ML20065G873 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 04/05/1994 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20065G707 | List: |
References | |
2213, NUDOCS 9404130284 | |
Download: ML20065G873 (14) | |
' Docket Nuraber 50-346
, License Number NPF-3 Se rial Number 2213 Atthchment i
AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 4*e-4 d:p:nd:nt :ttam,cn:cator :::hry f : dater p; p: :nd-4&scr' ted '!:r path: ch:1' 5: OP Erf,0LC.
insert attached APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3.
"!th on: ?.u n ' ! h ry F :d:2ter Syst e 'neperd!, r:: tere the 'neperdle
- :y:t: : :: OPEPl.SLE ct:te
>!!b y S ;r: er 5: '- HOT EHLTOOM" i th'-
th: n; t 12 heuet. insert attached b.
With any Auxiliary Feed Pump urbine Inlet Steam Pressure Interlocks inoperable, restore the inoperable interlocks to OPERABLE status t
e in HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
insert atteched SUR not xtyu1xt i Each Auxili water Ey t:- '.
be demonstrated OPERABLE:
92 train a.
At least once r
days on a STA TEST BASIS l.
Verifying that each steam turbine driven pump develops a differen-p'*^
tial pressure of > 1070 psid on recirculation flow when the
( (Dg' 6 3 secondary steam supply pressure is greater than 800 psia, as measured on P! SP 128 for pump l-1 and PI SP 12A for pump l-2.
The croyisions of Specification 4.0.4 are _not applicable for entry 1
o$he D TEST BASIS by:
@ y4 t
o omatic in the flow 1
path is in its correct position.
- f. Verifying that all manual valves in the auxiliary feedwater pump l
suction and discharge lines that affect the system's capacity to
2 deliver water to the steam generator are locked in their proper position.
e )
'/ Verifying that valves CW 196, CW 197, FW 32, FW 91 and FW 106 o
7 5
3 are closed.
- g. At least once per 18 months by:
.E l.
Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to E
its correct position on 0;xil bry f;;d,:: r actuation test signal.
f r
j 2.
Verifying that each pump uurcs automatically upon receipt of @
-:: Ory fe d=tcr actuation test signal. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MODE 3.
y a
y DAVIS-BESSE, UNIT 1 3/4 7-4 Amendment No. 96.J22 N,131 ne mana8886 -
Docket Number 50-346 Ligense Number NPF-3 Serial Number 2213 Attachment Page 12 Insert for TS Two trains of auxiliary feedwater, each consisting of an auxiliary feedwater pump and associated flow path to both steam generators, shall be OPERABLE.
Insert for TS 3.7.1'.2 ACTION Vith one train of auxiliary feedvater inoperable to either steam a.
generator, restore the inoperable train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in IIOT SilUTDOVN vithin the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
Vith steam generator inlet valves AF 599 or AF 608 closed, re-open c.
the closed valve AF 599 or AF 608 vithin one hour or be in i10T STANDBY vithin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and HOT S!!UTDOUN vithin the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
Insert for SR Footnote "*"
Uhen conducting tests of an auxiliary feedvater train in MODES 1, 2, and 3 which require local manual realignment of valves that make the system inoperable, the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump and its associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE per Specification during the performance of this surveillance. If the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump or an associated flow path is inoperable, a dedicated individual shall be stationed at the realigned auxiliary feedvater train's valves (in communication with the control room) able to restore the valves to normal system OPERABLE status.
.DocketiNumber 50-346 License. Number NPF-3 Serial Number 2213 JAttachment Page 13 PLANT SYSTEMS o both generators SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS (Continued) i 3.
flow path each uxiliary Verifying that there is feedwater pump :nd :::5 steate'; n -et^ky pumping w the Conde r
Tank to -tha team :=aar"""
generators, oth The f15w'%with each pumpdf;Mg. ;rr:ter sha e verified by.
paths either steam'gerierator level change or Auxiliary Feedwater Safety Verification of the Auxiliary Feedwater Grade FT~ow-Indication.
System's flow capacity is not required.
/ The Auxiliary feed Pump Turbine Steam Generator Level Control System l
shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of a CHANNEL CHECK at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per d
31 days, and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months.
The Auxiliary feed Pump Suction Pressure Interlocks shall be
4 demonstrated OPERABLE by perfomance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per 31 days, and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per e
18 months.
Af ter any modification or repair to the Auxiliary feedwater Systemt l
that could affect the system's capability to deliver water to the g
steam generator, the affected flow path shall be derconstrated available as follows:
I' thc =dific;;i;r, ;r :pi i: 2=:::trer of the !::t #%
ac, th; ;;;ili;ry f :d pu ; ch:!' pu ? eter ' rem the-y f>
C=densatc St;r;;c T;nk t; thc :t;;: 5:ncr :;r; n i th: 'I m-t e
n t' : :f!:bi'3 ty "' i: erid by :ter ;:nr:tr 1:::1
<.A:nge n' %ni'i:ry T = 1::tr 5:fety Cr:d: " m: Int! :ti:n g
If the modification or repair is upstream of the test flow line, U
the auxiliary feed pump shall pump water through the Auxiliary Feedwater System to the test flow linet and the flow path l
,c ed by flow the test availabil flow lin M(::: n::: t:12:)
This Surveillance Testing shall be performed prior to entering MODE 3 if the modification is made in MODES 4, 5 or 6.
Verification of the Auxiliary Feedwater System's flow capacitys Insertattachedfoott$ote"*"
" t N h..w m i @ te; & ef,,iliry P;;ie:tr Sy::=. '" "00EE
', 2, ;c.d l which c ;;ir; I;=1 =nni r=li;r. cat of =1 ::
ic.;pccc.ble. ; d;dicetcd individ al :h ?? b; e*ei makc in 3,aw, Otati;ncd at th; c;.1;= (i = unicti= ith th: c r.tre? r00-)
Obla O rcn cr th: =he to r.:=:l':yttr OPEPf3LE :::tu -
j i
knenoment No. M,63.96,J22,131 DAVIS-BESSE, UNIT 1 3/4 7-5 I
Docket Number 50-346
,L,1cenac Number NPF-3 Serial Number 2213 Attachment' Page 14 Insert for SR 1.
If the modification or repair is downstream of the test flov line, each auxiliary feed pump (s) associated with the affected flow path shall pump water from the Condensate Storage Tank to the steam generator (s) associated with the affected flow path; and the flow path availability will be verified by steam generator level change or Auxiliary Feedvater Safety Grade Flov Indication.
Insert for SR Footnote "*"
When conducting tests of an auxiliary feedvater train in H0 DES 1, 2, and 3 which require local manual realignment of valves that make the system inoperable, the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump and its associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE per Specification during the performance of this surveillance.
If the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump or an associated flow path is inoperable, a dedicated individual shall be stationed at the realigned auxiliary feedvater train's valves (in communication with the control room) able to restore the valves to normal system OPERA 3LE status.
?Dockpt'.Num'ber 50-346
. :1,1c'ense. Number. NPF -
' Serial Number 2213
Page ::15.:
/ Following each
+ MM cold shutdown (>
s'in MODE 5), by:
. generators o both fr 1.
Verifying th e e is a flow path i, t ;;; each auxiliary g-feedwater pump zad :::. steam ;; :r ne. y pumping Condensat Storage Tank water o 4he team ;:::r ter.C ne tlow ta e-ths i
- tc th: te= gencr:te, sha be verified by either steam generator level change or Auxiliary feedwater Safety Grade Flow Indicationy with each both Verification of the Auxiliary Feedwater Systeu's flow capacity is not required. The Auxiliary Feed Pump. Turbine Inlet Steam Pressure Interlocks shall be demonstrated OPERABLE when the steam line pressure is greater than 275 psig, by perfomance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per
31 days, and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months. The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after exceedihg 275 psig during each plant startup, if the test has not been perfomed within the last 31 days.
_., f e q ~ ~. p. W ~
{ Vpp I
The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MODE 3.
L 1
4 s
DAvlS-BE5$E. Un n 1 3/4 1-Sa Amencent no. n.131
Docket Number 50-346
- 1:icenso Number. NPF-3
Serial Nun!ber 2213 Attachment Page 16 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3/ AUXILIARY FEE 0 WATER SYST F The OPERABILITY of the Auxiliary Feedwater Syst fa sures that the Reactor Coolant System can be cooled down to less than PF from normal operating conditions in the event of a total loss of offsite power. The OPERABILITY of the Auxiliary Feed Pump Turbine Inlet Steam Pressure Interlocks is required only for high energy ifne break concerns and does not affect Auxiliary ~
Feedwater System OPERABILITY.
Each steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump is capable of deli 0ering.4 total.
4ee4+ater Ocw cf 500-gp at : pressur4-of-4050-pci; te the entr-ance-of-tho-cte r gener44e m This capacity is sufficient to ensure that adequate feedwater flow is available to remove decay heat and reduce the Reactor Coolant System temperature to less than.280*F where the Decay Heat Removal System may be placed in operation.
~N the required feedwater flow at the full open pressure of the Main Steam Safety valves as assumed in the Updated Safety Analysis r<eport.
^wA JJ (3/ Continued on page B 3/4 7-2) n.
.o c-~ c w n e -,
c h Closure of valves AF 599 or AF 608 will render both trains of the Auxiliary Feedwater System and the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump System inoperable. This a is because closure of these valves would result in a complete loss of auxiliary feedwater to the steam generators for certain postulated feedwater line and steam f line breaks.
A t
vM 2
1 l
DAVIS-BESSE. INIT 1 B 3/4 7-lb Men <1 ment No.117.J72.J31.153 Next page is 6 3/4 7-2
Docket Number 50-346
- License Number NPF-3 Se' rial Number 2213 Attachment Page 17 PLANT SYSTEMS _
BASES 3/a.7.1.2 AUXILIARY FEE 0 WATER SYST ontinued)
, Following any modifications or repairs to the Auxiliary Feedwater System
, piping from the Condensate Storage Tank through auxiliary feed pumps to the
- steam generators that could affect the system's capability to deliver water to
- the steam generators, following extended cold shutdown, a flow path
- verification test shall be perfomed. This test may be conducted in MODES 4
- 5 or 6 using auxiliary steam to drive the auxiliary feed pumps turbine to
,: demonstrate that the flow path exists from the Condensate Storage Tank to the
- steam generators via auxiliary feed pumps.
!! Verification of the turbine plant cooling water valves (CW 196 and CW 197).
,; feedwater pump discharge valve (FW 106) in the closed position is required to
- address the concerns associated with potential pipe failures in the auxiliary
' feedwater pump rooms, that could occur during operation of the startup feedwater pump.
!! The OPERABil.ITY of the Condensate Storage Tanks with the minimum water volume i, ensures that sufficient water is available to maintain the RCS at HOT STANDBY t
- conditions for 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> with steam discharge to atmosphere and to cooldown the
- Reactor Coolant System to less than 280* under normal conditions (i.e., no loss
' j of offsite power). The contained water volume limit includes an allowance for
- water not usable because of tank discharge line location or other physical
. resultant offsite radiation dose will be limited to a small fraction of
'l10 CFR Part 100 limits in the event of a steam line rupture. This dose
{ { includes the effects of a coincident 1.0 GPM pr.imary to secondary tube leak
- in the steam generator of the affected steam *line. These valuei are consistent
- with the assumptions used in the safety. analyses.
! 3/ MAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION VALVES il l' The OPERABILITY of the main steam line isolation valves ensures that
. no more than one steam generator will blowdown in the event of a steam l line rupture. This restriction is required to 1) minimize the DAVIS-BESSE. UNIT 1 B 3/4 7-2 Amendment No. $8.96.JJ7/YTI.
I N1ft. f/f/9f.164 i
Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 2213
' Attachment Page 18 PLANT SYSTEMS HOTOR DRIVEN FEEDVATER PlTMP SYSTEN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The Motor Driven Feedvater Pump and associated 'flov.pth, to the l
Auxiliary Teedvater System shall be OPERA 3LE.
paths ACTION:
V Vith the Motor Driven reedvater Pump or its associated flov.p4b to the Auxiliary Feedvater System inoperable, restore to OPERABLE etatus within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in HOT SmTTDOVH within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
SURVEILLANCE PEQUIRIXINTS The required Motor Driven Feedvater Pump and flow-p*+h-to the l
Auxiliary Teedvater Sys 11 be demonstrated OPERABLE:
92 :y a.
At least once r-days by:*
l 1.
t' q usterly p H tae* i= eet pes 44=:! : N p.
Verifying J:; Tg:: etil b: p e r44***d - t : :eMpthe Motor Drive Teedvater Pump OPERABLE by starting the Motor Driven Teedvater Pump (if the pump is not already running) from
+ 4 5.nna, A b ation of flow, b At Icas g e per J1 da ERKAL POVER greater than 401 77 When in MO v
-*+*44r that each manual valve in the Motor Driven reedvater
/1 Pump suction and discharge lines that af fect the system's capability to deliver water t 1 locked in its proper positi 4+e-4*44 4:1 :y::;;; peted verifying
Vhen in NODE 1 with RATED THEPXAL POVER greater than 401,
-mHy that each power operated valve in the flow path is 2
a its correct position.
Vhen in MODE I at RATED TH OVER equal to or less than 40% or when in MODES. 2 or 3..u++44y that each valve (manual or power operated) in the Motor Driven feedvater Pump flow 3
path is able to be positioned locally for delivering flov to the Auxiliary feedvater System.
insert attached}::: :! :S Mete: 0:1::
'::h:+;r ".;,p Q:e+; i-y.0DE '
-t'++ 4 7 :h::
'^I ?>T'" ~ ~ # "** "4*h
- Gis; h
- 01 ::wel ::li ;.
. sect e' "21"et *%:
+ke-4h : y : : :W a+p+,+k1:, : h ote+ed--i,41 h:1
.+k+44-4+-++:t hn:d ce-4Wm / ! c et asit e tic: -Ath the teetrei rece)
.+41: :e
+4* +-t%
- @f:: ::
ul-4ye :: ^*E?>2LE :t::::.
1 DAVIS-BESSE, UNIT 1 1/4 7-12a Amendment No.103
' Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3
' Serial Numbdr 2213 j
Attachment a
Page 19 Insert for SR Footnote When conducting tests of the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump System-in MODE 1 greater than 40% RATED THERMAL POWER vhich require local manual realignment of valves that make the system inoperable, both auxiliary feedvater pumps and their associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE per Specification during the performance of this surveillance.
If one auxiliary feedvater pump or flow path is inoperable, a dedicated individual shall be stationed at the realigned Motor Driven Feedvater Pump System's valves (in communication with the control room) able to restore the valves to normal system OPERABLE status.
1 Docket Number 5.0 346' License. Number NPF-3 i
serial Number 2213 Attachment Page 20 Pt. ANT SYSTDtS StrRVElli.ANCE REQUIRDENTS (Continued)
(Ability is demonstrated by verifying the presence of handvheels for all manual valves and the presence of either i
handvheels or available power supply for motor operated valves.)
At least once per 92 days and prior to entry into
'from t
MODE 4 (if not performed in the past 92 days) bya a
C 1.
Verifying proper operation of each power operated and automatic valve in the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump flow path to the Auxiliary Teedvater Systen.
. c:
Veri-g proper operation of the Motor Driven Feedvater Pum.
- v
At least once per 18 months by:
.M o
d 1.
Verifying that there is a flow path between the Motor
- 0 Driven Feedvater Pump System and the Auxiliary Teedvater tu i
System by pumping water from the Condensate Storage Tanks e
to the steam generators. The flow path to the steam "E
i generators shall'be verified prior to entering MODE 3 free MODE 4 by either steam generator level change or Auxiliary Feedvete f1:r P 'i: :ics. Verification of Motor Driven j
g i
x Teedvater Pump System flow capacity is not required.
y 2.
Verifying proper operation of the Motor Driven Feedveter Pump lube oil interlocks.
Verifying proper operation of manual valves by shif ting the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump between the Main Feedvater System and the Auxiliary Teedvater System.
" '; ; U ; m :! A-im wnwitb ur4tiven4e+4v*++7 h;- U*++*~'
- ~. T..'; _3 - k I5E-5 +gers tueh.-eeqvire ha l use*1. 7 - 11 F^
"I e
, [.Ctd i- ;; r*Me -*-4+44***M4
m e 'n % : m attet4ca -' n i " "** Y " s v
[ '[. 41"
' e n e r*d-eyen.4FTMbs-+a*
insert attached "If the Motor Driven Feedvater Pu=p cannot be tested within the time period specified, due to being aligned to the Main Feedvater System, the Surveillance Requirement shall be met within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> af ter the Moto-Driven Ferdvater Puep has been aligned to the Auxiliary Feedvater System for i hour.
DAVIS-BESSE. LINIT 1 3/4 7-12b Amendment No.103 4
.c, - -
4 m
Docket Number 50-346'
, License Numbe r NPF-3 Serial Number 2213 Attachment' Page 21 Insert for SR Footnote When conducting tests of the Motor Driven Feedvater Pump System in HODE 1 greater than 40% RATED THERHAL POVER vhich require local manual realignment of valves that make the system inoperable, both auxiliary feedvater pumpc and their associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE per Specification during the performance of this surveillance.
If one auxiliary feedvater pump or flow path is inoperable, a dedicated individual shall be stationed at the realigned Motor Driven Feedvater Pump System's valves (in communication with the control room) able to restore the valves to normal system OPERABLE status.
tDocket Number.50-34'6 1
1,1 cense Number NPP J Serfal Number 221;-
j Attachment
-Page 22
Af ter any modification or repair to the Motor _ Driven Teedvater
Pump System that could af fect the ayetem's capability to deliver veter f rom the condensate Storage Tanks to the Auxiliary Feedvater e
System, the affected flow path shall be demonstrated suitable as follova ***
If the modification or repair is in the Auxiliary Feedvater flow path dovnetreau of the Motor Driven Teedvater Fusp test flov line tie-in. the Motor Driven Teedvater Pump shall pump water from the Condensate Storage Tanks to the Auxiliary Teedvater System and the flow path availability vill be verified by either steam generator level change or Auxiliary Teedvater fiev 1;41=i;;.
If the. modification cr -repa*.r is upstream 'of the Motor f
Driven Teedvater Pump test flov line tie-in. the Motor Driven Teedvater Pump shall pump veter from the Condensate Storage Tanks to the test flov line and the flow path
availability will be verified by Motor Driven Feedvater Fumq!!:r in!!::t4*ev f.f MODE $). by:
Following each extended COLD SHUIDOVN (greater ~than 30 days in I
Verifying that there is a flow path between the Motor Driven Teedvater System and the Auxiliary Teedvater System by pumping water' from the Condensate Storage Tanks to the steam generators. The flow path to the steam' generators shall be verified prior to entering MODE 3 from MODE 4 by either steam generator level change or. Auxiliary Feedvater A.4 hr indien ice. Verification of Motor Driven Teedvater
Fump flow capacity is not required.
Safety Grade Flov Indication.
nW l
- * *This surveillance *esting shall be performed prior to entering ' MODE 3 L erifica-f rom MODE 4 if the modification is made in HODES 4. 5. or 6.
V tion of the Motot Driven Teedvater Pump flow capacity is not required.
3/4 7-12c Amendzent No.103 (Next page is 3/4 7-13)
f Docket Number 50-346
< License Number NPF-3 Scrial Number 2213 A tt'a c hme n t Page 23 PLANT SYSTEMS 4
BASES positive reactivity effects of the Reactor Coolant System cooldown associated with the blowdown, and 2) limit the pressure rise within containment in the event the steam line rupture occurs within contaiment. The OPERASILITY of' the main steam isolation valves within the closure times of the surveillance requirements are consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analyses.
The Motor Driven Feedwater Pump System must be capable of providing feedwater flow to each steam generator in order to be OPERABLE.
r 3/ MOTOR DRIVEN FEEDWATER PUMP SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump System ensures that the Reactor Coolant System can be cooled down from normal operating conditions in the event of the total loss of Main Feedwater and Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps.
~ )
The Motor Driven Feedwater Pump flow capability ensures that adequate feedwater flow is available to reove Decay Heat and reduce the Reactor Coolant System temperature to where the Decay Heat System may be placed into operation.
When at 40% RATED THERMAL POWER or less and in MODES 1. 2. or 3. the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump System may be aligned to provide a flow path from the Deaerator Storage Tank through the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump to the Main Feedwater Systen. During this Motor Driven Feedwater Pump-mode of operation, a flow path f rom the Condensate Storage Tanks through the Motc,r Driven Feedwater Pump to the Auxiliary Feedwater System shall be maintained with the ability for manual positioning of valves such that Amendment No. M J. 135 DAVIS-BESSE UNIT 1 B 3/4 7-3 L
Docket Number.50-346
4.icense Number NPF-3 Ser%1 Number 2213 i
B AS E S the flow path can be established. The ability for local manus 1 operation is demonstrated by verifying the presence of the handvheels for all manus 1 valves and the presence of either handvheels or available power supply for motor operated valves.
3/4.7.2 STEAM CLVEMTOR FRE$$tTRI/TTXPERATURE LIMITATION The limitation on steam generator pressure and temperature ensures that the pressure induced stresses in the steam generators do not exceed the maximum allowable fracture toughness stress limits. The limitations of 110*T and 237 psig are based on a stasa generator RT of 40*T and are sufficient to prevent brittle fracture.
NDT 3/4.7.3 COMPONENT C00LINC VATER STSTEM The OPERA 31LITT of the component cooling water eyetes ensures that sufficient cooling capacity is available for continued operation of safety related' equipment during normal and accident conditions. The redundant cooling capacity of this systen, assumirig a single failure.
La consistent with the assumptions used in the safety. analyses.,
3/4.7.4 SERVICE VATI3t ST5 TEM The CFDARI1ITY of the service veter systas ensures that suf ficient cooling espacity is available for continued operation of safety related equipment during normal and accident conditions. The redundant cooling capacity of this system, assuming a single failure, is consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analyses.
3/4.7.5 ULTIMATE PEAT sib 7 The limitations on the ultimate heat sink level and temperature ensure that sufficient cooling capacity is available to either 1) provide normal cooldown of the facility, er 2) to attigsta the effects of accident conditions within acceptable limits.
The 11sittations on minimus water level and maximum temperature are based on providing a 30 day cooling water supply to safety related equipment without exceeding their design basis temperature and is consistent with the reconziendations of Regulatory Guide 1.27. " Ultimate Reat Sink for Nuclear Plants" March 1974 3/4.7.6 C0kTROL Room DGRCENCY VINTI1.ATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the control roen energency ventilation systes ensures that.1) the ambient air tesperature does not exceed the ellovable temperature for continuous duty rating for the.equipsent and instrumentation cooled by this systes and 2) the conttel room vill remain habitable for operations personnel during and following all credible accident conditions. The OPERASILITY of this-system in conjunction with control roos design provisions is based on limiting the radiation exposure to personnel occupying the control room to 5 ren or less whole body. or its equivalent. This limitation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criterion 19 of Appendix "A".
10 CTR $0.
DAVIS-BESSE. UNIT 1 8 3/4 7-4 Amendment No.103