MONTHYEARIR 05000329/20040251985-05-17017 May 1985 Notice of Violation from Insp on 850329-0425 ML20091L0421984-05-0101 May 1984 Notice of Violation from Insp on 781211-13,18-20,790104-05, 09-11 & 22-25.Handwritten Notes & Jd Kane Prof Qualifications & Experience Statements Encl ML20091M8981983-04-0606 April 1983 Notice of Violation from Insp on 830122-0220.Related Info Encl ML20055B0361982-07-0101 July 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820412-14,21-23 & 29 ML20010C2781981-08-0707 August 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810716-17 & 23-24 ML20009H0311981-07-23023 July 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810601-30 ML20126L8221979-12-0909 December 1979 Notice of Violation from Insp on 781211-790125.Noncompliance Noted Determined to Be Matl False Statement ML20062E2901978-11-0303 November 1978 Notice of Violation from Inspec on 780724-0928 ML20058A1921978-09-21021 September 1978 Notice of Violation from Inspec on 780829-31 1985-05-17
MONTHYEARIR 05000329/19860011986-10-28028 October 1986 Insp Repts 50-329/86-01 & 50-330/86-01 on 861015-16.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Plans for Facility,Matls Licenses & Insp of Remedial Soils Work Areas.All Work to Leave Soils Remedial Work in Safe Condition Satisfactorily Accomplished PNO-V-86-073, GL Mcchain,In Custody by FBI on Parole Violation,Issued Claims of Evading Security Background Checks for 6 Yrs While Working at Listed Facilities & Knows of Falsified Weld Records.Investigation in Progress1986-10-23023 October 1986 PNO-V-86-073:GL Mcchain,In Custody by FBI on Parole Violation,Issued Claims of Evading Security Background Checks for 6 Yrs While Working at Listed Facilities & Knows of Falsified Weld Records.Investigation in Progress PNO-III-86-034, on 860407,util Announced Plans to Convert Facility to Be Fueled by Natural Gas.Const on Facility Halted on 840716 Because of Financial & Rate Uncertainties. Conversion Phase to Be Completed in 19901986-04-0808 April 1986 PNO-III-86-034:on 860407,util Announced Plans to Convert Facility to Be Fueled by Natural Gas.Const on Facility Halted on 840716 Because of Financial & Rate Uncertainties. Conversion Phase to Be Completed in 1990 IR 05000329/20050101985-05-30030 May 1985 Insp Rept 50-456/85-16 on 850329-0510.No Noncompliance or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Actions on Previous Insp Items,Preoperational Test Program Implementation & Preoperational Test Procedures Review IR 05000329/20040251985-05-17017 May 1985 Notice of Violation from Insp on 850329-0425 IR 05000329/19780201984-07-18018 July 1984 Draft IE Insp Repts 50-329/78-20 & 50-330/78-20 from Insp on 781211-20 & 790104-25.Violations Noted:Inadequate Control & Supervision of Plant Fill Matl Placement & Const Specs Not Followed ML20091L0421984-05-0101 May 1984 Notice of Violation from Insp on 781211-13,18-20,790104-05, 09-11 & 22-25.Handwritten Notes & Jd Kane Prof Qualifications & Experience Statements Encl ML20206H8121983-09-14014 September 1983 Rept of Inquiry Q3-83-001 Re Allegation of Improper Welding & Termination of QC Inspector Employment.Inquiry Closed Based Upon Seriousness of Allegation That Kent Terminated Due to Contact W/Bechtel Personnel.Related Documents Encl ML20101Q7381983-06-23023 June 1983 Inquiry Rept Q3-83-005 Re CPC Plant,Allegations of QA Programs & HVAC Contractor Questionable Activity.Informs That Allegations Presented in Q3-83-005 Under Purview of Region III & Not OI Issues.Case Q3-83-005 Closed ML20091F1281983-06-23023 June 1983 Rept of Inquiry Q3-83-004 Re Allegations of QA Problems & HVAC Contractor Questionable Activity.Allegations within Purview of Region Iii.Case Closed ML20101Q7161983-06-13013 June 1983 Inquiry Rept Q3-83-003 Re CPC Plant,Allegations of QA & HVAC Contractor Questionable Activity ML20093N8831983-06-0202 June 1983 IE Investigation Rept 3-82-061 on 830103-0330.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations That Util Violated ASLB 820430 Order Re NRC Approval for Excavating in Remedial Soils Program.Investigation Closed ML20091M8981983-04-0606 April 1983 Notice of Violation from Insp on 830122-0220.Related Info Encl IR 05000329/19820231983-01-10010 January 1983 IE Mgt Meeting Repts 50-329/82-23 & 50-330/82-23 on 821220-21.Major Areas Discussed:Current & Projected Status of Emergency Preparedness Facilities,Equipment & Activities for Exercise & Appraisal Scheduled for Mar & Apr 1983 IR 05000329/19820191982-10-27027 October 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-19 & 50-330/82-19 on 820920-22.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program in Areas of Equipment Protection & Cleanliness, Test & Measurement Equipment & Personnel Training PNO-III-82-078, on 820809,licensee Issued Stop Work Order for Ongoing Remedial safety-related Soils Work at Site,After NRC Determination That Work Not Approved by Nrr.Procedures Requiring Written Approval of Work Will Be Developed1982-08-12012 August 1982 PNO-III-82-078:on 820809,licensee Issued Stop Work Order for Ongoing Remedial safety-related Soils Work at Site,After NRC Determination That Work Not Approved by Nrr.Procedures Requiring Written Approval of Work Will Be Developed PNO-III-82-071, on 820729,received Part 21 Rept Via Telcon W/Zack Co Re Documentation Discrepancies for Welds Made to HVAC Components at La Salle & Possibly at Clinton & Midland.Welder of Record May Not Be Actual Welder1982-07-30030 July 1982 PNO-III-82-071:on 820729,received Part 21 Rept Via Telcon W/Zack Co Re Documentation Discrepancies for Welds Made to HVAC Components at La Salle & Possibly at Clinton & Midland.Welder of Record May Not Be Actual Welder IR 05000329/19810231982-07-26026 July 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-23 & 50-330/81-23 on 811201-820630. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Exam of Site Conditions & Laydown Areas,Onsite Storage of Matl,Mgt Meetings & Changes in Site Mgt IR 05000329/19820101982-07-22022 July 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-10 & 50-330/82-10 on 820602-04,30 & 0701.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on 10CFR50.55e Items Re Containment Internal Structures Coating Deficiency PNO-III-82-068, on 820503,allegations from Former Employee of HVAC Contractor Received Re False or Incomplete QA Documentation for HVAC Work at Sites.Special Insp of Zack Co & Facilities Initiated1982-07-22022 July 1982 PNO-III-82-068:on 820503,allegations from Former Employee of HVAC Contractor Received Re False or Incomplete QA Documentation for HVAC Work at Sites.Special Insp of Zack Co & Facilities Initiated IR 05000329/19820031982-07-0101 July 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-03 & 50-330/82-03 on 820412-14, 21-23 & 29.Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Follow Procedures Re Attachment Changes to Drawings & Verification of Design Changes & Inadequate Controls During Excavation ML20055B0361982-07-0101 July 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820412-14,21-23 & 29 IR 05000329/19820091982-06-24024 June 1982 IE Mgt Meeting Repts 50-329/82-09 & 50-330/82-09 on 820514. Major Areas Discussed:Licensee Disposition of Results of Electrical Overview Insps IR 05000329/19820051982-04-19019 April 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-05 & 50-330/82-05 on 820203-05, 17-19,22-26,0309-10,17-19 & 30.Noncompliance Noted: Inadequate Procedures & Deviation from Commitment to Provide Adequate Technical QA Staff for Remedial Soils Work IR 05000329/19820061982-04-13013 April 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-06 & 50-330/82-06 on 820317-19. Noncompliance Noted:Lack of QA Program & Adequate Insp IR 05000329/19820141982-03-31031 March 1982 SALP Repts 50-329/82-14 & 50-330/82-14 for Jul 1980 - June 1981 ML20049H2451982-03-26026 March 1982 IE Info Notice 82-08, Check Valve Failures on Diesel Generator Engine Cooling Sys. W/Svc List ML20094M8491982-03-23023 March 1982 Chapter 0516 SALP, Describing Basis Structure & Overall Procedures for Implementation of NRC Program to Assess Licensee Performance.Ma Miller marked-up Memo Re Evaluation of SALP Encl IR 05000329/19820041982-03-10010 March 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-04 & 50-330/82-04 on 820302-04. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Shop Weld Repts & Radiographs,Previous Insp Findings & Nondestructive Exam Personnel Certifications IR 05000329/19820021982-02-12012 February 1982 IE Insp Repts 50-329/82-02 & 50-330/82-02 on 820119-22.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Insp Items, 10CFR50.55(e) Repts & Followup on IE Bulletins & Circulars IR 05000329/19820011982-02-0909 February 1982 IE Mgt Meeting Repts 50-329/82-01 & 50-330/82-01 on 820112. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Qa Organization & Changes & QA Program for Underpinning Activities IR 05000329/19810221981-12-15015 December 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-22 & 50-330/81-22 on 810901-1130. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Failure of Power Strut Spring Lock Nuts,Cycle 2 Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance & Changes in Site Mgt IR 05000329/19810191981-11-0606 November 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-19 & 50-330/81-79 During Sept 1981. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verification of QA Program for Dewatering Wells Being Installed as Result of 10CFR50.54(f) Request IR 05000329/19810201981-10-23023 October 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-20 & 50-330/81-20 on 811006-09.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Electrical Installation Activities,Review of Electrical Specs & Procedures & Review of Electrical Storage & Maint Program IR 05000329/19810181981-09-10010 September 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-18 & 50-330/81-18 on 810801-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Site Conditions, Specific Laydown Areas,Soils Settlement Bearings & Matl Storage Maint IR 05000329/19810161981-09-0101 September 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-16 & 50-330/81-16 on 810812-14.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preservice Insp Work Activities,Reactor Coolant Loop Piping & Flued Head Type Penetrations IR 05000329/19810171981-08-19019 August 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-17 & 50-330/81-17 on 810701-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Exam of Site Conditions,Allegations Re Installation of Small Bore Piping Sys,Mgt Meetings & Soils Settlement Hearing IR 05000329/19810151981-08-11011 August 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-15 & 50-330/81-15 on 810803-05.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Benchmark Stability Re Surcharging Borated Watertank Valve Pits & Containment 1 post-tensioning Quality Records ML20010C2781981-08-0707 August 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810716-17 & 23-24 IR 05000329/19810141981-08-0606 August 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-14 & 50-330/81-14 on 810716-17 & 23-24.Noncompliance Noted:Procedures Used by Resident Engineers to Review & Approve Field Redline Drawings Were Not in Accordance W/Field Change Procedures ML20009H0311981-07-23023 July 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810601-30 ML20009H0381981-07-21021 July 1981 IE Insp Repts 50-329/81-08 & 50-330/81-08 on 810601-30. Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Provide Adequate Storage Conditions for Equipment PNO-III-80-050, on 800315,two Pipe Fitters Attempting to Find Gas Leak,Broke Hose Coupling Containing Gas Pressure of 40 Psi.Gas Denotated by Activation of two-way Radio.Three Men Received Second & Third Degree Burns Over 15% of Body1980-03-17017 March 1980 PNO-III-80-050:on 800315,two Pipe Fitters Attempting to Find Gas Leak,Broke Hose Coupling Containing Gas Pressure of 40 Psi.Gas Denotated by Activation of two-way Radio.Three Men Received Second & Third Degree Burns Over 15% of Body ML20126L8221979-12-0909 December 1979 Notice of Violation from Insp on 781211-790125.Noncompliance Noted Determined to Be Matl False Statement IR 05000329/19780121978-11-14014 November 1978 IE Inspec Repts 50-329/78-12 & 50-330/78-12 on 781024-27 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected incl:10CFR50.55(e) Rept Concerning Settlement of Diesel Generator Foundation & Bldg IR 05000329/19780141978-11-0606 November 1978 IE Inspec Repts 50-329/78-14 & 50-330/78-14 on 780910-29 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Examination of Gen Site Condition & Steam Generator & Reactor Vessel Hold Down Bolting IR 05000329/19780131978-11-0303 November 1978 IE Inspec Repts 50-329/78-13 & 50-330/78-13 on 780724-0908 During Which 2 Items of Noncompliance Were Noted:Welds with Unequal Outside Diameters Were Accepted & Safety Related Control Rod Drive Primary Breakers Were Not Well Protected ML20062E2901978-11-0303 November 1978 Notice of Violation from Inspec on 780724-0928 IR 05000329/19780111978-10-26026 October 1978 IE Inspec Repts 50-329/78-11 & 50-330/78-11 on 780926-28 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Babcock & Wilcox Constr Co Nondestructive Examination Prog Procedures & Personnel Cert IR 05000329/19780101978-10-10010 October 1978 IE Inspec Repts 50-329/78-10 & 50-330/78-10 on 780913-15 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Included:Installation of safety-related Hangers & Restraints 1986-04-08
[Table view] |
Appendix A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Consumer Power Company Docket No. 50-329 Docket No. 50-330 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted on July 24-31, August 1-31, and September 1-8, 1978, it appears that certain of your activities were in noncompliance with NRC requirements as noted below.
These items are considered infractions.
10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V states, in part, " activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, Procedure or Drawings,
., and shall be accomplished in accordance with Instructions, Procedure or Drawings".
Technical Specification for Field Fabrication and Installation of Piping 7220-M-204(Q) states, in part, "Where pipe to be joined has unequal outside or inside diameters, or when a fitting has a thickness greater than the connecting pipe, the weld and transition Drawing referenced in the applicable Piping Class Sheet shall be followed. No part of the weld on the thicker side, beyond the crown, shall be of a lesser diameter than the crown. In cases where welds are ground smooth this applies after grounding".
Contrary to the above, it was determined on August 15, 1978, that veld joints with unequal outside diameters had been accepted after a visual examination which did not meet the existing specification.
10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XIII states, in part, that
" measurements shall be established to control the Handling, Storage,... and Preservation of material and equipment in accordance with work and inspection instructions to prevent damage or deteriorations".
Bechtel Power Corporation field procedure No. FPG-5.000, Mair.tenance/ Inspection of Material Equipment Release for Construction states, in part, that " maintenance activities to maintain the lutegrity of the item or its containers to include; Maintain all closures and sealing tape,
.. and providing maintenance in accordance with Manufacturer Maintenance instructions as applicable to the item being maintained".
This statement is made in reference to developing protective environments for equipment. The appro;riate manufacturer i
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I 781206 0 0 67 h
Appendix A instructions state, in part, "The Cabinets, Transformer and Voltage Regulators will be stored in an enclosed dry area where the temperature and humidity conditions remain constant."
i Field Procedure FPG-5.000 makes reference to ANSI- which states, in part, " Level A items shall be stored under special'
-corditions similar to those described for level B items but with additional requirements such as temperature and humidity control within specified limits... " - " Level B items shall be stored within a fire resistant,. weather tight, and well ventilated building or equivalent enclosure".
Contrary to the above it was determined on August 16, 1978, that Safety Related Control Rod Drive Primary Breakers were stored in an area which did not afford adequate protection from the weather or constituted a controlled humidity and temperature environment.
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