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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1993 for Duane Arnold Energy Ctr.W/930615 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1993
From: Denise Wilson, Woodward R
NG-93-2419, NUDOCS 9306250327
Download: ML20045D101 (6)




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I s l Iowa Electric Light and Power Company June 15,1993 I

NG-93-2419 Mr. Jack Martin Regional Administrator Region ill U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No: 50-331 Operating License DPR-49 May 1993 Monthly Operating Report

Dear Mr. Martin:

l l

Please find enclosed the Duane Arnold Energy Center Monthly Operating Report for May 1993. The report has j been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of NUREG-0020 and distribution has been made in accordance -!

with DAEC Technical Specifications, Section 6.11.1 'l

, ..y truly yours, . f g i David Wilson Plant Superintendent, Nuclear DLW/RBW/cc Enclosures File A-118d l cc:

Dir. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. Dennis Murdock U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Central lowa Power Cooperative i Mail Station PI-137 Box 2517 Washington, D.C. 20555 (Orig.) Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Mr. Robert Pulsifer Mr. William Loveless Project Manager U.S. NRC i 1 Whitenint Nonh I Whitenint North -l Mail Stop 13E21 Mail Stop IICl4 .l 11555 Rockville Pike 11555 Rockville Pike :l Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 (2)  !

Document Control Desk Dr. William A. Jacobs, Jr. l INPO Records Center GDS Associates,Inc.  !

1100 Circle 75 Parkway '

Suite 720 Suite 1500 1850 Parkway Place l Atlanta, G A 30339-3064 Marietta, GA 30068-8237 Mr. Steve Brown Mr. Dale Arends Iowa State Utilities Board Corn Belt Power Cooperative Lucas State Office Building 130013th Street North Des Moines, IA 50319 Humboldt, IA 50548 Mr. Fred Yost DCRC Director, Research Services .

j '

U Data Institute NRC Resident inspector '/ r '

g h 'tility$

0 'f. NW, Suite 400 '/

as ing on, DC 20006 1

9306250327 930531 PDR -ADOCK 05000331 ,

R PDR uvane Artwkt bnergy Center

  • 3277 UAEC Road
  • Palo, Iowa 32324 = 319'8517611

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OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO: 1 M 331 DATE: ')6/15/93 Unit: Juane Arnold Enercy Centel COMPLETED BY: tiehard Woodward TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7318 .


1. Unit Name: Duane Arnold Encrev Center
2. Reporting Period: Mav 1993 3, Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1658  : Notes ,
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 565 (Turbine)
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 13_8
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe); 11.1
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 115 )
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 through 7) since the last report, Give Reasons: N/A
9. Power Level to Which Restricted,if Any (Net MWe): 91% (arcragg_.f_o.r nLonjb of May)
10. Reasons for Restrictions,If Any: Thermal oower capability has decreased sliehtly more than 0.2% per day since the onset of coast-down foiiTFlT93.

This Month Year to-Date Cumulative -

11. Hours in Reporting Period 744.0 3623.0 160,679.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 744.0 3498.1 119,479.3
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 192.8  !
14. Hours Generator On-Line 744.0 3483.1 116,505.6
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1,119,491.8 5,549,937.8 159,633,231.5
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 370,803.0 1,851,443.0 53,476,352.5 l 1
13. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 347,818.1 1,742,769.5 50,139,423.3 j Unit Service Factor 100.0 % 96.1 % 72.5 %



20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 % 96.1 % 72.5% .

l 21.- Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 90.8 % 93.4 % 62.0 %

22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 86.9 % 89.4 % 59.3%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0% 0.0% 12.1 %

2& Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of each): Refueling, July 29,1993, 59 days.

25 If Shutdown at End of Report Period, Est. Date of Startup: NLA

-4 4


. DOCKET NO: 50-0331 ,

DATE: 06/15/93 l Unit: Duane Arnold Enercy Center l COMPLLTED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPilONE: (319) 851-7318

MONTil May 1993 1


, Average Daily Average Daily Power Level Power Level '

Day (MWe-Neo Day (MWe-Net) i 1 490.4 16 471.4 ,

2 485.0 17 470.1-3 484.7 18 468.4 4 4812 19!l J .

5 _4_!!L2 20 466.0 6 479.? 21 464.2 7 475,9 22 461.0 ,

'1 8 477.2 .23 4R i

'9 470.4 24 456.5 10 471.4 25 455.7 j 11 469.4 26 .fjll 12 471,1 27 448 5

-13 477,5 28 453.0 14 470.6 29 448.5 ~

15 473.3 30 446.6 31 448.6 l

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- DOCKET NO: 50 4 331 i DATE: 06/15/93 i Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPilONE: (319) 851-7318

1. Name of facility.

Duane Arnold Energy Center

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

July 29,1993

3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

September 26,1993

4. Will refueling or sesumption of opemtion thereafter equire a technical specification change or ,

otherlicense amendment?

Received Amendment #192, no further change needed

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting infoimation.

Not applicable

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.;., new or different fuel design or supplier, umeriewed design or performance analysis methoils, significant changes in fuel design, new operating pmcedures.


7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core, (b) in the spent fuel stomge pool , (c) new fuel l on the re-fuel floor.
a. 368 b 1152
c. 104 l
8. He present licensed spent fuel pool stomge capacity and the size of any increase in licensed

. stomge capacity that has been requested oris plarmed,in number of fuel assemblies.

- a. 2050 - Licensed Capacity or

b. 1898 under the presently installed storage rack capacity.
c. 3152 requested by RTS#252, submitted March 26,1993
9. He pinjected date of the last refueling that can be discha1:ed to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.
a. 2000 - Licensed Capacity or
b. 1998 under the presently installed storage rack capacity.

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DOCKET NO: 50 4 331 -

DATE: 06/l5/93 Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward

i. There were no shutdowns or power reductions in excess of 20% during the month.

No. Date 'lype - Duration Reason - Method of Licensee Event System Comp. Cause (1) (Ilours) (2) Shutting Report # Code Code Down (4) (5)

Reactor (3)

N/A l

1 - F: Forced 2 - Reason: 3 - Method: 4 - Exhibit G-S: Scheduled . A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram (NUREG-0161)

D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continued E-Operator Training & License S-Reduced Load 5 - Exhibit i Examination 9-Other (Explain) (Same Source)

F-Administrative -

G-Operational Error (Explain)

II-Other (Explain

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,. , *. , j e 1 I)OCKET NO.: $0-0331 l 1

DATE: 06/15/93 Unit: Duane Arnold Encrev Cer1 Lei COMPLETED BY:. Richard Woodward.

TELEPilONE: 0 19) 851-7318 Monthly Operational Overview for May 1993:

At the beginning of May the DAEC was operating at 95% oflicensed therma' power with the  ;

core in "all-rods-out" configuration. The plant operated'at uniformly decreasing power i capability throughout the month, reducing thermal power only on May 23 to perform Turbine Valve Surveillances. By the end of May, power level had coasted-down to 87%. - The coast-down will continue until the refueling outage, now scheduled to commence July 29.  ;

The following table summarizes May plant operation and categorizes production losses in terms of average MWe, capacity factor, and full power equivalent hours.

Average Capacity Equivalent Full MWe Factor Power Hours -

Losses due to control rod movements, surveillance 0.1 0.0% 0.1 Seasonal L osses 3.0 0.5% . 4.0 0.7% 5.5 I Losses due to degraded heat rate 4.2 Other 4.1 0.7 % 5.4 Coast-down 55.9 9.9% 73.5 Actual Gross Electric output 498 4 88 1 % 6555 Design Gross Electric Output 565.7 100.0 % '744.0 On May 25,1993 the plant was operating at 88% power when a "B" Side Primary Containment Isolation System (PCIS) Group III isolation occurred along with the initiation of i the "B". Standby Gas Treatment (SBGT) System. This event occurred during pre-planned .

  • maintenance that had been identified as having the potential to cause the PCIS isolation and SBGT initiation. Jumper to terminal continuity was lost in a control room back panel during ,

maintenance to install standoff jacks. Plant systems responded as expected, the PCIS isolation ivas reset, and SBGT was secured. There was no effect on safe operation of the plant. LER # 93-03 (pending).

'I Lig.cnsinn Action Summary: _

Plant Availability; 100.0 % ' Unplanned Auto Scrams (W/ Critical)- month: 0

- Number of reportable events: 1 (pending) Unplanned Auto Scrams (W/ Critical)-12 mos: 2 I

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