ML18041A031 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Nine Mile Point |
Issue date: | 12/13/1994 |
Shared Package | |
ML17059A567 | List: |
References | |
NMP1L-0885, NMP1L-885, NUDOCS 9412200207 | |
Download: ML18041A031 (224) | |
ACCESSION NBR:9412200207 DOC.DATE: 94/12/13 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-220 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Niagara Powe 05000220 50-410 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Niagara Moha 0 00410 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION MCCORMICK,M.J. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.
RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk
Forwards emergency plan maintenance procedure EPMP-EPP-08,
'Rev 02, "Maintenance, Testing & Operation of Oswego County Prompt Notification Sys."
DISTRIBUTION CODE: A045D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ! ENCL J SIZE: I + 3 TITLE: OR Submittal: Emergency Preparedness Plans, Implement'g Procedures, C NOTES:
Vice Prestdent Nudear Safety Assessment and Support December 13, 1994 NMP1L 0885 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 RE: Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-220 Docket No. 50-410 DPR-Gentlemen:
Enclosed please find a copy of the following Emergency Procedure for Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation's Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station:
~ Emergency Plan Maintenance Procedure EPMP-EPP-08, Revision 02, "Maintenance, Testing, and Operation of the Oswego County Prompt Notification System."
This procedure is being submitted as required by Section V to Appendix E of 10 CFR Part 50.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Coleen T. Ware, Director of Emergency Preparedness, at (315) 349-2066.
Very truly yours, M.. cCormick J r.
Vice President Nuclear Safety Assessment and Support MJM/JTP/kab Enclosures Mr. T. T. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region I (copies submitted under separate cover)
Mr. B. S. Norris, Senior Resident Inspector (copy submitted under separate cover)
Mr. L. B. Marsh, Director, Project Directorate I-l, NRR Mr. D. S. Brinkman, Senior Project Manager, NRR Records Management 9412200207 S'4i2i3
St tion Superintendent NMPNS Unit II R. B. Abbott General Superintendent Nuclear Generation r/j~ pc-T. J. Perkins Summar of Pa Rev sion 2 (Effective '6 86 ) ~;<~,
~Pe es 9 May 1985 g,,i) iP1-3,5-8,10 March 986 A4 19 6 QV'uly (Reissue)
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EPMP-1 MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Table of Contents SECTION CONTENT PAGE 1.0 Purpose 2..0 References 3.0 Responsibilities 4.0 Coordination of Emergency Preparedness Activities 5.0 Emergency Preparedness Maintenance Activities 6.0 Records FIGURES Figure 1 Emergency Preparedness Activities Schedule Figure 2 Outstanding Action Items List Figure 3 Emergency Plan Inventory and Test Schedule 10 EPMP-1 -i March '1986
EPMP-1 MAINTENANCE OP EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism to maintain emergency preparedness and to ensure maintenance of an effective emergency preparedness program.
2.1 NUREG-0654, Criteria'or Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Procedures in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.
2.2 NMPC Nine Mile Point Nuclear Power Station Site Emergency Plan, Section 8.0, Maintaining Emergency Preparedness 2.3 NMPC Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan, Section 8.0, Maintaining Emergency Preparedness 2.4 EPMP-2, Emergency Equipment Inventories and Checklists 2.5 EPMP-3, Review and Revision of Site Emergency Plan and Procedures 2.6 EPMP-4, Emergency Exercise/Drill Procedure 2.7 EPMP-6, Maintenance of Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan and Implementing Procedure 2.8 EPMP-8, Maintenance Testing and Operations of the Oswego County Prompt Notification System 2.9 AP-1.0, Procedure for Administrative Control 2.10 AP-2.0, Procedure for Control of Procedures, Instructions, Orders and Drawings 2.11 SWTP-66, Index of Chemistry and Radiation Management Records 2.12 NTP-4, Emergency Preparedness Training 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Each department shall commit and designate ,the personnel and resources necessary to support the Site Emergency Director or Corporate Emergency Director/Recovery Manager for the proper implementation of the Site and Corporate Emergency Plans.
The overall responsibility for maintaining the emergency preparedness program rests with the Emergency Planning Coordinator. In this effort, the Emergency Planning Coordinator will be assisted by the Nuclear Training Department, General Superintendent, Station Superintendents, Chemistry and Radiation Management Superintendent, EPMP-1 -1 March 1986
3.2 (Cont'd)
Site; Supervisor Administrative Services, Supervisor Fire Protection, Director Regional Public Relations/Corporate Communications, Director Nuclear Information Services, Central Region Meter and Test Department, Central Region Maintenance Department and Corporate Health Physics Group, or their designees.
3.3 The General Superintendent, Station Superintendent, Chemistry and Radiation Management Superintendent, or their designees are responsible for approving all exercise/drill scenarios at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to initiation.
3.4 The Nuclear Training Department is responsible for maintaining all exercise participant records as evidence of training received through active participation in an emergency exercise/drill.
3.5 The Superintendent Training Nuclear is responsible for ensuring that all personnel who have emergency plan duties receive the appropriate emergency preparedness training.
3.6 The Supervisor Management Support, or his designee, is responsible for maintaining Outstanding Action Item Lists on the plant computer and ensuring distribution of the lists to responsible individuals.
3.7 The Supervisor Fire Protection or his designee is responsible for maintaining fire related emergency equipment in accordance with EPMP-2.
3.8 The Director Nuclear Information Services is responsible for the maintenance of the emergency preparedness public information program.
3.9 The Director Regional Public Information Services is responsible to the Director Nuclear Information Services for maintaining Joint News Center equipment in accordance with EPMP-2.
3.10 The Central Region Meter and Test Department in conjunction with the Central Region Station Maintenance Department are responsible for maintaining the outdoor siren warning system.
3.11 The Corporate Health Physics Group is responsible for assisting the Emergency Planning Coordinator as required or requested in coordinating corporate engineering 'support and performing licensing activities associated with the emergency preparedness program.
Specifically, the Group is responsible for inventorying the Corporate EOC in accordance with EPMP-2.
EPMP-1 -2 March 1986
4.0 COORDINATION OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ACTIVITIES 4.1 Emer enc Pre aredness Activit Schedule 4.1.1 The Emergency Planning Coordinator shall develop an annual schedule identifying significant activities required to ensure maintenance of an effective emergency preparedness program.
4.1.2 The schedule shall be developed on a calendar year basis, in general accordance with the format shown in EPMP-1 Figure 1, the Emergency Preparedness Activities Schedule.
4.1. 3 The schedule shall be developed in consultation with the Superintendent Training Nuclear, Supervisor Fire Protection, Director of Nuclear Information Services, and other departments" or agencies whose involvement is required for maintaining emergency preparedness.
4.1. 4 The following areas of activity, at a minimum, sha'll be addressed on the schedule:
0 Annual exercise scenario development and approval cycle 0 Exercises/drills 0 Emergency preparedness training 0' SRAB audit Review, revision and recertification of plans 0 Review and revision of procedures due for recertification 0 Prompt Notification System tests and maintenance 0 Public/transient information distributions 0 Equipment inventories 0 Communication system tests 4.1. 5 The schedule will be distributed by the Emergency Planning Coordinator to at a minimum:
Vice President Nuclear Generation General Site Superintendents Station and Department Superintendents Superintendent Chemistry and Radiation Management Supervisor, Central Region Heter and Test (Volney)
Supervisor, Central Region Station Maintenance (Fulton Service Center)
Lead Corporate Health Physicist 4.2 Emer enc Pre aredness Pro ram Outstandin Action Items 4.2.1 The Emergency Planning Coordinator, or his designee, shall identify comments, from drills, exercises, audits or inspections and any actions required to resolve these items. These items shall be considered to be Outstanding Action Items.
~ ~ The Supervisor Management Support, or his designee, shall enter Outstanding Action Items identified by the Emergency Planning Coordinator, or designee, into the computerized Outstanding Action Item List.
- 4. 2.3 The Outstanding Action Items List (EPMP-1, Figure 2) shall be sent monthly to responsible individuals for resolution of the deficiency by the Supervisor Management Support, or his designee.
EPMP-1 -3 March 1986
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4.2.4 The assigned Responsible Individual is responsible for periodically notifying the Emergency Planning Coordinator of the status of the Outstanding Action Items and upon resolution of the Outstanding Action Items.
4.2.5 All items on the Outstanding Action Item List must be reviewed and approved by the Emergency Planning Coordinator prior to the closeout of the item.
4.2. 6 The Emergency Planning Coordinator, upon resolution of the item, shall notify the Site Supervisor Management Support to input the resolution of the item into the computerized Outstanding Action Item List.
5.0 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES 5.1 Emer enc Plans 5.1.1 Review and Revision of Site Emer enc Plan and Procedures A) The development, review and update of the Site Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures are primarily the responsibility of the Emergency Planning Coordinator and shall be performed in accordance with EPMP-3, Review and Revision of Site Emergency Plan and Procedures. Approval of plan and procedure revisions shall be in accordance with AP-2.0, Procedure for Control of Procedures, Instructions, Orders and Drawings.
- 8) Proposed changes that do not decrease the effectiveness of the approved emergency plans may b'e implemented without application to and approval by'he NRC.
C) Two (2) Information copies of revised Emergency Plan and Procedures with proprietary information removed shall be forwarded to the Lead Corporate Health Physcist by the Emergency Planning Coordinator or his designee. Proprietary information includes, but is not limited to:
Names of Individuals and their addresses Telephone numbers Description of off-site emergency equipment (i.e. environmental sample/survey and TLD locations).
D) The Lead Corporate Health Physicist shall submit the procedures stated in EPMP-l, Section (above) to Document Control Desk, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555. These Two (2) copies of these procedures shall be submitted under the NMPNS Unit I Docket No. (50-220). This submittal shall be made within 30 days of the effective date of the revised procedure(s).
E) The Assistant Site Supervisor Administrative Services shall distribute, in accordance with station procedures, two (2) controlled copies of all changes to the Emergency Plan and Procedures, within 30 days after the change is made or proposed, to the NRC Regional Office.
EPMP-1 -4 July 1986 (Reissue)
5.1. 2 and Im lementin Procedures Review and update of the Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan and Procedures is primarily the responsibility of the Emergency Planning Coordinator and shall be performed in accordance with EPMP-6 "Maintenance of Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan".
5.1.3 Letters of reement All Letters of Agreement will be updated at least every two years in accordance with EPMP-3, Review and Revisions of Site Emergency Plan and Procedures..
All original Letters of Agreement shall be maintained by the Emergency Planning Coordinator.
5.2 ~Tra1n in 5.2.1 Site Emer enc Pre aredness Trainin The Superintendent Training Nuclear shall ensure that all personnel who have emergency plan duties receive the appropriate emergency preparedness training. This training shall be in accordance with Training Procedure NTP-4 and documented in accordance with EPMP-3.
5.2. 2 Cor orate Emer enc Pre aredness Trainin Personnel assigned to positions in the Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Organization shall be given initial training and at least annual retraining in their emergency response duties and responsibilities. They shall also be given initial orientation in the basic principles of radiological safety.
5.2.3 Off-Site Or anizations/ encies Training will be provided by NMPC to local off-site support organizations as specified in respective Letters of Agreement as required to ensure a high state of emergency preparedness and response capability between these organizations and the NMPNS emergency organization.
This training shall be provided on an annual, or as-needed, basis to appropriate organizations and shall be conducted in accordance with the Site Emergency Plan and NTP-4 and documented in accordance with EPMP-3.
5.3 Drills and Exercises Periodic exercises and drills shall be conducted to test the state of emergency preparedness of all participating personnel, organizations and agencies. Exercises and drills shall be conducted in accordance with the Site Emergency Plan and EPMP-4, Emergency Exercise/Drill Procedure.
EPMP-1 -5 March 1986
5.4 Maintenance and Inventor of Emer enc E ui ment and Su lies The Emergency Planning Coordinator shall ensure adequate maintenance and inventory of emergency equipment and supplies are maintained.
The Chemistry and Radiation Management Department shall plan, schedule and perform a quarterly inventory and inspection of designated emergency equipment and supplies in accordance with the Site Emergency Plan and EPMP-2, Emergency Equipment Inventories and Checklists. EPMP-1,'igure 3, "Emergency Plan Inventory and Test Schedule" shall be utilized as a scheduling tool. This schedule shall be maintained by the Emergency Planning Coordinator and issued to, at a minimum the:
Chemistry and Radiation Management Superintendent, Supervisor Fire Protection, Supervisor Mechanical Maintenance, Supervisor Instrumentation and Control, Nuclear Generation Storeroom Supervisor, Director Regional Public Relations/Corporate Communications and Director Nuclear Information Services.
5.5 Maintenance of Prom t Notification S stem The Emergency Planning Coordinator shall coordinate the testing, maintenance and operation of the Oswego County Prompt Notification System in accordance with the Site Emergency Plan and EPMP-8, Maintenance, Testing and Operation of the Oswego County Prompt Notification System.
5.6 Public Education and Information Material Dissemination The NMPNS in cooperation with the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, State and County authorities shall develop and disseminate emergency planning material to residents and transients in the Emergency Planning Zone.
The Director of Nuclear Information Services shall coordinate the updating and distribution of public information materials. Input for the update of Public Information materials may come from the Director of Nuclear Information Services, the New York Power Authority, County agencies and the Emergency Planning Coordinator. The Emergency Planning Coordinator is responsible for the technical content of the public information materials.
Oswego County and New York State are responsible for identifying a distribution list for all public information materials.
EPMP-1 -6 March 1986
5.6 (Cont'd)
The Director of Nuclear Information Services is responsible for the updating, publication and distribution of:
o Public emergency planning brochures o Transient population posters o Emergency planning telephone book advertising o Annual siren test schedule o Tone alert battery distribution literature o Other literature required This material shall be disseminated in accordance with t'e Site Emergency Plan and appropriate procedures.
The Director of Nuclear Information Services is responsible for developing and implementing a media education program annually. The program development shall be coordinated with the Emergency Planning Coordinator.
The Director Nuclear Information Services shall maintain a file of public information materials disseminated to the public including a historical record of distribution and actual copies of materials sent to the public.
6.0 RECORDS 6.1 Records shall be submitted to the station file in accordance with S-RTP-66, "Index of Chemistry and Radiation Management Records. "
6.2 The Assistant Site Supervisor Administrative Services, or designee shall establish and maintain distribution lists (controlled and uncontrolled copies), and shall retain all master copies (used to make distribution copies) of the Site Emergency Plan and Procedures, Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan and Procedures, and associated figure mechanicals.
6.3 The Emergency Planning Coordinator shall establish and maintain a file of inventory lists and exercise scenarios and reports.
Inventory lists shall be retained for one year prior to submittal to t'e station file. Exercise scenarios and reports shall be issued in accordance with EPMP-4.
6.4 The Training Superintendent Nuclear shall maintain a file of training and drill/exercise participant records. These records shall be retained for one year prior to submittal to the station file.
6.5 The Director of Nuclear Information Services shall maintain a file of public information materials disseminated to the public. This material shall be retained for one year prior to submittal to the station file.
EPMP-1 -7 March 1986
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EPHP-1 FIGURE 2 OUTSTANDING ACTION ITEHS LIST k(HC rr(r.C vdlrrl re LEAR rwkrJ SrAr(err rrJICIAJJ(rlrri Ag(l(rrr I I(rrr' A(,l, I RFSSAF... OQCKEI HO T(ILC COARCT@'~ QAIC CdhrrESC(W R(CVR RLSl'OrtSTL (HO(V DATE(AE ACTION REQUIRED 50 220 F (RL 5CCrcAR IO AAlrrQJJO ~ 30400 HO rrf(rrdd lo sloe
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J ~ EPMP-I -9 May"1985
& F SEC C.R. 0-S DOSE EST CAB EPMP-1 -10 March 1986
P. Volza Station Superintendent NMPNS Unit 1 T. W. Roman Station Snpetintendentgb NMPNS Unit 2 R.~ B. Abbott
General Superintendent Nuclear Generation T. J. Perkins Summer of Pa es Revision 3 (Effective 5/7/87
~Pa es Date i December 1986 (Reissue)*
ii,if',iv>>v p 1-188 April 1987 Proprietary information removed from pages: 49,52,54,100-101, 116-118,120-123,125-128,133-136,148-151 188. NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION THIS PROCEDURE NOT TO BE USED AFTER tray 1989 SUBJECT TO PERIODIC REVIEW. I ' e pa c
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- EPMP-2 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS Section Contents ~Pa e 1.0 Purpose 2.0 References 3.0 Responsibilities 3.1 Emergency Planning Coordinator 1 3.2 Supervisor of Fire Protection 1 3.3 NMPNS Nuclear Generation Storeroom Supervisor 1 3.4 Supervisor of Chemistgy and Radiation Protection 1 3.5 Site Supervisor Administrative Services 1 3.6 Director of Nuclear Information Services 2 3.7 Lead Corporate Health Physicist 2 4.0 Inventory Descriptions/Frequencies 4.1 Completion of Checklists 2 4.2 Changes to Checklist 2 4.3 Equipment Locations and Inventory Frequencies 2 4.3.1 Fire Cabinets 2 4.3.2 Ambulance and Fire Kits 4 4.3.3 Rescue Cabinet 4 4.3.4 Downwind Survey Kits 4 4.3.5 In-Plant Survey Kits 4 4.3.6 Post-Accident Survey Kits 4.3.7 Habitability Survey Kits 5 4.3.8 EOF Emergency Survey Kit 5 4.3.9 Alternate EOF Emergency Survey Kit 5 4.3.10 Emergency Vehicles Kit 5 4.3.11 Oswego Hospital Nuclear Emergency Cabinet 5 4.3.12 Contaminated Patient Carrier 6 4.3.13 First Aid Supplies 6 4.3.14 Decontamination Kits 6 4.3.15 Security Building Emergency Kit 7 4.3.16 Emergency Response Facility Operations Kits 7 4.3.17 Spare Personnel Decon Kit 8 4.3.18 Emergency Communications Systems 8 4.3.19 Control Room Emergency Procedures Checklist Bin 8 4.3.20 Radiological Dose Assessment Emergency Kits 8 4.3.21 Emergency TLD's 9 4.3.22 Damage Repair Equipment 9 4.3.23 Keys, NMPNS Emergency Key Distribution/Invento'ry 9 4.3.24 Joint News Center Equipment 9 4.3.25 Post-Accident Radiological Environmental Sampling 9 4.3.26 Damage Control Tool Box - 1 10 4.3.27 Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit 2 10 4.3.28 Respiratory Protection Equipment 10 . EPMP-2 -i December 1986
EPMP-2 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS (cont.) Settlor T1tle ~Pa e 5.0. Inventory Procedure 5.1 Inventory Checks 10 5.2 Inventory Exceptions 11 6.0 Equipment Checks 6.1 Batteries ll 6.2 Gasoline Powered Portable Electric Generators 12 6.3 Survey Instruments 12 6.4 Portable Radios, Base Stations and Radio Consoles 13 6.5 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 13 6.6 Respiratory Charcoal Canisters/HEPA Filters Cartrid ges 13 6.7 Dosimetry 13 6.7.1 Self-Reading Dosimeters 13 6.7.2 Film Badges 13 6.7.3 Control Dosimetry 14 6.8 Air Samplers 14 6.9 Decontamination Supplies and Solutions 14
- 6. 10 Respiratory (Mull and Half Face) Rubber Equipment 14 6.11 Cloth Equipment 14 6.12 Mechanical Equipment 15 6.13 Paper Equipment 15 6.14 Maps, Lists, Manuals, Copies of Procedures, Etc. 15 6.15 First Aid Supplies 15 6.16 Audio/Video Equipment 15 6.17 Audio Video Cassettes 15 6.18 Data/Computer Terminal 16 6.19 Other Equipment 16 7.0 Checklists
~F1 urer Title Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit I 17 Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit I 20 Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit I 22 4a Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 23 4b Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 25 4c Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 27 4d Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 29 EPMP-2 -ii April 1987 r
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EPMP-2 EMERGENCY E UIPMENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS (cont.) T~iures Title ~Pa e 4e Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 31 4f Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 33 Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 35 4g
'7 4h Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 4i Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 39 Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 41 4j 4k Fire Cabinet Inventory Unit II 43 Ambulance and Fire Kit 45 Rescue Cabinet Inventory 46 Downwind Survey Kit Inventory 47'0 8a-c Alternate EOF Emergency Kit Inventory Oswego Hospital Nuclear Emergency Cabinet Inventory 58 10 In-Plant Survey Kit Inventory 61 Contaminated Patient Carrier Inventory 64 12 First Aid Kit Supply Inventory 65 13 Basic First Aid Kit Supply Inventory 73 14 Trauma Kit Supply Inventory Unit I/Unit II 75 15 Security Building Emergency Kits Inventory 77 16 Control Room Emergency Procedures Checklist Bins Inventory 78 17a Emergency Response Facility Operations Kit Inventory TSC 81 17b Emergency Response Facility Operations Kit Inventory EOF 89 17c Emergency Response Facility Operations Kit Inventory AEOF 95 EPMP-2 -iii April 1987 I
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EPMP-2 EMERGENCY E UIPMENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS (cont.) P~iures Contents ~Pa e 17d Emergency Response Facility Operations Kit Inventory Corporate EOC 100 17e Emergency Response Facility Operations Kit Inventory OSC 103 17t Remote Accountability Area Operations Kit Inventory 106 18'9 EOF Emergency Survey Kit Inventory 107 Emergency Vehicles Inventory 110 20 Radiological Dose Assessment Emergency Kit Inventory 114 21 Emergency Communication System Surveillance Sheet 116 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet 130 22b Scott Air Pak Monthly Maintenance Checklist 131 Spare Personnel Decontamination Kit 'Inventory 132 Emergency TLD Checklist 133 25 Portable Emergency Personnel Decontamination Kit Inventory 137 26 Personnel Decontamination Room Supplies Kit Inventory 138 27 Damage Repair Equipment Inventory 139 28 Post-accident Sampling Kit Inventory 141 29 Habitability Survey Kit Inventory 145 30 NMPNS Emergency Key Distribution/Inventory 148 31 Joint News Center Inventory 152 32 Post-accident Radiological Environmental Sampling Kit Inventory 161 EPMP-2 - <v April 1987
EPMP-2 EHERGENCY E UIPHENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS (cont.) P~iur e s Contents ~Pa e 33 Damage Control Tool Box Inventory 165 34 Emergency Operations Facility Decontamination 174 Kit Inventory (Hen') 35 Emergency Operations Facility Decontamination 176 Kit Inventory (Women') 36 Radiation Protec'tion Fire Response Kit 178 37 Unit II Control Room Full Face Respirators 179 38 EOF Voice Recorder Log 180 Attachments Title Procedures for New York State Radiological Emergency Communications System (REGS) 181 Instructions for Use of Phone Patch 188 EPHP-2 v April 1987
EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORIES AND CHECKLISTS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism for ensuring that emergency equipment necessary to implement the emergency plan is maintained.
2.1 S-RTP-62, Respiratory Equipment-Assembly, Test & Inspection, Storage. 2.2 S-RTP-75, Operation and Calibration of RADECO High Volume and Battery Air Samplers, Model H809VI H809C. 2.3 AP-7.1 Procedure for Control of the Use and Transfer of Organic Materials. 2.4 EPMP-1, Maintenance of Emergency Preparedness. 2.5 S-RRI-9, Issuing Emergency Kit Dosimetry. 2.6 NUREG 0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Planning Coordinator has the overall responsibility for coordinating the inventory and maintenance of all emergency equipment required by Site Emergency Plan and Procedures. In this effort the Emergency Planning Coordinator will be aided by the Supervisor Fire Protection, Supervisor Nuclear Generation Storeroom, the Radiation Protection Manager, the Director of Nuclear Information Services and the Director Communications Planning and Research, and the Lead Corporate Health Physicist. 3.2 The Supervisor of Fire Protection is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and inventory of all fire and medical related equipment. 3.3 The NMPNS Nuclear Generation Storeroom Supervisor is responsible for ensuring the inventory of all damage repair supplies stored in the storeroom for emergency planning purposes. 3.4 The Radiation Protection Manager is responsible for ensuring that personnel are made available to inventory, maintain, and calibrate all radiologically related emergency planning equipment. 3.5 The Site Supervisor Administrative Services is responsible for ensuring that personnel are made available to inventory, file, and maintain emergency equipment and facilities as appropriate and as directed by the Emergency Planning Coordinator or designee. EPMP-2 -1 April 1987
3.6 The Director of Nuclear Information Services is responsible for. ensuring the maintenance and inventory of all dedicated Joint News Center equipment. In this effort the Director Regional Public Relations/Corporate Communications. is responsible to the Director of Nuclear Information for performing this task. 3.7 The Lead Corporate Health Physicist is responsible for ensuring that listings for the nuclear engineering personnel are kept current along with telephone numbers. 4.0 INVENTORY DESCRIPTIONS/FREQUENCIES 4.1 The emergency equipment inventory checklists should be completed by assigned persons and returned to the Emergency Planning Coordinator or designee who will review each, EPMP-l, Section 6.0. Inventories sign and file it in accordance with shall be performed within +25% of the inventory frequency designated and after each use. Discrepancies shall be corrected, or action initiated to correct them (in the case of equipment which must be ordered) within 96 hours. Resolution of the discrepancy shall be noted on the checklist. 4.2 When revisions are made to inventory checklists, designated inventories should be brought into compliance within three months (time allowance for delivery of- new equipment). Any additions or deletions to inventory checklists and its associated equipment may be considered a reissue to this procedure, EPMP-2, provided that such changes do not alter the original meaning, intent, or take away. from the effectiveness of the inventory. The person performing an inventory or test shall sign and date the checklist to indicate its presence and/or satisfactory condition. In the case of an unsatisfactory condition, a note shall be made on the checklist indicating the corrective action taken. 4.2.1 All inventories on file for the current month/quarter shall be updated under "Details/Items Resolved" to reflect current "KIT", status. 4.3 Equipment Locations and Inventory Frequency NOTE0 All "KITS" shall be inventoried on a specified schedule and at additional times when the conditions of EPMP-2 Section 5.1.1 are met. These conditions may include: the kit has been used, any indication that the kit has been open for purposes other than an inspection authorized by the Emergency Planning Coordinator(or designee) or at the discretion of the Emergency Planning Coordinator(or designee). 4.3.1 Fire Cabinets - 19
- a. Nineteen (19) fire cabinet locations shall'e maintained. The station shall have fire cabinets at the following locations:
EPMP-2 -2 April 1987
(Cont.) Vnie Z 41 Reactor Bldg. El 237 SE Corner in enclosed Stairwell. 02 Reactor Bldg. El 261' North by Fire Break Zone. 03 Turbine Bldg. El 261', Entrance to Turbine Bldg. 04 Turbine Bldg. El 277', SE Corner.
<P5 Turbine Bldg. El 300 SE Corner.
06 Off-Gas Bldg. El 261's Entrance to Otf-Gas Bldg. 07 Screenhouse, El 261', SW Corner 08 Admin. Bldg. El 261', Vestibule Unit II SP4a Access Passageway(AP)EL 261'61', 44b Screenwell Bldg.(SW) El Southwest. 04c Reactor'Bldg. (R) El 328', Northwest. 44d Reactor Bldg. (R) El 306 Southeast. 0'4e Reactor Bldg. (R) El 261', Southeast. 4P4f Reactor Bldg. (R) El 261', Northwest. 0'4g Control Bldg. (C) El 261', Southeast.
<P4h Turbine Bldg. (T) El 306', Southeast.
4E4i Turbine Bldg. (T) El 277 j Northeast.
<$ 4j Turbine Bldg. (T) El 250', Northwest.
44k Turbine Bldg. (T) El 306', Northwest.
- b. Fire cabinet locations 2, 3 and 6 will use NHP Emergency Equipment Checklist 0EPHP-2 Figure 1. Fire cabinet locations 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 will use NHP Emergency Equipment Checklist EPMP"2 Figure 2. All fire cabinet locations at Unit II will use NHP Emergency Checklist EPHP-2, Figure 4a-4k.
C The Fire Cabinets shall be inventoried at least once per quarter is found to be broken. If a Fire
and whenever a door seal Cabinet(s) is used for drill purpose or for a response, the box marked Drill/Response is to be checked. This states that only the cabinet(s) whose seal has been broken needs to be completely reinventoried; the remaining cabinet(s) may have the wording "NOT USED" written under -"Serial 0/Remarks:". All other items are present as identified on the last monthly inventory. (Scott Air Paks are checked monthly, per Section 6.5 of EPMP-2. Seals shall be replaced at this time.) EPHP-2 -3 April 1987 V ~ ~ h '9 P
Ambulance and Fire Kits 2 Two (2) Ambulance and Fire Kits shall be maintained on-site. One located in the Unit 1 Security Building and the other at the (Unit 2) Secondary Access Building. The film badges included in these kith shall be used for firemen and ambulance attendants. The remaining equipment is used for personnel and ambulance contamination control. The kits shall be inventoried at least once per quart'er and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 5. Rescue Cabinet 1 One Rescue Cabinet shall be maintained on-site, located in the maintenance shop. The equipment in the rescue cabinet is to be used by the rescue bri'gade in extricating trapped personnel. The cabinet shall be inventoried at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 6. Downwind Survey Kits 2 Two Downwind Survey kits shall be kept in a cabinet located in the Operations Support Center Area for use in performing on-site and off-site environmental surveys. The kits shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 7. In-plant Survey Kit 6 Five In-plant Survey kits shall be kept in cabinets located in the Operations Support Center Area for use in performing emergency surveys and monitoring within the station. Also, one In-Plant Survey Sampling kit shall be kept in a cabinet located in the Unit II Turbine Building Fl. El. 306'ear the Health Physics Room. The In-plant Survey kits shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 10. Post-accident Sampling Kit 3 Two Post-accident Sampling Kits shall be kept in a cabinet located in the Operations Support Center Area for use in performing reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling during emergencies. Also, One Post-Accident kit shall be kept in a cabinet located in the Unit II Turbine Building Fl. El. 306'ear the Health Physics Room. These kits shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 28. EPMP-2 -4 April 1987
4.3.7 Habitability Survey Kits 2 One Habitability Survey kit shall be kept in a cabinet located in the Operations Support Center Area for use in performing habitability surveys of on-site Emergency Response Facilities. The other survey kit shall be kept with the EOF Emergency Survey Kit. These kits shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 29. 4.3.8 EOF Emergency Survey Kit 1 One emergency survey kit shall be kept in the Emergency Operations Facility. It providds a supplemental source of equipment to emergency personnel and enables emergency personnel to report directly to the EOF rather than the OSC should conditions make this facility uninhabitable. The EOF Emergency survey Kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 18. 4.3.9 Alternate EOF Emergency Survey Kit 1 One emergency survey kit shall be kept in the Alternate Emergency Operations Facility. It too provides a supplemental source of equipment to emergency personnel and enables personnel to report directly to this facility for assignment should other facilities become uninhabitable. The AEOF Emergency kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 17c. 4.3.10 Emergency Vehicles Kit 1 One Emergency Vehicle Kit shall be maintained in the Emergency Response Vehicle (Chemistry and Radiation Management Department) on-call vehicle. AC inverters and mobile radios are installed in this on-call vehicle, the Environmental Vehicle (Chemistry, and Radiation Management Department) and Computer Group vehicle. The Technical Services vehicle is equipped with a mobile radio. This equipment shall be checked as stated in sections 6.3 and 6.4 of this procedure EPMP-2. The Emergency Vehicle Kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 19. 4.3.11 Oswego Hospital Nuclear Emergency Cabinet 1 One Nuclear Emergency Cabinet shall be kept at the Oswego Hospital across the hall from the X-ray Department on the main floor. The emergency cabinet at the Oswego Hospital shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 9. EPMP-2 -5 April 1987
4.3.12 Contaminated Patient Carrier 1 One Contaminated Patient Carrier shall be kept under the stairs in the Operations Support Center Area. The Contaminated Patient Carrier shall be checked at least once per calendar quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 11. 4.3.13 First Aid Supplies Three sources of first aid supplies kits are maintained at the station.
- a. First Aid Room Supplies 1 The First Aid Room Supplies shall be inventoried at least once per month using Figure 12. The supplies shall be maintained in the following location: Unit I Administration Building Fl El.
261', First Aid Room.
- b. Basic First Aid Kits 4 The Basic First Aid Kits shall be inventoried at least once per month using EPMP-2, Figure 13. The kits are maintained in the following locations:
Unit I Turbine Building Fl. El. 300'ire Cabinet Unit I Off Gas Building Fl. El. 261'ire Cabinet Unit I Control Room Fl. El. I Admin. Fl. El'77'ire Protection Office 277'nit
- c. Trauma Kits Unit I ~ 5, Unit II ~ 6 The Trauma Kits shall be inventoried at least once per month using EPMP-2, Figure 14. The kits are maintained in the following locations:
Unit I Turbine Building Fl. El. 261'y small equipment Unit I Personnel Decon Room Unit I Reactor Building El. 261'ire Cabinet Unit I Screenhouse Fl. El. 261'ire I Administration Building El. 261'ast 261'irst Cabinet'nit Aid Room. Unit II Access Passageway Fl. El. 250'est Unit II Turbine Building Fl. El. 306'ast Unit II Turbine Building Fl ~ El. Unit II Reactor Building Fl. El. 261'orth Unit II Reactor Building Fl 261'ast
~ El. 261'outh Unit II Screenwell Fl. El.
4.3 '4 Decontamination Kits - 6 Decontamination supplies are located in and shall be inventoried using EPMP-2 Figures: EPMP-2 -6 April 1987
4.3.14 Decontamination Kits 6 (Cont'd)
- a. Personnel Decontamination Room Supplies Kit (OSC), Figure 26.
- b. Portable Emergency Decontamination Kit (OSC), Figure 25 C ~ Personnel Decon Kit (EOF),.Figure 23. 'pare d0 AEOF, Figure 8.
- e. EOF Figure 34 Men', 35 Women'.
- f. NMP-2 Personnel Decon. Room supplies Kit, El 306 by Rad Protection Office, Figure 25.
These kits contain decontamination supplies, radiological monitoring equipment, and supplies for contamination control. These kits shall be inventoried at'east once per quarter and after each use. 4.3.15 Security Building Emergency Kits - 2 A Security Building emergency kit shall be kept in the Unit I and Unit II Security Building for providing respiratory protection and protective clothing to security personnel during a radiation emergency . The Security Building kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 15. 4.3.16 Emergency Response Facilities 6 The following Emergency Response Facilities Kit shall be maintained: (TSC, EOF,.AEOF, Corporate EOC, OSC and Remote Accountability Area).. These facilities are: a ~ The Technical Support Center (TSC) is located at the Nine Mile Point Site, Unit I Administration Building. Refer to EPMP-2, Figure 17a.
- b. The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is located at the Nuclear Training Center complex . Refer to EPMP-2, Figure 17b.
- c. The Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF) is located at the Volney Service Center. Refer to EPMP-2, Figure 17c.
- d. The Corporate Emergency Operations Center (Corporate EOC) located in the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Salina Meadows headquarters in North Syracuse. The Corporate EOC is in Conference room B, 3rd floor Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Division. Refer to EPMP-2, Figure 17d.
- e. The Operations Support Center (OSC) is located on the of the Unit I Administration Building. The area 261'levation includes the lunchroom, hallway, stairwell, Radiation Protection Office, maintenance shop, and womens'nd mens'ocker to EPMP-2, Figure 17e.
rooms'efer EPMP-2 -7 April 1987
4.3.16 Emergency Response Facilities - 6 (Cont'd)
- f. The Remote Accountability Area operations area is located on the 277 elevation of the Unit I Administration Building. The area includes the lunchroom and kitchen. Refer to EPMP-2, Figure 17f.
I These kits are to be inventoried at least once per calendar quarter and after each use. 4.3.17 Spare Personnel Decon Kit 1 The spare kit provides monitoring equipment and supplies for personnel decontamination during an evacuation of Unit. I or II stations. The kit is stored in the EOF supply room. This kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 23. 4.3.18 Emergency Communications Systems Dedicated telephone lines, base station, portable and console radios (all channels), interconnecting emergency response facilities and providing links with governmental agencies are used for communications during emergency conditions. All dedicated phones shall be tested by calling the other party and then receiving a call from them. The function is considered successful if transmission and receiving is clear and bell/light indicator is/are working. If
.radio/telephone equipment is found to be in an unsatisfactory condition (transmit/receive) then a defective equipment tag be placed on it showing the date and problem. This will be removed upon correction of the problem.
NOTE: PRIOR TO TESTING THE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AT THE CORPORATE EOC, NOTIFY THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE VICE PRESIDENT OF NUCLEAR GENERATION. This equipment shall be checked at least monthly using EPMP-2, Figure 21 ~ 4.3.19 Control Room Emergency Procedures Checklist Bin/tray 2 One Emergency Procedures Checklist bin/tray containing selected checklists shall be maintained in each Control Room. The checklists shall be checked at least once per month and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 16. 4.3.20 Radiological Dose Assessment Emergency Kit 5 A Radiological Dose Assessment Emergency Kit shall be maintained at each of the following emergency response facilities: Unit I and Unit II Control Rooms TSC, EOF, and AEOF . The Radiological Dose Assessment Kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPMP-2, Figure 20. EPMP-2 -8 April 1987
4.3.21 Emergency TLO' Thirty-three (33) TLD's are located at various locations surrounding the site =(see EPMP-2 Figure 24 fo'r exact number of TLD's). Two additional TLD's are kept in a lead pig for control purposes. Emergency TLD's are used to assist in assessing radiological condition's in the environment after an emergency condition involving a radioactive release. Emergency TLD's shall be replaced at least once per quarter using EPHP-2, Figure 24. 4.3.22 Damage Repair Equipment Damage Repair Equipment is located in the storeroom to supplement station needs during emergency damage repair operations'hese supplies shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each ~ use using Figure 27 of EPMP-2 ~ 4 .3.23 Keys, NMPNS Emergency Key Distribution/Inventory
- a. Keys in the emergency kit shall be checked as part of the emergency kit inventory at least once per quarter and after each use.
- b. Spare keys for Nine Mile Site "vehicles that may be used for downwind field monitoring surveys shall be maintained by the Emergency Planning Department and inventoried at least once per I3 quarter.
- c. Availability of keys assigned to individuals and vehicles shall be verified once per quarter using Figure 30 of EPMP-2.
4 .3.24 Joint News Center Equipment Joint News Center equipment shall be stored in four locations:
- a. The Joint News Center
- b. , PACC and Corporate'ffices in Syracuse
- d. -Energy Information Center.
The Joint News Center equipment shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using EPHP-2 Figure 31. 4.3.25 Post-Accident'adiological Environmental Sampling Kit One Post-Accident Radiological Environmental Sampling Kit shall be kept in the Emergency Operations Facility, (EOF). The Post-Accident Radiological Environmental Sampling Kit shall be checked at least once per quarter and after each use using Figure 32 of EPHP-2. EPMP-2 -9 April 1987
4.3.26 Damage Control Tool Box 1 One Damage Control Tool Box shall be kept in the Unit I Screen House. The Damage Control Tool Box inventory shall be completed by Unit I IGC and Mechanical Maintenance at least once per quarter and, after each use using Figure 33 of EPMP-2. I 1 4.3. 27 Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit 2 For initial response by Radiation Protection to fire scene. These kits shall be checked quarterly and after each use using Figure 36 of EPMP-2. 4.3.28 Respiratory Protection Equipment SCBA and other respirators shall be maintained as indicated in the appropriate EPMP-2 Figure (i.e. fire cabinets, security kits, etc.). In 'addition,'ix (6) SCBA packs and twelve (12) spare bottles shall be maintained in the Unit I Control Room. Along with the SCBA's two bottles of breathing air and two SKA packs shall be maintained in the Unit I Control Room. In the Unit II Control Room ten (10) SCBA's with ten (10) spare bottles shall be maintained as well as ten (10) full face respirators with HEPA cartridges. For inventory of Full Face HEPA, see completed Figure 37 that shall be done on a quarterly basis and after use. All SCBA's shall be surveyed monthly in accordance with S-RTP-62 and complete Figure 22a and 22b. 5.0 , INVENTORY PROCEDURE 5.1 Inventory Checks 5.1.1 The equipment in each emergency kit shall be checked at the specified frequencies, after each use, upon indication of tampering, or as directed by the Eme'rgency Planning Coordinator or designee. This section is applicable to all inventories and/or checks unless specifically stated otherwise. The inventory and/or checking of kit(s) shall be considered to have been completed when a. and/or b. is met: a ~ Each kit has been opened and each item and their -respective quantities have been identified and noted on the applicable checklists. This notation shall be made by applying appropriate signature(s) to the checklists, A person's initials may be used in place of signatures so long as they have used their full signature at least once on each page.
- b. Kits which are secured by padlocks (breakaway or non-breakaway) may be considered inventoried if a check of the padlock shows to be secure. Inventories completed by this method shall be so it stated on the appropriate checklist(s) with required signatures applied and the statement "completed per 5.1.l.b" applied to the checklist. Those portions of the inventory checklist which are subject to periodic update or qualitative checks (i.e.
assignment binder(s) and equipment under EPMP-2, Section 6.0) shall be performed using the method described in 5.l.l.a of this procedure EPMP-2, and completion noted. If upon performance of an inventory using, this method it is found that the padlock appears to have been tampered with, an inventory using the methodology of EPMP-2, Section 5.1.1a (above) shall be performed. EPMP-2 -10 April 1987
'5. 2 Inventory Exceptions 5.2.1
~ ~ Kits need not be inventoried if, upon approval of the Emergency Planning Coordinator or designee, ~ ~ a. A kit is opened to remove equipment for testing, source checks, change outsi etc.
be A kit is opened for general inspection or to verify specific equipment availability etc'd If no other requirement of EPMP-2 Section 5.1 applies. 5.3 A random management inspection shall be performed of EPMP-2 inventories at least once per month. This shall be accomplished by randomly selecting at lea'st one inventory and performing a complete inventory/inspection per the applicable EPMP-2 figure. The completed figure shall be filed with the regular inventory sheets'.0 E UIPMENT CHECKS 6.1 Batteries 6.1.1 All equipment that either contain batteries or are connected to external batteries shall be exchanged, trickle charged or periodically recharged according to the type of battery. Exchanged batteries include those for calculators, survey instruments, and voice amplifiers; they are: Carbon (C and D type): every 6 months alkaline: every 12 months silver oxide: every 24 months lithium: every 24 months 6.1. 2 All batteries: '9VDC', 'C'nd 'D'ype shall be tested prior to being installed in equipment or placed as spares in a kit. The date that the battery is placed in kit or equipment will be marked on battery/package (as appropriate) with a permanent marker or scratched on surface. When batteries are exchanged from kits/equipment, a large 'X'hall be placed on the batteries (this applies to batteries in packages also) with a permanent marker or scratched on surface. No battery marked with an 'X'hall be used in equipment/kits covered by EPMP-2.
- 6. 1.3 Radios and radiation survey instruments using Nickel Cadmium batteries are to be trickle charged. A charging voltage and current is continuously applied to the battery to keep it in a charged condition. Those devices using this type of battery shall be kept on the charger when not in use.
EPMP-2 -11 April 1987
6.1.4 Those batteries which require periodic charging are of the lead-acid type. These are used to operate the inplant air samplers and shall be inspected for proper water level, .terminal corrosion and recharged-every 6 months. Demineralized or distilled water is to be used in any cell that is low and prior to recharging the cell caps should be loose. Charging for a 6 hour period for each battery (cabinet ventilation system must be operating) shall be done and when two batteries have been recharged their condition will then be tested by connecting them in series (24 VDC) and operating a 12/24 VDC air sampler (with filter and .cartridge) for 10 minutes. Note the start air flow rate and the flow rate prior to stopping; if there is shown recharge both to be a decrease of 0.5 CFM over the run time then batteries for another 6 hours and repeat the test. If the air sampler flow rate again drops by 0.5 CFM, replace both batteries. The "battery carts" which hold an air sampler and (2) 12VDC batteries shall have duct tape on the wheels and handles to prevent equipment contamination. 6.2 Gasoline Powered Portable Electric Generators 5 The generators are to supply emergency AC power for air sampling equipment. They are stored unfueled in the fire-safety locker marked "PORTABLE GENERATORS" located at Unit I Administration Building Fl.E1.261'tairwell next to the Turbine Building. -1"The key to unlock the locker is located in the "Inplant Survey Kit locker, in the women's locker room Unit I Administration Building Fl.E1.261's indicated by the directions of the fire-safety locker door. Fuel (unleaded) is located in the fire-hose-hydrant house J6 which is near the entrance to the Unit I Administration Building Fl.E1.261'. The Fire Hose-Hydrant House is placarded with Uqited Nations Class 81203 gasoline. The fuel is contained in 5, 1 gal. safety cans, the contents are to be exchanged every 12 months. At the time of fuel exchange note the date of exchange and date for next exchange on label and affix to can. Generators shall be serviced per owners manual every 12 months or as necessary. The generators shall be tested outside of Administration Building by adding approximately 100 ml of fuel to each and run with air sampler/filter combination until fuel gone. These generators shall be tested once per quarter and results noted on EPMP-2 Figure 17.E. 6.3 Survey Instruments All survey instruments shall be checked to ensure the calibration due dates have not expired. This check shall also include ensuring that the probe is attached to the correct instrument. These checks should be performed during the inventory check of the respective kits. From the calibration stickers on the instrument and the attached probe, record the calibration due dates and serial numbers in the space provided, in the appropriate checklist. If the calibration due dates and/or serial numbers are different record this on the checklist and notify the Emergency Planning Coordinator and the NMPNS Calibration Room. EPMP-2 -12 April 1987
6.4 Portable Radios, Base Stations, and Radio Consoles Portable radios (including radios in vehicles), base stations and radio consoles shall be checked for operation on all channels by sending and receiving a test message with another radio operating on the same channel. The checklist shall be completed, verifying the proper operation, of the radio. Refer to EPMP-2, Attachment 2 for instructions on phone patch operation. 6.5 Selt-contained Breathing Apparatus The Supervisor of Fire Protection shall see that all self-contained breathing apparatus (including Control Room breathing air .system and cylinders) used for emergency purposes shall be checked on a monthly basis per the procedure outlined in S-RTP-62 and information recorded on EPMP-2 Figure 22a. This shall include checking tank hydrostatic testing dates and regular inspection and/or overhaul dates to ensure they have not exceeded five years. In addition, all self-contained breathing apparatus equipped with Voice paks shall have these devices checked for operability. All Voice Pak batteries shall be replaced regularly (see EPMP-2 Section 6.1). EPMP-2 Figure 22b, Scott Air-Pak monthly maintenance checklist, shall be kept with each Scott Air-Pack and completed on a monthly basis in conjunction with EPMP-2 Figure 22a. 6.6 Respiratory Charcoal Canisters/HEPA Filters Cartridges All charcoal canisters or HEPA filter cartridges respirators used in emergency kits shall be checked per the applicable portions of S-RTP-62. Replacement of any outdated canisters shall be noted on the checklist. Expiration dates of canisters shall be noted. HEPA cartridges do not have an expiration date. NOTE: For Security Building Emergency Kits, a special SCOTT type 631-CL-H canister will be placed instead of standard SCOTT 631-TEDA-H. 6.7 Dosimetry 6.7.1 Self-Reading Dosimeters Self-Reading Dosimeters (SRD's) shall be read to check for proper range, drift, and then re-zeroed. Those having drifted greater than 20K of scale, after having been re<<zeroed. from the previous quarter will'e replaced with recently calibrated dosimeters of the'ame range. Dosimeter charger batteries shall be replaced regularly (see EPMP-2 Section 6.1) and recorded on the appropriate checklist. Dosimeter calibration due date will also be recorded on appropriate checklists. 6.7.2 Film Badges F ilm badges shall be processed and replaced with fresh film each quarter. I.D. Numbers of the film badges shall be noted on a Film Badge Issue Sheet placed with the film badges and film date recorded on checklist. S-RRI-9 provides guidance to Radiation Records personnel regarding issuance of these film badges. EPMP-2 -13 April 1987
6.7.3 Control Dosimetry Each location with film badges and/or finger ring film badges will have at least 2 of each type of the dosimetry devices in the kit present as a "control". These "control" dosimetry devices are to be kept in a sealed bag, dated and marked: "Control Dosimetry, Do Not Issue, Leave In Kit". S-RRI-9 provides guidance to Radiation Records personnel regarding issuance of these control dosimetry devices. 6.8 Air Samplers-Air samplers shall be identified by serial number and calibration due date. Calibration dates and inventories shall coincide. 6.8.1 Air Sampler Silver Zeolite (GY130) and charcoal (CP100) cartridges Air Sample Packs All material needed for a single air sample is contained in either a silver Zeolite or charcoal cartridge pack. Silver Zeolite has no expiration date, charcoal cartridges have a 2 year expiration date from the time it was packaged. 6.8.2 Particulate Filter Paper The 47mm paper will be the same as referenced in S-RTP-75, Gelman 47mm glass fiber filter type A/E (Gelman part number 61631, NHPC storeroom number 95-31-634). 6.9 Decontamination Supplies and Solutions Decontamination supplies subject to deterioration, such as chemical or water solutions, powders, soaps, etc. should be replaced at least every two years. Bottles or containers should be checked for leakage and replaced if any is detected. Bottles and containers of decontamination agents shall have the date 'the agent was replaced and the due date for replacement. These dates shall be recorded on the appropriate checklists. NOTE: All materials that may enter the station water system is to be on the approved list (see AP-7.1) 6.10 Respiratory (Full and Half Face) Rubber Equipment All rubber equipment should be checked in accordance with applicable portions of S-RTP-62 for cracking, etc. It should be stretched (if practical) to check for soundness. Any equipment found to be defective should be replaced. All full face respirators in emergency kits shall be SCOTT. 6.11 Cloth Equipment Any cloth equipment which appears to be ripped, tom or soiled should be replaced. The replacement equipment shall be noted on the appropriate checklist by description and identifications. EPNP-2 -14 April 1987
6.12 Mechanical Equipment Moving 'arts of any mechanical equipment (such as jacks, bolt cutters, etc.) should be checked to see that they move freely . Defective equipment should be replaced. Replacement equipment shall be noted on th'e appropriate checklist by description, operation, and identification. 6.13 Paper Equipment Paper equipment shall be checked for condition. Any that appears to be deteriorated shall be replaced and noted on the appropriate checklist. 6.14 Maps, Lists, Copies of Procedures, Etc. All maps, lists, manuals, copies of procedures shall be checked to see that they are current, in good order and replaced if necessary. The revision number and/or date of .any procedures/material should be noted on the appropriate checklist. 6.15 First Aid Supplies All first aid supplies shall be inspected for open containers and damaged or broken items. Any dated equipment shall be discarded if the expiration date has passed. All equipment checked shall be noted on the appropriate checklist.
~ ,~ Audio/Video Equipment ~
6.16.1 All audio and video equipment shall be checked for proper operation. The checklist shall be completed, verifying the proper operation along with any battery replacement found necessary (see EPMP-2 Section 6.1 for battery check information) ~ 6.16.2 EOF Voice Recorder The Administrative Services group at the Nuclear Training Center will maintain a daily log on t'e EOF Voice Recorder, located in the telephone room of the EOF. Operability identifying tape reel number and date, recorded observed problems (and report to Emergency Planning) shall be logged daily on EPMP-3, Figure 38. This log is to be forwarded to the Emergency Planning Coordinator on the 25th of each month. 6.17 Audio/Video Cassettes All audio and video cassette packages shall be inspected tor open or broken seals'ny dated packages shall be replaced if the expiration date has passed. All supplies checked shall be noted on the appropriate checklist. EPMP-2 -15 April 1987
6.18 Data/Computer Terminal The Computer Department provides and documents checks of computer terminals in the control rooms, EOF, TSC, OSC, and AEOF in accordance with Computer Department surveillance procedure S-COMP-MPM.01, "Emergency Response Facilities Computer Equipment Checklist". A copy of the surveillance sheet will be attached to the facility inventory checklists: EPMP-, 2 Figure 17a, 17b, 17e and 20. 6.19 Other Equipment All other equipment in the emergency kits should be checked to see that it will perform its intended function. Equipment shall be replaced if found faulty. If any equipment is in need of replacement or has been replaced, it shall be noted on the appropriate checklist. Serial numbers and dates should be recorded, as appropriate. 7.0 CHECKLISTS EPMP-2, Figures 1 through 36 shall be used when performing the emergency equipment inventories. EPMP-2 -16 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 1 NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Fire Cabinet Inventor o Monthly o Drill/Response I:
KIT LOCATIONS AT UNIT (Write in Location Being Checked) Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8'/Remarks Cabinet A
- 1. Coveralls, Large 6 X-.Large 1 Pair of Each
- 2. Cotton Hoods or Caps 2
- 3. Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
- 4. Raincoats 2
- 5. Rainpants -2
- 6. Fire Axe 1
- 7. Wrecking Bar 1
- 8. Portable Hand Light 5 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 9. Fire Resistant Gloves 2 Pair
- 10. Fire Resistant Suits 2
- 11. Fire Resistant Hoods 2
- 12. Asb'estos Tarps 2
- 13. Canvas Tarps 2
- 14. Extension Cord 1 15.'Hard Hats 2
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool 1
- 17. Boots 5 Pr
- 18. Bolt Cutters 1
- 19. Hacksaw 1
- 20. Handlight (DRP's)-5 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 21. Asbestos Gloves-2***
- 22. Scott Pack-2**/*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a
- 23. Slosh Boots-2*"*
- 24. Man Hole Remover*
- 25. (Misc)
- 26. (Misc)
- 27. (Misc)
Cabinet B
- 1. White Turn-Out Coat 1
- 2. Yellow Turn-Out Coat 6
- 3. Fire Fighter Gloves 7 Pr
- 4. Boots 5 Pr
- 5. Fire Hats 6 6 ~ (Misc)
- 7. (Misc)
- 8. (Misc)
- Building 261'nly
- " Turbine See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a, SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
***Offices Building 261'nly EPMP-2 -17 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 1 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Fire Cabinet Inventor KIT LOCATION AT UNIT I: Write in Location Being Checked Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date Cabinet C
- 1. Scott Pak II - 1** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 2. Scott Pak II 1** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 3. Scott Pak II 1*~ Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 4. Scott Pak II - 1** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 5. Scott Pak II - 1*+ Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 6. Spare Air Tanks 2** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 7. Spare Air Tanks - 2** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 8. Spare Air Tanks - 2** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 9. Spare Air Tanks 2** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 10. Spare Air Tanks 2*<< Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a ll. Rescue Belts - 2
- 12. Life Lines 100 ft. 2
- 13. *Portable Pire/Rescue Radio w/Touch-Tone Speaker Mic-1 Communication Trans: Pl F2 Indicate: Sat. or Unsat. Ree: Pl F2
- 14. Phone Patch Check:* n Sat. 0 Unsat.
- 15. Immobilizer Kit-1**+
- 16. Cervical Collar-3**"
- 17. (Misc)
- 18. (Misc)
- 19. (Misc)
- State whether .test message is satisfactory or unsatisfactory on all channels.
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a, SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
- Reactor Building 261'nly EPMP-2 -18 April 1987
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a, SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
Write in Location Being Checked Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial i/Remarks Outside Cabinets
- l. Exhaust Fan -1
- 2. Duct Tubes
- 3. Pike Pole 1
- a. (Misc)
- 5. (Misc)
- 6. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator Date (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator, Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -19 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 2 NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Fire Cabinet Inventor a Monthly a Drill/Response Locations At Unit I: Write in Location Being Checked Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date Ca inet A
- 1. Fire Axe 1
- 2. Wrecking Bar 1
- 3. Portable Hand Light 5 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 4. Extension Cord 1 5 Forceable Entry Tool
1 6 ~ Bolt Cutters 1 7 Rescue Belts 2
- 8. Life Lines 100 ft. - 2
- 9. Boots 5 Pr
- 10. Hacksaw 1
- 11. Asbestos Gloves-2 Pr**
- 12. (Misc)
- 13. (Misc)
- 14. (Misc)
Cabinet B 1 White Turn-out Coat 1
2 Yellow Turn-out Coat 6
3 ~ Fire Fighter Gloves 7 Pr
- 4. Boots 5 Pr 5 ~ Fire Hats 6 6 ~ Handlight (DRP) -5 Date Bat. Repl:
Batt Due:
- 7. Blanket-1*
- 8. (Misc)
- 9. (Misc)
Cabinet C (Cabinet A for Alcove 261')
- 1. Scott Pak II 1**% Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figuxe 22a 2 ~ Scott Pak II 1*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a 3 Scott Pak
~ II 1*~* Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a 4 Scott Pak ~ II 1*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a Scott Pak .II 1*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a Reactor Building 237'nly
- Turbine Building 300'nly
- See Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
- Turbine Building 300'nly
EPMP-2 -20 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 2 (Cont.) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Fire Cabinet Inventor Kit Locations At Unit I: Write in Location Being Checked Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date Cabinet C (Cabinet A for Alcove 261') (Cont'd)
- 6. Spare Air Tanks 2*"* Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a
- 7. Spare Air Tanks 2*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a
- 8. Spare Air Tanks 2*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a
- 9. Spare Air Tanks - 2*** Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a
- 10. Spare Air Tanks - 2**" Attach Completed EPMP-2 Figure 22a ll.
12. (Misc) (Misc)
- 13. (Misc)
Outside Cabinets
- 1. Exhaust Fan - 1
- 2. Duct Tubes
- 3. Pike Poles 1
- 4. (Misc) 5 ~ (Misc)
- 6. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator Date (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -21 April 1987
EPMP-2$ FIGURE 3 NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Fire Cabinet Inventor a Monthly o Drill/Response Kit Locations At Unit I: (Write in Location Being Checked) Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- l. Yellow Turn-out Coat 1
- 2. Fire Fighter Gloves 1 Pr
- 3. Boots 1 Pr
- 4. Fire Hats 1
- 5. Scott Pak II 1* Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 6. Spare Air Tanks 2* Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 7. (Misc)
S. (Misc)
- 9. (Misc)
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator Date (or designee)
Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -22 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4a UNIT II FIRE EQUIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION AP261 Check one: 0 Monthly 0 Drill/Response EQUIPMENT/QUANTITY SAT./Unsat. AND NUMBER White Turnout Coat-(1) 2 ~ Yellow Turnout Coat-(4) 3~ Firefighter Gloves-(Spr) 4~ Firefighter Hats-(5) 5~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA AP261-1*
7 ~ SCBA AP261-2*
- 8. SCBA AP261-3*
- 9. SCBA AP261-4*
- 10. SCBA AP261-5*
- 11. Spare Air Tanks*
AP261-6 Thru AP261-15 (10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1)
- 17. Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Scoop Stretcher-(1)
- 22. Padded Board Splint Kit-(1)
- 23. Hare Traction Splint-(1)
- 24. Stair Chair-(1)
- 25. Frac Kit-(1)
- 26. Short Backboard-(1)
- 27. Mast Pants-(1)
- 28. Triage Kit-(1)
- 29. Air Splint Kit-(1)
- 30. Head Immobilizer-1)
- 31. Disposable Blankets-(3)
- 32. Medium Cervical Collar-(1)
- 33. Small Cervical Collar-(1)
- 34. Large Cervical Collar-(1)
- 35. Straps-(3)
- 36. K.E.D. Board-(1)
- 37. Oxygen Kit-(1)
- 38. Disposable Gloves & Booties (lbag
- 39. Stokes Basket-(1)
- 40. Full Backboard-(1)
- 41. Trauma Kit-(1)
- 42. Fire Radio 32 Portable 21 EPMP-2 "-23 . April 1987
~ll I SAT./Unset. AND NUMBER
- 43. Misc. Equipment
- 44. Misc. Equipment
- 45. Misc. Equipment
- 46. Misc. Equipment
- 47. Misc. Equipment
- 48. Misc. Equipment
- 49. Misc. Equipment
- 50. Misc. Equipment
- 51. Misc. Equipment
- 52. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date
'mergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
*See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -24 April 1987
- l. White Turnout Coat-(1) 2 ~ Yellow Turnout Coat-(4) 3 ~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr) 4~ Firefighter Hats"(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA SW261-1*
7 ~ SCBA SW261-2*
- 8. SCBA SW261-3%'CBA 9 ~ SW261-4*
- 10. SCBA SW261-5*
Spare Air Tanks* SW261-6 Thru SW261-15 (10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement 15 ~ Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1)
- 17. Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Scoop Stretcher-(1)
- 22. Padded Board Splint Kit-(1)
- 23. Hare Traction Splint-(1)
- 24. Stair Chair-(1)
- 25. Frac Kit-(1)
- 26. Short Backboard-(1) 27 Mast Pants-(1)
Triage Kit-(1)
- 29. Air Splint Kit-(1)
- 30. Head Immobilizer-1)
- 31. Disposable Blankets-(3)
- 32. Medium Cervical Collar-(1)
- 33. Small Cervical Collar-(1)
- 34. Large Cervical Collar-(1)
- 35. Straps-(3)
- 36. K.E.D. Board-(1)
- 37. Oxygen Kit-(1)
- 38. Disposable Gloves 6 Booties (lbag)
- 39. Stokes Basket-(1)
- 40. Full Backboard-(1) 41 Trauma Kit-(1)
Fire Radio 32 Portable 20 EPMP<<2 -25 April 1987
- 43. Misc'4.
Equipment Misc. Equipment
- 45. Misc. Equipment
- 46. Misc. Equipment
- 47. Misc. Equipment
- 48. Misc. Equipment
- 49. Misc. Equipment
- 50. Misc. Equipment
- 51. Misc ~ Equipment
- 52. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPHP-2 -26 April 1987 0~
- 1. White Turnout Coat-(1)
- 2. Yellow Turnout Coats-(4)
- 3. Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats-(5)
- 5. Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA R328NW-1*
- 7. SCBA R328NW-2+
- 8. SCBA R328NW-3+
9o SCBA R328NW-4*
- 10. SCBA R328NW-5+
ll. Spare Air Tanks+ R328NW-6 thru R328NW-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing 6 Cart
- 21. Misc. Equipment
- 22. Misc. Equipment
- 23. Misc'quipment
- 24. Misc. Equipment
- 25. Misc'quipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment 27 'isc'quipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc. Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPMP-2 -27 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4c (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION R328NW Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date + See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. EPMP-2 -28 April 1987
- 1. White Turnout Coat-(1)
- 2. Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3 ~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats>>(5)
- 5. Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA R306SE-1*
- 7. SCBA R306SE-2*
- 8. SCBA R306SE-3*
- 9. SCBA R306SE-4*
- 10. SCBA R306SE-5*
- 11. Spare Air Tanks*
R306SE-6 thru R306SE (10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due Fo r Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2) 18., Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart,
- 21. Misc. Equipment
- 22. Misc. Equipment
- 23. Misc. Equipment
- 24. Misc. Equipment
- 25. Misc. Equipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment
- 27. Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc'quipment'0.
Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPHP-2 -29 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4d (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION R306SE Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet, EPMP-2 -30 April 1987
- l. White Turnout Coat-(1) 2 ~ Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr) 4, Firefighter Hats-(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA R261SE-1*
7 ~ SCBA R261SE-2+
- 8. SCBA R261SE-3*
9 ~ SCBA R261SE-44'CBA
- 10. R261SE-5*
Spare Air Tanks* R261SE-6 thru R261SE-15-( 10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1) 13 Wrecking Bar-(1)
Hand Lights-(5) Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Fire Radio 32 Portable 22 22 ~ Trauma Kit-(1)
- 23. Disposable Blankets-(3)
- 24. Disposable Booties/Gloves ( lbag) 25 Misc. Equipment
Misc Equipment
- 27. Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc'quipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment 31 Misc. Equipment
Misc. Equipment
- 33. Misc. Equipment
- 34. Misc. Equipment
- 35. Misc'quipment Verified By Date EPHP-2 -31 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4e (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION R261SE Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure,22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -32 April 1987
EPMP-2$ FIGURE 4f UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION - R261NW Check one: a Monthly 0 Drill/Response EQUIPMENT/ UANTITY SAT./UNSAT. AND NUMBER 1 ~ White Turnout Coat-(1) 2~ Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3 ~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats-(5)
- 5. Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA R261NW-1*
7 ~ SCBA R261NW-2*
- 8. SCBA R261NW-3*
9 ~ SCBA R261NW-4+
- 10. SCBA R261NW-5*
Spare Air,Tanks* R261NW-6 thru R261NW-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2) 18 ~ Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart 21 Fire Radio 32 Portable 27
Trauma Kit-(1)
- 23. Disposable Blankets-(3)
- 24. Disposable Booties/Gloves (lbag) 25 Misc. Equipment
Misc. Equipment 27 ~ Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc. Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment
- 31. Misc. Equipment
- 32. Misc. Equipment
- 33. Misc. Equipment
- 34. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPHP-2 -33 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4f (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION R261NW , Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -34 April 1987 'L>> 1, QA ig.~. Qtkp,g t ~ t I ~%v ter4H g iv eh
~ WH A Wvi rt7rtrr/5, ~ 0>> ", t 0 <<w, w8 -
p ~ ~
?'>> ' gwe
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4g UNIT II FIRE E UIPHENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION C261SE Check one: a Monthly 0 Drill/Response EQUIPMENT/QUANTITY SAT./UNSAT. AND NUMBER 1 ~ Turnout Coat-(1) 2 ~ Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3 ~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr) 4~ Firefighter Hats-(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(Spr)
- 6. SCBA C261-1*
7 8.
~ 'hite SCBA SCBA C261-2*
C261-3* 9~ SCBA C261-4*
- 10. SCBA C261-5*
- 11. Spare Air Tanks*
T261-6 thru T261-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-'(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Fire Radio 32 portable 24
- 22. Misc. Equipment
- 23. Misc. Equipment
- 24. Misc. Equipment
- 25. Misc. Equipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment
- 27. Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc. Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment 31 Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPMP-2 -35 April 1987 r
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4g (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION - C261SE Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See compLeted EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -36 April 1987
EPHP-2, FIGURE 4h UNIT II FIRE E UIPHENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION T306SE Check one: 0 Monthly 0 Drill/Response EQUIPMENT/QUANTITY SAT./UNSAT. AND NUMBER 1 ~ White Turnout Coat-(1) 2~ Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats-(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA T306S-1*
7 ~ SCBA T306S-2*
- 8. SCBA T306S-3*
9 ~ SCBA T306S-4%'CBP,
- 10. T306S-5*
- 11. Spare Air Tanks*
T306S-6 thru T306S-15-(10
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due Fo r Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing 6 Cart
- 21. Trauma Kit-(1) 22 Disposable Blankets-(3)
- 23. Disposable Booties/Gloves (lbag
- 24. Misc. Equipment
- 25. Misc. Equipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment 27 Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc. Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment 31 Misc'quipment
Misc. Equipment
- 33. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPMP-2 -37 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4h (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION T306SE , Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date + See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. EPMP-2 -38 April 1987
~ h ~ Np', 0 ~ I '\ -' ~ '0 ~ ~ 'l =t 1
- 1. White Turnout Coat-(1)
- 2. Yellow Turnout Coats-(4)
- 3. Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats-(5)
- 5. Firefighter Boots-(Spr)
- 6. SCBA T277-1*
- 7. SCBA T277-2*
- 8. SCBA T277-3*.
- 9. SCBA T277-4*
- 10. SCBA T277-5*
ll. Spare Air Tanks* T277-6 thru T277-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Misc ~ Equipment
- 22. Misc. Equipment
- 23. Misc. Equipment
- 24. Misc. Equipment
- 25. Misc. Equipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment
- 27. Misc'quipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment 29 'isc'quipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPMP-2 -39 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4i (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION T277NE Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date + See completed EPHP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. EPNP-2 -40 April 1987
- 1. White Turnout Coat-(1) 2~ Yellow Turnout Coats-(4) 3~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr) 4, Firefighter Hats-(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA T250-1%'CBA 7 ~ T250-2%'CBA
- 8. T250-3*
9 ~ SCBA T250-4*
- 10. SCBA T250
- 11. Air Tanks*
5'pare T250-6 thru T250-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax-(1)
- 13. Wrecking Bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement
- 15. Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable'ntry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Fire radio 32 portable 25
- 22. Trauma Kit-(1) 23 Disposable Blankets-(3)
Disposable Booties/Gloves( lbag) 25 Misc'quipment
Misc. Equipment
- 27. Misc. Equipment
- 28. Misc. Equipment 29 ~ Misc ~ Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment
- 31. Misc. Equipment
- 32. Misc. Equipment
- 31. Misc ~ Equipment
- 33. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPHP-2 -41 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4j (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION T250NW Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -42 April 1987
- l. White Turnout Coat-(1) 2~ Yellow Turnout Coats<<(4) 3~ Firefighter Gloves-(5pr)
- 4. Firefighter Hats-(5) 5 ~ Firefighter Boots-(5pr)
- 6. SCBA T306N-1*
7 ~ SCBA T306N-2*
- 8. SCBA T306N-3*
9 ~ SCBA T306N"4%'CBA 10 T306N-5*
Spare Air Tanks+ T306N-6 thru T306N-15-(10)
- 12. Fire Ax"(1)
- 13. Wrecking bar-(1)
- 14. Hand Lights-(5)
Date Batteries Are Due For Replacement 15 ~ Extension Cord-(1)
- 16. Forceable Entry Tool-(1) 17 Rescue Belts-'(2)
- 18. Life Lines-(2)
- 19. Smoke Removal Fan-(1)
- 20. Duct Tubing & Cart
- 21. Misc. Equipment
- 22. Misc. Equipment 23 Misc. Equipment
- 24. Misc. Equipment 25 ~ Misc'quipment
- 26. Misc. Equipment 27 Misc. Equipment
Misc. Equipment
- 29. Misc. Equipment
- 30. Misc. Equipment Verified By Date EPHP-2 -43 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 4k (Cont'd) UNIT II FIRE E UIPMENT CABINET INVENTORY CABINET LOCATION T306NW Details/Items Resolved By/Date Supervisor Fire Protection Coordinator (or designee) Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet.
EPMP-2 -44 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 5 o Quarterly CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Ambulance and Fire Kit Securit Buildin Kit Location Unit I Unit II (Circle) Verified by Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. EPP-4, Personnel Injury &
Illness 1 Rev:
- 2. Film Badges 50 Dated:
- 3. Masking Tape 2" 2 Rolls
- 4. Film Badge Controls -2 Dated:
- 5. Coveralls 3 Pairs
- 6. Boot Covers 3 Pairs
- 7. Rubber Overshoes 3 Prs
- 8. Rubber Gloves 1 Box
- 9. Disposable Gloves 1 Box
- 10. Full Face Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canisters-3 Ex . date:
Batt Re 1: Batt due:
- 11. Spare Resp. Canisters 3 Ex . date:
- 12. Hoods 3
- 13. Bandage Scissors 2 Pairs
- 14. Herculite Green 1
- 15. Herculite Yellow 2
- 16. HEPA Filter Cartridges-3
- 17. Clip Board, Pencils 2
- 18. Watch 1
- 19. (Misc)
- 20. (Misc)
- 21. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -45 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 6 a Monthly CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency V NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Rescue Cabinet Inventor Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. Crow Bars 2
- 2. Boltcutter 1
- 3. Hacksaw 2
- 4. Burning Torch - 1
- 5. Come-Along 1
- 6. Cable Sling, 3' 1
- 7. Cable Sling, 6' 1
- 8. Hydraulic Jack, 1 Ton 1
- 9. Hydraulic Jack, 5 Ton 1
- 10. Sledgehammer, 68 - 1 ll. Sledgehammer, 128 1
- 12. Rope 1/2" x 100' 2
- 13. Life Lines 100' 2
- 14. Forceable Entry Tool 1
- 15. Wrecking Bar (5') 1
- 16. Acetylene Cylinders 2.
- 17. Oxygen Cylinders 2
- 18. Box Small Clevis Pins-1
- 19. (Misc)
- 20. (Misc)
- 21. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Supervisor Fire Protection Date (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -46 .April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 7 a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Downwind Surve Kits Kit Location OSC DOWNWIND A, OSC DOWNWIND B (Circle) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- l. Em ergency Survey Binder 1 to include:
- a. EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys 1 Rev:
- b. EPP-7, Downwind Radio-logical Monitoring 1 Rev:
C ~ EPP-12, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev: d ~ EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet 10 Rev:
EPP-24; Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents 1 Rev: EPP-7, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/Re-.entry Survey Log 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
Station Floor Plan Unit II 1 Date: 3 ~ On-Site Map 3 Rev:
- k. Off-Site Map 3 Rev:
- l. Oswego County Map 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-11V, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis 1 . Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. - 1 Rev: 0~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx water and Containment for using PASS-1 Rev: . P ~ S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid 6 Gas Samples of High Activity - 1 Rev: EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6 Attachment 1 Battery Cart Operation Rev: N2-CSP-13 Chemical Post Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPMP-2 -47 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 7 (continued) o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Downwind Surve Kits Kit Location OSC DOWNWIND A, OSC DOWNWIND B (Circle) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date 2 ~ Clip Board 1 3~ Pad, Pens 2, 3 4~ Count Rate Meter 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date: 5 ~ Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hr min.) Due Date: 6 ~ Coveralls, Large 6 X-Large 1 Pair of Each 7 ~ Rainsuits - 2
- 8. Snowmobile Suits 2 9 ~ Shoe Covers 2 Pair 10 Cotton Booties 2 Pair
Rubber Boots 2 Pair 12 Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
Cotton Gloves 4 Pair
- 14. Full Face Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canister-2 Ex .Date:
Batt Re 1: Batt Due:
- 15. Spare Resp. Canister . 4 Ex Date:
- 16. Hood or Cap - 2
, 17. Tape 2
- 18. Misc. Plastic Bags 5
- 19. Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs 6 Contents:
1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY130) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 20. Charcoal Air Sample Packs 10 Packs ed Date:
Contents: 1 Charcoal cartridge (CP100) 1 Petri dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 21. High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, AC-1 S: Due Date:
- 22. High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, DC-1 S: Due Date:
- 23. Head for Samplers
- 24. Flashlights w/D Cells-3 l Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: EPMP-2 -48 April 1987
EPHP-2, FIGURE 7 (continued) 0 Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/
~ .Exercise/Emergency Downwind Surve Kits Kit Location OSC DOWNWIND A OSC DOWNWIND B (CIRCLE)
Item/E ui ment-Hin. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 25. Spare "D" Cell Batteries 6 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 26. Keys to Envxr. Sta. ' 1
- 27. *Portamobile Radio (High Band) 1 HT- Trans/Rec Ck:0 Sat. a Unsat.
- 28. Atomic Wipes 12
- 29. Atomic Smears 50
- 30. Dosimeters (0-5R) 6 Zero OK Cal. Dne Date Drift Reading (0. 1R HAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 31. Dosimeter Charger Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 32. Hasslin Cloth 20
- 33. Quarters << 25
- 34. KI Tablets - 1 Bottle with Instructions and Issue Sheets Ex date:
- 35. Watch 1
- 36. Check Source 1 Serial No:
- 37. Extension Cord 1
- 38. Magnetic Mount Antenna with BNC Connector 1 39 'urgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 40. HEPA Filters Cartridges-2
- 41. Film Badges -6 Date:
- 42. Film Badges-Control-2" Date:
- 43. Scissors -1
- 44. Fuse 6 1/4 12 SVAC 1 Box 45 'ey to Sottball Field
- 46. New York State Road Hap -1
- 47. (Misc)
- 48. (Misc)
- State whether test message is satisfactory SAT on all channels.
DETAILS'/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPHP-2 -49 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8a a Quarterly NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit Downwind Surve Kit Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Hin. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date Downwind Surve Kit 1 ~ Em ergency Survey Binder - 1 to include: EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys 1 Rev:
- b. EPP-7, Downwind Radio-logical Monitoring - 1 Rev:
co EPP-12, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev: d ~ EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev'.
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents 1 Rev: go EPP-7, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
Station Floor Plan Unit II 1 Date: On-Site Hap 3 Rev:
- k. Off-Site Hap - 3 Rev:
- l. Oswego County Map 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-11V, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis - 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Hon. - 1 Rev: 0 ~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS - 1 Rev: po S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid 6 Gas Samples ot High Activity - 1 Rev: EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations >>1 N2-CSP-13, Chemical Post Accident Assessment"1 Rev: P EPHP-2 -50 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8a (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST AEOF Downwind Surve Kit Inventory Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date Downwind Surve Kit (continued)
- 2. Clip Board - 1
- 3. Pad, Pens 2, 3
- 4. Count Rate Heter - 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPH) Due Date:
- 5. Dose Rate Heter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5 R/Hr min.) Due Date:
- 6. Coveralls, Large 6 X-Large 1 Pair of Each
- 7. Rainsuits - 2
- 8. Snowmobile Suits 2 9 ~ Cotton Booties - 2 Pair
- 10. Rubber Boots 2 Pair
- 11. Rubber Gloves - 2 Pair
- 12. Cotton Gloves 2 Pair
- 13. Full Face Resp. and Voice Ex Date:
Amplifier with Canisters-2 Date Re 1: Batt Due:
- 14. Spare Resp. Canisters 4 Ex Date:
- 15. Hood or Cap 2
- 16. Tape 2 17 'isc. Plastic
- 18. Silver Zeolite Bags Air
- 5 Sample Packs - 6 contents:
1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY130) 1 - Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 - Collection Envelopes
- 19. Charcoal Air Sample Packs - 10 Packa ed Date:
Contents: 1 - Charcoal cartridge 1 - Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 - Collection Envelopes 20.High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, DC<<l Due Date:
- 21. High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, AC<<1 Due Date:
- 22. Head for Sampler -1
- 23. Flashlights w/D Cells - 3 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 24. Spare "D" Cell Batteries 6 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: a EPMP-2 -51 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST AEOF Emer enc Surve Kit Inventor Verified By Item/ ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date Downwind Surve Kit (continued)
- 25. Keys to Envir. Sta. ' 1
- 26. *Portamobile Radio Tx/Rx Ck:o Sat. o Unsat.
(High Band) 1 8HT-27 Atomic Wipes 12
- 28. Atomic Smears 50
- 29. Watch -1
- 30. KI Tablets 1 Bottle Ex Date:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet
- 31. Quarters 25
- 32. Masslin Cloth 20
- 33. Dosimeters (0-5 R)-2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date:
Drift Reading (0.1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 34. Dosimeters (0-500mR)-2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date:
Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 35. Dosimeter Charger 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 36. Check Source 1 Ser //
37 ~ Extension Cord . 1
- 38. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 39. HEPA Filters Cartridges-2
- 40. Film Badges -2 Issue Date:
- 41. Film Badges-Control-2 Issue Date:
- 42. Scissors -1
- 43. Fuse 6 1/4A 125 VAC 1 Box 44 (Misc)
- 46. (Misc)
State whether test message is satisfactory (Sat) or unsatisfactory (Unsat.) on all channels DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE EPMP-2 -52 April 1987
EPHP-2, FIGURE 8b 0 Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency AEOF Re-entr Surve Kit Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Hin. uantit Serial 0'/Remarks Si nature/Date
- l. Eme rgency Survey Binder 1 to include:
- a. EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys - 1 Rev:
- b. EPP-7, Downwind Radio-logical Monitoring - 1 Rev:
C ~ EPP-12, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev:
- d. EPP-16, Enviionmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents - 1 Rev: go EPP-7, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
Station Floor Plan Unit II 1 Date:
] On-Site ~ Map 3 Rev:
- k. Oft-Site Map 3 - Rev:
- l. Oswego County Hap 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-11V, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. - 1 Rev: 0 ~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS 1 P ~ Dilution of Rev'-CAP-60, Liquid 6 Gas Samples. of High Activity 1 Rev: q; EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev: r ~ Honda Portable Gen Manual ;1 Date: s ~ EPP-6,* At tachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations -1 N2-CSP-13, Chemical Post . Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPHP-2 -53 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8b NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST AEOF Re-entr Surve Kit Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date 2 ~ Clip Board 1 3 ~ Pad, Pens 2, 3 4 ~ Count Rate Meter - 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date: 5..Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hr) Due Date:
- 6. Coveralls, Large & X-Large 1 Pair of Each 7 ~ Rainsuits 2
- 8. Cotton Booties 2 Pair
- 9. Rubber Boots 2 Pair
'10. Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
- 11. Cotton Gloves 2 Pair
- 12. Full Face Resp. and Voice Date Batt.
Amplifier with Canisters-2 Ex Date: Re 1: Batt Due:
- 13. Spare Resp. Canisters 4 Ex Date:
- 14. Hood or Cap 2
- 15. Tape 2
- 16. Misc. Plastic Bags 5
- 17. Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs 6 Packs ed Date:
Contents: 1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY130) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection, Envelopes Charcoal Air Sample Packs 10 Packs ed Date: Contents: 1 Charcoal Cartridge (CP100) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm Type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes 19.*High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, DC-1 Due Date:
- 20. Head for Sampler 1
- 21. Flashlights w/D cells 3 Date Batt Repl:
- 22. "D" Cell Batteries - 6 Date Batt Repl:
Due.'pare Batt Due:
- 23. Keys to Envir. ! t'ta. 1
- 24. Portamobile Radio**
l (High Band) - PHD- Tr/Hr 'Ck:m Bat. D Unset. Perform with vehicle operating. State whether test message is satisfactory (Sat) or unsatisfactory (Unsat) on all channels EPMP-2 -54 April 1987
EPMP-2, Figure 8b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST AEOF Re-entr Surve Kit Inventory Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 25. Atomic Wipes 12
- 26. Atomic Smears 50
- 27. Scott Pak II 2*** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 28. Spare Air Cylinder 2*** Attach Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a
- 29. High Range Dose Rate Meter 1 Model /jf ~
GM (0-1000 R/Hr) Due Date:
- 30. Watch 1
- 31. Masslin Cloth 20
- 32. Quarters 25
- 33. KI tablets - 1 Bottle Ex Date:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet
- 34. Dosimeters (0-5 R)-2 Zero OK Cal. Due Date Drift Reading (1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 35. Dosimeters (0-500mR)-2'Zero OK Cal. Due Date Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 36. Dosimeter Charger 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 37. Extension Cord 1
- 38. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 39. HEPA filters Cartridges-2
- 40. Film Badges -2 Issue Date:
- 41. Film Badges-Control-.2 Issue Date:
- 42. Scissors -1
- 43. Fuses 6 1/4A 125 VAC 1 Box
- 44. (Misc)
- 45. (Misc)
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE EPMP-2 -55 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8c o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency
AEOF Decontamination and Miscellaneous'Su 1 Kit Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks
- 1. Paper Bath Towels 25
- 2. Paper Hand Towels 2 Pkgs
- 3. Disposable Plastic Gloves 1 Box
- 4. Assorted Plastic Bags
- 5. Disposable Coveralls 1 Box 6.. Shoe Covers 50 Pair
- 7. Coveralls 6
- 8. Antiseptic Soap 1 Liter Bottle Dated: Due:
- 9. Prell Shampoo-3/60 ml.
Bottles Dated: Due:
- 10. Tide 1 20 oz. Box ll. Rad. -
Due.'ated: Con 2 Cans Dated: Due:
- 12. Cotton Tip Swabs - 100 Dated: Due:
- 13. Surgical Scrub Brushes 10
- 14. 150 ml Beakers 6
- 15. Masking Tape 2 Rolls Dated: Due:
- 16. Grey Duct Tape 1 Roll Dated: Due:
- 17. Step-Off Pads 4
.18. Yellow & Magenta Rope 50 Ft.
- 19. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 20. Dosimeters (0-500 mR)-2 Cal.
Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero Zero OK: Due Date
- 21. Dosimeter Charger -1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 22. Count Rate Meter 1 GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Model Due Date:
- 23. Sample Envelopes 12
- 24. Lanolin 1 Bottle Dated: Due:
- 25. Bandage Scissors 1
- 26. Masslin Cloth 20
- 27. Soap Bars 10 Dated: Due:
EPMP-2 -56 April 1987 ~ 0 'I 0 P9 0 \~ J p ' A'* k t ( VII - i '0 0 ' ~ ) lP 911 V I il(. tt Jty ( * '
EPMP-2, FIGURE 8c (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST AEOF Facilit Emergency Kit Inventory Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantity Serial /$ /Remarks Si nature/Date
- 28. Film Badges -2 Issue Date:
- 29. Film Badge Controls -2 Issue Date:
- 30. Waterless Handcleaner-1 Dated: Due:
- 31. Tongue Depressors -20
- 32. 55 Gal Drums -3
- 33. EPP-15 Procedure 1 Rev:
- 34. (Misc.)
- 35. (Misc.)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -57 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 9 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Oswe o Hos ital Nuclear Emer enc Cabinet Inventory Cabinet Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature Date 1~ Respirators with HEPA Filter Cartridges 6* 2~ Masking Tape-2" 10 Rolls Dated: Due: 3~ Latex Industrial Gloves 10 pr.
- 4. Step-Off Pads 2 5 ~ Assorted Plastic Bags
- 6. Disposable Isolation Gowns 20 7~ Disposable Gloves 20
- 8. Disposable Face Masks 20 9 Disposable Aprons - 20
- 10. Shoe Covers -20
- 11. Disposable Hats 10
- 12. Radiation Signs 10
- 13. Detergent 1 Box Dated: Due.
- 14. Yellow & Magenta Rope (2-25' 1-50') 3
- 15. Radiation Tags (Tie) 20
- 16. Radiation Tags (Adhesive) 20
- 17. Plastic Trash Bags 15
- 18. RMC Radiation Accident Procedure Poster 1
- 19. RMC Sample Taking Kit and contents 1**
- 20. Atomic Smears 50
- 21. The Oswego Hospital Plan for the Decontamination and Treatment of the Radioactively Contaminated Patient 807 Located af Nurses Station Rev:
- 22. Protective Clothing Kits 10 Each to Include:
- a. Disposable Isolation Gown-1
- b. Disposable Gloves 1 Pair
- c. Disposable Face Mask 1
- d. Disposable. Apron 1
- e. Shoe Covers 1 Pair
- f. Disposable Hat 1
- g. Film Badge 1 Issue Dated:
- h. Finger Ring Film Badges -2 Dated:
- Respirators & HEPA filter cartridges maintaine d by NYPA. If respiratory cartridge(s) found missing, record discrepancy and contact NYPA.
- Note kit item discrepancy under "Details/Items Resolved".
EPMP-2 -58 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 9 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Oswe o Hos ital Nuclear Emer enc Cabinet Inventor Cabinet Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantity Serial ///Remarks Si nature/Date
- 22. (Cont'd)
- i. Self-Reading Dosimeter (0-500mR) 1 Zero OK: Due Date:
Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 23. Self-Reading Dosimeters (0-1R). 5 Zero OK: Due Date:
Drift Reading (0.2R MAX) Prior'to Re-Zero
- 24. Atomic Wipes 50
- 25. Dosimeter Charger -3 Date Batt. Repl.
Batt. Due:
- 26. Count Rate Meter 1 Model Due Date:
HP-210 Probe, 0-50k CPM
- 27. Dose Rate Meter - 1 Model Due Date:
Ion Chamber, 0-5R/Hr
- 28. 12'xtension Cord 1
- 29. Check Source '1
- 30. RMC Decontamination Kit and contents -1**
- 31. Hose and Nozzle for Decontamination Table Top 1
- 32. Portable Stanchion 1
- 33. Pre-Cut Yellow Herculite 6
- 34. Pre-Cut White Herculite 2
- 35. Pre-Cut Green Herculite 2
- 36. Control Film Badge-2 Inside Labeled Envelope Issued Dated:
- 37. Control Finger Ring Film Badges-2 Inside Labeled Envelope Issued Dated:
- 38. Surgical Shears -1
- 39. Shoe Covers -100
- 40. Petri Dish -24
- Note kit item discrepancy under "Details/Items Resolved".
EPMP-2 -59 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 9 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Oswe o Hos ital Nuclear Emergency Cabinet Inventory Cabinet Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Da e Outside Cabinet
- 41. Yellow Trash/Water Receptacles 2
- 42. Movable Base for Trash Receptacles 2
- 43. Lead Pig 1
- 44. RMC Decontamination Table Top 1
- 45. Solid Radioactive Waste Boxes 4
- 46. Doorway Barrier 2
- 47. Watch 1
- 48. (MISC)
- 49. (MISC)
- 50. (MISC)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -60 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 10 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post/Drill Exercise/Emergency In-Plant Surve Kit Inventor 1/2/3/4/5/6 (Circle One) Kit Location a Unit I 0 Unit II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment"Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- l. Em ergency Survey Binder 1 to include:
a ~ EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys 1 Rev: b ~ EPP-7, Downwind Radio-logical Monitoring 1 Rev: C ~ EPP-12, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev:
- d. EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet - 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents 1 Rev: EPP-6, Fig. 1, In"-Plant/ Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log 10 Rev: h~ Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date: r Station Floor
~ Plan Unit II 1 Date:
j ~ On-Site Map 3 Rev:
- k. Of f-Site Map 3 Rev:
- 1. Oswego County Map 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-11V, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Proc'igh Rel. Rate Mon. 1 Rev:
0 Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and
Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS 1 Rev: po S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid 6 Gas Samples of High Activity 1 Rev:
- q. EPMP-3, Attachment',
Telephone List 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations N2-CSP-13, Chemical Post Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPMP-2 -61 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 10 (continued) o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post'rill/ Exercise/Emergency In-Plant Surve Kit Inventor 1/2/3/4/5/6 (Circle One) Kit Location o Unit I o Unit II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date 2 ~ Clip Board 1 3 ~ Pad, Pens 2, 3 4 ~ Count Rate Meter 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date: 5 ~ Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-50R/Hr) Due Date:
- 6. Coveralls, Large & X-Large 2 Pair of Each 7 ~ Shoe Covers 8 Pair
- 8. Rubber Boots 4 Pair 9 ~ Rubber Gloves 4 Pair
- 10. Cotton Gloves 4 Pair
- 11. Full Face Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canisters 4 Ex Date:
Batt Re 1: Batt Due: 12 Spare Resp. Canisters 4 Ex Date:
Cotton Hood and Cap 28
- 14. Tape 4 15 Misc. Plastic Bags 5
Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs 6 Contents: 1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY130) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Envelopes
- 17. Charcoal Air Sample Packs 10 Contents: Packs ed Date:
1 Charcoal Cartridge (CP100) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Envelopes
- 18. Scott Pak II 2 (Kit (11,6)*
19 ~ Spare Air Cylinder 2 (Kit 81,6)*
- 20. High Range Dose Rate Model Due Date:
GM (0-1000R/Hr) Meter
- See Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a, SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. Completed by NMP Fire Department.
EPMP-2 -62 April.1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 10 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST In-Plant Surve Kit Inventor 1/2/3/4/5/6 (Circle One) Kit Location 0 Unit I 0 Unit II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial ~t/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 21. Dosimeters, (0-5R) 2 Zero Ok: Due Date:
Drift Reading (1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 22. Dosimeters (0-50R) - 2 Zero Ok: Due Date:
Drift Reading (10R MAX) Pri:or to Re-Zer 0
- 23. Dosimeter Charger 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 24. High Volume Air Sampler with Spare Fuse, AC 1 4E: Due Date:
- 25. Filter Head tor Sampler - 1
- 26. Atomic Wipes 25 27 Atomic Smears 50
High Band Radio~-1 4HT- Trans/Rec:0 Sat. 0 Unsat
- 29. Masslin Cloth 20
- 30. Yellow and Magenta Rope 50 Ft. 4
- 31. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 32. KI Tablets 1 Bottle Ex Date:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet 33 Flashlights/w D cells 4 Date Batt Repl: Batt Due:
Spare "D" Cell Batteries - 8 Date Batt Repl: Batt Due: 35 Extension Cord 1
Check Source - 1
- 37. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 38. HEPA Filter Cartridges -4
- 39. Watch and Clip -1 OPERATION:a Sat. o Unsat
- 40. Scissors-1
- 41. Fuse 6 1/4A 125 VAC 1 Box
- 42. Cotton Booties 2 Pair
- 43. Key for Gas Powered Generators
- 1 44 (Misc)
(Misc) In-Plant Ol Kit only, inside locker door. State whether test message was satisfactory (Sat) or unsatisfactory (Unsat) on all channels DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -63 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE ll o Quarterly NNP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency-Contaminated Patient Carrier Inventor Kit Location OSC Under Stairwell Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial ~P/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. Stretcher -1
- 2. Disposable Blankets 2
- 3. Air Blower 1
- 4. Filter Unit 1
- 5. Rubber Gloves - 6 Pair
- 6. Decon. Fluid Container " 1
- 7. Cover Seal
- 8. Coveralls 4
- 9. Skin Contamination Record EPP-15, Fig. 8-2 Rev.
- 10. Cotton Booties 4
- 11. Cotton Gloves - 4
- 12. Masking Tape 2" 2 Rolls
- 13. Carrier Dust Cover -1
- 14. 10 Min. Blower Run 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 15. Carrier Condition (Physical 0 Sat 0 Unsat and Cleanliness)
- 16. (Misc) 17..(Misc)
- 18. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPNP-2 -64 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 o Monthly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency FIRST AID SUPPLIES First Aid Room Su ply Inventory Item/E ui ment-Min. Cabinet A uantity Serial No./Remarks ~l Verified By
- 1. Betadine Scrub 1 Gallon 2 ~ Stainless Steel Basin 1 3 ~ Bedpan 1
- 4. Urinal 1
- 5. 1000 cc NS Bottles 10 6 ~ Ferno Washington Neck Roll Set - 1 7 ~ Bashaw Cervical Immobilizers 1 8 ~ Paper for Exam Table 1 Rolls
- 9. (MISC)
Cabinet B Drawer il 1~ Contact Lens Case 1 2~ Contact Lens Remover 1 3~ Betadine Ointment 10 Packets 4~ Hydrocortisone Cream 10 Packets
- 5. Bacitracin Ointment 10 Packets 6 ~ Neosporin Packets - 10 7 Vaseline Gauze Pads 4 Penlight - 1
8. 9 ~ Small Blunt End Forceps 1 10 ~ Curved Foreceps 1
- 11. Medium Fine Point Forceps 1
- 12. Bandage Scissors 1
- 13. Ring Cutter 1
- 14. Silvadene Cream 1 Jar . Date
- 15. Sting Kill -6 16 ~ Syrup of Ipecac 1 Bottle Ex . Date
- 17. Plastic Medicine Cups 1
- 18. Key to Medicine Refrigerator
- 19. Instant Glucose 1 Tube
- 20. (MISC)
EPMP-2 -65 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (Continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST FIRST AID SUPPLIES First Aid Room Su 1 Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial No./Remarks Si nature/Date Cabinet B Drawer 82
- 1. Sterile Cotton-Tipped Swabs 1 Box
- 2. 1" Adhesive Tape 1 Roll
- 3. 2" Adhesive Tape 1 Roll 1" Dermaclear Tape - 1 Roll 4.
- 5. 2" Dermaclear Tape 1 Roll
- 6. Betadine (Povodine-Iodine)
Prep Pads 1 Box
- 7. Alcohol Preps -1 Box
- 8. Band-Aids 3/4" x 3" -1 Box
- 9. Band-Aids 1" x 3" -1 Box (100
- 10. Telfa Pads 2" x 3" -1 Box (50)
- 11. Steri Strips 1/4" x 3"' 6
- 12. Extra Large Band-Aids 2" -4
- 13. Butterfly Closures Medium 1 Box (100)
- 14. Coverlet Adhesive Dressings 1 Box (50)
- 15. (MISC)
Cabinet B Drawer 83
- 1. 1" Kling (Sterile) 6
- 2. 2" Kling (Sterile) 6
- 3. 3" Kling (Sterile) 6
- 4. 4" Kling (Sterile) 6
- 5. 6" Kling 6
- 6. Multi-Trauma Dressing 10" x 2.5'Sterile) 6
- 7. Surgipads (Sterile) 5" x 9" - 6
- 8. Chemical Ice Paks 12
- 9. (MISC)
EPMP-2 -66 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (Continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST FIRST AID SUPPLIES First Aid Room Su pl Inventory Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial No./Remarks Si nature/Date Cabinet C Drawer 81 Blood Pressure Cuff (Large Adult) 1 2 ~ Blood Pressure Cuff (Regular Adult) 1 3~ Stethoscope 1 4~ (MISC) Cabinet C Drawer 82
- 1. Ammonia Inhalants 1 Boxes
- 2. Triangular Bandages -6
- 3. (MISC)
Cabinet C Drawer 83
- 1. 250 cc Bags Normal Saline (Sterile) 10
- 2. Regular IV Sets 10 3.- (MISC)
Cabinet C Drawer //4
- 1. Adult Nasal Cannulas - 6
- 2. Adult Oral Airways (86) 6
- 3. Oxygen Connecting Tubing -6
- 4. (MISC)
Cabinet C Drawer 85
- 1. Adult Partial Rebreather Oxygen Masks 6
- 2. Rigid Suction Catheters 2
- 3. (MISC)
EPMP-2 -67 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST First Aid Room Su 1 Inventor Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date Cabinet D - Lower Shelf IV Supply Carrier
- a. Velcro Tourniquet - 1
- b. 16 Gauge Quik Cath IV Catheters 4
- c. 18 Gauge Quik Cath IV Catheters - 4
- d. 20 Gauge Quik Cath IV Catheters 4
- e. 1" Dermaclear Tape 1 Roll
- f. Betadine Prep Pads - 6
- g. Alcohol Preps 6
- h. Neosporin Packets 4
- i. 'and-Aids 4
- j. 2" x 2".Sterile Gauze Pads 4 2 0 2" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pads 1 Box (100 Each) 3 ~ Betadine (Povodine - Iodine)
Prep Pads 1 Box 4, Alcohol Preps - 1 Box 5~ 1" Dermaclear Tape 2 Rolls 6~ Neosporin Packets 1 Box (144) Each 7 ~ Padded Board Splints 12" 1
- 8. (MISC)
Cabinet D - Middle Shelf 1 ~ 1000 cc Normal Saline IV Ex . Date: Bags - 8
- 2. Regular IV Sets 8
- 3. 3-Way Stopcocks - 8 (MISC)
Cabinet D >> U er Shelf 1 ~ 250 cxc D5W IV Bags 10 Ex . Date:
- 2. Pediatric IV Sets 10
- 3. 3-Way Stopcocks 10 (MISC)
EPMP-2 -68 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST First Aid Kit Su 1 Inventory Item/E ui ment-Min. Cabinet E Shelf //1 uantity Serial ///Remarks ~l Verified By
- 1. Multi Casualty Triage Kit 1
- 2. 'Emergency OB Kits 2
- 3. (MISC)
Cabinet E Shelf //2
- 1. Disposable Blankets - 2
- 2. Large Burn Sheets (Ste'rile) 6
- 3. Small Burn Sheets (Sterile) 4
- 4. Air Splints 1 Set
- 5. (MISC)
Cabinet E Shelf //3
- 1. MAST 1 Pair
- 2. Replacement EOA Tubes 4
- 3. Wire Splint 1 4o (MISC)
Cabinet E Shelf //4
- 1. ZED 1
- 2. Frac Kit 1
- 3. Wire Splints (Padded) 2
- 4. Hare Traction 1
- 5. Burn Pac (Small) 1
- 6. D Aluminum Oxygen Cylinder with Regulator -1
- 7. Back Pack for Oxygen Tank 1 with:
Adult Partial Rebreather Mask 1 Adult Nasal Cannula 1 Wrench for Oxygen Tank - 1 816 Suction Catheter Set 1 Rigid Oral Suction 1 -
- 8. Trauma Kit 1 EPMP-2 -69 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST First Aid Room Su ly Inventory Item/E ui ment-Min. Shelf F U er Shelf uantity Serial 8/Remarks ~l Verified By
- 1. Adult Oral Airway Set 1 2~ Robert Shaw Resuscitator with Clear Pace Mask and Oxygen Enrichment Device 1 3~ Shoe Covers 2 Pair 4~ 6" Kling 1 5~ 3" Kling 1
- 6. Stainless Steel Emesis Basins 2 7 ~ Small Stainless Steel Basin 2 8 ~ Hand Towels 24 9 ~ (MISC)
Shel fF Lower Shelf 4" x 4"'Sterile Gauze Pads 1 Box (50 Each) 2 ~ Sterile Oval Eye Pads 1 Box (50) 3 ~ 2" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pads 1 Box (100) 4~ Steri Strips 1/4" x 3" 4 50 Ammonia Inhalants 6 6~ 1" Dermaclear Tape 1 Roll 7~ 2" Dermaclear Tape 1 Roll
- 8. Oral Thermometer 1 9 ~ Stainless Steel Thermometer Holder 1
- 10. Instant Glucose 1 Tube
- 11. Caladryl Lotion 1 Bottle
- 12. Hydrogen Peroxide 1 Bottle
- 13. Betadine Scrub 1 Bottle
- 14. Dacrose Eye Irrigating Solution 1 Bottle EPMP-2 -70 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY- EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST First Aid Room Su 1 Inventor Item/E ui ment-Min. Shelf F Lower uantit Shelf (continued) Serial 0/Remarks ~/ Verified By
- 15. 1000 cc Normal Saline Irri-gating Solution 1 Bottle
- 16. Fluorosine Strips 1 Box 17 Epsom salts 1 Box
Destructive Clip Box 1
- 19. Visine Eye Drops 1
- 20. (MISC)
General First Aid Room Sup lies
- l. Exam Table with Paper 1 2 ~ Portable IV Pole 1 3 ~ Laerdal Portable Suction with Charging Unit 1 4~ Hoor Magnifying Exam Lamp - 1 5~ Stainless Steel Mayo Stand (with Tray) 1 6 ~ Foldup Desk (Wall-Mounted) 1 7~ Long Spine Board with Straps and Bashaw Immobilizer 1 8 ~ Short Spine Board with Neck Roll, Chin Straps, Forehead Strap, Wrist Restraint 1 9 ~ Set Ferno-Washington Cervical Collars 3 (1 Small, 1 Medium, 1 Large)
- 10. Small Refrigerator with Lock 1
- 11. Ambulance Cot'ith Mattress and IV Pole 1
- 12. Folding Stair Chair 1
- 13. Pillow 1
- 14. Sheets 2
- 15. Blanket 1
- 16. Orthopedic (Splint)
Stretcher 1 EPMP-2 -71 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 12 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST First Aid Room Su ply Inventory Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit
- 17. Speakman Eye Wash with Hand Control 1 Serial ///Remarks ~l Verified By
- 18. Cardiac Arrest Board 1
- 19. Wheeled Stair Chair 1
- 20. "D" Portable Oxygen Cylinder with Regulator 1
- 21. Oxygen Cylinder Bracket 1
- 22. Wheeled Stool with Back 1
- 23. "D" Oxygen Cylinder
- 24. Zee Body Litter - 1
- 25. 6 Gauge Suction Catheter Sets
- 26. Clipboards 2
- 27. Pens 2
- 28. Run Sheets 12
- 29. Medical Report Sheets 30
- 30. KI Tablets - 500 bottles with Instructions and Issue Sheet Ex . Date:
31 MISC. Refri erator Ex iration Date/Remark
- 1. Bee Sting Kit 6
- 2. Tetanus Toxic 6
- 3. Amyl Nitrite 48
- 4. (MISC)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE EMT Instructor Date: Supervisor Fire Protection Date: (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date: (or designee) EPMP-2 -72 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 13 o Monthly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST n Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Basic First Aid Kit Su 1 Inventor -4 a Unit I 0 Unit II Check One Location Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit
- 1. Multi-Trauma Dressing 2
- 2. Topper Sponges (Sterile) 4"x4" Serial 8/Remarks ~l Verified By
- 10
- 3. Instant Ice Bag 2
- 4. Suripads (Sterile) 5" x 9" - 2
- 5. Non-Allergic Adhesive Tape 1"x 10 yds 1
- 6. Triangular Bandage 7
- 7. Bandage Scissors 1
- 8. Disposable Plastic Gloves 6 pr
- 9. Plastic Booties 5 pr
- 10. Cotton Gloves - 1 pr
- 11. Non-Allergic Adhesive Tape
- 12. 6" Kling (Sterile) 1
- 13. 3" Kling (Sterile) 1 14.. Extra Large Band-Aids 10
- 15. Regular Band-Aids 10
- 16. Oval Eye Pads (Sterile)-2
- 17. Telfa Pads 2" x 3" 6
- 18. Sterile Cotton Tipped Applicators 1
- 19. Coban Bandages 2" x 5 yds-1
- 20. Adult Nasal Cannulas 1
- 21. Adult Partial Rebreather Masks 1
- 22. Pen 1
- 23. Run Sheets 6
- 24. Oral Airways (adult)-1
- 25. Alcohol Preps - 2
- 26. Betadipe Preps 2 EPMP-2 -73 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 13 (continued) 0 Monthly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST O Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Basic First Aid Kit Su 1 Inventor -4 o Unit I a Unit II Check One Location (continued) i Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 27. (MISC)
- 28. (MISC)
- 29. (MISC)
- 30. (MISC)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE EMT Instructor Date: Supervisor Fire Protection Date: (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date: (or designee) EPMP-2 -74 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 14 0 Monthly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Trauma Kit Su 1 Inventor o Unit I 0 Unit II Check One Item/E 1~ 2. Location ui ment-Min. Quantit Penlights 1 4'-' 4" Sterile Gauze Pads Serial 8/Remarks ~l Verified By 10 3 ~ 3" x 5 Yards Sterile Kling Bandage 3
- 4. 6" x 5 Yards Sterile Kling Bandage 2 5~ Quick Ice Packs l.
- 6. Ammonia Inhalants - 3 7~ Tube Instant Glucose 1
- 8. Adult Oral Airways 2
- 9. Sterile Oval Eyepads 2
- 10. Multiple Trauma Dressings 1
- 11. Bandage Scissors 1 pair
- 12. Stethoscope 1
- 13. Blood Pressure Cuff 1
- 14. Alcoho3. Prep Packs 2
- 15. Betadine Prep Packs 2
- 16. 1" Non-Allergic Tape 1 Roll
- 17. 2" Non-Allergic Tape 1 Roll
- 18. Robert Shaw Resuscitator With Mask 1
- 19. Adult Nasal Cannulas 1
- 20. Oxygen Connecting Tube 1
- 21. Pen 1
- 22. Run Sheets 2
- 23. Cotton Tipped Applicators (Sterile) 1 Package
- 24. Vaseline Gauze 1 Package EPMP-2 -75 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 14 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Trauma Kit Su 1 Inventor Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 25. Triangular Bandages - 2 26 Bacitracin Ointment - 1 Pack.
- 27. Regular IV Tubing - 1
- 28. Pediatric IV Tubing 1 29; 3-Way Stopcock - 1 30 1000 cc NS IV Bag 1 EXP. DATE:
250 cc DSW IV Bag 1 EXP. DATE:
'1 ~
- 32. 16 ga Quick Caths-2
- 33. 18 ga Quick Caths-2
- 34. 20 ga Quick Caths-2
- 35. Velcro Tourniquet-1
- 36. 12" Padded Board Splint<<l
- 37. EOA Set (1 Tube, 1 Mask, 1-35 CC Syringe)-1
- 38. Lubi fax-1 Pkg
- 39. Plastic Gloves-5 pr.
- 40. Shoe Covers-5 pr.
- 41. Adult Rebreather -1
- 42. Neosporin 1
- 43. Band-Aids 2 44 (MISC)
(MISC) 46 (MISC)
- 48. (MISC) 49 (MISC)
(MISC) DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED ,BY/DATE EMT Instructor Date: Supervisor Fire Protection Date: (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date: (or designee) Unit II Only EPMP>>2 -76 1 April 1987
EPMP-2, 'FIGURE 15 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Securit Buildin Emer enc .Kit Inventor UNIT I/UNIT II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4P/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. Full Face Resp. Canisters (Scott Type 631-Cl-H)- 8 Ex Date:
- 2. Spare Resp. Canisters (Scott Type 631-Cl-H) 8 Ex Date:
- 3. Coveralls 8
- 4. Shoe Covers 6 Pair
- 5. Cotton Hoods - 8
- 6. Cloth Gloves 8 pair
- 7. Rubbers 8 Pr.
- 8. Masking Tape, 2" 1 Roll
- 9. Scott Pak II 5+
- 10. Spare Air Cylinder - 5*
- 11. HEPA Filter Cartridges -8
- 12. (Misc)
- 13. (Misc)
- 14. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. Completed by NMP Fire Department.
EPMP-2 -77 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 16 0 Monthly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ 3 Exercise/Emergency-Control Room Emer enc Procedures Checklists Bins Inventory UNIT I or UNIT II (Circle One) I'.S.S. Emer enc Procedures Checklists Verified By Fi ure 0/Title/Min. uantit Rev 0'/Date Si nature/Date
- l. EAP-l, Figure 1 Activation of Emergency Plan SSS Checklist-.20
- 2. EAP-1, Figure 2 Emergency Director Checklist-at TSC-20
- 3. EAP-1, Figures 3 6 4 - 4 sets
- 4. EAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions-Attach. 1 (Unit I)-2+,
Attach. 2 (Unit II)-2*
- 5. EPP-13, Figure ll Emergency Response/Recovery Action Log-20
- 6. EPP-24, Figure 2 Nuclear Transportation Accident
'ontrol Room Checklist-20 7 ~ EPP-24, Figure 1 Nuclear Transportation Accident Report Form>>20
- 8. (MISC)
- Only Figures appropriate for that unit will be filed at that control room.
EPMP-2 -78 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 16 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Control Room Emergenc Procedures Checklist Bins Inventory UNIT I or UNIT II Circle One II. CSO Emer enc Procedures Checklists Verified By Fi ure 0/Title/Min. uantit Rev 8/Date Si nature/Date
- 1. On-Call Lists Binder
- 2. EPP-1, Figure 1 High Radiation/High Airborne Activity Local Area-CSO Checklist-20
- 3. EPP-1, Figure 2 High Airborne Activity/High Radiation General Area-CSO Checklist-20
- 4. EPP-2, Figure 1 Fire Fighting Checklist (Control Room/CSO)-50
- 5. EPP-3, Figure 1 Search and Rescue CSO Checklist-20
- 6. EPP-4, Figure 1 Personnel Illness or Contaminated Ingury-CSO Checklist-20
- 7. EPP-2, Figure 3 Fire Fighting Checklist (Chem and 'Rad. Mgt. Dept.)-2
- 8. (MISC)
EPMP-2 -79 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 16 (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Control Room Emer enc Procedures Checklist Bins Inventor UNIT I or UNIT II Circle One III. Communications Aide Emer enc Procedure Checklists Verified By Fi ure 4P/Title/Min. uantit Rev 0'/Date Si nature/Date
- 1. EPP-20, Figure 1 Control Room Communications Aide Checklist-20
- 2. Notification Fact Sheet-Part I,-20
- 3. Notification Fact Sheet Part II (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet) - 20
- 4. Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit I) 20+
- 5. Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit II) 20~
- 6. EPP-20, Figures 5a -5p Emergency Contact Forms-20 7.
'8. EPMP-3, Attachment 1 Emergency Telephone Numbers-1 EPP-13, Figure 6A Area Rad Monitor/ I' Unit II 20**
- 9. EPP-13, Figure 6E Process Rad Monitors/Unit II 20~
- 10. (MISC)
*+ Unit II only Unit I only DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
EPMP-2 -80 April 1987
EPHP-2, FIGURE 17a a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Technical Su ort Center (TSC) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date 1 ~ Pads of Paper 18
- 2. Clip Boards 12
- 3. Pens 24
- 4. Message Forms 200
- 5. Water Color Markers 24
- 6. Area Radiation Monitor - 1 Due Date:
Alarm Check: Point mR/hr T est: o Sat o Unsat
- 7. 1/2 A Fuse for Area Rad. Mon-2
- 8. Continuous Air Monitor 1 Due Date 10 min'un a Sat 0 Unsat Paper/Pens: o Sat o Unsat
- 9. Closed Circuit TV 2 Unit I a Sat 0 Unsat (Check Focus, Zoom 6 Span) Unit II 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 10. Mechanical PAID Diag. 2
- 11. Electrical Diag. 1
- 12. Form Cabinets 3
- 13. New York Telephone Directory
-16, (Oswego-.Fulton Area)
- 14. NMPC Telephone Di'rectory -16 17
'SSUE with Emergency Facility Phone Numbers Film Badges - 60
- 16. Film Badges Control Assignment Binders a.
b. 2 12 Technical Data Coord. 1 Reactor Analyst Coord. 1 ISSUE DATE'5. DATE:
- c. Emergency Director -1
- d. Environmental Survey/
Sample Team Coord. -1
- e. Security Coord. -1 f ~ Radiological Assessment Manager -1
- g. Maintenance Coord. -1
- h. Communications Coord.-l
- i. Instrument and Control Coord. -1
- j. Station Survey/Sample Team Coord. -1
- k. State/County/NRC/FEHA Assignment Binder-3
- 1. Meteorological Advisor -1
- m. Radiological Assessment Group 4
- n. TSC/NELD Coord.-l
- o. TSC/NELD Staff -1 EPHP-2 -81 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Technical Su ort Center TSC) (continued) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial fP/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 18. Coveralls 20
- 19. Full Face Resp. with Canisters 20 Ex . Date:
- 20. Voice Amplifier 5 Batt Due: Re 1:
- 21. Computer Printer Paper Boxes of 3 copy -8 Boxes Full: Partial:
- 22. Rubber Shoe Covers 20 Pr
- 23. Cotton Boot Covers 20 Pr
- 24. Cotton Hoods or Caps 20
- 25. Cotton Gloves 20 Pr
- 26. Masking Tape 2" 10 Rolls
- 27. Flashlights w/D cells 20 Date Batt Re 1:
Batt Due: 28rr 'Spare "D" Cell Batteries 20 Date Batt Re II Batt Due:
- 29. Calculators 3 Date Batt Re 1:
Batt Due:
- 30. Maps with Overlays
- a. 50 Mile Radius 1
- b. 10 Mile Radius 1
- c. Map Azimuth Indicator-1
- 31. Tape Recorder 1 Date Batt Re 1:
Batt Due:
- 32. Cassette Tapes 3
- 33. Pump Curves 1
- 34. Vessel Drawings Unit I 3 Vessel Drawings Unit II 1
- 35. Telephones -16 Ser.
- 36. Telecopier -3 Tx/Rec CK: A. 0 Sat". D Unsat SNIT: B: B. 0 Sat. 0 Unsat C: C. 0 Sat. 0 Unsat
- 37. Telecopier Paper Rolls -29 Rolls FULL:
- 38. Emergency Center Operations Manuals a) NMPNS Oper. Proc. 6 Vol.
Copy t b) NMPNS Special Oper Proc. 1 Copy 8 c) NMPNS Site Emerg. Plan L Implementing Procedures 1 "Working Copy" Controlled SP2 EPMP-2 -82 Apr il 1987
EPMP-2; FIGURE 17a '(continued) NMP EMERGENCY- EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location:< Technical Su ort Center TSC) Verified By Item/E ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 38. d) NMPNS Chemistry 6 Rad Prot Manuals 4 Vol.
Copy 8 e) NMPNS Administration Procedure% 1 Copy b'nstrument Maintenance Procedures 1 Copy P g) Preventive Maintenance Procedures 1 Copy // h) Maintenance Procedures 2 Vol. Copy 8 Instrument Surveillance Procedures 3 Vol. Copy 8 Reactor Analysis Procedures 3 Vol. Copy 8 k) In-Service Inspections Hydro Procedures 1 Copy d Puel Handling Procedure 1 Copy d m) Pire Prevention Procedure 1 Copy P n) Document Control Instructions 1 Copy d o) Office Inetruc. I Copy d p) Site Standing Orders 1 Copy 8 EPMP-2 -83 April 1987
~ red @%V> ', ~V e OVet'0 1 eeVWrt e,pa "S.; Wim % ~ ee ~ ega~ S aaMeV a e" O C ~.>>,a~ ee Vota ~ ' ' Vere~ I "~- WeP~
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY- EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location: Technical Su ort Center (TSC) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantity Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 38. q) Users Guide Equipment History &
Status System 1
. Copy 8 NMPNS Technical Specifications 3 Vol.
Copy // s) NMPNS FSAR & Supplements -1 Copy 8 Waste Handling Procedures 1 Copy 8 u) Welding Procedures 1 copy p v) Instrument Maintenance Procedures-Test Equipment Calibration 1 Copy 8 w) Surveillance Test Procedures 2 Vol. Copy 8 x) Maintenance Surveillance Procedures 1 Copy 8 y) Instrument Calibration Procedures << 1 Copy 8 z) Oswego County Radiological Emerg. Preparedness Plan & Procedures 1 EPMP-2 -84 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Technical Su ort'enter (TSC) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 38. aa) New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan
& Procedures 1 bb) Environmental Protection Manual of Protective Action Guides and Pro-tective Actions for Nuclear Incidents -1 Copy P cc. Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan & CPP's-1 "Working Copy" Controlled f26 dd. INPO Resource Manual-1 Copy 4 ee. Oswego County Emergency Broadcast System Manual-Copy Repair Procedures 0'f.
Damage Copy fk gg. Corporate Engineering Emergency Reference Book hh. JAFNPP Emergency Plan and Procedures Copy 4P -3'ol
- 39. Supplement to NUREG-0845 -1
- 40. Electrical Preventative Naint. Proc. Copy P -1
- 41. Daily Rem Report -1 Date:
- 42. Respiratory Status Report -1 Date:
- 43. HEPA Filter Cartridges -20
- 44. Report & Work Sheet Files -3
- a. Communications Coord.
Checklists EPP-20, Fig.2
~ - 20 Rev./Date
- b. Notification Fact Sheet-Part I, 20 Rev./Date
- c. Notification Fact Sheet Part II (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet) -20 Rev./Date EPMP-2 -85 April 1987 aa am at a op/ a&~a mlmaj a'; I a ~ am, a earn
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventory Location: Technical Su ort Center (TSC) Verified By Item/E u1 ment-Hin. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 44. d. Notification Fact Sheet
-Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit I)
- e. Notification Fact Sheet
-Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit II) Rev./Date Emergency Contact'Forms, EPP-20, Fig. 5a-5q -20 Rev./Date Communications Log EAP-3 Enclosure 6, Fig. 1 -20 Rev./Date
- h. Process Rad Monitor Unit I 20 1 Process Rad Monitors II 20
Unit Notifications for EOF Activation by Site Personnel, EPP-20, Fig. 6 20 Rev./Date
- k. Rad. Dose Assessment Checklist, EPP-8, Fig. 1 20 Rev./Date On-Site Rad. Assessment Actions, EPP-8, Fig. 2 20 Automated/Manual Release Rate Determination Work Sheet EPP>>8, Fig. 3 20 Rev./Date
- n. Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Steam Line break EPP-8, Fig. 4a << 20 Rev./Date 0~ Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-LOCA EPP-8, Fig. 4b - 20 Rev./Date po Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Containment Design Basis Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4c 20 Rev./Date
- q. Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Refueling Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4d 20 Rev./Date Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Control Rod Drop EPP-8, Fig. 4e 20 Rev./Date EPHP-2 -86 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location: Technical Su ort Center (TSC) Item/E ui ment-Min.
- 44. s.
uantit Estimated Containment Release Rate Work Sheet Serial 8/Remarks ~/ Verified By EPP-8, Fig. 5 -20 Rev./Date t ~ Manual Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 8 -20 Rev./Date U~ Auto Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 9 -20 Rev./Date vo Chronological Release Rate Log, EPP-8, Fig. 11
- 20 Rev./Date We Integrated Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 12 -20 Rev./Date Off-Site Protective Action recommendation Work Shee t EPP-26, Fig. 4 -20 " Rev./Date Survey Team Report, EPP-6 & 7 Fig. 2 -20 Rev./Date z~ Area Radiation Monitors Unit I -20 Rev./Date aa. Area Radiation Monitor Unit II 20 Rev./Date bb. Survey/Sample Status Board -20 Rev./Date CC ~ RWP Request Forms -20 Rev. Date dd. Emerg'ency Exposure Authorization Form EPP-15, Fig. 2 -20 Rev./Date
- 45. Stat us Boards
- a. Survey/Sample Status Board -1
- b. Area Radiation Monitors/
Unit I -1 C ~ Equipment Status Board
-1 d,O Process Monitor Status Board Unit -1I
- e. Plant Status Board Unit I -1 EPMP-2 -87 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17a (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Technical Su ort Center (TSC) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 45. f. TSC Support Staff -1
- g. Area Radiation Monitors Unit II -1
- h. Process Status Board Unit II -1
- i. Plant Status Board Unit II -1
- j. Emergency Board -1 Events Status
- k. Plant Trending Board Unit I
- 46. Silent 700 Printer -2 A. TRANS/RX:o Sat 0 Unsat SN: A B B. TRANS RX:o Sat o Unsat
- 47. Paper for Silent 700 Printer, Roll -2
- 48. Communicator Headset -1
- 49. Liquid Cleaner for Status Boards -3
- 50. FSAR Unit-II 0 155
- 51. E.O.P. Drawings 1 Set 52.'and 6 Foot Monitor 2 A. Due: /B. Due.
- 53. ('Misc)
- 54. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) NOTE: Attach copy of NHP computer departments surveillance sheets on TSC data terminal, not applicable for post drill/exercise inventories. EPHP-2 -88 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc Res onse Facility 0 erations Kit Inventory Location: Emer enc 0 erations Facility (EOF) Verified By Item/E ui arent-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks= Si nature/Date
- 1. Pads of Paper 18
- 2. Clip Boards 12
- 3. Pens 24
- 4. Message Forms 200
- 5. Water Color Markers 24
- 6. Area Radiation Monitor 1 Due Date Alarm Check: Point mR/hr Test: O'Sat Cl Unsat
- 7. 1/2 A Fuse for Area Rad. Mon-2
- 8. Mechanical PAID Diag.-2
- 9. Telephones -21
- 10. NMPC Telephone Directory with Emergency Facilities -21 ll. New
-21, York Telephone Directory (Oswego-Fulton Area)
- 12. Step Off Pads 4
- 13. Grey Tape -2 Rolls
- 14. Rad and Contam. Tags -25
- 15. Yellow & Magenta Rope 50
-1 Model ft.
- 16. Count Rate Meter GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date:
- 17. Film Badges -100 Issue Dated:
- 18. Film Badges Control - 2 Issue Dated:
- 19. Assignment Binders-12
- a. Security Director -1
- b. Radiological Assessment Group Assignment -1
- c. Administrative/Logistics Manager Assignment Binder -1
- d. EOF Administrator Assignment Binder -1
- e. Scheduling/Planning Manager Assignment Binder -1
- f. Corporate Emergency Director/Recovery Manager Assignment Binder -1 EPMP-2 -89 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location: Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 19 '. Emergency Director of Public Information -1 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- h. Technical Liaison and Advisory Manager -1 County/State/NRC/FEMA Assignment Binder -3 Meteorological Assessment
- k. Off-Site Dose Assessment Manager -1
- 20. Maps with Overlays a ~ 50 Mile Radius 1
- b. 10 Mile Radius 1 C~ Map Azimuth Indicator-1
- 21. Check Source -1 Ser.
- 22. Emergency Center Operations Manuals
- a. NMPNS Oper. Proc. 6 Vol.
Copy 8
- b. NMPNS Special Oper Proce 1 Copy II C~ NMPNS Site Emerg.
Plan 6 Implementing Procedures 1 "Working Copy" Controlled 866 d~ NMPNS Chemistry 6 Rad Prot Manuals 4 Vol. Copy //
- e. Document Control Instructions 1 Copy 8 NMPNS Technical Specifications 3 Vol.
copy P NNPN& Pg&R & Supplements -1 copy P
- h. Oswego County Radiological Plan Emerg'reparedness 6
Procedures 1 EPMP-2 -90 April 1987
~ w. w e, w,s Oy s e >>> 0 s s ps w I s O
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Emergenc Operations Facilit (EOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date 22e as ~ New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan
& Procedures 1 bb. Environmental Protection Manual of Protective Action Guides and Pro-tective Actions for Nuclear Incidents -1 Copy p CC ~ Corporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan & CPP's -1 "Working Copy" Controlled 028 dd. IN&0 Resource Manual-1 Copy 0 ee. Oswego County Emergency Broadcast System manual-1 Copy 0 Damage Repair Procedures -1 Copy 4
- 23. Rep ort & Work Sheet Files -3 a ~ Communications Coord.
Checklists EPP-20, Fig.2 20 Rev./Date
- b. Notification Fact Sheet~
-Part I. 20 Rev./Date c~ Notification Fact Sheet, -Part II (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet) ~ 20 Rev./Date d ~ Notification Fact Sheet, -Part III, (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit I).>>20 Rev./Date
- e. Notification Fact Sheet,
-Part III (Plant Parameter II).-20 Fact Sheet Unit Rev./Date EPMP-2 -91 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Verified By Item/E ment-Min. Quantity Merial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 23. f. Emergency Contact Forms, EPP-20, Fig. 5a-5q -20 Rev./Date ge Communications Log EAP-3 Enclosure 6, Fig. 1 -20 Rev./Date
- h. Process Rad Monitors-Unit I 20 Rev./Date Process Rad Monitors Unit II 20 Rev./Date Rad. Dose Assessment Checklist, EPP-8, Fig. 1 20 Rev./Date
- k. On-Site Rad. Assessment Actions, EPP-8, Fig. 2 20 Automated/Manual Release Rate Determination Work sheet EPP-8, Fig. 3 20 Rev./Date mo Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Steam Line Break EPP-8, Fig. 4a -20 Rev./Date
- n. Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-LOCA EPP-8, Fig.'4b -20 0~ Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Containment Design Basis Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4c -20 Rev./Date Po Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Refueling Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4d -20 Rev./Date
- q. Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA Control Rod Drop Accident, EPP-8, Figure 4e 20 Rev./Date Estimated Containment Release Rate Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 5 -20 Rev./Date s ~ Manual Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 8 -20 Rev./Date EPMP-2 -92 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility 0 erations Kit Inventory Location: Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial i/Remarks Si nature/Date 23 ' ~ Auto Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 9 -20 Rev./Date u~ Chronological Release Rate Log, EPP-8, Fig. 11 -20 Rev./Date vo Integrated Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 12 -20 Rev./Date Wo Off-Site Protective Recommendation Work Sheet EPP-26, Fig. 4 -20 Rev./Date xo Survey Team Report, EPP-6 6 7 Fig. 2 -40 Rev./Date z~ Unit 'ev./Date Area Radiation Monitors I -20 Area Radiation Monitors Unit II 20 Rev./Date aa. Survey/Sample Status Board -20 Rev./Date bb. RWP Request Forms -20 Rev. Date cc ~ Emergency Exposure Authorization Form EPP-15, Fig. 2 -20 Rev./Date
- 24. Stat us Boards a ~ Survey/Sample Status Board -1
- b. Area Radiation Monitors/
Unit I -1 C ~ Equipment Status Board
- d. Process Monitor Status Board Unit I -1
- e. ~
Plant Status Board Unit I -1 EOF Support Staff -1 go Area Radiation Monitors Unit II -1 EPMP-2 -93 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17b (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emergenc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4'/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 24. h. Process Monitor Status Board Unit II -1
- i. Plant Status Board Unit II -1
- j. Emergency Events Status Board -1
- k. Plant Trending Board -1
- 1. County/State Representative Sign in Board 1
- m. E.O.P. Dwgs 1 set
- 25. Computer Printer Paper 8 Box 4 Part
- 26. Hand and Foot Monitor -1 Model 0 Due Date
- 27. Radiological Assessment Assignment Binder 1
- 28. FSAR Unit II 0 157
- 29. IOP'S Unit II, Books 1 5
- 30. N2EOP's NMPNS 40006
- 31. OPS Tech Books Unit II Book
- 32. NUREG 0845 Supplement 1
- 33. QA Program Manual 4'20 1 DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
NOTE: Attach copy of latest computer department surveillance sheet. EPMP-2 -94 April 1987
EPHP-2, FIGURE 17c 0 Quarterly NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (AEOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date 1 ~ Pads of Paper 18
- 2. Clip Boards ~ 12
- 3. Pens - 24
- 4. Message Forms 200
- 5. Base Station 1 Trans/Rec*Ck: o Sat". o Unsat
- 6. Telephones -15
- 7. New York Telephone Directory
-15, (Oswego-Fulton Area)
- 8. NHPC Telephone Directory with Emergency Facilities -15
- 9. Reference Binders-19
- a. Technical Data Coordinator -1
- b. Reactor Analyst Coordinator -1
- c. Site Emergency Director -1
- d. 'nvironmental Survey/
Sample Team Coordinator -1
- e. Security Coordinator -1
- f. Radiological Assessment Manager -1 go Maintenance Coordinator-1
- h. EOF Administrator -1
- i. Instrument and Control Coordinator -1
- j. Station Survey/Sample Team Coordinator -1
- k. Security Director -1
- 1. Radiological Assessment Group -1
- m. Administrative/Logistics Manager Assignment Binder -1
- n. Scheduling/Planning Hanager -1
- o. Corporate Emergency Director/Recovery Manager -1 State whether the test message is Satisfactory Sat or Unsatisfactory (Unsat) on all channels.
EPMP-2 -95 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17c (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (AEOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Hin. uantit Serial ~P/Remarks Si nature/Date 9 ~ p. Emergency Director of Public Information -1
- q. Technical Liaison and Advisory Manager -1 1 ~ County/State/NRC/FEMA Binder -2 S ~ Meteorological Advisor
-1 TSC/NELD Coord. 1 U~ -Comm. Coord. - 1 v ~ Off-Site Dose Assessment Manager 1
- 10. Te lecopier -2 Tx/Rec a)Sert 0 Sa t. a Unsat b)SerkP a Sa t. 0 Unsat
- 11. Te lecopier Paper -4 Boxes FULL: Partial Boxes:
- 12. Em ergency Center Op erations Manuals a~ NMPNS Site Emerg.
Plan & Implementing Procedures - 1 "Working Copy" Controlled 055
- b. Oswego County Radiological Emerg.
Preparedness Plan & Procedures -1 C ~ New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan
& Procedures -1
- d. Environment Protection Manual ot Protective Action Guides and Pro-tective Actions for Nuclear Incidents -1 Copy
- e. 0'orporate Emergency Response/Recovery Plan
& CPP's -1 "Working Copy" Controlled 029 INPO Resource Manual-1 Copy go 0'swego County Emergency Broadcast System Manual-1 Copy 4 EPMP-2 -96 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17c (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventory Location: Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (AEOF) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 13. Report 6 Work Sheet Files a~ Communications Coord.
Checklists EPP-20, Fig.2 20 Rev./Date
- b. Notification Fact Sheet,
-Part I. 20 Rev./Date C ~ Notification Fact Sheet -Part II, (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet)-2 0 Rev./Date Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit I) ~
20 Rev./Date
- e. Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit II). - 20 Rev./Date
.Emergency Contact Forms, EPP-20, Fig. 5a-5q -20 Rev./Date:
go Process Rad Monitors Unit I 20 Rev./Date
- h. Process Rad Monitors Unit II 20 Rev./Date 1 ~ Communications Log EAP-3 Enclosure 6, Fig. 1 -20 Rev./Date 3 ~ Status Board Data Sheets Unit I, Plant Status Board -20 Rev./Date
- k. Notifications for EOF Activation by Site Personnel, EPP-20, Fig. 6 20 Rev./Date Rad. Dose Assessment Checklist, EPP-8, Fig. 1 20 Rev./Date On-Site Rad. Assessment Actions, EPP-8, Fig. 2 20 'Rev./Date
- n. Automated/Manual Release Rate Determination Work sheet EPP-8, Fig. 3 - 20 Rev./Date 0~ Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Steamline Break EPP-8, Fig. 4a -20 Rev./Date EPMP-2 -97 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17c (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location: Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (AEOF) Verified By i Item/E u ment-Min. Quantity Serial ///Remarks Si nature/Date 13m po Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-LOCA EPP-8, Fig. 4b -20 Rev./Date
- q. Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Containment Design Basis Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4c -20 Rev./Date Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Refueling Accident EPP-8, Fig. 4d -20 Rev./Date s ~ Automated Release Rate FSAR DBA-Control Rod Drop Accident EPP-8, Fig.
4e -20 Rev./Date Estimated Containment Release Rate Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 5 -20 U~ Manual Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 8 -20 v ~ Auto Off-Site Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 9 -20 Rev./Date Wo Chronological Release Rate Log, EPP-8, Fig. 11 20 Rev./Date Integrated Dose Projection Work Sheet EPP-8, Fig. 12 -20 Rev./Date Off-Site Protective Recommendation Work Sheet EPP-26, Fig. 4 -20 Rev./Date z~ Survey Team Report, EPP-6 & 7 Fig. 2 -20 Rev./Date aa. Area Radiation Monitors Unit I -20 bb. Survey/Sample Status Board -20 CC ~ RWP Request Forms -20 Rev./Date dd. Emergency Exposure Authorization Form EPP-15, Fig. 2 -20 Rev./Date
- 14. Status Boards
- a. Survey/Sample Status Board -1 EPMP-2 -98 April 1987
~ '1 P V Y<<P 8 g t, 11 t1 \/ O'Vl'tAfV 1 P1 ~ V
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17c (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Alternate Emer enc 0 erations Facilit AEOF Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial ft/Remar ks Si nature/Date
- 14. b. Area Radiation Monitors/
Unit I -1
- c. Equipment Status Board
- d. Process Monitor Status Board Unit I -1
- e. Plant Status Board Unit I -1
- f. AEOF Support Staff -1
- g. Area Radiation Monitors Unit II -1
- h. Process Monitor Status Board Unit II -1
- i. Plant Status Board Unit II -1
- j. Emergency Events Status Board -1
- k. Plant Trending Board 1
- 15. Silent 700 -2 TX/REC" a) Ser 8 0 Sat 0 Unsat b) Ser 0 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 16. Unit I PS.ID
- 17. Unit I Electrical Drawings
- 18. Hand 5 Foot Monitor 1 Due:
- 19. (MISC)
- 20. (MISC)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE State whether the test message is Satisfactory (Sat) or Unsatisfactory (Unsat). Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -99 April 1987
EPMP-2$ FIGURE 17d 0 Quarterly 3 ~ NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency. Cor orate Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor -Corporate EOC Item/E I. l. Location: Nuclear ui ment EMERGENCY BOARDS SITE uantit En Emergency Facilities Staf f ineerin guuant and it Licensin De
/ ~/
artment: Salina Headows 3 Verified By 2 ~ Equipment Status Board 3 ~ Survey/Sample Status Board 4~ Ten Mile EPZ-Map4'1
- 5. Population Estimates-Hap42
- 6. Bus Routes Pick Up Locations-Hap03 7 ~ Offsite Survey Locations Hap04 8, Special Facilities-Map05
- 9. Siren Locations-Hap06
- 10. Offsite Env. Stat ~
- 11. Primary Evacuation Routes-Map4'8 UNIIUI 12 ~ Process Rnd Nonitors
- 13. Area Radiation Monitors
- 14. Plant Status Board 15 Control 6 Instrument Power
Station Power Distribution
- 17. Reactor Vessel Level 18; Rx Bldg. Drywell Flooding Study: No. C-34963-C
- 19. Process Red Nonitor
- 20. Area Radiation Monitors
- 21. Plant Status Board 22 NHP Unit f2 Reactor
- 24. (OPEN)
- 25. NHPC Ext. -1 26 ~ Direc t Outs ide Line
( / -1 27 EOF Hotline ( Hotline
- 29. JNC Hotline
( ) -1
- 30. NHPC Ext. ~
1 31 NMPC Ext. -1
Telecopier ( )-1 S.N.: Hake: Model: Transmit/Receive Test: o Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory EPHP-2 -100 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17D (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Cor orate Emer enc 0 eration Center Cor . EOC E ui ment List Location: Nuclear En ineerin and Licensin De artment: Salina Meadows 3 Verified By Item/E ui ment uantit ~uant ie Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 33. Telephone ( ) -1
- 34. Telephone ( ) -1
- 35. Texas Inst. Silent 700-1 III. Met-Dose Com uter
- 36. GE Terminet 200 -1 Printer Test:0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 37. Computer Printer Paper - 3 Copy 2 Boxes Boxes Cull". Partial:
- 39. Motorola Base -1 Model: '/S.N.:
and Battery Pack Trans/Rec: o Sat a Unsat
- 40. Back-up Motorala Bash-1 Hake: /S.N.:
Trans/Rec: 0 Sat 0 Unsat VI. PROCEDURES
- 41. NHPNS S ite Emergency Plan (SEP),
"Working Copy" COPY 0
- 42. Oswego County Rad. Resp. Plan Vol. 1 -1 COPY'OPY Vol. 2 -1 P
- 43. Corp. Emerg. Response/
Recovery Plan & CPP's -1 "Working Copy"
- 44. P&ID's -1 (Mechanical) COPY'OPY-:
' -1 45 ~ & EPP
- 46. NMPS EPHP's -1 COPY:
- 47. F.S.A.R., Vol. 1 1 Unit 1 Vol ~ 2 1 COPY:
- 48. NYS Rad. Emerg. Plan -1 COPY:
- 49. Nuclear Reg. Renorper Vol. 1 -1 Vol. 2 EPHP-2 -101 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17d (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Cor orate Emer enc 0 eration Center - Cor . EOC E ui ment List Location: Nuclear En ineerin and Licensin De artment: Salina Meadows 3 Verified By Item/E ui ment uantit (tuuantit r Serial 0'/Remarks Si nature/Date F.S.A.R. Vol 1 - 28, (1 each) Unit II COPY'
~ F.S.A.R. App. 6A
- c. F.S;A.R. App. 9B
- d. F.S.A.R. App. 13B Vol.l
- e. F.B.A.R. App. 13B Vol.2
- 51. OP lech Manuals (Blue) 15vols
- 52. OP Tech Manuals (Gteen) 3vols
- 53. Interim Oper. Procedures (IOP's)
- 54. NMPC Radiological Plan IV. OFFICE SUPPLIES
- 55. Watercolor Markers
~ Thick Line -8
- 56. Watercolor Markers Thin Line ;4
- 57. Corp. System Phone Directory with Emerg.
Facility Listings -2.
- 58. Telecopier Paper -2 Bxs
- 59. Paper Pads -8
- 60. Pens -16
- 61. Pencils -16
- 62. (MISC)
- 63. (MISC)
- 64. (MISC)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Lead Corporate Health Physicist DATE (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator DATE (or designee) EPMP-2 -102 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17e a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise, Emergency Emer enc Res onse Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: 0 erations Su ort Center (OSC) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. Pads of Paper 18
- 2. Clip Boards << 12
- 3. Pens 24
- 4. Message Forms 200
- 5. Water Color Markers 12
- 6. Area Radiation Monitor 1 P Due Date 10 min run: m Sat: m Unset Alarm Cheek: Point mR(hr Test: m Sat m Unset 7 ~ NMPNS Site Emergency Plan (Vol 1&2) -1 Copy 0 Rev: Date
- 8. Reference Binders -0
- a. OSC Instrument and Control Coord. -1
- b. Storeroom Coord. -1
- c. Nine Mile Point Fire Dept. Coord. -1
- d. Damage Control Team
Coord. -1
- e. Chemistry and Radiation Protection Team coord.-l
- f. OSC Communicator -1
- g. OSC Coordinator -1
- h. Personnel Accountability Coord. -1
- 9. OSC Organization Chart with Plastic Overlay 1
- 10. OSC Step-Off Pad Kit
- a. Count Rate Meter-1 Model 0 Due Dat GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM)
- b. Check Source-1 Serial //
C ~ Step-Off Pads 4
- d. Yellow 6 Magenta Rope 100 ft 1
- e. Plastic Booties 40
- f. Signs Radioactive Material (Paper) 40 ge Tape 1 Roll
- h. Radiation Sign and Inserts 3 11 ~ Assorted Plastic Bags
- 12. Portable Radio-3 HT- Tx/Rx*Ck: o Sat o Unsat (High Band)
- State whether test message is Satisfactory (Sat) or Unsatisfactory (Unsat) on all channels EPMP-2 -103 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17e (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emergenc Response Facilit 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: 0 erations Su ort Center (OSC) By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date Date-'erified
- 13. Portable AC/DC Generator -5 Service (Run with Air Sampler Due Particulate Filter and Charcoal Cartridge):SN: RUN:0 Sat 0 Unsat Gen. are in SN: RUN:0 Sat 0 Unsat a "Fire Rated" SN: RUN:o Sat 0 Unsat Locker Labeled SN: RUN:a Sat o Unsat "Portable SN: RUN:o Sat o Unsat Generators"
- 14. OSC Protective Clothing Kit
- a. Coveralls 20
- b. Full Face Respirators Exp Date and Voice Amplifier Batt. Date Repl:
w/Canisters 20 Batt Due: C ~ Rubber Shoe Covers (L, XL) 20 Pr
- d. Cotton Boot Covers 20 Pr
- e. Cotton Hoods 20 Cotton Gloves 20 Pr go Masking Tape 10 Rolls
- h. Flashlights 20 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
"D" Cell Batteries 40 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: Dosimeters (0-5R) 20 Zero OK: Cal Due Date: Drift Reading (1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- k. Dosimeters (0-200R) -2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date:
Drift Reading (40R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero 1~ Dosimeter Charger-AC Power (on Wall)
- m. Finger Ring Film Badge 40 Issue Date:
Finger Ring Film Badge Control -2 Issue Date: 0~ Cotton Caps 20
- 15. Te lephones 3
- a. Outside Line 3
- b. TSC Damage Control and /
Repairs 1 C ~ TSC Chem 6 Rad Mgt
- d. -2 1'all
- e. TSC-OSC PA Speaker Test: 0 Sat Cl Unsat EPMP-2 -104 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 17e (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Res onse Facility Operations Kit Inventory Location: 0 erations Su ort Center (OSC) Verified By Item/E uipment-Min. Quantity Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 16. Mechanical P&ID Diagram Copy 8
- 17. Damage Repair Procedures 2 Copy 8's
- 18. Mark Up Requests 20
- 19. Emergency Events Status Board-1
- 20. 1/2 A Fuse for Area Rad Mon.
- 21. HEPA Filter Cartridges -20
- 22. -Battery Cart with (2) 12 VDC Batteries Refer to EPMP-'
- 23. Battery Charger and Timer Operation:o Sat D Unsat
- 24. Film Badges -20 ISSUE DATED:
- 25. Film Badge Control -2 ISSUE DATED:
- 26. OSC Support Staff, Status Board -1
- 27. (5) 1 Gal Safety Cans Filled with Unleaded Gas QTY: DATED:
- 28. Scott Pak II -5 **
- 29. Spare Air Tanks -10**
- 30. Spare 15 A Fuses -10
- 31. Watch 1
- 32. NMPNS Corp. Emergency Recovery Response Plan.
- 33. NMPNS EAP Copy 8
- 34. NNPNE EPP Copy P
- See Completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a, SCBA/Control Room Breathing Air Surveillance Sheet. Completed by NMP Fire Department.
+ Located in Hydrant Hose House 86. DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) I EPMP-2 -105 April 1987
E PHP-2, FIGURE 17f . o Quarterly NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Remote Accountabilit Area 0 erations Kit Inventor Location: Unit I Administration Buildin 277'unchroom Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4P/Remarks Si nature/Date 1 ~ Pens .-3 2e EPP-5 -1 3~ Key Card Listing -1 by Department and Copy of EPP-5 Fig. 2 6 3 EPP-13, F ig. 10 Attached REV'ATE'ATE: ,.4 ~ Wall Bin -1 5 ~ NHPC Telephone Directory with Emerg. Facilities -1
- 6. Telephone -1 7 ~ (Misc)
- 8. (Misc) 9 ~ (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPHP-2 -106 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 18 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc 0 erations Fac+lit (EOF) Emer enc Surve Kit Inventory Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date 1 ~ Em ergency Survey Binder 1 to Include: a ~ EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys 1 Rev:
- b. EPP-7, Downwind Radiol-logical Monitoring 1 Rev:
C EPP-12, Re-entry
Procedure - 1 Rev: d ~ EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet - 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents 1 Rev: go EPP-6/7/12, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log - 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
1 Floor Plan
-1 'tation ~
Unit II Date: On-Site Map 3 Rev: Of f-Site Map 3 Rev: Oswego County Map - 1 Date: Nl-CSP-11V, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. 1 Rev: 0 ~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Water and Containment of Gas using PASS 1 Rev: P ~ S>>CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid 6 Gas Samples of High Activity 1 Rev: EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual <<1 Date: S ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations N2-CSP-13, Chemical Post Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPMP-2 -107 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 18 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Emer enc Surve Kit Inventor Verified By . Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial ///Remarks Si nature/Date 2 ~ Clip Board 1 3 ~ Pad, Pens 2, 3 4 ~ Count Rate Meter 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date: 5 ~ Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hr) Due Date: 6 ~ Coveralls 2 Pair 7 ~ Rainsuits 2
- 8. Cotton Booties 2 Pair
- 9. Rubber Boots 2 Pair
- 10. Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
- 11. Cotton Gloves 2 Pair ~
- 12. Full Face Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canister 2 Ex Date:
Date Re 1: Due:
- 13. Spare Resp. Canister 4 Ex Date:
- 14. Cotton Hood 2
- 15. Tape 2
- 16. Misc. Plastic Bags 5
- 17. Silver Zeolite Air Sample packs 6 Contents:
1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY130) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 18. Charcoal Air Sample Packs 10 Date Packs ed:
Contents: 1 Charcoal Cartridge (CP 100) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 19. High Volume Air Sampler AC-1 S: Due Date:
- 20. Hfgh Volume Air Sampler DC-1 0: Due Date:
- 21. Head for Samplers 1
- 22. Flashlights with "Dae Cells- 3 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 23. Spare "D" Cell Batteries 6 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 24. Key to Envir. Sta. 'P5'-1
- 25. Portamobile Radio CHNL -1 (High Band) 1 //HT- Trans/Rec Ck: o Sat o Unsat EPMP-2 -108 April 1987 e '9 ~
' e ~S p eu 5 Pt \ a SW 3 t)W ~ t ~
2 malfueeeae em~/ lhtehP a' a P Ie a ~ r hid ar I M P H k
EPMP-2, FIGURE 18 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc 0 erations Facilit (EOF) Emer enc Survey Kit Inventory Verified By Item/E uipment-Min. Quantity Serial 8/Remarks Si nature Date
- 26. Scott Pak II 2"" -2** Complete Figure 22a
- 27. Spare Air Cylinder Complete Figure 22a
- 28. Atomic Wipes 25
- 29. Atomic Smears 50
- 30. Doeimetere (0-5R) 2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date Drift Reading (1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 31. Dosimeter's (0-500mR) -2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date Drift. Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 32. Dosimeter Charger 1
- 33. Masslin Cloth 20
- 34. KI Tablets 1 Bottle 35.
with Instructions Quarters 25
'x Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: and Issue Sheet Date:
- 36. Watch 1 Operation Check o Sat D Unsat
- 37. Check Source 1 Ser. 8
- 38. Extension Cord 1
- 39. Film Badges 2 Issue Date:
- 40. Film Badge Control -2 Issue Date:
- 41. HEPA Filter Cartridges'-4
- 42. Fuse 6 1/4A, 125 VAC 1 Box
- 43. Cotton Caps 2
- 44. (Misc)
- See completed EPMP-2, Figure 22a SCBA/Control Room breathing air Surveillance Sheet Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
EPMP-2 -109 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 19 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency. Emer enc Vehicle Inventor X. Chem & Rad M t. On-Call Emer enc Vehicle Kit Vehicle 0'. Verified By Item/E ui ment- Min. uantit Serial 4/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. Em ergency Survey Binder 1 to include:
a EPP-6, In-Plant
~ Emergency Surveys 1 Rev:
- b. EPP-7, Downwind Radiol-logical Monitoring 1 Rev:
C ~ EPP&2, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev: d ~ EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents 1 Rev: gh EPP-6/7/12, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/ke-entry Survey Log 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
1 ~ Station Floor Plan Unit II 1 Date: j ~ On-Site Map 3 Rev:
- k. Off-Site Map 3 Rev:
1 ~ Oswego County Map 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-llV, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis - 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng.Stk.Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. 1 Rev: 0~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS 1 Rev: P ~ S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid & Gas Samples of High Activity 1 Rev:
- q. EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev:
Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: 8 ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations t ~ N2-CSP-13, Chemical Post Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPMP-2 -110 April 1987 ~:h ~ .hq, hq .h h h ~ h 1P h ~ 'P '}'t9'h)hh,,t h Pe 5 Ph hP hhht hhP fPe'tWi4ah'h h h P h I
EPMP-2, FIGURE 19 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Vehicle Inventory I. Chem & Rad M t. On-Call Emer enc Vehicle Kit Vehicle i: Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. guantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date 2 ~ Clip Board 1 3 ~ Pad, Pens 2, 3
- 4. Count Rate Meter 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date:
5~ Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hr) Due Date:
- 6. Coveralls, Large 6 X-Large 1 pair of each 7 ~ Rainsuits 2
- 8. Shoe Covers 20 Pair
- 9. Rubber Boots 2 Pair
- 10. Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
- 11. Cotton Gloves - 2 Pair
- 12. Full Face Resp. with Date Batt Canisters 2 Ex Date: Re 1:
Batt Due:
- 13. Spare Resp. Canister 4 Ex Date:.
- 14. Cotton Hood 2
- 15. Tape 2
- 16. Misc. Plastic Bags 5
- 17. Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs 6 Contents:
1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge (GY 130) 1 Petri Dish 1 Gelman 47mm type A/E Collection Envelopes filter 2
- 18. Charcoal Air Sample Packs 10 Date Packa ed Contents:
1 Charcoal Cartridge 1 Petri Dish 1 - Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 19. *High Volume Air Sampler, DC-1 P: Due Date:
- 20. *High Volume Alr Sampler, AC-l d: Due Date:
21. 22. Head for Sampler l Flashlights with "D" Cells- 3 Date Batt Repl: Batt Due: Perform with vehicle running EPMP-2 -111 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 19 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Vehicle Inventory I. Chem 6 Rad M t. On-Call Emergency Vehicle Kit Location: Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 23. Spare "D" Cell Batteries 6 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 24. Key to Envir. Sta. 'P5'1
- 25. Atomic Wipes 12
- 26. Atomic Smears 50
- 27. Film Badges 6 Issue Date:
- 28. Film Badge Control -2 Issue Date:
- 29. Dosimeter (0-500mR) 6 Zero OK: Cal. Due Date:
Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 30. Dosimeter (0-5R) -6 Zero OK: Cal. Due Date:
Drift Reading (1R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 31. Dosimeter Charger Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 32. Masslin Cloth 20
- 33. KI Tablets 1 Bottle Ex Date:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet
- 34. Quarters 25
- 35. Yellow and Magenta Rope 50'-6
- 36. Assorted Radiation/Contamina-tion Tags
- 37. Check Source 1 Ser.
- 38. Extension Cord 1
- 39. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 40. HEPA Filter Cartridges -4
- 41. Watch and Clip -1
- 42. Speedi-Dry (5 Gal Containers) 4
- 43. Tweezers -1
- 44. Scissors -1
- 45. Shovel -1
- 46. Cotton Caps 2
- 47. Fuses 6 1/4A 125 VAC 1 Box
- 48. Cotton Booties 2 Pair EPMP-2 -112 April 1987
~ ( p
EPMP-2s FIGURE 19 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Vehicles Inventor II. Misc. Emer enc Vehicle E ui ment Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 0/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 1. Chemistry & Radiation Management On-Call vehicle 0
- a. *AC Inverter - 1
- b. "*Mobile Radio - 1 Tz/Rx Ck: o Sat o Unsat
- c. (Misc)
- 2. Chemistry & Radiation Management Environmental Vehicle a~ *AC Inverter - 1 S 5 a1a. rnn:o Sat 0 Unsat
- b. *"Mobile Radio 1 Tx/Rx Ck: O Sat 0 Unsat
- c. (Misc)
- 3. Chemistry & Radiation Management Hazmat Vehicle 8
- a. *AC Inverter 5 min run: 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- b. **Mobile Radio 1 1x/Rx Ck: o Sat o Unsat
- c. (Misc)
- 4. Computer Department Vehicle 8
- a. <<AC Inverter - 1 5 min. run!a Sat a Unsat
- b. *"Mobile Radio - 1 Tz/Rz Ck: o Sat o Unsat
- c. (Misc)
- 5. I & C Department Vehicle 8
- a. <<<<Mobile Radio - 1 Tx/Rx Ck: o.Sat o
- b. (Misc)
- c. (Misc)
- Perform with vehicle operating, using an'C"High'olume with particulate filter and charcoal cartridge.
"* State whether, test message was Satisfactory (Sat) or Unsatis factor.y (Unsat) on all channels. Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
'PMP-2 -113 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 20 0 Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST o Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Radiolo ical Dose Assessment Emer enc Kit Inventor Kit Location: CONTROL ROOM 01 TSC EOF, AEOF CONTROL ROOM 42 Circle Location) Verified By Item/E ui ment<<Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature Date
- 1. Eme rgency Survey Binder - 1 to Include:
EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys - 1 Rev: EPP-7, Downwind Radiol-logical Monitoring - 1 Rev: C EPP-12, Re-entry
Procedure -1 Rev: d~ EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring - 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet - 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans>> portation Accidents - 1 Rev: ge EPP-6/7/12, Fig. 1, In-Plant/ Downwind/Re"entry Survey Log - 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Flan Unit I -1 Date:
- l. ~ Station Floor Plan Unit II -1 Date:
On-Site Map - 3 Rev: ko Off-Site Map - 3 Rev: 1 ~ Oswego County Map - 1 Date: Nl<<CSP-llV, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and . Analysis - 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. - 1 Rev: 0 ~ Nl-CSP"13A, Sampling and Anilysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS - 1 Rev po S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid & Gas Samples of High Activity - 1 Rev: EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List - 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations t ~ +2-CSP-I3, Chemical Post Accident Assessment-1 Rev: EPMP-2 -114 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 20 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Radiolo ical Dose Assessment Emer enc Kit Inventor Kit Location: CONTROL ROOM 01, TSC, EOF AEOF CONTROL ROON 02
Cxrcle Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Hin. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 2. Dose Estimate Cabinet 20 Hile Radius Map 1 a) Wing Nut b) Wheel Free c) Condit ion 0 Sat 0 Unsat 4 Mile Radius Map " 1 d) Wing'ut e) Wheel Free f) Condition 0 Sat 0 Unsat g) Index Dose Estimator Calculator -1 h) Free to Turn i) Condition 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 3. Computer Printer Paper
-4 Copy, 4 Boxes Boxes Full: Partial:
- 4. User's Manual for the Class A Model Radiological Computer System - 1 Rev. Date
- 5. User Instruction for Accessing SAI RAGEMS(Unit I)
GEMS (Unit II)++ Rev. 'ate
- 6. 4 "C" Cell Batteries for Date Batt Repl:
Modified Teletector
- Batt Due:
7 ~ Off Site Dose Est. Binder 1
- 8. Clip Board - 1
- 9. Pad, Pens 2, 3
- 10. (Misc) 11- (Misc) ~
- 12. (Misc)
Control Room 01 Only Not at AEOF Both located at TSC, GEMS at Unit 42 C.R. EOF and AEOF, only RAGEMS at Unit fl C.R. and only DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE. Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) ATTACH COMPLETED COHPUTER DEPARTMENT TERMINAL SURVEY FOR THIS MONTH. EPMP-2 -115 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURg, 21 NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location TSC
- 1. NYS Radiological Emergency Communication System (RECS) Hotline*
Circuit Number Verified by A enc Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time a) Nine Mile Point Control Room Pl b) Nine Mile Point Control Room P2 c) FitzPatrick Control Room d).Oswego County Warning Point e) Oswego County EOC<< f) EMO NYS Central District** g) NYS Dept of Radiological Health"" h) NYS Division of State Police (Alternate State Warning Point) i) EMO NYS Tech. Resources (State EOC)<< g) NYS Warning Point k) EOF
- 1) ~
- 2. NKC Emergency Operations Center (ENS-Hotline)
Circuit Number Verified by A enc Contacted Person Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time NRC Headquarters
- 3. NRC Health Physics Network (HPN Hotline)
Phone Number Verified by . Zacation Person Contacted 'emarks S'i" ture/Date/Time a) NRC Room b) Rad Assessment Coord. Desk
- Refer to Attachment 1 for NYS REGS Procedure and message content.
"* A recall of this station is not required if no answer .is",received. EPMP-2 -116 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location TSC (Cont'd)
- 4. Dedicated Lines (Hotlines)
Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time a) TSC-EOF 8 b) TSC-EOF Security c) TSC-OSC 4') TSC-OSC 8 e) TSC-CR8 1 0 f) TSC-CR8 1 /l g) TSC-CR8 2 EMERG. DIRECTOR h) TSC-CR8 2 COMMUNICATOR g) Misc. Radio Communications
- 5. (Misc.)
- 6. (Misc.')
- 7. (Misc.)
- 5. Radio/Console: Rad Assessment Room Radio Console Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time Offsite:
Power Control Administration Rad Teams" B A) Oswego Fire (' Unit I: Rad Teams Operations/Fire (Later) (Later) Unit II: Rad Teams Operations Maint/IGC Fire Teams (Later) ase. EPMP-2 -117 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location TSC (Cont'd)
- 6. Radio/Console: Communications Room Verified by
." ~ t Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si nature/Date/Time Offsite.:
Power Control Administration Rad Teams* B) A) /B) Oswego Fire ( Unit I: Rad Teams Operations/Fire (Later) (Later) Unit II: Rad Teams Operation's Maint/I6C Fire Teams (Later)
- Use to Contact A) OS.CO.EOC and B) CORP.EOC Base.
A ( 7. Gai-Tronics n P Verified by Location Channels Tested Si nature/Date/Time (n ~ Unit I Rad Assessment Room l. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 2. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 3. 0 Sat 0 Unset Unit I Communications Room l. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 2. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 3. 0 Sat 0 Unsat Unit I Site Emergency Director 1. 0 Sat 0 Unsat 2~ 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 3. 0 Sat 0 Unsat EPMP-2 -118 April 1987
~ ( ~ ~ \ ( ( I ' (
. EPHP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued)
NHP EHERGENCY EQUIPHENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location TSC (Cont'd)
- 7. (Cont'd)
Gai-Tronics Verified by Location Channels Tested Si nature/Date/Time Unit I Station Survey. Sample Team l. o Sat o Unsat Coord. Desk 2. a Sat o Unsat
- 3. o Sat a Unsat Unit II
- 1. 0 Sat o Unsat
- 2. o Sat o Unsat
- 3. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 4. 0 Sat 0 Unsat Unit I Haintenance l. o Sat o Unsat Coord. Desk 2 0 Sat O Unsat
- 3. 0 Sat o Unsat Unit II
- 1. 0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 2. CI Sat o Unset'.
0 Sat 0 Unsat
- 4. 0 Sat 0 Unsat EFHP-2 -119 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMEST CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location EOP
- 1. NYS Radiological Emergency Communication System (REGS) Hotline*
Circuit Number Verified by A enc Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time a) Nine Mile Point Control Room 81 b) Nine Mile Point Control Room 82 c) Pit@Patrick Control Room d) Oswego County Warning Point e) Oswego County EOC** f) EMO NYS Central District*" g) NYS Dept of Radiological Health~" h) NYS Division of St'ate Police (Alternate State Warning Point) i) EMO NYS Tech. Resources (State EOC)<<* g) NYS Warning Point k) EOF
- 1) AEOF
- 2. NRC Emergency Operations Center (ENS-Hotline)
Circuit Number Vexified by A enc Contacted Person Contacted Remarks dd nature/Dare/rdme NRC Headquarters
- 3. NRC Health Physics Network (HPN Hotline)
Phone Number Vexified by Location Person Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time a) NRC/PEMA Room b) Rad Assessment Room
- Refer to Attachment 1 for NYS REGS Procedure and message content.
"* A recall of this station is not required if no answer is'eceived. EPMP-2 -120 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location EOF (Cont'd)
- 4. Dedicated Lines (Hotlines)
Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si nature/Date/Time a) EOF-TSC 8') EOF-TSC Security c) EOF-Corporate EOC 8') EOF-JNC P'. Radio/Console: Radiological Assessment Room Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si nature/Date/Time Offsite: Power Control Administration. Rad Teams" A) B) A) /B) Oswego Fire ~ Unit I: Rad Teams Operations/Fire (Later) (Later) Unit II: Rad Teams Operations Maint/I&C Fire Teams (Later)
- Use to Contact A) OS.CO.EOC and B) CORP.EOC Base.
EPMP-2 -121 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location EOF (Cont'd)
- 6. Radio/Console: Communications Room Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time Offsite:
Power Control Administration Rad Teams" A) B) A) /B) Oswego Fire ( Unit I:- Rad Teams Operations/Fire (Later) (Later) Unit II: Rad Teams. Operations Maint/I&C Fire Teams (Later) ~ Use to Contact A) OS.CO.EOC and B) CORP.EOC Base. EPMP-2 -122 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location AEOF
- 1. NYS Radiological Emergency Communication System (REGS) Hotline*
Circuit Number Verified by A enc Contacted Remarks Si ature/Date/Time a) Nine Mile Point Control Room 81 b) Nine Mile Point Control Room 82 c) 'FitzPatrick Control Room d) Oswego County Warning Point e) Oswego County EOC*" f) EMO NYS Central District** g) NYS Dept of Radiological Health"" h) NYS Division of State Police (Alternate State Warning Point) i) EMO NYS Tech. Resources (State EOC)*" j) NYS Warning Point k) EOF Communications Link Utilized Verified by Person Contacted Remarks Si ature/Date/Time
- a. AEOF Base Station" a Sat o Unsat
- State whether transmission/reception was satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNSAT).
- A recall of this station is not required if no answer is received.
EPMP-2 -123 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location JOINT NEWS CENTER Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time A. NIMO-Syr B. NIMO Rad I. EOF C. NIMO Tech Assmt. EOF ~ D. NIMO-P.Info EOF H. portaaobils* Hx S UHNL 1 csatc Unsat CHNL 2 CUata Unsat State whether transmission/reception was satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNSAT). F s EPMP-2 -124 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer eac Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location Control Room Unit I I'. NYS Radiological Emergency Communication System (RECS) Hotline>>- Circuit Number Verified by A enc Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time a) Nine Mile Point Control Room 41 b) Nine Mile Point Control Room 4'2 c) FitzPatrick Control Room d) Oswego County Warning Point e) Oswego County EOC~* f) EMO NYS Central District** g) NYS Dept of Radiological Health*+ h) NYS Division of State Police (Alternate State Warning Point) i) EMO NYS Tech. Resources (State EOC)*<< g) NYS Warning Point k) EOF
- 1) AEOF
- 2. NRC Emergency Operations Center (ENS-Hotline)
Circuit Number Verified by NRC Head uarters Person Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time SSS Office Drop Commo. console Drop
- Refer to Attachment 1 for NYS REGS Procedure message content.
- A recall of this station is not required if noandanswer is received.
EPMP-2 -125 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location Control Room Unit I
- 3. Dedicated Lines (Hotlines)
Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time a) CR 81-TSC 8 b) CR 81-TSC 8' c) CR 41-CR 82 - Power Control d) CR dl-CR82 Security
- 5. Radio Communications
- 6. (Misc.)
- 8. (Misc.)
- 4. Radio/Console: Control Room Unit I Verified by.
Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time Offsite: Power Control Administration Rad Teams* A) /B) A) /B) Oswego Fire ( Unit I: Rad Teams Operations/Fire (Later) (Later) Unit II: Rad Teams Operations Maint/ISC Fire Teams Pager
- Use to Contact A) OS.CO.EOC and B) CORP.EOC Base.
EPMP-2 -126 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location Control Room Unit II h
- 1. NYS Radiological Emergency Communication System (REGS) Hotline~
Circuit Number Verified by . A enc Contacted Remarks Si ature/Date/Time a) Nine Mile Point Control Room dl b) Nine Mile Point Control Room 82 c) FitzPatrick Control Room d) Oswego County Warning Point e) Oswego County EOC>>" f) EMO NYS Central District~* g) NYS Dept of Radiological Health*" h) NYS Division of State Police (Alternate State Warning Point) i) EMO NYS Tech. Resources (State EOC)** g) NYS Warning Point k) EOF
- 1) AEOF
- 2. NRC Emergency Operations Center (ENS-Hotline)
Circuit Number Verified by NRC Head uarters Person Contacted Remarks Si nature/Date/Time Commo. Console Drop Remote Shutdown Area Drop Refer to Attachment 1 for NYS RECS Procedure and message content.
- " A recall of this station is not required if no answer is received.
EPMP-2 -127 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY. EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc Communication S stem Surveillance Sheet Location Control Room Unit II
- 3. Dedicated Lines (Hotlines)
Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ature/Date/Time a) CR 82-TSC EMERG. DIRECTOR b) CR P2-TSC COMMUNICATOR c) CR82 - JAF C.R. d) CR02 - Power CNTL 8 e) CRP2 Security
- 5. Radio Communications
- 6. (Misc.)
- 8. (Misc.)
- 4. Radio/Console: Control Room Unit II Verified by Communications Link Utilized Person Contacted Si ture/Date/Time Offsite:
Power C'ontrol Administration Rad Teams* B Oswego Fire I: ('nit
,Rad Teams = Operations/Fire (Later)
(Later) Unit II: Rad Teams Operations Maint/I&C Fire Teams Pager e Use to Contact A) OS.CO.EOC and B) CORP.EOC Base.'PMP-.2
-128 April 1)87 ~ H ~~
EPMP-2, FIGURE 21 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emergency Communication System Surveillance Sheet
***Message Content (1) This is the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (2) Testing individuals name and number (3) This is a test of the emergency communication system utilized to activate the (NRC or Health Physics) radiological emergency response network from the NMPNS (state location). Ask if reception is clear.
(4) This ends a test of the NMPNS emergency communication system. DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -129 April 1987
REGULATOR VOICE PK ax*a BUILDING :, EPMP 82 DATE TANK AIR (ELEVATION CASE FIG HYDRQ+ OVERHAUL%* OP BATT ( PRESSURE LOCATION [ 22B DATE ID8 ID 0 DATE REPL ! (PSIG) VERIPIED BY Date / / Supervisor Pire Protection Date / / (or designee) Respiratory Protection Coordinator Date / / Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee)
Nask and Hose Eosnhe tcr crzrtssr(naticn, densge ani dataricraticn 2.. Stretch Hose Check fcr zigtuzNIss of assanhly erzi cracking
- 3. Examine harness
- 4. xest unit aa and mask a.
to for wax ci tor C~ cylia(er gage and (Regulator ~5uatica of up for full indication. hazcheze. to cylirrisr
~ (HKXr2200 gZKJ4 uzucate leakage.
'%E IS 4a-'r. ZF LEAR%K XS SZXLL PRESE)(F, REVS APPARAX()S FKH SERVXCZy 'esp A)Q RAVE REPAIRED Sf AUIKRIZKDPE)(SC5HEL ) 'o ease aLr pressure Y sdbmcar lever in "Ca(" Positicn. Pak-Alaca shall ring zzrmtazily. After'z'esesze is asbsased (os fiat >
place lever'n. OET" positicn. Ahem slxuld start at about 4 full. r go of yellow hab not f)cat. (elf Valve) . R¹gulamr s)zruht Unthread brest)de bose fras tor. BgcL 1A z es
- 1. place ncuth over'egulamr cutlet probe aaL gently inhale on zegulamr cutlet.
negative pzesmze shalL be ataintahmt arith m 1 (f1acr) the tcr>> y xnm r ror cu positive pzeamze shall ba mahztahel Wth delivered ns 1 (flaw) h the mr. Xhe P~laaa shall ring zrnecearily. '!he zeguL1toz gage shall hecate "PUCE". Check for lea)cage at cylirzisr vaivep. zeguiatoz and all ccnnecticnso securely. Inhale Air shrubs be Wth effort
@st.'ease in facepieoe prese~ shall be noted (gaaLtive pre~re) ~ Inhale several times Place caela% lever in ",CFP position Diaxxme:t brea tube exzi maeve f 1A cy clockwise to close valve.
pres&le% selector lever in "CN position Pa)HQana shall rinF ~tsrily. lever in "CFP After preseu:e is amassed (ns flov), tion. S ~ SLE(SWORE U i UNSAEXSHCXDRE EPMP-2 -131 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 23 oQuarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST OPost Drill/ Exercise/Emergency I, SPARE PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATION KIT INVENTORY Kit Location EOF Su pl Room Verified by Item/E ui ent-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si ature/Date
- l. Paper Bath Towels - 25 2e Paper Hand Towels - 2 Pkgs 3~ Disposable Plastic Gloves 1 Box 4~ Assorted Plastic Bags
- 5. Disposable Coveralls 1 Box
- 6. Plastic Booties 100 7~ Antiseptic Soap - 1 Tr.
Bottle Dated: Due: 8~ Prell Shampoo-3/60 ml. Bottles Dated: Due:
- 9. Tide - 1 20 oz. Box Dated: Due:
10 ~ Rad. Con - 2 Cans Dated: Due:
- 11. Cotton Tip Swabs 100
- 12. Surgical Scrub Brushes 10
- 13. 150 ml Beakers 6
- 14. Masking Tape 2 rolls
- 15. Duct Tape - roll 1 'rey
- 16. StepWff Pads - 4
- 17. Yellow & Magenta Rope. 50 ft.
- 18. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 19. Dosimeters (0-500 mR)-4 Zero Due Date Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 20. Dosimeter Charger 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: 21e Count Rate Meter 1 GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Model ge Due Date
- 22. Sample Envelopes - 12 23e Lanolin 1 Bottle
- 24. Trash Receptacle -1 25 Bandage Scissors 1
'6 Masslin Cloth - 20
- 27. Soap Bars - 10 Dated: Due:
- 28. Petri Dishes 24
- 29. Check Source -1 SER.
- 30. Film Badges -4 Issue Date:
- 31. Film.Badge Contr'ol -2 Issue Date:
- 32. (Misc.')
- 33. (Misc.)
- 34. (Misc.)
Details/Items Resolved B /Date Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) EPMP-2 -132 April 1987 Date e
EPMP-2~ FIGURE 24 a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency
Emer eac TLD Checklist TLD Verified By ID.P A-1 B-1 C-0 D-1 D-3 E-3 F-3 EPMP-2 -133 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 24 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc TLD Checklist TLD Verified By ZD 0 / G-4 G-7 G-9 H-2 H-5 H 7 J-2 J-5 J-6 J-7 EPMP-2 -134 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 24 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc TLD Checklist TIS Verified By ID 8 / K-2 K-5 K-7 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-7 M-2 0-1 P-1 EPMP-2 -135 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 24 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc TLD Checklist TLD Verified By XD f Location Descri tion TLDd In TLD8 Out Condition Si ature/Date Controls
-'Attach TLD results to this checklist.
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning. Coordinator: Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -136 April 1987
y Qtl
gy -, Exercise/Emergency Portable Emer enc Personnel Decoritamination Ki.t Inventory Location, r Unit I Unit II (Circle one) Verified by Item/ ui eat~a. antit Serial 4/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 1. Coveralls, Large 6 X-Large-3 Pair of Each
- 2. Paper'ath Towels - 10
- 3. Paper Towels - 3
- 4. Disposable Gloves - 1 Box
- 5. Assorted Plastic Bags
- 6. 4 x 4 Steri Pads - 1 Box Dated: Due:
- 7. Scissors, Bandage Type - 1
- 8. Antiseptic Soap - 1. ltr. Dated: Due!
- 9. Lanolin - 1 Dated: Due:
- 10. Tide - 1 20 oz. Box Dated: Due:
- 11. Prell Shampoo - 2 60ml.
Bottles Dated: Due!
- 12. Shaving Cream - 1 Dated: Due:
'13. Disposable Razors - 12
- 14. Cotton Swabs 300
- 15. Plastic Boot'ies - 50
- 16. 150 ml Beakers - 6
- 17. Rad Con" 2 Dated: Due.
- 18. Surgical Scrub Brushes - 10
- 19. Masking Tape 2" - 3
- 20. Soap Bars - 10 Dated: Due!
- 21. Waterless Hand Cleaner -1 Dated: Due:
- 22. Tongue Depressor -100
- 23. (Misc)
- 24. (Misc)
- 25. (Misc)
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BV/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP 2 137 April 1987
EPMP-2~ FIGURE 26 cI Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Pexsonnel Decontamination Room Su lies Kit Inventox
- Location Verified by:
Item/E ui entrain. Ouantit Serial 0/Remarks Si ature/Date li CovexaU.s, Large 3 Pair of Each 6r X-Large-20 Paper Bath Towels - 1 Carton 3~ Papex Hand Towels -6 4~ Disposable Gloves - 1 Bor 5~ .Assorted Plastic Bags - 30 6~ 4 x 4 Steri Pads - 1 Box Dated: Due: 7~ Scissors (Bandage Type)"1 8~ Complete First Aid Kit - 1 Dated: Due: 9o Antiseptic Soap-2 Liter Btls . Dated: Due: Tide 20 ozi - 2 Dated: Due: Lanolin 2 Dated: Due: 12 ~ Prell Shampoo-4 60 ml. Btls. Dated: Due:
- 13. Shaving Cream - 2 Cans Dated: Due:
- 14. Disposable Razors - 12 Cotton Swabs - 300 15'6.
Plastic Booties 50 Pair
- 17. 150 ml. Plastic Beakers . 6
- 18. Rad Con. - 4 Dated! Due 19; Surgical Scrub Brushes
- 20. Half Face Respirators w/Cartridges -3 10 .
- i
- 21. Spare HEPA Respirator Cartxidges -6
- 22. Masking Tape -2
- 23. Grey Duct Tape -1 24 'tep Off Pads 4 -
- 25. Sample Envelopes - 12
- 26. Trash Receptacle - 1
- 27. Masslin Cloth - 20
- 28. Assorted Radiation/Contaminat ion Tags 29~ Soap Bars -, 10 Dated: Due:
- 30. waterless Hand Cleaner -1 Dated: Due!'10 (fongue Depressor -100 32 ~ (Misc.)
334 (Misc.)
- 34. (Misc.)
Details/Items Resolved By/Date Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -138 April 1987
~ 0 ~ 1, ~ 11 0 ~ / ~ ~ I, y ~ ~
EPMP-2, FIGURE 27 a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a.Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Dama e Re air E ui ment Inventory t Kit Locatio'n Verified by: Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date 500 Ft Triplex 4/0 Cu 5 KV Insulated Cable with 1/0 Cu. 5KV Insulated Ground 2~ 500 Ft Duplex 82 AWG Cu, 600V Insulated Cable
- 3. 100 Ft 2 Conductor 810 Cu 60V Insulated Cable
- 4. 10 Ft 1 Conductor 812 SIS Wire
- 5. . 4 Kerite Co. Splice Kits, No. S-3018 or Equivalent
- 6. 2 Kerite Co. Splice Kits, No. S-3001 or Equivalent a
7 ~ 2 Kerite Co. Termination Kits, No. T-4018 or Equivalent
- 8. 2 Kerite Co. Termination Kits, No. T-4001 oz Equivalent
- 9. . 2 Kellems Cable Support grips Model No. RR250-HE or Equivalent
- 10. 2 Kellems Cable Support Grips Model No. RR150-HE or Equivalent 8 BurndyHyline No. YS28, 84/0 Splices or Equivalent
- 12. 2 Burndy Hyline No. YS2C, 82 Splices or Equivalent
- 13. 1 Burndy Hylink No. YSM27, Parallel Splices or Equivalent
- 14. 1 Burndy Hylink Po. YSM25, Parallel Splices or Equivalent
- 15. 3 Burndy Hylug No. YA28-2N 4/0 Terminal or Equivalent
- 16. 1 Burndy Hylug No. YA25-2N'/0 Terminal or Equivalent
- 17. 8 Burndy Hylug No. YA2C-2N P2 Terminal or Equivalent
- 18. 2 Burndy Reducing Adaptor No. Y2825R or Equivalent
- 19. 2 Burndy,Reducing Adaptor No. Y2826R or Equivalent EPMP-2 -139 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 27 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Dama e Re air E ui ment Inventor Kit Location Verified by: Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks I
- 20. 4 Burndy Hylug Ring - Tongue Terminals No.YAV10-T3 or Equivalent
- 21. 2 Fuse 6 Amp (for Powerboard 171 Control Circuit)
- 22. 1 Burndy Hytool Crimping tool MY28 or Equivalent
- 23. 1 Burndy Crimping Tool YlOME-4 or Equivalent
- 24. 1 Breaker Elevator Hand Crank (GE for Magne Blast Circuit Breaker)
- 25. 1 Hacksaw and 20 Extra Blades
- 26. 1 5/8" Ratchet Wrench (for Breaker Closing Spring Charging)
- 27. 2 sets - Wrenches and Screw-drivers to Cable and Wire Disconnection
- 28. 2 sets - Cable Cutting and
Splicing Tools.
- 29. 2 Insulated Fuse Puller
- 30. 3 Sets - Bus Grounding Cables
- 31. Fire Retardant Putty -1 Box
- 32. Misc.
- 33. Misc.
- 34. Misc.
Details/Items Resolved By/Date Nuclear Generation Storeroom Supervisor Date (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -140 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 28 0 Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Post-accident Sam lin Kit Inventor 1/2/3 Kit Location Unit I Unit II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 1. P.A.S. Unit I Binder 1 to include:
- a. Nl-CSP-13A Sampling amd Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas Using PASS - 5 Rev:
- b. S-LIP-22 "Gas Chromatograph" 1 Rev:
- c. S-LIP-22, Fig. 7 (20) Rev:
- d. S-LIP-22, Fig. 8 (20) Rev:
- e. S-CAP-60 "Dilution of Liquid 6 Gas Samples of.
High Act" 1 Rev:
- f. S-CAP-8 "Boron Analysis" 1 Rev:
- g. S-CAP-63 "Chloride Analysis with Iodide Interference" 1 Rev:
- h. EPP-6 "In-Plant Emergency Surveys" 1 Rev:
- i. EPP-6, Fig. 1 (10) Rev:
EPP-6, Attach I Date:
- k. EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List -, 1 Rev:
- 1. Portable Generator Manual-1 Rev:
- m. Unit 1 Floor Plans 1 Date:
- n. On-Site Map (3) Rev:
- o. EPP-15 "Health Physics" - 1 Rev:
EPMP-2 -141 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 28 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Post-accident Sam lin Kit Inventor 1/2/3 Kit Location Unit I Unit II (Circle One) Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 2. P.A.S. Unit II Binder 1 to include:
- a. EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev:
- b. Portable Generator Manual Rev:
- c. Station Floor Plans Unit II - 1 Date:
- d. On-Site Map (3) Rev:
- e. EPP-15 "Health Physics" 1 Rev:
- f. N2-CSP-13A -5 Rev:
EPMP-2 -142 April 1987
~ P" feV 'I Qt ' ' a ~ t\ ~ -, ~ y,> <, ~ ~
EPMP>>2, FIGURE 28 (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Post-accident Sam lin Kit Inventor 1/2/3 Kit Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 0/Remarks Si nature/Date 3~ Clip Board - 1
- 4. Pad, Pens 2, 3
- 5. Count Rate Heter - 1 Hodel GH/HP-21'0 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Due Date:
- 6. Dose Rate Heter - 1 Model.
Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hr) Due Date:
- 7. Coveralls, Large & X-Large 2 Pair of Each
- 8. Shoe Covers '- 20 Pair
- 9. Rubber Boots - 4 Pair 10.'Rubber Gloves - 4 Pair 11 Cotton Gloves - 4 Pair
Pull Pace Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canister - 4 Ex Date: Batt Re 1; Due:
- 13. Spare Resp. Canister - 4 Ex Date:
- 14. Cotton Hood - 2 Pair 15 ~ Tape - 4 16 ~ Misc. Plastic Bags - 5
- 17. Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs - 6 Contents:
1 - Silver Zeolite Cartridge 1 - Petri Dish 1 - Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 - Collection Envelopes
- 18. Charcoal Air Sample Packs -10 Date Packs ed Contents:
1 - Charcoal Cartridge 1 - Petri Dish 1 - Gelman 47mm type A/E filter 2 Collection Envelopes
- 19. High Range Dose Rate Model GH(0-1000R/Hr) Meter Due Date:
20 ~ Pinger Rings - 4 Sets Issue Date:
- 21. Dosimeters, (0"5R)-2 Zero OK: Cal Due Date Dri(t Reading (1R MAX) Prier te Re-Zero 22 ~ Dosimeters (0-50R)-2 Zero CK: Cal Due Date Drift Reading ( 10R MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 23. Dosimeter Charger - 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due: EPMP-2 -143 April 1987 I
EPMP-2, FIGURE 28 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Post-accident Sam lin Kit Inventor 1/2/3 Kit Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 24. High Volume Air Sampler, AC - 1 Due Date:
- 25. Filter Head for. Sampler - 1
- 26. Atomic Wipes 25
- 27. Atomic Smears - 50
'8. Portable Radio (High Band) 1* 8 HT- Trans/Rec:
- 29. Masslin Cloth 20
- 30. Yellow and Magenta Rope 50 ft. 4
- 31. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 32. KI Tablets 1 Bottle Ex D ate:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet 33.'4. Flashlights with 'D'ells- 4. Date Batt'epl: Batt Due.'att Spare "D" Cell Batteries 8 'Date Repl: Batt Due'.
- 35. Extension Cord 25 ft. 1
- 36. Check Source 1 Ser.
- 37. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 38. HEPA Filter Cartridges -4
- 39. Finger Ring Control -1 Issue Date:
- 40. Watch and Clip -1
- 41. Cotton Booties - 2 Pair
- 42. Cotton Caps 2 Pair
- 43. Fuse 6 1/4A 125 VAC SB -1 Box 44 (MISC)
(MISC) State whether test message is SAT or UNSAT, on all channels. Details/Items Resolved By/Date Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -144 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 29 O Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Habitabilit Surve Kit Inventor 1/2 Item/E 1 ~ ui ment-Min. uantit Eme rgency to Include: Kit Eocation Survey Binder 1 Serial 0/Remarks ~l Verified by:
- a. EPP-6, In-Plant Emergency Surveys - 1 Rev:
bo EPP-7, Downwind Radiol-logical Monitoring - 1 Rev: C EPP<<12, Re-entry Procedure - 1
Rev: EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7, Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet - 10 Rev:
EPP-24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents - 1 Rev: go EPP-6/7/12, Fig. 1, In-Plant Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log - 10 Rev:
- h. Sta'tion Floor Plan Unit I'. -1 Date:
1 Station Floor Plan II
Unit 1 Date:
] On-Site Map - 3 Rev: ~
- k. Off-Site Map - 3 Rev:
- 1. Oswego County Map - 1 Date:
Nl-CSP-llV, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis - 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. - 1 Rev: 0 ~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Water and Containment Gas using PASS - 1 Rev: po S-CAP-60, Dilution of Liquid & Gas Samples of High Activity - 1 Rev: Attachment 1, Telephone List - 1
'PMP-3, Rev:
I ~ Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6, Attachment 1 Rev: Battery Cart Operations N2-CSP-13 Chemical Post Accident Assessment - 1 Rev: EPMP-2 -145 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 29 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Habitabilit Surve Kit Inventor 1/2 Kit Location continued Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 2. Clip Boaxd -. 1
- 3. Pad, Pens 2, 3
- 4. Count Rate Meter 1 Model GM/HP-210 Probe, (0>>50k CPM) Due Date:
- 5. Dose Rate Meter 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-5R/Hx) Dua Data:
- 6. Coveralls, Iarge h X-Large 1 Pair of Each
- 7. Shoe Covers - 20 Pair
- 8. Rubber Boots - 2 Pair
- 9. Rubber Gloves 2 Pair
- 10. Cotton Gloves 2 Pair
- 11. Full Face Resp. and Voice Amplifier with Canisters - 2 E 1:
Date.'att. Re
- 12. Spare Resp. Canisters - 2 Ex Date:
- 13. Cotton Hood - 2 Pair.
- 14. Tape - 2
- 15. Misc. Plastic Bags - 5
- 16. Silver Zeolite Air Sample Packs - 6 Contents:
1 Silver Zeolite Cartridge 1 - Petri Dish 1 - Gelman 47mm type A/E filters 2 Collection Envelopes
- 17. Charcoal Air Sample Packs - 10 Date Packs ed Contents:
1 Charcoal Cartx'idge 1 Petri Dish 1 - Gelman 47mm type A/E filtex's 2 - Collection Envelopes
- 18. High Volume Air Sampler,
. AC-1 Due Date:
- 19. Filter Head for Sampler - 1
- 20. Atomic Wipes 25
- 21. Atomic Smeaxs - 50
- 22. Masslin Cloth - 20
- 23. Yellow and Magenta Rope 50 Ft. - 4
- 24. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags EPMP-2 -146 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 29 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Habitabilit Surve Kit Inventor 1/2 Kit Location Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si nature/Date
- 25. KI Tablets - 1 Bottle Ex Date:
with Instructions and Issue Sheet
- 26. Flashlights with 'D'ells- 2 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 27. Spare "D" Cell Batteries - 4 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 28. Extension Cord 1
- 29. Check Source 1 Ser
- 30. Surgical Gloves 6 Pair
- 31. HEPA Filter Cartridge -2 32.,Watch -1 Operation: a Sat O Unsat
- 33. Cotton Hoods - 2 Pair
- 34. Fuses 6 1/4A 125 VAC SB-1 Box
- 35. (Misc.)
Details/Items Resolved By/Date Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP>>2 -147 April 1987
- 2. Oswego Hosp.
Nuclear Emerg. Cabinet
- 3. Environmental Mon. Station 4 TSC 5 ~ Mxsc ~
0' EPMP-2 -148 April 1987
- 2. Oswego Hosp.
Nuclear Emerg. Cabinet
- 3. 'Environmental Mon. Station TSC X
- 5 I
~ Misc ~
EPMP"2 -149 April 1987
I ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EPMP-2 FIGURE 30 {continued) QUARTERLY EMERGENCY KEY INVENTORY (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarter, 19 ) Circle One PROM: Emereencv Planning Group c/o DATE: Emergency Procedure EPMP-2, Section 4.3.23 requires the quarterly inventory of emergency keys assigned to designated individuals for access to certain locations and/or company vehicles. This quarterly inventory is accomplished by having you verify that you have in your possession the appropriate emergency keys stated in the attached EPMP-2, Figure 30. Please complete the statement below and return this signed letter no later than Once this letter is received and maintained '. on file,'this quarterly inventory shall be considered complete. Thank you. I hereby certify that I have in my possession those emergency keys stated in EPMP-2, Figure 30. SIGNATURE DATE TITLE EPMP-2 -151 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Joint News Center Inventor I. Location: Joint News Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment Quent~it Serial 8/Remarks For that Item
- 1. Video Camera, Color a'odel: KY-1900 CHL 6 Make: JVC
- b. Model: CC015 auto Focus Make'. RCA
- 2. Video Cassette Recorders
- a. Model: VFT-190 (VHS) w/tuner timer Size 1/2" Make: RCA
- b. Model: VGT 650 w/timer Size." 1/2" Make: RCA
- c. Model: VO-5600 (UMATIC)
Make: Sony, 3/4"
- 3. Video Cassette Recorder (Portable)
Model: VFP-170"VHS 1
. w/carry case Make: RCA
- 4. Tuner/Timer
- 5. Battery Packs (For Portable VCR)
Model: H149722 4 Make: RCA
- 6. Power Supply/Charger (For Portable VCR)
Model: PFP 600 Make: RCA
- 7. Video Monitors Model: KV-1914 19" Port.
Make: Sony EPMP-2 -152 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor I. Location: Joint News Center Verified by: III Minimum
~uantft . Serial 8/Remarks Signature/Date For that Item 7 ~ Model: JGR 980W 19es Port Make: RCA Model: CT 110 MA, 10" Make: Panosonic
- 8. Mobile Video Centers
- a. Model: VTR 20E Make:.. Comprehensive 9'. Mobile Shelvinj for Off-Air Equipment
- a. Model: 9200 XG, 30" Make: Winstead
- b. Model: Extended Shelf, 931 Make: Wins teed
- 10. Video Cassettes
- a. Time: T-120 Minute 26 SIZE/FORMAT: 1/2"/VHS
- b. Time: T-60 Minute SIZE/FORMAT: 1/2"/VHS
- c. Time: T-30 Minute 30 SIZE/FORMAT: 1/2"/VHS
- d. Time: T-60 Minute 20 SIZE/FORMAT: UCA 3/4"
- e. Time: T-20 Minute 10 SIZE/FORMAT: UCA 3/4" ll. Utility Carts
- a. Model: EK-SC-6000 36x24 1
- b. Model: 86770 2
- 12. Tripods
- a. Make: Kenlock
- b. Model: 4-73010-7 Make: Sampson, Quick w/dolly 6 head
'et EPMP-2 -153 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor I'ocation: Joint News Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment ~ararat Serta1 0/Remarks For that Item
- 13. Slide Pro)actors
- a. Model: 760H w/case Nake: Kodak
- 14. Overhead Prospector
- a. Model: 213AKD w/acc Make: 3M
- 15. Projection Screen
- a. Model: T43370M
- 16. AM/FM Radio Cassette Rec.
- a. Model: CTR-54 Make: Realistic
- b. Model: 141000 w/adapters Make: Realistic
- c. Model: CTR 50A Make: Realistic
- d. Model: 14-785 ~
Make: Realistic
- 17. Audio Cassettes
- a. TIME: 120 minutes 15
- b. TIME: 90 minutes 15
- c. TIME: 60 minutes 20
- d. TIME: 30 minutes 20
- 18. Wireless Phones
- a. Model: 43267 Make: Radio Shack
- 19. Multi Boxes w/cable
- a. Model: EM 85 Amplifier w/line & adaptor
- b. Model: EDW EPMP-2 -154 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor I. Location: Joint News Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment ~Qaaatit Serial 0/Remarks For that Item
- 20. RCI Pro-Adapter
- a. Model: 440-.X Make: RCI
- 21. TTSC (Rumor Control Mach)
- a. Model: TS-120-12 Make: TTSC
- 22. Off-Line Recorder a; Model: S-110 Make: TTSC
- 23. Cartridges'.
Model: .For TS-12-12 18 each Sire: 40, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 sec.
- 24. Message Center Intercom
- a. Model: K"MC-5 Make: Master, Intercom
- 25. Microphones
- a. Model: WM-001 Makes Electra'-Voice-RCA
- b. Model: AKDG190ES Make: AKG
- 26. Microphone Stands
- a. Model: MS 12 Make: Atlas
- 27. Telecopiers Model: 210 Makes Rapicom
- 28. Xerox Copiers
- a. Model: 3100 Make: Xerox EPMP-2 -155 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued} NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventory I. Location: Joint News Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment Quent~it Serial 8/Remarks For that Item
- 29. Tone Alert Radio a.Model: WNA. -1 Make: Regency
- 30. Desk for Console 45 x 24 Haskell BR 643
- 31. Storage Cabinets 43447 Tan
- 32. Tables
- a. 30" x 72" MF-7218-0137
- 33. Tack Boards 10 (3' 4') T5TB113 34.'asel Stands T5350900
- 35. Boards T5350926
- 36. File Racks Litning R7-9012 Tan
- 37. 3-Hole Punches Boston 64-1530 9/32"
- 38. 2-Hole Punches Boston Y4-1525 9/32"
- 39. Arch Files Z2-PA 104 Letter Size
- 40. Card Table Samsonite
- 41. Qa11 Clocks Y7-622-577 EPMP-2 -156 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor I. Location: Joint News Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment ~aaarit Serial I/Remarks Por that Item
- 42. Dictionaries Webster Collegiate
- 43. Typewriter Dymo Med. Duty
- 44. Shelving Hoyht 72 x 18 x 30
- 45. Pile Boxes Hedges
- 46. Table Cloths Sky Blue
- 47. 'Rubber Stamps a."Telecopy" 2 b."Exercise Only" 5 c."Reviewedes 4 d."Sign Off" 3 e."This is a Drill" 2
- 48. Typewriters a.Remington Manual 2 b.Smith Corona Electric 2 c.IBM Electric 2
- 49. PSAR - Unit I (set) 1
- 50. PSAR << Unit II (set) 1
- 51. Emergency Center Operations Manuals!
a.NMPNS Site Emerg. Plan
& Implementing Procedures "Working Copy" controlled 837 b.Corporate Emergency Response/
Recovery Plan & CPP's "Working Copy" controlled 444
- 52. Canon NP-7550 Copiers -2
- 53. (Misc) 54 (Misc)
e EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor II. Location'S scuse Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment ~Quaatit Seria1 0/Remarke For that Item
- 1. Video Cassette Recorders
- a. Model: VO-2610 Size: 3/4" Make: Sony
- b. Model: SL 5600 Make: Beta Max
- c. Model: NV 1300 VHS Format, Size: 1/2" Make: Panosonic
- 2. Video Monitor Model: CT 100 MA Size: 10" Make: Panosonic
- 3. Video Cassettes
- a. TIME: 120 Minutes 10 Box
- ~
- b. T~: 60 Minutes 10 Box SIZE/FORMAT L500 Size: 3/4"
- 4. Utility Carts
- 5. Tripods
- 6. TV Stands 7~ Briefing Room PA System Model: 316 Make! Shintron
~ ' EPMP-2 -158 April 1987 mr ear ea ~ 'e" X
e el
'e ~ a ~ 'ace ~ , e a~ e ~pt pr e ~ e <<7p epeaer r
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventory III. Location: JAFNPP Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/ ui ment ~uaatft Serial 8/Remarks For that Item
- 1. Telecopier Model: 455 Make: Xerox
- 2. AM/FM Radio Cassette Rec.
Model: CTR-54 Hake: Realistic
- 3. (Misc)
EPMP-2 -159 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 31 (continued) NHP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Joint News Center Inventor IV. Location: Ener Information Center Verified by: Minimum Signature/Date Item/E ui ment (~uantitt Sexial b'/Remarks Por that Item
- 1. Telecopier Model: 210 Hake.'apicom 2~ (Misc) 0);
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Director Communications Planning 6 Research Date (oz designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -160 Apxil 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 32 0 Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Post-accident Radiolo ical Environmental Sam lin Kit Inventor EOF ~ Minimum Verified by: Item/E ui ment ~uantit Serial e/Remarks Si nature/Date
- l. Em ergency Survey Binder 1 to include:
& EPP-6, In-Plant ~ Emergency Surveys - 1 Rev:
- b. 'EPP-7, Downwind Radiol- .
logical Monitoring 1 Rev: Ce EPP-12, Re-entry Procedure 1 Rev:
- d. EPP-16, Environmental Monitoring 1 Rev:,
- e. EPP-16, Figure 7,
Emergency Environmental Sample Data Sheet 10 Rev: EPP>>24, Nuclear Trans-portation Accidents - 1 ev: g EPP-6/7/12, Fig. 1, In-Plant/
Downwind/Re-entry Survey Log - 10 Rev:
- h. Station Floor Plan Unit I 1 Date:
Station Floor Plan Unit II 1 Date:
]e On-Site Map 3 Rev:
- k. Off-Site Map 3 Rev:
- l. Oswego County Map - 1 Date:
- m. Nl-CSP-llV, High Activity Drywell Atmos. Samp. and Analysis - 1 Rev:
- n. Nl-PSP-12, Interim Proc.
High Rng. Stk. Noble Gas Rel. Rate Mon. 1 Rev: 0~ Nl-CSP-13A, Sampling and Analysis of Rx Mater and Containment Gas using PASS 1 Rev: S-CAP-60, Dilution of
P~ Liquid gi Gas Samples of High Activity 1 EPMP-3, Attachment 1, Telephone List 1 Rev: Honda Portable Gen Manual -1 Date: S ~ EPP-6 Attachment 1 . Rev: Battery Cart Operation N2-CSP-13 Chemical Post Accident Assessment 1 Rev: EPMP-2 -161 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 32 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Post-accident Radiolo ical Environmental Sam lin Kit Inventory EOF Minimum Verified by: Item/E ui ment ~uant1t Serial S/Reeaeks Si nature/Date
- 2. Clip Board
- 3. Pads (grid)
- 4. Pens
- 5. Count Rate Meter Lud1um Model 19 Cal Due Dates:
(0-5 uR/Hr)
- 6. Coveralls 4 Pair
- 7. Rainsuits 8; Cotton Booties 4 Pair
- 9. Rubber Boots 4 Pair
- 10. Rubber Gloves 4 Pair
- 11. Cotton Gloves 4 Pai.r
- 12. Adhesive Labels 100
. 13. Tie Labels 100
- 14. 12 Inch Ruler
- 15. Tape Measure (100 ft.)
- 16. Shovels EPMP-2 -162 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 32 (continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Post-accident Radiolo ical Environmental Sam ling Kit Inventory EOP continued Minimum Verified byx I>2 -172 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 33 (continued) NMP EHERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Dame e Control Tool Box Inventor II'NSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL LISTING Minimum Verified by: Item/E ui ment Qanti~t Serial 0/Remarks Si ature/Date
- 65. Nitrogen Tank with Cart 1 Serf Hydro Dare:*
- 66. Nitrogen Tank Acc'essories (In tool box)
- a. thread sealent 1
- b. BV 70-53 Kit 1
- c. Regulator: Victor 043781 1 d Tubing
- e. Adapter Fittings
- f. Instructions 1
- 67. Thermometer 50'F-250'F.
- 68. Safety Glasses 1 pair
- 69. (Misc.')
- 70. (Misc.)
- Hydrostatic Testing required at least every 5 years.
NOTE Supervisor of Mechanical Maintenance signs at the end of Part I Part II Supervisor Instrumentation Date and Control (or designee) Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -l)3 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 34 a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc 0 erations Facilit Decontamination Kit Inventor (Men') Verified By Item/E ui mentWin. ntit Serial 0/Remarks I Decontamination and Misc. Su lies
- 1. Paper Bath Towels - 25
- 2. Paper Hand Towels 2 Pkgs
- 3. Disposable Plastic Gloves
- 13ox
- 4. Assorted Plastic Bags
- 5. Disposable Coveralls-1 Box
6'hoe Covers 25
- 7. Antiseptic Soap 1 Liter Bottle Dated: Due:
8~ Prell Shampoo-3/60 ml. Bottles Dated: Due!
- 9. Floor Covering Paper - 1
- 10. Rad. Con - 2 Cans Dated: Due:
ll. Cotton Tip Swabs 1 Box
- 12. Surgical Scrub Brushes - 5
- 13. 150 ml Beakers - 3
- 14. Masking Tape - 2 RoIls
- 15. Grey Duct Tape
- 16. 'StepWff Pads 2
1 Roll ,
- 17. Yellow & Magenta Rope - 25 Ft.
- 18. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 19. Dosimeters (0-500 mR)-2 Cal.
Zero Ok: Due Date Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 20. Dosimeter Charger 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 21. Count Rate Meter - 2 GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Model . Ser. 4 Due Date:
- 22. Sample Envelopes - 12
- 23. 30 Gallon Trash Bags-2 Boxes
- 24. Laundry Hamper w/Bag 1
- 25. Bandage Scissors - 1 26 'asslin Cloth - 10
- 27. Soap Bars - 10 Dated! Due:
EPMP-2 -174 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 34 (Continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc 0 erations Facilit Decontamination Kit Inventory (Men') Verified By Item/E ui ment"Min. Quantit Serial 8/Remarks Si ature/Date Decontamination and Misc. Su lies. (continued)
- 28. Waterless Hand cleaner- Dated!
- 29. Tongue Depressors -20
- 30. Coverall, Medium -8
- 31. Coverall, Large -8
- 32. Coverall, X-Large -8
- 33. (MISC)
- 34. {MISC) Due.'ETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
EPMP-2 -175 Apri1 1987
EPMP-2~ FIGURE 35 0'Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Il Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Emer enc 0 erations Facilit Decontamination Kit Inventoz (Women') Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. uantit Serial 8/Remarks Si natuze/Date Decontamination and Misc. Su lies
- 1. Paper Bath Towels - 25
- 2. Paper Hand Towels 2 Pkgs
- 3. Disposable Plastic Gloves
- 1 Box 4~ Assorted Plastic Bags
- 5. Disposable Coveralls 1 Box 6 ~ Shoe 7~
Covers Antiseptic 25 Soap -Pair 1 Liter Bottle Dated: Due:
- 8. Prell Shampoo-3/60 ml.
Bottles Dated: Due:
- 9. Flooz Covering Paper 1
.10. Rad. Con - 2 Cans Dated: Due:
- 11. Cotton Tip Swabs - 1 Box
- 12. Surgical Scrub Brushes - 5
- 13. 150 ml Beakers -, 3
- 14. Masking Tape 2 Rolls
- 15. Grey Duct Tape - 1 RolI. O.
- 16. Ste~ff Pads - 2 17; Yellow & Magenta Rope - 25 Ft.
- 18. Assorted Radiation/
Contamination Tags
- 19. Dosimeters (0-500 mR)-2 Ca o Zero Ok: Due Date Drift Reading (100mR MAX) Prior to Re-Zero
- 20. Dosimeter Charger - 1 Date Batt Repl:
Batt Due:
- 21. Count Rate Meter - 2 GM/HP-210 Probe, (0-50k CPM) Model . Ser.O Due Date:
- 22. Sample Envelopes << 12
- 23. 30 Gallon Trash Bags-2 Boxes 24 Laundry Hampez w/Bag - 1
- 25. Bandage Scissors - 1
- 26. Masslin Cloth - 10
- 27. Soap Bars - 10 'ated: Due EPMP-2 -176 April 1987
EPMP-2, PIGURE 35 (Continued) NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Emer enc 0 erations Pacilit Decontamination Kit Inventory '(Women') Verified By Item/E ui mention. antit Serial 0/Remarks Si ature/Date Decontamination and Misc. Su lies (continued) t
- 28. Waterless Hand cleaner-2 Dated: Due!
- 29. Tongue Depressors -20 30.. Coverall, Medium -8
- 31. Coverall, Large -8
- 32. Coverall, X-La~e -8 DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
EPMP-2 -177 April 1987
EPMP-2, FIGURE 36 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST 0 Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency Radiation Protection Fire Res ouse Kit Location Personnel Decontamination Room Unit I 261' (Check Ra Protection Office Unit II a one) Verified By Item/E ui ment - Min. Quantit Serial P / Remarks Si ature/Date 1 ~ Radio (High Band) -1+ HT-2 ~ Dose Rate Meter - 1 Model Ion Chamber, (0-50 R/Hr). Due Date 3~ Dosimeters (0-5R) -2 Cal. Due Date Drift Readings (1R Max) Prior to %e-Zero Zero OK 4 ~ Dosimeter Charger -1 Dace Baca Rap1. 5~ High Volume Air Sampler
. AC - 1 Due Date
- 6. Head for Air Sampler - 1
- 7. Charcoal Air Sample Packs -6 Contents
*1"- Charcoal Cart 1 - Petri Dish 1 - Fiberglass Filter Paper 2 Collection Envelopes
- 8. Disc Smear 1 Box
- 9. Q-Tips - 200
- 10. Atomic Wipes - 5
- 11. Disposable Shoe Covers-6 Pair
- 12. Cotton Liners - 6 Pair
- 13. Extension Cord 1
- 14. Flash Light w/'D'ells
- 15. Yellow Paper Pad - 2 16 'ens - 6
- 17. Fuse 6 1/4A 125 VAC SB -1 Box 18+ EPP 6, Fig 1 -10 Rev.
19 'PP 4, Fig 2 -10 Reve 20 'PP 2, Fig 3 -10 Rev. 21'MISC) 22+ (MISC)
- State whether test message is satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
DETAILS/ITEMS RESOLVED: Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee) EPMP-2 -178 April 1987
~ I I ~
V ~ %,\1*% A KH' ~ ~
EPMP-2 FIGURE 37 a Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency UNIT II CONTROL ROOM FULL PACE RESPIRATORS LOCATION:" CONTROL BUILDING 306 BY CONTROL ROOM Verified By Item/E ui ment-Min. Qt Remarks Si nature/Date . 1. Fu11 Face Respirator - 10
- 2. HEPA. Filter Cartridges" -10
- 3. (MISC)
- 4. (MISC)
" Charcoal canisters are also acceptable DEEIQIS/ITEMS RESOLVED BY/DATE Emergency Planning Coordinator Date (or designee)
EPMP-2 -179 April 1987
EPMP-2 FIGURE 38 o Quarterly NMP EMERGENCY E UIPMENT CHECKLIST a Post Drill/ Exercise/Emergency EOF VOICE RECORDER LOG TOP DRIVE BOTTOM 4'RIVE REEL@ ALARM(Y/N) REEL ALARM(Y/N) REMARKS/PROBLEMS S IGNATURE Emergency Planning Coordinator (or designee) Date ' EPMP-2 -180 April 1987
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 1 PROCEDURES FOR NEW YORK STATE RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (REGS) (Taken from the NYS Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan) II. NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION and JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT+ A. LICENSEES Control'oom operator will depress ring button and release. After ten (10) seconds operator will pick up handset and announce: "THIS IS TO REPORT AN INCIDENT AT (SITE). STAND BY FOR ROLL CALL." (Conduct roll call to include the following stations:) Oswego County Warning Point NYS Warning Point'(SEMO during duty hours, State Police during non-duty hours) During duty hours, the following station may be active to receive information.
"*NYS Health Department (Radiological Health) **NYSEMO Radiological (State EOC) **NYSEMO Central District ""Oswego. County EO'C **These stations do not have to be present on telephone before licensee operator begins message information. If these stations want a repeat of information, State Warning Point will comply.
NOTE 81 During non-duty hours, the State Police will notify and give information to personnel listed on notification lists maintained by the State Health Department and State SEMO via commercial telephone (see Attachment 4 & 5). The State SEMO will notify and give information to SEMO Central District in accordance with its notification procedures via commercial telephone. EPMP-2 -181 April 1.987
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 1 (continued) NOTg g2 Zn the event Oswego County Warning Point does not answer roll call, the licensee operator vill proceed with information, the SEMO Central District (during duty hours) or the State Warning Point (during non-duty hours) will be responsible to notify the Oswego County Warning Point and give the required information.
- 2. Upon completion of roll call, operator will give information outlined on Radiological Emergency Data Form (see Attachment 7).
- 3. Operator will again call roll, by saying, "(NAME OF STATION) did you cop'yP"
- 4. Operator will sign off by saying, "(LICENSEE NAME) out at (TIME) LOCAL and (DATE)" ~
- 5. Operator will record dissemination of information on log.
B~ COUNTY WARNING POINT (EOC) 1~ W hen phone"rings (beehive light ON), operator will pick up handset after hearin its station name being called, identify by saying, "THIS IS'SWEGO COUNTY, (NAME) speaking." Operator will take information as given by licensee operator and copy on Radiol'ogical Emergency Data Form (see Attachment 7)..
- 3. After hearing its name, operator will answer, "OSWEGO COUNTY copied."
- 4. Operator will sign off by hanging up handset.
- 5. Operator will record receipt of information on log.
- 6. Operator will notify County officials in accordance with County Implementing Procedures.
- 1. When phone rings (beehive light ON), operator will pick up handset after hearin its station name being called>
identify by saying, "THIS IS STATE WARNING POINT (STATE EOC), (NAME) speaking."
- 2. Operator will take information as given by licensee operator and copy on Radiological Emergency Data Form (see Attachment 7).
EPMP-2 -182 April 1987
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
- 3. After hearing its name, operator will answer, "STATE WARNING POINT copied."
- 4. Operator will si off by hanging up handset.
- 5. Operator will record receipt of. information on log.
IF AFTER DUTY HOURS - State Police operator will call via commercial telephone, State Health Department personnel (Attachment 4), then calL State SEMO personnel (Attachment
- 5) and transmit information received. (See Note dl).
IF AFTER DUTY HOURS - State SEMO vie. call via commercial telephone, SEMO Central District personnel (DMNA Directory) and transmit information received. (See Note 01 above.) AFTER DUTY HOURS ansver ro If Oswego County Warning Point does not ca , State Police operator will notify Oswego County Warning Point agd give required information. (See Note d2).
- 6. Operator vill notify State officials in accordance with State Implementing Procedures (Attachment 10).
- 1. When phone rings (beehive light ON), operator will pick up handset after hearin its station name being c+led, identify by saying, "THIS IS STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT, (NAME) speaking".
- 2. Operator will take information as given by licensee operator and copy on Radiological Emergency Data Form (see Attachment 7).
- 3. After hearing its name, operator will answer "STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT copied".
- 4. Operator vill sign off by hanging up handset.
- 5. Operator will record receipt of information on log.
IP AFTER DUTY HOURS - Health Department personnel will be notified by State Police personnel and copy the information received. (See Note Pl.)
- 6. Operator will notify Health Department officials in accordance with the Department's procedures'PMP-2
-183 April 1987
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 1 (continued) SEMO CENTRAL DISTRICT When phone rings (beehive light ON), operator will pick up identify by saying, THIS IS SEMO CENTRAL DISTRICT, (NAME) speaking".
- 2. Operator will take information as given by licensee
operator and copy on Radiological Emergency Data Form (see Attachment 7).
- 3. After hearing'ts name, operator will answer, "SEMO CEÃEAL DISTRICT copie'd."
- 4. Operator will sign off by hanging up handset.
- 5. Operator will record receipt of information on log.
IF AFTER DUTY HOURS - SEMO Central District personnel will be notified by State SEMO and copy the information received. (See Note 81) ~ If Oswego County Warning Point doesn' answer, SEMO Central District will notify said station and transmit the information received. (See Note 82). 6~ Operator will notify District officials in accordance with ), District procedure. 7~ SEMO Central District Office will advise assigned State agency personnel when they are to report to a county EOC at the direction of the Disaster Preparedness Commission.
*REGS test procedures are covered in Attachment 2.
EPMP-2 -184 April 1987
- 1. NYS Warning Point (NYSWP) will depress ring button and release.* After ten (10) seconds, NYSWP will pick up handset and announce: "THIS IS A TEST. REPEAT. THIS IS A TEST. This is NYS WARNING POINT calling all stations. Standby for roll call.
- 2. After hearing ring (beehive light ON) all stations will lift up handset and answer roll call after hearin its station name over loadspeaker by saying, "(NAME OF STATION TEST'"
- 3. After completing roll call, NYSWP will recall all stations not answering, saying, "NYS WARNING POINT recalling (NAME OF STATION NOT ANSWERING)." (NAME OF STATION RECALLED) will answer using terminology in 2 above.
- 4. NYSWP will sign off by saying, "END OF TEST, NYS WARNING POINT out at (TIME) LOCAL AND (DATE)."
5~ All stations will log results (the Radiological Emergency Communications System Log enclosed may be used). 0
- 6. All stations not answering initial test will: be ca13.ed on commercial telephone by NYSWP for reasons. 'roblems will be reported immediately to the trouble number reporting circuit failed.
- 7. If circuit failures occur, station that has failure will call by commercial telephone, NYSWP and appropriate County Warning Point(s) and report outage and time when back in service.
- 8. TEST SCHEDULE - Tests will be conducted bi~eekly on Tuesdays preceding the bi~eekly NAWAS tests according to the following:
A. Ginna at 9:15 a.m. B. Nine Mile Point at 9:30 a.m. C. Indian Point at 9:45 a.m. Test schedules will be issued by NYSWP. 9.. Unannounced tests will be conducted as necessary.
- By answering "(Name of Station) Test," the operator is signifying that bell, beehive light and speaker are working properly and voice transmissions are at proper level.
EPMP-2 -185 April 1987
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
- 10. SE UENCE OF ROLL CALL NHPIJAP called in the following order:
Nine Mile Point Control Roam-Unit 81 FitzPatrick Control Room Oswego County Warning Point Oswego County EOC SEMO Central District NYS Division of State Police (Alternate State Warning Point) SEMO Radiological (State EOC) EPMP-2 -186 April 1987
~ I:~~ I
EPMP-2 ATTACHMENT 2 Instructions'or Use of Phone Patch 1 ~ Turn radio to Channel 7. Connect phone patch to radio.
- 2. Key phone patch mike to listen for repeater.
- 3. Depress mike key and
- key simultaneously ~
4~ Release mike key and listen for dial tone. 5~ Depress mike key and slowly dial phone number. (Oswego Hospital Emergency Room . , Fire Control
- 6. Release mike key and listen for phone to ring ~
1 7; Identify yourself, level of training and that you are speaking on a radio from Nine Mile Point Unit I or Unit II ~
- 8. REMINDER: Say "OVER" after each transmission. The system will disconnect after 5 minutes.
- 9. When finished, depress 4 key and mike key simultaneously to turn of f the system.
EPMP-2 -188 April 1987 ' '}}