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Suppl to List of Witnesses for Full Power Proceeding. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1981
From: Reynolds J
Download: ML20005C120 (21)





-ncn n y


In the Matter of )

. )

Docket Nos. 50-275 O.L.


) 50-323 0.L.

(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power )

Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) Y@J1 @(/'S l /$ $ l'[g,?2, l c.



Joint Intervenors hereby supplement their earlier discovery responses by supplying the attached resumes of persons who may be called to testify in the Diablo Canyon full power proceeding. All parties have already received a




l gD5 s


l 8111180421 811113 I

PDR ADOCK 05000275 G PDR G

4 t

copy of the resume of Dr. James Brune in connection with his testimony in the seismic proceeding.

I DATED: November 13, 1981 Respectfully submitted,



Center for Law in the Public Interest

, .,10951 W. Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064 (213)470-3000 DAVID S..FLEISCHAKER, ESQ.

P. O. Box 1178 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 By . (~7[,h.

/ JOEL R. REYNOLDS Attorneys for Joint Inter-venors I


f 1



i i



OUALIFICATIONS Mr. Pollard is presently employed as a nuclear safety expert with the Union of Concerned Sci e n t i s ts , a non-profit coalition of scientists, engineers and other orofessionals supported by over 80,000 public sponsors.

Mr. Pollard's formal education in nuclear design began  !

in May, 1959, when he was selected to serve as an electronics


j technician in the nucle'ar power program of the U.S. Navy. .

After completing the required training, he became an instruc- l tor responsible for teaching naval personnel both the theore-tical and practical aspects of operation, maintenance and repair for nuclear propulsion plants. From February, 1964 to A pr il , 1965, he served as senior reactor operator, supervis-ing the reactor control division of the U.S.S. Sargo, a nuclear-powered subma ri ne .

Af ter his honorable discharge in 1965, Mr. Pollard attended Syracuse University, where he received the degree of Bachelor of Science maana cu m laude in Electrical Engi-neering in June, 1969.

(g In July , 1969, Mr. Pollard was hired by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and continued as a technical exnert with the AEC and its successor the Uni ted States Nuclear Regul a tory Commission (NRC) until February, 1976. After joining the AEC, he studied advanced electrical and nuclear engineering at the Gradua te School of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He subsequently advanced to the oositions of Reactor Eng i ne er (I ns tr umen ta ti on ) and Project Manager with AEC/NRC.

  • As a'Rea'ctor Engineer, Mr. Pollard Nas primarily respon-


sible for performing detailed techni cal 't'eviews analyzing . Js .

and evaluating the adequacy of the design of reactor protec- .


tion systems, control systems and emergency electrical.pover- ,

. systems in p'oposed r nuclear facilities: In September 1974,-

  • he was promoted to the position of Project Manager and **

bicane responsible for pl anni ng and coordinating all aspects '

of the design and saf'ety reviews of applications for licenses to construct and operate several commercial nuclear powqr- .

pl a n t s . He served as Project Manager for the review of a number of nuclear power plants including: Indian Poi n t , -

Unit 3, Comanche Peak, Units 1 and 2, and Catawba, Units 1 and 2. Uhile with fir C , Mr. Pollard also served on the ,

standards group, participating in developing standards and safety guides, and as a member of IEEE Committees.

Kai T. Eriksen 3crn in Vienna, Austria, 1931 Departnent of Sociology U.S. citizen (derivative, 1937)

Yale University Married, two children New Haven, Ccnnecticut EIUCATICN 19'9-1950 4 University of California, Berkeley Reed College (3. A.)

1950-1953 University of Chicago (M.A.)

1953-1955 1957-1963 university of Chicago (Ph.D.)

FCSITICNS Research Fellew, Fanily Study Center, University of 1954-1955 Chicago Seeial Science Technician, Walter Reed Arny Institute 1955-1957 of Research, Washington, D.C. (while on active duty with U.S. Arny)

Instructcr to Assistant Professor, Departnents of 1959-1963 Psychiatry and Sociclcgy, University of Pittsburgh Associate Professer, Departnents of Psychiatry and 1963-1966 Sccicicgy, Encry University Associate Prefecccr to Professer, Lepartment of 1966-Sociology and Anerican Studies Fregran, Yale University Fellcw, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral 1966-1969 Sciences, Stanford , California Master, Trunbull College, Yale University (Chair, 1969-1973 Council of Masters, 1970-1973)

Visiting Professor, Departnent of Scciology, University 1973-1974 of New Mexico Chair, American Studies Ircgran, Yale University 197a-1977 1979-Editer, The Yale Reviaw

t I


'ayward f Furitans: A Study in the Sociolery of Deviance (New York: John Wiley, 196o)

Evarvthine in Its Fath: Destru'etier of Connunity in the Buffalo Creek Flood (New York:.Sinon & Schuster, 1976)

English edition entitled In the Wake of'the Floed (Lond on: George Allen & Unwin, 1979)

Articles "The Confirmatien of the Delinquent," Chicago Review, Winter Issue, 1957 (with Erik H. Erikson)

"Fatient Role and Social Uncertainty: A Dilenna of the Mentally Ill," Psychiatry, 20:263-274, 1957 "The Functions of Deviance in Groups," Social Froblems, 7:98-107, 1959 (with Robert A. Dentler)

" Impressions of Soviet Psychiatry: Some Travel Notes,"

Fsychiatric Contunications, 5: 1-12, 1962

" Notes on the Sociology of Deviance," Social Froblens, 9:307-314, 1962 "A Return to Zerc," American Scholar, 36: 174-146, 1966 "A Connent on Disguised Cbservation in Sociology," Social Probicas, 14: 366-373, 1967

" Case Records in the Mental Hospital," in Stanton Wheeler, editor, On Record : Files and Donsiern in Ancrican Life (New York: Russell Sage, 19e9) (with Daniel J. Gilbertson)

" Sociology and the Historial Perspective," American Sociologist, 5:331-338, 1970

" Sociology: That Awkward Age," Social Problems, 19:431Jt36, 1972

" Introduction," In Search of Ccnnon Groundr Converrations with Erik H. Eriksen and Huey F. Newten (New York: Norton, 1973) I "Less of Connunality cn Buffalo Creek," American Journal cf Frychiatrz, 133:302-306, 1976 i


.' 2 ELECTED FU3LICATICNS (continued) t "Cn Teachine Sociology," I;ew Encland Sociclerist, 1: 3ja0, 1979 i

I Ecck Reviews American Journal of Sociolc67 American Schclar American Socic1cgidal Review Centenperary Sociology New York Times Beck Review Transaction Yale Law Journal HCNCRS McIver Award, American Sociological Association, 1967 Scrckin Award, American Sociological Association,1977 FECFESSICNAL !EIGERSHIFS Ancrican Sociclogical Association (Chair, Connittee on Professional Ethics, 1971-1973; Council, 1974-1977; Cet .ittee en E,xecutive C'; ice and Budget, 1978-1981)

Society for the Study of Social Froblcts (Fresident, 1970-1971)

Eastern Scciological Society (Fresident, 1980-1981)

September 1979 ,

t n

._ .,- , ,-_ _m. - _ . , , __.__.,, _ _ . y _ - , , ---

CURRICULD: VITAE James H. Johnson, Jr.

Mailing Address . Home Address Department of Geography 11811 Venice nivd. #218 University of California LLos Angeles, California 90066 Los Angeles, California 90024 (213) 397-4093 .

(213) 825-1415 or 825-1071

_ Birth Place and Date: G reenv ille , North Carolina: June 4, 1954 EDUCATION:


B.S. , Geography, Carolina Central University,1975.

M.S. , Ceegraphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1977.

Thesis: Innovations in Flue-crued Tobacco Farming and Their Implications for Energy Use. (C.W. Olmstead, Advisor)

Ph.D., reography, Michigan State University, June, 1980.

D issert at ion _: Incumbent Upgrading and Gentrification in the Inner City: A Case Study of Neighborhood Revitalization Activities in Eastown, Grand Rapi.d's._(S.D. Brunn, Advisor)

FIEIDS OF SPECIALIZATION: Teaching and Research Systematic: energy policy and planning, urban, social geography of the inner city Methods: research design, theory and methodology in geography SPECI AL HONORS:

neelpient of the Theodore R. Speigner Award for the highest academic average, Departnent of Geography, North Carolina Central University, 1975.

Sumna Cum Laude Crcduate, Department of Geography, No +h Carolina Central


1*n ive r s it y , 1975.

Select ed as an Oututand ing Youw Man in Amt rica by the Jaycees in 1976.

Graduate rellow, Depart unt of Geography. University of Uisconsin-Madison, 1975-77.

Recipient of t he first place avard ($100) for the best graduate student paper presented at the East Div ision of the Associat ion of Amer icar. Geographers Annual "c. t ings, Michigan State Un iversity, September 15-16, 1978.


Job Tit le- Eng iacer 's Assist ant Locatlen: U.S. Environmental Prot ect ion Agency, Research Triangle Park, Durham, Not t h Carol ina Dat ies: Run Cher.ical A..alysis for double alkali scrubber systems Years: 1972-75 (F.ay in School Program)



Junior Computer Operator f.0 i on : INhe l niver sit.y Cunput at ion Center, Durhan, :* orth Carolina Ditles: Coamand IB:!/360 Computer Years: February 1975 t o August 1975.

Janes H. Johnson, Jr.

f Page 2 '



Field 1.aboratory Tecla:ician Location: Air Pollut ion Monitoring Field Project, Tulsa, Oklahoma Researc! Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, Durham, ,


North Carolina .

Duties: Operated and naintained two air pollution monitoring field research j stations; annalyzed data from3 0 , M , a d 22""



Teaching Assistant (l!alf Time) location: Department of Geography, Michigan State Oniversity ,

Dutles: Range f rom directing discussion sections to lecturing in the following  ;

courses: -

Future Uorlds - Fall 1977; Spring 1978 -4 Geography of Culture -- Uinter 1978 World Regional Geography -- Winter 1978 1.merican City and Region -- Winter 1979 Quant itat ive Methods in Geography -- Spring 1978; Fall 1978; Spring 1979 Advanced Quant itat ive Methods -- Wint er' 1979 Years: Fall 1.977 to Spring 1979 Job Ti.t le: Research Assistant (Qu d r t e r--t ine)

Location; Center for Urban Affairs, College of Urban Development, Michigan St at e l'niversity Duties: Computer analysis of data for arious projects Years: Sunmer 1978 to Spring 1980 Job


Research Assistant (lla l f-t ime)

Location: Departmentn of Geography and Agricul tural Economics, Center for Environmental Quality, Michigan State University Duties: Research and writing of reports and presentations to legislative and consumer groups regarding Electric Utility Rate Reierm in Michigan (under contract #71-3693)

Years: Summer 1979 to Spring 1930 Job


Peccarch Assistant Location: Michigan Department of Commerce, Energy Administration, Lan s ing Duties: Review grant proposals from schools and hospitals,for energy conservation assistance. Recearch on vanpooling.

l Years: Jnne 1980 to August 1980


1 l

I Church: M"mber, St. John Missionary Eapt i.ut Chorch Falkland, " orth Carolina Other Organizations:

Cauma Pi Chap t e r , C., na 4 t a l'p s il on

' Assoc iat ion of Amer ican Geographers Triangle Ceographers Awociat ion Mi nn i ssippi Counc il of Ccographic Educat ion Foral Soc iological Soc ic Ly of ' wrica -

l Uo r l d Fu t u r e Seelety i

i Key Club Int ernar ivaal I

--- , .n.. - . - - - - _ _ . - . - - , - _ , - . _ - . , _ _ , , - , . - - - . ___ - . ~ ~ - . - - _ - , _ . , - - _ , , _ _ - _

J an.c s 11. J ohn c o n , J r .

j' Page 3 l i

f RESEARCll IN PROGRESS: I i " Energy Policy and Public Welfare : A Research Agenda." Submitted to Profemional Geographer (co-authored).

.A s

Locatien-Allocation Model of'Vanpool Park and Ride a'

us : The lansing, .'

Michigan Exampic." Sub aitted to Geographical Pei spectis (co-authored).


" Technology As Itaza'rd." AAC Resource Paper for College Geography, to be publish-


ed in early 19S1. ,

"The Role of Co=tunity. Action in Neighborhood Revitalization." Submit ted to ,

Urban Geograph . *


"Towards a Geography of Technological llazards." Submitted to Area (co' authored).

"Externality Effects of an Abandoned llazardous Waste Dump in Fullerton, California."

in West Ccvina, "Co= unity Reactions Touards Hazardous Waste' Disposal Facilit ies California."

" Mapping the Perceived Impact of the TMI Nuclear Accident by Area Residents."

"laplications of Electricity Utility Rate Reform for Low-Income Households in Oakland and Livingston Countics, Michigan." Submitted to the Journal of the Concunity i Developnent Secicty. .



" Black Migration as a Response to Social Psychological Stress: A Note on 1977 Migrant Letter.=, 1916-1918," Proceedings, New England-St. Lawrence Valley j Geographical Society, Volume 6, pp. 42-46 (with Walter C. Farrell, Jr.).

1978 " Black Migratio, as a Recponse to Social-Psychological Stress: A Note on Migrant Letters, 1916-1918," The Geo_ graphical Su rvey, volume 7, pp. 22-27 j

(wit h Walt er C. Farrell, Jr.); a reviced version.

t 1978 " Black Philadelphians: A Factorial Ecology," Proceedings _, Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Volume 52, pp. 91-95 (uith Walter C. Far rell, Jr. and John D. 01Iver) .

1979 "The Qual i ty of Af ro--American Life in llount on , Texas: A Ceographical Pers-pec t ive," in J. Pil zer, W. Pinder and R. Proct or, P e rgpy t_iv e s _on the Urban South: Selected Papr.., from the Fourt h Annual Conf erence, pp. 207-221.

Sorf oli:, Vlrginia: Norfolk State College and Old Dominion University, l ')7 9,

(.ti t h Wa l t er C. Farrell, Jr. and Pat ricia Johnson) .

1979 "3ee.:n t "ethodological Development u and the Geography of Black America," The Farrell, Jr.).

?"m!*di v3nia Cegra pjje r , Volone 17, pp. 19-30 (with Walter C.

I f

l f


l I

James H. Jobuson, Jr. j Page 4 l t

PUBLICATIONS (c on t . ) : .

1979 "Phenomenology in Ceography," The CennrailiicS1 Surves, Vollume 8, pp. 3-9 (wit h Wa l t e r C. Fa r r'c11, J r. ) .

1979 " Educational Concern of Inner City Black Parents " ERTE Ilocunent (Spring 1979), , _ __ _

  1. to be assigned (w it h lia l t e r C. Farrell, Jr.) .

1979 Er_ clin.inaryJeper.t _on_aJoe.f a_1_S.orvey_of Three Mile Island Area Residen.ts.

Department of Geography, ?!ichig;.n State University, May 1979 (with Stanley D. Brunn and Donald J. reigler).

1979 Flnalleppr t en _a _E nc.i a l_. S u rvev o f_ Th ree 11 t l e T al.a nd A reaJ.ca_i dents Departrent of Geography, Michigan State University, August 1979 (with Stanley D. Brunn and Donald J. Zeigler).

1979 P_religin:Ly_R_cView and Ana_1ysis of Electric Util'ity_R, ate Reform: Implications for _0aklancLjind Livingston Count f es, Michinan. Report for Michigan Comunity Action Agency Association and Oakland-Livingston Human Services Agency, under contract #71-3698 Department's of Ceography and Agricultural Economics and Center for Environacutal Quality, Michigan State University, September 24, 1979 (with Bradley T. Cullen).

1979 " Spatial Patterns of Alcohol Outlets in the Washington, D.C. Black Community,"

F roc eed i ngs , Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Vol. 53, pp. 39-9/ (with Marvin P. Da. kins and Walter C. Farrell, Jr.).

1930 " Residential Preference Patterns of Afro-American College Students in Three i Different S t a t es ," Th a P ro f es s i ona l Cmr.aplu r,, Vol. 32, pp. 37-42. j l

1980 " Spatial and Behav ioral Aspects of the Counterst ream Migration of Blacks i to the South ," in, P. ru nn , St anley D. and James 0 Wheeler, eds., The American  !

Met ropolit_an _Syst em: Pres <nt .md Fu t ure. New York: John Wiley and S0ns, cripta Series in Geography, Victor Winston Publisher, in press. l l

1980 "Locatioaal Conf 1ict and Pohlic At t it udes I:( ;arding t he Burial of Nuclear Eas t e: The Alpena, :lichigan Experience," East T ak es Ccoqr_.wlyr_, Vol. 15, pp. 24-40 (with Stanley Brunn and Brian "cGirr).

1981 " Evacuation f rom t he Nuclear Technological Dinaster at Thr ee Mile T sland ,"

in press, The Ceonraphicalleview, January (co .mt hored) .

l 1981 Ir.cunLent Uppy.uli:m. and G atrif ication Psevitaliat ion Act ivitisin Pa :; t e,*rm,,

Grand Papidn, "agrai;h to bo ;.uhlished by the Ennica:n Coimunity Assocu, tion and the Oyo?-1ven Foundation, January, 198 pp.

          • ue =w go *. . me.e , 4 * = em M.w =+ W, ,a =
  • e- **
  • W%piep* *"s * *4" g e - g g**^ P1e* P 8'r e . " ., f9 ****$%.'***"*. **% ,W' f*" N****


.,ames 11. Johnson, Jr. '!

Page 5 g d

y H



1, -

  • .s .

1976 Prairie View A&M University, Department of' Economics, Geography, and Social .f 7 Science and School of Agriculture, "The Ef fects of Mechanization on the Production of Flue-cured Tobacco in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina."  ;

Prarie View, Texas. I 1976 Annual Meet ing, New England-St. Lawrence valley Geographical Soccity, " Black Migration as a Response to Psycho-Soc'ial. Stress: A Note on Migrant Letters,"

Salem, Massachusetts.

1976 Annual Meeting, Associatien for the Study of Afro-A,merican Life and IIIstory, Commentator for session " Considerations in Culture," Chicago, Illinois, 1977 Annual Meet ing, Popular rniture Association, " Folk Reasons for Early 20th Century Black Migration," Baltimore, Maryland (with Walter C. Farrell, Jr.

and Phill ip Kitchart) .  ;

1977 Cheyney State College, Urban Studies Department, " Data Cathering Techniques


in the Social Sciences," Cheyney, Pennsylvania.

1973 Annual Meeting, Norf olk State College and Old Domi.nion University Conference on the Urban South, "The Quality of Af ro-American Life in llouston, Texas: A Geographic Perspective," Norfolk, Virginia (with Walter C. Farrell, Jr.).

1978 Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of Sciences, " Factors Influencing the Decline of White and Non-White Operated Farms in the Central Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1945-1969," Ypsilanti, Michigan (with Walter C. Farrell, Jr.) .

1978 Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, " Black Philadelphians: A Factorial Ecology," Champion, Pennsylvania (with Walter C. Fa rrell, Jr. ) .

i 1978 Monthly '@et ing, Woodbridge Neighborhood Citizen Council, "The Process of Neighborhood Revitalization: A Case Study of the Woodbridge Community - A Research Proposal," Detroit, Michigan.

1978 Annual Meet ing, East Lakes Divi sion, Assoc iat ion of Amer ican Geographors,

" Spatial Variations in Attitudes Toward Nuclear Waste Disposal in Alpena, Michigan," Cast Innsing, '11chigan (wi t h Brian .I . McGirr).

1979 Annual Meet ing, Norfolk St at e College and Old Dominion University Conference on t he Urban Sout h, " Black Migrat ion to the South: A rocus on Durham, North Carolina," Norfolk, Virginia (with Walter C. Farrell,.Ir.).

1979 Sixth Annua l *:a t.ional Conf orc oce oa the Black P.n ily, "Scarching for Elbew Room: A Perspect ive on Southern Black Migration," Louisville, rentucky (with Walt er C. Far rel1, Jr.) .

., -- y---- - . ,,,

1 James II. Jolmson, Jr. l Page 6 )

s  !

_._ PRESENTATIONS (cont.):

1979 Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of Sciences, " Urban Homesteading and llistoric Prenervation: Problems and Prospects," Mt. Pleasant, Michigan (with Walter C.

Farrell, Jr.).

1979 Annnal >tecting, Pennsylvania Academy of Scicace, " Spatial Patterns of Alcohol Outlets in the Washington, D.C. Black Community," Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania (with Parvin P. Dawkins and Walter C. Farrell, Jr.).

1979 Annual Meeting, East Lak'es Division,' Association of American Ccographers,

" Electricity Utility Rate Reform or Maintenance of -the Status Quo?" Akron, Ohio (with Bradley T. Cullen). - '

1979 Quarterly Meeting, Micnigan Community Action

  • c;ency Associatio'n, " Preliminary Review and Analysis of Electric Utility Rate heform: Implications for Oakland and Livingston Counties, Michigan, Lansing, Michigan.

1979 Monthly Meeting, Oakland-Liv.togston lluman Services Agency, ' Benefits and Costs of Lifeline Electric Uti]Ity Rate Reform," Pontiac, Michigan.

1979 Annual Meeting, Southeast Division, Association of American Geographers, "Locational Conflict and Public Attitudes Regarding the Durial of Nuclear Waste: The Alpena, !!ichigan Experience," Nashville, Tennessee (with Stanley D. Brunn and Erlan J. McGirr),

i i 1931 Faculty Seminar Series, UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies, " Spatial Perspect ives on Counter-stream Black Migration to the South."

1981 Annual Meeting, Western Social Science Association, " Electric Utility Rate Reform: The Significance of the Spatial Factor," San Diego, California.

1 1981 Annual :h eting, Southwestern Economics Associat ion, "Ccmbinational Program-ming Solution to a Park and Ride Mass Transit. Problem," Dallas, Texas (with Bradley T. Cullen).

1981 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geog raphers, " Location-Allocation Me,lel of Vanpnol Park and Ride Sites: The lanning, Michigan Example,"

Los Angeles, California (with Bradley T. Cullen and Lawrence M. Somncrs) .


1977 "Inecut ive to Poor?" response to editorial "No Free Abortion," Tulsa Wor _ld (Augu s t 26, 197/), p. 5. /

1973 WKAR (rad io) , East. Lansing, Michigan. "Welear Waste Disposal in North-eastern Michigan."

1979 "T.i feline Bill Will Not Aid Poor," The St .it e ':< g (October 9, 1979) Jith Bradley T. Cullen.

<"-e------ , - - . . . - _ _ _ _ _

1 4

Janes 11. Johnson, Jr.


'y 1979 WKAR (radio), East I.ans Ing, Michigan. " Social Survey of Three Mile Island Area Residents." (With Stanley D. Brunn and Donald J. Zeigler) 1979 WElli, Channel 11, East Iansing, Michigan. " Preliminary Report on a Social Survey of Three Mile Island Area Residents." (With Stanely D. Brunn and Donald J. Zeigler)


1978 Fran Mur.ty, "Alpena Residents Still Oppose Nuclear Waste Site," press release, Department of Informat ion Services, Michigan State University, East Iansing, Michigan, Septenber 21, 1978.

1978 United Press International. "Alpena County Still Against' a Waste Dump Site,"

Detroit Scus (September 24, 1978). A number of other Michigan cities' newspapers carried accounts from the original news release.


1979 Fran Murray, " Residents of Three Mile Island Area Fear Impact of Disaster,"

press release, Departncnt of Information Services, Michigan State University, Cast I.ansing, Michigan, May 18, 1979, 1979 Frau Murr ay, "U Survey of Three Mile Island Issue," MSU News Bulletin (October 18, 1979), p. 2.

1979 Ellis Cose, "In the Af termath of Three Mile Island," Detroit Free Press (October 31, 1979), p. 10A, i

1979 Karen Zurawski, "Eastewn Coa.munity Association Study Movenents of People,"

Photo Report er_ (Oc tober 1,1979), p. 1.




j ',

f, , (

! 3 - .


, Systems Engineering Consultants . i ,

I j^ .

, si 9911 West Pko Boulevard,$uite 800 *


Los Angeles, California 90015 . ,


' (213)277 2793 ,

. 9 .? -



  • Education -

't ' '

BSEE fro,m the University of Colorado in 194o; 11SAeroE from the University of i E colorailo in 1949; and PhDEE from the University of Cal Lfornia, Berkeley, in 1956 .

Professional Edperience (partial description only)

Private Consultin? Practice ' precent. --

, ', 3 Q' Alternate energy systems and smog-free engine development. Accident. 'and safety .

. analyses including reconstruction, desi bn, human factors, and mathematical'formuletion for vehicle accidents, highway design, slip and fall accidents, human impact,'elec- "

trical explosions, escalator and elevator safety, product design, tire failures, '

a'nd criminal evidence. .s i -

RAND Cirporation, Santa Monica, California -- 1969 to 1971. .

Senior Engineer in the Enb neerinb i Sciences Departmer.t workind on development of . ','

a variety of systems, including communication and transportation.

TW Systems , Redonw Beach, California -- 1967 to 1%9. i

. ,l'.

, Senior, Staff Engineer, .ESD System Engincering Laboratory, workint on autotaatic highway and high speed ground transportation development, 3arte scale failure modes, '

automobile'salcty studies, end train air suspension. Also worked on numerous -

civil system developments. . . ,


, Hughes Aircraft Co,pany, culver City. California -- 1991 t o 19 b7. .

,. Staff, Engineer for G6C Advanced Syst' ems Laboratory, Pcscarch laLoratorios ,(Malibt),

' and Mathematics Consultation Le partment. Performed dynaic analyses , ridvanced .

control systems .de, sign, comitinication systen analyses , mathemat ical nodeling, ;and i-autouobile system development. (Originated IR radar concept for vehfele costrol.)~


. University'of Southern'Celifornia, Los Angcles, Cclifornic -- 1958 to 1961.

Assistant Proicssor in charge of both traduate and undergraduate slectronics'. '

(cources plus redesign of clet.t.rical engineering laboratories. , .. ,

Hoffman Electronic's Corporation, Los Angeles, California - '1959,to 1961.

Consbitant in the Communications Systems Department.

Energy Systems (formerly Levinthal Electronic Prodacts), hjo Alto, Califor-nia .-- 1956 to 1958. Senior Project Engineer for design and safety of high voltage, -

high power pulse modulators.

i University of Cali fornia, Berkeley, California -- 195C tv 1956. '

Teaching Assistant (1950 to 1954) in the EE Depo'rtment. Projhet Engineer (1954~ . ,

to 1956) for the Cosmic Ray Laboratory in charge of equipment'and ' operation. . '

U.S. Naval' Air Missile Test Center, Point l{ugu, Ca li fo rn ia -- 1949'to 1950. ~

Conducted and evaluated missile fli bht tests as an Aero and Elect.rical Engineer.

tosi Alamos Scienti fic Laboratory, Los Alamos, New' Mexico,-- 1946 to 1947. ,

Design and construction of electronic equipment. .' <

! c . .

[ Professional Af filiations *

. Professional Safety Engineer, S.S.S. , I.E.E.E., ei riu Epsilon, Eta Kappa *N, and Sigma Xi. ,

Publications and Seminars Many papers and reports in the public literature on various systems engineerir; topics plus several hundred company-private documents. ACCIDENT AND PRODUCT FAILURE ANALYSES (book). " Introduction to Accident., Safety, and Forens ic Ent,ineering"' (seminar).

. ,L e


RESUME SHELDON C. PLOTKIN Telephone: (213)391-4223 3318 Colbert Avenue Los Angeles, California 90066 Marital Status: Married, 3 children EDUCATION BSEE - University of Colorado - 1946 BSAeroE - University of Color' ado - 1949 PhD - University of California, Berkeley - 1956 Major: Elcetrical Engineering PROFESSIO"AL EXPERIENCE Private Consulting - 1971 to present RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Ga t i t o r ni a - November 1969 to _1971 Engineer, Engineering Sciences Department Contributed toward development of control and monitoring of direct broadcast communication satellites, still-picture television, and various transportation system aspects. Also participated in an evaluation study of Project Agile.

TRW Systems, Redondo Beach, California - October 1967 to 19,19 Senior Staff Engine'er, ESD Systems Engineering Laboratory Recently completed High Speed Ground Transportation study on the evolution of automatic highways. Also considered enhanced credit card utilization, communication aspects of power utility control systems, and contributed to a low-cost housing proposal. Previous work included a prison security system study, and evaluation of TRW internal cecurity system proposals. Publications include,

" External Prison Security Study, Phase I," for the State of California,

" Automation of the Highways, An Overview" for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and " Century Expressway, Preliminary Design" for the Department of Transportation.

Hughes Aircraft Company - January 1962 to October 1967 Staff Engineer, G&C Advanced Systems Laboratory, Ma11bu Research Laboratory Communications Department, and Iuthematics Analysis Department of Data Processing Division.

Performed studies or stac111tc communication and computer-controll;d test systems; partially complet -I a software modeling of the GE265 time-share computer system using the IBM GPSS compiler. Various studies included hardware design details for the telemetry and com-mand system of the HS-308 communication satellite, a mathematical f

Sheldon C. Plotkin Page 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Continued maintenance model for an SST stady, advanced computer-controlled applications for automobile diagnosis and on-board spacecraf t checkout studies. Additional work entailed study of medulation 5 me th od s , interference problems, and atmospheric effects for satel-lite communication plus linear / nonlinear ACC and control loop performance for fire-control systems. Publications included

' several reports on satellite communications plus several papers on nonlinear AGC, automatic che.ckout for acrospace systems, and F11 bandwidth requirements. (One pateat disclosure on automatic highways was submitted, but application was not pursued.)

University of Southern California - September'1958 to June 1961 Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering In charge of both graduate and undergraduate cicctronics courses.

Published one paper on electrical engineering laboratories.

Hoffman Electronics Corporation - June 1959 to September 1961 Consultant Perforced nonlinear circuit analysis, communication system devel-opment, and linear circuit synthesis. One paper, " Regenerative Fracticnal Frequency Generators" in the Proc. IRE received a national award. Additional published p pers were on power ampli-fier performance and broadband network synthesis.

Levinthal Electronic Products - 1956 - 1958 Senior Project Engineer Designed and developed high voltage, high power, magnetic and electronic pulse modulators. Publications include one paper on nonlinear circuit analysis and one report on magnetic pulsers.

One hardware design of an electronic modulator remains unique to this day.

U.S. Naval Air Micsile Test Center - 1949 - 1950 Conducted and evaluated naval missile flight tests.

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS IEEE, n!E, ZX MILITARY SERVICE Apprcntice Seaman, U.S. Navy V-12 program, 1944-1946 Lieutenant J.G., U.S. Naval Reserve (inactive) - 1946 - approx. 1953 i


"A Feasibility Study of High Power Magnetic Modulators," Final Report, Contract No. AF30(602)-1177, October 1956.

" Discontinuous Transition Time Between Stable States in Ferro-resonant Circuits," Trans. AIEE Pt. 1 (Communication and Elec-

% tronics), Vol. 76, pp. 410-421, September 1957.

" Regenerative Fractional Frequency Generators," Proc. IRE, Vol. 48, pp. 1988-1997, December 1960. Co-author O. Lumpkin.

"A New Approach to Electrical Engineering Laboratories," Trans.

IRE-PG on Educotion, Vol. E-4, No. 1, pp. 9-11, March 1961.

"On Limitations of Broad-Band Impedance Matching Without Trans-formers ," Tra ns. IRE-PGCT, Vol. CT-9, No. 2, pp.125-132, June 1962. Co-author Dr. N. Nahl.

" Improving the Linearity of the Steady State Gain Characteristic by Use of Nonlinear Feedback," Trans. AIEE Pt. 2 (Applications and Industry), Vol. 81, pp. 277-282, November 1962. Co-author Dr. N. Nahi.

"On Nonlinear ACC," Proc. IRE (Correspondence), Vol. 51, p. 380, February 1963.

" Refined Method for Calculating Satellite Interference from Micro-

_ve Tra nsmitters," Report No. 2, Contract No. NASw-495, HRL, Malibu, Calif., November 1962. Co-author Dr. S. G. Lutz.

"The Coverage Overlap Area with Satellites of Equal Height," Report No. 3, Contract No. NASw-495, HRL, Malibu, Calif. , December 1962.

Co-authors Dr. S. G. Lutz und Dr. G. Dorosheski.

"A Feasibility Study of Satellite Communication in the 15-20 Gc.

Frequency Range," Report No. 4, Contract No. NASw-495, HRL, Malibu, Calif., January 1963. Co-author Dr. S. G. Lutz.

" Preliminary Study of Modulation Systems for Satellite Communication,"

Report No. 6R, Contract No. NASw-495, HRL, Malibu, Calif. , June 1963.

" Preliminary Study of Compandors for Satellite Communication," in-fctmal report on Contract No. NASw-495, HRL, Malibu, Calif., May 1963.

"Some Overall Aspects of Automatic Checkout for Aerospace Systems,"

Proc. Systems Engineering Conf., N.Y., June 8-11, 1964. Co-authors R. H. Lauschner and Dr. V. Mayper, Jr.

"FM Bandwidth as a Function of Distortion and Modulation Index,"

IEEE Trans on Com. Tech. , Vol. COM~15, No. 3, pp. 467-470, June 1967.

" External Prison Security Study, Phase I," Final Report, State of Calif., Contract No. 1235, TRW, Redondo Beach, Calif., April 1968.

" Automation of the Highways, An Overview," IEEE Tra ns. on Veh. Tech. ,

VT-18, August 1969.

l L

KEY PERSONNEL Miauel Pulido Mr. Pulido is a mechanical engineer with McCAUGHEY & SMITH ENERGY ASSOCIATES, INC. (MSEA), where he specializes in the analysis of energy systems, facility energy loads, and facility energy consumption for a wide range of energy conservation projects.

Recent energy conservation engineering projects in which Mr. Pulido performed the energy analysis or related work include the following:

Energy Audits of Existing Facilities:

Cerritos College - 12 buildings Santa Ana College - 5 buildings Corona Community Hospital Medical Arts Professional Office Building Cal State University, Fullerton - Boiler Room Pomerado Hospital Palomar Hospital Several industrial facilities Building Energy Analysis (computer) for Design of New Facilities:

Southwest Woodbridge Passive Solar Elementary School (using DOE 2.1)

Energy Systems Feasibility Study, Design, Start Up, and Testing:

El Toro Library Solar Heating and Cooling System El Camino Real School Solar Heating and Cooling System San Anselmo School Solar Heating and Cooling System V. A. Hospital, San Diego, Solar DHW System V. A. Hospital, San Diego, Solar Steam Generation / Water Distillation System Channel Islands National Monument Solar Space Heating and DHW Systs Southwest Fisheries Center Solar Sea Water Heating System Guidebook for Solar Heating of Municipal Swimming Pools Mr. Pulido has specialized in the application of computer programs used in j the design and optimization of energy related parameters in buildings. He j has participated in teaching a workshop in the use of DOE-2 and BLAST computer i

programs for building energy analysis. He has had experience working with the integration of passive solar heating and cooling techniques.

sod E wm Svem Engwng . P.%ctonical Eng*mino . Erg Conse. con EngwMng

k Miguel Pulido (con't)

Mr. Pulido's energy analyses have also included economic work to determine the cost effectiveness of different designs.

While an associate energy systems engineer with the. Southern California Gas Company prior to his association with MSEA, he conducted energy audits on industrial facilities and medical facilities.

Mr. Pulido is a menber of the following professional societies: Southern California Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers, Los Angeles Federation of Scientists (executive board member), American Society of ,

. A m e r u A r0 5 c6c y n 5 0 M ., O. i Mechanical

- c m t a I v ~ .Engineers

':J t. n d (associate member)?p~n'r u7 p yiveet: , , ' '

Mr. Pul~ido graduated from California State' University, Fullerton, in June,1980, with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. During his senior i year at Fullerton, Mr. Pulido was the head coordinator of a major solar l energy. exposition on campus featuring commercial and developnental solar i exhibits f om throughout the Southern California area.

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In the Matter of )

. )


) 50-323 0.L.

1 (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power )

Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) -

t )


) .

i l

CERiIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 13th day of November, 1981, I i have served copies of the foregoing JOINT INTERVENORS' SUPPLEMENT' TO LIST OF WITNESSES FOR FULL POWER PROCEEDING, mailing them

!- through the U. S. mails, first class, postage prepaid.

Admin. Judge John F. Wolf, Docket & Service Branch Chairman Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety & Li. censing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 William Olmstead, Esq.

Marc R. Staenberg, Esq.

Glenn O. Bright Edward G. Ketchen, Esq.

Atomic Safety & Licensing Office of the Executive Legal Board Director - BETH 042 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 r



\ .

Dr. Jerry R. Kline Nancy Culver Atomic Safety & Licensing 192 Luneta Board San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Fredrick Eissler Malcolm H. Furbrush, Esq.

Scenic Shoreline Preservation Vice President and General Conference, Inc. Counsel 4623 More Mesa Drive Philip A. Crane, Esq.

Santa Barbara, CA '93105 Pacific Gas & Electric Company P. O. Box 7442 Sandra A. Silver San Francisco, CA 94106 Gordon Silver 1760 Alisal Street Arthur C. Gehr, Esq.

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Snell & Wilmer 3100 Valley Center David S. Fleischaker, Esq. Phoenix, AZ 85073 P. O. Box 1178 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 Carl Neiburger Telegram Tribune Bruce Norton, Esq. P. O. Box 112 3216 N. Third Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93402 Suite 202 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Byron Georgiou, Esq.

Legal Affairs Secretary to Janice E. Kerr, Esq. the Governor Lawrence Q. Garcia, Esq. State Capitol Building J. Calvin Simpson, Esq. Sacramento, CA 95814 California Public Utilities Commission Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq.

5246 State Building Hill, Christopher & Phillips 350 McAllister Street 1900 M. Street, N.W.

San Francisco, CA 94102 Washington, D.C. 20036 MHB Technical Associates 1723 Hamilton Avenue Suite K San Jose, CA 95725 b4 mob by AS\J JQpL R. REYdOLDS, ESQL i

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