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Application for Ol,Revision 2.Included in FSAR
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry
Issue date: 12/16/1976
From: Sampson G, Williams H
Shared Package
ML20008D687 List:
NUDOCS 8002030234
Download: ML20008D686 (24)







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Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station )



8002os0J ', M

                                   - . --              . _ _ . = . - . _ .     . . . . - - . - - - . -

APPLICATION FOR LICENSES FOR DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT NO. 1 Docket No. 50-346 _ Amendment No. 41 Enclosed herewith amending the above application are fifteen (15) copies of Revision No. I to the General Information portion of the Application. l By /s/ Lowell E. Roe Vice President, Facilities Development b

   \                   Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 16th day of December, 1976 L-
                                                                        /s/ Fred W. Germain Notary Public FRED W. GERM AIN Netary Public. Lucas. Wood. Henry.

Fulten & Ottawa Counties, Ohio l i My Commission Expires Oct.30,1977


O l l v OOjy M l

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p) Q THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPAhT Application for Utilization Facility Operating License General Information - 10 CFR 550.33

1. Names and Addresses of Applicants
a. The Toledo Edison Company Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652
b. The Cleveland Electric Illu.dnating Co'mpany Post Office Box 5000 55 Public Square


 '\wJ   \

Cleveland, Ohio 44101 The Toledo Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company share, in the ratios indicated in Section 6 of this Application, l undivided ownership of the utilization facility, known as the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and its immediate site. The balance of the station site vill be held by the five companies: 1) The Toledo Edison Company, 2) The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, 3) Duquesne Light Company, 4) Ohio Edison Company, and 5) Pennsylvania 1 Power Company as tenants in connon in proportion to the composite of T-their ownership of the three Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station units. Toledo Edison has complete responsibility for the design and installa-tion of Davis-Besse Unit I and for the prosecution of this application and all related licensing activities and proceedings before the Nuclear qa j Regulatory Commission. Toledo Edison will also have complete responsi-Ob^

  • W, Revision 1

bility for the operation and maintenance of Davis-Besse Unit 1. Soledo Edison and Cleveland Electric Illuminating are not acting as the agents or representatives of any other persons in filing this application.

2. Description of Business and Organi::ation of Applicants
a. Toledo Edison is a public utility incorporated under the laws l1 of,the State of Ohio and is engaged primarily in the production, pur-chase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity in northwestern Ohio Toledo Edison supplies electrical power within a service area of 2,500 square miles which has an estimated population of 803,000. Retail power is supplied within the corporation limits of 49 municipalities in the service area including the City of Toledo, and wholesale power is i

supplied to 14 municipally-owned systems. Toledo Edison is not owned, controlled or dominated by an alfen, p foreign corporation, or foreign government. The names and business v addresses of Toledo Edison's directors and principal officers, all of I whom are citizens of the United States, are as follows: I l Board of Directors f Floyd M. Cancer Donald G. Nicholson Consultant and Vice President, Finance Former Exec. Vice President The Toledo Edison Company Owens-Illinois, Inc. 300 Madison Avenue i P. O. Box 1035 Toledo, Ohio 43652 Toledo, Ohio 43666 l William S. Carlson Henry A. Page, Jr. l President Emeritus, Univ, of Toledo , Former President, Page Dairy Co. 4047 Newcastle D1ive 3945 Hillandale Road 1 j Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Toledo, Ohio 43606  ;- Samuel G. Carsor. Lowell E. Roe Chairman of the Board Vice President, Facilities The Toledo Trust Company Development Summit and Madison The Toledo Edison Company Toledo, Ohio 43603 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43 F l 1\ f v 0012 2

                                                      %                        Revision 1
                                 ,~                            ~

Robert H. Davies Paul M. Smart President, The Holborn Company Vice President, Legal and

     \s_,)/   3150 Republic Boulevard, North            Secretary Toledo, Ohio 43614                        The Toledo Edison Company 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Virgil A. Gladieux                        Willard I. Webb, III Chairman of the Board                     Chairman of the Board                             ~

Gladieux Food Services, Inc. Ohio Citizens Trust Co. 2630 W. Laskey Road P. G. Box 1688 Toledo, Ohio 43613 Toledo, Ohio 43603 James S. Grant Robert G. Wingerter Vice President, Energy Supply Chairman of the Board and The Toledo Edison Company Chief Executive Officer 300 Madison Avenue Libbey-Owens-Ford Company Toledo, Ohio 43652 811 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43624 Wendell A. Johnson John P. Williamson Senior Vice President, Operations President and The Toledo Edison Company Chief Executive Officer 300 Madison Avenue The Toledo Edison Company Toledo, Ohio 43652 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652

        .'T s j      Marvin S. Kobacker Former Chairman of the Board Kobacker Stores, Inc.

P. O. Box 307 Toledo, Ohio 43691 1 Officers John P. Williamson Lyman C. Phillips President and Chief Vice President, Administrative Executive Officer Services & Treasurer 300 Madison Avenue 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Toledo, Ohio 43652 John H. Barker J. Fred Plassman Vice President, Public Relations Assiccant Controller 300 Madison Avenue 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Toledo, Ohio 43652 ~. Howard B. Fox Donald H. Saunders Vice Prr-ident, Corporate Development Controller l 300 Madison Avenue 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Toledo, Ohio 43652 s Marvin W. Keck Donald G. Nicholson Vice President, System Planning Vice Presidenc, Finance i



          /   300 Madison Avenue                        300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652                        Toledo, 0'aio 43652 1

0013 3 aevi l

e - gx Frank W. Keith Paul M. Smart ( ) Vice President, Personnel Vice President, Legal and

     \s_ /  300 Madison Avenue                              Secretary Toledo, Ohio 43652                              300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Wendell A. Johnson                              Robert F. Ertle                          J Senior Vice President, Operations               Assistant Treasurer 300 Madison Avenue                              300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652                              Toledo, Ohio 43652                     q James S. Grant                                  Lowell E. Roe Vice President, Energy Supply                   Vice President, Facilities 1

300 Madisan Avenue Development Toledo, Ohio 43652 300 Madison Ave're Toledo, Ohio 43652 David K. Zaski Stratman Cooke Vice President, Customer Services Assistant Secretary 300 Madison Avenue 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Toledo, Ohio 43652

b. Cleveland Electric Illuminctin; is a public utility incorpo-rated under the laws of the State of Ohio and is engaged primarily in

the generat'on and distribution of electricity in a 1,700 square-mile ( l

    %J area in nor . eastern Ohio. Cleveland Electric Illuminating provides retail power to an estimated population of 2,100,000 in the City of 1

Cleveland and 88 other incorporated municipalities, and surround'ing I territory, and has a normally closed interconnection with the City of Cleveland's municipal electric power system. j Cleveland Electric Illuminating is not owned, controlled or dom- 1 l inated by an alien, foreign corporation, or foreign government. The l names and business addresses of Cleveland Electric Illuminating's 1


directors and principal officers, all of whom are citizens of the United - States, are as fol2cws'. Directors Ralph M. Besse Morton L. Mandel Squire, ',arders & Dempsey Premier Industrial Corporation 7'!) i 1800 Union Commerce Building 4415 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Chio 44103

  \'_   '

Cleveland, Ohio 44115 4 Revision 1 0014 m

m g-s Rarry J. Bolwell Karl H. Rudolph (Njs) Midland-Ross Corporation The Cleveland Electric 55 Public Square Illuminating Company Cleveland, Ohio 44113 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Robert M. Ginn The Cleveland Electric Charles E. Spahr Illuminating Company The Standard Oil Company (Ohio) ~ 55 Public Square 1750 Midland Building Cleveland, Ohio 44113 - Cleveland, Ohio 44115 John Lansdale, Jr. Herbert E. Strawbridge Cox, Langford & Brown The Higbee Company 21 DuPont Circle N.W. 100 Public Square Washington, D.C. 20036 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Hugh D. Luke Richard B. Tullis The Reliance Electric Corpany Harris Corporation 29325 Chagrin Blvd. 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44122 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 1 Harold L. Williams The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 55 Public Square ,

   /      %        Cleveland, Ohio 44113
 't        )

Officers Karl H. Rudolph Harold L. Williams President Executive Vice President l1 55 Public Square 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Robert M. Ginn Raymond W. Wyman , Executive Vice President Vice President, Energy Application Service 1 l 55 Public Square ! Cleveland, Ohio 441'3 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113 i Robert W. Coan Clement T. Loshing Vice President, Technical & Treasurer y

                 . Administrative Services              55 Public Square 55 Public Square                       Cleveland, O'Ju *4i13                             ".~

Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Andrew R. Felmer Edgar H. Maugans Secretary Controller g 55 Public Square 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Cleveland, Ohio 4!.113 s gl / U 5 Revision 1 0915 g

Richard A. Miller Newton D. Flack

    /'~'N    Vice President, Finance &                      Division Manager, Steam Power

( ) General Counsel Division 55 Public Square 55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Philip B. Perry Dalwyn R. Davidson Vice President, Operations Vice President, Engineering 1 55 Public Square 55 Public S'{uare Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 John J. Misic Division Manager, Distribution Div. 55 Public Square . Cleveland, Ohio 44113

3. Class and Period of License Requested Applicants request a class 103 operating license for a period of 40 years authorizing Toledo Edison to operate the utilization facility 1

c escribed in Section 5 below.

4. Additional Licenses Requested



Applicants request such additional source, special nuclear, and by-product naterial licenses as may be necessary and appr,priate to the operation of the facility.

5. Description and Use of Facility The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Statiot. Unit 1 is a nuclear electric 1 generating station with a pressurized es sr reactor steam supply system.

The nuclear steam supply system will be operated at a reactor power level of 2,772 MWt with a corresponding net electrical output of 906 MWe. The station is being constructed pursuant to Construction Permit No.


CPPR-80 issue

  • on March 24, 1971. -

The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station is located in north central Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie, approximately 21 miles east of the City of Toledo, i i v j W 6 Revision 1

s Datails concu aing tne station anc the site a. contained in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) which constitutes a part of this

        <- ~s
      /      fj application.
   ~. s_    /
6. Financial Qualifications Applicants share undivided ownership of the unit and the immediate 1

unit site as tenants in common without right of partition. The two companies share in the costs of construction and will share the costs of operation and in the energy production in proportion to their undivided ownership interest as follows: The Toledo Edison Company 48.62% 1 The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 51.38* Applicants have not formulated plans for permanent shutdown of the i station. However, assuming shutdown measures involving an entombment 2 concept similar to that used for the decommissioning of the Hallam Nuclear

       ,_s      Power Facility, Applicants estimate that the cost of decommissioning of

( \ ( _) i the station would not exceed $10,000,000 based on 1976 dollar values. 1 2 An additional $90,000 per year.would be required to cover the cost of surveillance and maintenance of the fences and barriers. Uranium, er.-ichment, and fuel fabrication for the first core is being purchased from the supplier of the nuclear steam supply system. 1 Commitments for the uranium, enrichment, and fabrication of reload regions have been made for periods of 5 years, 30 years, and 8 years, 1 l respectively. Table I, attached hereto and made a part hereof, sets forth the estimated operating costs for the five-year period from 1977 ,~ 1 - , through 1981. l The annual reports of Toledo Edison and Cleveland Electric Illitmi-nating for the year 1971 are attached as Appendix A and B, respectively, i

         '~T    u. this aprlication. 11.ase reports show that *he Applicants have 1

( l ()()jjp Revision 2


reasonable assurance of obtaining the funds necessary to cover estimated

    \           l

(/ costs of operation for the first five years of operation of the station, and deco _dssioning the station and naintaining it in a safe condition.

7. Technical Qualification.2 A description of the technical qualificatiens of Toledo is contained in Chapter 13 of the FSAR. A list of principal contractors and their 1 qualifications are contained in Chapters 1 and 13 of the F3AR.
8. Regulatorv Agencies and Trade and News Publications
a. Rettulatorv Agencies One or more regulatory agencies and municipalities nay have jurisdiction over the respective races and services of the Applicants incident to the generation and distribution of electric energy from the utilization facility for which a class 103 license is requested herein.
  /          \    ".se names and addresses of such agencies and the names of such munici-
  \           >

palities are set forth in the attached Appendices C and D.

b. Trade and News Publications The lists of trade and news publications which are in general circulation in the respective service areas of the Applicants and which j are considered appropriate to give reasonable notice of this Application 1

l co those municipalities, private utilities, public bodies and coopera-I tiv2s which sight have a potential interest in the utilization facility are set forth in Appendices E, F, and G.

9. Security Agreement i

The application does not contain any Restricted Data or other de-fense infor=ation. Applicants agree that they will not permic any individual to have access to Restricted Data until the Civil Service


[ y j

             ,/   Commission shall have made an investigation and a repn: to the Nuclear 1

Regulatory Co==1ssion on che character, associations, and 1o3 ! ggg 8 Revision 1

c such individaal, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall have deter- l1 (d T mined that permitting such person to have access to Restricted Data vill not endanger the common defense and security.

10. Communications Toledo Edison, on behalf of itself and Cleveland Electric Illumi- 1 nating, will hereafter submit all further information required in con-nection with this application. Applicants request that all communica-tions pertaining to this application be sent to:

Lowell E. Roe g Vice President, Facilities Development The Toledo Edison Cor.,any Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 In addition, it is requested that cocies oY each communication .,e sent to Toledo Edison's counsel: Paul M. Smart Vice President, Lega.' The Toledo Edison Com nay y Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 Gerald Charnoff, Esq. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 910 - 17th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 and to Cleveland Electric Illuminating's counsel: Donald H. Hauser, Esq. The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Post Office Box 5000, Room 610 ,' Cleveland, Ohio 44101 - THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANT By /s/ Glenn J. Sampson gS (Name) ( ) Vice President, Power (Title) 9 Revision 1

l m l l 1 l Swc,rn to and subscribed Fefore me, this 8th day ~of December ,  ! 1972.

                                                                           /s/ Fred W. Cer=ain Notary Public ty Commission Expires:

FRED W. GERMAIN Netary Public. Lucas Wecd. Henry. Futten & Ottawa Ccunties. Ohio Ir, Co.i .......... L,.~ .- ; 0-;t. 20. IT THE CLEVERTD EIICTRIC ILLUCD. TEM CCMPA. Tl By S/ Harold L. Williams


Vice President-Engineering


(Title) Swom to and subscribed before me, this 8th day of December . 19 3 , S/ Judith A. Cell Notary Public My C-MEgs: Notary Public For Cwyahoga Cou-N My C.smmtssion Exoires Feb.13. IM4 l l i i A 1 l 10 Revision 1 ! 0920

                               ,a                                                                                                           ,   ,,q                                          fx
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TABLE 1 ESTIMATED ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS FOR DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION - UNIT NO. 1 (Thousands of Dollars) CALENDAR YEAR 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 PLANT FACTOR - % 60% (6 mos.) 70% 62% 73% 70% 3 operation and maintenance expenses p.) Nuclear power generation t.A Nuclear fuel expense $10,950 $ 22,120 $ 19,280 $ 23,060 $ 25,780 other operating expenses 2,700 5,730 6,130 6,600 7,000 Maintenance expenses 1,500 3,140 4,900 3,660 3,980 Total nuclear power generation $15,150 _$ 30,990 $ 30,310

                                                                                                                                                                             $ 33,320    $ 36,760

Transmission expenses 100 220 240 250 270 Administrartve and general expenses Property and liability insurance 830 1,660 1,660 1,660 1,660 Other A.6C. expenses 920 1,940 2,420 2,250 2,400 Total A.&G. expenses 1,750 3,600 4,080 3,910 4,060 4 TOTAL O&M EXPENSES $17,000 $ 34,810 $ 34,630 $ 37,480 $ 41,090 Depreciation expense 10,500 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 Total taxes other than income taxes 0 8,890 9,110 9,340 9,580 , Income taxes - Federal 9,466 37,078 37,920 38,408 38,761 Income taxes - other - - - - - Deferred income taxes - net 3,998 12,447 9,655 7,220 5,096 Investment t ax credit adjustments - net (857) (857) (857) (857) (857) d Return (rate of return: 10%) 28,316 55,582 53,482 51,382 49,282 g s TOTAL ANNUA 1. COST OF OPERATION $68,473 $168,950 $164,940 $163,973 $163,952 9

            - a,-   a  - _ m -   . . _ __.

i I l I i j l l


I A P P E NC o I X O ee 4 t 6 2200

APPD* DIX C The Toledo Edisen Cc=parcf - 19 Regulatory Agencies Having Jurisdiction Over Rates and Services l I

1. Federal Power Cc==1ssion Washington, D.C. 20h26
2. Chio Public Utilities Cc=ission 111 North High Street Columbus, Ohio h3215 3, The folleving =unicipalities:

Alvordten McClure Archbold Metancra ~ Berkey Millburf Blakeslee Milton Center Burgcen New Eavaria Clay Center Ney Clyde Ucrthvced Defiance Oregon Delta Cttava Hills Eden Perrysburg Fayette Risingsun Gibsonburg Rocky Ridge Grand Rapids Ecssford /q Green Springs (s) t Stryker Ea=ler Svanten Harbor View Sylvania - Helena Toledo - Holgate Walbridge Holland Waterville Jerr/ City Wauseon Lindsey Wayne Luckey Westen Lyons West Unity Mau=ee . Whitehouse o 0023 m

  .,g -. a  a. -. _-.. __...._a . .a       ._- - . - _-   a._ _ _, e   __ a a_       a G

i l t i I l t l l l l 1 P 9 e> I p I l , i r I I G A t P f p e E < NO ' D

!                                                                                         l X

i 0024 6

APPENDIX D The Cleveland Electric Illu=inating Cenpany - 6

            )           Regulatory Agencies Eaving Jurisdiction Over s_ /                               Rates and Services
1. Federal Pcver Cc==ission Washington, D.C. 20h26
2. Chio Public Utilities Cc==ission 111 Ncrth High StreeV Col = bus , Chio h3215
3. The felleving =unicipalities:

CUYAHOGA COUNTY City of Bay Villege City of Maple Heights City of Beachwood Village cf Mayfield City of Bedford City of Mayfield Heights City of Bedford Heights City of Middleburg Heights Village of Bentleyville Village of Moreland Eills City of Berea Village of Newburgh Heights Village of Bratenahl City of 2,iorth Ol=sted City of Brecksv111e Village of North Randall City of 3rcadview Heights City of North Royalten City of Breck Park Village of Cakvced


City of Village Brooklyn of Brooklyn Heights Village 7illage of Clnsted Falls of Orange


Village of Chagrin Falls City of Par =a . City of Cleveland City of Par =a Heights


City of Cleveland Heights City of Pepper Pike Village of Cuyahoga Heights City of Rich =cnd Heights City of East Cleveland City of Rccky River City of Euclid City of Seven Kills City of Fairview Park City of Shaker Eeights City of Garfield Heights City of Solen l Village of Gates Mills City of South Euclid l Village of Glenvillev City of Strongsville l City of Highland Heights City of University Heights Village of Hunting Valley Village of Valley Viev l City of Indtpendence Village of Walten Eills ! City or Lakevcod City of Warrensv111e Heights Village of Linndale . City of Westlake City of Lyndhurst Village of Wood = era ( 1 l l t j 1"%, 1

 \ _f l

( 0025 m


 '(     LAKE CCUNTY City of  Eastlake Village  of Fairport Harbor Village  of Grand River City of   Kirtland Village  of Kirtland Hills Village  of Lakeline Village  of Madison City of  Mentor City of  Mentor-on-the-Lake VillaEe  of North Ferry Ferry Township Villa 8e of Ti=berlake                                         _

Village of Waite Hill City of Wickliffe City of Willoughby City of W111ovick City of Willoughby Hills Village of Ferry GEAUGA COUNTY Villa 6e of Aquilla Village of Burton Village of Charde (, Village of Middle:1 eld Village of South Russell ,


LORAIN CCUNTY Avon City City of Avon Lake ASHTAEULA CCU'iTY City of Ashtab.tla City of Conneaut City of Genev a Village of Gen-va-cc-the-Lake Village of Jefferson Village of North Kingsville Village of Orve11 Village of Rock Creek e (,, s)


0026 2 6

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A P P E N 5 D 1 X j i 1 1 1 l l l 4 6 4 1 l e e I F 0027  %

APPE7 DIX E  ! ['~'\ s List of Trade Publicatiens Electrical World - 330 West h2nd Street New York, New York 10036 Electrical Light & Power - 221 Colu= bus Avenue

                                    ,                Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Nuclear News                           - 2hh Ogden Avenue Einsdale, Illinois 60521 Nuclear Industry                          h75 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 Power                                 - 330 West h2nd Street New York, New York 10036 Power Engineering                     - Technical Publishing Co.

1301 S. Grove Avenue Barrington, Illinois 60010 Public Utilities Fortnightly - Suite 502 1828 L Street, N.W.

     ~s                                             Washington, D.C.         20036
 ' L_.                                                                                                           .

G 4 1 i

 ~_j 97;99 O

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I l i I i i l l I I J I A P P E p N O I X l e w i e e G 0029 6

AFFEND'X F [~~N A S e Toledo Edison Cc=pany -

   'N List of News Publicatiens in Service Area TE 3 LADE                                     :;rgs gggA;3 Sk1 Superior Street                           115 W. Second Street Toledo, Ohio h3660                            Pert Clinten, Chic L3L52 TE TOLIDO TIES                                sA ;pgggy 33cismo, 5hi Superior Street                           31k W. Market Street Toledo, Chio h3660                            Sandusky, Chic kkS70 TE PLAIN DEALER                               DEy ;JICE CRESCE.""-:Ir4S 1801 Superior Avenue                          Second & Ferry Streets         .

Cleveland, Ohio khllh Defiance, Chic L3512 TE CLEVELAND FRESS NCRTEWES'"-SIGNAL 901 Lakeside Avenue 612 N. Ferry Stree Cleveland, Chio hhllh Napoleon, Chio L35L5 THE DAILY S:.;6u;4.L ~~4I3UNE ERYAN TIES 121 E. Wooster Street 123 S. Walnut Sovling Green, Chio h3kO2 Bryan, Chio h35C6 EEMCNT NEWS-ESSriGER O ' 107 S. Arch Street f Fremont, Chio h3h20 tv) e e t

                                                                                       *e G
      ,e d \

A I < A

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                 - -m- - - - - - -a- s- .-~--a A." mw --1e -am *    - - - - - - wa AaueM          d   M-m^m- m--* m.--ma m --a --A ----s. 2          -AJ   ns m- . - -A-
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1 i 1 l ( l I I l l l l 1 - 9 4 A P P E g N I o i X 1 1 e e l l l l I i e 1 l e 0031. N

APPENDIX G Os  ! The Cleveland Electric Illu=inating Cenparef -

 '! sj                    List of News. Publications in Service Area CUYAHOGA COU'I"'Y                             ASICAEULA CCUTCY TE CLEVIIxiD PRESS                            ASETA3ULA STAR 3EACCN 901 Lakeside Avenue                           h626 Park Avenue Cleveland, Ohio khilk                         Ashtabula, Chio hh00h TE PLAIN DEALER                                CCN:iEAUT TEWS HIRALD 1801 Superier Avenue                          182 3 road Street Cleveland, Ohio kh11h                         Conneaut, Chio hh030 LAKE COUNTY                                   GEEVA FREE PRESS 23 South Forest Street TE CLEVELAND PRESS                            Geneva, Chic hkChi           _

901 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Chio kh11h LCRAIN COU?ITY TEE PLAIN DEAIER ELYRIA CERONICLE TELEGPE4 1801 Superior Avenue 225 East Avenue Cleveland, Ohio kh11h Elyria, Chio hh035 TE EWS N LORAIN JCURNAL

  /      38879 Mentor Avenue                           1657 Ercadway

[3y.j Willoughby, Ohio kh09h Lorain, Chio hkO52 PAIESVILLE TELEGRAPH - l Sh North State Street - l Painesville, Chio kh097 GEAUGA COUNTY TE CLEVELA.TD PRESS 901 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Chic hkilk l TE PLAIN DEALER 1801 Superior Avenue l Cleveland, Ohio kh11h GEAUGA TIMES - LEADER 111 Water Street - Chardon, Chio hh02h

    ,a lv l

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