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Deficiency Rept Re Closed Governing Valve on Auxiliary Feed Pump Turbine.Caused by Excessive Vibration of Adjacent Startup Feed Pump.Turbine Supplier Investigating.Corrective Action to Be Completed in Two Wks
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/1977
From: Roe L
Shared Package
ML19329B886 List:
REF-PT21-77-018-000 401, NUDOCS 8002060889
Download: ML19329B891 (2)




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'7 7-O/f -000 Mr. Jarroc G. hppler i

Regional Director, it:31cn III Office of Inspectica !.

lbforcempt gO@D U.S. I'ucionr Kcgulat>ry Con:mionion j

dS 799 honovolt p.osd Glen 311yn Illinoio 60137

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Dear Hr. Mcpplers e

In accordcnce uith 100F2 Part 21.2.l(b), this is a report of a defect in n'couponent inctalled in the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Ucit No. 1 The component involved ic the auxiliary food pu,p turbino.

Tha euxiliary food pte.pc woro supplied by Syron Jackcon Pur.p Diviolon.

You ctastr-driven pung turbineo unte cupplied by Terry Corporntica to Dyron Jackson.

In r.;rn, the turbin 2 governora vero cupplied to terry Corporation by Moodner.101vernor Company.

The turbina is desi;r. tad as a Typo GS-2, horizon: al 0; lit cocing, helical fleu turbine.

The turbine governor is identified c a Type PG-PL.

The defect involves the notential for the governing valve to cle.e when j

it should be open while the turbine 10 not in oervien.

On October 15, i

1977, the coverning v.a.1va-on turbino 1-2 van found in tha closed positi:

uhan it ahould.havo ta:3.opon.

Apparently, e::censive vibrecion of an cdjacent otarc'ip feud pu g caused the gove.rning valve on aunilir.ry feed mm,) en Sino 1-2 to cic.a.

Tac anfety hecord which ceuld be cre::ted is the potential for bon,.un111ary feed purepc, if enlled upon, to fcil to cono up to dcaired s?ce.d u?on ecar::up in the ever.t be tjl had *cen unknovi.

c c::peced to vibration c2 the naturo caparicaced by curtaine 1-2.

This could recult in a couplace loon of auxiliary feeducccr flow to the. oteca scaeratorc if such ficu vers required.

Thio in turn could coucc signifi cr.nt recetor coolant ayav.a precsure/temperaturo trcnaiento, cod reactor coolant cyotem heat rc:.: oval difficultieo if cubatantial deccy heat vere procunt in the reactor enro.

On Eovenbor 10, 1977, the deviction was eve.lueted by Toledo Edicen f c 5:

a deicct.

This c:.: tor use reported to your Mr. T. Taub11n3 on ::OvenW:r end again on Novenbar 14.


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'JCGC;4 FtMa 300 htSC:GCM AV NUS TCLEDO. CEO 4202 8002000bh


.2-There are two identical auxiliary food pumps with thio turbine inotulled in DaviMocan Unit tio.1, nichough only one uc.s affected 'oy thi deceridad incidec.c.

The cocpleta corrective cction to be tchen is to date not ciofined.

The defect 12 under inventi3ction by the turbino supplier, and corrective action 1:a cupected to be ccepleted uithin tro ucoks.

The corrective action aircady enken 13 that during all ctartup feed pump operationc, nn operntor checks the pouitica of the cuzilicry fcod pur.:.p turbina governina valvco every 20 minuten to ccourc that the nuxiliary foed pump curbine governdnc v41 van rneuin in tho opcn pocition.

Au.:lliary feed purp turbine 1-1. governor valvo h:2 not experienced c. s:imilar pro

  • oles, because it do not adjcccat to tha otartup feed pur p.

Control roon indication is also avuiltbic for the full open and the full cloccd governing valvo positions.

Thin infort;ation has not been given to other licencecs or purchaccro.

Yours very truly, A

rs h^N#Ck C.


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