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Forwards Ja Grivetti & Putnam County,Il Petition Opposing Const of Facility.Requests Status Rept on Project. Petition Not Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000599, 05000600
Issue date: 06/25/1979
From: Percy C
To: Kammerer C
Shared Package
ML19207C432 List:
NUDOCS 7909110623
Download: ML19207C435 (2)



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nicoans a ne oMan GOVERNMENT AL AFF AIRS CMat e casesumauc starr pantcToo June 25, 1979 Mr. Carlton Kammerer Director, Office of Congressional Aff airs Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 II Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.


Dear Mr. Kammerer:

Enclosed are petitions and a let ter Senator Percy received from John John A. Grivetti, Jr. regarding the construction of a Nuclear Generating Station in Putnam County, Illinois.

Could you please furnish me with a s tatus report on this project.



Smith /j o

.a idminis trative Aide to Sena tor Charles II. Percy Springfield Office of Senator Charles II. Percv Roor. 117, 600 East Mon ro e St.

Springfield, Illinois 62701 r; A q 7/9 u

J94 390911o, 23 i

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@lsaa &anty dwd4vae Edngeue..f&ku 6M927 d%s/925.M7J' June 4, 1979 Honora' ole Charles Percy Room 3858, 230 South Dearborn St.


Chica go, Illinois 60604

Dear Senator Percy:

Enclosed please find petitions signed by residents of the Putnam County area in opposition to the construc-tion of a Nuclear Generating Station in Putna County.

Any assistance which can be furnished to these citizens would be appreciated.

Sincerely yours, j'f%9U '

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Grivetti, Jr.

l State's Attorney JAG /tdh Enclosures 4

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