NG-95-3057, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1995 for Duane Arnold Energy Ctr

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Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1995 for Duane Arnold Energy Ctr
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1995
From: Vansmiddleworth, Woodward R
NG-95-3057, NUDOCS 9510190190
Download: ML20093G666 (6)


I Duane Amold Enugy Center 3277 DAEC Road 9* Palo, IA 52324 Telephone 319 8517611 '

fax 319 8517611 l

October 13,1995 l UTILITIES l I

Mr. Ilubert J. Miller Regional Administrator Region Ill U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle,IL 60532-4351


Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No: 50-331 Operating License DPR-49 September 1995 Monthly Operating Report

Dear Mr. Miller:

Please find enclosed the Duane Amold Energy Center Monthly Operating Report for September 1993. ' Die report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of NUREcr0020 and distnbution has been made in accordance with DA EC Technical Specifications, Section 6.11.1.c.

Very truly yours, G' VanMiddlesworth Plant Superintendent, Nuclear i GDWRBW j Enclosures File A-Il8d cc:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Dennis Murdock Attn: Document Control Desk Centrallowa Power Cooperative ,

Mail Station PI 37 Box 2517 l Washington, DC 20555-0001 (Orig.) Cedar Rapids,IA 52406 Mr. Glenn Kelly Dr. William A. Jacobs, Jr.

Project Manager GDS Associates,Inc.

1 Whitellint North Suite 720 Mail Stop 13E21 1850 Parkway Place 11555 Rockville Pike Marietta, GA 30068-8237 Rockville, MD 20852 Document Control Desk Mr. Dale Arends INPO Records Center Corn Delt Power Cooperative 700 Galleria Parkway 130013th Street North Atlanta, GA 30339-5957 Ilumboldt,IA 50548 Mr. Steve Brown DOCU lowa State Utilities Board Lucas State Oliice Building NRC Resident Inspector Des Moines,IA 50319 Mr. Fred Yost n e Director, Research Services 3.Vbd7no Utility Data Institute 1700 K St. NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 9310190190 950930 PDR ADOCK 05000331 l 9 PDR_ An IES Industres :rcry

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO: la-9331 DATE: 10/13/95 Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7318 OPERATING STATUS -

Average Daily Power Level

1. Unit Name: Duane Arnold Enerev Center 500
2. Reporting Period: Sentember 1995 400
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MW ):th 1653 $, 300 1
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe DER): 565.7 (Turbine) f200  ;
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe DER): 533 100 0
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe MDC): 141 1 6 11 16 21 26
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MW e MDC):ill Day i
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 through
7) since the last report, Give Reasons: Not Acolicable
9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if Any (Net MWe): Not Anoticable
10. Reasons for Restrictions, if Any: Not Apolicable l

September-95 1995 Cummutative i 1. Ilours in Reporting Period 720.0 6,551.0 181,127.0 i 12. Number of flours Reactor Was Critical 720.0 5,136.2 136,316.8 i 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown llours 0.0 0.0 192.8 l 14. Ilours Generator On Line 720.0 5,045.7 132,904.8 i 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown ilours 0.0 0.0 0.0  ;

! 16. Gross Thennal Energy Generated (MWH) 1,188,616.4 8,119,984.7 185,648,344.4

17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWil) 401,578.0 2,730,939.0 62,178,825.5 j 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWi1) 379,291.6 2,574,117.8 58,314,162.1
19. Unit Service Factor . 100.0 % 77.0 % 73.4 %
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 % 77.0 % 73.4 %

i 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 102.3 % 76.3 % 68.0%

22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 97.9 % 73.0 % 65.1%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0% 1.5% 10.9 %

f 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Montns (Type, Date, and Duration of each): N/A I

l 25. If Shutdown at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: N/A l

e t


- Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center l

. COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7318 MONTH September 1995 i

Day Average Daily Paw Level (MWe Ne0 1 524.1 2 525.0 3 522.7 4 518.9 5 518.9 6 520.2 7 521.2 8 500.5 ,

9 518.8 l 10 530.8 l 11 528.0 12 526.5 13 526.1 I l

14 526.9 l

15 527.5 l 16 524.3 17 533.2 18 531.5 1 19 530.4 20 534.8 21 535.3 ,

22 534.5 l 23 536 9 1 24 536.4 l 25 531.0 26 530.2 l 27 529.I 28 527.0 29 525.7 30 527.5 31 #N/A


  • DATE: 10/13/95 Unit: Duane Arnold Enercy Center '

COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward*

TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7118

1. Name of facility.

Duane Arnold Energy Center

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

Refuel Outage XIV to begin October 10,1996.

3. Actual date for restart following refueling.

November 14,1996

4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?


5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

Not applicable

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.


7. Current and projected fuel assemblies inventory:

Number of Projected date oflast Fuel refueling that can be Assemblies discharged installed in reactor core (following refueling) 368 n/a previously discharged from core to Spent Fuel 1408 n/a Storage Pool (following refueling) * "

uniiir present physical capacity oT5"p~EniFuel 2411 2007 Storage Pool und5F[icensed Capacity of 5peniFusi5iorageV66T" alif 2014 4


DOCKET NO. 50-(031 DATE: 10/13/95 Unit: Duane Amold Enerev Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: (319) 351-7318 UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS REPORT MONTH: September 1995 (No shutdowns or power reductions greater than 20%)

No. Date Type Duration Reason Method of Licensee Event System Code Comp. Cause (1) (Hours) (2) Shutting Report # (4) Code Down (5)

Reactor (3) 1 - F: Forced 2 - Reason 3 - Method: 4 - Exhibit G-Instructions for S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual Preparation of Data Entry B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Sheets for Licensee Event C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram Report (LER) File (NUREG-D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continued 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination 5-Reduced Load F-Administrative 9-Other(Explain) 5 - Exhibit I (Same Source)

G-Operational Error (Explain)

H-Other (Explain) 4

  • e k



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DOCKET NO.: 50-0331 DATE: 10/13/95 '

Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward -

TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7318 .

Monthly Opemtional Overview for September 1995:

The DAEC operated at full thennal power throughout the month of September except:

e to reduce power 30 MWe for three hours early September 4 (Labor Day) for lack of grid demand, e to make control rod adjustments and perform turbine control valve testing September 7-8, e to backscat the Reactor Core injection Cooling System (RCIC) outboard steam isolation valve (during the September 8 turbine valve testing) to stop a packing leak, and e to repair steam leaks in the heater bay, also during tiie turbine valve testing.

Allocation of Production & Losses: Electncal Capacity Factor Full Power Output  % af 565.7 MWe Equivalent MWe (Design Gross llours Rating)

Actual Metered Net Electric Output 526.8 93.1 % 670.5 Actual Metered Plant Electric Loads 31.0 5.5% 39.4 Load Following Sept. 4 0.1 0.0% 0.2

, OIT Line 0.0 0.0% 0.0 Weather losses, ie., condenser pressure > 2.75 in IIg / Cire Water Temp 3.2 0.7% 4.0 Planned Capacity Losses: Turbine Valve Testing September 8 1.1 0.2% 1.4 Control Rod Drive Exercises: September 7-8 0.3 0.0% 0.4 LJnplanned Capacity Loss: Backseat MO2401, Leak Repairs September 8 0.3 0.0% 0.3 Normal Capacity Losses (Avg MWth < 1658) 0.6 0.1% 0.6 Metering Losses (Avg indic MWe - Avg MWIle) 1.8 0.3% 2.3 Elliciency Losses (Weather-Norm-Full Power-MWe < 565.7) 0.7 01% OJ Design Gross Electric Output 565.7 100 0 % M On September 20, following maintenance on the High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI) system, a spurious momentary Primary Containment Isolation System (PCIS) and HPCI isolation signal was received when a PCIS/HPCI isolation valve was being opened to re-pressurize the HPCI steamline. The PCIS/HPCI isolation valve did not close as expected. The isolation signal was likely caused by steam and water's effect on isolation senscrs when the valve was opened. The isolation valve failed to close due to small differences in limit switches that control the auto-isolation feature of the valve. After the isolation signal was reset, the valve was closed manually. IIPCI was properly removed from service throughout these events and there was no etTect on safe operation. LER #95-10 (pending).

Licensine Action Summary:

Plant Availability: 100.0 % Unplanned Auto Scrams (while/ critical) this month: 0 Number of reportable events: 1 Unplanned Auto Scrams (while/ critical)last 12 months: 1 2