MONTHYEARML20202H8821997-12-0303 December 1997 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a Being Made Available in PDR & Encl IA-97-428, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a Being Made Available in PDR & Encl1997-12-0303 December 1997 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a Being Made Available in PDR & Encl ML20202H8981997-10-27027 October 1997 FOIA Request for Listed Pages from Section 19 of General Electric ABWR SSAR ML20210J3591997-08-11011 August 1997 Transmits Revised Fda for Us ABWR Std Design,Per App 0 of 10CFR52.FDA Allows ABWR Std Design to Be Ref in Application for Const Permit or Operating License,Per 10CFR50 or in Application for Combined License,Per 10CFR52 ML20149J7101997-07-23023 July 1997 Requests That R Simard Be Removed from Service Lists & R Bell Be Added to Svc Lists,Due to Recent NEI Reorganization NUREG-1503, Forwards Suppl 1 to NUREG-1503, FSER Re Certification of ABWR, Provided for Info & Use.Suppl Documents NRC Review of ABWR Design Since Issuance of FSER in Jul 19941997-06-19019 June 1997 Forwards Suppl 1 to NUREG-1503, FSER Re Certification of ABWR, Provided for Info & Use.Suppl Documents NRC Review of ABWR Design Since Issuance of FSER in Jul 1994 ML20148A5701997-05-0202 May 1997 Forwards Affirmation Ltr Complying W/Filing Requirements of 10CFR52.45(d) & 50.30(b) Re Application for Review of ABWR Design Control Document,Rev 4 for Design Certification ML20196F8771997-03-28028 March 1997 Forwards Licensee ABWR Design Control Document,Rev 4 to Incorporate Changes Needed to Reflect Commission SRM Decisions & Subsequent Discussion W/Staff & to Support Ssar ML20137G3161997-03-28028 March 1997 Forwards Rev 4 to GEs ABWR Design Control Document to Incorporate Changes That Are Needed to Reflect Commission SRM Decisions & Subsequent Discussions W/Staff ML20147C1041997-01-23023 January 1997 Responds to Requesting Opportunity to Review Design Certification Rule for ABWR Before Sent to Ofc of Fr for Publication.Request Denied ML20133B0191996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs of Approval of Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs,Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energys Advanced BWR ML20133A9901996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs That NRC Has Approved Asea Brown Boveri CE Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR as Evolutionary Reactor Designs ML20133A9871996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs of NRC Approval of Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs,Asea Brown Boveri-CE Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR ML20133A9811996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs That NRC Has Approved Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs:Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR ML20133A9791996-12-18018 December 1996 Approves Rules Certifying Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & General Electric Nuclear Energy Advanced Boiling Water Reactor ML20128P4981996-09-23023 September 1996 Forwards Proposed Rule Language for 3 Design Certifications Discussed at 960827 NRC Briefing ML20128N6001996-09-16016 September 1996 Provides Addl Info in Response to Several Questions Raised by Commission During 960827 Briefing on Design Certification Rulemaking ML20117H3311996-08-30030 August 1996 Forwards GE ABWR Dcd,Rev 3 (Filed in Category A),Abwr Cdm, Rev 8 (Filed in Category a) & ABWR Ssar,Amend 37,Rev 9 (Filed in Category K) to Incorporate Changes Ref in 960701 & s from Jf Quirk ML20115C0861996-07-0101 July 1996 Forwards GE Providing Background for Need for Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Control Document (Dcd), Markups Incorporating Comments Resulting from Interactions W/Nrc & DCD Markups for Addl Proposed Change ML20115G2201996-06-10010 June 1996 Provides Comments from Two NRR Organizations on Cdm & SSAR Change Pages.Markups of DCD & SSAR Encl ML20108D4481996-04-26026 April 1996 Responds to Staff Ltr Re ABWR DCD Change Package Which Recommends That GE Submit All Changes Identified by Foake Program.Ltr Contrary to Previous Understandings ML20107H3241996-04-16016 April 1996 Forwards marked-up Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Description Resulting from Info Developed in Course of ABWR Engineering Program ML20108D3111996-04-0303 April 1996 Forwards Marked Up Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Description Resulting from Info Developed in Course of ABWR First-Of-A-Kind Engineering Program ML20101G9021996-03-22022 March 1996 Forwards Amend 36 to Rev 8 to 23A6100, ABWR SSAR & Rev 7 to 25A5447, Certified Design Matl ML20101P1231996-03-15015 March 1996 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity on 960308 to Brief Commission on Views on Design Certification Rules, Particularly W/Respect to Issue of Applicable Regulations ML20092G0171995-09-15015 September 1995 Forwards Missing Pp 103-117 from Attachment B of from SR Specker on Behalf of GE Nuclear Energy Re Response to Proposed RM for Std Design Certification of Us Advanced BWR Design LD-95-041, Forwards Response to Ocre 950812 Comment on Design Features of GE Abwr.Disagrees W/Any Suggestion That NRC Extend Favorable Consideration of Comment to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design1995-09-0505 September 1995 Forwards Response to Ocre 950812 Comment on Design Features of GE Abwr.Disagrees W/Any Suggestion That NRC Extend Favorable Consideration of Comment to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20092B6431995-09-0101 September 1995 Forwards Analysis of Ocre 950812 Supplemental Comments on Design of Abwr,Notice of Final Rule & Statement of Considerations,In Order to Ensure That NRC Has Complete Technical Info on Subj ML20086G7981995-07-12012 July 1995 Informs of Changes to Svc List,Per Request of Jn Fox ML20084Q0621995-05-31031 May 1995 Forwards Revised Effective Page Listing for ABWR Design Control Document ML20078F4271995-01-26026 January 1995 Provides Info for Closure of ABWR FSER Confirmatory Item F1.2.2-2 Previously Addressed in 941222 Closure Ltr ML20077R9141995-01-17017 January 1995 Forwards Rev 2 to ABWR Design Control Document. Rev of Design Control Document Accompanied by List of Currently Effective Pages.List Provided as Attachment 2 ML20081K9361994-12-22022 December 1994 Documents Closure of ABWR FSER Confirmatory Items ML20080D3341994-12-22022 December 1994 Forwards Rev 1 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20077A7471994-11-23023 November 1994 Forwards Revised Fda for Us ABWR Std Design,Per App O of 10CFR52 & Notice of Issuance of Fda ML20081K9031994-11-18018 November 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to Technical Support Document (Tsd) for ABWR & Updated ABWR SSAR App 19P Markup.Updated Version of App 19P Incorporated as Attachment a to Tsd,As Agreed During 941006 Meeting W/Nrc ML20073M7221994-11-0404 November 1994 Forwards Proposed Rev to Section 3.8 of DCD Introduction for ABWR Re GE Meeting on 941102 ML20078E6391994-11-0101 November 1994 Forwards Description of Proposed Process for Controlling Changes to Severe Accident Evaluations & Explains Bases for Proposed Process ML20149G9751994-10-31031 October 1994 Requests That Encl Ltrs Be Distributed to Controlled Copy of Licensee QA Program ML20149G7081994-10-28028 October 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to ABWR Design Control Document (Dcd). DCD Comprised of Introduction,Certified Design Matl & Approved Safety Analysis Matl.Responses to NRC Comments Requested by Also Encl ML20081K8881994-10-13013 October 1994 Maintains That Proposition That GE Be Designated in Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as Source from Which Public Could Request Copies of Design Control Document (DCD) Inappropriate.Public Should Obtain Access to DCD from NRC ML20076F8451994-10-0505 October 1994 Responds to Re Root Cause & Corrective Measures on Unidentified Changes That Occurred in Design Control Document ML20081K8721994-09-20020 September 1994 Requests That ABWR Final Design Approval (Fda) Be Amended to Provide for Term of 15 Years from Date of Issuance & That,As Provided in SRM on COM-SECY-95-025,FDA Be Updated as Needed to Conform to Any Changes Resulting from Certification RM ML20149F7681994-09-0707 September 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20072Q2811994-08-30030 August 1994 Submits mark-up of Previous Version of Design Control Document Introduction Together W/Typed Rev ML20072T2691994-08-30030 August 1994 Advises That Industry Intends to Comment in Opposition to Applicable Regulations Approach & Proposed Text of Applicable Regulations in Design Certification Rulemaking Proceeding for Both ABWR & Sys 80+ ML20072C9821994-08-12012 August 1994 Responds to Re NRC Fee Regulations for Design Certification & Request Confirmation of Understanding of 10CFR170 ML20072E3381994-08-0909 August 1994 Requests Addition of Author Name to Svc List for Advanced BWR ML20072A8451994-08-0303 August 1994 Forwards Chapter 21 17x22 Inch Drawings to Replace Temporary 11x17 Drawings Provided in ML20071Q9091994-08-0202 August 1994 Forwards Ten Copies of Draft ABWR Design Control Document 1997-08-11
MONTHYEARML20202H8981997-10-27027 October 1997 FOIA Request for Listed Pages from Section 19 of General Electric ABWR SSAR ML20149J7101997-07-23023 July 1997 Requests That R Simard Be Removed from Service Lists & R Bell Be Added to Svc Lists,Due to Recent NEI Reorganization ML20148A5701997-05-0202 May 1997 Forwards Affirmation Ltr Complying W/Filing Requirements of 10CFR52.45(d) & 50.30(b) Re Application for Review of ABWR Design Control Document,Rev 4 for Design Certification ML20196F8771997-03-28028 March 1997 Forwards Licensee ABWR Design Control Document,Rev 4 to Incorporate Changes Needed to Reflect Commission SRM Decisions & Subsequent Discussion W/Staff & to Support Ssar ML20137G3161997-03-28028 March 1997 Forwards Rev 4 to GEs ABWR Design Control Document to Incorporate Changes That Are Needed to Reflect Commission SRM Decisions & Subsequent Discussions W/Staff ML20128P4981996-09-23023 September 1996 Forwards Proposed Rule Language for 3 Design Certifications Discussed at 960827 NRC Briefing ML20128N6001996-09-16016 September 1996 Provides Addl Info in Response to Several Questions Raised by Commission During 960827 Briefing on Design Certification Rulemaking ML20117H3311996-08-30030 August 1996 Forwards GE ABWR Dcd,Rev 3 (Filed in Category A),Abwr Cdm, Rev 8 (Filed in Category a) & ABWR Ssar,Amend 37,Rev 9 (Filed in Category K) to Incorporate Changes Ref in 960701 & s from Jf Quirk ML20115C0861996-07-0101 July 1996 Forwards GE Providing Background for Need for Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Control Document (Dcd), Markups Incorporating Comments Resulting from Interactions W/Nrc & DCD Markups for Addl Proposed Change ML20115G2201996-06-10010 June 1996 Provides Comments from Two NRR Organizations on Cdm & SSAR Change Pages.Markups of DCD & SSAR Encl ML20108D4481996-04-26026 April 1996 Responds to Staff Ltr Re ABWR DCD Change Package Which Recommends That GE Submit All Changes Identified by Foake Program.Ltr Contrary to Previous Understandings ML20107H3241996-04-16016 April 1996 Forwards marked-up Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Description Resulting from Info Developed in Course of ABWR Engineering Program ML20108D3111996-04-0303 April 1996 Forwards Marked Up Proposed Changes to ABWR Design Description Resulting from Info Developed in Course of ABWR First-Of-A-Kind Engineering Program ML20101G9021996-03-22022 March 1996 Forwards Amend 36 to Rev 8 to 23A6100, ABWR SSAR & Rev 7 to 25A5447, Certified Design Matl ML20101P1231996-03-15015 March 1996 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity on 960308 to Brief Commission on Views on Design Certification Rules, Particularly W/Respect to Issue of Applicable Regulations ML20092G0171995-09-15015 September 1995 Forwards Missing Pp 103-117 from Attachment B of from SR Specker on Behalf of GE Nuclear Energy Re Response to Proposed RM for Std Design Certification of Us Advanced BWR Design LD-95-041, Forwards Response to Ocre 950812 Comment on Design Features of GE Abwr.Disagrees W/Any Suggestion That NRC Extend Favorable Consideration of Comment to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design1995-09-0505 September 1995 Forwards Response to Ocre 950812 Comment on Design Features of GE Abwr.Disagrees W/Any Suggestion That NRC Extend Favorable Consideration of Comment to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20092B6431995-09-0101 September 1995 Forwards Analysis of Ocre 950812 Supplemental Comments on Design of Abwr,Notice of Final Rule & Statement of Considerations,In Order to Ensure That NRC Has Complete Technical Info on Subj ML20086G7981995-07-12012 July 1995 Informs of Changes to Svc List,Per Request of Jn Fox ML20084Q0621995-05-31031 May 1995 Forwards Revised Effective Page Listing for ABWR Design Control Document ML20078F4271995-01-26026 January 1995 Provides Info for Closure of ABWR FSER Confirmatory Item F1.2.2-2 Previously Addressed in 941222 Closure Ltr ML20077R9141995-01-17017 January 1995 Forwards Rev 2 to ABWR Design Control Document. Rev of Design Control Document Accompanied by List of Currently Effective Pages.List Provided as Attachment 2 ML20080D3341994-12-22022 December 1994 Forwards Rev 1 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20081K9361994-12-22022 December 1994 Documents Closure of ABWR FSER Confirmatory Items ML20081K9031994-11-18018 November 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to Technical Support Document (Tsd) for ABWR & Updated ABWR SSAR App 19P Markup.Updated Version of App 19P Incorporated as Attachment a to Tsd,As Agreed During 941006 Meeting W/Nrc ML20073M7221994-11-0404 November 1994 Forwards Proposed Rev to Section 3.8 of DCD Introduction for ABWR Re GE Meeting on 941102 ML20078E6391994-11-0101 November 1994 Forwards Description of Proposed Process for Controlling Changes to Severe Accident Evaluations & Explains Bases for Proposed Process ML20149G9751994-10-31031 October 1994 Requests That Encl Ltrs Be Distributed to Controlled Copy of Licensee QA Program ML20149G7081994-10-28028 October 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to ABWR Design Control Document (Dcd). DCD Comprised of Introduction,Certified Design Matl & Approved Safety Analysis Matl.Responses to NRC Comments Requested by Also Encl ML20081K8881994-10-13013 October 1994 Maintains That Proposition That GE Be Designated in Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as Source from Which Public Could Request Copies of Design Control Document (DCD) Inappropriate.Public Should Obtain Access to DCD from NRC ML20076F8451994-10-0505 October 1994 Responds to Re Root Cause & Corrective Measures on Unidentified Changes That Occurred in Design Control Document ML20081K8721994-09-20020 September 1994 Requests That ABWR Final Design Approval (Fda) Be Amended to Provide for Term of 15 Years from Date of Issuance & That,As Provided in SRM on COM-SECY-95-025,FDA Be Updated as Needed to Conform to Any Changes Resulting from Certification RM ML20149F7681994-09-0707 September 1994 Forwards Rev 0 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20072Q2811994-08-30030 August 1994 Submits mark-up of Previous Version of Design Control Document Introduction Together W/Typed Rev ML20072T2691994-08-30030 August 1994 Advises That Industry Intends to Comment in Opposition to Applicable Regulations Approach & Proposed Text of Applicable Regulations in Design Certification Rulemaking Proceeding for Both ABWR & Sys 80+ ML20072C9821994-08-12012 August 1994 Responds to Re NRC Fee Regulations for Design Certification & Request Confirmation of Understanding of 10CFR170 ML20072E3381994-08-0909 August 1994 Requests Addition of Author Name to Svc List for Advanced BWR ML20072A8451994-08-0303 August 1994 Forwards Chapter 21 17x22 Inch Drawings to Replace Temporary 11x17 Drawings Provided in ML20071Q9091994-08-0202 August 1994 Forwards Ten Copies of Draft ABWR Design Control Document ML20070H9651994-07-20020 July 1994 Forwards Rev 7 to 23A6100, ABWR Ssar, Amend 35 & Rev 6 to 25A5447, ABWR Certified Design Matl ML20070D9381994-07-12012 July 1994 Forwards D-RAP Design Description & ITAAC for Inclusion in Section 3.6 of Cdm & Cdm & SSAR Markups Addressing Minor Corrections ML20069Q3001994-06-23023 June 1994 Forwards Rev 6 for SSAR Amend 35 & Rev 5 for Certified Design Matl ML20070E1891994-06-0808 June 1994 Forwards Ssar Markup of Section 1A.2.34 Which Responds to TMI Item III.D.1(1).Mod Makes Section Consistent W/Ts Will Be Included in Amend 35 Mod Package Scheduled for Distribution Later This Month ML20070E1981994-06-0808 June 1994 Forwards SSAR Markup Indicating Applicable Edtion to UBC, AISI SG-673 & NEMA FB1 to ABWR Ssar.Changes Will Be Included in Amend 35 Mod Package.Notifies That Applicable Edition of Bechtel Rept BC-TOP-3-A Is Rev 3 ML20070D9331994-05-26026 May 1994 Forwards Results of Analyses to Assess Impact of Drywell Spray Actuation Following LOCA to Ensure Bounding Scenario ML20069B1831994-05-25025 May 1994 Resubmits Affidavit for GE Abwr,Proprietary Info Section 18H, Supporting Analysis for Emergency Control Operation Info ML20069G9301994-05-25025 May 1994 Submits non-proprietary SSAR Amend 35 & Certified Design Material Rev 4 to Listed NRR Recipients ML20069H2101994-05-25025 May 1994 Forwards 25A5447,Rev 4, ABWR Certified Design Matl & Nonproprietary & Proprietary Version of 23A6100,Rev 5, ABWR Ssar. Proprietary Version of SSAR Withheld ML20069A7371994-05-20020 May 1994 Forwards Proprietary SSAR Sections 11A.2 & 11A.4 to Specified NRR Recipients Listed on Attachment 1.Encl Withheld ML20029D4211994-04-29029 April 1994 Forwards Revised Ssar Markups Responding to Commitments Made at 940415 Meeting in Rockville,Md,Including Addl Info Reflecting Locking Mechanisms of Subassemblies & European Experience & Finalized TS for CRD Removal - Refueling 1997-07-23
[Table view] |
GENuclear Energy.
175 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125
-ll 1
June 14,1993
' Docket No. STN 52-001 Chet Poslusny, Senior Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate--
Associate Directorate for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal.
Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regtdation
Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule '- DFSER Open Item.
Dear Chet:
Enclosed is a SSAR markup which replaces the markup provided in my April 28,1993 letter addressing DFSER Open Item 1.2.6-1.
Please provide a copy of this transmittal to Jerry Wilson.
- f Jack Fox Advanced Reactor Programs cc: Alan Beard (GE)
Norman Fletcher (DOE)
Bernie Genetti(GE) h.
'9306290311 930614 DI PDR. ADOCK 05200001 l.
'Mkb 33A6100AC Standard Plant new c
1.1.4 Type of License Required 1.1.1 Format and Content This ABWR SSAR is submitted in support of the application for final design approval (FDA)
The Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Standard and design certification (DC) for the ABWR Safety Analysis Report (ABWR SSAR), is written in Standard Plant.
accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.70. For consistency with NUREG-0800, the ABWR SSAR 1.1.5 Number of Plant Units includes Section 15.8 which addresses anticipated transients without scram and Chapter 18 which For the purpose of this document, only a addresses human factors. In addition, response to single standard plant will be considered.
TMI related matters is presented in Appendix 1A.
1.1.6 Description of Location The response to severe accident policy statement is provided in Chapter 19. Chapter 20 is This plant can be constructed at any location included to provide a question and response guide, which meets the pargneters identified in Chapter 2.
1.1.2 ABWR Standard Plant Scope 1.1.7 Type of Nuclear Steam Supply The ABWR Standard Plant includes all buildings which are dedicated exclusively or primarily This plant will have a boiling water reactor to housing systems and the equipment related to the nuclear steam supply system designed and supplied nuclear system or controls access to this equipment by GE and designated as ABWR.
and systems. There are five such buildings within the scope of the ABWR Standard Plant. These are:
1.1.8 Type of Containment (1) Reactor building (including containment);
The ABWR will have a low-leakage containment vessel which comprises the drywell and pressure (2) Service building; suppression chamber._ The containment vesselis a cylindrical steellined reinforced concrete structure (3) Controlbuilding; integrated with the reactor building. The containment nomenclature is specified in Figure (4) Turbine building; and 1.11.
(5) Radwaste building.
1.1.9 Core Thermal Power Levels ne information presented in this ABWR SSAR pertains to one reactor unit with a rated power level of 3926 MWt and a design power level of In addition to these buildings and their 4005MWt. The station utilizes a single cycle, contents, the ABWR Standard Plant provides the forced-circulation, boiling water reactor (BWR).
supporting facilities shown in Figure 1.2-1.
The heat balance for rated power is shown in
> 1 N S E P,T I. t. 2.
Figure 1.12. He station is designed to operate at 1.1.3 Engineering Documentation a gross electrical power output of approximately 1356 MWe and net electrical power output of Engineering documentation for the ABWR approximately 1300 MWe.
Standard Plant is listed on Master Parts List (MPL)
No.18NS07A03*. This MPL is a controlled list, structured by system, that contains the identification of hardware and software documentation that defines the ABWR Standard Plant.
- GE Proprietary 1.1-1 Amendment 9 l
1 Insert 1.1.2 The ABWR evolutionary design provides an essentially complete nuclear power plant except for site-specific elements. The site-specific elements are included as representative conceptual designs with interface requirements sufficient for the final safety analysis and design-specific probabilistic risk assessment in accordance with 10 CFR 52.47 (a) (1) (vii) and (b) (1). Unless other wise noted the following site specific elements are outside the scope of the ABWR standard design:
Ultimate Heat Sink (9.2.5), interfaces with reactor service water (spray pond, conceptual) 2)
Offsite Power (8.2.4), transmission 3)
Makeup Water System (9.2.8), preparation 4)
Potable and Sanitary Water Systems (9.2.4), partial-5)
Reactor Service Water (9.2.15), rejects heat to the Ultimate Heat Sink, partial 6)
Turbine Service Water (9.2.14), rejects heat to the Power Cycle Heat Sink, partial 7)
Lighting and Servicing Power Supply (9.5.3), partial 8)
Communications (9.5.2), partial 9)
Site Security (13.6.2) 10)
Power Cycle Heat Sink (, provides heat sink for the Circulating Water and Turbine Service Water systems ( cooling tower, conceptual) 11)
Circulating Water System (, circulates power cycle water and supplies makeup water, partial
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' 23A6100AJ Standard Plant am A i0.4.5 CirculatingWaterSystem each pump is fitted with a butterfly vtive. This arrangement permits isolation and maint' nance of e
The circulating water system (CWS) provides any one pump while the others remain in operation.
cooling water for removal of the power cycle waste heat from the main condensers and transfers this The circulating water system and condenser is heat to th timato cat sink.
designed to permit isolation of each set of the three Power cycle series connected tube bundles to permit repair of Design Bases leaks and cleaning of water boxes while operating at reduced power. Safety Design Bases The circulating water systtm includes water box j
The CWS does not serve or support any safety vents to help fill the condenser water boxes during function and has no safety design basis.
startup and removes accumulated air and othes gases from the water boxes during normal operation. Power Generation Design Bases A chemical additive subsystem is also provided to Power Generation Desien Basis One - The CWS prevent the accumulation of biological growth and supplies cooling water at a sufficient flow rate to chemical deposits within the wetted surfaces of the condense the steam in the condenser, as required for system.
optimum heat cycle efficiency. Component Description Power Generation Desim Basis Two. The CWS is automatically isolated in the event of gross leakage Codes and standards applicable to the CWS are into the condenser pit to prevent flooding of the listed in Section 3.2. The system is designed and l turbine building.
constructed in accordance with quality group D spec-ifications Table 10.4-3 provides design parameters 10 0.5.2 Description for the major components of the circulating water system. General Description System Operation The circulating water system is illustrated in Figure 10.4-3. The circulating water system consists The CWS operates continuously during power of the following components: screen house and generation including startup and shutdown. Pumps intake screens; pumps; condenser water boxes and and condenser isolation valve actuation is controlled piping and valves; tube side of the main condenser; by locally mounted hand switches or by remote water box fill and drain subsystem; and related manual switches located in the main control room.
support facilities such as for system water treatment and general maintenance.
The circulating water pumps are tripped and the gewer eve /g pump and condenser valves are closed in the event of The 4gtneat sink is designed to maintain a system isolation signal from the condenser pit the temperature of the water entering the circulation high-high level switches. A condenser pit high level water system within the range of 32 F to 100 F. The alarm is provided in the control room. The pit water circulating water system is designed to deliver water level trip is set high enough to prevent inadvertent to the main condenser within a temperature range of plant trips from unrelated failures, such as a sump 40 F to 100 F. The 40"F minimum temperature is
- overflow, maintained, when needed, by warm water recircula-tion.
Draining of any set of series connected con-denser water boxes is initiated by closing the The cooling water is circulated by three fixed associated condenser isolation valves and opening speed motor driven pumps.
the drain connection and water box vent valve.
When the suction standpipe of the condenser drain The pumps are arranged in parallel and dis-pump is filled, the pump is manually started. A low charge into a common header. The discharge of level switch is provided in the standpipe, on the Amendment 21 104 9
33A6100AJ Standard Plant bA suction side of the drain pump. This switch will tion valves are interlocked with the circulating water automatically stop the pump in the event of low pumps so that when a pump is started,its discharge water levelin the standpipe to protect the pump valve will be opening while the pump is coming up to from excessive cavitation.
speed, thus assuring there is water flow through the pump. When the pump is stopped, the discharge 10.433 Evaluation valve closes automatically to prevent or minimize backward rotation of the pump and motor.
The CWS is not a safey-related system; however, a flooding analysis of the turbine building is Level switches monitor water levelin the con-performed on the CWS postulating a complete denser discharge water boxes and provide a permis-rupture of a single expansion joint. The analysis sive for starting the circulating water pumps. These assumes that the flow into the condenser pit comes level switches ensure that the supply piping and the from both the upstream and downstream side of the condenser are full of water prior to circulating water break and, for conservatism,it assumes that one pump startup thus preventing water pressure surges system isolation valve does not fully close.
from damaging the supply piping or the condenser.
Based on the above conservative assumptions, To satisfy the bearing lubricating water and shaft the CWS and related facilities are designed such that scaling water interlocks during startup, the circulating the selected combination of plant physical arrange-water pump bearing lubricating and shaft seal flow ment and system protective features ensures that all switches, located in the lubricating seal water supply credible potential circulating water spills inside the lines, must sense a minimum flow to provide pump turbine building remain confined inside the con-start permissive.
denser pit. Further, plant safety is ensured in case of multiple CWS failures or other negligible probability Monitoring the performance of the circulating CWS related events by the plant safety related gen-water system is accomplished by differential pressure eral floodmg protection provisions that are discussed transducers across each half of the condenser with in Section 3.4.
remote differential pressure indicators located in the main control room. Thermal element signals from Tests and Inspections the supply and discharge sides of the condenser are transmitted to the plant computer for recording, The CWS and related systems and facilities are
. display and condenser performance calculations tested and checked for leakage integrity prior to p
,r c 9 c je, initial plant startup and, as may be appropriate, To prevent icing'and free p wnen the ambiem following major maintenance and inspection.
temperature of the _ tima e eat sink falls below 32 F, warm water from the discharge side of the All active and selected passive components of condenser is recirculated back to the screen house the circulating water system are accessible for intake. Thermat elements, located ia cach condenser inspection and maintenance / testing during normal supply line and monitored in the main control room, power station operation.
are utilized in throttling the warm water recirculation valve, which maintains the minimum inlet tempera-10.433 Instrumentation Applications ture of approximately 40 F.
Temperature monitors are provided upstream 10AJ4 Flood Protection and downstream of each condenser shell section.
A circulating water system pipe, waterbox, or Indication is provided in the control room to expansion joint failure,if not detected and isolated, identify open and closed positions of motor-operated would cause internal turbine building floodmg up to butterfly valves in the CWS piping.
slightly over grade level, with excess flood waurs potentially spilling over on site. If a failure occurred All major circulating water system valves which within the condensate system (condenser shell side),
control the flow path can be operated by local the resulting flood level would be less than grade level controls or by remote manual switches located on due to the relatively small hotwell water inventory the main control board. The pump discharge isola-relative to the condenser pit capacity. In either event the floodmg of the turbine building would not affect Amendment 26 10.4-10
i 33A6t00AJ Standard Plant
,,,3 P
safety related equipment since no such equipment is located inside the turbine building and all plant safety related facilities are protected against site surface water intrusion, tus E e r s 1,4. S. 7 Ano 10 f f ed 10.4.6 Condensate Cleanup System The condensate cleanup system (CCS) purifies and treats the condensate as required to maintain reactor feedwater purity, using filtration to remove suspended solids including corrosion products, ion exchange to remove dissolved solids from condenser leakage and other impurities, and water treatment additions to minimize corrosion / erosion product releases in the power cycle.
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10.4 10.1 Amendment 26
lN3f9T Portions of the CWS Outside Scope of ABWR Standard Plant.
The portion outside the ABWR Standard Plant includes:
screen house and intake screens; pumps and pump discharge valves; and related support facilities such as nnkesp water system water treatment and general maintenance. Safety Design Basis ( Interface Requirements) j None. Power Generation Design Basis (Interface Requirements)
The COL applicant shall provide the following system design features and additional information which are site dependent:
- 1) Conceptual design as described infection
- 2) Evaluation perg b 3 ection sob
- 3) Tests and Inspections per3section
- 4) Instrument /pplications per%b3section
- 5) Flood [otection per3section
' l i
i s
JNSER Power Cycle Heat Sink ( Conceptual Design ).
j I
'Ihe Power Cycle Heat Sink is outside the ABWR Standard Tlant Scope.
10.4.5,8.1 Safety Design Basis ( Interface Requirements)
t Power Generation Design Basis (Interface Requirements)
The COL applicant shall provide the following system
design features and additional information which are site dependent:
- 1) Conceptual design as described in,section
- 2) Evaluation per,Lbsection Sub
- 3) Tests and Inspections per section
- 4) Instrument Applications per section
- 5) Flood Protection per section