ML17138A534 | |
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Issue date: | 10/12/1973 |
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KWU-E3-2796, NUDOCS 7903150321 | |
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PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document has been made NON-PROPRIETARY by the deletion of that information which was classified as PROPRIETARY by KRAFTWERK UNION AG (KWU).
The PROPRIETARY information deletions are so noted throughout the report where indicated by a) Use of the term KRAFTWERK UNION AG PROPRIETARY INFORMATION')
Use of blocked out areas by cross hatch bands in the report text and figures/tables, e.g.
...." with a mass flow density of L4V Kg/m2s...";
WMM~ mm iii) should be kept below PHMHW atm."
1 I
I l
rank furt Hain) 12 October 1973 ace Date Technical Report KWU/E3-2796 tile number E3 2 Dr. Be bf Kraftwerk Union huthor Dr. Beckcr R 113 r. Koch artment Counters'ture s
KKB - Vent clearing with Pages of text 53 the perforated-pipe tigures 48 quencher Circuit diagrams Key words (max. 12) to identify Diagr./oscillogr.
the report's content: Tables Rclicf system, suppression Reference list chamber, load during water and air ex ulsion Summary: This report contains the essential data for the dimcnsioning of the mount of the relief systc.-..
from the valve and bracing of the relief system to,the bottom of the suppression chamber. The pressure amplitudes at the bottom during air ex-pulsion are also investigated.
The following quantities are indicated:
~ - the design parameters of the system, the pressure build-up in the pipe during water expulsion,
- the pressure oacillationa during air acpulaion, the transverse forces on the quencher.
The information ia based on tests in the Nannhcim Central Power Station (GKH) with the perforated-pipe quencher HS 1.
/s/ Dr. Becker
/a/ Nr. Hof fmann
/s/ Mr. Knapp
/s/ Dr. Kraemcr
/s/- Dr. Nelchior
/a/ Mr. Meyer Dr. Koch s Dr. Domin
~ Nr. Schnabcl a u or s s gnature xamxncr Class acr C ass tor information Distribution list:
(cover sheet only): lx KWU/GA 19 Erl lx /PSW 22 tfm lx, E 3-Bibl. Gwh Transmission or duplication of'his document, exploitation or communication of its content not permitted unless expressly authorised. Infringera liable to pay damages. All rights to the award of patents or registration of utility patents reserved.
NONLIABILITYCLMSE This report is based on the current technical knowledge of XRAPTMERK UNION AG. However, HQFTWERK VNZON AG and all per-sons acting in its behalf aake no guarantee. Zn particular, they are not liable for the correctness, accuracy and com-pleteness of the data contained in this report nor for the observance of third-party rights.
This reservation does not apply insofar as the report is delivered in fulfillment of contractual obligations gatxons, nor vith respect to licensing authorities or the experts r s aappointed by them.
KIRFKVERK UNION AG reserves all rights to the technical infor-aation contained in this report, particularly the right to apply for patents.
turther dissemination of this report and of the knowledge con-tained therein requires the vritten approval of GVZTWERK UNION AG. Moreover, this report is communicated under the assumption that it vill be handled confidentially.
6 2
l l
1 4
E 3 Sekretarfat E )/V I)/V i E)/V2 E)/V)
E 3/V4
,E )/v 4/xw E 3/v 4/xxB E 3/v 4/xzx E 3/v 4/~
E 3/v 4/xzI E 3/v 4/axT 3/v 5 E )/t E )/tE E )/EnI
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'E 3/E l/EP E )/t 2
E 3/E 2/SW 4 ~
E 3/E 5 x E 3/R E 3/R 1 2 x E 3/R 2.
k )/R 2/XL E 3/R 3
E 3/R 4 E 3/R 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 6-6 2~ Description of the relief system 6"8 3~ Vent cloaring process 6-10 3.1 Pressure build-up duringg va eat er expulsion 6-10 3.2 Steam-air mixing 6-12 3 3 Pressure drop during mixture expulsion 6-14
- 4. Uent clearing tests and discussisono f 6 19 results 4.1 Description of the test set-up in the GK> 6-19 4.2 Dependence of the bottom pressure on 6-20I individual parameters 4.2.1 Influence of the exhaust area 6-21 4.2.2 Influence of the valvempening time 6-22 4.2.3 Influence of the suheergence 6 22 4 ' 4 Influence of the air volume 6-23 4.2.5 Influence of the free water area 6-24 4.2.6 Influence of the vent clearing pressure 4
6 28 4.2.7 Influence of the air temperaturee in th e 6-31 pipe 4.2.8 Influence of an overpressure in the 6-32 blovdown pipe 4.2.9 i Influence of an elevated pressure n th e tank 6-33 4~2 ~ 10 Influence of the eater temperature 6-34 Concise evaluation of the measurement 6>>35 results Expected dynamic pressure load in the 6-38 suppression chamber 6 4
Page 5.1 Comparison otand of parameters in th test e 6-38 I
5.2 Transposition of measurement result s to 6-41 the plant
- 6. Transverse force on the quencher 6-43 Tables Figures Appendixc Computer model to determine the vent clearing pressure vith perf ora t e d--pipe quencher References 6-5
1 S
l' l
Introduction XNQ boiling -water reactors re are equipped with a safety/relief system. By means of i qu ckmpening valves, large amounts of steam can be oondcan oondcaned in the suppression chamber as water via i blowdown p pes.s. The blowdown pipes are equipped with quenchers to limit the dynamic loads that occur The perforated-pipe quencher was shown to have the best blow-down geometry in an oxtensive testing progzam in the Mannheim Central power Station (GKN) and was optimised for operational readiness. The d ynamic pressures to be expected for the vazi-ous operating phases with steady-state condens ti n ensat on aze illus-tzated in detail in /4/. The purpose, of this report is to indicate the pressures to be oxpe c ted in the pipe and in the suppression ohamber Curing vent clearing.
The physical procoacos during vent clearing are described and
. the clearing pressures are determined for variou ous operating conditions. The pressure possible in th e blowd own pipe and co i /
quencher in the sost unfavorable case s LQ kg cm (gauge),
A detailed p r osentation of the experimental results makes clear the influence of parameter variations on the dynamic pressures at the bottoa and walls of the suppression chamber.
The values to be expected in the plant can be in ferred from a comparison of parameters for the model quencher and full-scale version. This leads to pressure amplitudes which lie below
6 6
I, Ii
the desired maximum load of g~MM%~kg/cm2
'The maximum transverse load on the quencher, which does not exceed the specified value of L~Mp, is discussed in another oection of the report.
l Ooscri tion of the relief s stem Pi gure 2.1 ohces the construction arr c on, arrangement and principal dimensions of tbe roliof oystem consisting l valves, ng o f relief the blowdown p ipe, the perforated<<pipe quan th support enc h er, the structure and the protoctive tube.
i The blowdown p pe connects co to the relief valve a ve with a nominal width oof ~~
~~~~ mm.
mm In the suppression c hamb er the blowdown pipe is oxpanded to an inside diameter o, e er of ma and is drawn in again to a nominal width of Q',g . mm at the water level. The submergence of the quencher, relativee to th e normal water i
level and cente r line of the quencher arms s Just 'm.
The ra -p ipe quencher itself is construction of the perforated-shown in Figure 2.2. Zt in is constructod con with a total of ~g' boron uithgjg mm boro diamotor. On two quencher arms which point in the same circumferential direction, root on, thrust bores are made in the qu e ncher ends in order to p rod uce a circula-tion flow in the supprossion chambe r for the purpose of achiovtn g a more uniform temperature di s tribution and also to apply against the bottom brace durin th blowdown.
ur g the The most important dimensions and operatinng d ata of the sys-tem are compiled in Table 2.1. Thee indicated steam flow density relates to the actual flow ratee at the th raacter operat-ing pressure. Bllowdown at a reactor prossure of k% bar is considered in the design K
5 8
'Zhe protective tube, the bottom brace (Figure 2.3) and the, valve mount are ao designed that in an assumed break of the blovdovn pipe no steam is released into the air apace of the suppression chamber. It should also be noted that even in the event of a break in this pipe during the clearing process, the load on the suppression chamber due to air pressure oscil-lations remains within the limits permissible for such a case.
5 9
Vent clearin rocess Pressure build-up during eater ~W 0 WW\AW expulsion
~ ~
Before the safety-relief valve opens, the eater level in the bloMdmm pipe is at the same height as outside in thee pool, pool at loast until a pressure equalisation prevails between the dryvell and suppression chamber. After the valve opens steer flows into the space between the valve and the water level and is mixed vith the air present there. This increases the pressure in the pipe and the eater slug is expelled from the blowdown pipe and quencher.
Zn principle, this process corrosponds to the process of the plain-ended pipe /1/. The model extended for quenchers to calculate the vent clearing pressure is illustrated in the Appendix. Celculation and eaaouromnnt are cLlso compared there.
Ue find good agroemont for those tosts in vhich the condense<<
tion rate of the infloMing otoam at the pipe eall and at the stater lovel is low. Since the condensation of steam is neg-"
lected in the vent clearing model> clearing pressures which" aro conservatively too high are calculated for high condensa-tion rates. J The clearing pressures calculated in this manner for the power plant are plotted in 2'igure 3.1 as a function of the valve-opening time for blowdown from rated reactor pressure and from r
thee pressure transient. It was taken into consideration that:
I l
l I
'l I
the orifice Plate following thee val v ve in the plant produces a pressure loss which~ in a conserv a ve est ti te, was assumed to be 4+k g /cm . For a blowdown from the pressure transient there results then a maximum max possible pipe pressure of %%kg/cm (gauge) for an assume umed extramely short valvempening time of L~ ms, assuming also a hot pipe-wall i
-wa, .e., a negligible con-densation rate.
The influence of the condensation ra te on th e clearing pres-sure for a cold blowdovn pipe can be determined by an examina-tion of the GEM tests. Pigure A 5 shows good agreement of calculation measurement and me for a condensation rate of L+.
This corresponds toft kg of condensing steam. Zn accordance with the larger pipe surface area in th e p 1 ant, a correspon-din g 1 y larger amount of condensing steam a us t be anticipated thare. The associatod clearing pressures are entered in Figure 3.1.
The pressure profile calculated for the plant up to the vent clearing times together with the maximum conceivable peak pressure value (g~<%MHk%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
g~~+, is plotted versus time in Figur gure 3 .2.
2 tor its further time variation , this curve was extrapolated using GKN Test No.
252. Since the air volume relative to the quencher outlet area and thus also the air expulsio n time is larger in this test than ~ the plant, a slower pressure drop to the steady-state final valu lue is also assumed conservatively. This'final 6"11
l, I
value was npecified at <~ the expected value with steady-otate condensation fromm rated reactor pressure <<nd th us is th is to be expected for a blowdown from the also far hig her than r
pressure transient. Thee pressure profile stipulated in this manner was approximated by line segments.
3.2 +team-air mixing Two limiting models can be formulated u a e for the mixing of steam and air when the steam flows into th e air-filled space between the valve and water level aafteer th e valve is opened /1/:
- If we make the extreme assumption that thee steam and air ai do d
not, mix with oachh other, then the steam <<ill push the air be-fore it )ust like a piston and thereby compress it (piston model)
In tho other treme case, we can assume an ideal mixing of extreme stcam and air (homogeneous mixing model) .
roality> a mixing gradient will havve be en set up at the vent In ro clearing time with a negligible fractio f i of the valve outlet and a relatively large fraction of air in front of the quencher outlet, Too o b tain a reference value for or the actual de g ree of mixing during the expulsion of air, we shall estimate it for the examplee o f GXN test 252 (Figure 3.3},
Since the water slug must first be expell e d , after the valve opens the pressure in the blowdown pipe o f th e GKN teat stand 5-12
(mcept for very long valvempening times or ve hi h condensation rates) to a value erhich is higher than the value in the stead y sta te. As coon ns the eater slug is expelled, the exhaust velocity increases within a few milliseconds from the .final eater velocity to the velocity of sound.
It io demonstrated in /2/ that the volume increase of the bub-ble required for this occurs within a correspondingly short time. Then the pressure in the pipe drops to the steady-state final value. T~ushus, the maximum in the pressure variation of the transducer P>E before the norxle inlet practically coin-cides vith the beginning 'of air expulsion; see Figure 3.3.
When the "air bubbles nre formed, eater is displaced because of the internal prcssure. As this happens, the many small bub-bles forming at the outlot openings of the perforated-pipe Quencher coalosce into larger units. As soon as the combined sise of all bubblos is comparable to the tank diameter, the bubble internal pressure fully loads the bottom because of the comparatively nmall lateral extension. of the test tank (Figure 4.1), i.o., there is a uniform spreading of the pressure in the test stand. Consequently, the bubble pressure can bc measured by the prcssure transducers at the bottom of the tank. At the time of the first pressure maximum of a pressure curve thought of as being smoothed, the bubble is grcnring so rapidly that the afterfloving air causes a constant bubble pressure. Me may therefore assume that the air expulsion Lasts 5 13
l be yond this time. Thus, the time of +3ms entered in Piguze 3.3 represents a lower esthete of the air expulsion time.
Approximatelyg~~g of mixture can flow out during this time. +) Xn comparison to this expelled quantity, about~+ kg of air is present at the beginning of the test. Therefore,
~ t least+parts of steam are admixed vith one part, of air during the air expulsion. Por comparison, aboutg+parts of steam vould be admixed.vith one part of air for homogeneous mixing at the vent clearing time vith a pressure of++kg/cr:..
Thus, the lower estimate made here indicates a very good mix-ing of steam and air at the clearing time. The realistic
~ stimate of g~~ ms foz the expulsion time is also entered in Pigure 3.3. There is a nearly homogeneous mixing for that time.
3.3 pressure drop during mixture expu1sion The steam-air mixture is expelled in the test stand through approximatelyg~gbores. The number of bores in the plant is increased in proportion to the flow rate and is approximately The boundary area available for condensation between the forming bubbles and the vater is larger by an order of magnitude, with the pezforated-pipe quencher than vith the p)sin-ended pipe, vhere the mixture is expelled as a compact
+) In compazison, steam flows out, during steady-
++kg/s of atate opezation with a lcnser initial pressure.
unit. because of this intensive contact, the steam fraction contained in the mixture can condense out spontaneously. In addition, the air is then cooled down. As the high-pressure ILixture of steam and air flows out, three mechanisms act to produce a distinct decrease of the pressure:
- The outflowing mixture is accelerated to the speed of sound and the pressure is thereby reduced to the critical value.
The dynamic pressure component is throttled outside the nosrle by a Carnot transition. Therefore, only a slight pressure recovery occurs.
- The steam precipitates from the mixture by spontaneous con>>
densation. There remains only the steam fraction which cor-responds to the saturation content of the air. Associated with this is a pressure drop to approximately the partial pressure of the air.
- Finally, the air is cooled dovn from saturated-steam tempera-ture to approximately the pool temperature. An additional pressure drop is associated vith this.
The influence of condensation on the pressure drop clearly outveighs the other tvo components. Therefore, the process oi spontaneous condensation shall be examined in somewhat more detail. For that purpose ve use a momentum analysis for the 1,
oscillation process.
If ve start out from the plane model vhich holds in the test 6 15
I stand ~
, then for the air layer s a te d illustr in Figure 3.4 in the equilibrium state it follows the pressure in the air ows th at th bubble is equal to the hydrostatic pressure p gHp An overpressure or underpressure relati to th'e is equilibrium pressure accelerates the water layers Integration of the pressure variatio n with respect to time from the passage through the equilibrium pressure t to the pressure maximum t leads to:
C lt$
p jg( . gHJha'P PI'(p
= -y H 4' If wen we neglect Camping, then the areas F and F i F'igure 3.4 must be equal when the air oscillation is developed, since in t
both cases the impulse corraspondi ng o th ese areas acceler-ates the water mass above the air layer to the maximum velo-city.
If now the condensation is spontaneous and complete when the steam-air mixture is expelled, i.e., if the water pool sees only the expelled air, then the kinetic energy of the oscillation 6-16
I can have been brought into the oscillatory system only by this air and the previously expelled water. Then, if ve neglect damping and remember that the steam has surely con-ensed out by the time the oscillation has developed /3/, the densed area FO must also be +peal to Fl or F2 Zn this regard it should also b pointed out that the i pulse area Fo orig~ates only to a small extent from the vater expulsion prior to the vent clearing time and is generated primarily by the air expul-sion, as can be seen vithout difficulty from Figure 3.3.
Table 3.1 contains evaluations of impulse areas for tests with small volumes of air. The results are plotted in Figure 3.5 vithout dimensions. From the first to the third half-oscilla-tions, the impulse areas decrease practically linearly in all cases. This is a manifestation of the damping produced by friction. Zf ve assume that an appreciable amount of residual Steam condenses out only during the first undershoot,'then the area 2El vould be enlarged by this, i.e., the oscillation vould be stimulatedi Nowy ve may assume /3/ that at a still later time the steam has surely condensed out. hut the fact that the impulse areas 2Fl to 2F3 decrease linearly indicate's that such a stimulation of the oscillation does not occur, i.e.,
that at the time of the first undershoot no appreciable amount of steam condenses out any longer. Me may therefore assume that the steam has condensed out nearly spontaneously and com-'letely.
6 17
Zt is also noteworthy in Figure 3~5 ecrease of the impulse areas from F 0
to F 1 can differ dist inctly for differ-ent tests with the test parameters. The damping in the p, same initial hase during vhich the many individual bubbles coalesce into larger units and co up 1 e d oscillations occur, obviously varies and depends on rand an om events. This might be the reason for the relatively large scatter of the measure-
<<ent values illustrated in more detail in Section 4.
6 18
Vent clearin tests and discussion of results In the condensation eterr test stand in the Nannheim Central Power 8tation (QKM), very extensive tests were performed with the SS 1 quencher in order to investigate the influence of param-variations on the bottom pressures during vent clearing and to find a favorable combination of parameters for the plant. hll the GKH tests and also supplementary tests in the model test facility in Grosswelzheim (Gwh) to determine the influence of the free water area were considered. in the evalua-tion.
Description of the test set-up in the GEM Figure 4.1 shows the teat aet-up of the model quencher in the CKM test stand for iW%different air volumes. The most Smpor-tant measurement points in the blowdown pipe and on the tank bottom are shown.
Figure 4.2 presents a comparison of two quencher configurations in the tank with approximately equal air volumes but different lengths of blowdown'pipe. It should be noted Chat the high quencher is provided with a central double pipe. Differences with respect to the single pipe occur only if the central pipe is submerged into the water at the beginning of the Cast. For the tests with the central pipe not submerged, which are the only ones used in this report, a comparison of the pressure build-up in the blowdown pipe with other arrangements is pres-anted in Figure 4.3. There is practically no difference.
h 6 19
Because of ththe larger distance 0oof th e quencher from thee botttom vith a double pipe pe, th e test stand, iso equipped vith special pe instrumentation to me measure the pressureses below th quencher ov the at a distance stance vhich corresponds too thee bottom distance in the tests itith a single i but the pressures at th e more dis-g e pipe.
tant bottom om are 'also recorded for corn par son.
i At the test scale used in the GKM th e rated steam<<f << low density is roachede vhenv en saturated satura steam appears bef ore the full-sire va ve at only about++ kg/cm (absolute valve solute) . During the vent c carin g in most of the tests , a transient pressure occurred in thee pipe vhich limited thee flow-r ov-r ov-rate tovard the end o f th e ss. For transposition process.
p on to th e plant, a corn p u tational cor-rectionon iss performed ior this phenomen enomenon in the manner illus-enomen trated in the Append&.
The model quencher corresponding to th e fu11-sire veryion fFiguro 2..2) is tshovn in Figure gure 4.4. The various hole-array patterns nre illustrated a e in tigure 4.5; . , variantss g~%v vere utilised s onl in Che preliminary tests.
only 4.2 dependence of thee bottom bo pressure on ind ivid ual parameters Table I.l cocontains a chronological ca liat at of all vent clearing tests in the GKN with thee BS 1 quencher e and the measurement values obtainod in them. em. The quantities exertin g an inf1uence onn thee cloaring process are discussed individually in th e fol-lovi ov ng~
C 20
4.2.1 Znfluence of the exhaust area I
At the beginning of the GEM test aeries vith the BS 1 model quencher, tests vere performed on the hole layout. The various hole-array patterns are compiled in Figure 4.5. The variation extends over tbe total area installed and also over the incli-nation of the bole arrays. The results of these tests are.
I illustrated in Figure 4.6. Measurement points for constant exhaust area but different hole-array pattern or inclination (versions 1 and 3, on the one hand, and versions 2 and 4, on the other hand; see also Figure 4.5) are classified in each instance in a common scatter-band vith the same maximum per-centage deviation from the mean values. Thus, an influence is exerted only by the exhaust area and not by the hole-array inclination. A smaller quencher exhaust area also leads to lower bottom pressures if the other parameters are unaltered.
The amount of air expelled per unit time depends on the exhaust velocity, the partial pressure and the exhaust area. As i,s shovn later in Section 4.2.6> the first tvo parameters do not vary. Therefore, a decrease of the exhaust area leads to a prolongation of the expulsion time for the enclosed amount of
'ir. Thus, it can also be seen from Figure 4.6 that the bot-tom pressures become lover vith longer expulsion time. The ratio of air volume to this exhaust area V /F vhich c h ar-
~ cterizes the expulsion time, is transposed to the plant ap-proximately unaltered.
6 21'
All other teits with the HS 1 quencher were performed with bole-array pattern 4.
4.2.2 Influence of the valve-opening time The influence of the valvempening time can be determined from several groups of tests with equal submergence and equal vol-ume and with otherwise unaltered parameters. Whereas no dependence of the bottom pressures on the valve-opening time can be found for a submergence of+~ ,(Figure 4.7), the pres-sure amplitudes decrease clearly with longer valve>>opening time for a submergence ofg~ (Figure 4.8). Atj+ m submer-gence, the pressure amplitudes are again found to be inde-
'endent of the opening time (Figure 4.9). Air-volume changes only cause changes in the magnitude of the pressure amplitudes,
'ut do not affect the trend of the dependence on the opening time. No unambiguous overall influence of the valve-opening time on the bottom pressure can be observed.
4.2.3 influence of the submergence The maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom for a constant valve-opening time of L~ms are plotted versus the submergence in Figure 4.10. For aubmergences of <+++4, the measured values are at approximately the same level. For a submergence ofLgm, they are distinctly lower for approximately the same air volume.
6 22
4 Influence of the air v 1 When the air is expelled , ththe water above the quencher is forced into motion in thee direction of the water surf ace, whereas a transverse motion is prevented b y th e tank wall. The air bubbles orner gin g <<t the individual holes are di str tributed over a large portion of the tank' cross-section. Under this assumption, the air oscillations ns d ur ing vent clearing in the GKH tank can be treaated as a two-dimensional problem.
According to Section 3.3> thee impulse u of the moving water mass derives primarily from the expelled ai r volume. por constant tink cross-section, the imp ulse to the moving water mass is proportional to the thickness of th e a ir layer, which is thought of as bein g uniformly un distributed. In turn, the im-pulse of the water Rasas is a <<aasure for tbe pressure at the bottom of the tank. lineae the cross sectional area is equally large for all tests in the CKM tank th e thickness thi of the air layer is proportional to the expelled volume of air. Thus, an increase of the expe lled volume of air results in an increase off th bott pressure, as is confirmed by the am tests (4.11).
the bottom Of course, it should be noted here that a change of the air volume involves a c hange of the expulsion time. Thus the ther parameter is contained implicitly in variation of another tigure 4.11.
4.2.5 Influence of the free water-area In the CKH test tank the dependence of the bottom pressure on the air-layer height could be obtained only by varying the air volume, whereby the air expulsion time was also neceasazily varied. tor constant air volume and thus constant expulsion time, the air-layer height can be varied by varying the cross-aectional area of the tank. lfe thus obtain the dependence of bottom pressure on tank size.
l Supplementary vent clearing tests were performed in the Gross-welzheim model test stand =in order to be abl e to record this influence of the free water-araa. t'igure 4.12 shows a per-apective view of the test arrangement in the model tank. A cross-shaped perforated-pipe quencher was used <>d by the time variation of flow through the throttle norsle the d ete rmin ative factor is no longer the mechanical opening time of the valve,'ut I rather the pressure rise time bef ore the nosrle. Therefore, this pressure rise time before the nosrle was defined as the
'fictitious" valvempening time The Since the surface area of the blowdown pipe in the model test stand is very large compared to thee inflowing amount of steam, the blowdonw pipe was heated electrically between the valve and the model tank ank (wall wa temperature approximately L~3 C at beginning of test) in order that th e tests te not be falsified by too high condensation rates.
The test results are illustrated in tigure 4.14 for a valve-opening tijae of approximately L~ as Ne recognise a distinct decrease of thee maximum max pressur'e amplitudes at the bottom as the free water area increases.
lfe also ran tests in which the quencher had an eccentric posi-tion in the restricted water space (see tigure 4.13). But these measurements showed no difference in comparison with'the central confi gur at ion, as is also evident from tigure 4.14.I
'I Aa was already stated in Section 4.2.4< the water column above the expelled expe air layer can only move in the vertical direction.
The air oscillations following vent clearin g in a narrow tank can be treated mathematically as a twoMimensional oscillation problem:
C 25
Subscript g:
equilibrium state I
Cross-sectional area The epmtion of aotion for the eater aass reads:
i+) (P P~)'
with l end 6-26
l 1
For )x)cc h
~0 If ve 0 ~ Y ~
~w 'hg assume ve obtain as an approximation:
F' H
g 0
= D sinusoidal oscillations for small deflections:
x~x ~ ain't<
then the natural frequency of the system is given by
~X ~ P S~-4 The oscillation period is thus calculated as
)c ~
The folloving quantities are constant for all the tests:
3 p 10 kg/m H ~gQm 1M%)cg/cm~
V ~ +++3 m Using this data, the oscillation period vas calculated as a function of the free vater area F> in Figure i.l5. The 6 27
I 4 1 calculation always yields H
a smaller value compared to the oscillation period measured in the model tank. This can be explained by the fact that the air does not fill up the entire cross-sectional area unifozILly and thus the actual air-layer thickness is larger than calculated. According to Eq. (7) i this leads to a larger oscillation period. The oscillation period measured in the experiment can therefore only be equal to or greater than the calculated one. As is also evident from tigure 4.15, the relative deviation of the measured oscil-l
.lation period from the calculated oscillation period increases with increasing water aria, as should also be expected. ~
4.2.6 Influen'ce of the vent clearin ressure During the test series with the ES 1 quenchez, we attempted to achieve short opening times, despite Iow control pressure's, by salting changes in the valve. Xn three consecutive tests there was an abnormal opening behavior of the valve, wh/ch was able to be confirmed subsequently. Although these tests were II run in an irregular manner, they provide important information concerning the influence of the vent clearing, pressure on the bottom piessures.
Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show measurement traces from two of the mentioned tests. The peculiarity is that approximately L% s before the actual opening, the valve has,lifted slightly for about'QEls and some steim has passed into the blowdown Pipe ~
A a result, the pressure in the bl~~ Pip rises and,. the water level is forced down. Nut no air emerges, as shown bY 28 I'
I l
the non-responding bottom pr<<saure transducers. The valve now opens in this condition.'or canparison, Figure 4.18 shows the measurement trace of a 'normal'est with otherwise identical test parameters. From the compilation of measure-ment values in Table 4.2 ve can se>> that the vent clearing times are clearly smaller in the two "pre-impinged" tests than in the comparison teats, and the vent clearing pressures are only about%% of the comparison value. Nevertheless, bottom pressures result which are necessarily included in the'scatter band of the normal'ests (circled stars in Figure i.8). This test result demonstrates that, at the very least, the vent clearing pressure can have no ma)or influence on the bottom pressureso To better evaluate the influence of vent clearing'pressure, the measured bottom pressures are plotted versus the vent clearing I
pressure in Figures 1.19 to 4.23 for tests with identical test air +)
parameters (quencher exhaust area, volume, submergence) .
The vent clearing pressure was defined here as the maximum reading of the pressure P+E before the quencher at the vent 4
clearing thee. To some extent, the measurement points form a vide scatter band, which indicates that the vent clearing I pres-sure is not a significant parameter. No clear dependence of the bottom pressure on the vent clearing pressure is discernible.
+) h compilation of the measurement values can be found inI Table i.3.
5 29
l This distinguishes the perforated-pipe ~cncher from the plain-onded pipe< vhere e very clear dependence exists.
In order to be able to recognise the influence of the vent clearing pressure on 'the pressure oscillations at the bottom independently of other influential parameters, it*is assumed that in the cases considered bere the degree of mixing is alvays the same. In other vords, the mean air partial pres-sure during the expulsion of the steam-air mixture is in a fixed ratio to the air partial pressure for the limitingI case of homogeneous mixing. Horeovez, ve assume saturated-steam conditions, vhich is surely approximately correct.
'I t
!I l v'
Only an'indirect influence of the vent clearing pressure is conceivable. tor a higher vent-clearing pressure,' larger amount of steam is expelled vith the air. It vas shovn in Section 3.3 that at the max+urn possible vent clearing prIsssurc i
' 30'- I
.Qg kg/cm (gauge) in the GEM test stand, no clear contribu-tion of the steam to the air oacillations cin be observed.
Thus, the problem reduces to the question as to whether the maximum possible amount of steam corresponding to the maximum vent clearing pressure in the plant can also condense out of
'f 1
tbe steam-air mixture so quickly that the steam continues to supply no appreciable contribution to the air oscillations.
This problem is discussed in Section 4.3. 1 K
Influence of the air tern erature in the ie
- Sefore beginning a'vent clearing test< cold water was sprayed in for several minutes just below the valve in order to cool the blowdown pipe, which was usually still hot from the I
down preceding test, to approximately 30-35'. Then there. was a flush with air, which then also assumed this temperature.
In order to exanLine the influence of air temperature on tbe bottom prosouros, the flushing in Tost 254 was performed with air but not with water. The blowdown pipe and'the air enclosed in it wore at +~
I a temperature, of about C at the beginning of the test.
As is shown by the- compilation of values in Table 4.4, the condensation rate at the'ipe wall is lower for the hot pipe and consequently the vent clearing is higher then in compara-ble tests with a cold pipe, but the bottom pressures are clearly lover. As is shown in Table 4.4, the air partial~
pressure P> for the case of homogeneous aixing in Test 254I is I
cloarly l~ than in the comparison tests.
Thus, both the volume of air oxpelled and also (because of the lower partial prossure) the amount of air expelled per unit time are 1caar. Goth offects tend to produce lower bottom-pressures, os was described in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.4.
Xn order to oxclude the influence of air temperature, we con-oervatively use only tests with a cold blowdown pipe when I
making statements concerning the bottom load in the suppression chamber. It should also be mentioned that an air partial pres-sure of~Qkg/cm 2 (absolute) results in the plant for homo-goneous mixing at the vent clearing time with an initially cold pipe. This value nearly corresponds to the favorable value in the Cost stand for an initially hot pipe.
4.2.8 Influonco of on ov rossuro in the blowdown i In lossmf-coolant accidents we can conceive of operating con-ditions in which an overpressure appears in the blowdown pipe rolativo to the oupprossion chamber via the snifting valves, and the water lovel in the pipe has dropped.
Tests were performed in the CKN with an overpressure of g~%
kg/cm 2 in the pipe and a submergence of p. The air volume in the pipe due Co the lowering of the water level by~m is then i~~% 3 . If we convert the amount of air enclosed in this volume with the pressure ratio, we obtain an air volume of @~4m 3 at g~g/cm (absolute) ~
6 32
The maximum measured pressure amplitudes are ontorod in the Table below for tests saith and without an overpressure'n the pipe. The only onsential difference in the test parameters is in the air 4
volumes. 1 Tost No. V*> Initial prossure Prcssure amplitudes in the pipe at the bottom kg/cm 2 (absolute) -
kg/cm QMMMMMMMMWMMMMM~MMMMMMMMM~~t orelative to 1 kg/cm <abs.)
As shown in the Table, the magnitude of the pressure ampli-tudes with olovatod internal prossure in the pipe is attribut-ablo to the influonce of the oxpollod volume of air. The ocattor band for all oosyarablo testa can ho found from Tablos 4.1 and 4.5 and I'iguro 4.24.
4.2.9 Influence of an olovated rossure in the tank The toots in tho QKN eith olovatod prossuro in the tank are listod ooparatoly in Table 4.5.
It should also be mentioned that in Figure 4.24 only the pure air-oscillations are plotted and not high- I froquency pressure peak values during air oxpulsion. Secluse of an amplification offoct rolatod to the toot stand, the lattor are greeter at the bottom of the tank than at the 5 33
struts (see tost not-up Figure 4.2). Therefore, the values ot the bottom cometimes exceed the maximum values of the air oncillations.
4.2.10 Influence of water temperature Ao in made clear by Figure 4.25, the bottom pressure rises with increased pool temperature. Simultaneously the oscilla-tion period also becomes greater (Figure 4.26).
From the varying oscillation period we can infer that higher water temperatures are coupled to a larger oscillating volume of gas. The relation between gas volume and oscillation period ia described, for example, in /2/ (see also Section 4.2.5) .
The longor oscillation period is explained firot by the fact that in a +armor pool the air io coolod down lone intensely and Choroforo occupies a larger volume. Socondly, we may assume that a roaidual amount of otoam, corrosponding to the oaturation stcam content associatod with the air tomperature, always remains'n the air. The atoam contont is negligible for lower air tomperature, but provides a significant contri-bution for higher temperatures (Figures 4.27).
This noncondonsing steam content must be added to the quantity of air. Thus, more 'affective gas" flows out in the same time for higher water temperatures, resulting in increased bottom prossuros. Dut as shown in Figure 4.25, the effect is not large.
6 34
The oscillation pariod calculated according to the tvo-dimen-sional madel (Soction 4.2.5) vhen the atoam content is taken into consideration is entered in Pigure 4.26. It vas assumed here that the air saturated vith steam has assumed the pool~
4.3 Concise ovaluation of the measurement results In oxamining the dependence of the bottom pressure, the fol-loving parameters vere found to have no influence:
- Submergence in the range of about,m under consideration Length of the blovdown pipe In contrast, the follovtng paramotora exert n aubstantial influonco on tbo prossuro anylitudosc Quonchor oxhaust aroa Amount of air in the blovdown pipe Proc vator-area pool tomporature.
The bottom pressures increase vith incroasing quencher exhaust aroa, incroasing amount of air in the blovdown pipe, decreasing froe vator-area and incraasing pool temperature.
Xn contrast to the plain-onded pipe, the folloving vere found to be nonsignificant parameters for the perforated-pipe quenche=:
6 35
- Valvo-opening time
- Vont clearing prcssure.
Of course, those two quantities may be considered as a unit, aince the valvompening time affects primarily the pressure variation in the pipe.
According to the discussion in Section 4.2.6, the pressure of the steam-air mixture at the vent clearing time has no direct influence. Rather, the important question is whether in practically occurring cases the amount of ateam included with the air and incroasing with the vent clearing pressure can condense out of the oxpelled mixture so quickly that there is no substantial contribution of the stcam to the air oscilla-tions. Prom this discussion, the amount of otoam expelled ctith tho air in found to bo another possiblo quantity oxerting an influance on the pressure amplitudes at the bottom.
The amount of stcam that can condense in a given time depends on the hoat transfor at the boundary between the steam-air mixturo and the water, uhich in turn doponds on the tompera-turo &ifforonco botwaan the two materials'or otherwise con-otant conditions. Since the prossure of saturated steam increases vory rapidly with tomperature (as made clear in Pigure 4.28), it follows that the tomperature difference rela-tive to the water is always vary large and therefore the hest transfer is good as long as a high partial pressure of the otoam prevails in the oxpollod mixture. Thus, the major 5-36
portion of the stcam condenses out very quickly, independently of the amount. Thoraforo, the influonce on the oscillation procoss is limitod in any case to the amount of residual steam and thus is substantially in&opendent of the total amount of otoam ndmixod arith the air.
The vent clearing tosts nt high pool-tomperature give a clear indication as to hew mell this residual amount of steam con-denses out (Section 4.2.10). The incroase of the bottom pres-sures measured there can be attributed to the amount of steam remaining in the air, vhich corrosponds to the saturation state of the air and therefore does not condense out anyway.
A stimulation of the oscillation, trhich is attributable to a slower condonsation of the amount of stcam contained in addi-tion to that, cannot bo Cotoctod from the roasuroments. Thus,
@ho oondonsation occurs in hot abator )ust ns zoll ns in cold cantor, although in hot entor tho boat is transferrod distinctly coro poorly bocauso of tho smallor tomperature drop between the portion bounding the air bubblos and the rest of the pool.
Accordingly, eo can assume Chat @ho amount of steam admixed with this air provides only a oma11 contribution, nogligible in first approximation, to the air oscillations. Because of this, the influonce of the vont cloaring pressure on the oscillations can also be nogloctod in first approximation.
- 5. cted d amic ressure load in the au ression chamber In the procoding Soction 4 we considered all the GKN toots with the model quencher HS 1 in order to demonstrate the effects of paramotor variations. The norsle with the fourth variant of the bolo-array aire and with the small volume of air is used as a roference quencher to transpose the measurement values to the plant (oecond test caries with NWh~3 blowdown pipe and third tost serios with high quencher). The large-ocale version of the quencher in the power plant was matched to this reference quencher with respect to the operationally relevant parameters.
5.1 Comparison o~f arameters in the test stand and plant In Tahlo 5.1 tho paramoters of 'the tost otand and plant are comparod to oach other and tho transposition factors are indicatod. hgrooment oxista for the following quantities:
geometrical similarity of the quencher t charactoristic dimensions of the quoncher holo array; stcam flow density for stoady-state condensationg vortical dimensions (submergencet length of the hlowdown pipe is within the range of parameters that eras found to have no influence when varied) r ratio of the air volume in the relief system to the quencher's cross-sectional area; ratio of the free water<<area to the quencher's cross-sectional oroa J 5-38
- ratio of the total volume in the rolief system at the vant~
clearing time to the total aperture area of the quencher. )
I Differences are found with rospect to the following parameters:
- absolute rLagnitude of the air volumei
- absolute aire of the quencherg
- absolute size of the tank;
- absolute exhaust area of the quencher;
- vent cle'aring pressure.
The total amount of energy brought in increases with increasing air volume. Nevertheless, the air volume cannot be an abso-lute quantity of influence. Rather we are interested in knowing what mass of water this onergy ia distributed over and how quickly it ia dolivorod. Thoroforo Qho oxpoilod air vol-umo ia to bo cxproaood as a ratio to other quantities.
Table 5.1 ohows that tha borisontal dimensions of the power-plant quencher are incroasod by a factor of 5~ relative to th4 model quanchor (rows 9, 14 and 15 in Table 5.1). The quencher's cross-sectional aroa incroaaos corrospondingly by a factor of Cy(row 1O) .
hM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (row ll) ~ Thus, the larger volume of air is distributod over a mass of water onlarged laterally to the same extant. Since the air oscillations ac-cording to Soction d.2.5 represent practically a twoMimensional problem. no change occurs in She oscillation process and thus 6 39
aloo in the bottom prosauros when Ego make the transposition k'rom tho aodel rancher to the largo-acale vorsion.
If eo assume a free water-aroa onlargod in the came ratio es the quancher, thon we obtain the cutaway coction of the sup-prossion chamber illustrated in Pigure 5.1 in which the quoncher is arranged somewhat occontrically. According to the moasuroments described in Section 4.2.5 this occentric configuration is of no significance. The radial boundary walls illustrated in Figure 5.1 are only fictitious and do not oxist in reality. Ne may therefore assume that the air in the plant is somewhat more spread out proportionately than in the tost plant, which loads to lower bottom-prossuras. In addi-tion, the oscillation then no longer pccurs oxclusively in
@ho vortical diroction.
Who guanchor okhaust oroa (row 22 in Table S.l) was adapto&
to the flow rate (row 26) in order Co achieve a constant mass flow donsity,(row 27). On the other hand, according to the invoatigation in Goction 4.2.1, the oxhaust aroa has a clear influonco on tho bottom prossuros, with a tondoncy for the prcssure amplitudas to docraase for a prolonged oxpulsion time of the air, i.e., for a roduced oxhaust area of the quencher. Xf wo assume that the air distribution in the blow-down pipe at the boginning of the oxpulaion process, although not known oxactly, is the same in the model and in the large-ocalo vorsion and that the flush procoss is also the aamei 6 40
than tho air expulsion Ciao ia proportional to tha ratio of tho total voluma of tho roliaf system (row 6) to the quencher oxhaust aroa (reer 22). %d.s ratio ens also hold naarly con-atant (reer 23).
Tha vont cloaring prossuro (rcers 29 and 30) still remains as a parameter which is not transposod as a constant. The pre-oontation in Section 4.2.6 shows that tho vent clearing pres-sure as such cannot ba a ralavant parameter with the porforeted-
pipe quanchor, since the air fiom a given system always flovs out at tha sano rato, in&opondontly of the vont clearing pres-aura. Cnly an indiroct Lnfluonco ia concoivablo, ainco for a highar vont-cloaring prosauro a largor amount of atoam is ca!polio& with tho air. This additional stcam aust condonse out quickly onough if it La to have no approcLablo Lnfluonco.
phono problem aro &Lacunae& Ln coro dotail Ln Soction 4.3.
%ha invostigatians prosontod thoro uako it cloar that only a clight Lnfluonco of tho vent cloaring prcssure can bo oxpoctod from this aocondary offoct. Vho Lnflucnco of tho vont cloaring prassuro on tho prossuro arpiitu&os at tho bottom can bo nog-f loctnl Ln Lrst approxiuation.
5.2 +an~ssitipa pf aoasurpnant results to the~lant On tho basLs of tho paradoctor comparison porfozco& Ln She preceding Section, tho coast~at rosults in tha CKM tost atand for the BS 1 quencher eith a total bolo area of
+%gem 2
an& an air volumo of ~~+or ~~m can ba transposed 6 41
diroctly to the plant ao far as the air oacillations are concornod. The anxfmum valuos maaaurod for a au?mazgence of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g are used for this transposition. The following three cases are to he distin-gufohedc Doaignation Maximum pressure amplitudes sitive ne htive KRAFTWERK UNION AG PROPRIETARY INFORMATION In She first toto caaoa those oxpoctation values rLfght be oxcoodod by ohouth~ghoforo thoy roach tho doairod aaaxfmum load of +~~~@kg/cm 2 . In the third case, the oxcoedance limit fo at h~
Pigura 5.2 also obcnrs tho prooouro distribution for a simul-taneous roaponoe of 3 relief valvos an& for coharont air oscillations. The distribution curves rosult vfth the assump-tions oxplainod fn more detail in /4/. The maximum force on the bottom occurs for a uniform distribution of quenchers.
The pressure acting on the avarage is then scarcely L~of the peak value.
6 42
Transverse force on the encher To determine oxperimentally the transverse forces that occur during condensation, we used two linear displacement trans-ducers (LVA) whose arrangement ia shown in Pigures 6.1 and 6.2. The measurement frame, which bears two inductive dis-placement transducers (LVA B and LVA C) oeparated by 90',
is secured in the tank by a diagonal brace. These displace-ment transducers make it possible to measure the deflection of the quencher and of the blowdown pipe and thus to determine the load acting at the quencher. The calibration curve appli-cable for both transducors is plottod in Pigure 6.3.
The rosults of tho tranovorso forco ovaluation for the CKM toots with the ES 1 parforatod-pipe quencher (Tests Mo. 236 to 257) aro compilod in Table 6.1. Ao the transverse force wo" uoad in oach instance the rosultant which resulted frccn the defloction of the blowdown pipe as measured by LVA B and LVA C ot the most unfavorable time, i.o., the maximum value was dotormined. An unambiguous proferontial direction of this force could be ascertained.
Since no clear dependence of the measurement results on the bole-array pattern, mass flow density, valve-opening time and oubmergence can be ascertained for the tosts compiled in Table 6.1< the determination of the'ransverse force on the quencher in tho plant was based on the maximum resultant load that 6 43
occurred during the tests. Xt +as found to be@j~~Mp in Tost 243 Z. The noxt-lover value was a load of ~+~3Mp in Tost 161, i.e., about ~% less.
Under the assumption that Che unsymmetry occurring in the test stand is not exceeded in the plant the measurement value can be extrapolated to the maximum conceivable value in the plant, assuming a proportional dependence on the aperture area of the quencher and on the vent clearing pressure. With
Xn addition, because of the hole arrays of g~~~cm on tvo arm ends, Chore is a thrust force which, for a vent clear-ing prossuro of ~+kg/cm (gauge) and taking into consideration Che angle of 4~ between the two arms, reaches a value of 6 ~~ Mp.
%her the calculated thrust force corresponds to the actual maximum force occurring due to the unsymmetrical arrangement of the hole arrays on two arm ends, the values measured in the tost stand are to be understood as the dynamic equivalent 6 44
load a pp licable for the test quencher. Figure 6.4 shows a moasurament trace which make s it c 1 ear that the motion of the quencher builds u p in pendulum form. The maximum deflection is therefore not the result of a constant acting force. Zt also contains the <~pulsese from the preceding deflection to the opposite side, resulting in a dynam' amic oa d factor greater than 2. Accordin g 1 y, the force actually acting is smaller than half the measurem ent value. Therefore, the extrapolated value must also be reduced correspondingly in order to get the force that acts in a purely static manner. The maximum occurring transverse force (sum of th rust . force and force from unsymmetry) does not exceed the specified value of+ldp.
I l
'1 l
OI F t c1 il CI fl I t'I.QQ
~ hl Kondcnsatiotl5kotrllhtfCcckc Q$
- 1. Fitting with orifice
- 2. Fitting with snifter valve connection
- 3. Top of suppression chamber
- 4. Protective tube I ecoh~ 'Qs
- 5. Blowdown pipe, +~1m outside diameter x +
Bitd 2. I ~rs ur.2 KKEI - Ariordnung und AusfuhruncI des Abbtoserohres KKB - Configuration and construction of the blowdown pipe 5-75
.l 4
l I
l l
l I
Ball, QiQ mm outside diameter r
wu9'utside diame er
+13,615 ~
Bt ld 2.3 Figure a.3 KKS - Bodenverankerung der LoehrohrdUse KKB - Bottom bracing of the perforated-pipe quencher 6-77
~ ~
Figure...... ~ 3.1 3,3 6-78 6-80
l l
Nasser Water Luft Air Pressure Druck Zeit
~0 Tm~n ~g >max Ventif 'offnet Valve opened EIj'[d 3.4 Ficiure 3 4~
lmpulsf lichen bei den Luftschwingungen Prinzipskizze, DimpfuncI vernachlQssigt Impulse areas for air oscillations. Basic sketch, damping neglected 6 81
i l
'I P~
~gal'oE recure
P Pipe Pipe R.h. <
> v Air .R* v~, Rahu <<P+>> ~ P+~~ Bild lq . 'f 4 .1 m'nordnvng der LochrohrdUse H S3 im GKM-Vers Uchs stand Var'iation cfes Luftvolurnens Arrangement of the perforated-pipe quencher Variation of the air volume HSl in the GEM teat stand 6-83 X R Pdl I 10 OE/ OE Pvs PnP Pg ZOG w Iplencher pipe aoh2 <i/i~ ll<lh4ns<4d< oiis< ) 'oh2 piP e <it~~i> ref~ * <g//g Ill Air 'Le2~ (bochhapn Air pg ~ 22de Oiiee) in High qu encher B((d 4.2 2~2uee 4.2 Anordnung der LochrohrdUse HS Vers Uchsstond 3 i'KH- 'lief-und hochhongende Duse Arrangement of the perforato&-pipe quonchar HS1 in the CKM test stand Low and high quenchers 6-84 ~ ~ Test Pipe Valve o ns Venfif oftnet KRAFTWERK UNION AG PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Full lift Volfhub. Test Vers. 327 Zeffgqgse Time axis ~ ~0~ Vers. 280 Vers. 253 ~ teww 1 ~ ~ ~O~O~ ~i~' y y ~ Bf[d 4.3 ~sure e.~. Druckverlauf im Bohr tind vor dern pressure in pipe
- Yen(it f0r verschiedene Abblaserohre .
Druck im Bohr Pressure variation in the pipe and blowdown pipes before the valve for different P1 Test Test Vers. 327
/ PH Vers. 280 / Druck vor Venting
-Test 4 -++Vr gr a V
~ ~ ~ Pressure. before valve Vers. 2S3 ~y ~~~ ~
~ ~ q I/'/
n CjP FV
l l
Section I
. Schnitt C-D I~I Dished head Dished he Dished head A << I Section 4 Schnitt A- B 1 ~ ~
Bild l.L Failure 4.4 Locbrohrduse HS ) Perforated pipe quencher Hsl Modetlduse fur GKM- Versuchsstand Model quencher for GEM test stand 6-86
IIDDEL CONDENSATINI TEST STAND MODFLL" KONDENSATIONS VERSUCHSSTAND High-pressure connection Arrangement and instromentation Hochdruck-AnschluA Anordnung used .1IIstrumerItIerung
-t.p r
Throttle nossle r, r, I-j..'i~ /
Q 07-02 FfOT-O$ 0 F-g FPO'F 03
'I elekIRsch
~zI heated electricall I
I Uariable insert in water space voria8er Ebsofr in '4ktssetrovm >81" P86 r~ - Tge
$ ]05
')457 0)265 accentifc 3>06 (exzentrisch )
Bitd l.13 EinfiuA der freien Wasserflacbe Versucbsaufbau im Modelltank in Geb Influence of free water-area Set-up in the model tank ln Gvh
~ 6.95
l l
KRAFTWERK UNION AG PROPRIETARY INFOMCATION Figure..... ~ . 4.14 - 4.26 6-96 6-108
Steam contont Dampfg chal t 500 wp I'LL 9/kg 400 350 300 p c<Zpata p ~P+
kg/cm 2 (absolute) 250 200 100 0
0 30 20 30 40 50 60:70 80 'C 90 4 ftt ~
Air temperature Bttt 4.27 t van g esca t tig ter Lu f t Dampig eho l saturated Steam content of air 6 109
pressure:2 Orvck
$0 ata kg/cm 2 (absolute) 2
$ 0 0 50 100 200 C 250 Bitd 4.28 TernperafVr Temperature I
, Dampfdruck in Abhangigkeit von reer'Temperatur f0r Sattdampf Steam pressure versus temperature for saturated steam
~ ~
Fw N~~~R m gedachte Imaginary 8egrenzung bo""~"~
Model quencher in
~ ~ GKM test stand Modellduse im .
f'rIl 'l/r ~e ~~ ~ L ~ ~ l~ ~ 2 Perforated pipe-quencher in KKB suppression chamber Figure 5.1 Comparison of-.perforated-pipe.quencher)ln. the test. stand and in. the KKB plant.,'.
P 1]0 nPs
~~s~. Hean value of pressure distribution Mittelwert der Oruckverteilung I
M os 120'
60'ircumference 120 pD Umfang Btld 5 2 rieure '5.2 KKB-Umfangsvet.teitung det'axima fen Bodenbelasiung KKB - Circumferential distribution of maximum bottom load
' pr
~ ~ ~ ~
e ~ I
~ ~ ~
. Manhole.
~ e
~ Mannish
~ ~
~ ~
~ \
p I ~
I e e ~
r BIld 6.1 padre a II Arrangement and position of the linear diaplacement trana~noera Anordnvng und Loge der Lr'ingenvet schiebungs-
- aufnehmer
{MeAebene I) (Neeemaaeae plane 1) 6-113
~ ~ S
~ ~
~ ~ ~ i ~
'<< ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
'D ~ . 'A j
' ~
<< ~
~, r',
, LVAOB r <<
\ ~
<< ~ ~
~ << ~ ~
<< ~ <<
~ ~
Nanhole << ~
~ ~
~~ ~
~ ~ ~
r ' ~ ~
Build 6.2 ~ri ur<<e
.Anordnung der LYA's'mft. Einbaulage der.
Lochrohrd Qse HS I im GKM-Behatter Arrangement of the linear displacement transducers with installation position of 'the perforated-pipe quencher 8Sl in the CKH tank
~ ~ ~
!666 <
I 61 r
ot ~ ~ ' '
~ ~
ta ~ '
~ ~
~ h~
~ ~
~ ~ oo pi 00
~ ~ ~ ~ h ~
yr \~
!j graxe ggg g~: .. '..'," . ~ - Deflectkdh . " I
'. -'Ma9sfab f r-LVA'.Inm =P/~m Auslenku'n9 r:S ~ 1Q
- .. rn/F a r A k9hvPs.'j-..... -...'.... - " :-,--::-....ili-.'-:.;;: -.
~ ht ~
6) 0 M\ or aaa <<a>>h'ro rara oh M ~l ahaiieaOuh
.~ at 6<<'hhtoooo+ao>>>>hots. I f 6 6 ~
a ooo
~ '
r V
Oi tat h>>
- -.--- -"5A.'.C.-
~ ~ ~ ~
D aroaa lko, hi>> oo 6" vo>>.t h oa ~
h~gog aaaa ~ OO
~ it I
.Mjqe. ~ >>
o 16'aoa
>>htt rhett~t oar or ~ hooote.a oooo, JO o ~ ~
~ ~ o Io ~ oo
~ aot ~ rh>> t & kw ~ ~ ~ h oo
~ I, >> 'o t 6 ~ ,6 rP.
h' ho ash~at' I tt>>ht oa a ~ 6 ~
Ffllaaa 6 ~ ~ . ~ . --.-.: ..
Pf- lk,,lt' L:..6.
~ *
~ >> ~ h ~
GKH vent clearing test no. 261 ~ ~
.6 I..
~ ~
6-117 t:hrough 6-136
gr,W'n 074709
/1/ WeisshRupl, Slegers, Koch KKB - Dynamic loading of the suppression chamber during relief processes AEG-E3-2386 October 1972
. /2/ WeisshSupl, Koch tormation and oscillation of a spherical gas bubble under vater AEG-E3-2241 May 1972
/3/ Rumary, Smith, Smith The Efficiency of a Water Pond for the Direct Condensation of Steam Air Mixtures, presented at the one&ay discussion on direct contact heat transfer at the National Engineering Laboratory on 15th January, 1969
/i/ Sacker, trenkel, Melchior, Slegers Construction and design of the relief system vith perforated-pipe quencher IWU-E3-2703 July 1973 6-137