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Addl Exceptions to ASLB 811214 Partial Initial Decision on Emergency Planning Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1982
From: Aamodt N
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8202100353
Download: ML20040F831 (6)



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Additional Aamodt Exceptions To Partial Initial Decision Of' December 14, 1981 - Emergency Planning Issues". ,

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February 5, 1982 -

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8202100353 820205 .

PDR ADOCK 05000209 0 FIA

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The Aamod t a craand their filing o f Jcnuary 26, 1982 to add the following exceptions to the Par,tial Initial 6

Decision of December 14, 1961.

34. The Board overlookb maj o'r areas covered in


the record 'of the hearing and raised in the Aaraodt findings.s

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These areas' include.whether  ;.

t h e. n-fe a.. rr. er s p:.m can and will{under-O

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, take protective actions.t . -

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35. The Board,'in p a r a g'ra p'h' 19 2 3, f ai:;s to recognize that liv'estock are potential sources of food to be pro t c et e d

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g from radiation. '


36. The Board, in paragraph 1925, footnote ~114,- e r rs in failing to examine whether the Commonucalth of Pennsylvania's' -


. provision of protective equipment would. be adequ' ate to protect the_ farmers. __

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37. The Board, in paragraph 1926, .footnote 215, errs in misuse of record citations.- "The Board fails to suppott  ;
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38. The Board has no record support that guidance for ,

food protection would be distributed to all farners within the TMI plume emergency planning zone. The Board misapplies -

the TMI plume emergency planning zone as appropriate ingestion f protection zone. (Paragraph 1927).

39. The Board misused the record in paragraph 1927 in'

. citing the testimonies of Witnesses Lytle and Samples at Tr.'18, 738, I S ', 766 - 18, 767. The Board overlooked n u n..? r o u s record evidence that supported an unqualified conclusion.

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40. The Board, in paregraph 1928, grossly distorts h :' '

the reconi in ' their conclusion.


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lso 41. The Board, in paragraph 1928 footnote 217, fails

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..,, to rgsolve the' conflict of the evidence cited with FEMA

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.,. 9, , ,j testimony.

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'd . The Board, in p'aragraph 1935 footnote 218, fails n.

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to resolve a con flic t in the FEMA and Commonwealth positions s .t fj]

regarding the provision of protective equipment to the farmers. -

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The Board, in paragraph 1937, provides no support

":\ for their assertion that y . those farmers who choose to remain

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m wi'th their herds will be informed in measures for self-protection 1

44. The Board, in paragraph 1937, fails to explain how jgd . _ _ .

4 previding equipment for York County agricultural eme~rgency

, _ vorkers is sufficient.


45. s The' Board, in para graplii 16 7 7, fails to reconcile-O evacuation t16e astimates with paragraph 1925 where it is-


m s t'a t e d that farmers are allowed to evacuate their livestock.

46. The~ Board, in paragraphs 1925 through 1940, disregards the testimony;of the. county.agr4culturdI agents, the best -

evidence.cencerning.the issues discussed therein, particularly


the andeistanding and responsibilities of the agents, as stated in paragraphs 1925, 1926, 1928, 1929, 1932 and 1940.


The Board, in paragraphs 1925 through 1940, disregards the testimony of the farmers, the best e v i d'e n c e concerning the

. issues discussed therein. '

48. The Board, in paragraph 1929, failed to resolve

- its conclusions with the testimony of FEMA.


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49. The~ Board feils, in paragraphs 1919 through 1940, to'recognire r address the need to identify the farm pop-ulation andit e livestock population in the TMI plume cmergency. planning zone and the ingestion zone.
50. The Bcard fails, in paragraphs 1919 through 1940,

[... to-recogniize or address the financial aspects of livestock

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V%D wownership~which can constrain the f armers -to -take persona _ l i

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4~ protective action.

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51. The Board fails, in paragraphs 1923, 1924 and EJ 1937, to resolve its definition of property with-the best.

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evidence of the record, the farmers' testimony.

52. The Board errs at 1717 in finding that " milk sampling for radiciodine is more meaningful and more accurate for evaluating deses to man than measuring animai thyroids".
53. The Board errs at '1719 with regard to the relation-ship of increased frequencies of neanatal hypothyroidism and infant mortalities te radiciodine emmissions during the TMI-2 I., accident as claimed by Dr. Molholt.
54. The Boafd errs at 1721 in its reliance on the con-clusions of the Hypothyroidism Epidemiological Investigative Committee. '
55. The Board errs at 1723 in finding "no basis to conclude that alleged increases in neonatal hypothyroidism and infant morality following the TMI-2 accident were caused by that ac cid ent " .
56. The Board errs at 1723 in finding that existing protective actions are not '!in su f ficien t to protect the fetus or to require the use cf different or lower protective action guides". -



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This is to certify that copies of the

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f ollowing d ocument were -served on theTattached..n service ~ list by U.S. Mail February 5;~.1982.

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Additional Aamodt Exceptions To Partial Initial Decision of December 14, 1981 -

Emergency Planning Issues.


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NORMAN 0. AAMODT February 5, 1982-i f

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mir7M@8Be Mrector, U. S. Nucle $r fJ' Safety and Licensing Board U ., S . Nuclecr_ Regulatory Commission Regulatory Com=ission k'ashington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 Docketing and Service Section

  • A,dministrative Judge Ivan W. Smith, Office of the Secretary Chairman', Atomic Safety and Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Board, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Washington, Washington, D. C. 20555 r

D. C. 20555 .

i Steven C. Shelly  ;

Administrative Judge Linda W. Little Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Union of Concerned Scientists "

1725 Eye St., N. W. Suite 601 5000 Bereitage Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Washington, D. C. 20006


~ ~.

, Robert Adler, Esq.

Administrative Judge' Walter H. Jordan Assistant Attorney General Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 505 Executive House 881 West Outer Drive

  • P. O. Box 2s57 Oak Ridge, Tenn e s s e e 37830 Harrisburg, Pa. 17120 '

a- ,

Cary L. Edles, Chairman -

Atomic 'Sa,fety and Licensing Appeal Louise Bradford THIA -

Board, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Washington, D. C. 20555 315.~.P e f f e r S t. .

Harrisburg, Pa. 17102


John H. B.uck ;u i Jane Lee Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal R. D. 3, Box.35.21 Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. E t t e'r's , P a . 17319 ' '

Washington, D. C. 20555 -

Ellyn R. Weis's Christine N. Kohl Sheldon, Harmon, Roisman & Weiss Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal 1775 I Street, N. W. Suite 506 Board, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Washington, D. C. 20006 ~

Vashington, D. C.'20$55 i Nunzio J. Palladino, Chairman Professor Gary Milho111n U.S. Nuclear Regula tory Commission


1815 Jefferson Street Washington, D.C. 20555- Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Victor Gilinsky, Commissioner Ms. Call Bradford U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ANGRY Washington, D.C. 20555 245 W. Philadelphia Street Tork, Pa. 17404 Peter A.

Bradford' Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reginald L. Cotchy Washington, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Rppeal

' Board, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CG John F. Ahearne, Commissioner * ' ~

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

  • C e o r g e:. F .'< T r o ub r i d g s ,' E s q .

~ Thomas M. Roberts, Commissioner Shaw, Pitt=an, Potts and TrowbridgG U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'a D$ . 20036 Washington, D.C. 20555 9

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