ML18151A150 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Surry ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/31/1994 |
References | |
95-201, NUDOCS 9505020231 | |
Download: ML18151A150 (122) | |
e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 April 27, 1995 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:
- Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Attached is the 1994 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Surry Power Station which fulfills the reporting requirements of Surry Technical Specification 6.6.B.2.
Very truly yours, -
M. L. Bowling, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Programs Attachment cc:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.
Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRG Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station Commissioner Department of Radiological Health Room 104A 1500 East Main Street Richmond, Virginia 23219
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Surry Power Station 1994Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report VlllGINIA POWEil
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Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994 Prepared by VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY and TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING 1
e L
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Surry Power Station Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
1994 Mark A. Biron Supervisor Radiological Engineering Dean L. Erickson Superintendent Radiological Protection 2
e Table of Contents Section Title Page Preface.................................................................................................. 7 Executive Summary................................................................................... 8 I.
Introduction.................................................................................. 10 IL Nuclear Power and The Environment: In Perspective.................................. 12 III.
Sampling and Analysis Program.......................................................... 25 IV.
Program Exceptions......................................................................... 38 V.
Summary and Discussion Of 1994 Analytical Results.................................. 39 A.
Airborne Exposure Pathway........................................................ 39
- 1.
Air Iodine/ Air Particulates.................................................... 39 B.
Waterborne Exposure Pathway.....................................................40
- 1.
River Water..................................................................... 40
- 2.
Well Water...................................................................... 42 C.
Aquatic Exposure Pathway.......................................................... 44
- 1.
Silt............................................................................... 44
- 2.
Shoreline Sediment............................................................ 44 D.
Ingestion Exposure Pathway........................................................47
- 1.
Milk.............................................................................. 47
- 2.
Aquatic Biota................................................................... 47
- 3.
Food Products.................................................................. 49 E.
Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway................................................ 50
- 1.
TLD Dosimeters................................................................ 50 VI.
Conclusion................................................................................... 52 3
e Table of Contents (Cont)
Section Title Page VII.
References.................................................................................... 55 VIII.
Appendices................................................................................... 56 Appendix A - Radiological Environmental Monitoring................................. 56 Program Annual Summary Tables - 1994 Appendix B -Data Tables.................................................................. 60 Appendix C - Land Use Census - 1994.................................................. 78 Appendix D - Synopsis of Analytical Procedures....................................... 79 Appendix E - EPA Interlaboratory Comparison Program.............................. 89 List of Trending Graphs
- 1.
Gross Beta in Air Particulates..............................................................41
- 2.
Tritium in RiverWater...................................................................... 41
- 3.
Tritium in Well Water....................................................................... 43
- 4.
Cobalt-58 in Silt............................................................................. 43
- 5.
Cobalt-60 in Silt............................................................................. 45
- 6.
Cesium-134 in Silt.......................................................................... 45
- 7.
Cesium-137 in Silt.......................................................................... 46
- 8.
Cobalt-58 in Clams.......................................................................... 46
- 9.
Cobalt-60 1n Clams.......................................................................... 48
- 10.
Cesium-137 in Clams....................................................................... 48
- 11.
Direct Radiation Measurements-TLD Results............................................ 51 4
e Figure
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12.
- 13.
- 14.
Table of Contents (Cont)
List of Figures Title Page Atomic Structure............................................................................. 12 Alpha Particle................................................................................ 14 Beta Particle.................................................................................. 14 Gamma Ray.................................................................................. 14 The Penetrating Ability of Various Types of Radiation................................. 15 Unit Comparison............................................................................ 15 The Curie, a Measurement of Activity.................................................... 16 Average Annual Dose Equivalent to Persons in the U.S.
From Various Radiation Sources.......................................................... 17 Estimated Average Days of Life Expectancy Lost Due to Various Health Risks....................................................................... 19 Reactor Vessel with Fuel Assemblies, Rods, and Fuel Pellets........................ 20 Fission: A Chain Reaction................................................................. 21 PWR System Diagram...................................................................... 22 Containment Schematic..................................................................... 23 Surry Radiological Monitoring Locations................................................30 5
List of Tables e
Table Page
- 1.
Uranium Isotopes............................................................................ 13
- 2.
Radiological Sampling Station Distance and Direction from Unit 1................................................................................... 26
- 3.
Surry Power Station Sample Analysis Program......................................... 35 Appendix B Tables B-1 Iodine-131 Concentration in Filtered Air................................................. 60 B-2 Gross Beta Concentration in Air Particulates............................................ 62 B-3 Gamma Emitters Concentration in Quarter Air Particulates............................................................................... 64 B-4 Gamma Emitter and Tritium Concentration in River Water............................ 66 B-5 Gamma Emitter and Tritium Concentration in River Water-State Split Samples......................................................... 68 B-6 Gamma Emitter and Tritium Concentration in Well Water................................................................................... 69 B-7 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Silt.................................................... 70 B-8 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Shoreline Sediment.......................................................................... 70 B-9 Gamma Emitter, Strontium-89, and Strontium-90 Concentration in Milk....................................................................... 71 B-10 Gamma Emitter Concentration in Clams.................................................. 73 B-11 Gamma Emitter Concentration in Oysters................................................ 7 4 B-12 Gamma Emitter Concentration in Crabs.................................................. 7 5 B-13 Gamma Emitter Concentration in Fish.................................................... 7 5 B-14 Gamma Emitter Concentration in Vegetation............................................. 75 B-15 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly 1LD Results Set 1........................ 7 6 B-16 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly 1LD Results Set 2........................ 77 6
... ~
Preface This report is submitted as required by Technical Specification 6.6.B.2, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Surry, Units 1 and 2, Virginia Electric and Power Company Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281.
e Executive Summary This document is a detailed report of the 1994 Suny Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP).
Radioactivity levels from January 1 through December 31, 1994 in air, water, silt, shoreline sediment, milk, aquatic biota, food products, vegetation, and direct exposure pathways have been analyzed, evaluated, and summarized. The REMP is designed to confmn that radiological effluent releases are As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), no undue environmental effects occur, and the health and safety of the public is protected. The program also detects any unexpected environmental processes which could allow radioactive accumulations in the environment or food pathway chains.
Radiation and radioactivity in the environment is constantly monitored within a 25 mile radius of the station. Virginia Power also collects samples within this area. A number of sampling locations for each medium were selected using available meteorological, land use, and water use data. Two types of samples are taken. The first type, control samples, are collected from areas that are beyond measurable influence of Suny Nuclear Power Station or any other nuclear facility. These samples are used as reference data. Normal background radiation levels, or radiation present due to causes other than Suny Power Station, can thus be compared to the environment surrounding the nuclear power station. Indicator samples are the second sample type obtained. These samples show how much radiation is contributed to the environment by the plant.
Indicator samples are taken from areas close to the station where any plant contribution will be at the highest concentration.
Prior to station operation, samples were collected and analysed to determine the amount of radioactivity present in the area. The resulting values are used as a "pre-operational baseline."
Analysis results from the indicator samples are compared to both current control sample values and the pre-operational baseline to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable to station operations, other causes such as the Chernobyl accident, or natural variation.
Teledyne Brown Engineering provides sample analyses for various radioisotopes as appro-priate for each sample media. Participation in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
Interlaboratory Comparison Program provides an independent check of sample measurement precision and accuracy. Typically, radioactivity levels in the environment are so low that analysis values frequently fall below the minimum detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. Because of this, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires that equipment used for radiological environmental monitoring must be able to detect specified minimum Lower Limits of Detection (LLD). This ensures that analyses are as accurate as possible. Samples with extremely low levels of radiation which cannot be detected are therefore reported as being below the LLD. The NRC also mandates a "reporting level." Licensed nuclear facilities must report any releases equal to or greater than this reporting level. Environmental radiation levels are sometimes referred to as a percent of the reporting level.
L Analytical results are divided into five categories based on exposure pathways: Airborne, waterborne, aquatic, ingestion, and direct radiation. Each of these pathways is described below:
- The airborne exposure pathway includes airborne iodine and airborne particulates. The 1993 airborne results were very similar to previous years and to preoperational levels. No increase was noted and there were no detections of fission products or other man-made isotopes in the airborne particulate media during 1994.
- The waterborne exposure pathway includes well water and river water. No river water samples indicated the presence of radioisotopes except tritium and naturally occurring potassium. The average tritium activity in 1994 was 2.0% of the NRC reporting level. No man-made isotopes were detected in well water. This trend is consistent throughout the operational monitoring program.
- The aquatic exposure pathway includes silt and shoreline sediment samples. Silt contained some cesium-137 and cobalt-60. During the preoperational period, there were no man-made isotopes detected for this pathway. Man-made isotopes have accumulated. Gamma-emitting isotope concentrations in 1994, however, indicate a decreasing trend compared to the previous five year period. Shoreline sediment, which may provide a direct exposure pathway, contained no man-made isotopes.
- The ingestion exposure pathway includes milk, aquatic biota, and food product samples.
Iodine-131 was not detected in any 1994 milk samples and has not been detected in milk prior to or since the 1986 Chernobyl accident.
Strontium-90, attributable to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, was detected at levels equivalent to the previous year. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at average environmental levels.
The aquatic biota exposure pathway includes samples taken from localized populations of crabs, fish, clams, and oysters. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in each of the aquatic biota samples at average environmental levels. Vegetation samples revealed naturally occurring potassium-40 and beryllium-7 at levels which are average for the previous five years.
- The direct exposure pathway measures environmental radiation doses by use of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). TLD results have indicated a steady trend and compares well with the last five years of data.
During 1994, as in previous years, operation of the Surry Nuclear Power Station created no adverse environmental affects or health hazards.
The maximum dose calculated for the hypothetical individual at the Surry Power Station site boundary due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the site during 1994 was 0.45 millirem. For reference this dose may be compared to the 360 millirem average annual exposure to every person in the United States from natural and man-made sources. Natural sources in the environment provide approximately 82% of radiation exposure to man while Nuclear Power contributes less than O.1 %. These results demonstrate not only compliance with federal and state regulations, but also demonstrate the adequacy of radioactive effluent control at the Surry Nuclear Power Station.
Introduction The operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted for the year 1994 for the Surry Power Station is provided in this report. The results of measurements and analyses of data obtained from samples collected from January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994 are summarized.
The Surry Power Station of Virginia Electric and Power Company is located on the Gravel Neck peninsula adjacent to the James River, approximately 25 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. The site consists of two units, each with pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Each unit is designed with a gross electrical output of 822.6 megawatts electric (MWe). Unit 1 achieved commercial operation on December 22, 1972, and Unit 2 on May 1, 1973.
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulations (10CFR50.34a) require that nuclear power plants be designed, constructed, and operated to keep levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). To ensure these criteria are met, the operating license for Surry Power Station includes Technical Specifications which address the release of radioactive effluents. Inplant monitoring is used to ensure that these release limits are not exceeded.
As a precaution against unexpected or undefined environmental processes which might allow undue accumulation of radioactivity in the environment, a program for monitoring the plant environs is also included in Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.
Virginia Electric and Power Company is responsible for collecting the various indicator and control environmental samples. Teledyne Brown Engineering is responsible for sample analysis and submitting reports of radioanalyses. The results are used to determine if changes in radioactivity levels could be attributable to station operations. Measured values are compared with control levels, which vary with time due to such external events as cosmic ray bombardment, weapons test fallout, and seasonal variations of naturally occurring isotopes. Data collected prior to the plant operation is used to indicate the degree of natural variation to be expected. This preoperational data is compared with data collected during the operational phase to assist in evaluating any radiological impact of the plant operation.
Occasional samples of environmental media show the presence of man-made isotopes.
As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample media to a dose consequence to man, the data is compared to the reporting level concentrations listed in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8 and VPAP-2103, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. These concentrations are based upon the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet the criterion of "As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable".
This report documents the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for 1994 and satisfies the following objectives of the program:
- 1. To provide measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential 10
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
radiation exposure of the maximum exposed members of the public resulting from the station operation.
To supplement the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that radioactive effluents are within allowable limits.
To identify changes of radioactivity in the environment.
To verify that the plant operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public.
I IL Nuclear Power And The Environment:
In Perspective Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, and hydropower have all been used to run the nation's electric generating stations. Each method, however, has its drawbacks. Coal-fired power can damage the environment during the mining process, or by airborne discharges such as fly-ash and chemicals which contribute to acid rain. Oil and natural gas are costly because of their limited supply. Few suitable sites for hydropower exist, and building the large dams necessary to produce Hydropower has a significant impact on the environment.
Nuclear energy provides an alternate source of energy which is readily available. The operation of nuclear power stations has a very small impact on the environment. In fact, hundreds of acres adjoining Surry Power Station are a state waterfowl refuge, and Lake Anna, next to North Anna Power Station, is a well-known fishing site with a state park on its shore.
In order to more fully understand this unique energy source, background information about basic radiation characteristics, risk assessment, reactor operation, effluent control, environmental monitoring, and radioactive waste is provided in this section.
Fundamentals The Atom Everything we encounter is made of atoms. Atoms are the smallest parts of an element that still have all the chemical properties of that element. At the center of an atom is a nucleus. The nucleus consists of neutrons and protons. Electrons move in an orbit around the nucleus and are negatively charged. Protons and neutrons are nearly identical in size and weight, and each is about 2000 times heavier than an electron. The proton, however, has a positive charge, while the neutron has no charge, it is electrically neutral. Figure 1 presents a simple diagram of an atom.
0 Isotopes Neutrons Neutral Charge Figure 1. Atomic Structure Nucleus KC565 The number of protons in the atom of any specific element is always the same. For example, all hydrogen atoms have one proton whereas all oxygen atoms have eight protons. Unlike protons, 12
the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an element may vary. Atoms with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons, are called isotopes. Table 1 lists the isotopes of uranium.
Isotopes Symbols Number Number of Protons of Neutrons Uranium-235 23su 92 143 Uranium-236 236u 92 144 Uranium-237 231u 92 145 Uranium-238 238U 92 146 Uranium-239 239U 92 147 Uranium-240 210u 92 148 Table 1. Uranium Isotopes Radiation and Radwactiviry Radionuclides Normally, the parts of an atom are in a balanced or stable state. A small percentage of atoms naturally contain excess energy and therefore are not stable atoms. If the nucleus of an atom contains excess energy, it may be called a radioactive atom, a radioisotope, or radionuclide. The excess energy is usually due to an imbalance in the number of electrons, protons, and/ or neutrons which make up the atom.
Radionuclides can be naturally occurring, such as uranium-238, thorium-232 and potassium-40, or man-made, such as iodine-131, cesium-137, and cobalt-60.
Rad'ioactive Decay Radioactive atoms attempt to reach a stable (non-radioactive) state through a process known as radioactive decay. Radioactive decay is the release of energy from the atom through the emission of particulate and/ or electromagnetic radiation. Particulate radiation may be in the form of electrically charged particles such as alpha (2 protons plus 2 neutrons) or beta particles (1 electron), or may be electrically neutral, such as neutrons. Part of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of gamma rays and X-rays which are similar to light and microwaves, but have a much higher energy.
Half-Life A radioactive half-life is the amount of time required for a radioactive substance to lose half of its activity through the process of radioactive decay. Cobalt-60 has a half-life of about 5 years.
l After 5 years, 50% of its radioactivity is gone, and after 10 years, 75% has decayed away. Radioactive half-lives vary from millionths of a second to millions of years.
Radioactive atoms may decay directly to a stable state or may undergo a series of decay stages.
During the decay process, several daughter products may be formed which eventually transform into stable atoms. Naturally occurring radium-226, for example, has 10 successive daughter products (including radon) resulting fmally with lead-206 as a stable form.
Types Of Radiation, Two types of radiation are consid-ered in the nuclear industry, particulate and electromagnetic. Particulate radia-tion may come from the nucleus of an atom in the form of an ejected alpha particle. Alpha particles consists of two protons together with two neutrons.
Alpha particles have a very limited ability to penetrate matter. A piece of paper will stop all alpha radiation from sources outside the body are not consid-ered to be a radiation hazard.
A beta particle is like an electron that has been ejected from the nucleus of an atom. Skin or a thin piece of aluminum will stop beta radiation.
Exposure to beta radiation can be a hazard to the skin or lens of the eye.
Because of their limited ability to pen-etrate the body, beta and alpha radiation are a health concern prima-rily if swallowed or inhaled where they might cause internal radiation exposure.
Gamma rays are like X-rays, except that they come from the nucleus of an atom while X-rays come from the electron rings.
Gamma rays can penetrate deep into the body and thus give a "whole-body" radiation dose. Several inches of concrete or lead will stop both gamma and X-rays.
Figure 5 shows the approximate penetrat-ing ability of various types of radiation.
2 Protrons 2 Neutrons Figure 2. Alpha Particle Figure 3. Beta Particle KC566 KC567
- }
Electromagnetic radiation indistinguishable from X-rays KC568 Figure 4. Gamma Ray
L a= Alpha 13 = Beta y =Gamma Radioactive Material Paper Aluminum Concrete As radiation travels, it collides with other atoms and loses energy. Alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper, beta particles by a thin sheet of aluminum, and gamma radiation by several inches of concrete or lead.
Figure 5. The Penetrating Ability of Various Types of Radiation Quantities And Units Of Radioactive Measurement KC564 Several quantities and units are used to describe radioactivity and its effects. In the following sections two terms, rem and activity, will be used to describe amounts of radiation.
Rem measures the potential effect of radiation exposure on human cells. Small doses are counted in millirem. Each millirem is equal to one thousandth of a rem. Federal standards limit exposure for an individual member of the public to 500 millirem annually. This annual limit does not include the average 300 millirem received from natural sources and approximately 60 millirem from medical applications.
Just as Twelve inches equals one foot n
1 inch 1 millirem 1000 millirem equals 1 rem Figure 6. Unit Comparison 15 KC561
Activity is the number of nuclei in a sample that disintegrate (decay) every second. Each time a nucleus disintegrates, radiation is emitted. The unit of activity is the Curie. A Curie ( Ci) is the amount of radioactive material which decays at a rate of 37 billion atoms per second. Smaller units of the Curie are often used. Two common units are the microCurie (uCi), one millionth of a Curie, and the picoCurie (pCi), one trillionth of a Curie. A Curie is a measurement of radioactivity, not a quantity of material. The amount of material necessary to make one Curie varies. For example, one gram of radium-226 is one Curie of radioactiv-ity, but it would take 9,170,000 grams (about 10 tons) of thorium-232 to obtain one Curie.
1Cude CJ'.]
1 O Tons of Thorium-232 1 Gram of Radium-226 (radiation source)
(radiation source)
One gram of radium-226 and 1 O tons of thorium-232 are both approximately 1 Curie.
Figure 7. The Curie, a Measurement of Activity KC569 Sources Of Radiation Background Radiation Radiation is not a new creation of the nuclear power industry; it is a natural occurrence on the earth. Mankind has always lived with radiation and always will. Every second of our lives, over 7,000 atoms undergo radioactive decay in the body of the average adult. Radioactivity exists naturally in the soil, water, air and space. All of these common sources of radiation contribute to the natural background radiation that we are exposed to each day.
The earth is constantly showered by a steady stream of high energy gamma rays. These rays come from space and are known as cosmic radiation. Our atmosphere shields out most of this radiation, but everyone still receives about 20 to 50 millirem each year from this source. At high altitudes, the air is thinner and provides less protection from cosmic radiation. Because of this, people living at higher altitudes or even flying in an airplane are exposed to more radiation.
Radioactive atoms commonly found in the atmosphere as a result of cosmic ray interactions include beryllium-7, carbon-14, tritium, and sodium-22.
Other natural sources of radiation include radionuclides naturally found in soil, water, food, building materials and even people. People have always been radioactive, in part because the carbon found in our bodies is a mixture of all carbon isotopes, both non-radioactive and radioactive. Approximately two-thirds of the whole body dose from natural sources is contributed by radon gas. About one-third of the naturally occuring external terrestrial and internal whole body radiation dose is attributable to a naturally radioactive isotope of potassium, potassium-40.
Man-Made In addition to naturally occurring radiation, people are also exposed to man-made radiation.
The largest sources of these exposures are from medical X-rays, fluoroscopic examinations, radioactive drugs, and tobacco. Small doses are received from consumer products such as television, smoke alarms, and fertilizers. Very small doses result from the production of nuclear power. Fallout from nuclear weapons tests is another source of man-made exposure. Fallout radionuclides include strontium-90, cesium-137, carbon-14, and tritium.
Man-Made Sources Natural And Man-Made Sources Radon (55.6%}
Nuclear Power (0.1 %)
Miscellaneous (0.1 %)
J"""""-- Occupational (1.4%)
Man-Made Medical Diagnostic X-Rays Other Medical Consumer Products Occupational Miscellaneous Environmental Nuclear Power Natural Background 39.00 14.00 5.00 to 13.00 0.90 0.06 0.05 Radon and Radon Daughters Cosmic Rays 200.00 27.00 1.00 28.00 40.00 Cosmo~enic Radiation Terrestrial Radiation Internal Radiation Total 360.00 MREM Per Vear NCRP Report No. 93, "Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States,* 30 Dec 1987, Bethesda, MD 20814 KC563 Figure 8. Average Annual Dose Equivalent To Persons In The U.S. From Various Radiation Sources 17
e Effects Of Radiation Studies The effects of ionizing radiation on human health have been under study for more than eighty years. Scientists have obtained valuable knowledge through the study of laboratory animals that were exposed to radiation under controlled conditions. It has proven difficult, however, to relate the biological effects of irradiated laboratory animals to the potential health effects on humans.
Because of this, human populations irradiated under various circumstances have been studied in great depth. These groups include:
Survivors of the atomic bomb.
Persons undergoing medical radiation treatment.
Radium dial painters during World War I who ingested large amounts of radioactivity by "tipping" the paint brushes with their lips.
Uranium miners, who inhaled large amounts of radioactive dust while mining pitchblende (uranium ore).
Early radiologists, who accumulated large doses of radiation from early X-ray equipment while being unaware of the potential hazards.
Analysis of these groups has increased our knowledge of health effects resulting from large radiation doses. Less is known about the effects of low doses of radiation. To be on the conservative side, we assume that health effects occur proportionally to those observed following a large dose of radiation. That is, if one dose of radiation causes an effect, then half the dose will cause half the effect. Radiation scientists agree that this assumption overestimates the risks associated with low level radiation exposure. The effects predicted in this manner have not been actually observed in individuals exposed to low level radiation.
Health Risks Since the actual effects of exposure to low level radiation are difficult to measure, scientists often refer to the possible risk involved. The problem is one of evaluating alternatives, of comparing risks and weighing them against benefits. People make decisions involving risks every day, such as deciding whether to wear seat belts or smoke cigarettes. Risks are a part of everyday life. The question is to determine how great the risks are.
We accept the inevitability of automobile accidents. Building safer cars or wearing seat belts will reduce the risk of injury. You could choose to not drive to be even safer, but pedestrians and bicyclists are also injured by cars. Reducing the risk of injury from automobiles to zero requires moving to a place where there are no automobiles.
i I
L e
While accepting the many daily risks of living, some people feel that their demands for energy should be met on an essentially risk-free basis. Attention is focused on safeguarding the public, developing a realistic assessment of the risks, and placing them in perspective.
Because you cannot see, feel, taste, hear, or smell radiation, it is often a source of concern.
We have the same lack of sensory perception for things such as radio waves, carbon monoxide, and small concentrations of numerous cancer causing substances. Although these risks are just as real as the risks associated with radiation, they have not generated the same degree of concern as radiation.
Most risks are with us throughout our lives, and their effects can be added up over a lifetime to obtain a total effect on our life span. The typical life span for an American woman is now 76 years, whereas men average 71 years of age. Figure 9 shows a number of different factors that decreased our average life expectancy.
Days 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 Activity
- 1. Smoking 1 Pack of Cigarettes a Day
- 2. Being 20% Overweight
- 3. Construction
- 4. Agriculture
- 5. Auto Accidents
- 6. Avg Alcohol Consumption per Person
- 7. Home Accidents
- 8. All Industry Hazards
- 9. Radiation Dose of 6.5 Millirem per Year for 30 Years NCRP Report No. 95, "Radiation Exposure of the U.S.
Population from Consumer Products and Miscellaneous Sources,' National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 30 Dec 1987, Bethesda, MD 20814 KC562 Figure 9. Estimated Average Days Of Life Expectancy Lost Due To Various Health Risks The American Cancer Society estimates that about 30 percent of all Americans will develop cancer at some time in their lives from all possible causes. So, in a group of 10,000 people it is expected that 3,000 of them will develop cancer. If each person were to receive a radiation exposure of one rem in addition to natural background radiation, then it is expected that three more may develop cancer during their lifetime. This increases the risk from 30 percent to 30.03 percent. Hence, the risks of radiation exposure are small when compared to the risks of everyday life.
These comparisons should give you some idea of the risk involved in activities that you are familiar with. They give a basis for judging what smoking, eating, or driving a car could mean to your health and safety. Everyone knows that life is full of risks. If you have the basis for judgment, you can decide what to do or what not to do.
e Nuclear Reactor operation Electricity in the United States is being produced using fossil fuel, uranium, or falling water.
A fossil-fueled power station bums coal, oil or natural gas in a boiler to produce energy. Nuclear power stations use uranium fuel and the heat produced from the fission process to make energy.
In both cases, they heat and boil water to produce steam. The steam is used to drive a turbine which turns a generator and produces electricity.
Nuclear Fuel Uranium (U) is the basic ingredient in nuclear fuel, consisting of U-235 and U-238 atoms.
Natural uranium contains less than one percent U-235 when it is mined. Commercial nuclear power plants use fuel with a U-235 content of approximately three percent. The process used to increase the U-235 concentration is known as enrichment.
Reactor operation After enrichment, the uranium fuel is chemically changed to uranium dioxide, a dry black powder. This powder is compressed into small ceramic pellets. Each fuel pellet is about 3/ 4 inches long and 3/8 inches in diameter. The pellets are placed into 12 foot long metal tubes made of zirconium alloy to make a fuel rod. About five pounds of pellets are used to fill each rod. A total of 204 fuel rods make a single fuel assembly. Virginia Power nuclear reactors contains 157 fuel assemblies (Figure 10).
Control Rods Coolant Outlet Noule Fuel Rod Assemblies Thermal Shield Reactor Vessel Coolant Inlet Noule Core Support Fuel Rod Fuel Rod Assembly Fuel Pellet MT424 Figure 10. Reactor Vessel With Fuel Assemblies, Rods, and Fuel Pellets 20
Fisskm Nuclear energy is produced by a process called fission. Fission occurs in a reactor when uranium is split into fragments producing heat and releas-ing neutrons. These neutrons strike other uranium atoms, causing them to split (fission) and release more heat and neutrons. This is called a chain reaction (Figure 11) and is controlled by the use of reactor control rods.
Control rods are an essential part of the nuclear reactor. Control rods e HeavyAtom Fission Fragment o
Free Neutron w.,. Heat Figure 11. Fission: A Chain Reaction contain cadmium, indium, and silver metals which absorb and control the amount of neutrons produced in the reactor. The control rods act to slow down or stop the chain reaction. A chain reaction cannot occur when the control rods are inserted completely into the core. When the control rods are withdrawn, the chain reaction begins and heat is generated.
Design & operation Surry Power Station and North Anna Power Station use a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) system to generate electricity. There are two complete and independent PWR systems on-site at both Surry and North Anna Power Stations. These are referred to as Unit-1 and Unit-2.
The reactor core is inside a large steel container called the Reactor Pressure Vessel. The reactor core is always surrounded by water. The fissioning of the uranium fuel makes the fuel rods get hot. The hot fuel rods heat the water, which serves as a coolant that carries away heat.
In a pressurized water reactor, heat is moved from place to place by moving water, the reactor's coolant. The water flows in closed loops. As (primary) water moves through the core it gets very hot (605°F), but because it is under such high pressure, 2235 pounds per square inch (psi), it doesn't boil. The hot water then flows to the steam generator. The steam generator is a heat exchanger. Reactor coolant passes through it but doesn't mix with the steam generator (secondary) water. Instead, heat from the primary water is transferred through thousands of tubes to the cooler secondary water. The water in the steam generator is under much less pressure, and the heat boils the secondary water to steam. At Virginia Electric and Power stations, each unit has 3 steam generators.
The steam is piped to a steam turbine that turns an electric generator. The exhausted steam from the turbine is cooled and converted back to water in a condenser. The condenser is also a heat exchanger; in it heat passes from the steam to a third loop of water. In Surry's case the James River provides the third loop water. At North Anna Power Station third loop water is from Lake Anna. The steam turns back to liquid and is pumped back to the steam generator. Figure 12 is a diagram of typical nuclear reactor systems.
Refueling Water Storage Tank Ventilation Release Stack Auxiliary Building Charcoal Filter Containment Spray Pump Boron Injection Tank Containment Sump High Pressure Safety Injection System (Emergency Core Cooling)
Low Pressure Safety Injection System (Emergency Core Cooling)
Containment Spray System Main Steam System Reactor Cooling System (Primary Cooling System)
Condenser Cooling System Main Feedwater System Auxiliary Feed Water System Turbine Building Electrical Power To Transmission System KC560 Figure 12. PWR System Diagram Containment Nuclear power plants are designed to prevent the escape of large quantities of radiation and radioactive substances. Two principles are used. First, thick, heavy walls are used as shielding to absorb radiation and prevent its escape. Second, strong, airtight walls called containment, are used to prevent the escape of radioactive materials.
The reactor pressure vessel and the containment building that houses it are enormously strong (Figure 13). Strong enough, in fact, to withstand a direct hit from a jet airliner. The reactor core lies within a sealed pressure vessel. Like all boilers its walls must be very strong because the water inside must be kept under high pressure. The reactor pressure vessel in a nuclear power plant is even heavier than an ordinary steam boiler because of the need to minimize the chance of rupture and release of any radioactive materials. The reactor pressure vessel is made from a stainless steel alloy 6 to 8 inches thick.
Around the reactor pressure vessel is a thick concrete wall. This wall acts as shielding, protecting workers by absorbing radiation resulting from the nuclear chain reaction. Next an airtight 1/ 2 inch steel liner surrounds the entire interior of the containment. If the reactor pressure vessel or any of the primary piping should break, the escaping steam would be trapped inside the liner.
e 2 1 /2 Feet Thick Concrete 1/2 Inch Steel Liner
- -- 3/8 Inch Steel Liner 4 1/2 Feet Thick Concrete 185 Feet 122 Feet
126 Feet - -------;-
Figure 13. Containment Schematic Finally, the building's reinforced concrete outer wall is 4 1/ 2 feet thick tapering to 2 1/2 feet at the top of the dome. It is designed to act as shielding and is also intended to withstand natural and man-made events like earthquakes and even the direct impact from a large commercial jet aircraft.
operating the Reactor Safely Accidents The most serious accident that could happen in a nuclear power plant involves overheating in the nuclear reactor core. Such an accident would result from a loss-of-coolant accident or LOCA.
During a LOCA, primary coolant would no longer circulate through the reactor core to remove heat. Circulation could be lost if a combination of pipes burst, for example. Conceivably, a dry, overheated reactor core could melt through the pressure vessel.
e The reactor itself is designed to respond automatically to such an emergency. Operators are also trained to make corrections for any system failure. The automatic and operator responses have two goals: to prevent damage to the reactor, and prevent the release of radiation. Shutting the reactor down is relatively easy. Control rods drop in and chemical to stop the nuclear reaction are injected into the coolant. Losing the coolant itself tends to stop the chain reaction because the coolant is needed to keep the nuclear chain reaction going. Within 10 seconds of shutdown, the amount of heat is less than 5 percent of the amount produced at full power and within 15 minutes, less than 1 percent.
To carry heat away during an accident, all reactors have Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS). The ECCS consists of primary and back-up pumps and reservoirs of coolant that operate separately from those that normally circulate through the system. A nuclear reactor has many different back-up safety systems designed so that if one fails another is always available.
Workers There are many different jobs at a nuclear power plant and they are filled by people with diverse backgrounds. All employees are initially trained and then retrained annually by the company.
Virginia Power's Training centers are fully accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations. The operators are tested and certified by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Safety Statistics Job safety is another measure of assurance that the station is being properly operated. Surry Power Station attained 5,000 man hours without a lost time accident and is continuing that record into 1995. North Anna has attained over 3,000,000 man hours without a lost time accident.
~ Nuclear energy provides an alternate source of energy which is readily available. The operation of a nuclear power station has a very small impact on the environment.
0 Radiation is not a new creation of the nuclear power industry; it is a natural occurrence on the earth. Mankind has always lived with radiation and always will. Radioactivity exists naturally in the soil, water, air and space. All these common sources of radiation contribute to the natural background radiation to which we are exposed.
In addition to naturally occurring radiation and radioactivity, people are also exposed to man-made radiation. Very small doses result from the production of nuclear power.
Nuclear power plants are designed to prevent the escape of radiation and radioactive substances.
e A nuclear reactor has many different back-up safety systems designed so that if one fails another is available.
- 1.
Table 2 summarizes the sampling program for Surry Power Station during 1994.
The Radiological Monitoring Locations, Figure 14, denote the air sample and TLD stations for VEPCO and the State of Virginia. Sample locations are color coded to designate sample types shown in the Surry Emergency Plan maps.
- 2.
For routine TLD measurements, two dosimeters made of CaS04:Dy in a teflon card are deployed at each sampling location. Several TLDs are co-located with NRC and Commonwealth of Virginia direct radiation recording devices. These are indicted as "co-location" samples.
- 3.
In addition to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by Surry Technical Specifications, Virginia Electric and Power Company splits samples with the Commonwealth of Virginia. All samples listed in Table 2 are collected by Vepco personnel except for those labeled state split. All samples are shipped to Teledyne Brown Engineering located in Westwood, New Jersey.
- 4.
All samples listed in Table 1 are taken at indicator locations except those labeled "control".
Analysis Program
- 1.
Table 3 summarizes the analysis program conducted by Teledyne Brown Engineering for Surry Power Station during 1994.
e e
e TABLE 2 (Page 1 of 4)
SURRY-1994 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental Control (00)
Quarterly Onsite*
West North West (02) 0.17 WNW 292° Quarterly Site Boundary Surry Station Discharge (03) 0.6 NW 3090 Quarterly Site Boundary North North West (04) 0.4 NNW 330° Quarterly Site Boundary North (05) 0.33 N
357° Quarterly Site Boundary North North East (06) 0.28 NNE
'120 Quarterly Site Boundary North East (07) 0.31 NE 45° Quarterly Site Boundary East North East (08) 0.43 ENE 680 Quarterly Site Boundary East (Exclusion)
(09) 0.31 E
Quarterly Onsite West (10) 0.40 w
270° Quarterly Site Boundary West South West (11) 0.45 WSW 250° Quarterly Site Boundary South West (12) 0.30 SW 2250 Quarterly Site Boundary South South West (13) 0.43 SSW 203° Quarterly Site Boundary South (14) 0.48 s
180° Quarterly Site Boundary South South East (15) 0.74 SSE 157° Quarterly Site Boundary South East (16) 1.00 SE 135° Quarterly Site Boundary East (17) 0.57 E
Quarterly Site Boundary Station Intake (18) 1.23 ESE 113° Quarterly Site Boundary N
Hog Island Reserve (19) 1.94 NNE 2fj0 Quarterly Near Resident, co-location
- 0)
Bacons Castle (20) 4.45 SSW 202° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile co-location Route 633 (21) 3.5 SW
'1240 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Alliance (22) 5.1 WSW 248° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile co-location Surry (23) 8.0 WSW 250° Quarterly Population Center Route 636 and 637 (24) 4.0 w
270° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Scotland Wharf (25) 5.0 WNW 285° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile co-location Jamestown (26) 6.3 NW 310° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile co-location Colonial Parkway (27) 3.7 NNW 330° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 617 and 618 (28) 5.2 NNW 3400 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Kingsmill (29) 4.8 N
'Z' Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Williamsburg (30) 7.8 N
CJ' Quarterly Population Center co-location Kingsmill North (31) 5.6 NNE 14° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Budweiser (32) 5.7 NNE vo Quarterly Population Center
- 1LD stored in a lead shield in environmental building
I e
e TABLE 2 (Page 2 of 4)
SURRY-1994 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental Water Plant (33) 4.8 NE 41° Quarterly Apx. Smile TLD's(Cont.)
Dow (34) 5.1 ENE 7Cf Quarterly Apx. Smile Lee Hall (35) 7.1 ENE 73° Quarterly Population Center co-location Goose Island (36) 5.0 E
880 Quarterly Apx. Smile Fort Eustis (37) 4.8 ESE 107° Quarterly Apx. 5 mile co-location Newport News (38) 16.5 ESE 102° Quarterly Population Center James River Bridge (39) 14.8 SSE 147° Quarterly Control Location Benn's Church (40) 14.5 s
175° Quarterly Control Location Smithfield (41) 11.5 s
176° Quarterly Population Center Rushmere (42) 5.2 SSE 156° Quarterly Apx. Smile Rt. 628 (43) 5.0 s
177° Quarterly Apx. Smile co-location Air Charcoal Surry Station (SS)
.37 NNE 15° Weekly Site boundary location with and Particulate HighestD/Q Hog Island Reserve (HIR) 2.0 NNE 26° Weekly Co-location Bacons Castle (BC) 4.5 SSW 202° Weekly Alliance (ALL) 5.1 WSW 248° Weekly Co-location N
Colonial Parkway (CP) 3.7 NNW 330° Weekly
-...,J Dow Chemical (DOW) 5.1 ENE 7Cf Weekly Fort Eustis (FE) 4.8 ESE 107° Weekly Newport News (NN) 16.5 ESE 122° Weekly Control Location River Water Surry Discharge 0.17 NW 325° Monthly State Split Scotland Wharf 5.0 WNW 285° Monthly Control Location/State Split Surry Station Intake 1.9 ESE 770 Bi-monthly Hog Island Point 2.4 NE 52° Bi-monthly Newport News 12.0 SE 140° Bi-monthly Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW 3000 Bi-monthly Control Location Surry Station Discharge 0.17 NW 325° Monthly Scotland Wharf 5.0 WNW 285° Monthly
e e
TABLE 2 (Page 3 of4)
SURRY -1994 RADIOLOOICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Well Water Surry Station Quarterly Onsite*
Hog Island Reserve 2.0 NNE 27° Quarterly Bacons Castle 4.5 SSW 203° Quarterly Jamestown 6.3 NW 3090 Quarterly Shoreline Hog Island Reserve 0.8 N
':f Semi-Annually Sediment Burwell's Bay 7.76 SSE 167° Semi-Annually Silt Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Surry Station Intake 1.9 ESE 77° Semi-Annually Hog Island Point 2.4 NE 52° Semi-Annually Point of Shoals 6.4 SSE 157° Semi-Annually Newport News 12.0 SE 140° Semi-Annually Surry Station Discharge 0.5 NNW 341° Semi-Annually N
Milk Lee Hall (a) 7.1 ENE 640 Monthly State Split CX)
Epps 4.8 SSW 201° Monthly State Split Colonial Parkway 3.7 NNW 337° Monthly Judkins 6.2 SSW 211° Monthly Williams 22.5 s
182° Monthly Control Location Oysters Deep Water Shoals 3.9 ESE 105° Bi-Monthly Point of Shoals 6.4 SSE 157° Bi-Monthly Rock Landing Shoals 7.8 SE 140° Bi-Monthly State Split Newport News 12.0 SE 140° Bi-Monthly Clams Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW 3000 Bi-Monthly Control Location Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNW 341° Bi-Monthly State Split Hog Island Point 2.4 NE 52° Bi-Monthly Jamestown 5.1 WNW 3000 Bi-Monthly Lawnes Creek 2.4 SE 131° Bi-Monthly Well water sample taken onsite at Surry Environmental Building (a) Lee Hall dairy station became unavailable 09/92. Replacement sample is not required.
N ID Sample Media Crabs Fish Crops (Corn,Peanuts)
Location Suny Station Discharge Suny Station Discharge Brock's Farm Slade's Farm Spratley's Garden Pool's Garden Carter's Grove Garden Stone's Garden Luca's Garden Spratley's Garden (a)
(a) Spratley's Garden replaced Poole's Garden on 6/23/92.
e TABLE 2 (Page 4of 4)
SURRY -1994 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Miles Direction Degrees 0.6 NW 312° 0.6 NW 312° 3.8 s
188° 2.4 s
177° 3.2 s
185° 2.3 s
182° 4.8 NE 56° 3.2 s
185° Collection Frequency Annually Semi-Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Remarks State Split State Split State Split State Split State Split State Split e
State Split/Control Loe.
(Chester, Va.)
State Split
r I
e SW Legend Air Sampling Stations TLD Sampling State Environmental Monitoring Sites State TLD Sites Site Boundary 30
Surry Emergency Plan Map e Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents e TLD Sampling e Nearest Garden e Nearest Farm Animals Aquatic Samples Original © 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction may be made wtthout the written permission of ADC.
CB3308 e
e Nearest Residents e Nearest Farm Animals Aquatic Samples Original IC) 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction may be made w~hout the written permission of ADC.
CB3309 e
e e
w CB3310
e Surry Emergency Plan Map
e Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents e TLD Sampling e Nearest Farm Animals e Nearest Garden Aquatic Samples
- /
(irq ~*s
r, -
REPORT UNITS Thermoluminescent Quarterly Gamma Dose 2.0 mR/std.month Dosimetry (TLD)
Air Iodine Weekly I-131 0.07 pCi/m3 Air Particulate Weekly Gross Beta 0.01 pCi/m3 Quarterly (a)
Gamma Isotopic pCi/m3 Cs-134 0.05 Cs-137 0.06 River Water Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/1 composite of monthly sample Monthly and I-131 10 pCi/1 Bi-monthly Gamma Isotopic.
Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Well Water Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/1 1-131 1
Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Footnotes located at*end of table.
SAMPLE MEDIA Shoreline Sediment Silt Milk Oyster Clams Crabs TABLE 3 (Cont.)
SURRY POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic Cs-134 Cs-137 Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic Cs-134 Cs-137 Monthly
/ 1-131 Gamma Isotopic Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Bi-Monthly Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Bi-Monthly Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Annually Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Footnotes located at end of table.
36 LLD*
REPORT UNITS pCi/kg-dry 150 180 pCi/kg-dry 150 180 1
pCi/1 15 18 60 15 pCi/kg-wet 130 260 130 130 260 130 150 pCi/kg-wet 130 260 130 130 260 130 150 pCi/kg-wet 130 260 130 130 260 130 150
r e
TABLE 3 (Cont.)
REPORT UNITS Fish Crops Note:
Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet I-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 This table is not a complete listing of nuclides which can be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.
LLDs indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the Surry Radiological Environmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Brown Engineering may be lower than those listed.
Quarterly composites of each location's weekly air particulate samples are analyzed for gamma emitters.
Appendix B REMP Exceptions For Scheduled Sampling And Analysis During 1994 - Surry Location Description CP Air Particulate/
Air Iodine Date of Sampling Reasons(s) for Loss/Exception 02/04/94-02/15/94 No electricity to station. New location chosen.
No sample available.
05 Direct RadiationffLD Second Quarter TLDs missing; cause unknown. One replace-ment TLD placed in field from 6/15 to 7 /7 /94 but results were not representative of quarter and not reported.
L V.
Summary and Discussion - 1994 Analytical Results Data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during 1994 are tabulated and discussed below. The procedures and specifications followed in the laboratory for these analyses are as required in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Quality Assurance Manual and are explained in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Analytical Procedures. A synopsis of analytical procedures used for the environmental samples is provided in Appendix D. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by Teledyne, the laboratory also participates in the Environmental Protection Agency's Interlaboratory Comparison Program. Participation in this program ensures that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental samples are performed. The results of the EPA lnterlaboratory Comparison are provided in Appendix E.
Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. The "less than" values in the data tables were calculated for each specific analysis and are dependent on sample size, detector efficiency, length of counting time, chemical yield, when appropriate, _and the radioactive decay factor from time of counting to time of collection. Teledyne *Brown Engineering's analytical methods meet the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements given in Table 2 of the USNRC Branch Technical Position of Radiological Monitoring (November 1979, Revision 1) and the ODCM.
The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements taken during the 1994 reporting period.
Airborne Exposure Pathway Airborne Radioiodine Charcoal cartridges are used to collect airborne radioiodine. Once a week, the samples are collected and analyzed. The results are presented in Table B-1. All results are below the lower limit of detection with no positive activity detected. These results are similar to preoperational data and the results of samples taken prior to and after the 1986 accident in the Soviet Union at Chernobyl.
Airborne Gross Beta Results of the weekly gross beta analysis are presented in Table B-2. A review of Table B-2 indicates that results from the station indicator compare favorably to the control location in Newport News.
Quarterly averages are consistent with background radioactivity levels. The gross beta concentrations observed indicate a steady trend compared to levels found during the previous seven years. Gross beta activity found during the preoperational and early operating period of Surry were higher because of nuclear weapons testing. During the past two decades nearly 740 nuclear weapons have been tested worldwide. In 1985 weapons testing ceased, and with the exception of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, airborne gross beta results have trended at stable levels.
Airborne Gamma Isotopic Air particulate filters are analyzed for isotopes that are gamma emitters. The results of the composite analysis are listed in Table B-3. No gamma emitting radioactivity attributable to the power station was detected. However, natural background radioactivity was detected in many of the samples. The two isotopes that were identified are beryllium-? and potassium-40. Beryllium-?
is continuously produced in the upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation. Potassium-40 is naturally present in foods, building materials and soil.
WATERBORNE EXPOSURE PATHWAY River Water The analysis results for the James River water sampling program are presented in Table B-
- 4. Samples of James River water are collected as monthly grab samples at both Surry Discharge and Scotland Wharf and bi-monthly grab samples at Hog Island Point, Newport News, Chickahominy River and Surry Intake. All samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and for iodine-131 by a radiochemfoal procedure. These samples are also composited and analyzed for tritium on a quarterly basis.
Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in 18 samples with an average concentration of 98.6 pCi/liter.
e (I}
I 0
- 8.
Q) >
I C'?
0 a.
- 8.
- 0)
0 a.
TRENDING GRAPH-1: GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES 1.0E+O~-------------------------------.
(a) 1.0E-1 1.0E-2 1.0E-3+----.-----.-----..------.----,-----.----,----r-----.-----,-----'
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (a) Chernobyl Indicator Control
- + -
Avg-Pre Op Required LLD's TRENDING GRAPH-2: TRITIUM IN RIVER WATER 100000-.-----------------------------------,
A 1000 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Surry Discharge Scotland Wharf
- + -
Avg-Pre Op
-It -
Required LLD's 41
All samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes. With the exception of naturally occurring potassium-40 no other gamma emitters were detected. In particular, no iodine-131 was detected. This trend is consistent with previous years.
Tritium was measured in 11 of 24 quarterly composite samples. The average tritium concentration was 275 pCi/liter. Preoperational data for tritium indicated levels of activity considerably higher than current levels due, in part, to atmospheric weapons testing. The State of Virginia collects water samples from the station discharge and a control site located upstream of the station Scotland Wharf. These samples are taken as part of the State Split Sample Program and analyzed independently. The results are presented in Table B-5. River water from the station discharge measured a tritium concentration of 548 pCi/liter. The control location had one measurement of tritium at a concentration of 200 pCi/liter. Scotland Wharf is taken as a weekly grab sample. Station discharge is sampled by a composite sampler and collected weekly. Monthly composite samples are prepared for gamma and iodine-131 analysis and quarterly composites are prepared for tritium analysis.
The trend graphs provide a comparison of tritium concentration measured in the downstream sample (Surry Station Discharge) and in the upstream control location (Scotland Wharf). As expected, the Surry discharge samples indicated higher levels of tritium than the control location. The water in the discharge canal is further diluted by the river water beyond the discharge structure. The average tritium concentration in grab samples taken downstream of the station indicate good comparison to the State Split control concentration.
Well Water Well water is not considered to be affected by station operations because there are no discharges made to this pathway. However, Surry does monitor well water and analyzes water samples from four indicator locations. The results of these sample analysis are presented in Table B-6.
These samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and indicated that there were no man made radioisotopes present or naturally occurring isotopes. Preoperational samples were only analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta. Gamma emitting isotopes have not been detected within the recent past and this trend is consistent throughout the operational monitoring program.
All well water samples were analyzed for tritium. No tritium was detected in any of the control or indicator samples. Preoperational samples were not analyzed for tritium.
e 0
- 8.
TRENDING GRAPH - S: TRITIUM IN WELL WATER 10000-.------------------------------------,
- 8.
Q) =
- a.
10 1 --+--r-...--...--...--........................ __,.__,.--,-...,.......... -.--,--...--..--.,.................. ---.--,.--.-...... -.--..-....--.--...--..--....-.--........ --.-l 1/86 7/86 1/87 7/87 1/88 7188 1/89 7/89 1/90 7/90 1/91 7/91 1/92 7/92 1/93 7/93 1/94 7/94
_._ Station-BC
-a Station-JMTN
Station-SS Required LLD's Station JMTN has been eliminated due to program change 12/1/94.
TRENDING GRAPH-4: COBALT-58 IN SEDIMENT SILT 100Ulhr-----------------------------------,
1 -t----r---.----.--.....---.--.....---.--.,----..--,----,--,---,---,---,---r----,--r---,---r---,---r---1 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 During the preoperational period, cobalt-58 was not detected in the samples analyzed.
-II-Hog Island Station Intake Station Discharge 43
AQUATIC EXPOSURE PATHWAY Silt Silt samples were taken to evaluate any buildup of radionuclides in the environment due to the operation of the power station. The radioactivity in silt is a result of precipitation of radionuclides in the waste discharges and the subsequent dispersion of the material by the river current. Sampling this pathway provides a good indication of the dispersion effects of effluents to the river. Buildup of radionuclides in silt could indirectly lead to increasing radioactivity levels in clams, oysters and fish.
Silt samples are collected from six locations both upstream and downstream of the power station. These SaITI:ples are analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes. The results of these analyses are presented in Table B-7.
The NRC does not assign reporting levels to radioisotopes measured in this pathway.
However, Surry's operating license requires that the concentrations of man made and naturally occurring gamma emitters be tracked and trended. Preoperational analyses indicates that there were no man made radioisotopes present in this pathway.
Cobalt-60 and cesium-137 average levels indicate a decrease in concentration when compared to last year and the previous 8 year trend.
The concentration of man made radioisotopes in silt is projected to decrease. Surry Power Station currently has in service a Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility which employs state of the art technologies to reduce the volume and activity of liquid effluents and reduce the impact on the environment. This facility went into operation in September of 1991.
Shoreline Sediment Unlike river bottom silt, shoreline sediment may provide a direct dose to humans. Buildup of radioisotopes along the shoreline may provide a source of direct exposure for those using the area for commercial and recreational uses. Samples were taken in February and August at Hog Island Point and at Burwell's Bay. The samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and the results are presented in Table B-8.
This exposure pathway was not selected for analysis during the preoperational years.
Nevertheless, samples analyzed over the past 7 years from this pathway indicate a steady trend in 44
e TRENDING GRAPH-5: COBALT-60 IN SILT 10000 4(',/\\
I 1000 (IJ 0 7
- 8.
I 100
- 2, C)
0 a.
10 1 -t----,,-----,-----,---,----,.--,--~--,----.--.,..----,--,---,----,,----,----,--,----,.--,-~-....--~-
(IJ 0
- 8.
~ -
- 2, C)
0 a.
72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94
_._ Hog Island
_._ Station Intake Station Discharge During the preoperational period, cobalt-60 was not detected in the smples analyzed.
10 1
TRENDING GRAPH - 6: CESIUM-134 IN SILT 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 During the preoperational period, cesium-134 was not detected in the samples analyzed.
TRENDING GRAPH-7: CESIUM-137 IN SILT 10000-,-----------------------------------
- 8. 1000
- g,
- 0)
- 0.
-0 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Hog Island _..,_ Station Intake a-Station Discharge
- +
- Avg-Pre Op -8 Required LLD's TRENDING GRAPH - 8: COBALT-58 IN CLAMS 1000-,------------------------------------,
- 8.
- 0)
- 0.
1 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 During the preoperational period, cobatt-58 was not detected in the samples analyzed.
_._ Surry Discharge Hog Island Required LLD's 46
the detection of gamma emitting radioisotopes. This years analysis along with last years results e
indicates that no radioisotopes attributable to the operation of the power station have been detected.
Naturally occurring radioisotopes were measured in several of the samples. Potassium-40, thorium-228 and radium-226 show a steady trend over the recent past with the execption of one sample obtained at Burwell's which indicated elevated levels of thorium-228 and radium-226.
INGESTION EXPOSURE PATHWAY Milk Mille samples are an important indicator for measuring the affect of radioactive iodine, and other radioisotopes in airborne releases. The dose consequence to man is from both a direct and indirect exposure pathway. The direct exposure pathway is from the inhalation of radioactive material. The indirect exposure pathway is from the grass-cow-milk pathway. In this pathway radioactive material is deposited on the plants which is then consumed by the dairy animals. The radioactive material is in tum passed on to man via the milk. The results of iodine-131 and other gamma analysis of millc are presented in Table B-9.
Iodine-131 has not been detected in milk prior to and since the 1986 accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.
Preoperational data shows that cesium-137 was detected in this pathway. The average activity over the past six years is consistent with the preoperational data. Cesium-137 was not detected during 1994.
Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples analyzed. The preoperational monitoring program did not analyze for this radioisotope.
Strontium-90 was detected in all of the 8 samples collected in participation with the State Split Program. Preoperational data shows levels 5 times higher than present values. This years analysis is equivalent to the previous year. It should be noted that strontium-90 is not a part of station effluents but rather a product of weapons fallout.
Aquatic Biota All plants and animals have the ability to concentrate certain chemicals. Radioisotopes display the same chemical properties as their non-radioactive counter part. VEPCO samples 47
- s (J) 0 -
I 8
- s (J)
I 8
I Cl
.lE 0
- a.
10 1 -t--,----,.--,--...---,----.----,,----.--,----,--,--,-----.---,--,---,--..,.....--,,--.....,..-,-----1 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Control-Chickahominy
___._ Surry Discharge Hog Island
- +
Required LLD's During the preoperational period, cobalt-60 was not detected in the samples analyzed.
TRENDING GRAPH-10: CESIUM-137 IN CLAMS 1000-.-----------------------------------------------------------------~
El 100
, -t---.....---.---....---.-----.---,,---,---,--.....,..--...----,----,----,.---.---,---,.--...----,----,----,---1 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94
Control-Chickahominy Hog Island
- +. Avg Pre Op
-8 Required LLD's
___._ Surry Discharge 48
I various aquatic biota to determine the accumulation of radioisotopes in the environment. The e
results of the sampling program for this pathway are detailed below.
Clams were analyzed from 5 different locations. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-10. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in 26 of the 30 samples. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioisotope and is not a component of station effluent.
No other gamma emitting radioisotopes were detected. The trend of gamma emitting radioisotopes in clams over the recent past continues to decrease and is well below the lower limits of detection. This marked decrease coincides with the extensive steam generator replacement project completed in 1982.
Oysters were analyzed from 3 different locations. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-11. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in 21 of the 23 samples. The current average level of potassium-40 is comparable to the preoperational average.
There were no gamma emitting radioisotopes detected in any samples. This is consistent with preoperational data and data collected since the 1986 accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.
A crab sample was collected in June from the discharge canal of the station and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-12. As expected naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioisotope and is not a component of station effluent. No other gamma emitting radioisotopes were detected in this sample. This is consistent with preoperational data and data collected during the past eight years.
Two fish samples were collected in April and two in October from the station discharge canal and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-
- 13. As expected naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples. Cesium-137 was not observed in any of the fish samples. The trend in cesium-137 in fish shows a decrease when compared to the previous seven years.
Food Products and Vegetation Food products and vegetation samples were collected from four different locations and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-14. As expected naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples. The average concentration 49
was lower than the previous five year average. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioisotope and is not a component of station effluent. Naturally occurring beryllium-7 was detected in one of the nine samples. The concentration of radioactivity found in the samples this year is comparable to last year and may be attributable to world wide fallout.
DIRECT RADIATION EXPOSURE PATHWAY A thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is an inorganic crystal used to detect ambient radiation. TLDs are placed in two concentric rings around the station; one at the site boundary and the other at approximately 5 miles from the station. TLDs are also placed in special interest areas such as population areas and nearby residences. Several additional TLDs serve as controls and these TLDs measure ambient radiation. Ambient radiation comes from naturally occurring radioisotopes in the air and soil, radiation from cosmic origin, fallout from nuclear weapons testing, station effluents and direct radiation from the station.
The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-15 and B-16. Control and indicator averages indicate a steady trend in ambient radiation levels and compares well with the last five years of data.
I 0
0 a.
Cl> >
10 E
"E Cl!
E 1980 1993 1994 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
- Site Boundary
....._ 5Mile 51
e VI.
CONCLUSIONS The results of the 1994 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for Surry Nuclear Power Station have been presented. The following sections present conclusions for each pathway individually followed by a program summary.
Airborne Exposure Pathway Air particulate gross beta concentrations of all the indicator locations for 1994 trend well with the control location. The gross beta concentrations indicate a steady trend when compared to the levels found during the previous 7 years. Gamma isotopic analysis of the particulate samples identified natural background radioactivity. No radioactivity attributable to the operation of the power station were identified.
Waterborne Exposure Pathway All river water samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes. With the exception of naturally occurring potassium-40 no other gamma emitters were detected. In particular, no iodine-131 was detected.
Tritium activity was measured in eleven samples with an average concentration of 275 pCi/liter. This value is less than the average for the past five years. This concentration is less than 1.0% of the Reporting Level Concentration of 30,000 pCi/liter. Because there is no supply of drinking water or water used for crop irrigation, there is an insignificant dose consequence to the public from this pathway. Research of the preoperational data for tritium indicates levels of activity considerably higher than current levels due to atmospheric weapons testing.
Well Water Well water samples were analyzed and indicated that there were no man made radioisotopes present.
Silt The NRC does not assign reporting levels to radioisotopes measured in this pathway. The average levels of man made radioisotopes in silt indicate a decrease in concentration when compared to the previous 8 year trend. In September 1991 Surry Power Station put into service a 52
e Radioactive Waste Treatment facility which reduces the activity of liquid effluents released to the environment.
Shoreline Sediment Only naturally occuning radioisotopes were detected at concentrations equivalent to normal background activities. There were no radioisotopes attributable to the-operation of the power station found in any sample.
Milk Milk samples are an important indicator for measuring the affect of radioactive iodine and radioisotopes in airborne releases.
Iodine-131 was not measured in any of the 48 milk samples. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at a slight increase in average concentration when compared to the
- average of the previous year.
Cesium-137 was not detected in any samples. The concentration of strontium-90 in this years analysis, 2.15 pCi/liter, measured the same as the previous year. Strontium-90 is not a part of station effluent, but rather a product of weapons fallout.
Aquatic Biota Clams, Oysters and Crabs As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all 26 of the 30 clam samples, 21 of the 23 oyster samples and in the crab sample. A review of the pervious 6 years indicates the potassium in clams and oysters is at average environmental levels. There were no other gamma emitting radioisotopes detected in any of the samples. This trend is consistent with preoperational da1:3;.
Fish As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all four samples.
Cesium-137 was not observed in any fish samples during 1994, nor were any other gamma emitting radioisotopes detected in any of the samples.
e e
Food Products and Vegetation As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in all nine samples.
Beryllium-7 was detected in one of the nine samples collected and analyzed.
Cesium-137 was not observed in food samples during 1994. The concentration of radioactivity found in samples this year is comparable to last year. This radioisotope may be attributable to world wide fallout Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway Control and indicator averages indicate a decreasing trend in ambient radiation levels. This years levels are slightly less than the previous five years.
The direct radiation exposure that may be attributed to the station operation is 0.6 mR/standard month (0.019 mR/day). This exposure is not significant when compared to the United States average background radiation levels of 360 mRem/year (0.98 mRem/day).
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
VII. REFERENCES DOE/NE-0072, "Nuclear Energy and Electricity, The Harnessed Atom," US Dept of Energy, 1986.
Eichholz, G., "Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power," Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1985.
Eisenbud, M., "Environmental Radioactivity," Academy Press, Inc., Orlando, Fl, 1987.
Fitzgibbon, W., "Energy Skill Builders, Nuclear Reactor," Enterprise for Education, Inc.,
Glasstone, S., and Jordan, W., "Nuclear Power and its Environmental Effects," American Nuclear Society, 1982.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 39, "Basic Radiation Protection Criteria," Washington, D.C., January 1971.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 45, "Natural Background Radiation in the United States," Washington, D.C., November 1975.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 95, "Radiation Exposure of the U.S. Population from Consumer Products and Miscellaneous Sources,"
Washington, D.C., December 1987.
- 9.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 93, "Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States," Washington, D.C., December 1987.
- 10. NUREG 0472,""Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs", Rev. 3, March 1982.
- 11. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I", October, 1977.
- 12. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 4.8 "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", December, 1975.
- 13. USNRC Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Rev. 1, November 1979.
- 14. VEPCO, Station Administrative Procedure, VPAP-2103, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
- 15. Virginia Electric and Power Company, Surry Power Station. Technical Specifications, Units 1 and 2.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 1 of 4 All Indicator Control Medium or Analvsis Locations Location with Hiahest Mean Location Pathway Total LLD*
Sampled Type No.
Mean Name Distance Mean Mean
Ranae Directioo Ranae Ranae Air Iodine 1-131 415 007
-(0/52) pCi/m3)
Air Iodine Gross 415 10 19.5(363/363)
CP 3.7 mi 19.5(51/51) 17.2(52/52)
Particulate (7.3-91)
NW (11-91)
(1e-03 pCi/m3)
Gamma 32 Be-7 32 128(28/28)
FE 4.8 mi 133(4/4) 125(4/4)
ESE (71.9-198)
K-40 32 130 10.2(7/28)
FE 4.8 mi 34.5(1/4)
ESE River Gamma 48 Water (a)
K-40 48 103(16/42)
NN 12.0 mi 143(3/6) 66.9(2/6)
SE (77.6-177)
H-3 24 282(10/20)
HIP 2.4 mi 313(3/4) 200(1/4)
NE (220-420)
River Gamma 24 Water (b)
K-40 24 107(4/12)
SD 0.17 mi 107(4/12) 46.2(5/12)
State Split (80.0-136)
NW (80.0-136)
H-3 8
SD 0.17 mi 548(4/4) 200(1/4)
NW (320-830)
Well Gamma 15 Water (pCi/liter)
K-40 15
H-3 15
Non-rouine Fepor1ed Measue-merm 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and required in USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1, November 1979.
Analyses for monthly and bi-monthly samples are listed in Table B-4.
Monthly State Split analyses presented in Table B-5.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 2 of 4 All Indicator Control Medium or Analvsis.
Locations Location with Hiahest Mean Location Pathway Total LLD*
Sampled Type No.
Mean Name Dis1ance Mean Mean (Unit)
Ranae Direclial Range RanQe Silt Gamma 12 (pCi/kg dry)
Be-7 12 1248(8/10)
POS 6.4 mi SSE 2005(2/2)
K-40 12 12790(10/10)
CHIC 11.2 mi 16150(2/2) 16150(2/2)
WNW (15700-16600) (15700-16600)
Co-60 12 126(9/10)
SD 0.17mi NW 221(2/2) 93.9(2/2)
Cs-134 12
Cs-137 12 342(10/10)
CHIC 11.2 mi 433(2/2) 433(2/2)
WNW (5427-438)
Ra-226 12 1787(9/9)
CHIC 11.2 mi 2280(2/2) 2280(2/2)
WNW (2200-2360)
Th-228 12 978(10/10)
CHIC 11.2 mi 1180(2/2) 11800(2/2)
WNW (1130-1230)
Shoreline Gamma 4
Sediment (pCi/kg dry)
Be-7 4
BB 7.76 mi SSE 402(1/2)
K-40 4
HIR 0.8mi N 6215(2/2)
Ra-226 4
BB 7.76miSSE 1869(2/2)
Th-228 4
BB 7.76miSSE 1180(2/2)
rcuine Repomd Measl.le-merts 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and required in USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1, November 1979.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 Docket No. 5-280-281 Medium or Analvsis Pathway Total Sampled Type No.
Milk Gamma 48 (pCi/liter)
K-40 48 1-131 48 Sr-89 8
Sr-90 8
Clams Gamma 30 (pCi/kg wet)
Spec K-40 Oysters Gamma 23 (pCi/kg wet)
Spec K-40 Crabs Gamma 1
(pCi/kg wet)
Spec K-40 1
Fish Gamma 4
(pCi/kg wet)
Spec K-40 4
1 All Indicator
- Locations Mean Range 1381 (36/36)
-(0/8) 2.15(8/8)
(0.9-3.4) 418(20/23)
(199-745) 500(21/23)
(123-1080) 1590(1/1) 1535(4/4)
Page 3 of 4 Control Non-Location with Hit1hest Mean Location rouine Repomd Name Disbnce Mean Mean Measlle-Direction Range Range mens CP 3.7mi-NNW 1424(12/12) 1349(12/12) 0 (1300-1770)
-(0/0) 0 CP 3.7miNNW 2.35(4/4)
-(0/0) 0 (1.4-3.4)
HIP 2.4 mi NE 473(4/6) 297(6/7) 0 (269-615)
POS 6.4 mi SSE 592(10/11)
-(0/0) 0 (256-1080)
SD 0.6 mi NW 1590(1/1)
-(0/0) 0 SD 0.6 mi NW 1535(4/4)
-(0/0) 0 (1180-1860)
LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defmed and required in USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1, November 1979.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 4 of 4 All Indicator Control Medium or Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Location Pathway Total LLD*
Sampled Type No.
Mean Name Dismnce Mean Mean (Unit)
[lrection Range Range Direct Gamma 334 2
STA-38 16.5 mi 6.69(8/8) 4.63(16/16)
Radiation (2.9-7.2)
ESE (6.1-7.2)
TLDs (mR/
std. month)
Vegetation Gamma 9
(pCi/kg wet)
Spec Be-7 9
Spratley's 233(1/1)
Garden K-40 9
Slade's 7337(3/3) 4200(1/1)
Garden (2580-14200)
Non-rouine ReporEd Measll"e-mens 0
0 0
LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and required in USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1, November 1979.
TABLE 8-1: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCifm3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 COLLECTION STATIONS DATE ss HIR BC ALL CP DOW FE NN JANUARY 12/28/93-01 /05/94
<.01 01/05/94-01/11/94
<.02 01/11/94-01/18/94
<.01 01/18/94-01/25/94
<.01 FEBRUARY 01 /25/94-02/01 /94
<.007 02/01 /94-02/08/94
<.01 02/08/94-02/15/94
<.02 (a)
<.02 02/15/94-02/22/94
<.007 02/22/94-03/01 /94
<.01 MARCH e
03/01 /94-03/08/94
<.009 03/08/94-03/15/94
<.01 03/15/94-03/22/94
<.01 03/22/94-03/29/94
<.. 01 APRIL 03/29/94-04/05/95
<.01 04/05/94-04/12/94
<.02 (b)
<.01 04/12/94-04/19/94
<.01 04/19/94-04/26/94
<.01 04/26/94-05/03/94
<.01 MAY 05/03/94-05/10/94
<.01 05/10/94-05/17/94
<.02 05/17/94-05/24/94
<.02 05/24/94-05/31 /94
<.01 JUNE 05/31 /94-06/07/94
<.01 06/07 /94-06/14/94
<.02 06/14/94-06/21 /94
<.02 06/21 /94-06/28/94
<.01 (a)
No electricty; new location. No sample collected.
Blown fuse; low sample volume.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCifm3 +/- 2 Sigma Page2 of2 COLLECTION STATIONS DATE ss HIR BC ALL CP
- JULY 06/28/94-07 /05/94
<.01 07/05/94-07 /12/94
<.01 07/12/94-07/19/94
-<.05 (a)
<.01 07/19/94-07/26/94
<.02 07/26/94-08/02/94
<.05 (b)
<.02 (c) <.01 AUGUST 08/02/94-08/09/94
<.009 08/09/94-08/16/94
<.01 08/16/94-08/23/94
<.02 08/23/94-08/30/94
<.007 SEPTEMBER 08/30/94-09/06/94
<.01 e
<.01 09/13/94-09/20/94
<.02 (d)
<.02 09/20/94-09/27/94
<.02 OCTOBER 09/27 /94-10/04/94
<.01 10/04/94-10/11 /94
<.01 10/11/94-10/18/94
<.01 1 0/18/94-1 0/25/94
<.009 10/25/94-11/01/94
<.02 N_OVEMBER 11/01/94-11/08/94
<.008 11/08/94-11/15/94
<.02 11/15/94-11/21/94
<.01 11/21/94-11/29/94
<.01 DECEMBER 11 /29/94-12/06/94
<.02 12/06/94-12/13/94
<.009 12/13/94-12/20/94
<.01 12/20/94-12/28/94
<.02 e
Low sample volume.
Sampler failure; low sample volume.
Power outage; low sample volume.
Low sample volume: cause unknown.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 1.0 e-03 pCifm3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 STATIONS COLLECTION ss HIR BC ALL CP DOW FE NN Average DATE
+/-2 Si ma JANUARY-1994
- 12/28-01/05 20+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 1 01 /05-01/11 20+/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 3 01/11-01/18 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 13+/- 2 1.4+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 01/18-01/25 29+/- 2 24+/- 2 28+/- 2 28+/- 2 26+/- 2 27+/- 2 29+/- 2 25+/- 2 27+/- 4 01/25-02/01 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 17+/- 2 14+/- 2 17+/- 2 15+/- 2 17+/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/- 3 FEBRUARY 02/01-02/08 26+/- 2 25+/- 2 25+/- 2 25+/- 2 21 +/- 2 25+/- 2 29+/- 2 26+/- 2 25+/- 4 02/08-02/15 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 12+/- 2 15+/- 2 (a) 14+/- 2 9.0+/- 1.5 14+/- 2 13+/- 4 02/15-02/22 17+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/- 3 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 19+/- 2 16+/- 4 02/22-03/01 15+/- 2 17+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 3 MARCH 03/01-03/08
- 13+/- 2 12+/- 2 13+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 11 +/- 2 12+/- 2 13+/- 2 03/08-03/15 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 19+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 03/15-03/22 15+/- 2 12+/- 2 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 03/22-03/29 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 13+/- 2 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 18+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 3 Qtr. Avg.
18+/-10 17+/- 8 17+/-10 17+/- 9 18+/- 7 17+/- 9 18+/-11 17+/- 9 17+/- 9
+/-2 s.d.
APRIL 03/29-04/05 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 12+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 2 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 4 04/05-04/12 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 15+/- 2 26+/- 6(b) 19+/- 2 14+/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 7 04/12-04/19 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2
- 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 12+/- 2 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 3 04/19-04/26 18+/- 2 21 +/- 2 18+/- 2 24+/- 2 25+/- 2 17+/- 2 25+/- 2 23+/- 2 21 +/- 7 04/26-05/03 14+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 21 +/- 2 19+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 4 MAY 05/03-05/1 0 12+/- 2 16+/- 2 13+/- 2 17+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 3 05/10-05/17 13+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 19+/- 2 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 4 05/17-05/24 9.1 +/- 1.5 7.3+/- 1.4 9.7+/- 1.5 9.5+/- 1.5 11 +/- 2 9.4+/- 1.5 11 +/- 2 11 +/- 2 10+/- 3 05/24-05/31 16+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 21 +/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 3 JUNE 05/31-06/07 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 1 06/07-06/14 15+/- 2 10+/- 2 14+/- 2 19+/- 2 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 19+/- 2 15+/- 2 16+/- 6 06/14-06/21 19+/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 21 +/- 2 19+/- 2 21 +/- 2 22+/- 2 20+/- 3 06/21-06/28 23+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 27+/- 2 23+/- 2 16+/- 2 18+/- 2 27+/- 2 21 +/- 8 Qtr.Avg.
15+/- 7 16+/- 7 15+/- 6 19+/-10 18+/- 8 15+/- 6 18+/- 7 18+/- 8 17+/- 3
No electricity due to power loss. New location selected.
Blown fuse; low sample volume.
TABLE 8-2: GROSS BETA CONCENTRATION IN AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 1.0 e-03 pCiJm3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 STATIONS COLLECTION ss HIR BC ALL CP DOW FE NN Average DATE
+2 Sigma JULY 06/28-07/05 15+/- 2 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 07/05-07/12 24+/- 3 20+/- 3 20+/- 2 25+/- 3 25+/- 3 19+/- 2 28+/- 3 10+/- 2 21 +/-11 07/12-07/19 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 60+/- 7(a) 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 8.1 +/- 1.3 20+/-33 07/19-07/26 10+/- 2 11 +/- 2 11 +/- 2 13+/- 2 11 +/- 2 9.8+/- 1.5 15+/- 2 12+/- 1 12+/- 3 07/26-08/02 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 17+/- 4 (b) 17+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 12+/- 3 7.0 +/- 1.3(c) 14+/- 6 AUGUST 08/02-08/09 11 +/- 1 12+/- 2 29+/- 3 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 11 +/- 2 15 +/-12 08/09-08/16 13+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 9.1 +/- 1.5 14+/- 5 08/16-08/23 13+/- 2 11 +/- 2 16+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2
. 13+/- 2 12+/- 2 8.8+/- 1.5 12+/- 4 08/23-08/30 22+/- 2 20+/- 2 27+/- 2 21 +/- 2 22+/- 2 22+/- 2 20+/- 2 25+/- 2 22+/- 5 SEPTEMBER 08/30-09/06 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 21 +/- 2 16+/- 2 20+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 22+/- 2 18+/- 5 09/06-09/13 24+/- 2 20+/- 2 27+/- 2 23+/- 2 23+/- 2 21 +/- 2 22+/- 2 27+/- 2 23+/- 5 09/13-09/20 31 +/- 2 32+/- 2 34+/- 2 32+/- 2 91 +/- 7(d) 31 +/- 2 35+/- 2 28+/- 2 39+/-42 09/20-09/27 14+/- 2 12+/- 2 13+/- 2 12+/- 2 11 +/- 2 14+/- 2 12+/- 2 11 +/- 2 12+/- 2 Qtr. Avg.
17+/-12 17+/-12 20+/-14 21 +/-26 23+/-42 17+/-11 18+/-14 15+/-16 18+/-15
+/-2 s.d.
OCTOBER 09/27-1 0/04 20+/- 2 18+/- 2 24+/- 2 22+/- 2 23+/- 2 18+/- 2 22+/- 2 21 +/- 2 21 +/- 4 1 0/04-1 0/11 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 18+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 13+/- 2 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 3 10/11-10/18 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 22+/- 2 19+/- 2 19+/- 2 15+/- 2 21 +/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 5 1 0/18-1 0/25 24+/- 2 20+/- 2 27+/- 2 24+/- 2 24+/- 2 20+/- 2 28+/- 2 26+/- 2 24+/- 6 10/25-11 /01 13+/- 2 14+/- 2 17+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 14+/- 2 14:j:: 2 14+/- 3 NOVEMBER 11 /01-11 /08 17+/- 2 16+/- 2 19+/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 18+/- 2 11/08-11/15 27+/- 2 23+/- 2 25+/- 2 21 +/- 2 24+/- 2 21 +/- 2 24+/- 2 23+/- 2 24+/- 4 11/15-11/21 17+/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 11/21-11/29 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 21 +/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 15+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 4 DECEMBER 11 /29-12/06 20+/- 2 20+/- 2 25+/- 2 22+/- 2 23+/- 2 22+/- 2 21 +/- 2 22+/- 2 22+/- 3 12/06-12/13 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 18+/- 2 15+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/-.3 12/13-12/20 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 20+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 16+/- 2 18+/- 3 12/20-12/28 16+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 16+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 20+/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 3 Quarter Avg.
18+/- 8 18+/- 6 21 +/- 6 18+/- 6 19+/- 7 17+/- 6 19+/- 8 19+/- 7 19+/- 6
+/-2 s.d.
Annual Avg.
17+/- 9 17+/- 8 18+/-11 19+/-15 19+/-22 17+/- 8 18+/-10 17+/-10 18+/-12
+/-2 s.d.
Low sample volume.
Sampler failure; low sample volume.
Power outage; low sample volume.
Low sample volume: cause unknown.
Station STA-SS STA-HIR STA-BC STA-ALL STA-CP TABLE 8-3: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN QUARTERLY AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 1.0 e-03 pCi/m3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Nuclide 12/28-03/29 03/29-06/28 06/28-09/27 09/27-12/28 Be-7 117+/- 12 142+/- 14 124+/- 12 125+/- 13 K-40
<5 2.94+/- 1.67 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-134
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-137
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3
<0.3 Th-228
< 0.5
< 0.5
< 0.4
< 0.4 Be-7 118+/- 12 145 +/- 15 119+/- 12 137+/- 14 K-40
<3 5.50+/- 2.89
<6 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.4
< 0.3 Cs-134
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.4
< 0.3 Cs-137
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.4
<0.3 Th-228
< 0.4
< 0.3
< 0.5
< 0.7 Be-7 67.8+/- 6.8 152+/- 15 154+/- 15 142+/- 14 K-40
<9 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3 Cs-134
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.3 Cs-137
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.3 Th-228
< 0.5
< 0.5
< 0.4 Be-7 69.5+/- 7.0 172+/ 130+/- 13 138+/- 14 K-40 5.37+/- 2.30
<9 10.7+/- 2.8
<5 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-134
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3 Cs-137
< 0.3
< 0.4
< 0.3
< 0.4 Th-228
< 0.3
< 0.5
< 0.4
< 0.6 Be-7 75.4+/- 7.5 172+/- 17 143+/- 14 123 +/- 12 K-40 5.85+/- 2.95 6.18+/- 2.65
<7 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3 Cs-134
< 0.4
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3 Cs-137
< 0.4
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3 Th-228
< 0.5
< 0.4
< 0.5
< 0.5 Average
127+/- 21 2.94+/- 1.67 130+/- 27 5.50+/- 2.89 130+/- 82 127+/- 85 8.04+/- 7.54 128+/- 81 6.02+/- 0.47
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
e Station STA-DOW STA-FE STA-NN TABLE 8-3: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN QUARTERLY AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 1.0 e-03 pCi/m3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Nuclide 12/28-03/29 12/28-03/29 06/28-09/27 09/27-12/28 Be-7 81.0+/- 8.1 178+/- 18 112+/-11 116+/-12 K-40
<3 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-134
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-137
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.2 Th-228
< 0.4
< 0.4
< 0.5
< 0.3 Be-7 71.9+/- 7.2 198+/- 20 127+/- 13 136+/- 14 K-40 34.5+/- 3.7
<4 Co-60
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.2 Cs-134
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2 Cs-137
< 0.2
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.2 Th-228
< 0.4
< 0.5
< 0.3
< 0.3 Be-7 84.1 +/- 8.4 193+/- 19 92.0+/- 9.2 131 +/- 13 K-40
<8 Co-60
< 0.4
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.3 Cs-134
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3 Cs-137
< 0.3
< 0.3
< 0.2
< 0.3 Th-228
< 0.5
< 0.5
< 0.4
< 0.4 Average
122 +/- 81 133+/- 103 34.5+/- 3.7 125+/- 99
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
TABLE B-4: GAMMA EMITTER*AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WATER Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 Collection Station Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228
- H-3 JANUARY - 1994 CHIC 01/25
< 0.1
<200 HIP 01/25
< 0.1
< 200 NN 01/25
< 0.1
< 100 so 01/25
< 0.1
<200 SI 01/25
< 0.2
< 100 SW 01/25
< 0.1
< 10
<200 so 02/15
< 0.1
<5 SW 02/15
< 100
< 0.1
<8 CHIC 03/15
< 0.1
<6 HIP 03/15
< 0.1
<5 NN 03/15
< 0.1
<5 e
so 03/15
< 0.1
<7 SI 03/15
< 100
< 0.2
<6 SW 03/15
< 0.1
<6 so 04/19
< 0.1
< 10
<8 SW 04/19
< 100
< 0.1
<7 CHIC 05/17
<30 81.1 +/-25.6
< 0.2
< 100 HIP 05/17
< 100
< 0.2
<7 220 +/- 100 NN 05/17
< 0.2
< 100 so 05/17
< 0.2
<6 200+/- 110 SI 05/17
< 0.2
<7 300+/- 100 SW 05/17
< 0.2
< 100 so 06/14
< 0.2
< 10
<6 SW 06/14
<40 102 +/- 31
< 0.2
< 10
<7 e
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were< LLD.
WATER Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Collection Station Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 CHIC 07/26
<30 52.7+/-23.5
< 0.1
<6 200 +/- 130 HIP 07/26
<20 86.4+/-23.3
<5 300 +/- 130 NN 07/26
<30 177+/-35
<7 260 +/- 120 so 07/26
<30 92.7+/-26.1
<6 260+/- 130 SI 07/26
<40 74.8+/-32.3
< 0.2
<7 320 +/- 130 SW 07/26
< 0.2
<200 so 08/16
<20 59.0+/-20.4
<5 SW 08/16
<5 CHIC 09/28
< 0.3
<6 HIP 09/28
<7 NN 09/28
<30 77.6+/-25.4
<6 so 09/28
<40 96.0+/-26.6
<6 SI 09/28
<30 90.8+/-30.8
< 0.3
<6 SW 09/28
<50 124+/-38
<7 e
so 10/25
<30 143 +/- 33
< 0.2
<7 SW 10/25
<20 52.2 +/- 21.7
< 0.2
<5 CHIC 11/14
<200 HIP 11/14
< 10
<8 420+/- 150 NN 11/14
<30 174+/- 32
< 0.3
<200 so 11/14
<20 145 +/- 29
< 0.4
<5 260 +/- 140 SI 11/14
<30 84.0 +/- 29.1
< 0.3
<6 280 +/- 140 SW 11/14
< 0.3
<200 so 12/13
<20 62.4+/- 23.6
< 0.1
<6 SW 12/13
< 0.2
<7 Average+/-
98.6+/-77.5 275+/- 125 2s.d.
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were< LLD.
TABLE 8-5 GAMMA EMITTER* AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WATER State-Split Samples Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Station Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 SCOTLAND WH. (SW)
< 0.3
<200 Feb.. 02/28
< 0.5
<5 Mar.
< 0.5
<5 Apr.
<30 40.4+/- 18.6
< 0.4
<200 May 05/31
<40 51.2+/- 27.8
< 0.8
<6 Jun.
<6 Jul.
- <30 41.8+/- 22.7
< 0.5
< 200.
<30 47.8+/- 22.0
< 0.4
<6 Sep.
< 0.9
<6 Oct.
<30 50.0+/- 22.9
< 0.3
<6 200+/- 110 Nov.
< 0.2
<4 Dec.
<5 e
Average+/- 2 s.d.
46.2+/-9.8 200+/- 110 SURRY DIS. (SD)
< 1
<6 470+/- 130 Feb.
< 0.5
<5 Mar.
< 0.7
<6 Apr.
< 0.4
<6 830 +/- 160 May 05/31
< 0.8
<9 Jun.
<40 80.0+/- 32.7
< 0.7
<6 Jul.
< 0.5
<6 320+/- 110 Aug.
<30 108+/- 31
< 0.5
<6 Sep.
< 1
. Oct.
<30 104+/- 18
< 0.4
<5 570 +/- 120 Nov.
<30 136+/- 28
< 0.2
<5 Dec.
< 0.6
< 10
<6 Average+/- 2 s.d.
107+/- 46 548+/-429
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Date Station Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 FIRST QUARTER 03/22 BC
< 0.1
< 100 03/22 HIR
~ 100
< 0.1
< 100.
03/22 JMTN
< 0.1
< 100 03/22 ss
< 100
< 0.1
. <20
< 0.2
<200 06/28 HIR
< 0.1
<200 06/28 JMTN
< 100
< 0.1
<200 06/28 ss
< 0.3
<200 e
< 0.2
- <10
< 100 09/27 HIR
< 0.2
< 100 09/27 JMTN
< 0.2
< 100 09/27 ss
< 0.2
< 0.1
<200 12/28 HIR
< 0.2
<200 12/28 JMTN (a) 12/28 ss
< 0.1
< 10
<200 e
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were< LLD.
(a) Station has been eliminated due to program change 12/1/94.
Station Coll. Date Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 Coll. Date TABLE B-7: GAMMA EMITTER*CONCENTRATiONS IN SILT Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (dry) +/- 2 Sigma CHIC 03/15
<300 15700 +/- 1600
<30 109+/- 29
<40 438+/- 44 2200+/- 550 1130+/- 110 CHIC 09/28 HIP 03/15 NN 03/15 744 +/- 313 493 +/- 289 12800 +/- 1300 14900 +/- 1500
<40 100+/- 31
<50 337+/-40 1520+/- 590 995+/- 99 HIP 09/28
<30 61.8+/-31.6
<40 233+/-36 2080+/- 550 844+/- 84 NN 09/28 POS 03/15 2540+/-350 13800 +/- 1400
<30 89.0+/- 32.7
<40 366+/-43 1440+/- 530 974+/-97 POS 09/28 SD 09/28 Page 1 of 1 SD 03/15 SI 03/15
< 400 2030 +/- 390 12600 +/- 1300 13900 +/- 1400
<40 209+/-38
<50 399+/-44 1890+/- 590 988+/- 99 SI 09/28
<40 136+/- 41
<50 493+/-52 2430+/-730 987+/- 99 Average
< 300
< 500 582 +/- 239 1470 +/- 350 1550 +/- 450 576 +/- 329 1248 +/- 1538 K-40 16600 +/- 1700 12700 +/- 1300 14700 +/- 1500 16400 +/- 1600 15500 +/- 1500 13600 +/- 1400 14433 +/- 2829 Mn-54 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228
<30 78.8+/-28.0
<40 427+/-44 2360+/-550 1230+/- 120
<50 94.2 +/- 37.1
<60 288+/-55
< 1000 1180+/- 120
<30 182+/-35 1370 +/-480 730+/-73
<50 112 +/- 35
<50 401 +/-50 1470+/- 570 995 +/- 100
<50 232+/-55
<60 424+/-63 2510 +/- 800 1140+/-110
<40 100 +/- 39
<50 293+/-49 1370 +/- 660 948+/-95 120+/- 107 357 +/- 184 1876+/-913 1012+/-284 TABLE B-8: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (dry)+/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station HIR Burwell's HIR Burwell's Average Collection Date 02/22 02/22 08/23 08/23
< 100
<200 402+/- 108 402+/- 108 K-40 6240+/- 620 2910 +/- 290 6190+/-620 1330+/- 210 4168+/- 4901 Co-60
<20 Cs-134
<30 Cs-137
<30 Ra-226
<400 467+/- 255
<400 3270+/- 480 1869 +/- 3964 Th-228 93.5+/- 28.5 140+/- 19
<40 2220+/- 220 818+/- 2429
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were< LLD.
.e TABLE B-9: GAMMA EMIITER* STRONTIUM-89, AND STRONTIUM-90 CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg {wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 NUCLIDE EPPS CP WMS -
<2 Sr-90 0.92+/- 0.21 1.9 +/- 0.3 K-40 1390+/- 40 1380+/- 140 1350+/- 140 1330+/- 130 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.1
FEBRUARY K-40 1390+/- 140 1370+/- 140 1370+/- 140 1150+/- 120 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.1
< 0.1 MARCH K-40 1530+/- 150 1320+/- 130 1290+/- 130 1360+/- 140 Cs-137
<3 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 APRIL Sr-89
<2 Sr-90 2.3+/- 0.3
<4 1-131
< 0.1
< 0.1
< 0.2
< 0.2 MAY K-40 1390+/- 140 1430+/- 140 1220+/- 120 1410+/- 140 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.1
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 JUNE K-40 1420+/- 140 1770+/- 180 1220+/- 120 1330+/- 130 Cs-137
<5 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.1
< 0.2
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.
TABLE B-9: GAMMA EMITTER* STRONTIUM-89, AND STRONTIUM-90 CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 NUCLIDE EPPS CP WMS JDKS JULY Sr-89
< 1
<1 Sr-90 3.2+/- 0.2 1.4 +/- 0.2 K-40 1230+/- 120 1490+/- 150 1470+/- 150 1400+/- 140 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 AUGUST K-40 1210+/- 120 1400 +/- 140 1340+/- 130 1410 +/- 140.
<5 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
<0.2 SEPTEMBER K-40 1260+/- 130 1450 +/- 150 1450+/- 140 1360+/- 140 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 OCTOBER Sr-89
<2 Sr-90 1.4 +/- 0.2 2.7 +/- 0.2 K-40 1280+/- 130 1300 +/- 130 1400+/- 140 1390+/- 140 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 NOVEMBER K-40 1420+/- 140 1460+/- 150 1340'+/- 130 1490+/- 150 Cs-137
<5 1-131
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2
< 0.2 DECEMBER K-40 1410+/- 140 1330+/- 130 1420+/- 140 1250+/- 120 Cs-137
<4 1-131
< 0.1
< 0.2
< 0.5
< 0.2
- All gamma emitters other than those listed were< LLD.
e TABLE B-10: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN CLAMS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station Date Type Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 CHIC 01/25/94 Clams
<90 235+/- 78
< 10.
<20 03/15/94 Clams
<200 157+/- 90
<20 05/17/94 Clams
<200 235+/- 108
<20 07/13/94 Clams
<200 356+/- 116
<30 07/26/94 Clams
< 100
<30 09/28/94 Clams
<200 487+/- 120
<30 11/14/94 (a)
<200 313+/- 110
<20 JMTN 01/25/94 Clams
< 100 253 +/- 101
< 200
<20 03/15/94 Clams
<200 206+/- 92
< 200
<20 05/17/94 Clams
< 100 209+/- 72
< 10
<20 07/26/94 Clams
<200 586+/- 121
<20 09/28/94 Clams
<200 423+/- 92
< 10
<20 11/14/94 (b)
<300 209+/- 105
<20 SD 01/25/94 (c)
< 100 199+/- 89
<20 03/29/94 (c)
< 100
<20 05/23/94 (c)
< 100 512+/- 97
<20 07/13/94 (c)
<200 356+/- 116
<30 10/31/9 (a)(c) Clams
<200 745+/- 136
HIP 01/25/94 Clams
< 100
<30 03/15/94 Clams
<20 05/17/94 Clams
< 100 615+/- 102
<20 07/26/94 Clams
< 100 524+/- 117
<20 09/28/94 Clams
< 100 269+/- 98
<20 11/14/94(a) Clams
<300 482+/- 139
<30 LC 01/25/94 Clams
< 100 473+/- 121
<30 03/15/94 Clams
<200 427+/- 116
<30 05/17/94 Clams
< 100 472+/- 84
<20 07/26/94 Clams
< 100 534+/- 133
<30 09/28/94 Clams
<200 396+/- 110
<30 11/14/94 (a)
<200 470+/- 97
<20 e
Average+/- 2 s.d.
390+/- 307 All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
(a) Sampling frequency has been changed to semiannual due to program change.
(b) Jamestown clam sampling location has been eliminated due to program change.
(c) State Split samples.
TABLE B-11: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN OYSTERS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Station DATE TYPE Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 RLS 01/25/94 Oysters
< 100 498+/- 141
<10 03/15/94 Oysters
<200 213+/- 78
<10 05/17/94 Oysters
< 100 423+/- 117
<10 07/26/94 Oysters
< 100 424+/- 101
<10 09/28/94 Oysters
<200 490+/- 110
<10 11/14/94 (a)
<300 207+/- 103
<10 DWS 01/25/94 Oysters
< 100
<20 03/15/94 Oysters
<200 369+/- 101
<10 05/17/94 Oysters
<200 123+/- 109
<10 07/26/94 Oysters
<200 693+/- 134
<20 09/28/94 Oysters
<200 788+/- 128
<10 11/14/94 (b)
<300 359+/- 109
<10 POS 01/25/94 (c)
< 100 298+/- 108
<10 01/25/94 (c)
< 100 538+/- 113
<10 03/15/94 Oysters
<200 256+/- 109
<10 03/30/94 (c)
<200 416+/- 116
<10 05/17/94 Oysters
<200 395+/- 120
<20 05/24/94 (c)
< 100 1080+/- 120
<10 07/12/94 (c)
<200 625+/- 114
< 10 07/26/94 Oysters
<20 09/28/94 Oysters
<200 609+/- 149
<10 11/01/94 (c)
< 100 994+/- 143
<20 11 /14/94 (a)
<300 708+/- 140
<20 Average+/- 2 s.d.
. 500+/-500 All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
(a) Sampling frequency changed to semiannual due to program change.
(b) Station eliminated due to shellstock depletion.
(c) State split samples.
74 Page 1 of 1 Cs-137
<10 Ra-226
<400 Th-228
e TABLE B-12: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN CRABS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 Station Date 06/23/94 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma T e Be-7 K-40 Crabs
< 200 1590 +/- 180 Page 1 of 1 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226
< 10
<300 TABLE 8-13: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN FISH Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (wet)+/- 2 Sigma Collection Sample Date Station T
e 04/21/94 SD Catfish 04/21/94 SD White Perch 10/18/94 SD Catfish 10/18/94 SD White Perch Average +/- 2 s.d.
K-40 Co-58 1420+/- 180
<20 1180+/- 150
<20 1860+/- 190
<10 1680+/-220
<30 1535+/- 595 Page 1 of 1 Cs-134
<20 TABLE 8-14: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATION IN VEGETATION Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Sample Collection Station T
e Date
- Be,.7.
K-40 1-131 Cs-134 Spratley (a)
Kale 05/17/94 233+/-82 6180+/- 620
<10 Lucas (a)
Kale 05/17/94
<200 4200+/- 420
<20 Brocks (a)
Peanuts 10/19/94
< 100 4660+/- 470
<10 Brocks Corn 10/19/94
<40 2580+/- 260
<5 Slades Peanuts 10/20/94
< 100 5230+/- 520
<10 Slades (a)
Corn 10/20/94
<50 2580+/- 260
<6 Brocks Soybeans 11/12/94
<70 14600+/- 1500
<8 Slades (a)
Soybeans 11/17/94
<80 14200 +/- 1400
< 10 Carters (a)
Cabbage 11/22/94
<80 2290+/- 230
<9 Average+/- 2 s.d.
233+/-82 6280+/- 9574 All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.
(a) State split samples.
75 Th-228
<30 Cs-137
<20 Cs-137
~ -
TABLE 8-15: DIRECT RADIATION MEASUREMENTS - QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 mR/month +/- 2 Sigma - Set 1 - 098 Page 1 of 1 Station First Second Third Fourth Average Number Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
02 6.1 +/-0.2 6.8+/-0.5 6.2+/-0.5 7.1+/-1.0 6.6+/- 1.0 03 6.6+/- 1.3 7.1 +/- 0.2 6.7+/-0.4 6.6+/- 0.2 6.8+/- 0.5 04 5.1 +/- 0.5 5.6+/- 1.1 4.9 +/- 1.9 5.7+/- 0.3 5.3+/-0.8 05 5.0+/-0.6 (a) 5.2+/-0.2 5.8+/-0.3 5.3+/-0.8 06 5.6+/-0.6 6.6+/-0.9 5.9+/-0.2 6.1 +/- 0.2 6.1 +/- 0.8 07 5.2+/-0.3 5.7+/-0.2 5.5+/-0.3 5.5+/-0.3 5.5+/- 0.4 08 5:3+/-0.7 5.9+/-0.2 5.4+/-0.1 5.8+/-0.3 5.6+/- 0.6 09 5.8+/-0.6 5.9+/- 0.8 5.7+/-0.8 5.5+/-0.5 5.7+/-0.3 10 4.8+/-0.6 5.4+/- 0.4 5.5+/-0.2 5.6+/- 0.4 5.3+/-0.7 11 5.3+/-0.7 6.0+/- 0.1 5.4 +/- 0.1 5.5 +/- 0.4 5.6+/- 0.6 12 5.0+/-0.9 5.9+/- 0.1 5.6+/-0.3 5.1 +/- 1.0 5.4+/- 0.8 13 5.6+/-0.3 6.0+/- 0.4 5.7+/- 0.4 6.1 +/-0.3 5.9+/-0.5 14 5.9+/-0.8 6.4+/- 0.3 5.8+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.5 15 4.9 +/- 0.4 5.4+/- 0.1 5.6+/-0.9 5.0+/-0.3 5.2+/-0.7 16 4.7+/-0.7 5.6+/-0.2 5.3+/-0.6 4.7+/- 1.1 5.1 +/- 0.9 17 4.7+/-0.4 5.1 +/- 0.2 5.3+/- 1.2 5.0 +/- 0.1 5.0+/-0.5 18 3.9+/-0.9 4.4+/- 0.4 4.1 +/- 0.8 3.7+/-0.7 4.0+/-0.6 19 6.1 +/-0.6 5.1 +/- 0.2 5.3+/- 1.0 4.7+/-0.7 5.3+/- 1.2 20 4.7+/-0.5 4.7+/-0.2 5.2+/-0.5 4.7 +/- 0.1 4.8+/-0.5 21 4.6+/-0.9 5.1 +/- 0.2 4.9+/- 1.3 4.4+/- 0.7 4.8+/-0.6 22 4.4+/- 1.0 5.1 +/- 0.6 4.8+/-0.1 4.4+/- 0.3 4.7+/-0.7 23 5.5+/-0:6 6.1 +/- 1.9 5.8+/-0.7 5.6+/- 0.3 5.8+/- 0.5 24 4.9+/-0.6 4.9+/-0.6 4.6 +/- 1.1 4.5+/- 0.7 4.7+/- 0.4 25 5.2+/-0.5 5.2+/- 0.4 5.9+/-0.3 4.9+/- 0.8 5.3+/- 0.8 26 4.3+/-0.7 5.1 +/- 0.3 4.7+/-0.3 4.6 +/- 0.1 4.7+/- 0.7 27 4.6 +/- 0.1 5.1 +/- 0.4 5.0+/-0.2 4.9 +/- 0.1 4.9+/- 0.4 28 4.8+/-0.9 5.2+/-0.2 5.2+/-0.3 4.5+/- 0.3 4.9+/-0.7 29 4.1 +/- 0.1 4.3+/- 1.3 4.7+/-0.6 4.2+/- 0.4 4.3+/-0.5 30 4.7+/-0.2 4.8+/-0.8 5.4+/-0.8 4.3+/- 0.3 4.8+/-0.9 31 4.2+/-0.3 4.2+/-0.2 4.5+/-0.7 4.0+/-0.3 4.2 +/- 0.4 32 4.4+/- 0.4 5.1 +/- 0.1 5.1 +/- 0.7 4.5+/-0.6 4.8+/- 0.8 33 5.2+/-0.6 5.7+/-0.2 6.5+/- 1.6 5.0+/- 1.6
. 5.6+/- 1.3 34 5.1 +/- 0.4 6.7+/-2.5 5.6+/-0.5 4.9+/- 0.8 5.6+/- 1.6 35 5.1 +/- 1.0 6.0+/-0.3 5.8+/-0.4 3.3+/- 0.3 5.1 +/- 2.5 36 5.8+/-0.6 6.0+/-0.9 5.9+/-0.6 5.5+/- 0.5 5.8+/- 0.4 37 5.3+/-0.2 6.1 +/-0.7 5.3+/-0.3 4.8+/- 0.4 5.4+/- 1.1 38 6.4+/- 1.1 6.7+/-0.3 7.0+/- 1.0 6.4+/- 0.5 6.6+/-0.6 39 4.9+/-0.6 5.5+/- 0.4 5.2+/-0.3 4.4+/- 0.8 5.0+/- 0.9 40 4.3+/-0.2 4.4+/- 0.2 4.5 +/- 0.1 4.0+/- 0.4 4.3+/- 0.4 41 5.3+/-0.8 6.9+/- 1.1 6.1 +/- 0.9 6.0+/- 0.4 6.1 +/- 1.3 42 5.1 +/- 0.7 4.7+/- 0.4 5.6+/-0.3 4.8+/-0.1 5.1 +/- 0.8 43 4.9+/-0.3 5.0+/-0.6 5.1 +/- 0.2 4.7+/- 0.5 4.9+/- 0.3 Average 5.1 +/- 1.2 5.5+/- 1.5 5.4 +/- 1.2 5.1 +/- 1.6 5.3 +/- 1.4
TLD missing; cause unknown. Replacement TLD placed in field from 6/15/94 to 7/7/94, however, results were not representative of quarter and not being reported.
- Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 1994 mR/month +/- 2 Sigma - Set 2 - 099 Page 1 of 1 Station First Second Third Fourth Average Number Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
02 5.8+/-0.4 5.9+/- 0.2 5.4+/-2.0 6.3+/- 0.6 5.9+/-0.7 03 5.6+/- 1.2 5.7+/- 0.7 6.4+/-0.2 6.7+/- 0.2 6.1 +/- 1.1 04 4.9+/-0.2 5.7+/-0.2 4.8+/-0.6 5.7+/- 0.5 5.3+/- 1.0 05 4.7+/-0.4 (a) 5.2+/-0.2 5.6+/-0.2 5.2+/-0.9 06 5.9+/-0.3 5.8+/- 0.2 5.4 +/- 1.4 5.8+/-0.2 5.7 +/- 0.4 07 5.2+/-0.5 5.2+/- 0.2 5.1 +/- 0.3 5.5+/-0.6 5.3+/-0.3 08 5.3+/-0.4 5.7+/- 0.5 5.4+/-0.2 5.7+/-0.4 5.5 +/- 0.4 09 5.1 +/- 0.5 6.0+/-0.3 5.5+/-0.4 5.8+/-0.8 5.6+/-0.8 10 5.1 +/- 0.1 5.3+/- 0.1 5.2+/-0.4 5.6+/- 1.3 5.3+/-0.4 11 4.9+/-0.4 5.5+/-0.3 5.8 +/- 1.4 5.8+/- 0.1 5.5+/-0.8 12 5.2+/-0.3 5.5+/-0.7 5.4+/-0.5 5.3+/- 0.3 5.4+/- 0.3 13 5.2+/-0.9 6.6+/-2.9 4.9 +/- 1.0 5.7+/- 0.2 5.6+/- 1.5 14 5.1 +/-0.7 5.6+/- 0.1 5.6+/-0.5 5.5 +/- 1.5 5.5+/-0.5 15 4.9+/-0.5 5.0+/- 0.6 4.7+/-0.7 5.4+/- 0.2 5.0+/-0.6 16 4.6+/- 1.0 4.8+/-0.2 5.1 +/- 0.1 5.5+/- 0.0 5.0+/-0.8 17 4.2 +/- 1.0 4.6+/- 0.1 4.6+/- 0.1 5.1 +/- 0.1 4.6+/-0.7 18 3.6+/-0.5 3.8+/-0.2 3.3+/- 1.0 4.4+/- 0.3 3.8+/-0.9 19 4.5+/-0.5 4.3+/-0.7 4.5+/-0.2 4.9+/- 0.4 4.6+/-0.5' 20 4.6 +/- 0.1 4.3+/-0.3 4.6+/-0.2 4.8+/- 0.4 4.6+/-0.4 21 4.3+/-0.3 4.5+/- 0.3 4.8+/-0.2 5.1 +/- 0.5 4.7+/-0.7 22 4.1 +/-0.4 4.2+/- 0.4 4.2+/- 0.1 5.0+/- 0.1 4.4+/-0.8 23 5.1 +/- 0.5 5.9+/-0.5 5.0+/- 0.1 5.8+/- 0.1 5.5+/-0.9 24 4.8+/-0.5 4.5+/- 0.2 4.7+/-0.2 5.5 +/- 0.1 4.9+/-0.9 25 4.8+/-0.2 4.8+/- 0.2 4.9+/-0.3 5.1 +/- 0.2 4.9+/-0.3 26 4.2+/-0.5 4.4+/- 0.4 4.6+/-0.1 4.8+/-0.2 4.5+/-0.5 27 4.4+/-0.3 4.5+/- 0.2 4.9+/-0.2 5.0 +/- 0.1 4.7+/-0.6 28 5.0+/-0.2 4.2+/-0.3 4.8+/-0.2 4.8+/- 0.1 4.7+/-0.7 29 3.7+/-0.2 4.1 +/-0.2 4.3+/-0.2 4.5 +/- 0.1 4.2+/-0.7 30 4.3+/-0.3 4.3+/-0.3 4.8+/-0.1 4.9+/- 0.2 4.6+/-0.6 31 3.9 +/- 0.1 4.1 +/- 0.2 4.2+/-0.2 4.2 +/- 0.1 4.1 +/- 0.3 32 4.5+/-0.2 3.9+/-0.2 4.8+/-0.1 4.9+/- 0.2 4.5+/-0.9 33 4.7+/-0.3 4.9+/-0.3 5.4+/- 0.2 5.6+/- 0.3 5.2+/-0.8 34 5.0 +/- 0.1 5.0+/- 0.1 5.4+/- 0.0 5.2+/- 0.2 5.2+/-0.4 35 5.4+/-0.7 5.4+/- 0.4 5.8+/-0.2 2.9+/- 0.3 4.9+/-2.7 36 5.8+/-0.5 5.1 +/- 0.9 6.0+/- 0.4 5.9+/-0.3 5.7+/-0.8 37 5.1 +/- 0.4 4.9+/-0.3 5.2+/-0.2 5.5+/-0.6 5.2+/-0.5 38 6.1 +/- 0.9 6.6+/-0.9 7.2+/-0.8 7.1 +/- 0.6 6.8+/- 1.0 39 4.6+/-0.3 4.7+/- 0.1 5.1 +/- 0.2 5.1 +/- 0.1 4.9+/-0.5 40 4.1 +/- 0.4 3.9+/- 0.1 4.3+/-0.2 4.6+/- 0.1 4.2+/-0.6 41 5.1 +/- 0.2 6.0+/- 0.5 6.5+/-0.4 6.3+/-0.3 6.0+/- 1.2 42 4.7+/-0.5 4.7+/- 0.4 5.2+/-0.3 5.2+/-0.2 5.0+/-0.6 43 4.7+/-0.6 4.6+/- 0.1 4.1 +/-0.9 5.2+/-0.2 4.7+/-0.9 Average 4.8+/- 1.1 5.0+/- 1.5 5.1 +/- 1.4 5.3 +/- 1.4 5.1 +/- 1.4
+/-2s.d (a)
TLD missing; cause unknown.
e LAND USE CENSUS1 Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia January 1 to December 31, 1994 Page 1 of 1 Sector Direction A
s K
w p
- None Nearest Resident 4.12@ 8° 1.90@ 34° 4.80@ 35° 4.75@ 152° 1.69@ 182° 1.87@ 193° 2.28@ 222° 2.82@ 243° 3.15@ 260° 4.79@ 281° 4.84@ 319° 3.73@ 339° Nearest Garden2 1.90@ 34° 4.91@ 56° 4.91@ 56° 5.0@ 160° 1.90@ 189° 1.87@ 193° 3.65@ 2.24° 3.57 @2.46° 4.14@ 2.69° 4.89@ 340° Nearest Cow 4.84@ 201 ° 3.65@ 337° 1 Locations shown by statute miles and degree heading relative to true north from radius center.
2 Area greater than 50 m2, containing broad leaf vegetation.
78 Nearest Goat
ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES SYNOPSIS Appendix D is a synopsis of the analytical procedures performed on samples collected for the Surry Power Station's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. All analyses have been mutually agreed upon by VEPCO and Teledyne Brown Engineering and include those recommended by the USNRC Branch Technical Position, Rev. 1, November 1979.
ANALYSIS TITLE PAGE Gross Beta Analysis ~f Samples......................................................................... 80 Airborne Particulates.............................................................................. 80 Analysis of Samples for Tritium (Liquid Scintillation)................................................ 81 Analysis of Samples for Strontium-89 and-90......................................................... 82 Total Water......................................................................................... 82 Milk................................................................................................. 82 Soil and Sediment........................................................ :........................ 82 Organic Solids..................................................................................... 83 Air Particulates..................................................................................... 83 Analysis of Samples (or Iodine-131..................................................................... 85 Milk or Water...................................................................................... 85.
Gamma Spectrometry of Samples........................................................................ 86*
Milk and Water.................................................................................... 86 Dried Solids other than Soils and Sediment.................................................... 86 Fish................................................................................................. 86 Soils and Sediments............................................................................... 86 Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine)................................................................ 86 Airborne Particulates.............................................................................. 86 Environmental Dosimetry................................................................................. 88 79
---"--- - - -- - --- -- ~-- -
GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Air Particulates After a delay of five or more days, allowing for the radon-222 and radon-220 (thoron) daughter products to decay, the filters are counted in a gas-flow proportional counter. An unused air particulate filter, supplied by the customer, is counted as the blank.
Calculations of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD):
RESULT (pCifm3)
((Sff) - (B/t))/(2.22 VE) 2((Sff2) + (B/t2))1f2/(2.22 VE) 4.66 (Bl/2)/(2.22 VE t)
LLD (pCifm3)
= Gross counts of sample including blank B
= Counts of blank E
= Counting efficiency T
= Number of minutes sample was counted t
= Number of minutes blank was counted V
= Sample aliquot size (cubic meters) 80
Ten milliliters of water are mixed with 10 ml of a liquid scintillation "cocktail" and then the mixture is counted in an automatic liquid scintillator.
Calculation of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit detection (LLD) in pCi/1:
(N-8)/(2.22 V E)
2((N + B)/Llt)1/2/ (2.22 VE)
4.66 (B/Llt)112/(2.22 VE) where:
the gross cpm of the sample H
the background of the detector in cpm 2.22
conversion factor changing dpm to pCi V
volume of the sample in ml E
efficiency of the detector Llt
counting time for the sample 81
Water ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR STRONTIUM-89 AND -90 Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the volume is reduced by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using nitric acid. A barium scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are performed followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.
Milk Stable strontium carrier is added to I liter of sample and the sample is first evaporated, then ashed in a muffle furnace. The ash is dissolved and strontium is precipitated as phosphate, then is dissolved and precipitated as SrN03 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.
Soil and Sediment The sample is first dried under heat lamps and an aliquot is taken. Stable strontium carrier is added and the sample is leached in hydrachloric acid. The mixture is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using fuming (90& nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.
Organic Solids A wet portion of the sample is dried and then ashed in a muffle furnace. Stable strontium carrier is added and the ash is leached in hydrochloric acid. The sample is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03) using fuming (90%) nitric acid. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 days period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then pre-cipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity.
Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the saniple after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a riylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.
Air Particulates Stable strontium carrier is added to the sample and it is leached in nitric acid to bring deposits into solution. The mixture is then filtered and the filtrate is reduced in volume by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium scavenge is used to remove some interfering species. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stabl~ yttrium carrier and a 7 to 10 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.
Calculations of the results, two sigma errors and lower limits of detection (LLD) are expressed in activity of pCi/volume or pCi/mass:
= (N/Dt-Bc-B A)/(2.22 VY s DFsR-89 EsR-89)
= 2((N/Dt+Bc+B A)/At)1121(2.22 V Ys DFsR-89 EsR-89)
LLD Sr-89
= 4.66((Bc+BA)/At)112/(2.22 V YS DFsR-89 EsR-89)
= (NI At - B)/(2.22 V Y 1 Y 2 DF IF E)
= 2((N/At+B)/At)ll2/(2.22 VY 1 Y2 DF E IF))
= 4.66(B/At)ll2/(2.22 V Y1 Y2 IF DF E) 83
N At Be 2.22 V
BA BA Ys DF SR-89 EsR-89 K
Ey_90 IFY-90 IGY-90 0.016 EY/abs E
total counts from sample (counts)
counting time for sample (min)
background rate of counter (cpm) using absorber configuration
volume or weight of sample analyzed
background addition from Sr-90 and ingrowth of Y-90
0.016 (K) + (K) Ey/abs) (IGy_90)
chemical yield of strontium
decay factor from the mid collection date to the counting date for SR-89
efficiency of the counter for SR-89 with the 80 mg/cm.sq.
aluminum absorber
(NAt - Bc)y _9of<EY-90 IFy _90 DFy _90 y 1)
the decay factor for Y-90 from the "milk" time to the mid count time
efficiency of the counter for Y-90
ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to milking time
the ingrowth factor for Y-90 into the strontium mount from the "milk" time to the mid count time
the efficiency of measuring SR-90 through a No. 6 absorber
the efficiency of counting Y-90 through a No. 6 absorber
background rate of counter ( cpm)
chemical yield of yttrium
chemical yield of strontium
decay factor of yttrium from the radiochemical milking time to the mid count time
efficiency of the counter for Y-90
ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to the radio-chemical milking time 84
e ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR IODINE-131 Milk or Water Two liters of sample are first equilibrated with stable iodide carrier. A batch treatment with anion exchange resin is used to remove iodine from the sample. The iodine is then stripped from the resin with sodium hypochlorite solution, is reduced with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and is extracted into carbon tetrachloride as free iodine. It is then back-extracted as iodide into sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The precipitate is weighed for chemical yield and is mounted on a nylon planchette for low level beta counting. The chemical yield is corrected by measuring the stable iodide content of the milk or the water with a specific ion electrode.
Calculations of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/1:
(N/Llt-B)/(2.22 EVY DF)
2((N/Llt+B)/Llt)112t(2.22 EVY DF)
= 4.66(B/Llt)lf2t(2.22 EVY DF) where:
total counts from sample (counts)
counting time for sample (min)
background rate of counter (cpm) 2.22
dpm/pCi V
volume or weight of sample analyzed y
chemical yield of the mount or sample counted DF
decay factor from the collection to the counting date E
efficiency of the counter for I-131, corrected for self absorption effects by the formula E
efficiency of the counter determined from an I-131 standard mount Ms
mass of Pd12 on the standard mount, mg M
mass of PDI2 on the sample mount, mg 85
GAMMA SPECTROMETRY OF SAMPLES Milk and Water A 1.0 liter Marinelli beaker is filled with a representative aliquot of the sample. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.
Dried Solids Other Than Soils and Sediments A large quantity of the sample is dried at a low temperature, less than 100°C. As much as possible (up to the total sample) is loaded into a tared 1-liter Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.
Fish As much as possible (up to the total sample) of the edible portion of the sample is loaded into a tared Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.
Soils and Sediments Soils and sediments are dried at a low temperature, less than 100°C. The soil or sediment is loaded fully into a tared, standard 300 cc container and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height and analysis.
Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine)
Charcoal cartridges are counted up to five at a time, with one positioned on the face of a Ge(Li) detector and up to four on the side of the Ge(Li) detector. Each Ge(Li) detector is calibrated for both positions. The detection limit for 1-131 of each charcoal cartridge can be determined (assuming no positive 1-131) uniquely from the volume of air which passed through it. In the event 1-131 is observed in the.initial counting of a set, each charcoal cartridge is then counted separately, positioned on the face of the detector.
Air Particulate The thirteen airborne particulate filters for a quarterly composite for each field station are aligned one in front of another and then counted for at least six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) 86
detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.
A mini-computer software* program defines peaks by certain changes in the slope of the spectrum. The program also compares the energy of each peak with a library of peaks for isotope identification and then performs the radioactivity calculation using the appropriate fractional gamma ray abundance, half life, detector efficiency, and net counts in the peak region. The calculation of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/volume of pCi/mass:
(S-B)/(2.22 t EV F DF)
2(S+B)112t(2.22 t EV F DF)
4.66(B)ll2t(2.22 t EV F DF) where:
Area, in counts, of sample peak and background (region of spectrum of interest)
Background area, in counts, under sample peak, determined by a linear interpolation of the representative backgrounds on either side of the peak t
length of time in minutes the sample was counted 2.22
dpm/pCi E
detector efficiency for energy of interest and geometry of sample V
sample aliquot size (liters, cubic meters, kilograms, or grams)
fractional gamma abundance (specific for each emitted gamma)
decay factor from the mid-collection date to the counting date 87
ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY Teledyne Brown Engineering uses a CaS04:Dy thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) which the company manufactures. This material has a high light output, negligible thermally induced signal loss (fading), and negligible self dosing. The energy response curve (as well as all other features) satisfies NRC Reg. Guide 4.13. Transit doses are accounted for by use of separate TLDs.
Following the field exposure period the TLDs are placed in a Teledyne Brown Engineering Model 8300. One fourth of the rectangular TLD is heated at a time and the measured light emission (luminescence) is recorded. The TLD is then annealed and exposed to a known Cs-137 dose; each area is then read again. This provides a calibration of each area of each TLD after every field use.
The transit controls are read in the same manner.
Calculations of results and the two sigma error in net milliRoentgen (mR):
D = (D1+D2+o3+D4,)/4 TWO SIGMA ERROR
2((D1-D)2+(D2-D)2+(D3-D)2+(D4-D)2)/3)l/2 WHERE:
the net mR of area 1 of the 'ILD, and similarly for D2, D3, and D4 DI
I1 KJR1 -A I1
the instrument reading of the field dose in area 1 K
the known exposure by the Cs-137 source R1
the instrument reading due to the Cs-137 dose on area 1 A
average dose in mR, calculated in similar manner as above, of the transit control 'ILDs D
the average net mR of all 4 areas of the 'ILD.
e EPA lnterlaboratory Comparison Program Teledyne Brown Engineering participates in the US EPA Interlaboratory Comparison Program to the fullest extent possible. That is, Teledyne participates in the program for all radioactive isotopes prepared and at the maximum frequency of availability. In this section trending graphs (since 1981) and the 1994 data summary tables are presented for isotopes in the various sample media applicable to the Surry Power Station's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The footnotes of the table discuss investigations of problems encountered in a few cases and the steps taken to prevent reoccurrence.
EPA Date TI Mailed Date EPA EPA TI NonnDev.
- warning Preparation Re suits Issued Results Media Nuclide Results(a)
- Action 01/14/94 03/04/94 05/13/94 Water Sr-89 25.0 +/-
5.0 24.00 +/-
-0.35 Sr-90 15.0 +/-
5.0 15.67 +/-
1.53 0.23 01/28/94 02/25/94 04/12/94 Water Gr-Alpha 15.0 +/-
5.0 21.67 +/-
0.58 2.31
.. (d)
Gr-Beta 62.0 +/-
10.0 72.33 +/-
3.79 1.79 02/04/94 03/04/94 04/26/94 Water 1-131 119.0 +/-
12.0 110.33 +/-
-1.30 02/11/94 04/14/94 05/23/94 Water Ra-226 19.9 +/-
3.0 21.00 +/-
1.00 0.64 Ra-228 14.7 +/-
3.7 15.67 +/-
1.53 0.45 03/04/94 03/31/94 05/13/94 Water H-3 4936.0 +/- 494.0 4833.33 +/- 152. 75
-0.36 04/19/94 06/13/94 08/02/94 Water Gr-Beta 117.0 +/-
18.0 102.67 +/-
-1.38 Sr-89 20.0 +/-
5.0 19.00 +/-
-0.35 Sr-90 14.0 +/-
5.0 13.00 +/-
-0.35 I.D Co-60 20.0 +/-
5.0 23.67 +/-
3.21 1.27 0
Cs-134 34.0 +/-
5.0 34.00 +/-
1.73 0.00 Cs-137 29.0 +/-
5.0 34.00 +/-
2.65 1.73 Gr-Alpha 8\\3.0 +/-
22.0 78.00 +/-
-0.63 Ra-226 20.0 +/-
3.0 15.67 +/-
- (e)
Ra-228 20.1 +/-
5.0 15.33 +/-
-1.65 06/10/94 07 /15/94 10/31/94 Water Co-60 50.0 +/-
5.0 43.00 +/-
- (f)
Zn-65 134.0 +/-
13.0 13.33 +/-
- (g)
Ru-106 252.0 +/-
25.0 201.33 +/-
- (h)
Cs-134 40.0 +/-
5.0 29.33 +/-
- (1)
Cs-137 49.0 +/-
5.0 49.67 +/-
1.53 0.23 Ba-133 98.0 +/-
10.0 85.00 +/-
- (J) 06/17/94 08/10/94 10/03/94 Water Ra-226 15.0 +/-
2.3 15.33 +/-
0.58 0.25 Ra-228 15.4 +/-
3.9 16.33 +/-
1.53 0.41 07/22/94 08/19/94 10/14/94 Water Gr-Alpha 32.0 +/-
8.0 25.33 +/-
-1.44 Gr-Beta 10.0 +/-
5.0 16.00 +/-
0.00 2.08
- "' ( k) 08/05/94 08/29/94 10/24/94 Water H-3 9951.0 +/- 995.0 9700.00 +/- 100.04
EPA Date TI Malled Date EPA EPA TI NonnDev.
- warning Preparation Re suits Issued Results Media Nuclide Results(a)
- Action 08/26/94 11/14/94 12/23/94 Air Filter Gr-Alpha 35.0 +/-
9.0 31.33 +/-
-0.71 Gr-Beta 56.0 +/-
10.0 59.33 +/-
3.21 0.58 Sr-90 20.0 +/-
5.0 18.00 +/-
-0.69 Cs-137 15.0 +/-
5.0 17.00 +/-
1.73 0.69 09/16/94 11/11/94 09/16/94 Water u
10.2 +/-
2.6 9.70 +/-
0.52 2.12
- (1)
Ra-226 10.0 +/-
1.5 10.67 +/-
0.58 0.77 Ra-228 10.2 +/-
2.6 9.70 +/-
-0.33 09/30/94 12/08/94 02/06/95 Milk Sr-89 25.0 +/-
5.0 24.33 +/-
-0.23 Sr-90 15.00 +/-
5.0 17.67 +/-
1.53 0.92 1-131 75.0 +/-
8.0 81.67 +/-
5.86 1.44 Cs-137 59.0 +/-
5.0 70.33 +/-
4.62 3.93
- . (m)
K 1715.0 +/-
86.0 1740.00 +/- 153.95 0.50 10/07/94 11/15/94 12/23/94 Water 1-131 79.0 +/-
8.0 71.00 +/-
10/18/94 12/20/94 03/03/95 Water.
Gr-Beta 142.0 +/-
21.0 120.00 +/-
-1.81 Sr-89 25.0 +/-
5.0 24.67 :!:
-0.12 Sr-90 15.0 +/-
5.0 14.33 +/-
-0.23 Co-60 40.0 +/-
5.0 41.00 +/-
1.00 0.35 Cs-134 20.0 +/-
5.0 21.67 +/-
1.53 0.58 Cs-137 39.0 +/-
5.0 41.67 +/-
2.31 0.92 Gr-Alpha 57.0 +/-
14.0 51.33 +/-
-0.70 Ra-226 9.9 +/-
1.5 11.33 +/-
0.58 1.66 Ra-228 10.1 +/-
2.5 9.33 +/-
-0.53 10/28/94 12/08/94 02/15/95 Water Gr-Alpha 57.0 +/-
14.0 47.00 +/-
.-1.24 Gr-Beta 23.0 +/-
5.0 25.33 +/-
1.53 0.81 11/04/94 12/30/94 02/13/95 Water Co-60 59.0 +/-
5.0 52.00 +/-
- (n)
Zn-65 100.0 +/-
10.0 81.33 +/-
- (n)
Cs-134 24.0 +/-
5.0 19.67 +/-
-1.50 Cs-137 49.0 +/-
5.0 54.33 +/-
2.31 1.85 Ba-133 73.0 +/-
7.0 58.33 +/-
- (n)
Average +/- expertmental sigma.
(bl Expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination)
Normalized deviation from the known.
EPA Preparation Date Tl Mailed Results Footnotes: (Cont.)
Media Nuclide EPA Results(a)
Tl Results(b)
There appears to be vartation 1n self-absorption matrix. The EPA confirms that the composition of their tap water from Lake Mead, vartes NonnDev.
(Known) seasonally which can cause vartation in alpha, beta results. No corrective action required at this tlme since results are within +/- 3 sigma control limits.
(el No specific or apparent reason found. Data sheets verified and detector efficiencies calibrated. Will exert care in making dilutions and using correct sample type on concentration of acids. Will check future samples to see if a pattern develops.
(0 A second aliquot was analyzed, paying particular attention to volume allquoted. The result. 52 pCi/1. was in good agreement with the EPA. The three original results, each counted on a different detector, showed good precision. The measurement of Co-60 has not been a problem. Future EPA cross-checks will be weighted and results followed to check for a possible trend "out of control".
The average value of three analyses on the "Report of Analysis" was 133 pCi/Uter which is in good agreement with the EPA. Apparently, incorrect results were entered into the EPA computer. Future data will be printed from the computer screen to check entries.
The EPA has indicated that the Radiation Quality Assurance Program has been experiencing problems with the ruthenium-106 analysis. See attached letter from EPA.
The first aliquot, prepared according to EPA dilution instructions was counted on four detectors in the l llter Marinelli geometry with Cs-134 results (based on the 796 KeVpeak) in pCi/1 of 32.0, 25.1, 31.7, and 30.8. The 31.7 result was not reported. Had that been reported instead of 25.1, the average would have been 31.5 and the normalized deViation would have been -2.94 instead of -3. 70. A second aliquot was prepared and a single measurement was made with the result of 31.1 pCi/1.
An undiluted aliquot was measured in a 150 ml geometry with the result of 33.5 pCi/1. That result is comparable with the Marinelli results. Thus none of:
sample preparation (dilution, volume determination. maintaining correct pH. etc.), sample geometry, or detector efficiency seem to be the cause of the low results.
Ul There is no apparent reason for the low result. however the average value, 85 pCi/1 is in good agre*ement to the grand average (86.46). No corrective action planned.
- Warning
- 0 Action (kl EPA result for gross beta in water were corrected for 20% crosstalk into the beta channel from the Th-230 alpha spike. Recent measurements show that the crosstalk can be much higher (37% for Tennelec counter #3 and 54% for gamma products counter # 1). The normalized deViation from the grand average was only 0.38. Future results (1)
(n) will be corrected with speciflc crosstalk values determined by counting Th-230 standards.
Possible aliquotlng error. The instrument calibration. spike, and blank results all appear normal. No procedural changes are planned. Previous results were well within one normalized deViation. Future measurements will be reviewed to determine if a trend in results above the two sigma warning limit is occurring.
The milk sample was counted four times. The reported Cs-137 values were based on one aliquot of 1 liter volume and an aliquot of 0.865 liter counted two times. It is suspected that the 0.865 liter volume was incorrectly determined. If 1 liter (the usual volume for counting milk samples) is used in the calculation, then the average of three results equals 63.6 pCi/1 which gives a normalized deViation to the Known of 1.59. The fourth count (a 1 liter aliquot) had a Cs-137 equal to 64.2 pCi/1 which is in good agreement with the average of the other three. Teledyne will set up a log for recording aliquots used for EPA samples and record how the aliquot volume was determined.
The EPA requires that water samples be diluted before gamma analysis. That imposes a feature not appropriate for the handling of environmental samples. As in the 06/ 10/94 water sample, it appears that the first aliquot may not have been accurately prepared. A second aliquot was prepared and counted three times with results in pCi/1 and normalized dev1ation of:
Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-133 60.6 100.
22.9 58.5 69.8
+0.55 0.0
-0.79 Four of the five are now in good agreement with the EPA results. The Cs-137 is high, but within the control ltmits when compared to the grand average deViation of all laboratories of 2.89. The grand average was 51.9 pCi/1. For future samples of this type we will have two technicians each prepare an aliquot and compare the counting results to check for preparation technique differences.
Dear Participant:
F> 0 BOX 93478 LAS VEGAS "lEVAOA 89193-3478 (7021798-2 t 00
- FTS 545-2 1 OOl The Radiation Quality Assurance Program has been experiencing problems vith the Ruthenium-106 currently used in the Performance Evaluation (PE) Studies and in the Standards Distribution Program.
If these problems can be satisfactorily resolved, this analyte will once again be placed into this PE Study.
If the problems cannot be resolved, the Ruthenium-106 will be replaced.
Formal written notice will be given to all participants that are enrolled in the Gamma in Yater PE Study before the Ruthenium-106 is reintroduced or replaced.
At that time, new calibration standards will be available to all participants in the Gamma in Yater PE Study.
93 George Dilbeck Cl?,emist Performance Evaluation Program Radioanalysis Branch (RSA-RADOA)
0 a.
\\.0 ca -
0 I-60 40 20 0
-20 1-----------.-----------------........----.-----,.---------------------.--~
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
e u
- 0.
(.]l iii -
0 I-EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES (pg. 1 of 1) 160 r---------------------------------,
140 120 100 C
80 60 1 n i I 40 2
20 0 1--~---.------.---..-----.---..------........---------.---~--.-----t 1981 -
1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 I
c Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma I
0 Q.
'ii O'l 0
I-80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
f I f 2
-20 1--.....-.....--.-------------------------------.....-----------.-----.....--,....----.------.----1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
CJ Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma T
(.) a.
\\.0 iii
-...J 0.,_
60 40 20 0
-20..--.-.--.....----r--.-----.----.-----T""~--,.---~-.-----T""~-,.---.----,----r--.-----.----.----r---r--T""---t 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
Cl Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
e CD -
\\D 0::,
0 Q.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-89 IN MILK (pg. 1 of 1) 100 ---------------------------------
80 60 t i 40 f
rll H
. I 20 0
-20 1------------------------,----------------.----.----1 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 I
- m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
I..O I..O GI -
0 Q.
60 40 20 1H i Ii 0
. t i
h i !
i t
m m
-20 1----,.....------,,-~----r---.------,---~--,----------...----.....---,---r---t 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 I
a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 2 Sigma I
2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 m
1600 I-'
0 0
- a.
1400 1200 1000 800 600 1981 1983 EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM POTASSIUM-40 IN MILK (pg. 1 of 1) 1J H 1985 1987 1989 1991 Im Tl +/-3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma 1993 1995
a, -
0 0
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM IODINE-131 IN MILK (pg. 1 of 1) 160 ---------------------------------
140 120 100 80 60 I
H I l
40 20
,I l!J a
12 m
0 0
-20 1--------------.-----.-----...--.....-----T----r------r----.-----..---------T----I 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 I a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
CD -
0 CJ N
- n.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN MILK (pg. 1 of 1) 100 r----------------------------------
80 60
I t
40 1
-201----...-----r------r----T"-----,--,--.---....,,.....----.--.......... ----......----.---.....-----.-----1 1981 1983 1985 1~87 1989 1991 1993 1995 I
m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA +/-3 Sigma
a, 0
w 0 a.
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS ALPHA IN WATER (pg. 1 of 1)
I e
i 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
[ m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma I
220 180 140 ID --
0 0
- 0.
El 1989 1990 1991 1992 I a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma I.
El El 1993 1994 1995
C1) -----(J I-'
0 u, 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2)
-20 ~-----------,,---,----~-~----,---1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 I a Tl +/- 3 sigma o
EPA+/- 3 sigma I e.
14000 12000 10000 CD 8000 a*
0 O'I CL 6000 j
4000 t
}i I 2000 0
1985 1986 1987 EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TRITIUM IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2)
t r
1988 1989 1990 1991 I a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma la f 1992 1993 1994 1995
Q) -
0 u
- a.
4000 3000 2000 1000 0
-1000 1------------.-----------,----------------t 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 c
Tl +/-3 sigma o
EPA +/-3 sigma
ci> -
0 0:,
0 a.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM IODINE-131 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 1) 160..------------------------------------,
140 120 El 100 BO I
60 a
~ U~ 1 I~
+/- ;
20 a n c I a
a 2l 2 g
2 2
-20 t----r---.--................ ----r---r---.-----r-......... -r---r---.-----r-......,.----r---r---.----,-......,.----r---r---.----,-......,.----r--.,.......-r----t 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
c Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
a, -
0 \\0 0
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM COBALT-60 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 100 r--------------------------------,
80 60 i t
I I 40 I I I
El I
20 ili t
I ii 0 ---------....------------------.----------------
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
CD... --
0 I-'
- a.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM COBALT-GO IN WATER (pg 1 of 2) 100....---------------------------------,
80 60
40 20
iH i f 0
0 0
-20 1--------------------------....----.....-----1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 I
c Tl +/- 3 sigma o
EPA +/-3 sigma
GI -
- a.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-134 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 100...-------------------------------
80 60 40 I
f f
'I f
20 i
Ill 0
-20.......-~~--r-----T"--r--r--r-----.---,r----r-----T"--r--r--..-----.---,--r-----T"--r--r--t 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
Q) -----0 D.
N EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-134 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 100,-----------------------------------
80 60 40 l
20 I t
0 f
-20 1------------------------.------------------1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 I a Tl +/- 3 sigma o
EPA +/-3 sigma
a, -*-
w 0 a.
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 120..--------------------------------.
100 I 80 60 t
t i
Ii 40 t
I I ~ !
I 20 t
i!i I
~ i!i
i!i 0
-20 1----.----r--r-----........---r--r------r---.--r------r-----r--.-----r---.--r------r--r-----r---t 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
1:1 Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma I
G)... --.... -
0 C.
60 40 20 0 1 EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) t J f
-20 i---~~~~---~~~~......-~~~~--.-~~~~----~~~~----.-~~~~---1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 I c Tl +/- 3 sigma o
EPA +/-3 sigma
CD -
u, 0
60 40 20 I~ f 0
' I I
. f q
-20 1--,.---,.----,.----,.------.--..----------p--.----..----r--,.----,,..........----,.------.-----.--..--,--..-....--....--.----.....--4 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I
m Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma
e G) ---
O'I 0
EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-89 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 100 ---------------------------------
BO 60 iI 40 g
j 20 i
0 --------.--------.-----------------
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 I
D Tl +/- 3 sigma o
EPA +/-3 sigma
e a, -*-
-...J 0
60 40 i
20 0
! ijH I I I
~ i i mrl ~
1 L ! a
-20 i-------------.----------.---------......--------.----1 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 I
a Tl +/- 3 Sigma o
EPA+/- 3 Sigma I