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Partially Withheld Memo Re Allegations by Unnamed Individual Concerning Technical/Safety Concerns at Plant
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1990
From: Dick G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Crutchfield D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20029C132 List:
FOIA-90-361 NUDOCS 9103260305
Download: ML20029C153 (4)



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/;.ril 24, 1 m Docket Nos. $0 496 and $0 499 MEMORANDUM FOR: Dennis M. Crutchfield Associatt Director for Special Projects THRU:

Frederick J. Hebdon, Director FrojectDirectorateIV Division of Reactor Frojects - 111, IV, Y and Special Projects i f.0M:

George f. Dick, Jr., Project Mar.eger FrejecttirectoratelY Division of Reactor Projects - 111, IV, Y and Special Projects r



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g potertial-safety issues which had not previous been provided to the NRC because of a Thus, the staff expected to obtain riew i orn ti At the ineeting, tie staff was informed that it was not

>ossible for odifferentiatebetweennewissues(issueswhichhave

>een previously. const ered by the NRC) and old issues.- Consequently C presented all of the issue; in his files. The were ide tified by nurnbers M ] and presented and~ categorized by as Technical / Safety concerns 92 TE~~-

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910326'030s 910314 PDR FOIA KOURH90-361 PDR

,j Upon further review of the items identified as technical / safety concerns, the staff has placed them in the following categories:

l ltems considered by the NRC Safet Report (HUREG-1306) (Category A) y significance Assessir.ent Team


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lter:s considered by the lictostt's SME1EAM organization (Category B) lttes additssed in NRC trspectic.n report 50498/87-30(October 6, 1987) (Category C)

Itens that r.ay be safety cor;cerns and are not addressed in Category A, B or C (Catescry D) liens which are clearly not related to safety and not addressed as C6tegory A, B or C (Category E)

The folicwing is the strrary of the technical / safety concerns by category:


A 18 B


-C O[ *f


- Total The plan for the concerns by category and estimated schedule is pretented in Enclosure 2.

Based on the sccre of work as we now ste it, it appears th6t the review can be completed by the end of June 1990.

Veeting the schedule assur.e5 that Mr. E. Tonlinson is available essentially full tire thre4sh P'ay 18, 1990 ard part tirne for the remainder of tir.e ur.til the report is ptblisted. T pe) esticates include a trip to Region IV and sper. ding a week et the site I

head h. h?]$ w George F. Dick, Jr., Project Manager Froject Directorate IV Division of Reactor Projects - !!!,

IV, y and special Projects cc:

.R. Martin S. Collins J k'iebe J. Tapia G. Holahan R. Corries M. Callan J. Calvo R. Brady I

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Attendees at Meetihg






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LIMITED DISTRIBUTION plan for Disposition of Concerns by Category Establish that the concern was specifically addressed in o

Category A NUREG-1306 or that the review done by the Safety Significance Assessment Team (SSAT)(encompasses the concern.i.e.,reports The appropriate reference asclosecut(NRR).

Review the SAFETEAM closcout of each item and, if the o

Category B staff agrees with the closeout, provide a brief surrary of the technical basis.

If the staff does not agree with the SAFETEAM conclusions, the item will be placed in Category D or E as appropriate (NRR).

Review the staff closeout of each item and provide a o

Category C brief sumary of the basis for the conclusions (Region IV).

Identify whether or not the concern dealt with safety.

o Category D If it does not, identify the basis for the decision.

If the concern deals with safety, review it and provide the basisforthedisposition(NRR).

Evaluate each item and report both conclusion and basis o

Category E (NRR).

We will sumarize the concerns that now comprise the combined Categories 0 and E and send them to the licensee to determine if they had been previously reviewed by SAFETEAM. Any items which were subject to SAFETCAM review will be treated the same at those in Category B.

Based on the present number of items in each category, it-appears that the evaluations can be completed and final draf t documentation prepared by the end of Jur.e 1990.



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