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IE Insp Repts 70-0925/79-05 & 70-1193/79-05 on 791203.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ie Bulletin 79-19, Radiation Protection Aspects of Solvent Extraction Sys Dismantling & Solid Waste Disposal & Shipping Procedures
Person / Time
Site: 07000925, 07001193
Issue date: 01/07/1980
From: Dubry N, Fisher W
Shared Package
ML19296B632 List:
70-0925-79-05, 70-1193-79-05, 70-1193-79-5, 70-925-79-5, NUDOCS 8002210161
Download: ML19296B639 (4)



~'ocket No.70-925; 70-1193 Licensee No. SNM-928; SNM-1174 D

License: Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corporation Kerr-McGee Center Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Inspection At: Cimarron Facility, Crescent, OK Inspection Conducted: December 3, 1979 Inspector: b.

. Du ry


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Fuel Facility Projects and Radiatior Support Section Inspection Summary Inspection on December 3, 1979 (Report No. 70-925/79-05; 70-1193/79-04)

Arees lnspected:

Special, announced safety inspection, including:

IE Bulletin 79-19, radiation protection aspects of the solvent extraction system dismantling, and solid waste disposal and shipping procedures.

The inspection involved seven hours onsite by one NRC inspector.

Results: Of the four major areas inspected no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

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Persons Contacted

  • A. W. Norwood, Cimarron Facility Manager
  • D. Majors, Health Physics Supervisor
  • J. L. Kegin, Maintenance and Utilities Supervisor M. W. Hodo, Administration and Accountability Clerk
  • Denotes those present at exit interview.


General This inspection began at 11:30 a.m. on December 3, 1979, with an in-troductory briefing on the purpose of the inspection, followed by a tour of selected areas in the facilities. Emphasis of the inspection included items regarding the removal of the solvent extraction (SX) system and the preparation and shipment of radioactive material.


IE Bulletin 79-19 The nine items in IE Bulletin 79-19 have been addressed by the licensee as follows:

The licensee is subscribing to a commercial service to maintain DOT and NRC regulations current.

On the day of the inspection the site NRC regulations were up to date, but the DOT updates had not been received; however, a current set was available at the corporate office.

The licensee is maintaining a current set of requirements (li-cense) placed on the waste burial firm by the Agreement State license. The licensee representative stated he had been noti-fied that the latest amendment had been mailed to him by their waste collector contractor on November 30, 1979. The licensee indicated he will also be contacting the waste collector con-tractor to insure they can accept the waste in the form, quan-tity, and type packaging before the shipment is dispatched.

This latter step will aid in satisfying 10 CFR 70.42.

The licensee has designated, in writing, which people are re-sponsible for the safe transfer, packaging, and transport of low-level radioactive waste. This was done in the September 19, p79,letterandcanalsobefoundinthelicensee'sprocedures.

Management approved instructions and operating procedures are pro-vided to pe sonnel involved in the transfer, packaging, and trans-1/ Refer IE Report No. 70-925/79-04; No. 70-1193/79-04.


port of radioactive material.

Because of the special nature of the material being ha thelastinspection.gled,theprocedureswerereviewedduring The licensee representative stated that revisions to present procedures would not be complcted until the new burial facility requirements were received so they could be incorporated into the revision.

It should be noted that the procedures specifically address the types o; containers to be used, the material which can be shipped, and how it is to be packaged.

Staff training was being done on site the week of December 3-7, 1979. The attendance requirements and subject matter were re-viewed by the inspector; no problems were noted in this area.

Audits of the licensee performed quarterly by management address the tra waste.pfer, packaging,andtransportoflow-levelradioactive The inspector again reviewed the radioactive material shipment records of the licensee and fcund no problems, In addition to the low-level waste shipment report requested by the Commission, the licensee has also shipped some low enrichment uranium to Department Energy laboratories and contractors. No problems were noted.

In summary, the licensee has taken appropriate action on items in IE Bulletin 79-19 and is keenly aware of transporation and burial requirements, since a majority of his present activities are in this area. The inspector has no problems with the licen-see's program at the present time. The Commission will continue to closely follow the decommissioning of this facility, because of its uniqueness.


Transportation Program review of the licensee's trensportation program found the following:

- There is an assignment of authority and responsibility as written in procedures and correspondence with the Commission. (10 CFR 71 Appendix E)

- Written procedures receive a rigorous review by managen:ent before approval. These procedures cover such areas as loading and closing of packages; DOT packaging requirements; certificate of compliance conformance; inspection of peckages before initial use for defects, 2/ Ibid 3/ Refer to IE Inspection Reports No. 70-925/79-04, 70-1193.79-04, 70-925/79-02 and 70-1193/79-02 4/ Ibid _. _,.... _ _. _.. _.. _ _ _ _. _.-.

leakage, and identification. (10 CFR 71, Certificates of Compliance, 49 CFR 173.389-398 review)

- Procedures also require a quarterly management audit, which in part addresses the packaging, storing, and transportation of radioactive material.

- Discussions with the licensee representatives verified that pro-


cedures exist and are being followed to inspect packaging before initial use. Records reviewed also indicated that packaging fabricated on site are being evaluated, and tests are being con-ducted according to 49 CFR 173.398(b). Procedures also require that fabricated packages conform to Certification Specifications.

- The inspector also verified that the licensee is in possession of Certificates of Compliance for packages they plan to use.

- A review of shipping records found them to be complete and in com-pliance.ith 49 CFR 172.203(d) and 49 0FR 172.204(a). Documenta-tion also indicated that the licensee is applying proper labeling to packages and placarding to transport vehicles. The shipping papers also show that drivers are provided instructions whom to notify in case of accidents or other problems with shipments.

- The licensee representative and inspector have gone over data in-put for the plutonium shipments to insure that 10 CFR 71.42 require-ments are met.


Solvent Extraction System Inspection of the work on the solvent extraction system found the licensee has only begun the preliminary phases of dismantling at this time. The inspector will continue to follow the progress of this evolution. No problems were noted.


Exit Interview The inspector and licensee representatives discussed the findings of this inspection. Transportation requirements and the NRC's new role in regards to DOT regulations were covered. The inspector also gave a copy of the executive order reopening the Hanford, Washington waste disposal site (November 19, 1979) to the licensee.

Licensee representatives stated that procedures for waste handling, packaging, storage, and transporting would be rewritten to comply with current requirements and regulations when the new amendments were received. They also indicated they will be contacting NMSS (10 CFR 71-12) and the inspector before the first use of a package for shipment of material from the solvent extraction system dismantling. _ -. _

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