached -

9. REVIEWER (S): 10.


//k%%hi'klb hh Il/.2 l90 AlTE%La E%


FORM EPM-QA-224A, Rev. 5 BCNFormi(32) f r$k'"SkN ONboY. rm 7



I Page 2 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48

7. Description of Change:

Add the analysis, " Environmental Qualificdion Analysis of 250 VDC Limitorque Motor Operators for Valves Located Outside of Containment of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station," dated October 31, 1990, contt;ined in pages 5 thru 32 of this BCN to provide a basis for the environmental qualification for Limitorque motor operators to be extended to 250 VDC motorr and switches used in the operators. The extended qualification is based on testing supplemented by analysis and meets the qualification requirements of 10CFR50.49 and Regulatory Guide 1.89, Revision 1. The analysis concludes that the 250 VDC motor operators are qualified for their outside of containment applications for the full range of de system voltages included the peak system voltage of 288 VDC.

Concurrent with the preparation of the analysis in pages 5 thru 32 of this BCN, PP&L Calculation No. SE-B-NA-104, Revision 0 was under preparation and was issued on October 26, 1990. This calculation supersedes Bechtel Calculations Nos. 18-72. Rev. 2, and 200-081, Rev. 1, which were used as inputs to the analysis (References 2 and 3 to the analysis). The differences between PP&L Calculation SE-B-NA-104 and the Bechtel Calculation do not affect the results of the analysis based on the following: ,

For the FELB in the Main Steam Tunnel (Rooms 1-520 and 11-520), the new calculation ,

results in a peak pressure of 6.5 psig with a duration of five seconds (See Figure A-'

on page H). This profile is different from that in Figure 1 of the analysis; c however, the analysis of the HELB condition contained on p6ge 12 of the analysis envelopes the 6.5 psig, 5 second duration because the analysis is based on the  ;

transient associated with a 66 psig saturated steam condition for a five second period, which is much more severe. Therefore, the 250 VDC motor operators are qualified for their Main Steam Tunnel applications. ,

For the remainder of the rooms with HELBs, the peak pressures contained in Calculation SE-B-NA-104 (the new calculation) are lower than that used as inputs to the analysis (4.2 psig used as basis for the analysis with a 3.4 psig maximum in the-newcalculation), in the new calculation, the peak pressures decay to 1 psig or less within four seconds, and to 0.5 psig or less at nine seconds, and to atmospheric  :

pressure in less than 30 seconds. 1he analysis is based upon a low pressure 0.5 psig condition that lasts for a full 60-second, which conservatively envelopes the low pressure conditions of the new profile. The peak of the new profile still is ,

predominantly composed of pressurized dry air that is being compressed by the steam transient. Therefore, the analysis on pages 5 thru 32 of this aCN remains conservative and the operators are qualified.

Based on the above analysis and the analysis on pages 5 thru 32 of this BCN, the actuators are environmentally qualified for 250 VDC operation in their outside of containment applications.

The analysis in this BCN evaluates the effects of a line break on Limitorque operators which would be in the resulting pressurized steam / air cloud, but does not address the effect of direct impingement of the stream from a break on the Limitorque operator. The latter is a Jet Impingement issue rather than an EQ issue and is dealt with in Calculation





Page 3 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48

8. Details For Update of Binder: I When this binder is upgraded, incorporate the analysis on pages 5 thru 32, adjusted for the new HELB conditions from Calculation SE-B-NA-104, Revision 0, into the EQ Assessment Report. Calculation SE-B-NA-104 should be used as a reference in place of l the Bechtel calculations listed as references 2 & 3 on page 24 of this BCN. ,

The pressure conditions listed in the Notes to Tables 1 and 2, in Table 3, and in 1 Figures 1 and 2 of the attached analysis must be revised accordingly. The discussion of HELB conditions starting on page 6 of the analysis must be revised as well as the "HELB Humidity and Temperature Analysis", contain on pages 12 through 18, to agree with the new calculation.

Also, add the Wyle Labs test report identified as reference 10 on page 23 of this BCN to the up The Wyle report is currently held in the EQ sub-groupgraded EQ~ binder as an A. P. Derkacs pending completion of an a permit us to reproduce the document for our records.

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2 North Ninth Street c Allentown, PA 18101 ,

N Prepared by: ,

ERC Envirorunental and Energy Services Company 2260 Butler Pike Plymouth hiceting, PA 19462 1412

Prepared by: YM &  %

l 3/f fa Reviewed by: ,an h 8Ih / / p date


This document provides the basis for the environmental qualification of 250 Vdc j Limitorque motor operators for valves used outside containment at the Susquehanna Steam l Electric Station (SSES). The environments evaluated herein are those associated with HELBs and the secondary effects of a LOCA in the rooms where the equipment is located. The components of interest are the 250 Vdc motors, and the limit and torque switches used in these actuators. This analysis includes the following:

o Identification of the MOVt with a safety function under HELB conditions and I under LOCA conditions, o Identification of the limits of the associated HELB environments. I o Identification of the limits of the secondary affects of LOCA.

o Evaluation of the secondary effects of a LOCA on the 250 Vdc motor operators. .

o Description of the 250 Vdc motor actuator configurations, o Evaluation of the effects of the HELB profile on switch housing components.  ;

o Comparison of SSES conditions to test results from similar HELB profiles from manufacturer's type tests and from tests by another plant. .,

Based on these analyses, this document concludes that the 250 Vdc actuators are quai.fied for their safety related functions at SSES. This conclusion holds for the full range ._.

of de voltages expected at SSES including the peak de system voltage of 288 Vdc.

Certain Limitorque motor operators for valves at SSES Units 1 & 2 have 250 Vdc -

motors and control circuits. These valves are listed in Tables 1 and 2 by room and motor manufacturer. The endnotes listed by the room numbers refer to Table 3, which provides the -

environments for the rooms as taken from the Susquehanna Equipment Qualification Harsh Environment Zones prints (1). All of these valve operators are located outside of containment. Therefore, none tre subjected to direct LOCA conditions. There are two

" harsh" environments associated with a group of these valves. Some of these valves must be operable during and following a HELB in their room. Some must h operable during secondary effects associated with LOCA conditions.

HELB CONDITIONS The peak temperature of each HELB that is applicable to SSES 250 Vdc Limitorque motor operators lasts less than 1 minute. The pressure for each HELB has a 1 to 2 second

, initial spike followed by a low pressure plateau followed by a decay to atmospheric pressure

! in 1 minute or less. The following table lists the rooms and associated HELB conditions.

l The rooms are placed into two groups, Group 'a' and 'b' for convenience of analysis.

Page 7 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 Room Group HELB Condition Associated P.coms a 300'F 15 sec, 8.2 psig- I 411, I 520, G-411,11520 0.25 sec,0.7 psig-0.75 sec, 2.6 psig for 3.5 sec, ramp to atmospheric at 5.6 see b 300*F 60 sec,4.2 psig- I-il, I 106,11 11,11 l%

1 sec,0.5 psig 59 see b 300'F-60 sec, 2.2 psig- I 202,I 204,11 202,11 204 1 sec,0.5 psig 59 see b 240'F 25 sec,0.6 psig- I 12, I 107, 11 12, 11 107 0.5 sec, atmosphic pressure thereafter Bechtel Calculation No.18 78 [2], Rev 1, provides more detailed pressure curves for the Group 'a' HELBs than are contained in Reference 1. The Group 'a' rooms are in o vertical portion of the Main Steam Tunnel. In this calculation, the pressure in these rooms ..

change from atmospheric to 8.2 psig and back to 0.5 psig in less than 1/4 second. At 1 second, the pressure increases to 2.6 psig and remains there until 4 seconds afterwhich the o pressure decays to atmospheric at 5.6 seconds. The profile for this HELB is shown in . . ,

Figure 1. The 8.2 psig peak pressure is associated with the pressure wave being pushed by the steam just after the break occurs. As such it is predominantly dry air that is followed by x the steam. Therefore, the actual superheated steam environment occurs during the 0.7 and 2.6 psig portions of the profile.

Bechtel Calculation No. 2113 [3] for Susquehanna, Rev.1, Sheets 96 through 105, ,

provide the temperature curves for the Group b HELBs. The temperatures in the rooms reach their peak temperatures in 12 to 30 seconds. Per the calculation, each room has a temperature detectors that cause isolation of the associated HELB upon detection of elevated ',

temperature. The calculation bases the duration of the events upon either depletion of the stram inventories or isolation of the break as appropriate. The calculations are based upon inctionless steam flow from the time of the break until the pressure wave is transmitted from the break and back again. There after the flow is based upon the cumulative frictions from the break to the point of release to the atmosphere. The rooms either are vented via a vertical vent duct on the building exterior or via another room that then feeds to the vent duct. The friction of the room vents, the vent duct and its weather cover are modeled in the calculation. Sheets 86 through 95 of the Calculation provide the pressure plots for the HELBs. These plots show that the peak pressures are only associated with the pressure wave at the start of the event. Thereafter, the pressure drops to 2.2 psig or less for the next second, and 0.5 psig or less until the isolation of the breaks which occur within 60 seconds.

As such, the peak pressure, which is the driving function for forcing moisture into components is only available for 2 seconds or less. Thereafter, a pressure only slightly greater than atmospheric occurs until isolation of the break within 60 seconds or less. The l

profile that envelopes all of the Group 'b' rooms is provided in Figure 2. As with the Group

~. - . - - .-- .. . _ _ . .-.

Page 8 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48

'a' profile, the peak pressures of the Group 'b' rooms are associated with the pressure wave of the air being driven from the rooms by the steam. The 0.5 psig portions of these profiles are at superheated stearn conditions, rather than the peaks.

Afler the break is isolated, temperatures will decay rapidly to slightly higher than the original room temperatures and then decay back to near normal temperatures in the course of hours to a few days. Following a HELB in a particular room, the associated pumps in the rooms will not be operated because the postulated HELBs are in lines that are connect to the pumps. Therefore, the primary heat sources for the rooms (i.e., operating pumps) are not available to cause heating of the room. Most of the energy from the HELB discharge will be vented to the atmosphere as the steam exhausts through the building vent stacks.

As soon as the pressure condition of the HELB profiles is gone, the driving function that would tend to drive moisture into the operators would be eliminated. Therefore, with respect to the HELB condition, only the periods of pressurization are of importance with respect to driving moisture into the components.

l The temperature following the isolation of a HELB will rapidly (' the pressure -

of the steam drops to atmospheric pressure and replacement steam c" w.v. ,

Therefore, at the end of 60 seconds or less, the ambient temperatu ' urop immediately to 212*F, the saturation temperature of 0 psig steam. The ambler- iperature will continue c to drop rapidly with the room returning to near normal temperatu mthin approximately an . . .

! hour. Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the temperature within the room should be narly restored to the original temperature as the building structures absorb the residual beat. The short duration  :

of the .cmperature and extremely short duration of the pressure assure low deposition of


I energy to the MOVs causing little temperature rise to occur prior to the end of the pressure and temperature spikes. The predominant effect from these HELBs will be a high humidity environment at the end of the event. The humidity condition and the temperature under the _

HELB conditions will be evaluated further in this document for the Limitorque 250 Vdc operators. '

l .'


The locations of the 250 Vdc motor operators only experience secondary effects of a LOCA in containment. These effects in the associated rooms are predominantly from l radiation. The most severe temperatures in these rooms during a LOCA event is from 139-141'F. The rooms with less severe LOCA event related temperatures have peak temperatures of 123130'F. None of these temperatures represcnt severe conditions for an industrial motor operated valve, especially in comparison to the worst case normal u temperature of 130'F for Rooms I 411, I 520,11411, and 11-520. Regarding LOCA effects l temperatures, these roorns would fit the 10CFR50 definition of mild environment (i.e., A 1

mild environment is an environment that would at no time be significantly more severe than the environment that would occur during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational occurrences.). Therefore, temperatures during LOCA events are not of concern.

However, some of the rooms have moderate radiation dose during LOCA events predominantly from recirculation of radioactive fluids. The rooms with the highest radiation l


Page 9 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 levels associated with LOCA conditions have doses ranging from L7E6 to 3.7E6 rd gamma with 4.3E5 rd beta. The rooms with less severe radiation doses have cobs ranging from 1.7E3 to 1.5E4 rd gamma with 4.3E5 rd beta.

CONCLUSIONS RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Based on the above, the two separate conditions that need to be evaluated for the 250 Vdc motors are the limited duration pressure and temperature spikes from the HELBs, and the radiation doses associated with LOCA conditions. The HELB humidity and temperature effects will be analyzed separately from the LOCA radiation condition because the HELB and LOCA conditions do not occur simultaneously. The following subsections provide these analyses.

LOCA RADIATION ANALYSIS The rooms with the highest total integrated normal and accident doses are Rooms I-501 and 11501 with normal doses of 3.5E6 rd gamma, and accident doses of 3.5E6 rd ,


gamma and 4.3E5 rd beta. These doses envelop all of the doses for the remainder of the rooms; therefore, the radiation assessment for the 250 Vdc Limitorque motor operators will be based on this gamma and beta dose.

Table 4 is a list of valves that are affected by radiation only during a LOCA or small  :'

L break accident (SBA). This table was derived from an analysis of accident functions. The ,

MOVs listed in Table 4 do not have HELB functions. The valves listed in Table 5 also would experience radiation during their LOCA functions. While most of the MOVs perform their LOCA functions within one hour of the on-set of a LOCA, nearly all are required for _

the full duration of an SBA. To perform a conservative analysis of SBA conditions, the bounding 180 day, total integrated LOCA dose for gamma and beta radiation will be used as  ?

basis of the qualification. The beta dose will be reduced by a large factor by the motor and ,

switch cavity housings. However, again for conservatism, beta and gamma radiation will be summed and used as the total limit. The combined normal and accident doses is 7.43E6 rd. a For organic materials contained within motors, large doses of ionizing radiation will lead to embrittlement and ultimately cracking of the insulation and support materials. For j most materials of the types used in motors, this condition would not occur until well above 200 Mrd. Even for values above 200 Mrd, embrittlement would not be of concern until through cracks developed in the insulation, and even then, motor failure would only occur if the insulation became wetted. Under the LOCA scenarios for the subject MOVs, while high humidity could occur in the associated rooms during the event, there would be no steam or pressurized condition. Therefore, there would be no driving function to force humidity into the MOV. Therefore, even if severe embrittlement were to occur at Susquehanna,250 Vdc motor failure would not be expected. With regard to the limit and torque switches, the Melamine, Fibrite and phenolic materials of the insulation and structural system is also tolerant of radiation to well in excess of 200 Mrd. This iasulation would not be exposed to high humidity conditions during LOCA events.

1 .

Page 10 er 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 The tests of ac and de MOVs performed by Limitorque in their various progums show that the motor and switch insulations are tolerant of at least 200 Mrd. The following summarizes the radiation test level by motor type and Limitorque test:

Irradiation -

Test No. (Mrd) Motor Manu. Motor Description 600376A 204 Reliance Class H Radiation Insulation, Tested at 480 Vac-post irradiation IR = 500 Mohms (motor), 200 Mohms (switches). Saturated steam test followed.

(Melamine switches) 600456 204 Reliance Class RH insulation,460 Vac, post irradiation IR, 400 Mohms (motor leads),180 Mohms (switches). (Melamine switches)

B0003 20 Reliance Class B,480 Vac, post irradiation IR 500 Mohms (motor),500 Mohms (switches) (unit connected to ,

actuator) (Phenolic switches) e i B0003 20 Reliance Class B,480 Vac, post irradiation IR 490 Mohms ,

(separate motor in test not on actuator)


B0003 20 Electric App, Class B,480 Vac, post irradiation IR 490 Mohms _,

(separate motor in test not on actuator) -

B0009 10 H. K. Porter Class H,125 Vde,150 Mohms (shunt and field),

200 Mohms (switches). (Melamine switches) 4 These data indicate that 10 Mrd to 204 Mrd have no significant effect on the electrical "

properties of the motor windings and switch insulation. The Reliance Class H, RH and B systems are representative of the insulations used in the Reliance 250 Vdc motors at SSES. #

The H. K. Porter motor is representative of the Peerless motors in use at SSES in that H. K.

Porter produced Peerless motors and the motor line became known as Peerless. The Reliance 480 Vac motors are representative of the winding materials in the Reliance 250 Vdc motors. By nature the materials selected for use in Class B and higher ratings are both temperature and radiation resistant. Thermosetting winding insulation and coatings are used in motors to attain the temperature ratings required for Class B, F and H ratings. Class R and RH ratings are based on Class F and H temperature classifications with materials specifically chosen to withstand high radiation levels (i.e.,200 Mrd). Thermosetting materials are used as wire insulation and as impregnation materials for the overall winding.

Once these materials are baked in the curing process, they do not soften when reheated.

These materials have been chosen for use because of their resistance to thermal aging with additional thermal aging resistance as the Class level increases. Class B insulations have a hot spot rating of 130'C, Class F If5'C, and Class H 180'C [4). In general, thermosetting materials used in Class B and higher level insulations have good radiation

Page 11 of 32 BCN No. 21 1 EQDF-48 resistance with Class R r.nd RH insulation systems having good radiation resistance by purposeful design. Table 31 of EPRI Report NP 4172, " Radiation Data for Design / Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment" [5), provides a listing of thermosetting insulations. Review of the list of thermoset materials against the radiation )

withstand data contained on pages B 10 through B 132 of Reference 5 shows that as a class i thermoset materials retain their engineering properties through 10 Mrd with most of the materials retaining their properties to 100 Mrd or more. The most limiting material was polyester resin with a 20% loss of elongation at 8 Mrd. Even if polyester resin had been used in a Class B motor a 20% loss of elongation would not lead to cracking or inability to withstand coil motion during inrush at the start of operation. Further data contained in i Reference 5 shows that the particular polyester resin maintained 50% elongation at 1,000 Mrd indicating that the loss of properties is gradual with increasing radiation level and providing further confidence that such a material would not affect the ability of a motor to operate in a radiation environment. All of the other mat: rials retained their properties to levels at or above 10 Mrd. These data indicate that the windings will not crack nor embrittle to the point where mechanical failure would occur upon operation of the motor. Therefore at the maximum radiation dose at SSES of 7.43 Mrd, the winding insulation will maintain its structural integrity, and as such will also maintain its electrical insulation capability by .

maintaining electrical separation between conductors in the winding. These same ,

thermosetting materials would also be used as supports for the brush rigging system and would retain their properties for these applications as well.

The 480 Vac motor windings are subjected to a peak voltage of 679 volts phase to phase and 391 volts phase to ground which is well above the voltage stress at the 250 Vdc  ?:

level. The post irradiation insulation test for the Porter (Peerless) motor indicates that even ,

at the 250 Vdc level, the insulation leakage was 1.7 microamps, which is negligible. For any of the insulation material types used, as long as the mechanical integrity of the insulation remained, no signification change in dielectric strength would be expected. A dry, ._

unembrittled insulation will retain its electrical capabilities. These are the conditions that would occur under the secondary effects of a LOCA at SSES for these motors. 7


The insulation resistance of the limit and torque switches in these tests show that irradiation to levels well beyond the SSES normal and 180 day, secondary effect of LOCA >

TID of 7.43 Mrd has no significant effect. The lowest insulation resistance for the limit and torque switches following radiation of 180 Mohms indicates that the maximum expected

! leakage current across any segment of a torque or limit switch is 1.4 microamps at 250 Vdc.

Based on the above information, the Susquehanna 2$0 Vdc Limitorque adetys.

whether supplied with Class B, H, or RH motors, are qualified for the radiation doses froni l secondary effects of a LOCA environment.

l MOTOR AND SWITCH HOUSING SEALING The 250 Vdc motors in use on the Susquehanna 250 Vdc motor operators are of totally enclosed non ventilated construction. There are no vents in the motor housing and the motor lead opening on the motor endbell is potted to prevent moisture intrusion.


Page 12 cf 32 BCN Nr. 21 EQDF-48 The switch housing covers are equipped a gas permiable seal that limits rapid ingress of moisture, but allows the housing to breath. The conduit connections to the switch housitc are not required to be scaled. The following analysis assumes that steam is allowed to rapidly enter the switch compartment in an unrestricted manner. Therefore, unsealed conduits and damaged or missing compartment seals would be allowable without affecting the environmental qualification status.

IIELB HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS Scone and Anolicability Table 4 lists the valves that have no HELB related safety functions. These valves do not need to be qualified frr HELB conditions. Table 5 lists those valves that have safety functions when subjected to HELB environments. There are only six valves with HELB  :

functions: HV E41 IF003, HV E412F003, HV E51 IF008, HV E512F008, HV G33 l IF004, and HV G33 2F004. Each of these valves has a diverse ac motor operated valve in I series on the associated line located inside containment. These diverse valves receive the j same closing signals as their de counterparts and will not experience the HELB environment.

0 l Table 5 also lists the function of the valve and duration of the HELB function. The longest 1 duration of a HELB function is 2 minutes.

The HELB environments associated with the six valves are as follows: O Valves Environment HV E41 1F003, 2F003 300*F-60 sec 2.2 psig-1 sec, N HV E51 IF008,2F008 0.5 psig 59 sec, -

atmospheric thereafter.

HV G33 IF004,2F004 212'F-40 sec, 2.2 psig-1 sec, -

1 psig-0.5 sec, 0.4 psig 38 sec, atmospheric thereafter, f While the Table 4 valves do not require qualification for HELB conditions, they are qualified for the condition under the analysis which follows. The analysis is based upon free passage of steam in'.o the compartment during the 0.5 and 2.6 psig periods of the HELBs even though the flow will be restricted by any bottom entry conduits. In reality, the pressure drop along the conduit will be such that moisture will gradually enter the compartment during the minute rather than fillit and continue to condense.

Switch Housinn Analysh Steam and Condensation At the onset of the postulated HELBs for Susquehanna, there is a 1 to '.3 mond pressure wave, accompanied by a rapid increase in ambient temperature. Tre envei0 ping condition is as follows:

Page 13 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 0-4s Ramp to 240*F 4 16 s Ramp from 240*F to 300'F 16-60 s 300'F 60 s Drop to 212*F 60 s to I hr Drop to normal + 15'F The drop in temperature at 60 seconds will occur very rapidly as the pressure decays to 0 and there is no replacement steam. The temperature will drop to 212'F, the saturation temperature of 0 psig steam. Thereafter, the temperature will drop rapidly to near normal i temperatures as the structures and equipment absorb the heat.

For the Susquehanna HELBs, the pressure that would cause moisture to be driven into the MOVs has a 1 to 2 second peak followed by a 0.5 psig lasting for less than 1 minute, i The following are the enveloping pressure conditions:

Group 'a' Rooms:

0-0.25 sec 8.2 psig l 0.25-1 sec 0.7 psig l 5 sec 2.6 psig . . ,  !


5 5.5 sec Return to atmospheric pressure Cirouc 'b' Rooms: ~

l 0-1sec 4.2 psig 1-2sec 2.2 psig  :

2-60 sec 0.5 psig s 60 see return to atmospheric pressure The 0.25 second duration of the 300*F,8.2 psig superheated transient of the Group _

'a' Rooms is predominantly a pressurized air wave being forced through the room in front of the initial blast of steam. Because the pressure wave is composed of mostly dry air and has  ?

a short duration, no appreciable amount of steam will enter the switch housing. Similarly, the I second 4.2 psig and I second 2.2 psig periods for the Group 'b' Rooms would also be composed of predominantly dry air and are of too short of a duration to force significant 3 amounts of steam into the cavity. For the Group 'a' Rooms, the 4 second 2.6 psig period could cause some steam to the cavity through any open bottom entry conduit. Similarly for the Group 'b' Rooms, the 0.5 psig 58 second period could cause some steam to be condensed I in the switch cavities. These conditions will be evaluated further.

With regard to temperature, the superheated steam looses energy rapidly in the vicinity l of colder structures and components, dropping to the saturated steam temperature l corresponding to the pressure. This effect is demonstrated in Limitorque's B-0027 Report of superheated ambient temperature tests (6). In this test, a temperature instrumented actuator was subjected to a 385'F,66 psig 3 minute transient. When the test chamber reached a peak temperature of 390'F, the limit switch compartment ambient reached 312*F

! per Figure 3 of Reference 6. Table B.lB of Reynolds' " Thermodynamics" [7] states that 66 psig steam has a saturation temperature of 312*F. Accordingly,300'F,2.6 psig steam impinging upon the surface of the actuator at the end of I second would cause at most a

Page 14 ef 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF 48 220*F (per Table B.l A of Reference 7] saturated steam / alt mixture at the surface of the motor operator. The following is a list of the saturated temperature that the pressures associated with the Susquehanna HELBs will support:

Pressure Saturated Temperature [7]

2.6 psig 220'F 2.2 psig 219'F 1.0 psig 215'F 0.5 psig 214'F For the Group 'a' Rooms, the 2.6 psig,4 second period would support a condensing steam temperature of 220'F. When the pressure drops to atmospheric, the steam temperature will drop to 212'F immediately anC then drop rapidly in temperature because the steam supply has been removed.

For the Group 'b' Rooms, the pressure drop at 2 seconds to 0.7 psig, the temperature at the surface of the operator would drop to 214*F for the remainder of the 1 minute period.

Again, when the pressure drops to atmospheric the temperature will immediately drop to ...

212*F and then drop rapidly towards normal temperature because the steam supply has been ..,


The following will analyze the potential condensation within the switch housing under -


the conservative assumption that the housing is open to the environment. In reality, with the bottom entry conduits being the only entry path to the switch housing, much of the moisture in the steam will condense in the conduits prior to reaching the switch cavity, and the steam s l entering the far end of the conduit will force the dry air in the conduit into the switch l housing causing a back pressure that will prevent entry of the moist steam. (This t

phenomenon occurs because of the low pressures and the short durations involved. High pressure longer duration steam conditions will compress the air in the cavity and enter it causing much more severe condensation conditions.)  :

l Assuming free entry of the steam, the surface of the switches and other components I 3 would begin to warm as the steam begins to enter the cavity. The body of the components h below the surface would not experience a significant increase in temperature in the first minute. This condition is again demonstnted by Limitorque's superheated steam tests  ;

L described in Reference 6, in which the motor operator was exposed to 385'F,66 psig steam.

l At the onset of the test, the switch compartment ambient temperature reached 300*F within 45 seconds. At the same time, the thermocouples on the surface of the switch components had only reached 160*F from a starting temperature of 100*F. At the end of a full minute the surface temperature of the switch components had only reach 180'F. Based on the Limitorque superheated steam tests and given the assumption that stem flows freely into the compartment, the switch component surfaces would be expected to experience well less than a 180'F peak temperature during a postulated Susquehanna HELB. Thereafter, the temperature will rapidly drop because the energy source is removed. Again these values are related to a test in which the exterior of the motor actuator was being exposed to 385'F,66 psig steam, a much more severe condition than that expected at Susquehanna. For the Group

'a' Rooms, interpolation of these data to a 130'F starting point, the highest normal ambient

Page 15 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 temperature for any of the rooms, and a 219'F peak ambient saturated temperature associated with a 2.6 psig pressure, indicates that the surface temperature of components within the switch compartment of the operator would at most be approximat( 153*F. For '

the Group 'b' Rooms, the peak surface temperature with a starting tempey ofIl5'F would be approximately 155'F.

During the first seconds of a HELB in either Group 'a' or 'b' Rooms, the steam environment outside the switch compartment would be restricted from entering the compartment by the conduit. While resistance to flow is not readily identifiable, it is obvious that the full pressure of the pressure spikes will not occur within the compartment.

However, the 2.6 psig,4 second condition for the Group 'a' Rooms, and the 0.5 psig,58 second condition for the Group 'b' Rooms could be expected to cause steam entry. During  !

these periods, new steam would enter the cavity as the existing steam condensed. While l much of this steam would condense in the conduit and not enter the cavity, this analysis assumes that all of the condensation occurs within the cavity. When the pressure in the rooms drops to atmospheric pressure at the end of the events, no further moisture will enter the cavity.


The amount of steam condensed during the period is proportional to the average surface temperature of the components in the housing, the enthalpy of the steam and the size N of the compartment. The largest 250 Vdc actuator in use is an SMB 3. The volume of the .

switch compartment is 16" x 11" x 11" = 1,936 in or 1.12 cu ft (8]. Conservatively assuming that 20% of this volume is filled with the limit and torque switches and wire, the a volume of free space is 0.9 cu ft. _,

For the Group 'b' Rooms, the maximum amount of steam will enter the volume and N condense under the assumption that the 300*F,0.5 psig steam is rapidly entering the compartment and heat is being absorbed rapidly to bring the steam to the saturation of 214*F. The total amount of steam that condenses in the cavity will be proportional to the -

heat absorbed by the components in the cavity and the cavity walls. The actuator will slowly ,

begin to heat during the 1 minute HELB; it will not attain a uniform temperature through out its volume, However, by conservatively assuming that a portion of the mass of the cover, '

switches, wire and actuator wall have been heated to the 155'F surface temperature ,

identified above, a conservative value for condensation can be determined. For the purposes of this analysis, an 85'F initial temperature is assumed. The following surface masses were I conservatively assumed to have been uniformly heated to 155'F during the HELB:

Cover 2 lbs (also being heated

%ternally) l Switches with geart ox 2 lbs Wire 0.2 lbs Actuator wall 3 lbs.

The total mass heated to 155'F is 7.2 lbs. The change in temperature was 70*F resulting in absorption of 504 BTUs ((155 85'F))x 7.2 lbs.).

Page 16 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF48 The mass of steam condensed during condensation from 300'F to 155'F is equal to the heat absorbed during reduction of temperature of the steam from 300*F to 212'F (45 BTU /lb) plus the heat absorbed in condensing the 212'F steam to 212*F water (970.3 BTU /lb), plus the heat absorbed in further cooling the water to 155'F (57 BTU /lb). Given that 504 BTUs were absorbed by the compartment and components, the mass of steam condensed equals:

504 BTU = 0.47 lbs (45 + 970.3 + $7) BTU /lb Given that a pound of water has a mass of 62.32 lb/cu ft, the volume of this liquid is 0.0075 cu ft, or 13 cu in. The area of the bottom of the compartment is 176 square in. Spreading the water over the surface results in a depth of no more than 0.07 in, which is insufficient to flood any component in the switch housing. Because the air in the cavity will remain there during the event, only a small percentage of the volume will be filled with steam. At 0.5 psig, the volume will be at a pressure of 1.03 atmospheres, providing approximately 7% by volume of water vapor The available space for condensing steam coupled with condensation dropout in the conduits will reduce the condensed steam by a factor of approximately 10, resulting in a more realistic 1.3 cu in of condensation. Even if the actuator were turned to N cause the water to lay in a cup the worst case depth would be less than 1.8 inch. This height .

would occur only when a corner of the switch housing were pointing directly down.

Evaluation of component configurations shown in Limitorque Bulletin 871 show that the gear O box of the limit switch assures that no energized portion will be flooded or near flooded. ,,

Likewise, the locations of the torque switch circuits and terminal blocks assure that they will

! not be flooded. N l

These conclusions are conservative because: -

o Rapid in leakage of the steam rather than gradual pressurization and moisture ingress has been assumed, -

o The assumed surface temperature of the switches is very conservative with respect to the expected value (i.e., instantantaneous heating to a uniform temperature of 155'F was assumed), and o The mass that has absorbed heat has been assumed to uniformly attain the peak surface temperature rather than having a temperature gradient proportional to the depth from the surface.

Each of the assumptions causes the over estimation of the amount of condensed water and indicates that at worst, a high humidity, moist condition rather than a flooded or wet condition will occur.

A similar analysis can be performed for the Group 'a' Rooms except that the duration of the event must be taken into account. Again, the transient of the Limitorque superheat test [6] can be conservatively used to provide data. The rate of change in temperature of the

Page 17 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 components in the switch housing during the transient is 140'F/ minute with a 385'F,66 psig condition outside the housing and a 300*F condition within the housing. Assuming that the Susquehanna housings were unsealed, and using the data from this much more severe condition, the maximum change in surface temperature of the components in 5 seconds would be 5(140'F/60 sec) or 11.7'F. Assuming that the surface mass was uniformly heated and using the surface mass describ:d above (7.2 lbs), the heat absorbed during the transient is 84 BTU. Assuming that the room was at 130*F (the peak normal temperature for the Group 'a' Rooms), the peak surface temperature would be 141.7'F. To determine the heat absorbed, the same formula derived above would be used except that 70.3 BTU /lb would be absorbed to cause the temperature to drop from 212*F to 141.7'F. The amount of water condensed is:

84 BTU = 0.08 lbs, (45 + 970.3 + 70.3) BTU /lb l which is much less than that calculated for the Group 'b' Rooms. Therefore, no switch housing cornponent flooding could occur for the 250 vde actuators in Group 'a' Rooms. J Because there is no flooding of the electrical components, only a humid environment N would occur within the switch housing. There are no caustic sprays nor any kind of spray .

condition involved with the HELBs. Therefore, only water vapor on surfaces is of concern.

The continuous current ratings of the limit and torque switches is 0.55 A at 230 Vdc and 0.2 o A at 550 Vdc per Reference (9). The switches control position indicating lights and .,

contactors located in the associated motor control center. The maximum expected continuous current on any contact is less than 0.5 amp, which occurs when the contactors are N energized during the stroking of the associated valves. The ratings indicate that there is ,

more than sufficient insulation capability for 250 Vdc applications. During the Limitorque LOCA tests, the limit and torque switches were powered from a 120 Vac source that was -

independent of the motor voltage. The peak ac voltage would have been 1.41 times the rms ,


value or 169 V during the duration of the LOCA tests. Periodic 500 Vdc insulation resistance tests were also taken during these tests. In Limitorque Report B0003 in which -

phenolic switches were tested, the limit and torque switch ire were 100 IJ1 ohms each after .s 15 minutes exposure to 250'F,25 psig steam. In Limitorque keport B0212 in which the Fibrite switches were tested, the minimum insulation resistance was 200 kilohms for the limit switch and 40 kilohms for the torque switch with an ambient condition of 30l*F at 59 psig for 20 minutes which was preceded by two 460'F,72 psig 3 minute transients. Chemical spray was also in operation during the insulation resistance measurement, in the test for the phenolic switches, the insulation resistance would have allowed no more than 2.9 mA leakage (288 Vdc/100 k-ohms) at any of the switch leads. In the test of the Fibrite switches, the leakage current for the limit switch leads would have been 1.5 mA (288 Vde/200 k-ohms), and for the torque switches would have been 7.2 mA (288 Vde/40 k-ohms), it must be noted that in the case of the phenolic switches, the surface temperature of the switch would have been at least 95'F (250'F-155'F) greater than that of the Susquehanna 250 Vdc switches at the end of the HELB, and that the Fibrite switches the test temperature would have been 155'F (310'F-155'F) greater. At minimum these differences would have accounted for a decade drop in insulation resistance, which for organic materials

Page 18 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 is inversely proportional to temperature. An example of this phenomenon is shown in Sandia tests of terminal blocks (10). In a steam environment at 341*F, the terminal blocks had an insulation resistance of 3.5 kilohms. When the temperature dropped to 320'F the insulation resistance increased to 9 kilohms. When the temperature dropped to 302'F, the insulation resistance increased to 15 kilohms. The total drop of 39'F caused a 4.3 times improvement in insulation resistance. The design of the terminal blocks and the Limitorque switches uses similar principals in which surface and volume resistances are used to insulate l contacts from one another. Under this phenomenon, the actual leakage currents during the Susquehanna HELBs will be between 0.15 and 0.7 mA per circuit, which is satisfactory in control circuits.

The short duration of the safety function given a HELB also provides assurance that l no significant deterioration of function will occur when the valves are needed. The valves l

that must function during a HELB fulfill their function in less than 2 minutes, These functions are automatically initiated upon detection of elevated temperatures in the cavity.

According to Bechtel Calculation No. 2113, the initiation signals for closure of the valves occurs within I to 8 seconds of the start of the HELB. Therefore, the functions of the actuators are complete in a short period of time. Even when a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> time margin is applied in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.89, Rev 1 to their duration of operation, the actuators ,.

will only experience I hour and 2 minutes of exposure to a high humidity environment.

Testinn of Junction Boxes under IIELB Conditions Reference (11] describes a series of tests performed by the Washington Public Power Supply System on components in junction boxes under HELB conditions. These tests ,

are of interest because the junction boxes had unsealed conduits and 3/8 inch drain holes

making the conditions similar to that of an unsealed limit switch housing, The test specimens were as follows:

Test Unit 1 Box - 20 x 20 x 5 inch Hoffman NEMA 12 with 2 inch elbow with a -

watertight fitting (Note: There was no scalant in the elbow.

Steam could pass around the wires entering the elbow and flow into the box.) The box also had a 3/8" drain hole in the bottom.

Circuits - GE CR151 A terminal block connected to a thermocouple.

Weidmuller SAK 2.5 terminal block cor.nected to a I


l Weidmuller SAK 4 terminal block connected to a Rosemount transmitter.

Weidmuller SAK 10 terminal block connected to a Rosemount transmitter.

Page 19 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 Note: The connected components were located outside of the test chamber. The terminal blocks and associated connections were within the boxes that were exposed to the HELB conditions.

Test Unit 2 Box- 24 x 12 x 5 inch NEMA 4 Hoffman box with a 2 inch conduit elbow with watertight fittings on the top (24 inch) side and a 3/8 inch drain hole. The conduit was unsealed.

Circuits- GE CR151B terminal block connected to a 135 Vac/140 Vdc voltage loop and a Rosemount transmitter.

Buchanan Bil2 terminal block connected to a 135 Vac/140 Vdc voltage loop, a Rosemount transmitter, an HFA, and an HMA relay.

Test Unit 3 ,

Box - 16 x 12 x 5 inch NEMA 4 Hoffman box with a 14 inch piece of N Anaconda 3/4 inch Type UAP flexible conduit extending from -

the bottom connected to a NAMCO EA740 limit switch, which was mounted horizontally. The flexible conduit was unsealed. O ,

l The entry conduit to this box was mounted on the side of the .a l box at the top right hand corner. The entry conduit was l unsealed. Photograph I 33 of the report shows a 3/8 inch drain N hole. ,

Circuit - The NAMCO switch was energized at 135 Vac. ~

The circuits except for the thermocouples were equiped with leakage current detection. -


The Test Units were sequentially exposed to the following profiles: -

lt >

HELB Profile 1. Peak Temperature 220'F Period Temocrature 0-70 sec 205'F/0 psig 70 sec 3 min 205'F/1.4 psig 3 min 5 min 200'F/1.4 psig 5 min - 2 hr 40 min 200'F ramping to 145'F/

0.2 psig 2 hr 40 min ie 16 hrs 145'F/0,2 psig HELB Profile 2 -

Period Temptuture/ Pressure- ,

. F ..

Page 20 of 32 l BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 l 0 2 min 270*F/3.4 psig 2 min to 2 hrs 40 min 215'F ramping to 150'F/

0 to 1 psig (varying) 2 hrs 40 min to 16 hrs 145'F/0.4 psig 1

During and after the exposure to HELB Profile 1, there were no cratic operation of l the connected devices. The acceptance criteria of no more than 30 mA from terminal to l terminal or terminal to ground was met, in fact, the leakage current during the test was less than the limit of detection which was 50 m!croamps. (A 1.7 milliamp was detected on one circuit but was dettmined to be a problem with the detection circuit rather than the specimen.) HELB Pronle 2 was administered imrediately after the completion of the HELB Profile I test. Again, no misoperations or detectible leakage currents were observed.

Immediately following the application of the HELB Profile 2, the chamber was openned and the Test Units were inspected. The following was observed:

o There was no evidence of moisture in the NAMCG EA740 limit switch. No _

evidence of any electrical tracking or breakdown was observed. The associated terminal box had a light t..oisture film (Per Photograph I 33) N o The inspection of the box of Test Unit I revealed a small spot of residue, that dripped off the cables in the box, having an area of a few square inches. O There was no signs of heavy wetting. (Per Photograph I-31) ,

o The inspection of the box of Test Unit 2 revealed a small indication of residue N that again dripped off the cables, which again had a area of a few square inches. There were no signs of heavy wetting. (Per Photograph I 32)

The tests show that under steam pressure conditions that were more severe and much ,s I

longer duration that insignificant amounts of steam condense in the terminal boxes, and that 2

this steam has no significant effect on leakage current to ground. At 140 Vac, less than 0.05 milliamps ofleakage current occurred to ground. ,,

Conclusions from the Hk,LB Testing of the Terminal Boxes 1

While the temperatures of the tests were somewhat lower than that of the SSES HELBs (205 and 270'F for the tests and 300'F for the worst case SSES HELBs), the pressures and duration of the tests are more than adequate compensation. The testing of the l terminal boxes indicates that the analysis of Le effects of the SSES HELBs on the l Limitorque actuators is extremely conurvative and that at most a light moistening will occur within' the switch housing. The terminal boxes that were tested have similar volumes (1936 cu in for the motor operator switch housing, and 960,1440,2000-cu inches for the tested boxes). The pressure profiles were more severe for the boxes than the 60-sec duration 0.5 psig and 4-sec duration 2.6 psig profiles of SSES by a large margin. Given that the 2 inch conduits and drain holes for the test boxes were unsealed and provided free access to the steam, it is obvious that the original air in the boxes helped prevent significant amounts of steam from entering, and that the duration of the HELBs was short enough to prevent

F .

Page 21 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 continuous condensation and replacement of steam such that puddles would accumlate within the boxes. The low leakage currents indicate that little moisture actually accumlated on the terminal blocks and leads during the tests. The 16 hour1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> high humidity condition following the HELD transients during the test also provide conndence that the continued presense of moisture outside of a box (including the switch housing of the motor operators) will have no significant effect on the components inside the box. These test results provide the conndence necessary to conclude that the switches within the 250 Vdc motor operators at SSES will i successfully withstand the short duration HELBs postulated for the station.

Thermal Effects i The effects of a thermal spike to the organic switch components is minimal. The internal wiring used in the motor operators is fully qualined for Susquehanna LOCA environments and is either Rockbestos SIS, Raychem Flamtrol, or Anaconda NSIS per PP&L Specincation No. C 1065 [12]. Being fully environmentally qualined for a LOCA, the wire insulation will be unaffected by the moist, warm environment in the switch housing.

The limit and torque switches are either Fibrite or phenolic, both of which have been ,

qualincation tested to full LOCA conditions (see further discussions of torque and limit . !

switch capability below).

Terminal blocks or splices are allowed to be used for motor connections in the 250 Vdc MOVs. When splices are used only fully qualined Raychem or taped splice y' configurations are allowed to be used. When terminal blocks are used, only Marathon 300 or 1600, Buchanan 0222 or 0524, or GE EB 5 qualified terminal blocks are allowed to be .:


The thermal effects of the pressure / temperature spike of the Susquehanna HELB are extremely minimal by comparison to those of a LOCA qualincation test in which a 340*F _,

saturated steam condition exists for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> (Limitorque Test 600376A) or a 330*F satulated steam condition is held for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> (Limitorque Test B0009 for DC Actuators). Therefore,  ?

no physical damage would occur to switch housing organic components including the limit  ;

and torque switch blocks from th: conditions within the switch housing that were induced by the HELB.

  • Motor Analysis The wireways of the de motors supplied by Limitorque are potted preventing draining of limit switch compartment liquids into the motor. The 250 Vdc motors are scaled units and do not have drains. Therefore, the motors will not experience the moist condensing conditions during the HELB. Steam condensing on t! cir surface will cause a small increase in surface temperature. Due to the large mass, the surface temperature will probably be less than 163*F at the end of the HELB pulse. Due to the short duration of the HELB, the motor will not absorb a signincant amount of heat and the internals of the motor will experience only a small temperature rise.

, c Page 22 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 .

Appendix IV of Limitorque Report B0009 provides before LOCA and after LOCA pictures of the internals of the Peerless de motor used as a test specimen. Figure 1 shows )


the brush rig and commutator after 2000 aging cycles but before irradiation. Figures 3 and 4 show the same view after radiation and seismic testing, respectively. Figure 9 shows the 2 commutator and brush rig after the 25 hour2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> LOCA exposure which included: RE.!  :

I o 0 to I hr Ramp to 340*F o 1 to 2 hr - 340'F o 2 to 4 hr - 330'F

'3 o 4 to 7 hr - 310'F

( o 7 to 25 hr 212*F.

g The tests were performed under saturated steam conditions. As such, they are much more severe in duration and energy content than the conditions expected at Susquel anna under th HELB conditions. Even though the conditions of the test were very much more severe tha 3  :

those expected at Susquehanna, the photographs in the report show that the progressive tes t y~ segments caused no significant deterioration of the commutator and brush system, includin Figure 9, the post LOCA photograph. These photographs are proof that the sealing of the 4 motors is adequate to withstand the rigors of a n.uch more severe condition. Therefore, t' scaling of the motors is more than adequate for the minimal stresses represented by the Susquehanna HELBs. This analysis applies to any of the insulation types in use, Class B R, and RH, in that, at most, the insulation system experiences a dry, temperature excursi 5 '

of 20*F, which is well within its rating. There is no moisture involved, nor is there a 4 significant thermal transient.


O Based on the above analyses, the 250 Vdc Limitorque motor operators for valves 7

qualified for their safet,' func:fons under associated HELB and LOCA secondary effects Re environments. The very limited duration and intensitiy of the associated HELBs couple Ed with the short duration of the safety function period assures that no significant amount - g Lir degredation leading to common mode /cause failure exists. With regard to the radia6r associated with secondary effects of a LOCA environment, the maximum total integrat 9 dose of 7.43 megarads is insufficiett to induce embrittlement or loss of insulation capr ,.T}

in the materials of construction of the motor and switches of the valve operators. The Cor apply to the full range of de system voltages including the peak voltage of 288 Vdc.

Accordingly, these Limitorque 250 Vdc motor operators are environmentally qualificc 10 Figu r their applications.

Rea lI Wyle NAN Publii Septel

{ 12 pp&t Limito L

, ,6 .

Page 22 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 Appendix IV of Limitorque Report B0009 provides before LOCA and after LOCA pictures of the internals of the peerless de motor used as a test specimen. Figure 1 shows the brush rig and commutator after 2000 aging cycles but before irradiation. Figures 3 and 4 show the same view after radiation and seismic testing, respectively. Figure 9 shows the ,

commutator and brush rig after the 25 hour2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> LOCA exposure which included: l o 0 to I hr Ramp to 340*F o I to 2 hr - 340*F o 2 to 4 hr - 330'F o 4 to 7 hr - 310'F  !

o 7 to 25 hr 212*F.

The tests were performed under saturated steam conditions. As such, they are much more severe in duration and energy content than the conditions expected at Susquehanna under the HELB conditions. Even though the conditions of the test were very much more severe than those ex[ected at Susquehanna, the photographs in the report show that the progressive test l segments cau:ed no signi6 cant deterioration of the commutator and brush system, including l

Figure 9, the post-LOCA photograph. These photographs are proof that the sealing of these


motors is adequate to withstand the rigors of a much more severe condition. Therefore, the .

scaling of the motors is more than adequate for the minimal stresses represented by the c Susquehanna HELBs. This analysis applies to any of the insulation types in use, Class B, F,

,U R, and RH, in that, at most, the insulation system experiences a dry, temperature excursion of 20'F, which is well within its rating. There is no moisture involved, nor is there a ,:

significant thermal transient.


CONCLUSIONS Based on the above analyses, the 250 Vdc Limitorque motor operators for valves are  ;

quali6cd for their safety functions under associated HELB and LOCA secondary effects ,

env'ronments. The very limited duration and intensitiy of the associated HELBs coupled with the short duration of the safety function period assures that no significant amount of a degredation leading to common mode /cause failure exists. With regard to the radiation doses associated with secondary effects of a LOCA environment, the maximum total integrated dose of 7.43 megarads is insufficient to induce embrittlement or loss of insulation capabilities in the materials of construction of the motor and switches of the valve operators. The results apply to the full range of de system voltages including the peak voltage of 288 Vdc.

Accordingly, these Limitorque 250 Vdc motor operators are environmentally qualitied for

their applications.

i l

. 9 . .

Page 23 cf 32 l

BCN N . 21 EQDF4  :


1 Susquehanna S.E.S. Unit 1 & 2 Reactor Bldg. Equipment Qualification Harsh Environment Zones, PP&L Drawing No. C2%130, Sheets 1 to 20 Rev.1.

2 Bechtel Job No. 8856, Susquehanna Units 1 & 2, Calculation No.18 78, Rev. 2, i Mainsteam Line Break (MSLB) Analysis for Main Steam Tunnel (MST),3/7/83, which is incorporated into Bechtel Job No. 8856, Susquehann Units 1 & 2, Calculation No. 200-17 (Staff Cale. No. 2112), MSL Break Analysis for MST, 6/7/81.

3 Bechtel Job No. 8856, Susquehanna, Cale /stion No. 200-081 (Staff Calc. No. 2113),

Rev.1, Compartment Pressure and Temperature, S/4/81 4 IEEE Standard 1171974, Test Procedure for Evaluation of Systems of Insulating Materials for Random-Wound AC Electric Machinery.


5 " Radiation Data for Design and Qualification of Nuclear Plant Equipment," EPRI NP-4172SP, Electric Power Research Insti.tute, August 1985. N 6 Limitorque Valve Actuator Temperature Related to High Superheat Ambient c Temperatures, Report No. B-0027, Rev. A., Limitorque Corporation Test Laboratory, ,

October 18, 1978.

7 Reynolds, William C., Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill Book Company, Second '"


8 Limitorque Bulletin 871, Type SMB, Valve Controls, Limitorque Corporation,1980. ,

9 " Typical Specification, Gate / Globe / Sluice-Gate / Multi Turn Actuators," Limitorque .

Corporation, TS 100A, April 1,1983, SEA EE-183, Page C16.

10 Figure 3.3.16 of NUREG/CR-4301, Status Report on Equipment Qualification issues Research and Resolution, L. L. Bonzon et al, November 1986, 11 Wyle Test Report No. 48365-01, " Qualification Test Program on Terminal Blocks, NAMCO Limit Switch and Instrumentation Scaling Compound for the Washington Public Power Supply System for Use in the WNP-2 (Outside Containment),"

September 8,1986, 12 PP&L Specification No. C-1065, File No Rl-1, " Technical Specification for Limitorque MOVs Environmental Qualification Inspection," Rev. 3, 5/12/89

Page 24 cf 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 TABLE 1. LIST OF SUSQUEHANNA 250 Vdc MOTORS, UNIT 1 Device LOCA Motor Identity No. RQQm HELB Rad. (rd) Manufacturer HV E41 IF0ll I 10[1] N/A 1.9E6 RELIANCE HV E41 IF001 111[2] B 1.7E3 RELIANCE HV E41 IF004 I-l l RELIANCE HV E41 IF042 I-i l RELIANCE HV E41 IF059 I ll PEERLESS HV 15012 112[3] E 2.9E3 RELIANCE HV E51 IF010 I-12 RELIANCE HV E51 IF031 1-12 RELIANCE HV E51 IF045 I 12 RELIANCE HV E51 IF046 I 12 PEERLESS HV 15768 I17[4] N/A 1.9E6 RELIANCE HV E41 IF007 I 102[5] N/A 1.5E4 PEERLESS 3 HV E41 IF008 I-102 RELIANCE HV E51 IF012 1102 ' RELIANCE HV E51 IF022 I102 RELIANCE O


HV E41 IF012 I 106[6] C 1.7E3 RELIANCE

, HV E41 IF066 I106 RELIANCE N l HV E41 IF075 Il% RELIANCE HV E41 IF079 I106 RELIANCE HV E51 IF060 1 107[7] E 2.9E3 RELIANCE . . ,


HV El1 IF008 I202[8] D 1.7E6 RELIANCE HV Ell IF049 I202 PEERLESS l - HV E51 IF008 I202 RELIANCE t HV E41 IF003 1202 RELIANCE D

HV El1 IF023 I 204[9] D 1.7E6 RELIANCE l HV B21 IF019 I-411[10] A 3.7E6 PEERLESS

'"' G331F004 I50l[l1] F 3.5E6 PEERLESS HV E411F006 1 520[12] A 3.7E6 PEERLESS HV E51 IF013 I520 RELIANCE i


. ^ ,'* ,

E P%ge 25 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 TABLE 2. LIST OF SUSQUEHANNA 250 Vdc MOTORS, UNIT 2 LOCA Motor Identity No. Room HELB Rad. (rd) Manufacturer HV E412F011 Il 10[1] N/A 1.9E6 RELIANCE

_ HV E412F001 11-1 1[2] B 1.7E3 RELIANCE HV E412F004 Il11 RELIANCE <

HV E412F042 11 11 RELIANCE HV E412F059 11-11 RELIANCE HV 25012 11 12[3] E 2.9E3 PEERLESS

  • HV E512F010 II12 RELIANCE HV E512F031 11 12 RELIANCE HV E512F045 II-12 RELIANCE HV E512F046 11 12 PEERLESS
HV 25768 Il 17[4] N/A 1.9E6 RELIANCE HV E412F007 11-102[5] N/A 1.5E4 PEERLESS 2

HV E412F008 11-102 RELIANCE HV E512F012 11-102 N.LIANCE /

HV E512F022 11 102 PEERLET, a

[ HV E412F012 11-106[6] C 1.7E3 PEERLESS 12 HV E412F066 11-106 RELIANCE HV E412F075 11106 x


, HV E412F079 11-106 RELIANCE HV ESI 2F059 II 107[7] E 2.9E3 RELIANCE HV E512F060 II107 PEERLESS


HV E512F062 II-107 PEERLESS y HV E512F084 11-107 PEERLESS u.

l HV Ell 2F008 II-202[8] D 1.7E6 RELIANCE

- HV Ell 2F049 II 202 PEERLESS


HV E412F003 II-202 RELIANCE r HV E512F008 II 20'2 RELIANCE HV Ell 2F023 11-204[9] D 1.7E6 RELIANCE i

HV B212F019 11-411[10] A 3.7E6 PEERLESS HV G33 2F004 II 50l[11] F 3.5E6 PEERLt'SS HE E412F006 II-520[12] A 3.7E6 PEERLESS HV E512F013 11-520 PEERLESS T~


}? l H Page 26 cf 32 BCN No. 21 L EQDF-48 HELB Codes and Notes for Tables 1 and 2 i l

Cgdc HFI R Condition Associated Rooms I A 300'F-15 sec, 8.2 psig-0.25 sec, I 411, I 520,11-411,11 520 0.7 psig-0.75 sec,.

2.6 psig-3.5 sec, atmospheric thereafter.

B 300'F-60 sec,4.2 psig-1 sec, I-i l,11 11 0.5 psig-59 sec, atmospheric thereafter.  !

E C 300*F-60 sec, 2.2 psig-2 sec, I-106,11-106 0.7 psig for 58 sec, I' atmospheric thereafter.

D 300'F 60 sec,2.2 psig-1 sec, I-202, I 204, 11 202,11-204 0.5 psig-59 sec, -

atmospheric thereafter.

3 L E 240'F-25 sec, 0.6 psig-1.5 sec,' I 12, I-107, 11-12,11-107. -

I atmospheric thereafter. =

F 212'F-40 sec, 2.2 psig 1 sec, I 501, II-501  :

1 psig 0.5 sec, x i, 0.4 psig 38 sec, I atmospheric thereafter.

2 i

1 l

The source of location dat'. for Tables 1 and 2 was a printout from the EQ Limitorques from ,

the MOV Index dated Ci4/90, with the exception that the locations for valves HV G33 IF004 >

l1 and HV G33 2F004 were determined by review of isometric drawings for the reactor water s cleanup system and PP&L Drawing C206130, Rev.1.

The source of the motor manufacturers' data was Page 2 of NCR 88-0181 as updated.

The environments listed in Tables 1 and 2 were extracted from PP&L Drawing C206130, Rev. 1.

1 l

i TABLE 3. ENVIRONMENTS FOR SUSQUEHANNA Page 27 of 32 250 Vdc MOTORS BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 1 1-10, 11 10 Core Spray Pump Room,

- EQ Zone Ria Normal [60/104'F,10/90% RH, 8.8E2 rd) ,

LOCA [141'F peak,90/100% RH,1.lES rd/br peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak,1.9E6 rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB [Not applicable]

2 111,1111 HPCI Pump Room, EQ Zone Rlb Normal I60/100'F,10/90% RH, 8.8E2 rd)

LOCA- [125'F peak,90/100% RH,4.4E3 rd/hr gamma,1.9E3 rd/hr beta, 1.7E3 td gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB- [200'F for 60 sec,4.2 psig for 1 sec,0.5psig for 59 sec]

3 1-12, 11 12 RCIC Pump Room EQ Zone Rlh ,-

Normal -[60/104'F,10/90% RH, 8.8E2 rd) D

.LOCA (123*F,90/100% RH,6.9E3 rd/hr gamma peak,1,9E3 rd/hr beta peak, -;

2.9E3 rd gamma,4.3E5 beta TfD @ 180 days]

HELB [240'F for 25 sec,0.6 psig for 0.5 sec, atmospheric there after] O 4 I 17, II-17 Core Spray Pump Room, EQ Zone Ria .N Normal- [60/104*F,10/90% RH,8.8E2 rd] ,


LOCA (128'F peak,90/100% RH,1.1E5 rd/hr gamma peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak,1.9E6 rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ .180 days)  ;

HELB [Not applicable]

5 I-102,11102 General Access Area

~3 EQ Zone Rim Normal [60/100*F,10/90% RH,8.8E2 rd gamma]

LOCA [119'F peak, 90% RH,1.4E2 rd/hr gamma peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak,1.5E4 rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB [Not applicable]

6 ~ I-106, II-106 HPCI Penetration Room EQ Zone Rlb Normal [60/100*F,10/90% RH,8.8E2 rd gamma]

LOCA [125'F peak,90/100% RH, 4.4E3 rd/hr gamma peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak,1.7E3.rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB [300'F for 60 sec,2.2 psig for 2 sec,0.7 psig for 58 sec)


EQDF-48 7 I-107,11-107 RCIC Penetration Room EQ Zone Rlh- 3 Normal (60/104'F,10/90% RH,8.8E2 rd gamma]

LOCA (123'F peak,90/100% RH,6.9E3 rd/hr gamma peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak,2.9E3 gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days).

HELB (240*F for 25 sec,0.6 psig for 0.5 sec, atmospheric thereafter]

8 I-202,11-202 RHR Piping and Penetration Room EQ Zone Ric Normal (60/115'F,10/90% RH,3.5E4 rd gamma]  ;

LOCA (139'F peak,90/100% RH, 8.6E4 gamma peak,1.9E3 beta peak, 1.7E6 rd gamme. 4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB . [300'F for 60 sec,2.2 psig for 1 sec,0.5 psig for 59 sec) l 9 I 204,11-204 RHR Piping and Penetration Room EQ Zone Ric /

Same as I-202,11202 10 I-411,11-411 Pipeway 719' Ixvel EQ Zone R3-

. Normal . [40/130'F,10/90% RH,1.8E6 rd gamma] _

LOCA (130*F,100% RH,1.lES rd/hr gamma peak,1.9E3 rd/hr beta peak, 3.7E6 rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]

HELB [300'F 15 sec,8.2 psig for 0.25 sec,0.7 psig for 0.75 sec,2.6 psig for __  ;

3.5 sec, ramp to atmospheric at 5.6 seconds elapsed time]

11 I 501,11-501 Reactor Water Clean-up Rooms EQ Zone Rle Normal (60/104*F,10/90% RH,3.5E6 rd)

LOCA (131'F,90/100% RH,3.6E2 rd/hr gamma,1.9E3 rd/hr beta,3.5E6 rd gamma,4.3E5 rd beta TID @ 180 days]'

HELB (21-2 'F for 40 sec, 2.2 psig for 1 sec,1 psig 0.5 sec,0.4 psig 38 sec]

12 I-520,11-520 Pipeway'R3 for Ele 745' 7" EQ Zone R3 Same as I-411, I1-411

. - - . - . - - . ---.,.e..r.... .. . .,, .. ,,,.i.i , . , ,

. := . .

Page 29 of 32 BCN No. 21 EQDF-48 TABLE 4. RADIATION ONLY MOVs Unit 1 MOVs with 250 Vdc Motors Note: This table also applies to Unit 2 valves with similar numbers.

The following valves have no safety function during HELBs in the associated room.

They are required to operate during the secondary eff: cts radiation environment associated with LOCAs.







. a , 1 Page 30 cf 32 ]

BCN No. 21 l EQDF-48 TABLE 5. VALVES WITH HELB FUNCTIONS The following valves have safety related functions during HELBs and have safety-

- functions when s;bjected to the secondary effects radiation from a LOCA. I Device Duration of Identity No. Description Room HELB Func.

HV E41 IF003 HPCI STM SUP LINE ISO VLV I 202 2 minutes HV E412F003 HPCI STM SUP LINE ISO VLV 11-202 2 minutes HV E51 IF008 RCIC OB STM LINE ISO VLV I-202 2 minutes HV E512F008 RCIC OB STM LINE ISO VLV 11202 2 minutes HV G33 IF004 RWCU OB ISO VLV I 501 2 minutes HV G33 2F004 RWCU OB ISO VLV 11-501 2 minutes


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10 --

8.2 9-7 8-:

n 9

e 7 --

o- 6 --

v w 5 --

x 3 4 _..

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w 3- -

2.6 m

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1-- ' 07 0 I-  ! I I I I I I I  ! ' I I I  !  ! I i i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TIME (SECONDS)

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Figure 1. HELB Profile for Group A Rooms hh5 L 2,


') u .i I i 7- :: 0 ,u.


..p D

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n 9 7--

M o- 6--

v w 5- 4.2 g

_m M 4 :

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& 2.2 O_ g_ _-

1 0.5 -(

i r-0 I I i i i i- i i i 55--- i I i i ! I i i \

12 10 50 60 TIME (SECONDS)

E ezEl.

Figure 2. HELB Enveloping Profile for Group B Rooms

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