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Attached Completed Questionnaire on Diesel Generators
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/1978
From: Librizzi F
Public Service Electric & Gas Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19031A492 (39)


0 PS~G

  • January 19, 1978 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
u. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. c. 20555 Gentlemen, Attached is the completed questionnaire on diesel generators.

Mr. Richard A. Silverio, Assistant to Manager - Salem Generating Station, was responsible for completing this questionnaire. Any follow-up communications concerning this questionnaire or for arranging a site visit, should be directed to Mr. Herbert J. Heller, Manager - Salem Generating Station, P. o. Box 168, Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038, (609) 365-7000, Extension 501.

Very truly yours,




F. P. Librizi"i General Manager -

Electric Production 780250003 The Energy People 95-2001 (400M) 9-77

~ SALEM GENERATING STA.N Engine Maintenance Schedule MI-11005D ENGINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MARINE, STATIONARY AND DRILL RIG ENGINES CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------- S SCHEDULES-----------~---------------------------------------- 3 Maintenance Group H - Hourly ----------- ------------------------ 3 Maintenance Group D - Daily ------------------------------------ 4 Maihtenance Group W - Weekly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Maintenance Group M - Monthly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Maintenance Group 3M - Quarterly - ------------------------------- 6 Maintenance Group 6M - Semi-Annually - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Maintenance Group lA - Annually - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Maintenance Group 3A - Every Three Years - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 January 1973 Printed

n U.SA. 1

ALCO e Engine Maintenance Schedule e MI-11005D


ENGINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MARINE, STATIONARY AND DRILL RIG ENGINES INTRODUCTION The following schedule lists recommenda- suitable intervals for specific service con-tions for maintaining marine, stationary and ditions.

drill rig engines.

At the time of removal and replacement The maintenance groups in this guide, of any engine component, only new seals, which fall due prior to expiration of the gaskets or grommets should be used.

warranty contract, contain the minimum work necessary for reliable operation of the equipment. Adherence to these recommend- Refer to "Lubricant Specifications" publi-ations protects the equipment warranty. cation for descriptions of lubricants listed.

Adjustment of the suggested maintenance Auxiliary equipment and instrumentation intervals (as shown in this guide) to fit pre- may vary. Disregard references to mainten-vailing operating conditions is the responsi- ance and inspection of equipment not applied.

bility of the user. Alco service representa- Any unlisted equipment should be serviced tives will assist customers in developing as frequently as comparable items listed.


SCHEDULES SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION MAINTENAN.CE GR.OUP H - HOURLY (H) Compressed Air System Record starting air pressure reading.

(H) Cooling Water System Record jacket water temperature reading.

Record jacket water pressure reading.

(H) Diesel Engine Record temperature readings:

Air inlet Exhaust Record air manifold pressure reading.

'Record readings:

RPM Fuel pump rack Load January 1973 3

MI-11005D e Engine Maintenance Schedule ALCO SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION (H) Fuel Oil System Record fuel oil pressure reading.

Turn fuel strainer handle several turns.

(H) Lubricating Oil System Record lubricating oil temperature reading.

Record lubricating oil pressure reading.

MAINTENANCE GROUP D - DAILY (D) Diesel Engine Check governor oil and add as necessary (Lube Type 2).

(D) Lubricating Oil System Check system for level, temperature and leaks. Correct as required (Lube Spec. 5).

Check and record di ff e r en ti a 1 pressure across filter and strainer.

(D) Fuel Oil System Check system for level and leaks. Correct as required. )

(D) Cooling Water System Check system for level, temperature and leaks; correct as required. Check "tell tale" pipes on aftercooler and pumps.

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H) schedule apply.

MAINTENANCE GROUP W - WEEKLY (W) Cooling Water System Adjust gland on raw water pump if used to maintain slight drip while engine is operating.

Check coolant sample for proper concentra-tion of water treatment. Refer to "Water Treatment" publication as listed in index.

(W) Lubricating Oil System Check for proper lubricating oil properties (Lube Spec. 5).

(W) Compr~ssed Air System Check oil level in air starting motor lubri-cator and fill if required (Lube Spec. 5 ).

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H) and daily (Group D) schedules apply.

4 January 1973

AL.CO e Engine Maintenance Schedule e MI-11005D

.r- '


(M) Diesel Engine Remove all fuel injection pump covers and thoroughly lubricate control shaft bearings, linkage and racks. Ins p e ct and lubricate external linkage (Lube Spec. 1).

C he ck engine overspeed device trip speed, and adjust if necessary.

Check crankshaft deflection and thrust (if readings taken are c or re ct after the first month or 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br />, this inspection may be extended to semi-annual (6M) or 4250 hours0.0492 days <br />1.181 hours <br />0.00703 weeks <br />0.00162 months <br />).

Check and record cylinder compression and firing pressures.

Make complete crankcase inspection.

Clean and service engine air filters as indi-cated for type used .

  • Oil bath type: Check oil level and refill if required (Lube Spec. 5 ). If level has risen due to water ingress, drain and refill with fresh oil.

NOTE: Loss of oil may indicate oil is be-ing drawn into engine. Correct this condi-tion immediately if found.

Impingement Type: Clean and service.

Pleated paper type: Check filter indicator and replace elements if necessary.

(M) Lubricating Oil System Renew filters and clean strainer.

Check operation of low oil pressure protec-tive device .

.(M) Fuel .on :System Renew secondary filter elements.

Renew primary filter e 1 e m e n t s and clean strainer, if. used.

Check condition of fuel pump drive, (shaft and coupling or belt) adjust belt tension if required.

M1*11005D Engine Maintenance Schedule ALCO SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION (M) Cooling Water System Check operation of hot engine protective de-vice.

(M) Compressed Air System Ins p e ct air starting motor, lubricator and drive.

Inspect compressor; service in accordance with manufacturer 1 s instructions.

  • (M) Heat Exchanger Inspect heat exchange~; clean if necessary.

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H), daily (Group D) and weekly (Group W) schedules apply.


(3M) Diesel Engine Clean top deck and remove valve covers. In-spect me ch ans i m, check and adjust valve clearance (O. 035" - O. 86 mm).

(3M) Lubricating Oil Drain and refill lube oil system. Examine sump, filter, and strainer tanks, and clean if required (Lube Spec. 5 ). _)'

NOTE: Lubricating oil with over 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br /> of service, which has been in the engine for one year must be c hanged. Oil with less than 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br /> of service in one year should be qualified for further service by monthly

  • samples analyzed by a reliable laboratory, but service life should not be a 11 owed to exceed 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br />.

Check operation of immersion heaters (if used). 9heck that contactor cuts in and out at proper tempe~atures. *

(3M) Fuel Oil System Drain condensate from fuel tanks.

(3M) Cooling Water System Check operation of immersion heaters (if used). Check that contactor cuts in and out at proper temperatures.

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H), daily (Group D), weekly (Group W) and monthly (Group

  • M) *schedules apply.


(6M) Diesel Engine Check and adjust fuel pump timing.

January 1973

.AL.CO e Engine Maintenance Schedule e MI-11005D SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION (6M) Diesel Engine (Cont'd.) Check and adjust uniformity of rack settings.

Check tightness of engine holddown bolts.

(Also generator where necessary. )

Clean and service engine air filters as indi-cated for type used.

Oil bath type: Check for sludge buildup.

Drain , wash and refill with 1 u b r i cant (Lube Spec. 5 ).

(6M) Compressed Air System Clean and lubricate starter motor Be n di x drive.

  • (6M) Heat Exchanger Check zinc anode plates or plugs if used. In-spect and replace if necessary.

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H), daily (Group D), weekly (Group W), monthly (Group M) and quarterly (Group 3M) schedules apply.


(lA) Diesel Engine Rem o v e , recondition, test and reapply in-jection nozzles.

Service crankcase exhauster.

Motor-driven type: Remove and clean housing, impeller and piping.

Ejector (orifice type): Remove and clean chamber, orifice plate and piping.

Turbo actuated type: Remove and clean piping and oil separator.

Drain, flush with kerosene, and refill engine governor with oil (Lube Spec. 2; Spec. 5 per-missible in PG governor).

Inspect governor drive, gear backlash, and adjust.

' Inspect turbocharger and air intake silencer for cleanliness.

January 1973

  • Added or changed since last issue. 7

MI-11005D e Engine Maintenance Schedule e ALCO SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION (lA) Diesel Engine (Cont'd.) Ins p e ct air side of aftercooler . Remove clean and hydrostatically test if necessary.

Ins p e ct water pump drive gears and check gear backlash.

Inspect lube oil pump drive gears and check gear backlash.

(lA) Compressed Air System F 1 us h out starting air motor with fuel oil (approx. 4 oz. of fuel).

(lA) Lubricating Oil System Clean lube oil heat exchanger.

( lA) Operational Check In s p e c t all rotating and/ or running equip-ment for any unusual noise, heat or odor, as we 11 as operating temperatures and pres-sures at full rated load.

(lA) Instruments and Gauges Check operation and recalibrate as required the following instruments and gauges.

Starting air pressure gauge Jacket water pressure gauge Air manifold pressure gauge Fuel oil pressure gauge Lubricating oil pressure gauge Jacket water inlet temperature gauge Jacket water outlet temperature gauge Jacket water lube oil cooler outlet temp-erature gauge Lubricating oil temperature gauge Lube oil cooler inlet temperature gauge Lube oil cooler outlet temperature gauge Tachometer Pyrometer NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H), daily (Group D), weekly (Group W), monthly (Group M),

quarterly (Group 3M) and semi-annually (Group 6M) schedules apply.

8 Januarv_l973


  • Engine Maintenance Schedule e RECOMMENDATION MI-11005D MAINTENANCE GROUP 3A - THREE YEARS (OR 25,000 HOURS)

(3A) Diesel Engine Remove, recondition and reapply the follow-:

ing parts or assemblies:

Water pumps Turbocharger Cylinder heads with valves Power assemblies Fuel pump drives Fuel injection pumps Engine governor Crankcase exhauster Lube oil pump Inspect the following parts :

Exhaust manifold Camshaft and camshaft gear train Camshaft thrust and vibration dampers, if used Crankshaft arid lower main bearing shells.

Camshaft journals, thrust collars and thrust surfaces Overspeed mechanism Tachometer (3A) Lubricating Oil System Renew hoses and couplings used in system.

Clean lube oil cooler.

Remove and recondition regulating valves.

\ Re m o v e , recondition and reapply lube oil priming pump, if used.

January 1973 9

Engine Maintenance Schedule ALCO MI-l:1005D SCHEDULE KEY & ITEM RECOMMENDATION (3A) Fuel Oil System Remove and recondition regulating valves.

Renew hoses and flexible couplings.

Remove and recondition fuel booster pump.

Replace fuel pump drive be.It, if used.

(3A) Cooling System Renew hoses and flexible couplings.

Remove, recondition and reapply tempera-ture regulating valves.

(3A) Compressed Air System Service air compressor in accordance with manufacturer's suggestions.

NOTE: All items in hourly (Group H), daily (Group D), weekly (Group W), monthly (Group M),

quarterly (Group 3M), semi-annually (Group 6M) and annually (Group lA) sch e du 1 es apply.


.J January 1973





MARKS: (S.T.S. 4. 8. 1. 1. 2(b))

This is a safety related procedure. Documentation shall be retained for five years.

This. procedure has been reviewed and determined to be in compliance with Technical Specification Requirements {Rev. 2 ).



l NA 100-1 Cc 2 NA 33-77 3 NA Y':z-7? i/'17 SND-17-77L


1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide inspections to be conducted on the Emergency Diesel Engines and Generators in accordance with Reference 2.1.

2. 0 REFERENCES 2.1 S.T.S. 4.8.l.l.2(b), Diesel Generator Inspection 2.2 Alco Manual DE-35245 Book I and II 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Maintenance Department is responsible for scheduling, conducting and recording inspection results.


  • 4 .1 The *following items are not to be used when working on components of the primary system:
1. Carbon steel wire brushes
2. Tri chlorothene
3. Unapproved masking tape (other than use on protective clothing)
5. 0 .. PREREQUISITES 5.1 Observe normal tagging procedures (AP-15).

5.2 Only one engine shall be tagged out at any time.

M15A Rev. 3

I I .

6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Conduct engine and generator inspection and record results in accordance with Figure 2.

6.2 Submit the completed inspection report to the Foreman/Supervisor.

7.0 RECORDS 7.1 Records shall consist of:

7.1.1 All cylinder compression pressures, firing pressures and temperature reports (Figure 1) .

7.1.2 All inspection reports (Figure 2).

7.1.3 Injector pop pressures.

7.1.4 Corrective Action taken on inspection deficiencies noted.

Ml5A Rev. 3


(S.T.S. 4. 8. 1. 1. 2(b))

Cylinder Firing Pressure Indicator and Temperature Readings. Allow temperatures to stabilize for 10 minutes before taking readings.




1. i*.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7. I,
8. 8.


Load Data Taken at Data Collected By:

____ KW 9.


Foreman/Supervisor Date NOTE: Governor side of engine is right, No. 1 cylinders are opposite end from generator.


Ml5A Figure l Rev. 1 SND 104-776


1.0 ENGINE INSPECTION INITIAL 1.1 Review the last Diesel Engine Inspection for indications of problem areas to be investigated.

1.2 Remove all valve and crankcase inspection covers.

Inspect externals and internals for leaks, loose nuts and bolts, linkage, tubing connections and foreign materials.

1.3 Check and record crankshaft deflection (record reading on reverse side of sheet) .


1.4 Check valve clearance and injector timing.

Instructions on Figure 3. (Record adjustment made to clearances and timing on reverse side of sheet.)

1. 5 Remove and te:s,t .inj.ector noz.zles pop .pressures.

Injector nozzles are acceptable if pressure is between 3500 psig to 4100 psig. Consult Tech.

Manual for method of testing. (Record pop pressures on reverse side of sheet.)

1.6 Replace all engine covers.

1.7 Conduct test start and load unit to 1400 KW.

1.8 Record cylinder compression pressure, firing pressure and firing temperatures. Maintain the 1400 KW load. (Record on Figure 1.)

Ml SA Figure 2 Page 1 of 2 SND-105-776 Rev. 1


2.2 Check for loose parts and connections.

2.3 Check protective covers and screens in place and not damaged.

2.4 Check generator exciter.

2.4.1 Brush tension.

2.4.2 Brush condition.

2.4.3 Slip ring surface.


3.1 Request Operations:

3.1.1 Test engine overspeed device trip speed setting.

Inspection Conducted By: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reviewed By=~~~~~~~~...,-~~-..,.~~~~~~

Forema?/Supervisor Ml SA Figure 2 Page 2 of 2 SND-105-776 Rev. 1

e -

VALVE ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS Rotate engine in correct rotation until No. lR (as stamped on flywheel) aligns with "INJ" pointer and both push rods and rocker arms are horizontally even. If one push rod is higher, turn engine one revolution and again align lR with "INJ". After lR is aligned, follow firing order and insure that when each cyl. no. on flywheel is aligned with "INJ" that push rods are horizontally even. Adjust push rods to specs. per instruction manual if required. (.034" to .037" is required clearance.)

Ml SA Figure 3 Page 1 Rev. l

Questionnaire for NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RELIABILITY STUDY of Standby Diesel Generator Units Date Questionnaire Completed: January 18, 1978 Plant Name: Salem. Unit No. 1 Diesel Manufacturer: Alco Engine Inc* Model: 9 X 10 - ~

3 Model 18-251 Number .of Units:

Size Kw/Unit: 2600 cont. Rated Speed: 900 rpm Average Operating Hours Per Unit to Date: 30 hrs DIESEL GENERATOR STATUS A. Engine:

1. Problems are caused chiefly by (give estimated number)
a. Defective parts - -x - -
b. Installation errors:
c. Failure of system- to respond properly in function or sequence:
d. Faulty adjustment:
2. Would more stringent inspection and testing requirements during acceptance or preoperational tests significantly improve the diesel-generator power plant performance?

Yes No X B. Starting Systems (indicate which):

1 *. Air-to-cylinder cranking

  • X Ingersol

.:; Air cranking motor _4_ _ Mfr. Rand Model No. B41RH1 Electric cranking motor Mfr. Model No. --

2. If air cranking, then:

Length __ 8I _

O" Diameter 3" O" Give size of starting air tank:

Normal standby air tank pressure 230 psi.

Is pressure reducer used? Yes x No --

Reducer pipe size?l~-2-1~ inches.

Starting air control ~dmission valve pipe size in air piping system, *l~. inches.

Minimum air tank pressure for engine cranking _s_o__ psi *

. starts Number of cranking peri ads between above pressures with no tank recharging ----- 22 Number of air tanks per engine 2 Can starting.air tanks serve more than one engine?

Yes No X Is air pipe to engine from top of air tank? Yes _x_ No Does starting air tank have water condensate drain?

Yes X No Does starting air pipe have water condensate trap and drain near engine? Yes __ No ~

Is starting air piping horizontal? Yes X No Does it*slant toward drain? Yes No X If water condensate drains are provided, then is draining:

a. Automatic through float valve? Yes No X
b. Manual by hand valve? Yes X No
c. If manual, then is draining water condensate done:

daily? x weekly?--

monthly? -

before each"S'tart if manual?

no procedure? _

Is dirt and rust filter provided in starting air pipe?

Yes No x If provided, where installed?

How is it cleaned?

How often and when?

Give pipe size of filter: inches.

How is it known whether filter is plugged or has high pressure drop?

Is starting air pipe to engine positioned:

a. Below floor?
b. On the floor? - -
c. Overhead? X - -

~hat is air pressure drop from air tank to engine during cranking 60-67 psi Give approximate length (nearest ten feet) of starting air pipe for individual engine or all engines from air tank to: starting motor

a. Nearest e.ngjae.* 20 feet
b. Furthest~~r:te-40 feet

Diameter of starting air pipe from:

a. Air tank to starting val vel~-2 inches
b. At air starting valve l~ inches
c. At engine l~ inches - -

What is the primary source of power for the starting air system? vital bus Is there a duplicate and redundant motor and air compressor set? Yes ~ No _

What is the time required to recharge one air tank?

UN minutes Does starting air supply system have independent secondary power supply for compressor? Yes No X I f yes , then by :

a. Gasoline engine?
b. Motor driven?
c. *Other? (Specify.,--- ____ .
3. If electric (Battery powered) cranking, then: N/A
a. Battery charging: Continuous trickle charger ____

I ntenni ttent charging ___

If so, how is charging requirement detennined?

-*'"'Time cycle Test --

Other ---

b. Battery used: Common Plant Individual Unit---

Other - - - - - ---

Starting cable size __ ; Length: Battery to engine (1ongest)

C. Fuel Oil System: Bulk Tank to Day Tank

1. Does the bulk tank to day tank fuel supply system (viz:

pump, motor, etc.) have redundant independent power supplies? Yes ~No __

Does this system have a hand-operated emerqency fuel pump? Yes __ No..!.___

If yes, is this hand-operated pump and piping in immediate operating condition? Yes No

2. Is there a water and sediment drain from the very bottom of the:
a. Bulk tank? Yes No X
b. Day tank? Yes No _x._
3. Is the reqular functional fuel oil outlet slightly above (two to three inches) the bottom of the:
a. Bulk tank? Yes No X
b. Day or integral tank? Yes_ No~
4. Is bottom of day tank and/or inteqral tank above all parts and piping of the enqine fuel injection systems?

Yes X No If yes, Give approximate amount inches O feet 15

5. Does the* engine fue 1 system have a fue 1 b1eed return line to the fuel day tank and/or integral tank?

Yes x No During extended oper~tion, such as more than two to three hours, does the fuel in the day tank become: ( no)

a. Warm?
b. Hot? --(above l 30°F)

What is fuel oil return line size (nominal)?

a. Pipe size 3 / 4 inches
b. Tubing size inches
6. Do engine fuel oil filters have air bleed or vent valves readily accessible? Yes No x
7. How is fuel transferred from day tank to engine fuel system?
a. By gravity x 30.4gpm
b. Engine driven pump
c. Electric motor driven pump
d. Is a manual pump also provided for injection system filling and/or air venting after servicing or replacement of parts in the fuel injection system? Yes __ No ~

If yes, is the manual pump in immediate operating condition?

Yes No

8. Type of fuel (e.g., #1, #2, #3, JP-4, etc.) _#_2_ _ __
9. Approximate bulk tank capacity, 60,000 gallons.- 2 tanks 30,000 gal. ea.
10. Typical frequency of refilling (weekly, monthly, etc.) unknown automatic transfer system 11
  • Ty pi ca 1 refi 11 ( ga 11 ans) ' - - - - - - - - - - - -
0. Lube Oil System
l. Lube oil
a. Type Exxon Dial RDX
b. Viscosity High Dispersance - Mil-L-2104B
c. Specification number ____
d. Oil change determined by:

Time interval: Yes No X Give interval - - - - - !f1onthly, yearly By oil analysis: Yes x No

2. Lube oil filters are:
a. Full flow x
b. Bypass
c. Combination
3. Interval and/or basis for changing filter cartrid9e:
a. Monthly
b. Yearly x hours
c. By running time
d. By oil analysis. Yes No
e. By pressure drop. Yes No
f. Does provisions exist for changing cartridges durinq engine operation? Yes - No -x
4. Oil Pressure Monitoring

. a. Normal o~erating pressure ~ psi

b. Alarm O psi
c. Shutdown 40 psi
5. Oil temperature control:
a. By standby heater in engine sump 110 °F.
b. Heating means for maintaininq standby temperature:

Direct in oil x -~-..,....

Oi 1-to-water heat exchanger ___

Other (Specify) _ _ _ _ _ __

E. Cooling System - Engine Water

1. Temperature control by:
a. By thermostat in water? Yes No X If yes, then:.

Bypass thermostat? Yes No Throttle thennostat? YeSX No ,

b. By radiator shutter:

Automatic Manual Other (give type) thermostat sontrols cooling water f lo'w

2. Corrosion control (water additive)? Yes X No If yes, give chemical additive or name of compound.

K2Cr0 4 Proportion or concentration control:

a. By additive measurement? Yes No
b. By water coolant analysis? Yes x N0--
3. Engine cooling water cooled by:
a. Radiator?
b. Heat exchanger from sea, river or other water? X
c. Other? (give type)
4. Engine cooling water temperature-monitoring
a. Standby temperature 120 °F
b. Normal operating temperature 17 O °F
c. Al arm temperature 17 5 °F
d. Shutdown temperature 19 5 °F
e. Water circulation during standby:

Thermo-syphon ___

Pump _ __

Natural convection

5. Water Pressure Monitoring: Yes x Uo
a. Alarm 175:
b. Shutdown 195


c. Both ---


6. Water temperature Sensor Position:
a. In p1p1ng from engine X
b. In engine piping _ __
c. In engine direct _ _
7. Water surge or supply tank in system. Yes X No If yes, then bottom connected to:
a. Water pump suction? Yes x No
b. Top of system? Yes .. NO --
c. Both of above? Yes - - No ---
d. Is bottom of surge tank above top of engine sys tern? Yes x No
e. Does engine have-constant air bleed from top of engine water piping to surge or supply tank?

Yes x No

f. Give size of bleed or vent line, 3'/4 inches.
g. Manual air bleed only? Yes X No F. Governor - Speed Control Manufacturer Woodward Electric (speed sensing) - - - - - - -

Hydraulic .......--x.....-----=~-==

Type or code (such as EGB-35, LSG-10, etc.) EG-BlO Automatic load sharing? Yes __ No X

_l. Is compensation or stability control and/or speed of response manually adjustable? Yes X No If yes,_ adjusted by:

a. Eye and ear?
b. Test and specification? X
c. Other? (Specify)
2. Engine - generator nonnal shutdown or stopping means and method.


I Is the engine stopped:

a. Manually? Yes x No If yes, then:

Directly at engine? Yes No Through local control panel? Yes X No_

b. Automatically throu~h the controls in the control room? Yes No X
c. By setting governor to 11 fuel-off 11 position?

Yes No x

d. By over-ride of governor settings and control position directly to fuel inj~ction pumps?

Yes No._1f_

e. Other means. Describe briefly.
3. When engine is stopped, is fuel control in:
a. Full 'fuel or maximum fuel position?
b. Full off or no fuel position? x
c. Intermediate?
d. Random?

(If not consistent and typical in above, then give the usual.)

4. When starting from the standby condition after shutdown for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, give number of seconds from start-to-crank to full fuel or maximum fuel position of governor and fuel control, 1 seconds.

G. Governor - Overspeed (shutdown)

1. Soeed sensing?
a. Electrical
b. Flybal 1 X - -
c. Other (Specify)
2. Fuel shutoff force generated by:
a. Spring? --
b. Air?
c. Hydraulic?
d. Electrical? x
e. Other? (SpecifYr-
3. Overspeed sensing setting? (in terms of full speed)
a. 115%
b. 110%
c. OtherlSpeci fy) 117%
4. Is overspeed tripping set point tested periodically?

Yes x No 18 mos.

If yes, then how often? (yearly, monthly, etc.)

H. 1. Generator Mfr.Elec. Mach. Co.Model No. 8G6237 Single bearing or two bearings? single - - - - - -

Does generator have damper windings? Yes __ No __.lL

2. Does generator have any obvious fault or difficulty?

Ye$ No x Is problem repetitive? Yes No If yes, then describe briefly.

I. Exciter and Voltage Requlator l

  • Exciter Manufacturer: Basler Model Type: Rotating Static x If rotating drive? Direct Belt or Chain DC with field control Brushless with rectifier
2. Voltage Regulator: Manufacturer Basler Model Type: Mechanical Static x
3. Are paralleled units of automatic load sharing control of fully automatic type? Yes __ No ~

If yes, has any obvious influence or interrelationship been noted between the stability and response time of

  • the engine governor and the stability and voltage control of the generators? Yes _ No -*-
4. Have engine governor and voltage regulator/exciter adjustments been made on the site or under any con-ditions since any of the units have been placed in service? Yes No X If yes, by means of what tests and what standards?

Give name or very brief description.

  • S. If any difficulties occurred, .give approx.imate number of problems.
a. Compon*ents x
b. Wiring --
c. Other (damage in service or dropping of miscellaneous hardware into switchboard, etc.)

volbraps failures

J. Paralleling: Engine-Generator Units

1. Do all units consistently have the proper voltage output?

Yes x No

2. Do all units automatically share both the "real" or in-phase load and also the reactive load reasonably well? Yes _1L_ No _ parallel during load test only
3. At the same Kw load, are both the field and the armature line currents of the several units consistently close to the same value? Yes _z__ No If no, approximate percent difference.
4. Synchroni zi nq
a. In automatic synchronizing do circuit breakers close immediately after reaching full synchronous speed?

. (and voltage) Yes No X

b. If "no" above then, does speed of some units drift slowly while failing to synchronize and close circuit breakers?

How many seconds?

Occasionally ---

Always ----

Never ---

K. Switch Gear and Electrical Con (other than exciter/

voltage regulator)

1. If.~ny difficulties have occurred, then give approximate number of problems.
a. Components ----
b. Wi ri na
c. Other-(-da_m_a_g_e in service or dropping of miscellaneous hardware into switchboard, etc.) ----
d. Design concept faults. That is, does the switch qear and its controls perform the proper functions and in proper sequence and timing.


2. a. Do the on-site diesel generator units and related support equipment have any storage battery power systems for any service whatsoever? Yes ..!__No _
b. Identify each storage battery power system associated with the on-site diesel generator unit and its function. 125v and 28v control and field flashing
c. Does each system identified above adequately fulfill the service requirements for which it is intended?

Yes x No If no, briefly describe.

d. Is there a 9G- battery mai ntenarice program? Yes X No L. Safety Shut downs Give safety shut down settings compared to equilibrium operating conditions.
1. Engine and generator speed. Give rpm or hertz:
a. Synchronous and usual 900 rpm or 60 Hz
b. Overspeed shutdown setting 1060 rpm or - - Hz
2. Engine cooling water (see E.4)
a. Equiltbr-ium 17-0 °F
b. Al arm 17 5 °F
  • Shut down 19 5 °F
3. Lube oil pressure (see D.4)
a. Equilibrium 80 psi
b. Al arm ~o psi
c. ------

Shut down 40 psi

4. Lube oil temperature
a. Equilibrium 180 6 OF
b. Al arm 185 F
c. Shutdown ----

195 °F

5. Indicate all other protective interlocks (give name and;)
a. Usual or proper condition crank less than 10 sec.
b. Shutdown condition overcrank greater than 10 sec.
6. a. What source of power is provided to operate alarms and shutdown controls? (See G.2) 125vdc
b. Do the generator units automatically shutdown in case of the electrical power loss to its control system? Yes __ No L M. Emergency or Alert Conditions
1. Are all safety shutdown and safety interlocks bypassed during emergency conditions? Yes No X
2. If 11 no 11 above, then which are not bypassed. Name items.

ground fault, diff. current, loss* of excitation overspeed, local or remote stop pushbutton, emer. stop lube oil press less than 40 psi

3. For each interlock not bypassed is coincident logic used? Yes No - -

If yes, is it testable~ Yes No N. Maintenance

1. Does plant have re~ularly scheduled maintenance pro-cedures? yes If so, return copy of these procedures with questionnaire.

use Alco Technical Manual for annual overhaul S.T.S. 4.8.l.l.2(b) - Ml5A Diesel Gen. Inspection


2. When need for minor adjustments obviously exists, then:
a. Is remedial action taken immediately or at earliest practical opportunity? Yes ~ No __
b. Is remedial action taken only at periodic prescheduled or programmed times and conditions? Yes No X
c. For best performance record which of above appears better:

immediate or early action? x as scheduled only?

d. Must permission for minor maintenace be obtained from
  • some higher out-of-pl ant authority? Yes No X
e. Is maintenance referred to above allowed and encouraged?

Yes X No

f. In periodic surveil 1ance tests, simulated alert standby tests, etc., is the criteria "pass/not pass" the test used? Yes x No g*. Is there a conscious continuing policy to detect and remedy marginal conditions or imminent trouble: for examples: lube oil pressure shutdown only two to five psi below operating pressure or, perhaps overspeed governor setting only one or two percent above starting.

speed surge or etc.? Yes ~ No __

h. -Are efforts to* remedy marginal or questionable conditions as mentioned above encouraged by plant management? _______

Yes x No ---

i. Are remedial steps on items similar to the above taken or allowed when the unit has started and operated satisfactorily within specified limits or conditions?

Yes X No - -

0. Starting Conditions
1. Give starting or necessary cranking time as experienced.
a. Starting time per specifi ca ti on ........,...1_o_ _ _. seconds
b. Usual starting time 8-9 seconds
c. Maximum starting time observed 13 seconds during SUP

- j


2. Give usual time intervals as follows:
a. Time from start-to-crank to first firing of any cylinder. 2 seconds
b. Time from start-to-crank to approximate full firing of all cylinders. s seconds
3. Give maximum speed surge when starting; use both tachometer and frequency meter if possible.
a. Usual conditions 900. rpm 60 Hz
b. Maximum observed 93 o rpm 62 Hz
4. During a surveillance test, give time from start-to-crank to when steady synchronous speed is attained a.nd maintained.
a. Usual 7-8 seconds
b. Maximum 9 seconds
c. As specified 10 seconds.
5. Give briefly the most troublesome problems in starting.
a. Most troublesome fuel rack resetting

. b. Next to most troublesome no other significant Froblems P. Air Cleaner or Air Filter - Combustion Air

1. Combustion air source: taken from engine room or inside the building, or from outdoors?
a. Indoors
b. Outdoors--X-
2. Give type and make of air cleaners or air filters:
a. Oil bath Make
b. Oil wetted screen Make
c. Paper x Make
d. Other Make
e. Precleaner: Yes No
3. Excessive air flow restriction. and servicing need detenni ned by?
a. Instrument-such as:

manometer .......----.,.---

If other give type - - - - - - - x

b. Personal judgement by appearance, etc. ----
c. By smoking exhaust _ _ _ __
d. Time schedule ...-------
e. Other (Specify
4. Are climatic extremes nonnally experienced such as:

a *. Air heavily loaded with water mist, high humidity and low temperature? Yes No X

b. Blowing sand and dust? Yes No __x__
c. Blowing snow (blizzards)? Yes No x
d. Other-Name
5. Are climatic extremes potentially possible such as:
a. Air he(!.vily loaded with water mist," high humidity and low tempetature? Yes x No ____
b. Blowing sand and dust? Yes No -X

-c. Blowing snow (blizzards)? Yes No -

d. Other-Name -----------

Q. Tem2erature Conditions

1. Ambient outside hottest 98 oF.
2. Ambient outside coldest 0 oF.
3. Engine-generator room hottest 110 OF.
4. Engine-generator room coldest 50 oF.
5. Inside switch gear hottest 75
6. Inside voltage regulator or ambient near voltage regulator hottest 95
7. Ambient at exciter hottest 95

R. Operator Qualifications (as presently exists, and suggested minimums if different)

l. Minimum education required (check)

Existing Suggested x

a. High School
b. Trade School
c. Technical School
d. No minimum
2. Minimum Years of operating experience (diesel electric generator)

Existing Suggested

a. 0-3 x
b. 3-6 x
c. 6-1'0
d. 10-15
3. Operator training Existing Suggested
a. Military
b. Industrial
c. On-the-job
d. Combination of a, b, x

, an~ c (indicate which)

4. Licensing required Existina Suggested
a. State .X
b. Federal
c. Utility or self
d. None

S. Are any foreign gases such as propane, freon, halon, carbon dioxide, etc. stored in the: Diesel Engine room?

Yes No x or adjacent buildings? Yes _ No ~

If yes, (other than hand portable fire extinguishers), then identify gases and give approximate tank size.

3 Gases Volume (ft )

T. Does control system automatically bypass, in emergency starting, any engine temporarily out of service for maintenance? Yes No X If yes, then how many failures to bypass have occured?

U. Does the control system automatically override the test mode under emergency conditions? Yes X No

  • V. Have repetitive mechanical failures occurred in any component part or subsystem of the engine, generator, or switch gear, etc.?

Yes X No If yes, then which part or subsystem? fuel line to manifold How many failures? 2


Give nature of failure. vibration cracking


w. Would periodic (yearly or other) evaluation and/or testing by 11 outside experts 11 contribute significantly to the diesel-generator reliability? Yes X No - -

Give brief reasons for the answer. Eperts are highly trained and experienced in specific equipment

....-:-t ** '

X. 1. Give the accumulated time-load operating record for each diesel-generator unit from installation to the present (Running Hours):

Preoperational test Date Dec. 197 s Engine Surv. Testing & Emergency Total

Serial ~Jo. Maintenance Hrs. and Other Hours

.. . . No Load : Loaded

. Service Hrs

  • unava*il:able at tnis time
2. Surveillance test load (percent of continuous rating) 100%
3. Give the projected or planned time-load operation for each diesel-generator unit during the next 12 months.
Surveillance & Emergency Total
Maintenance Hrs. and other Hours Service Hrs.

~-30 30

4. Provide the following summary of the periodic surveillance testing experience:
a. Starting date of surveillance testing (OL date) Jan 1976
b. Periodic test .interval 31 days & 18 mos*
c. Total number of surveillance tests performed 24 per unit
d. Total number of test failures 5 ------

failure to start .,,_-......,.--- failure to accept load - - -

failure to carry load --- failures due to operator error - - -

failure due to equipment not being operative during emergency conditions 5

e. Supply a copy of the surveillance test procedures with this completed questionnaire.

Additional Comments Y. General Suggestions Briefly give constructive criticism or suggestions as to improvement in reliability of the diesel generators. These remarks may cover tests, maintenance, practices, orders, policy, adjustments, etc.