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Forwards Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program Addl Relief Request & Cold Shutdown Justification for Feedwater Sys Inside Primary Containment Valves & Standby Liquid Control Sys Injection Inside Containment Isolation Valve
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1989
From: Terry C
NMP2L-1188, NUDOCS 8902210434
Download: ML18038A449 (10)


,Y T NIAGARA N U MOHAWK NIAGARAMOHAWKPOWER CORPORATION/301 PLAINFIELDROAD, SYRACUSE. N.Y. 13212/TELEPHONE (315) 474-1511 February 8, 1989 NMP2L 1188 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-410 NPF-69 Gentlemen:

The Commission's staff is currently reviewing the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program Plan. On September 30, 1988, Niagara Mohawk submitted revised relief requests and other minor editorial corrections in response to comments from the Commission's staff. He have recently identified one additional relief request and one additional cold shutdown justification. Ne are also withdrawing relief request FWS-VRR-1. These documents are enclosed for your review (Attachment 1). A revised program plan will be issued incorporating these changes and the changes submitted in September 1988 after resolution of any comments.

Very truly yours, NIAGARA HOHANK POHER CORPORATION C. D. Terry Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Licensing KBT/pns 6595G Enclosures xc: Regional Administrator, Region I Mr. R. A. Capra, Director Hs. H. F. Haughey, Project Manager Hr. N. A. Cook, Resident Inspector Records Management 8902210434 890208 PDR ADOCK 05000410 P PDC


ATTACHMENT 1 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program Additional Relief Request and Cold Shutdown Justification 6595G

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RELIEF REQUEST FWS-VRR-1 WI THDRAWN Superseded by Cold Shutdown Test Justification FWS-VCS 6595G



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SHUTDOWN, TEST I'OLD JUSTIFICATION FWS-VCS-3 System: Feedwater Valve(s): 2FWS*V12A, B Category: AC Class:

Function: Feedwater system inside primary containment valves.

quarterly Test Requirement: Verify reverse flow closure.

Cold Shutdown Test Justification: Verification of reverse flow closure of these valves during normal operation would require a significant reduction in power and the isolation of one loop of feedwater flow.'solation of one feedwater loop during normal operation would introduce an undesirable operation transient that could result in a reactor scram. During cold shutdowns, when the feedwater system is not in operation, reactor vessel head pressure (approximately 15 psig) is applied in the reverse direction causing the valves to close.

Cold Shutdown Testing: Verify reverse flow closure at cold shutdown by opening a drain connection upstream of the valve disc.



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~ ~ ~p RELIEF REQUEST NO. SLS-VRR-3 System: Standby Liquid Control.-

Valve(s): 2SLS*V10 Category: AC Class:

Function: SLS injection inside containment isolation valve.

Quarterly Test Requirement: Verify reverse flow operability.

Basis for Relief: This check valve is located inside the drywell and has full reactor pressure imposed on the seat in the reverse direction during reactor operation. Quarterly testing of this valve in the reverse direction during power operation is by opening the upstream test connection valves 2SLS*V30,31 located outside the drywell. However, if the check valve has failed in the open position, opening the test connection valves would result in a discharge of water at full reactor pressure and temperature (approximately 1000 psig and 500'F) from the test connection. Therefore, opening the test connection valves poses a safety hazard to operating personnel and a possible radiation release to the secondary containment.

It is not possible to perform the reverse closure test using this method during cold shutdowns since the reactor is depressurized; there is no differential pressure across the check valve.. The reverse closure test can be performed by closing valve 2SLS*HCV114 and applying pressure in the reverse direction to the check valve through test connection valves 2SLS*V36.37; however, these valves are located inside the drywell which is normally inerted with nitrogen at cold shutdown.

Alternate Testing: Reverse flow exercising of this valve will be performed at every refueling outage and at cold shutdowns in which the containment is de-inerted.
