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to Process Control Program
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Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/08/1982
Shared Package
ML20041E657 List:
PROC-820304, NUDOCS 8203110220
Download: ML20041E659 (11)



  • LSCS PCP Revision 1 3/L/82 LaSalle County Station Process Control Progran 1 II 1.? _Cpp,(gn,(s, f


!. Scope 2

11. LSCS Solidification System Description 2 Ill. Characteristics of LSCS Solidi fication System Feeds 2 IV. Solidification Formulas 3 V. Administrative Controls on LSCS Solidification 4 VI. Control of Process Parameters Ubich Could Affect LSCS 5 Solidification.

Vll. Shipnent of Solidified Vaste 7 Appendix A - LSCS Solidification Formulas 8 Appendix B - LSCS Procedures Which inplement the PCP.

11 8203110220 820308 PDR ADOCK 05000373 A PDR J

LSCS PCF Revision 1 3/4/82 2

1. Scope A. The LaSalle County Station Process Control Progran (LSCS PCP) describe' the administrative and process controls on the radioactive waste solidification system which provide reasonable assurance that the LSCS system is operated to produce solidified waste with no free-standing water. The LSCS PCP is implemented by the LSCS Operating Department.

II. LSCS Solidification System Description.

A. LSCS utilizes a permanently installed radwaste solidification system supplied by Stock Equipnent Company. This system has been designed wi th numerous features to provide process control for reasonable assurance that waste is solidified with no free standing water. The " Process Description" section of Stock Ecuipnent Co. Solid Radwaste Sy_ stem _ Topical Report,SRS-001-NP, March 1979, gives a general descriotion of the operation of the Stock Solidi ficat i~ (vstem and notes the various process control features. The sol dification system is operated by LSCS personnel.

Ill. Characteristics of LSCS Solidification System Feeds. Five types of waste are solidified in the LSCS system.

A. Spent Resin Tank (1). The spend resin tank receives exhausted ion exchange bead resins from the condensate polishing demineralizers, waste demineralizers, floor drain demineralizers, and chemical waste demineralizer. Resins are allowed to settle in this tank while excess water is decanted. Settled resins are discharged to the solidification systen after appropriate recirculation.

B. Waste Sludge Tank (1). The Waste Sludge Tank receives backwash from the waste collector filters, fuel pool filter-demineralizers, and bottoms f rom various liquid radweste collector and feed tanks. The sludges are allowed to settle in this tank while excess water is decanted. Settled sludge is discharged to the solidification system. The sludge consists primarily of diatonaceous earth and powdered ion exchange resin.

C. URC Sludge, Tank. The URC Sludge Tank receives solids from the ultrasnonic resin cleaner (URC) backwash. The sludge is allowed to settle while excess water is decanted. Settled sludge is discharged to the solidification system after appropriate recirculation. The sludge consists primarily of piping corrosion products and resin fines.

D. Reactor Vater Cleanup (RWCU) Phase Separator Tanks (4). The four phase separator tanks collect, settle and hold for decay sludge from the RWCU filter-demineralizer backwash. Excess water can be removed from the tanks via decanting. Settled sludge is discharged to the solidification systen after recirculation. The sludge consists primarily of powered ion exchange' resin and organic inert (e.g., Solka-Floc) filtering media,

. LSCS PCF Revision 1 3/4/82 3

E. Cor.centrator Waste Tanks (2). The two Concentrator Waste Tanks receive concentrates from the floor drain and chemical waste concentrators. and lesser cuantities of concentrates from the laundry reverse osmosis unit. The chenical wastes concentrates consist of deep bed denineralizer regenerant wastes, concentrated to approximately 25% by weight, Na 50 .

2 3 The floor drain wastes consist of floor drains concentrated to approximately 10% total solids by wieght. The laundry reverse osmosis concentrates consist primarily of detergent solutions concentrated to approximately 4% by weight total solids.

IV. Solidification Formulas.

A. Formula Development. S tock Equi pment Company has performed extensive tes ting of BWR waste solidi fication with cement.

Stock has developed specific formulas for solidification of these wastes in the Stock systems. The formulas have been pretested prior to use at LaSalle.

B. LSCS Solidification formulas. The LSCS operating procedures listed in Appendix A describe speci fic formulas for each type of LSCS waste. The formulas include the required amount of cement, the amount of was te, slurry settling and maxing times, and in-drum mixing times. Process control parameters for each drum of waste are recorded and reviewed to verify that the proper sol i d i fi ca t i on formulas have been used.

e C. The formulas for LSCS spent resin, waste filter sludge, URC sludge and filter-demineralizer sludge wastes should remain constant. When these formulas are initially used on actual LSCS wastes, the initial waste drums will be opened and visually inspected to assure proper solidification wiht no free-standing water. The formulas will be modified if necessary to provide solidification. Thereafter, waste drums will be periodically opened and inspected to verify solidification.

D. The LSCS operating procedures provide for the sampling and analysis of each batch of concentrator waste. The solidification formulas for each batch of waste will be based on the total solids content of the batch sample. Graphs and instructions are provided in the operating procedures. When a specific formula is first used to solidify a batch, an initial waste drum will be opened and visually inspected to verify solidification with no free-standing water.

E. New LSCS solidi fication formulas may be developed and added to the operating procedures to optimize drun radiation levels or waste processing or to accomodate changes in the waste stream characteristics. For new formulas, initial waste drums will be opened and inspected to verify solidification with no free-standing water.

F. The current LSCS solidification form'ulas are provided in Appendix A. The formulas in Appendix A have been deternined by Stock Equipnent Company to provide solidification within the following tolerances for waste and cement quantities; Cement t 5%

Sludges + 19%

Evap. Vastes t 5%

Should variations in waste and cement occur for the sane drum, the tolerances listed above are half of that specified.

V. Administrative Controls On LSCS Solidification.

A. Use of Procedures. Wri tten station procedures are used to i mp l emen t the LSCS PCP. The station procedures address the following aspects of implerentation:

1. Step-by-s tep di rections are provided for operation of the soli di fi ca tion sys tem.
2. Solidification Formulas are provided for each LSCS Waste Stream.

3 Each waste container is assigned a unique identification number. Jperational parameters are recorded for each container.

4. The container operational parameters are reviewed to verify that the drumming formula was followed.

5 Vaste containers are periodically inspected to verify solidification with no free-standing water.

B. Station Procedures which implement the Process Control Program are listed in Appendix B.

C. At least one batch of solidified waste in ten batches of each waste type will be tested to verify solidification. The test will consist of opening a container at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after mixino and inspecting for the presence of free-s tanding wate r. If any visibis free-standing water is detected that cannot be attributed to operator error or systen malfunction, further sol i di fi ca tion of that type of waste will be suspended until the Process Control Progran is modi fied and proper waste solidi fication is veri fied.

Inspections will be performed prior to shipment of the solidified waste.

D. If the initial test of a batch fails to verify solidi fication, each succeedinq batch of the same type of waste will be tested until 3 consecutive batch tests verify solidification without free-standing water.

LSCS PCP Revision 1 3/h/82 5

E. For the Spent Resin, URC Sludge, and Waste Sludge waste streans a batch is defined as the contents of one of the waste tanks when solidification of the contents commences and for 30 days thereafter. These tanks continue to receive water and waste while solidification is in progress. Since water content of these wastes is controlled in the decanting stations and other waste characteristics are not expected to change significantly, 30 days is chosen as a conservative interval.

F. For the Phase Separator and Evaporator Waste streams a batch is defined as the contents of one isolated wasta tank.

VI. Control of Process Parameters Which Could Affect LSCS Solidification.

A. Cement Type. Type 3 Portland Cement is used as the solidification agent at LSCS. The cement is certifiied by the suppliers to neet the specifications of ASTM C150-1980. Plant inspection of cement shipments will verify prooer certification.

B. pH of Waste Stream. Stock Equipment Company has determined that extreme (greater than 10) pH values of waste can adversely affect solidification.

1. The Concentrator Waste Tanks receive wastes from the evapa ators and reverse osmosis unit that may exceed a pH value of 10. The evaporator waste tank pH is monitored by sampling and analysis. The waste pH may be adj us ted if a waste batch is found to have improper solidification.
2. The other LSCS Waste Streams consist of slurries. The pH of these waste streams is not expected to exceed 10 and is not normally monitored.

C. Solids Concentration and Type of Waste

1. The LSCS operating procedures provide formulas for each specific waste st aam. The actual parameters for the Waste containers are reviewed to verify that the correct formulas are used for the type of waste solidified.
2. Evaperator Wastes batches are sampled and analy ed. The formulation used to solidify a particular batch is based on the measured batch solids

( content. When a particular formulation is first used an initial container of solidified waste is inspected to verify solidi fication without freestanding water.

3 The other LSCS waste streams are slurries. The decanting tanks are utilized to control solids concentration.

D. Slurry Settling times. In order to obtain a uniform bed-of-solids in the decanting tanks and consistent slurry concentrations the LSCS operatino procedures provide specific settling times for each type of waste.

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LSCS PCP Revision 1 3/4/82 6

E. Drum Mixing Tines. The LSCS operating procedures specify drum mixing tines for each waste type. The mixing times are automatically controlled by adjustab!e timers. - Mixing times are recommended by-Stock Equipment Company for the pretested formulas.

F. Solidification (Set) Time. Stock Equipment Company has recommended j, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> as a minimum set time to assure complete solidification of non-borated wastes. LSCS does not expect to ship waste containers within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of solidification because of the LSCS capacity


to store approximately 2000 drums.

G. Concentrator Wastes Temperatures. Stock Equipment Company has

! recommended a maximum concentrator wastes temperature of 160 F to preclude possible overpressurization of the solidified j containers. At LSCS Concentrator Vastes temperature is monitored with a thermocouple. In the event of waste temperatures exceeding 160 F the waste metering pump is tripped.

H. Presence of 011 In Waste Streams. Solidification tests _ performed
by Stock Equipment Company involving typically encountered .

oil types indicated that up to 2% concentrations (by weight) do not adversely affect solidification. LSCS does not expect oil contamiration of any waste stream to exceed 2% by weight. Solidified LSCS waste is periodically inspected to verify solidification.

l. Maintenance of Cement Quality During Storage. At LSCS, cement used for solidification will be stored indoors in an enclosed steel silo. The storace area temperature will be maintained at 60-100 F range by plant ventilation. Indoor storage provides reasonable assurance that cement quality will be maintained.

J. Type and Condition of Solidification Containers. New solidification

- drum shipments are inspected to verify that certific!ations to i DOT 17C specifications are included with the shipments. The inspection may include verification that drum wall thicknesses are within tolerance and that seams are tight. Prior to loading with cement and

! waste, each drum is' inspected to verify the absence of dents and I holes and the presence of the required " Radioactive LSA" markings.

i The inspection also verifies that a 4-inch cap and gasket are

! installed. ,

VII . Shipment of Solidified Waste A. Isotopic Analysis of Resin. Each resin source (tank) is sampled and isctopically analyzed for gamma emmitters. Based upon this analyci+ the activity (uCI/ gram) and % abundance of each isotope in the resin are determined.

B. Curie Content of Solidified Waste. The Curie content of each processed barrel will be determined using conservative calculations which relate the average barrel surface area dose rate to the total activity.

LSCS PCP Revision 1 3/4/82 7

C. Prior to shipping, drums are inspected for removable contamination and general condition. Drums found to be damaced during handling will be placed in 70 gallon drums for shipment.

D. Expended cartridge - type filter elements will be dried and shipped as Dry Active Waste (DAW).

E. Free-standing water will be removed f rom partially solidified drums prior to shipment.



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- - Revision 1 3/h/82 8

Appendix A LSCS Solidification Formulas

1. Spent Resin Tank 10% free-standing water in decant tank.

Slurry settling time 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

Drum Mixing Times 10 minutes first time and 5 minutes second time.

40 gallons of waste, 240 lb. Type 3 Cement.

Final Drum weight 607 lb.

II. Waste Sludge Tank 10% f ree-standing water in decant tank.

Slurry settling time 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Drum Mixing Times 10 minutes first time and 5 minutes second time.

36.5 gallons of waste.

296 lb. Type 3 Cement.

Final Drum Weight 608 lb.

111. URC Sludge Tank 10% free-standing water in decant tank.

Slurry settling time 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Drum Mixing Times 10 minutes first time and 5 minutes second time.

40 gallons of waste.

240 lb. Type 3 Cement.

Final Drum Weight 607 lb.

IV. RWCU Phase Separator Tanks 10% f ree-standing water in decant tank.

Slurry Settling Time 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Drum Mixing Times 10 minutes first time and 5 minutes second time.

296 lb. Type 3 Cement.

36.5 gallons was'te.

Final Drum Weight 608 lb.

V. Concentrator Waste Tanks Drums Mixing Times 10 minutes first time and 5 minutes second time.

Quantity of Type 3 Cement per Attached graph.

Quantity of Waste per attached graph.

Final Drum Weight Variable


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. Revision 1 3/4/82 CONCEtiTRATED WASTE DRUMMING 10 FORMULA GRAPH I .- , , . . ,

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. Revision 1 3/4/82 11 APPENDIX B LSCS Procedures Which implement the LSCS PCP

1. LOP-WX-01, Drum Handling Bridge Crane Operation
2. LOP-WX-02. Decanting Station Operation 3 LOP-WX-03, Drumming Unit Operation
4. LOP-WX-04, Establishing a Concentrated Waste Tank Transfer Loop.

5 LOP-WX-12, Establishing a RWCU Phase Separator Tank Transfer Loop.

6. LOP-WX-14, Cement Day Tank Filling and Drum Cement Loading.

7 LOS-WX-SR1, Verification of Radwaste Solidification.

B. LOP-WX-16, Drum Labeling and inspection Station Operation.

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