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Responds to NRC 790402 & 801009 Requests for Info Re Project Status & Plans for Updating Antitrust Info.Units Scheduled for Svc in 1993 & 1994.Antitrust Info Will Be Updated at Least 9 Months Prior to PSAR or Environ Rept Filing
Person / Time
Site: 05000599, 05000600
Issue date: 12/01/1980
From: Tramm T
To: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20002A923 (1)


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Commonwrith Edison om rim N Hional Chicago min <.m i

' Address Heply to Post Olhce Box 767 Chicago. Ilhnois 00690 December 1, 1980 Jerone Saltzman, Chief Utility Financing Branch Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Hegulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Carroll County Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Antitrust Information NRC Docket No. P-599A References (a):

April 2,

1979, letter from A.

Toalston to C. Reed.


October 9,

1980, letter from J.

Saltzman to C.


Dear Mr. Saltzman:

References (a) and (b) requested information regarding the status of the Carroll County project and schedule for submitting updated antitrust information.

Please accept my apology for the delay in our response to those requests.

The Carroll County units are presently scheduled for service in 1993 and 1994 The schedule may be extended i f our efforts directed at load management are successful.

In any case, the other parts of our application will not be submitted within the nine months.

next This will document our plan to update the antitrust information at least 9 months, but not more than 36 months prior to the filing of the PSAR or the complete environmental report.

A more specific schedule will be sent to you when it becomes available.

Please contact me if there are questions regarding this matter.

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if) o Very truly yours, IN, Ih a



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DocketNo.P-Sy9A QCT 9 1980 OCT 15 E0 a

uGD Comonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed Assistant Vice President P. O. Box 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Gentlemen:

CARROLL COUNTY NUCLEAR STATION, UNITS 1 AND 2 According to our files, we have not received a response from Commonwealth Edison to our April 2,1979 request for updated antitrust information (attached).

The antitrust information now on file was submitted on November 5,1975. Although the Department of Justice provided its antitrust advice July 28, 1976, recommend-ing no hearing,10 CFR 50.33a of the Commission rules and regulations requires the information to be submitted not more than 3 years before other parts of the application. Thus, we are again requesting that you update and resubmit the Appendix L information for each proposed owner of the Station. Please advise us of the status of the project and when you expect to submit the antitrust informa-tion.

Sincerely, ernme Salt man, Chip Utility Finance Brpoch Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated C

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APR 2 1979 Distribution:

PDR LPDR Docket f;o. P-5$9A b...

Docket Files AIG Files.Eiqr.

AIG Reading R. A. Birkel C. A. Haupt J. Rutberg J. Saltzman comonwealth Edison Company A. Toalston ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed As'sistant Vice President P. O. Box 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Gentlemen:

CAROLL COUi!TY flUCLEAR STATIO1, UtlITS 1 AllD 2 Our records indicate that antitrust infomation for the captioned nuclear units was last submitted to us on flovember 5,1975.

Since 10 CFR 50.33a requires the infomation to be submitted not more than 3 jears before other parts of the application, it will be necessary for you to update and resubmit the Appendix L infomation for each Applicant participating in the ownership of the Station.

This was discussed verbally with some of the Comonwealth Edison personnel, and it is our understanding that you plan to submit the infomation shortly.

Please advise us regarding your plans.

mor, n. s w Argil Tealston, Chief Power Supply Analysis Section Antitrust t. Indemnity Group Office of !!uclear Reactor Regulatior C

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