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Forwards Rev 0 to Technical Support Document (Tsd) for ABWR & Updated ABWR SSAR App 19P Markup.Updated Version of App 19P Incorporated as Attachment a to Tsd,As Agreed During 941006 Meeting W/Nrc
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 11/18/1994
From: Quirk J
To: Borchardt R
Shared Package
ML20081K908 List:
MFN-148-94, NUDOCS 9503290334
Download: ML20081K903 (7)



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m c.~ua :rm c2 ew NovemberL18,1994 MFN No.14894?

Docket No.52-001..

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i i

. Document Control Desk l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 i


R. W., Borchardt, Director Standardization Project Directorate l


NEPA/SAMDA Submittal for the ABWR l


Letter,J.F. Quirk to R.W. Borchardt, same title, August 26,1993, min No.137-93 i

The attached Technical Support Document (TSD) for the ABWR supersedes the TSD transmitted August 26,1993 (reference). On October 6,1994, GE met with NRC staff senior management to discuss the staffs comments on GE's proposed

. introduction to the Design Control Document (DCD). One of the items agreed to was not to incorporate ABWR SSAR Appendix 19P with its probabilistic values into the DCD, but incorporate this information into the TSD. An updated version of Appendix 19P (see attached markup) was incorporated as Attachment A to the TSD. Several editorial changes accompanied the updated

- technical information in forming Attachment A.

l The conclusions remain unchanged and GE believes that this TSD provides a sufficient basis for the NRC to issue an amendment to 10CFR51 which concludes:

1) that the probability of severe accidents in the ABWR is remote and speculative,
2) that the risks of severe accidents and the radiological impacts of normal operation of the ABWR do not constitute a significant impact to the quality of the human environment, and
3) that there are no reascmable alternatives for reducing these risks or impacts.

i 9503290334 941118 5

PDR ADOCK 05200001


4 k.

A PDR 21

@.a 30000G f



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R. W. Borchardt

. MFN No.148-94 Docket No.52-001 Page 2

. If you have any questions on the attached TSD, please call Peter D. Knecht at (408) 92 % 215.

r Sincerely, j



(. y.-yy eat r

seph F. Quirk j

Project Manager l

ABWR Certification MC-782 (408) 92%219


i Att.


S.A. Hucik


F.J. Miraglia,Jr.


A.C. Thadani


T.H. Boyce (NRC)

D.M. Crutchfield (NRC)

F.A. Ross (DOE)

N.D. Fletcher (DOE)

K.E. Stahlkopf (EPRI).

l D.J. McGoff (DOE) a F

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4 i

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2sneroo nev.s.

.ABlWR saseneresansqasewnsuaspart I

'19P.4.2.4 Safety-Related Condensate StorageTank

' The current ABWR design consists of a standard non-seismically qualified Condensate _-

Storage Tank (CST). This modification would upgrade the structure of the CST such l

that it would be avalable to provide makeup to the reactor following a seismic event.

l This modificadon only benefits the risks of core damage following seismic events.

However, because the suppression pool provides an alternate suction source and the HCLPF for the suppression pool is relauvely high (Appendix 191), the dominant failure '.

l modes are not limited bywater availability. Therefore the benefit of this modification is l

considered small. A benefit of OE person-Sievert averted was arbitranly chosen for.-

l an upgnded CST.

.- g

,,4 A/p 7 l

i. o s.-4 742 q

e 19P.4.3 Containment Capability i

l-The ABWR containment is designed for about 0.411 MPa internal pressure and includes a containment rupture disk which would relieve excessive pressure ifit develops during a severe accident. By providing the release point from the wetwell i

airspace, mitign. tion of releases are achieved through scrubbing of the fission products.

l in the suppression pool.

19P.4.3.1 Larger Volume Containment This modification would provide a larger volume containment as a means to mitigate the effects of severe accidents. By increasing the size the containment could be able to absorb additional noncondensible gas generation and delay activation of the containment rupture disk or early containment failure.

i This item would mitigate the consequence of an accident by delaying the time before l

the severe accident source term is released and allowing more time for radioactive decay i

and recovery of systems. However, if recovery does not occur, eventual release is not l

prevented and if operation of the containment ove: pressure rupture' disk does not i

occur, ultimately the containment will fait due to the long term pressuruation caused by core concrete intemcuon an s



If sequences involving drywell head failure were eliminated (Cases 3,6,7,8 and 9), the l

l offsite risks would be reduced by about 82% and about 15E-04 person-Sievert would be j


19P.4/5.2 Increased Containment Pressure Capacity The design pressure of the ABWR containmentis 0.411 MPa (45 psig).The containment rupture disk pressure and ultimate capability are significantly higher. By increasing the ultimate pressure capability of the containment (including seals), the effects of a severe accident could be reduced or eliminated by delaying the time of I" valuation of Potential Modificatrons to the ABWn Design - Amendment 34 19P 9

'I l


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ABWR stonnentsannyAnarysesnevert i c. Tyroval %denawce. Peedve/M wals t G E-04 Table 19P-5 Summary of Benefits Potential Person Sievert Modi 6 cation Averted 1 Accident Mac:;: : l


1a. Severe Accident EPGs/AMGs 1.5E-04 I

1b Computer Aided instrumentation 1.0E-04 p.

7 Vf*

J 2 Decay Heat Removal 2a.

Passive High Pressure Systam Q3_.8E-0J4

_6.9 E-O 4, I" ' " ' ' ' *

26. Improved Depressurization 4.2E-04 2c.

Suppression Pool Jockey Pump 0.2E-04 2d. Safety Related Condensate Storage Tank 1.0E-04 3 Containment Capability 7

,d y y, 7I,,

p 3a. Larger Volume Containment 15E-04 e<9*"

4 3b. Increased Containment Pressure Capacity i6E-04 l


Improved Vacuum Breakers 0.004E-04 3d. Improved Bottom Fenetration Design 5.7E-04 4 Containment Heat Removal da.

Larger Volume Suppression Pool 0.02E-04 5 Containment Atmosphere Gas Removal Sa. Low Flow Filtered Vent 1.4E-04 7 Containment Sprey Systems 7a.

Drywell Head Flooding 6.0E-04 8 Prevention Concepts Ba. Additional Service Water Pump 1.6E-04 9 AC Fower Suppass 9a. Steam Driven Turbine Generator 5.2E-04 9b. Aktemate Fump Power Source 6.9E-04 10 DC Power Supplies


10a. Dedicated DC Power Supply 6.9E-04


11 ATWS CapabiRty lla. ATWS Sized Vent 3.0E-04 13 System Simplification 13a. Reactor Building Sprays 1.N-04 14 Core Retention Device 14a. Flooded Rubble Bed 0.1E-04 Evaluation of PotentialModi6 cations to the ABnft Design - Amendment 35 19P-29 1

-e w



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23A6100 Mov.1 iABWR audsonsanyAnnysieneperr Table 19P-6 Summary of Costs Estimated Cost Modl6cetion (K) 1 Aeoident Management I a.

Severe Accident EPGs

$600.0 lb.

Computer Aided instrumentation -

$599.6 1c.

Improved Maintenance Procedures / Manuals

$299.0 2 Decay Heat Removal 2a.

Passive High Pressure System

$1744.0 t.


Improved Depressurization

$598.6 2c.

Suppression Pool Jockey Pump

-6 Il3.S 2d.

Safety Related Condensate Storage Tank

$1000.0 3 Containment Capatnuty 3a.

Larger Volume Containment

$8000.0 3b.

Increased Containment Pressure Capacity

$12000.0 3c.

Improved Vacuum Breakers

$100.0 3d.

Improved Bottom Penetration Design

$750.0 4 Containment Heat Removal da.

Larger Volume Suppression Pool

$8000.0 l

5 Containment Ar jw; Gas Removal



Filtered Containment Vent

$3000.0 7 Containment Sprey Systems 7a.

Drywell Head Flooding



8 Prevention Concepts 8a.

Additional Service Water Pump

$5999.0 9 AC Power Supplies 9a.

Steam Driven Turbine Generator

$5994.3 9b.

Altemate Pump Power Source

$1194.0 10 DC Power Supplies 10a. Dedicated RHR DC Power Supply

$3000.0 11 ATWS Capability 11a. ATWS Sized Vent 5300.0 l-13 System Simpiincetion 13a. Reactor Building Sprays

$100.0 l

14 Core Retention Devices 14a. Flooded Rubble Bed

$18,750.0 19P40 Evaluation of Potential Modifications to the ABWM Design - Amendment 31



~l zusa nov. s ABWR suedandsannyanswainneperr Table 19P-7 Summary of Results Cost (K)/ Person-Momiestion Sievert Averted

l 7a.

Drywell Head Flooding 166,700 l


Reactor Building Sprays 588,200 j.


ATWS Sized Vent

@-1,000,00o l


Improved Bottom Penetration Design 1,315,800 l


Improved Depressurization (5,417.30G-l,4 25joo o l


Alternate Pump Power Source d,735,100%,750,00 o 1

l 1c.

Improved Maintenance Procedures / Manuals (1829,800]- t, 86 F,Fo o l


Passive High Pressure System C2,515,80@- 2 52,7, Sc o j

l 1a.

Severe Accident EPGs (3,983,4001-4;000,000 l


Dedicated DC Power Supply 4,347,800 l


Larger Volume Containment.

5,333,300 l

I b.

Computer Aided instrumentation

[000,003-5,9 9 G,000 l

2c, Suppression Pool Jockey Pump 4 213,00b g p go oo, j

j j

l 2d.

Safety Related Condensate Storage Tank 10,000,000 l


Steam Driven Turbine Generator (T1,472,60ll-l(,52.7,5 o o l


Low Flow Filtered Vent 21,428,600 l


Additional Service Water Pump (17,500,00E-37 473,8o C j


'E C'."'.' L,,.i "x: ":n rr '

' 2,5 ^^.^^^ t, l


Increased Containment Pressure Capacity do,000,00b7;Scojo00 l


Improved Vacuum Breakers S (332,900,00b 7,SO j 000j oo.,

l 14a.

Flooded Rubbis Bed

$ 1,875,000,000 OK l


Larger Volume Suppression Pool

$ 4,000,000,000 f

19P 31/32 Evolustion of Potential Modincstions to the ABWR Design - Amendment 35
