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Submits Addl Info Requested at 791206 Site Visit by SA Curtis Re Plum Grove Archaeological Site Survey Conducted in 1974.Updated Site Map & Carroll County Literature Forwarded Under Separate Cover
Person / Time
Site: 05000599, 05000600
Issue date: 01/22/1980
From: Naughton W
To: Haupt C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8001300436
Download: ML19257C789 (2)


Commonwealth Edison One First National Plaza. Chicago. Ilbnois Address Reply to: Post Office Box 767 Chicago. Illinois 60690 January 22, 1980 Mr. Clifford A.

Haupt Project Manager, EP-1 U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Carroll County Station Units 1& 2, Additional Early Site naview Information NRC Docket Nos. S50-599 & S50-600

Dear Mr. Haupt:

During a Carroll County Site visit on December 6, 1979, Ms. Sue Ann Curtis of Argonne National Laboratory requested the following information:


An updated map of the Carroll County Site and 2)

A volume of Carroll County "A Goodly Heritage" with three updated supplements.

This information is being provided to Ms. Curtis under separate cover.

In addition, "s.

Curtis inquired about the " Report of the Archaeological Site Survey Conducted at the Plum Grove Site, Savannah, Illinois: (1974) by Melvin L. Fowler and Mark J.


In response to Miss Curtis' inquiry the following has been ascertained:


The survey team consisted of three people, 2)

The techniques used were a pedestrian survey and collector interviews.


The duration of the. survey was six weeks.

1838 2T4 b

$0013 00 //36

Commonwealth Edison NRC Docket Nos. S50-599 &

S50-600 Mr. Clifford A.

Haupt January 22, 1980 Please address any additional questions concerning this matter to this office.

Very truly yours, L


F. Nau on Nuclear Licensing Administrator Pressurized Water Reactors cc:

S. A. Curtis, ANL, W/ Enclosures 1838 2/5