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Proposed Changes to Tech Specs 3.1-4,3.1-5,4.2-3 to 4.2-6, Tables 4.2-2 & 4.2-3,B.4.2-13 & B.4.2-14 Re Steam Generator Insp After Steam Generator Replacement
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1981
Shared Package
ML17341A768 List:
NUDOCS 8112290230
Download: ML17341A767 (18)


3. LEAKAGE a ~ Any reactor coolant system leakage indication in excess of 1 gpm shall be the subject of an investigation and evaluation initiated within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of the indication (ex. water inventory changes, radiation level increases, visual or audible indication). A leak shall be assumed to. exist until it is determined that no unsafe condition exists and that the indicated leak cannot be substantiated. Leakage of reactor coolant through reactor pump seals and system valves to connecting closed systems from which coolant can be returned to the reactor coolant system shall not be considered as leakage except that such losses shall not exceed 30 gpm.

b. If a reactor coolant system leakage indication is proven rea'I, and is not evaluated as safe, or exceeds 10 gpm, reactor shutdown shall be initiated within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the initial .indication, except as noted in Section 3.1.3.g.

c~ If reactor coolant eakage exi sts through a faul t in the system 1

boundary that cannot be isolated (ex. vessels, piping, valve bodies) the reactor shall be shutdown, and cool down to cold shutdown shall be i nitiated within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

d. The safety evaluation shall consider the source and magnitude of the leak, rates of change of detection variables, and if shutdown is required. this evaluation shall be used to determine shutdown rates and conditions. A written log of the action taken shall be made as soon as practicable. The evaluation shal.l assure that no potential gross leak is developing and that potential release of activity wi'll be within the guidelines of 10CFR20.
3. 1-4 12-18-81 Bii2is"i Sii2290230 05000250, PDR ADOCK P PDR)


e. After shutdown, corrective action shal 1 be taken before operation is resumed.
f. Above 2/ of rated power, two leak detection systems of different principles shall be operab]e, one of which is sensitive to radioactivity. The latter may be out of service for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided two other systems are operable.
g. Reactor Coolant System leakage shall be limited to I gpm total primary-to-secondary leakage through all steam generators not isolated from the Reactor Coolant System and 500 gallons per day through any one steam generator not isolated from the Reactor Coolant System.
4. tQXIflUN REACTOR COOLANT ACTIVITY The total specific activity of the reactor coolant due to nuclides with half-lives of more than 30 minutes, excluding tritium, shall not exceed 135/E* pCi/cc whenever the reactor is critical or average reactor coolant temperature is greater than 500F.

If the limit above is not satisfied, the reactor shall be shutdown and cooled to 500F or less withi n .6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

~E is the average of. beta and gamma energy (Hev) per disintegration of the specific activity.

3. 1-5 12-18-81

<Qi lk

STEArl GENERATOR INSPECTION Steam Generator Sam le Selection and Inspection - Each steam generator shall be determined OPERABLE during shutdown by selecting and inspecting at least the minimum number of steam, generators specified in Table 4.2-2. Steam Generator Tube Sam le Selection and Inspection - The steam generator tube minimum sample size, inspection result classification, and the corresponding action requi red shal'1 be as specified in Table 4.2-3. The inservice inspection of steam generator tubes shall be performed at the frequencies specified in Specification and. the inspected tubes shall be verified acceptable per the acceptance criteria of Specification The tubes selected for each inservice 'nspection shall include at least 3g, of the total number of tubes in all steam generators; the tubes selected -for these inspections shall be selected on a random basis except:

a. i<here experience in similar plants with similar water chemistry indicates critical areas to be inspected, then at least 505 of the tubes inspected shall be from these critical areas.
b. The first inservi ce inspection (subsequent to the preservice inspection) of each steam generator shall include:
l. All nonplugged tubes that previously had detectable wall penetrations ,(greater than 205),


2. Tubes in those areas where experience has indicated potential problems.
c. The second and third inservice inspections may be less than a full tube inspection by concentrating (selecting at least 505 of the tubes to be inspected) the. inspection on those areas of the tube sheet array and on those portions of the tubes where tubes with imperfections were previ.ously found.

The results of each sample i nspection shall be classified into one of the following three 'categories:

~Cate o~e Ins ection Results C-1 Less than, 5g, of the total tubes

,inspected are degraded tubes and none of the inspected tubes are defective.

4.2-3 12-18-81

Catetory Inspection Results C-2 One or more tubes. but not more than 1% ot the total tubes inspected are detective, or 'between 5% and 10% ot ttie tatal tubeS inSp Cted are degraded tubes.

C-3 I<ore than 1U% ot the total tubes inspected are degraded tubes or more tlian 1% iot the inspected tubes are det'ective.

NOTE: In all inspections. previously degraded tubes must exhibit signiricant (greater tnan 1U%) turtner wall penetrations to be inc.iuded in the above percentage calculations. Inspection Frequencies - The above required snservice inspections ot steam generator tubes shal I be pert'ormed at the fol lowing, trequencies:

a ~ The first inservice inspection shal I be pertormed atter fir st refueling tol lowing initial criticality or repl acement of steam generators (whi chever is later). Subsequent inservice inspections shall oe pertormed at intervals ot'ot less tiian 12 nor more than 24 calendar months atter the previous inspection. It two consecutive inspections tollowlny service under AYT conditions, - not including the preservice inspection, result in all inspection results tailing into the C-1 category or it two consecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation lias not continued and iio additional degradation Iias, occurred, the inspection interval may be extended to a maximum ot once per 4U months.

b. If the inservice inspection ot a steam yenerator conducted in accordance with Tab e 4. 2-3 requi res a I

third sample inspection whose results ral I in Category C-3, the inspection trequency stia I be I reduced to at least once per 20 montiis. 'Itic reduction in inspection trequency shal apply unti a subsequent I I 1 fispection demonstrates that a tliird sample inspection is .not required.

c. Additional, unscheduled inservice inspections shall be pertormed- on each steam generator in accordance with tlie first sample inspection specitied in Taole 4.2-3 during the shutdown subsequent to any ut tlie tol lowirig conditions.
4. 2-4 12-18-81

Pr ima ry-to-secondary tubes leaks (not inc i udi ng leakS Originating frOm tube-tO-tube Sheet WeluS) in excess of the limits of Specification 3.1.3.g.

2. A seismic occurrence greater tnan the operating Basis Eartliquake (OBE).
3. A 'loss-of-coolant accident resulting in rap>u depressurization of tiie pr>mary system, or A main steam line or ieedwater line break resulting in rapid depressurizat>on ot tne affected steam generator. Ancetance Criteria a ~ As used in this Specification:

I..~im erfection means an exception to the dimensions, finish or contour of a, tube trom that required oy fabrication drawings or specifications. Eddy-current testing, indications below 20', ot the nominal tube wal I tliickness, if detectable may oe considered as imperfections.

2. Degradation means a service-induced cracking, wastage, wear or general corrosion occurri ng on either inside or outside of a tube.
3. Degraded Tube means a

-. tube containing imperfections greater Clian or equal to 20/ ot tiie nominal wall thickness caused by degradatiori.

4. Degradation means tlie percentage ot tiie tube wal I thicKness affected or. removed oy degradat>on.
5. Derect means an imperfection of such severity ttiat i t exceeds the p I ug ging limit. A tube containing a defect is defective. Any tube wiiich does not permit the passage ot the eddy-current inspection probe stiall be deemed a detective tube.

P~ln ging Limit iseans the imperfection depth at or beyond which ttie tube shall be removed rrom service because it may become unserviceable prior to tlie next inspection and is equal to 401, ot tlie nominal tube wal I thickness.

7. Unserviceable describes the condition oT a Cube >I it leaks or contains a defect large enough to affect its structural integrity in tlie event of OBE, a loss-ot-coolant accident, or a steam line or feedwater line break as speci fied in, above.
4. 2-5 12-18-81


8. Tube Inspection means an inspection of the steam generator tube from the point of entry (hot eg 1 side) completely around the U-bend to the top support of the cold leg.
9. Preservice Inspection means. an inspection of the fu11 length of each tube in each steam generator performed by eddy current techniques prior to service to establish a baseline condition of the tubing.
b. The steam generator shall be determined OPERABLE after completing the corresponding actions (plug all tubes exceeding the .plugging limit and all tubes containing through-wall cracks) required by Table 4.2-3. ~Re orts

a. Fol'lowing each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commission within 15 days.
b. The complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall, be included in the Annual Changes, Tests and Experiment Reports for the period

.in which this inspection was completed. This report shall include:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected.
2. Location and percent os wall-thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection.
3. Identification of tubes pl,ugged.

c~ Results of steam. generator tube inspections which fall into Category C-3 and require prompt notification of the Commission shall be reported pursuant to Specification 6.9.5 prior to resumption of plant operation. The written followup of this report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to determine the cause of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to prevent recurrence.

4.2-6 12-18-81


,No. of Steam Generators per Unit Two Tier ee First Inservice Inspection One'woOne'hree All One Two Second & Subsequent Inservice Inspections One2 Table Notation:

1. The inservice inspection may be limited to one steam generator on a rotating schedule encompassing 3 N Pu of tlte tubes (where N is the number of steam gerterators in the plant) if the results of the first or previous inspections indicate that all steam generators are performing in a like manner. Note that under some circumstances, the operating conditions in one or more steam generators may be found to be more severe than those in other steam generators. Under such circum stances the sampl: sequence shall be modilie<l to inspect the most severe conditions.
2. The other steam generator not inspected during the first inservice inspection shall be inspected. The third and subsequent inspections should follow the instructions described in 1 above.

I co I


Oi TABLE 4.2-3 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION 1ST SAMPLE INSPECTION 2NO SAhIPLE INSPECTION 3RO SAMPLE INSPECTION Sample Size Result Action Retluired R esul: Action Required Result Action Required A minimum of C-1 None N/A N/A N/A S Tubes per S. G.

C-2 Plug llefcctive tubes C-1 None N/A and inspect additional Plug defective tubes C-1 None 2S tub'es in this S. G. C-2 and inspect additional C-2 Plug defective tubes

~R 'ubes in this S. G.

Perform action for C-3 C-3 result of first sample Perforrri action for C-3 C-3 result of first N/A N/A sample C-3 Inspect all, tubes in All other this SI G.,'plug de. S. G.s are None N/A N/A fective tubes ahd C-I inspect 2S tubes in Some S. G.s Perform action for each other S. G. N/A ~ N/A C-2 but no C-2 result of second additional sample Prompt notification S. G. are to NOC pursuant C-,3 tb specification Additional Inspect all tubes in 6.93k.- a.. S. G. is C-3 each S. G. and plug defective tubes.

Prompt notification N/A N/A to NRC pursuant to specification 6.9.X. o Where N is the number of steam generators in the unit, and n is the number of steam generators inspected 3 / during an inspection

by a factor of 2.1. Thus, this capsule provides information for approximately a four-year exposure to the vessel.

Capsule No. 2 is scheduled to be removed at the fourth region replacement.

This capsule leads the vessel maximum exposure by a factor of 0.8 and thus will provide data for a four-year exposure to the vessel. This sample also contains weld metal which .is not present in Capsule No. 1.

Capsule No. 3 leads the vessel maximum exposure by a factor of 2.2 and is scheduled to be removed after twenty years. Thus, sample No. 3 will provide data for an exposure to the vessel of approximately forty years.

Capsules No. 4 and 5 lead the maximum vessel exposure by factors of 0.7 and 0.5, respectively. Thus, Capsule No. 4, which is scheduled to be removed after thirty years, provides data for a vessel exposure of twenty-one years and Capsule No. 5, which is scheduled to be removed at forty years, provides data for a vessel exposure of twenty years.

In addition to the capsules discussed above, there are three spares.

Item 7.3 Steam Generator Tube Ins ection The Surveillance Requirements for inspection of the steam generator tubes ensure that the structural integrity of this portion of the RCS will be maintained. The program for inservice inspection of steam generator tubes i,s based on a modification of Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision l. Inservice inspection of steam generator tubi ng is essential in order to maintai n surveillance of the conditions of the tubes in the event that tl>ere is evidence of mechanical damage or progressive degradation due to design, manufacturing errors, or inservice conditions that lead- to corrosion. In-service inspection of steam generator tubing also povides a means of characterizing the nature and cause of any tube degradation so that corrective measures can be taken.

'B4. 2-13 12-18-81

The plant is expected to be operated in a manner such that the secondary coolant will be maintained within those parameter limits found to result in negligible corrosion of the steam generator tubes. If the secondary coolant chemistry is not maintained within these parameter limits, localized corrosion may likely result in stress corrosion racking. The extent of cracki ng during plant operation would be limited by the limi,tati'on of steam generator tube leakage between the primary coolant system and the secondary coolant system (primary-to-secondary leakage = I gallon per minute, total). Cracks having a primary-to-secondary leakage less than this limit during operation will have an adequate margin of safety to withstand the loads imposed during normal operation and by postulated accidents. Operating plants have demonstrated that primary-to-secondary leakage of I gallon per minute can readily be detected by radiation monitors of steam generator blowdown. Leakage in excess of this limit will require plant shutdown and an unscheduled inspection, during which the leaking tubes will be located and plugged.

Wastage-type defects are unlikely with the all volatile treatment (AVT) of secondary coolant. However., even if a defect of similar type should develop in service, it will be found duri ng scheduled inservice steam generator tube examinations. Plugging will be required of all tubes with imperfections exceeding the plugging limit which, by the definition of Specification is 40$ of the tube nominal wall thickness. Steam generator tube inspections of operating plants have demonstrated the capability to reliably detect degradation that has penetrated 20K of the original tube wall thickness.

Whenever the results of any steam generator tubing inservice inspection fall into Category C-3, these results will be promptly reported to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9<a prior to resumption of plant operation. Such cases will be considered by the Commission on a case-by-case basis and may result in a requirement for analysis, laboratory examinations, tests, additional eddy-current. inspection, and revsion of the Technical Specifications, if necessary.

'84.2-14 12-18-81

li L




Robert E. Uhrig, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:.

That he is Vice President of Florida Power Light Company, the herein; That he has executed the foregoing document; that the state-ments made in .this said document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Robert E. Uhrig Subscr'bed and sworn to before me th's day of , i9~

a and for the County of Dade,


-,.State of Florida at Large:t Notary Pub!ic. State of Rorida October 30, 1S83 My commission expires: My Commission~ ~ Expires tl

l" J