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Requests Response to Encl SD Strum 791007 Ltr Re Emissions of Radioactive Gas from Univ of Ca,Los Angeles Research Reactor
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 11/02/1979
From: Beilenson A
To: Kammerer C
Shared Package
ML19309C091 List:
NUDOCS 8004080164
Download: ML19309C099 (5)


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. j ANTHONY C. EEILENsON wasMiNorON orricE l aosis asao Distniet.cauFonwia "Qggw j


Congregg of tije Einiteb fptates "*"

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COMMITTEE ON RUlzs %0ustofReprintHtatiben , _ _ , , , , , , ,

" " " ~

Washington,D.C. 20515 November 2, 1979 Mr. Carlton Kammerer l Director Office of Congressional Affairs Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N.W. l Washington, D.C. 20555 1

Dear Mr. Kammerer:

Enclosed is a letter and newspaper article from one of my constituents with respect to possible dangerous levels of radiation being emitted from the UCLA nuclear 1

1 reactor located at Boelter Hall. I would appreciate it if you could help us with a response.

Thank you for your assistance--I look forward to hearing from you.


cerely, I - -

A  % A .' t _ .

ANTHONY C. BEILENSON Member of Congress ACB:bk 80'04080'/


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i Am % L%cnowcs 549ftvn 6cience studed M % 1%^.d gean at u..c4, A .1his past week & ces Aerch awvunut  !

of a4eMien has been Arwen -tu que expevi<we>ctTd l AfWic

  • et Boettet- tictR on camjM. A po of 6twWts , aAo nwd , M ec4 upctevers bane covwg

-fugehr- to form & CowuwHec +o Gvidge h (wp.

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-fbat the amowr of huiicd1ow in Math 5cience 16 belew % e. (dvM .5et h % #d.A.c. I have ka.artd ,

j "qh . -thAf ikt. Add)adion 16ved %5 hof- D66n '

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% mer -thewsawis of Loes are cn cfqm of bcg sicpi6c% dhortewe_d duo io caulsesess with x Mhad ha2and- I a W ~.

dN ww.t, sq because.

( A. p ow A A & cicW o h h N UCLA for fou^ y6nns, fu be owe of -the *dwau hushen of stwiewts who rim pvetaMq p carcer 6 6 lo -b 2.o qeans 'vem new

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clea '. porte c:t . . . .rs whether Jong terni E BY ^ .mai DAVIDaw ==i". JOHNSTON

'.".'. I.9"hTtle known facilitier nuclear to low' levels of radiation could affect i i

. .9Thuty TEt b'd~tDa"cEM *,w beensed by the fede-alEernment - human healtVOstrander osaid then~,

I, hg intake duct for a UCLA clawoom . and seauend ero@ mMe <was y el pub,he tenhh t

"" 211 h*

  • d ." "
  • dangq ,y .'f  ; , *2. d,.M .


.' Wednesd enall . nuclear nactor. 'an radisactaire .." un

  • known public to lowJevels& ,,,r.

Wrander%Wed n.s 'GP

{ ~ argon into the air at 50 hines the con-CA1 centrabon normally allowed by fed - ""'"^" * ' P"eg'C Hrsch,and Sf PlakiN'E' .1eactorKednewiay

,the ananmumptmn emitted 50 Atunet- .

h b,' els , k.',hr ed nr-b


Se e bud smce i d, '8

.and 1967 is'tinknow, smee' dn . . ,

' " "7 he' fM Ma been nanted sucheepuon.1.." M&

b cials have never fully momtored rad ';.

i. n~ irren m m. rar.nnry strue. " - '

M I 3EL., ir. .. J , M g

  • D 'Id of hehty tha th'ed h' ' ' . ;four-monthatudy ter and Nucipr.bgulitary of Carmus..


1. .ne _.hyhl_pheure amie_ ; culaGohs'a'nd a~sidiUlstion test using g -se ngjat smu% anacW,,7_.

was < closed by Bndge the dap.'s 4 'sulphurias hxbcatea radiauon'inside.- the umvers:tylor natul!!ng studente r

, .and professortrabout thopdioscuyg .

hv.bNwu untmeamrgomas.

l' grm:p_.farzme devehnmed dshghtly 'e -(iheAbove Math-Sciences natura!y cice BuBomg was'onlii.iD.7':" A.rf.'~~;/:~.'I' L':J 3 p newable energy sources. .

e els. *g -~.T; C7 's . : .,ujing Ifyl-- rJr.2 ;. PeopletweTright nol to'V.

l YDaniel Hesch. the group ,y's ,p,res . Nt 'Be said flauylhaITio pubhc hecth. ; posed 26'igy ijRiat xtyrthout their!'

i i dent d .. J ease.Tura e 2(

N,.said the UCI'. A Arrnn2W pQQ% W. ' ,Ler,2.b:gh'WF existed, $ hen G-mad*M - = bfy-[Q*" i*i.:% Pa(Grs;,  %, C41.(*


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,'a mdW a. mahm

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( hetnnhr flff.A and Waf shnnd every hms the reactor Vlo-blad fM un'atT fuleS the RoVernmeDt respnnded gy 13 -

, - ,j

_.:. s -. --- rc and - ._- raia ma== anma rne m u

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Jne Jah has aperat.ed. th(shall'reetsor for inG'Y8ned i. - , 4.

gg - g Mg iance  %~to i wtaciliti god 6 Wgwerpenn= ~ ~ fthoseat t . _*

"bree laland tdPennsyNpnia. '

Ot operates about o 600 h' tis a yea.%.M"r OutEmin'de"r esTmst'ed iind durisg' half that time nms at'fu!! capacity.'If it were Josed to generate electncity it could produce about 30 "- tf-

^l ,

"lowatts.enough tolight12early 20 homes. l ' CRs&ayon lrsys given off by,the ra&oactive argon.(1 ftproduces - '-

lhmong the'leatrharmful forms of radiation. .

> The NucleafReguistory Commission docuinents rafh-eetrby Bndge the Gap mdacate (nat unut mg UCLA offi-actmle were not emare mat me reactor was emittme a* eon.

T] at concentration $ far abovP1he mmumum mIinwad The lenenments 3130 indicats .hmt u manns1 inasd ta urhuat 3


haan: tar that measures the radinnetive ras had been lost.

/i F=dera *n=nar*ne,J.A Baird. exammed the fachty last l M and l'ound"Jbo Mannna crinstances o' uuuwuer'd-

=== with tne terms at tne tr=mrine) t-w." 3cLA maar '-'

_E Hasch1w)wevee,quesuoned the grantmg of 4he Me-k>nstsafetyTrilles granted UCLA'and the fiilure

~ ernment 4boutthe air university sian*- acct to afdfype*federalEcsaires as endence Andings were .

erils..u-fgt'4fi c: 4544 s;! 4 yp:.*t'ed! :$

60 strander said a mathema'tical c;omputsu'on suggested

,Anfy 1.25%'of the gas emitted'from t)e reactor stack

!would hie taken in brthe air' conditioning duct He 'said a isimulation test using a sulphur gas indicated ~less than g'0 5% of th.e gas was taken in. a.: .

.f .

A p .. v .. -e ,


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