IR 05000438/1982016

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IE Insp Repts 50-438/82-16 & 50-439/82-16 on 820501-31. Noncompliance Noted:Two Nut Ring Retainer Bolts Discovered Loose on Control Rod Drive Mechanisms CRDM 1209 & 1215
Person / Time
Site: Bellefonte  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1982
From: Crlenjak R, Quick D, Wilcox J
Shared Package
ML20058G169 List:
50-438-82-16, 50-439-82-16, IEB-77-01, IEB-77-02, IEB-77-03, IEB-77-1, IEB-77-2, IEB-77-3, NUDOCS 8208030244
Download: ML20058G256 (10)


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Report Nos. 50-438/82-16 and 50-439/82-16 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 500A Chestnut Street Chattanooga, TN 37401 Facility Name: Bellefonte Dccket Nos. 50-438 and 50-439 License Nos. CPPR-122 and CPPR-123 Inspection at Bel fonte site near Scottsboro, Alabama Inspectors: ,

J./ D! ilc6Cd M d//I 8L Date E/igned

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R. V. CrleTij'ak /

3 Y/$ hV Dat.e S5gned Approved DbyI'. R. Quick, Sectiorf Chief, Division of 6/ f". -W Date Signed Project and Reactor Programs SUMMARY Inspection on May 1-31, 1982 Areas inspected This routine, announced inspection involved 192 inspector-hours on site in the areas of construction surveillance, Quality Control Investigation Report (QCIR)

review, QA audit review, licensee identified items (Unit 1 & 2), housekeeping, Nonconformance Condition Report (NCR) review, welding performance qualification record review, licensee action on previous inspection findings, work release review, control rod drive mechanisms, embedded spent fuel cooling pipe, organic films after construction flushes, QC personnel physicals, invalidation of QC documents and secondary containment wal Results Of the 15 areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified in 14 areas; 1 item of noncompliance was found in 1 area (control rod drive mechanisms nut ring retainer bolts).

8208030244 820728 DR ADOCK 05000 t

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DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • Dahnke, Project Manager
  • F. Gilbert, Construction Engineer


  • G. Blackburn, General Construction Superintendent
  • D. Freeman, Electrical Engineer Supervisor EEU T. Brothers, Hanger Engineer Supervisor
  • F. Moses, Mechanical Engineer Supervisor H. Johnson, Welding Engineer Supervisor WEU
  • D. Smith, Assistant Construction Engineer
  • J. T. Walker, Assistant Construction Engineer
  • F. Huffman, Assistant Construction Engineer
  • J. Barnes, QA Unit Supervisor D. Bridges, Assistant Construction Engineer
  • L. McCollum, Instrument Engineer Supervisor
  • J. Olyniec, Civil Engineer Supervisor
  • B. J. Thomas, Assistant Construction Engineer W. P. Chapley, IEU G. Greer, QA Unit
  • K. Lawless, WEU E. Rose, QA Unit
  • A. Richards, EEU QC Supervisor D. Gillies, Hanger Engineering Unit
  • T. F. Newton, STW Supervisor P. C. Mann, Engineer Management Assistant
  • B. Sammons, Administrative Officer
  • B. A. Fisher, QCRU Superviosr
  • D. E. Nixon, MTU Other licensee employees contacted included 20 construction craftsmen, 8 technicians, 4 mechanics, 4 security force members, and 12 office personne * Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 2, 1982 with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 abov . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen)UnresolvedItem(438/82-06-10) Welding HVAC Duct Support The resident inspector reviewed the corrective action taken and results achieved and the steps taken to avoid further recurrence stated in a TVA letter dated April 30, 1982. The inspector considers the corrective action and steps taken to be satisfactory; therefore, this L _

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item is closed. However, it should be noted that on page 2 of the response of the violation under steps taken to avoid further violation I


it is stated:

BLN CONST has made the determination that this incident was an isolated case because of the fact that the sheet metal welder was acting against the directions of his immediate supervisor. Upon initial identifi-cation of the violation the foreman of the sheet metal welder was not aware of the requiremen . Unresolved items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or deviations. New unresolved items identified during this inspection are discussed in paragraphs 8, 16 and 1 . Independent Inspection Effort - Construction Surveillance The inspector spent most of his time in direct surveillance of hardware in the field which included the following areas:

(Unit 1 Reactor Building) Witnessed portions of erecting steel in annulus area; installing decay heat removal, startup and recirculation, chemical addition and boron recovering, component cooling water, spent fuel cooling, core flooding, makeup and purification and waste disposal piping; installing steam generator bumpers and snubber plates; installing main steam and feedwater piping whip restraints; installing reactor coolant whip restraint caps; installing exposed conduit and associated supports; installing local instrument panels in the instrument room; installing pressurizer and hardware; pulling and terminating cables; installing pressurizer surge line; tensioning upper steam generator supports; installing reactor coolant drains-and vents; flushing core flooding piping, installing spray line and associated supports, installing decay heat removal sump valve room pipe restraints, chipping concrete for installation of reactor coolant system hot leg pipe whip restraints, installing CRDM's on reactor pressure vessel (RPV)

l head, installing reactor coolant pump motor, cleaning reactor building spray


nozzle stub-outs, and installing shoring and forming for secondary dome.


l (Unit 2 Reactor Building) Witnessed portions of installation of the coolant system, large core flooding, decay heat removal, reactor building spray, waste disposal, auxiliary feedwater, makeup and purification, startup and recirculation, main steam, feedwater, component cooling water, and spent fuel cooling piping; installing steam generator snubber plates and bumpers; installing electrical penetrations; installing HVAC ductwork and associated handers, cable trays and supports, and exposed conduit and supports; installing spray line supports, performing fit up of supports, shear bar, i

and miscellaneous hardware for the pressurizer.

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(Auxiliary Building) Witnessed portions of installing chemical addition and boron recovery, startup and recirculation, component cooling, feedwater, main steam, auxiliary steam, auxiliary feedwater, spent fuel handling and


reactor building spray piping; installing spent fuel cooling and decay heat removal hangers, piping and valves; installing pipe supports in Units 1 and i

2 main steam valve room A; pulling and terminating cables, installing pipe supports on roof; installing radiation monitors; erecting fuel storage bridge in spent fuel pool; applying protective coating on Unit 1 ELEY 590, 649, 667 and 686; and working on catwalks and concrete pours, installing fire barrier walls around spent fuel cooling pump (General) Witnessed portions of installing fire protectio . Quality Control Investigation Report (QCIR) Review The resident inspector reviewed the description and recommended disposition of the following QCIR's:


QCIR N Date Title

. 20761 5/24/82 Hanger 1RK-MPHG-0013R3-Primary Member 20827 5/21/82 During chipping two south "through"

bolts were damaged 20679 5/20/82 Primary side enclosure box INI-EPEN-042-B is damaged 20684 5/20/82 Broken pressure indicator 2VA-MFAN-B-1B,


130-B, 129-B, and 128-B I

l These QCIR's were handled in accordance with Bellefonte's Quality Control <

. Procedure, BNP-QCP-10.26, Rev. No violations or deviations were identifie . Nonconforming Condition Report (NCR) Review j The resident inspector reviewed the item description, noncompliance i

description, recommended disposition and action required to prevent l recurrence for the following NCR's:

i NCR N Date Title l 1830 5/4/82 1"SCH 40, stainless steel pipe, ASME Section III, CL1 received as CL2.

i 1829 5/5/82 Temporary marking on S.S. Pipe

made to facilitate radiography operations.


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1828 5/5/82 Stainless steel weldolet (NAVCO) lack of fusion, suck bac These QCIR's were handled in accordance with Bellefonte's Quality Control Procedure, BNP-QCP-10.4, Rev. No violations or deviations were identifie . Work Release Review The resident inspector reviewed the type of work, description, engineering unit approval, and QA records affected for the following work releases (WR):

WR N Cate Title _

  • 33452 5/19/82 Wedge bolt installation
  • 33292 5/12/82 Wedge bolt installation 33267 5/13/82 Cut out welds IKE-026844, IKE-02685, IKE-02742, IKE-02743 33238 5/11/82 Drill through permanent protective coating for installation of (2) 3/8 di SSD's."

33074 5/5/82 Cut Weld "b" to allow pipe to be reworked per FCR no. M-374 The above noted (*) work releases should have specified to have the drill bit diameter verified prior to drilling for installation of wedge bolt This is identified as unresolved item 438, 439/82-16-01 " Drill Bits for Wedge Bolts". The remaining work releases were handled in accordance with Bellefonte's Quality Control Procedures, BNP-QCP-10.6, Rev. 1 . Licensee Identified Items (LII)

The resident inspector reviewed the status of the following LII's with site and ENDES personnel. The following licensee identified items have been reported to RII by TVA unless otherwise specified: (CLOSED)LII 438,439/82-12-04: " Errors in computer program SPSTRESS by CDC" (GEN CEB 8203) - This item was determined not reportable, (Closed)LII 438,439/81-25-32: ITT Actuator for Valtek (EEB 8005) The inspector reviewed the corrective action specified in the final report and made a field check to verify completion of the work. This item is closed, (Closed) LII 438,439/81-25-21: Fireproofing Material Applied to Conduit (NCR 1528) - The inspector reviewed the corrective action specified and made a field check. This item is closed. _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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5 (Closed)LII 438, 439/79-26-03 : Piping Analysis May Contain Erroneous Support Loads (CEB 79-30) - The inspector reviewed the corrective action specified in the final report. This item is closed.

t (Closed)LII 438/81-25-41: Excessive Pipe Support Vibration During Equipment Operation (NCR 1572) - The inspector reviewed the corrective action specified in the final report. This item is close (Closed) LII 438,439/80-08-11: Seismic Supports for Lighting Fixtures (NCR 1172) - The inspector reviewed the corrective action specified in the final report and performed a field inspection. The work has not been completed; however, TVA is proceeriing with completion in a satisfactory manner. This item is close (Closed) LII 438,439/80-18-01: Damper Actuation Asemblies (NCR 1199)

- The inspector reviewed the corrective action spec.fied in the final report and performed a field inspection. The work has been completed; however, the inspector noted that, of the switches inspected in the j field, one switch (0VM IZS 011A) cover plate was not securely attache Upon questioning by the inspector and a subsequent review by the licensee representative there was confusion as to what TVA group or organization was responsible to ensure proper closure of these switch cover plates. Until TVA identifies the responsible organization this item is open (438/82-16-06, 439/82-16-04).


10. Housekeeping The resident inspector reviewed the following housekeeping deficiency-reports for deficiencies identified and action taken to correct these deficiencies:

Deficiency Report N Date 716 5/10/82 717 5/11/82 724 5/24/82 726 5/26/82 These housekeeping inspections were handled in accordance with Bellefonte's Quality Control Procedure BNP-QCP-10.27, Rev. No violations or deviations were identifie t

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11. Quality Audit Review The resident inspector reviewed the following Quality Assurance Audits for accuracy and completeness:

Audit N Title No. of Deficiencies BN-C-82-02 0&CEU Testing Inspection of 4 Expansion Bolt Anchors BN-G-82-06 Disposition & Documentation of 1 ECN & FCP BN-G-82-04 Radiography 2 No violations or deviations ware identifie . Welding Performance Qualification Record The resident inspector reviewed the following welding performance qualifi-cation records for completenes Stamp N Welding Procedure N Test N Date PAEE GT-11-0-1A Rev. 6 GT-6-0-1-LH 5/4/82 PADW SM-11-B-3 Rev. 6 SM-4-B-3-H 5/7/82 FCKT GT-18-0-1 Rev. 5 GT-7-0-1-L(a) 5/10/82 FBXM GT-11-0-1A Rev. 6 GT-6-0-1-L 5/10/82 These welding performance qualification records were handled in accordance


with Bellefonte's Quality Control Procedure, BNP-QCP-10.24, Rev. 5.


No violations or deviations were identified.


1 Embedded Spent Fuel Cooling Pipe l The resident inspector reviewed numerous records on the embedded spent fuel


cooling pipe to ensure that the piping welds had been hydrostatically


tested. These records included hydrostatic test cards (BNP-QCP-7.6);

hydrostatic pressure test record (BNP-QCP-7.6, attachment A); hydrostatic pressure test log; ENDES memo BLN-KE-00053 (3-M2-GLM-1011 dated 10-11-76);

and TVA drawing No. 3BW 064-NM-01 Rev. 1. A sampling of weld joints was taken from the above records and checked to ensure that the joints were

properly hydrostatically tested.


No violations or deviations were identified.

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14. Control Rod Drive Mechanism The resident inspector observed work being performed on the Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDM) in the CDRM Clean Room on May 27, 1982. During this observation it was noted by the resident that two (2) nut ring retainer bolts (CDRM #1209 & CRDM #1215) were found loose on the control rod drive mechanisms. These deficiencies were immediately identified to the mechanical QC representative in the area. QCIR #20991 was generated with the following recommended disposition: " reinspect all installed nut ring retainer bolts for tightness. Record CRDM number for bolts forced loose listed on attached sheet. Disengage locking clips of all loose bolts and repeat steps and per SCC #INR-M-004 and, 17 & 18 per SCC

  1. INR-M-004 Document acceptance on appropriate SCC check off list and reference QCIR number." Further investigation revealed that a total of four(4) nut ring retainer bolts were forced loose during reinstallatio This included the addition of CRDM #1214 & 1245. It should be noted that the nut ring retainer bolts had been previously torqued and QC verified prior to being identified by the resident inspector. Sequence control chart SCC INR-M-004R1 Paragraph 31 states: " Torque nut ring retainer bolts to five (5) ft. Ibs." This item is identified as Violation 50-438/82-16-04 "CRDM nut ring retainer bolts."

15. Organic Films After Construction Flushes The Spent Fuel Cooling system was in the process of beir: t~ tially flushed for proof of cleanliness. Upon breaking the system open a foul odor was noted which may be indication of the presence of organic material. Webster's New World Dictionary 2nd College Edition, sub paragraph 4(a), (b), and 5, defined organic as " designating of any chemical compound containing carbon; designating of the branch of chemistry dealing with carbon compounds; of, having the characteristics of, or derived from living organisms". ANSI N 45.2.1-1973 paragraph 3.1.2 (sub-para 3) states: "The surface shall be free of orgainc films and contaminates such as oils, paints, and preservatives as determined by a visual examination or an organic solvent-dampened white cloth or an equivalent alternate method. When the system has received a final proof of cleanliness flush there should be an absence of organics".

The inspector will monitor these conditions. This is identified as Inspector Follow-up Item 438/82-16-05 " Organic Films." In addition several MEU QC personnel had been asked to describe the method by which they visually inspect for organics. The question could not be aswered by these personne . QC Personnel Physical Exams (Physical)

The resident inspector reviewed, between May 3-7, 1982, the health records of numerous QC personnel to ensure that proper eyesight / corrected vision / lack of color blindness exist among personnel performing quality control inspections. A sample of three or four QC personnel from each unit was reviewed. This review revealed that one IEU QC individual and one CEU QC individual had no record of receiving an eye examination since October 12, 1976 and March 15, 1976 respectively. The health record of the L

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IEU individual noted defective vision. ANSI N45.2.6 - 1978 paragraph 2.5 in describing " Physical" states: "the responsible organization shall identify any special physical characteristics needed in the performance of each activity. Personnel requiring these characteristics shall have them verified by examination intervals not to exceed one year".

The review noted that site health procedures specified: "an eye examination ,

is given to QC personnel upon initial hiring and once every 3 years". The individuals exceeded the site health requirments specified for physicals and had been notified by medical personnel of this delinquent time lapse; however, they did not respond. In addition, at the time of the review, no requirements on site specify that certain physical conditions be checked annually for QC personnel other than welding QC. This item is identified as Unresolved Item 438, 439/82-16-02 "QC Personnel Physicals."

1 Invalidation of Quality Control Documents During the past three months, the resident inspector has noted that numerous Quality Control Investigation Reports have been invalidated. At present, on site there is no criteria for invalidating a quality control document other than BLP-QCP-10-7R4 Paragraph 6.4.16 CFR 50 Appendix B Criterion XV states: " nonconforming items shall be reviewed and accepted, rejected, repaired or reworked in accordance with documented procedure." For exampla, QCIR No.16451, under the description, recommended disposition and invalidation sections states: Description: The Code Date Plate for NAVC0 spool piece INM-144 and weld No. 285 are sealed inside a sleeve with a grouted anchor hanger. These items need to be visually inspected and verified for completion of N5 Date Form. Recommended Disposition: Perform hydrostatictestonsaiditemsperG-29Mprocessspecification3.M.9.1(d)

(sheet 2 of 15, section 2) paragraph 2.11b using maintenance of pressure as the acceptance criteria. INVALIDATION Reason: The Assistant Construction Engineer said that no process specifications or procedures were violate The above is identified as unresolved Item 438,439/82-16-03" Invalidation of Quality Control Documentation."

Secondary Containment Wall The resident inspector observed the final concrete pour of the secondary t containment ring beam. The TVA drawings which pertain to this pour include

! drawing no RWO 725-XI-53R3 and 4RWO726-XI-55 R3. Two Civil Quality I Control personnel were on site observing this pour. Also one concrete batch I

ticket was checked on a truck delivering concrete to the secondary con-i tainment pou No violations or deviations were identifie . IE Bulletins The following listed IE Bulletins do not affect Bellefonte and are therefore closed for both unit L _ _ . _ _ _ _

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a. IEB 77-01 b. IEB 77-02 c. IEB 77-03



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