ML20072Q281 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05200001 |
Issue date: | 08/30/1994 |
To: | Boyce T Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
NUDOCS 9409090214 | |
Download: ML20072Q281 (16) | |
GENuclear Energy Genn?a!De c*ric
!?S C&r Avenue San Jose. CA 95 tl5 August 30,1994 Docket No. 524)01 Tom Boyce, Genior Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate.
Associate Directente for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal Ollice of Nuclear Reactor Reguladon Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Subbct: Revision to Draft DCD Introduction for the ABWR
Dear Tom:
As discussed during our meeting on August 23,1994, General Electric has revised the draft DCD Introduction for the ABWR. We believe this revision incorporates the changes requested by NRC at this meeting. Additionally, this revision includes several editorial changes and several other changes based upon comments received from the industy. To facilitate your review, we are providing a mark-up of the previous version of the DCD Introduction together with a retyped revision.
/it the meeting on August 23,1994, GE and NRC agreed that the severe accident deterministic evaluations in Chapter 19 of the Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) would be retained in the DCD, and that the DCD Introduction would include a statement that such evaluations need not be considered in performing 50.59 evaluations. During a subsequent phone conversation, NRC reversed its position and stated that th6se deterministic evaluations should be considered in performing 50.59 cvaluations. Because GE's previous agreement to include the deterministic evaluadons in the DCD was predicated on having an appropriate statement in the DCD Introduction regarding 50.59 evaluations, this statement has been left in the revised draft DCD Introduction. GE would like to discuss this matter with the NRC to help demonstrate that it is unnecessary and would be inappropriate to consider severe accident deterministic evaluations as part of 50.59 safety evaluations.
O bs ph. Quirk broject Manager ABWR Certification MC 782, (408) 9254219 M.'hi h1 L1 9409090214 940830 k
PDR ADOCK 05200001 gb b A
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Rev.O ABWR (WD Design ControlDocumeat/ Introduction Introduction for Design Control Document 1.0 Purpose of the DCD The Design Control Document (DCD) contains information from various documents comprising the design certification application for the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) standard design. The purpose of the DCD is to prmide, in a single document, design-related infbrmation to be incorporated by reference in the design certification mle for the ABWR standard design.
2.0 Contents of the DCD This document contains the DCD Introduction, the Certified Design Material (i.e., Tier 1), and the approved safety analysis material (i.e., Tier 2). Each is summarized below.
The Introduction describes the purpose, contents and uses of the DCD.
The Certified Design Material (Tier 1) for the ABWR includes the following infbrmation: (1) Definitions and General Provisions; (2) Design Descriptions; (3)
Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Accept:mce Criteria (ITAAC); (4) Interface Requirements for interfaces of systems that are wholly or partially outside the scope of the ABWR standard design; and (5) Site Parameters for the ABWR standard design plant. For ease of reference, Tier 1 includes a Table of Contents.
The approved safety analysis material (Tier 2) includes, to the extent applicable for the ABWR standard design, the following information: (1) die infbrmation required for a final safety analysis report under 10 CFR 50.34(b); and (2) other relevant information identified in 10 CFR 52.47(a) such as infbnnation related to the Three Mile Island requirements under 10 CFR 50.34(f); technical resolutions of the Unresolved Safety Issues and medium and high priority Generic Safety Issues identified in NUREG-0933; and important features identified from the probabilistic risk assessment for the ABWR design. For ease of reference, Tier 2 contains a general Table of Contents at the beginning, as well as a detailed Table of Contents before cach chapter.
The Design Descriptions, Interface Requirements, and Site Parameters in Tier 1 are derived entirely from the provisions of Tier 2, but may be more general than the provisions in Tier 2. Therefore, compliance with the more detailed Tier 2 material provides a sufficient method, but not the only acceptable method, for complying with the more general design provisions in Tier 1. The methods specified in Tier 2 shall be followed unless a change is made in accordance with the change processes specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR.
Introduction 1.0- 1
- i
Rev.O ABWR onion controloocumentantroduction 3.0 Uses of the DCD 3.1 in General The design certification rule for the ABWR can be referenced in an application for a construction permit (CP) or operating license (OL) under 10 CFR Part 50, in a combined license (COL) under 10 CFR Part 52, and in the subsequently issued CP, OL, or COL Because the DCD is incorporated by reference in the design certification mie for the ABWR, the provisions of the DCD are efTective with respect to an application, permit, or license that references that rule, with certain exceptions as provided in the rule and described in Sections 3.2,3.3 and 3.4 below.
The DCD describes structures, systeras, and components (including any associated programmatic provisions) within the scope of the ABWR standard design, and the requirements governing the interfaces between the ABWR standard design and the plant-specific design. An application for a CP, OL, or COL that references the design certification rule for the ABWR must provide a plant-specific sdety analysis report (SAR) which shall incorporate by reference the DCD and include information about the part of the plant that is outside the scope of the ABWR standard design. Together, the DCD and plant-specific SAR will provide the technically ralevant information required for a CP, OL, or COL, or to an application for a CP, OL, or COL that references the design certification rule for the ABWR.
3.2 Uses of the Certified Design Material The following provisions describe the scope and uses of Tier 1 material:
- Desien Descriptions -The Design Descriptions pertain only to the design of structures, systems, and components of an ABWR standard plant and not to its operation, maintenence and administration. In the event of an inconsistency between the Design Descriptions and the Tier 2 material, the Design Descriptions shall govern.
- ITAAC.An applicant or holder of a COL shall perform and demonstrate
},roceed at its own risk with design and procurement activities, and a holder of a COL may proceed at its own risk with design, procurement, construction and preoperational activities, even though the NRC staff may not yet have agreed that any particular ITAAC have been satisfied. In the event of a noncompliance with an ITAAC, the applicant or holder of a COL shall either take corrective actions to successfully complete the ITAAC or request a change in the ITAAC in accordance with the change processes specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR.
1.02 Introduction
Rev.O ABWR oesign controloocument/ Intro &ction
- Interface Requirements -The Interface Requirements identify the criteria for interfaces between systems within the scope of the ABWR standard design and other systems that are wholly or partially outside the scope of the ABWR standard design. The Interface Requirements define the attributes and performance characteristics that the out-of-scope portion of the nlant must have in order to support the certified design. The plant-specific SAR shall contain provisions which implement the Interface Requirements in accordance with 10CFR 52.79(b). Additionally, the plant-specific application for COL shall contain additional ITAAC corresponding to these implementing provisions. In the event of an inconsistency between the Interface Requirements and the Tier 2 material, the Interface Requirements shall govern.
- Site Parameters - The Site Parameters identify the design values for site-related information used for the ABWR standard design plant. Detailed design activities for structures, systems, and components within the scope of the ABWR standard design shall be performed with reference to the Site Parameters. For cases where a site-specific characteristic is not bounded by a Site Parameter, the CP, OL or COL applicant either shall submit an analysis to demonstrate that the overall set of site characteristics do not exceed the capability of the ABWR standard design, or shall request a change in the Site Parameters in accordance with the change processes in the design certification rule for the ABWR. Design acthities for structures, systems, and components outside the scope of the ABWR standard design may be performed using site-specific design basis parameters. In the event of an inconsistency between the Site Parameters and the Tier 2 material, the Site Parameters shall govern.
3.3 Uses of the Approved Safety Analysis Material The following provisions describe the scope and uses of Tier 2 material:
- Efrect of Tier 2 - All of the information in Tier 2 is approved by the NRC, is applicable (except as described below with respect to COL License Information Items and Conceptual Designs) to a license application or license that references the ABWR design certification rule, and is among the " matters resolved" under 10 CFR52.63(a)(4). Compliance with Tier 2 material is a sufficient but not a necessary method for complying with Tier 1 material.The methhods specified in Tier 2 shall be followed unless a change is made in accordance with the change processes specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR.
- COI,1 icense Information Items - Tier 2 identifies certain matters that need to be addressed by an applicant or licensee that references the design certification for the ABWR. These matters are designated as " COL License Information."
Introduction L O-3
Rev.O ABWR a:sion c:ntroso cum:nantroducti:n The purpose of the COL License Information items is to identify the type of information that must be addressed in plant-specific SARs that reference the design certification rule for the ABWR. These COL License Information items do not establish requirements; rather they identify an acceptable set of information, but not the only acceptable set ofinformation, for inclusion in a plant-specific SAR. An applicant may deviate from or omit these COL License Infonnation items, provided that the deviation or ommission is identified and justified in the plant-specific SAR. After issuance of a license, the COL License Information items have no further effect to that licensee; instead, the corresponding provisions in the plant-specific SAR are applicable.
- Conceptual Desiens - Conceptual designs for those portions of the plant which are outside the scope of the ABWR standard design are described in various places throughout Tier 2. As provided by 10 CFR 52.47(a)(1)(ix), these conceptual designs are not a part of the design certification for the ABWR and are not applicable to a CP, OL, or COL, nor to an application for a CP, OL, or COL., that references the design certification rule for the ABWR.
3.4 Applicability of the DCD The provisions in the DCD are applicable to plants having applications, permits, or licenses that reference the design certification rule for the ABWR, except as described in the following sections.
3.4.1 Applicability of ITAAC The ITAAC are applicable to applications and licenses that reference the design certification rule for the ABWR, except as follows:
- The ITAAC are not applicable to a CP or OL that references the design certification rule, nor to an application for a CP or OL under Part 50.
- The ITAAC are not applicable to a COL after the NRC has issued its finding in accordance with 10CFR 52.99 and 52.103(g) prior to operation of the facility.
Thereafter, the ITAAC cease to have any regulatory significance.
3.5 Plant-Specific Changes to Certain Designated Material in Tier 2 Certain information within sections of Tier 2 identified in Table 1 is designated with brackets, italicized text, and an asterisk. Changes to any of this designated information shall consitute an unreviewed safety question. As specified in the design certification rule for th ABWR, NRC approval is required prior to implementing i ut-specific changes that involve unreviewed safety questions.
1.04 Introduction
Rev.O ABWR onsian controi s.,amenwatroduction 3.6 Proprietary Information The proprietary information, or its equivalent, provided in the application for the ABWR Design Certification, but not included in the DCD, must be included as part of an application for a CP, OL, or COL 3.7 References in Tier 2 to the Standard Safety Analysis Report To enable Tier 2 to have the same section numbering system as the Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) for the ABWR, the SSAR section numbers were used in preparing Tier 2. In some instances, sections or information from the SSAR were deliberately not incorporated in the DCD. Tier 2 references or cross-references to sections in the SSAR shall not be construed as incorporating these sections, or the infonnation therein,in Tier 2, 3.8 Chapter 19 of Tier 2 Chapter 19 of Tier 2 contains deterministic severe accident analyses for the ABWR standard design that were used and approved by the NRC as part ofits safety review to evaluate ABWR performance under severe accident conditions. Design requirements relating to severe accident features are contained elsewhere in the DCD and are subject to the change processes specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR. For the
purpose of evaluating whether a change involves an unreviewed safety question pursuant to those change processes, deterministic severe accident analyses described in Chapter 19 of Tier 2 need not be considered.
l Introduction 1.05
l k
Rev.O ABWR oesign controloocument/ introduction Table 1 Designated Tier 2 Material Which May Not be Changed Without Prior NRC Approval Tier 2 Section Designated Material ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section lil, Division 2, Subsection CC/ACI 359 ANSI /AISC N-690 and ACI 349 Motor-Operated Valves 3.10 Equipment Seismic Qualification Methods Piping Design Acceptance Criteria 4.2 Fuel System: Design Criteria and First Cycle Design and Methods 7A.1 (1)
EMS Performance Specifications and Architecture Self-test System Design Testing Features and Commitments Instrument Setpoint Methodology; Regulatory Guide 1.105 7A.1 (2)
SSLC Hardware and Software Qualification 18E.1 HFE Design and implementation Process 1.0--6 Introduction
o<en ABWR omie cueatnoementhoodatta introduction for Design Control Document 1.0 Purpose of the DCD
'Ibe Design Control Document (DCD) contains information from various documents comprising the design certification application for the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) standard design. "Ihe purpose of the DCD is to provide, in a single document, design-related information to be incorporated by reference in the design certification rule for the ABWR standard design.
2.0 Contents of the DCD This document contains the DCD Introduction, the Cernfied Design Material (i.e., Tier 1), and the Approved Safety Analyns Material (i.e., Tier 2). Each is summarued below.
The Introduction describes the ymyog, contents and uses of the DCD.
The Certified Design Material (Tier 1) for the ABWRincludes the following information: (1) Definitions and General Provisions; (2) Design Descnptions; (3)
Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Cdteria (ITAAC); (4) Interface Requirements for interfaces of systems that are wholly or partially outside the scope of the ABWR standard design; and (5) Site Parameters for the ABWR standard design g) o&er (elemf En&M'N&
/w (nb6ed 6 Io CF/1 SD.W(od Sucl l
P ^D sde i
The Appcoved Safety Analysis Material (Tier 2) igcludes, to the extent applicable for the N
ABWR standard design, the following informrio : (1) the infortnation required for a final safety analysis report under 10 CFR 50.Si(b):
informadon related to theThree Mile Island requirements under 10 CFR 50.34 (f); Witechnical resolutions of the Unresolved Safety Issues and medmm and high priority Generic Safety Issues identified in NUREG 0953; and dimportant features identitled from the probabilistic risk n-ent for the ABWR demgny 4 = _, _ s' f "f----A p M ; - ~'
- '? n1 For ease of reference. Tier 2 contains a generalTable of
---r-Contents at the bgianing. as well as a detailed Table of Contents before each chapter.
tystR1 A The Design Descriptions, Interface Requirem ts, and She Parameters in Tier 1 are i
derived entirely from the provisions of Tier 2 but may be more general than the provisions in Tier 2. Therefore, compliance 1 'th the more detailed Tier 2 material provides a sufficient method, but not the on]y acceptable method, for complying withs2 qT the more general desira provisions in Tier ljor case of reference, Tier 1 includes moe
[ t Table of Contents.L L: ; d".g= rh 'M dT&5 r c" 8 1.0- 1 Introduction - Orsit (5/1SS4)
l 4
INSERT A The methods specified in Tier 2 shall be followed unless a changa is made in accordance with the change processes specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR.
4 1
W Aswa
- ses, j
i i
1 3.0 Uses of the DCD kW h 2
k gd in k subsepeNy 'SS**I "O
GA 4
3.1 in Generst j
n rule for the ABWR can be referenced a construction permit j
The design certzfica j
(CP) or operating lic ase (OL) under 10 CFR Part 50,in a com ined license (COL) j under 10 CFR Part 52, g-i a _;;"-9 M CP, OL, or COL Because the DCD is j
incorporated by reference in the design cemfication rule for the ABWR, the provisions of the DCD are effective with respect to an application, permit, or license that i
references that rule, with certain exceptions as provided in the rule and described in Anp 655oos/rd j
Sections 3.t,3.5 and 3.4 below.
(pt(48n i
f^mndefennSICMb i
descNlors The DCD g;"- : '; e stnictures, systems, and componen the scope of the l
j l
ABWR standard design, and[the requiremenu governing the interfaces between the
ABWR standard design and the plant 4pecific design. An application for a CP, OL, or l
COL that references the design certification rule for the ABWR must provide a plant-specific safety analysis report (SAR) which shallincorporate by reference the DCD and include informadon about the part of the plant thatis outside the scope of the ABWR j
standard design.Together, the DCD and plant 4pecific S kecbud l
---,'=.-f l
%pumi = a CP, OL, or COL, or to an application for a CP, OL, er COL that (cluQ j
references the de=ign certiScation rule for the ABWR.
p.[cqg j
d 3.2 Uses of the Certified Design Material ftN'
l The following provimons describe the scope and uses of Tier 1 matenal:
i Desiqrn Descriptions-The Denga Descripdons pertain only to the design of structures, systems, and components of an ABWR standard plant and not to its j
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An Imms'asfenty l
In the event ofrl-2.,
-v bc ;;. the Design Descriptions and the Tier 2 i
material, the Design Descripdons shall govern.
- ITAAC - An appHcant or holder of a COL shall perform and demonstrate i
conformance with the ITAAC prior to fuelload. An applicant for a COL may proceed at its own riskwith dedgn and procurement activides, and a holder of a COL may proceed at its own risk with desagn, procurement, ccastruction and
%preoperational activities, even though the NRC staf f
i g
1TAAC have been satisfied. In the event of a noncompliance with an
p ygf-I ITAAC, the applicant or holder of a COL drake corrective actions to 4
successfully complete the ITAAk of (e g,ft,f A CkAff p /n h j
lTMC ln AQof0(ovnu Hth b}a c,&ngt frocesses S/2tc& ed k CkM9'\\ Cab fu1io (4\\< &< k saanxean-o<ancsvu W
i 1.n A u g..
a 1
,1 m _
5 1.
omt ouium cueetneeenwnssneedeceiu ABWR 1
k Y
'teria for Inter.,, Reauir ments -The Interface Requirements identify the r
interfaces betwe :n systems within the scope of the ABWR stan design and j
j l
other systems that are wholly or parnally outside the scope of theABWR b
utdch standard design The plantspecific SAR shall contain provisions implement the nterface Requirements in accordance with 10C g
Additionally, the plant 4pecific application for COL shall contaigITAAC corresponding to these implemendng provisions. In the event of an i
inconsistency between the Interface Requirements and the Tier 2 material, the i
i Interface Requirements shall govern.
MM/9e 1/^l# g gggg/T C Site _Panupeten-The Site P etersidendfythe site relatedinformation l
M for the ABWRstandar design plant.1 ;'- 4%: M '"
j H _" r 4-* de t :p 'i ' - --7
, r n;; :irrM Ly &
j Sete Parameesss. Detailed design activides for structures, systems, and j
y componentswithin the seepe of the ABWR standard design shall be performed a h W the Site Parameters Design activides for structures, systems, and
7 components outside the scope of the ABWR standard design may be performed usmg sitespecific design basis parameters. In the event of an inconsistency j
between the Site Parameters and the Tier 2 material, the Site Parameters shall
4 1
i 1
3.3 Uses of the Approved Safety Analysis Material i
The following provmons describe the scope and uses of Tier 2 matedal:
g Effact ofTier 2 - AR of the information in Tier 2 is aprM e NRC,is i
applicable (eacept as described below with respect to COL U noe Information l
Items and Conceptual Designs) to a license applicadon or lin ense that l
references the ABWR design certificadon rule, and ismasket the "maners j
resolved" under 10 CFR52.6S(a)(4). Compliance with11er 2 materialis a l
sufficient but not a necessary method for complying with Tier 1 material. /MM 3
N Me) i COL Limase Infonnanon Items - Tier 2 identifies certain marrer,s to be l
addressed by an applicant or licensee that references the design certification for i
j the ABWR. These matters are designated as " COL Ucense Infonnation."
j ud k otdnittssd i
rmation items is to identify the type of j
The purpose of the COL License information thathh W in plant-specdic SARs that reference the j
r - - : z'y ' : = ;.:.:= z 2;;W ::
-C'"2- - :
U=m 1bese COL Ucense Information items do not establish requirements; j
l rather theyidendfy an acceptable setofinformadon,bue not the only acceptable&
i j
_ set ofinformation, for inclusion in a plant specific SAR. An applicant may
j gord deviate froupese COL License Informadon items, provided that the deviatio dm}ss,'m is idendfied in the plant-specific SAR. After issuance of a license, the COL j
nd )'ud ked m
I remn-me wmem i
INSERT B The Interface Requirements define the' attributes and performance charactoristics that the out-of-scope portion of the plant must have in order to support the Certified Design.
l l
l l
INSERT C For cases where a site-specific characteristic is not bounded by a Site Parameter, the CP, OL or COL applicant either shall submit an analysis to demonstrate that the overall set of site characteristics do not exceed the capability of the ABWR standard or shall request a change in the Site Parameters in
- design, accordance with the change processes in the design certification rule for the ABWR.
l l
l l
Dutt Desta centres socumentnatroduction A B MfR l
License Information items have no further effect to that licensee; instead, the l
corresponding provisions in the pisnt4pecific SAR are applicable.
- Conceorual Desiens - Conceptual designs for those portions of the plant which l
are outside the scope of the ABWR standard design are described in various places throughoutTier 2. As provided by 10 CFR 52.47(a)(1)(ix), these conceptual designs are not a part of the design cerdfication for the ABWR and 4
are not applicable to a CP, OL, or COL, nor to an application for a CP, OL, or j
COL,thatreferencesthe BE gasp Q(cM ru(4 h Me, g6 i.
j 3.4 Applicability of the DCD l
ne provisions in the DCD are applicable to plants having applicadons, permits, or liermes that reference the except as described in the following seedcas.
M4.A8ul, b 5'P ccd o fu k or 3.4.1 Applicability of ITAAC i
The ITAAC are applicable to applications and licenses that reference the desigu cern5 cation rule for the ABWR, except as follows:
j i
- ne ITAAC are not applicable to a CP or OL tht.t references the d plication fora CP or OLMnde fu 0,
cettiScation rule, nor to an kn &
on secadan nH la CM M*I AN i
Iscuel ds L after the NRC has ed ' -blici;-- -' TJ.At3((
TheITAAC are notapplicable to a e e L_. l. ~ l ild :d:Mathe ITAAC ceb to have any
'p N Gedh j
regulatory signiscance.
3.5 Plant-Specific Changes to Certain Designated Material in Tier 2
~7hur, l
i As diaena design certi5catio an applicant orl'e must ob -
) app priorto ementin ges to plan cma ser 2.
D 8Pe materialis d 1 e _ in Table 1.
3.6 Proprietaryinformation in f
he proprietary informatiogor its equivalenprovided ok the appliation for the ABWRDesign Certi5catio3 ut notincluded in the DCD mustbe'_-e={A as part of b
i u Mapplicadon/&A C f, Ot., W COL.
j 1
i 1
I 1
i Introduction -Destt (5/1$94) 1.04
INSERT D Certain information within sections of Tier 2 identified in Table 1 is designated with brackets, italicized text, and an asterisk.
Changes to any this designated information shall constitute an unreviewed safety question. As specified in the design certification rule for the ABWR, NRC approval is required prior to implamenting plant-specific changes that involve unreviewed safety questions.
l l
l l
INSERT E References in Tier 2 to the Standard Safety Analysis Report 3.7 To enable Tier 2 to have the same section numbering system as the Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) for the ABWR, the.SSAR In some instances, section numbers were used in preparing Tier 2.
sections or information from the SSAR were deliberately not Tier 2 references or cross-references to incorporated in the DCD.
sections in the SSAR shall not be construed as incorporating these sections, or the information therein, in Tier 2.
3.8 chapter is of Tier 2 Chapter 19 of Tier 2 contains deterministic severe accident analyses for the ABWR standard design that were used and approved by the NRC as part of its safety review to evaluate ABWR under severo accident conditions. Design requirements t
relating to severe accident features are contained elsewhere in the DCD and are subject to the change processes specified in the j
design cert)fication rule for the ABWR. For the purpose of evaluating whether a change involves an unreviewed safety question pursuant to those change processes, deterministic severs accident analyses described in Chapter 19 of Tier 2 need not be considered.
i 5
1 i