Letter Sequence Approval |
MONTHYEARML18289A5652018-10-16016 October 2018 Memorandum to D. White Technical Assistance Request - Review of Physical Security Plan for the South Texas Project Generating Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (CAC No.001027) Project stage: Approval ML18297A0112018-10-23023 October 2018 Conversation Record with R. Gonzales/Stpnoc Clarification Call to STP Regarding Its Revised Physical Security Plan and Implementation of the Additional Security Measures (Dkt. 72-1041), Conversation Held on 10/17/2018 Project stage: Other ML18304A2902018-11-19019 November 2018 STP ISFSI PSP Rev 23 Review Project stage: Other 2018-10-23
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MONTHYEARML24297A6392024-10-30030 October 2024 Reassignment of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Branch Chief in the Division of Operating Reactor Licensing for Plant Licensing Branch IV ML22147A0932022-06-0606 June 2022 2021 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary ML22122A2222022-05-25025 May 2022 Summary of Public Meeting with South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Exemption Request Related to an Inspection Requirement for One Multipurpose Canister, Proposed Responses to Request for Additional Information. ML22034A3932022-02-16016 February 2022 Calendar Year 2021 Security Baseline Completion Memo ML21140A3892021-05-24024 May 2021 Riv Column 1 EOC 2020 Public Meeting Summary ML19102A0162019-04-16016 April 2019 4/10/2019 Summary of Public Teleconference Regarding Potential Submission of a Relief Request to Allow Use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Selected Piping Repairs at South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML18304A2902018-11-19019 November 2018 STP ISFSI PSP Rev 23 Review ML18289A5652018-10-16016 October 2018 Memorandum to D. White Technical Assistance Request - Review of Physical Security Plan for the South Texas Project Generating Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (CAC No.001027) ML18173A0082018-06-20020 June 2018 Cancelling Numerous Inspection Report Numbers ML17233A0082017-08-21021 August 2017 Notification of Administrative Correction to Renewed Facility Operating License ML17187A1782017-07-0606 July 2017 License Renewal Application ML17137A3252017-05-17017 May 2017 Safety Evaluation of LAR by South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company to Adopt a Risk-Informed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue-191 ML15190A0422017-05-12012 May 2017 the NRC Staff Evaluation of the Final Rule for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel for the License Renewal Environmental Review for South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML16334A4002017-03-24024 March 2017 Climate Change Review Analysis for South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 - License Renewal Application ML16302A0162016-10-12012 October 2016 Corrected After Action Report/ Improvement Plan for Plume Phase Exercise Conducted on 07/13/2016 ML16013A0662016-01-14014 January 2016 Summary of 11/9 and 12/30/15 Conference Calls with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss the Fall 2015 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Activities (CAC No. A11018) ML13330B2222013-12-0505 December 2013 Notice of Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Revised Pilot Submittal and Request for Exemptions for a Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue (GSI)-191 at South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 (TAC MF2400-MF24 ML13324A4942013-11-19019 November 2013 Deferral of Baseline Inspection Activities ML13303A9742013-10-31031 October 2013 PubMtgNotice-Nov13-2013-update ML13119A0802013-04-30030 April 2013 Notice Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191 for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML13101A3142013-04-12012 April 2013 Notice of Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191 for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML13023A3342013-02-25025 February 2013 1/15/2013 Summary of Public Meetings Conducted to Discuss Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Related to Review of South Texas Project, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Application ML13046A0652013-02-22022 February 2013 3/5/13 Notice of Preapplication Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss License Amendment Request for Fire Protection Program to Credit Additional Operator Actions for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML12342A3972013-01-0303 January 2013 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML12340A1352012-11-27027 November 2012 Meeting Notice by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company; Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML12331A2922012-11-27027 November 2012 Notice of Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company; Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Units 1 and ML12321A1222012-11-20020 November 2012 12/3/12 Notice of Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company; Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Unit ML12312A2342012-11-13013 November 2012 Memo to File Summary Verbal Authorization Provided on 11/6/12 for Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10, RPV Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines NDE, Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML12243A4042012-09-25025 September 2012 Notice of Prelicensing Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Proposed Amendment for Approval of Revised Fire Protection Program Related to Alternate Shutdown Capability for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML12261A3012012-09-21021 September 2012 Notice of Forthcoming Public Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach ML12227A5602012-09-12012 September 2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 9, 2012, Between NRC and STPNOC, Concerning Clarification of One Part of Response to RAI 4.3-13. Pertaining to the STP, Units 1 and 2, LRA ML12227A5902012-08-23023 August 2012 9/6/2012 Notice of Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company; Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Uni ML12226A4552012-08-15015 August 2012 Forthcoming Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company Regarding License Renewal for the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML12206A3032012-08-0707 August 2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on 7/3/12, Between the U.S. NRC and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Debris from Coating Failures - Followup, Pertaining to the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, LRA, TAC Nos. ME4936 and ML12146A0202012-05-31031 May 2012 Notice of 6/11/12 Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company; Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Unit ML12080A0352012-04-19019 April 2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on February 22, 2012 Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Regarding Requests for Additional Information STP - Record of Conference Call-02222012 on RAIs- ML12080A0552012-04-11011 April 2012 STP - Record of Conference Call-03082012 on RAIs-SGTI-RxHeadStudClosures ML12080A0492012-04-11011 April 2012 STP - Record of Conference Call-03012012 on RAIs-RV Beltline ML12080A0442012-04-11011 April 2012 STP - Record of Conference Call-02092012 on RAIs-TLAAs ML12080A0402012-04-11011 April 2012 STP - Record of Conference Call-020162012 on RAIs-RVIs-31180-etc ML1207400312012-03-15015 March 2012 3/29/12 Notice of Meeting Viaconference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for Units 1 and 2 ML1203400432012-02-0303 February 2012 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company ML1203003642012-02-0202 February 2012 3/8/12 Forthcoming Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, U ML1200901012012-01-10010 January 2012 Notice of Forthcoming Public Meeting Via Conference Call with South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company ML11348A0392012-01-0404 January 2012 and 12/1/11, Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the South Texas Project LRA - Set 9 ML11320A1162011-12-0505 December 2011 November 9, 2011, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 ML1129701092011-11-0101 November 2011 Notice of Meeting Via Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Units 1 & 2 ML1124114192011-10-0404 October 2011 8/22/11 Summary of Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 (TAC M ML1125101482011-09-15015 September 2011 Notice of Meeting by Conference Call with STP Nuclear Operating Co. to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance, Resolution Approach for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML11216A2632011-08-23023 August 2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on July 28, 2011, Between the U.S. NRC and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the South Texas Project, LRA 2024-10-30
[Table view] |
October 16, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO: Duane E. White, Acting Chief Materials and Waste Security Branch Division of Security Policy Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response FROM: Patricia A. Silva, Chief /RA/
Inspections and Operations Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
The Division of Spent Fuel Management (SFM), Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), requests technical assistance from the Division of Security Policy (DSP),
Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR), for the completion of the following project:
PROJECT: Review the South Texas Project (STP) response to Order (EA-14-044) and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Physical Security Plan (PSP) and verify implementation of the additional security measures.
DOCKET NOS.: 50-498, 50-499, and 72-1041 CAC NO.: 001027 EPID NO.: L-2018-SPR-0004 REQUESTED ACTION: NMSS/SFM requests NSIR/DSP review of the PSP and the ISFSI security Order response for the STP Generating Station ISFSI supporting NRCs security inspection prior to its initial spent fuel loading campaign. Prepare a memorandum documenting the results of NSIRs review.
CONTACT: Raynard Wharton, NMSS/DSFM (301) 415-7497
D. White Please provide the information requested below and return a completed copy to the SFM contact designated below.
Name of NSIR/DSP assigned Reviewer: Douglas Garner NSIR/DSP Project Completion Date: November 28, 2018 NSIR/DSP Branch Chief Signature: _________________________________
Raynard Wharton (301) 415-7497 The above CAC No. should be referenced in future correspondence related to this request and in the Human Resources Management System for recording staff time expended on this effort.
ML18289A565 *via email OFFICE SFM *SFM *SFM NAME RWharton WWheatley PSilva DATE 09/26 /18 09/27/18 10/16/18