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Motion for Extension of Time Until 820820 & 27 to File Comments & Reply Comments Re ASLB 820727 Decision Re Restart.Delay Due to Conflicting Commitments
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1982
From: Aamodt M
Shared Package
ML20058J355 List:
NUDOCS 8208090238
Download: ML20058J351 (3)



,'j AAh - 8/3/82 ,

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i2 AS0 -6 NO R., '

In the Ma tter of )


PRANCH (Nuclear Genera' ting Station )

Unit 1) h0'O . . ,

AAMODT MOTION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIFE TO FILE THEIR COMMENTS CONCERNING THE BOARD'S DECISION OF JULY 27 The Commiss. ion by Order of March 10, 1982 announced that it would not make any decisions regarding the restart of TMI-Unit 1 until the Board's decision (of July 27) had issued and the parties had time to. file comments and reply comments.

These comments were to be filed within fourteen days af ter the service of the Board's decision with reply comments no later than seven days af ter service of initial comments. We find af.ter initial study of the Board's decision, that we' do not have sufficient time in which to comment. On Monday, August 2, we so notifief Mr. Rothchild, an attorney with the' Commission.

He informed ;us.'.'ihat our motion for an extension of time must be made in writing. The motion,is made2 heiewith.and for the following reasons.

The: Board's decision' arrived at an importune time; no warning was given so that prior commitments could be rearranged.

We are busy with our own affairs. We are also committed to a response, due August 6, concerning another matter before the Appeal Board (emergency planning for TMI-Unit 1). This matter requires us to peruse: a voluminous document (approxima tely 500 pages) received just seven days ago at the same time as 8208090238 820803 PDR ADOCK 05000289 G PDR N))

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-g-the Board 's decision and to respond, if needed, to this and other information.? Therefore, we cannot devote our resources to the Board's decision until August 7, at the earliest. We. find, from our initial reading of the Board's decision, .that we are in substantial disagreement. We are surprised by the decibion in view of the Special Master's Report. We believe that we will need considerable time to fully consider the Board's findings and reasoning before we can , comment. - The Commission evidently wanted to give the parties adequate time to comment. We would consider fourteen days barely enough time if we were unencumbered by prior commitments. The Board 's decision is lengthy (184 pages) and the product of three months or more of the Board's delibaration.

We need a full fourteen days when we are free to study and respond

_ to the Board 's decision. We request, therefore, that the Commission


extend the comment period with service of comments on August 2 and reply comments on August 27. s The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not opposa our The Licensee and Staff do oppose motion for an extension of time.

despite the fact that by their calculations of the deadline for filing of comments we are requesting only four additional days.

(The Licensee and Staff informed us that they consider service of comments by August 16 to be responsive to the Commission's Order.) The Licensee and' Staff would, however, be agreeable to receipt of ~ comments on August 20 (in the case of t'he License.e ,

by way of hand-delivery and in the case of the Staff, alternatively, by Express Mail) . We were not able to reach the legal represent-ative of Three Mile Island Alert and do not, therefore, have their We find that -theedelivery- services suggested by. the 1


Licensee and Staff would shorten.the time we would have to

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e prepare comments. We have fully considered the minimum amount of time we need in making our. request. We do not find a shortening of tilat time to be; prudent..

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. Resp'ectfully submitted,

. 'I5444L.(.  !'$(, [44w,-/,C Marjo e M. Acmodt August 4,1982


.- Served this day by deposit in U. S. mail, first class, to the Commission, the Ap. peal Board, the Board, the' parties 'nien-ti~one'd .there'in';'ind the' Uni'on of' Concerned Scientists.

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