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Financial Protection Standby Trust
Person / Time
Site: Aerotest
Issue date: 08/15/2017
From: Slaughter D
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Download: ML17257A175 (3)



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34SSFOSTORIAWAY *_SAN RAMON. CA 94583 * (925>'86~121~

  • FAX(925)8~1?1f>° August )5, 2_017 --

Via Electronic Mail birecfor Divisi(ln of Policy and Regulation Office of Nu-clear Reactor Regufation u~s. Nuclear Regi.ilatory Coilul}ission Wa5hingtdn, DC 2pss5 * - * -- * - -- -*

R,e: Ae~otest, Operations, Ille~

- _ Aerotest,Radiography ancl R,esearc~ _Reactor (Docket N(). 50...228) *_ -

Re:* FinancfaJ ;Prot_ecti~n §ta11(1byTrust This letter is to confinti that a financial protection standby trust fot the Aerotest _

  • Radiograpl1y and Rese~r~h Reai:ior (ARgR) 9~~n established as required ~y tlie Order Approving Indir.ect Tran~fer of Fa~iJitY Qperatii)n ~icen~ arid. Corifo.:rming Amendment irt. th~ -

a~ove do~ket, datedFebruary28, __ 201.7(Qrder)~ fr is my understanding that the NR~ Staffis-seeking ~onfimiation ff6Jl1 Aerotest.Operati9ris,Jric. (Aero~~st) that this provisiori of the Qrder had beeri eomplied with;. '

The Order approved :the indirect transfer of the ARRR operating license SQbjed to

_.conditi~iis set the,Ord~r; C9~ditioil)IL4.D requfrect tllatthe Funding Agree111ent befiye~n }\\utpliv, Inc. and Nudear 1.abyririfh, J:.LC provide tha~ prior to the CJQsing of the transaction by which N~clear tabynnth acquireclAero.test, Autoliv, Irie. or its su9sidiaries would trllllsfer $1.5 miiliOQ to the financial prote4tion s,timdby triJst for tlie *ARRR.

Tllis is to confirm that the financial protection standby tn,lst for th~ ARRRc()ntemplaied by the Order came into effect \\\\fith signature of the 'Grantor:A.erotest Operations, Inc. on July 12, 20 l7' following the signatures bY the TnisteeBOKf. N *A~ Oij July 6, io 17 and by the Investlrt~nt Manager Wells Fargo and Co. on _Jlily 11,2017.. ]>ricir to -the dosing o.fthe ti"ansactiOn as of5 p.m. (l\\fountilintime) on July 17,-2017, I was notifi~d that WeUsFargo had received by wire transfer the $ L5 01illitm In fun<is for the firiancfal piotectiOn standby tfµSt; as -

well as the other funds required fo be transf eqed by the Orde:r... - - -

With the inclir¢ct license transfer and the establishment of the firiancial proteetionstandpy tru

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_ t..11 ti D f Inc. and Wells Fargo Banlc, National Association as ofSeptember20, 2016 is no lorigerneeded. _ Fr V.

Tltat trust and a guarantee frorrt.A.erotest's then-parent company were establish~d in

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provide the financial protection for the ARRR required by 10 C.f.R Part 140. Withthe establishment and funding ofthe financial prntection standby trust required by ~he Order, the par~nt guarantee nolonger applies and the Septeµ 20,2016 trust i$ no fonger needed.

  • However, because Section 16 of the September i6, 2016 trust ~greemerit only petmits the terrilimition of thadrust "at the written agreement ofthe.Grantor [A~rotest], the Trustee [Wells Fargo Bank, NaHonal Associati:on], anc:f the NRC. Aerote~t would appreciate the written agreement from the NRC that the September. 20~ 2Q 16 trµgt ~

be terminated. *

  • Thank you for your.consideration~ Jf you need any adciitional information, please contact me by phone at 891-631 "'.59 I?.ot by email at dritsra\\ren@gntaitcom.

cc~ Jeremy Wachu~ka, Esq.

Ed l-Ielvenstori Jay g. s*m,~rg, E8q. * *

\\ !;incetely,..


pavid M. Staugbter; PchJ)..

President;. * * * * *. * * * *

  • Aertj~est qpe~tions;I11c. **

I hereby. cert.ify ~rider oath. t}lat the statements ~erei~ c()ntaine<Jare true and* col:'re~t. to the best of myknowledgeand belief.

David Ivt Slai.ighter, Ph.D.

Presiderjt, **

Aerotest Op~rations, inc~

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