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Annual Assessment Meeting - Written Statements from the Public
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/2011
From: Mel Gray
Reactor Projects Branch 2
Gray, Mel NRC/RGNI/DRP/PB2/610-337-5209
Download: ML111680173 (31)


INDIAN POINT 201 1 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT MEETING Written Statements from the Public June 17 , 2011 ADAMS Accession No. 111 680 173

The Raging Grannies ... and Their Friends of Westchester County NY htrp ://westchester. raginggrannies. orfindex.html Jrme 2,2011 NRC Public Hearing Colonial Terrace, ll9 Oregon Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

'oThere is no safe lower limit" means that the low levels of man-made radiation circulating globally kill. It had been assumed that low levels were safe, that a little radiation might even be good for you.

Over the last few decades real world data has become available from regions uirere radiation has been released - Japan, Belarus, Iraq, etc. The data proves the assumption false. Even at low levels of exposure to man-made radiation, even at levels near or less than natural background level radiation, the death rate spiked. This and more has been reported by the highly respected European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), which was set up to be independent of nuclear industry influence. While the earlier models used to predict harm from radiation were repeatedly proven inaccurate by the actual data, the ECRR model, on the other hand, accurately predicted the harm and the spikes in the death rates.

T'{o safe lower limit" means it is not enough to set allowable exposure levels for individuals close to a radiation source. Communities far from the source experience harm and death from the low level accumulations of dispersed radiation. In the NRC's decisions on whether to relicense nuclear facilities, the oollective dose worldwide and deaths of individuals far from the original radiation sourc must be counted and considered.

Civllized societies have recognizd,for centuries that it is morally and ethically wrong to have some reap benefits (like electricity) while others, without choice or compensation, bear the costs (like health issues and deatlr" generation after generation). Murder is also recognized as wrong. 'T.{o safe lower limit" means random murder, into the fuhre, indefinitely.

While the earlier models, based on assumptions due to lack of clear dat4 calculated about I million deaths worldwide since 1945 from man-made radiation, the ECRR model, based on the scientific method and actual data" calculates 62 million deaths for the same time period This datahas been coming in for decades. We need to face the data if it is correct, recognize its import.

See the possibilities. There is the possibility of mass murder which could be interpreted as Crimes Against Humanity as defined in the Rome Statute of the Intemational Criminal Courl Now that we have data indicating death, globally, far from the radiation source, are the decision makers who relicense nuclear power plants liable for prosectrtion for Crimes Against Humanity?

We need a livable world for the grandchildren of our global family.

Stop the relicensing of Indian Point! /-)

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/ ra"Ragrng Gramies ... and Their Friends westchesr' c"*i, t.l.

Valery Keramaty, June2,20ll NRC Public Hearing Colonial Terrace, 119 Oregon Road Cortlandt Manor, I{Y 10567

Dear NRC Representatives,

"There is no safe lower limit" means that the low levels of man-made radiation circulating globally kill. It had been assumed that low levels were safe, that a liule radiation might even be good for you.

Over the last few decades real world data has become available from regions where radiation has been released

  • Japan, Belarus, Iraq, etc. The data proves the assumption false. Even at low levels of exposure to man-made radiation, even at levels near or less than nafural background level radiation, the death rate spiked. This and more has been reported by the highly respected European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), which was set up to be independent of nuclear industry influence. While the earlier models used to predict harm from radiation were repeatedly proven inaccurate by the actual data, the ECRR model, on the other hand, accurately predicted the harm and the spikes in the death rates.

No safe lower limit' means it is not enough to set allowable exposure levels for individuals close to a radiation source. Communities far from the source experience harm and death from the low level accumulations of dispersed radiation. In the NRC's decisions on whether to relicense nuclear facilities, the collective dose worldwide and deaths of individuals far from the original radiation source must be counted and considered.

Civilized societies have recognizedfor centuries that it is morally and ethically wrong to have some reap bendrts (ike electricity) while others, without choice or compensation, bear the costs (like health issues and death, generation after generation). Murder is also recogwzed as wrong. "No safe lower limit" means random murder, into the future, indefinitely.

While the earlier models, based on assumptions due to lack of clear data, calculated about I million deaths worldwide since 1945 from man-made radiation, the ECRR model, based on the scientific method and actual dat4 calculates 62 million deaths for the same time period This data has been coming in for decades. We need to face the data if it is correct, recognize its import.

See the possibilities. There is the possibility of mass murder which could be interpreted as Crimes Against Humanity as defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Now that we have data indicating death, globally, far from the radiation source, are the decision makers who relicense nuclear power plants liable for prosecution for Crimes Against Humanity?

We need a livable world for the grandchildren of our global family.

Stop the relicensing of Indian Point!




1. It could be Natural, such as an earthquake or tornado
2. Or it could be man-made
a. If man-made, it could be intentional
l. Terrorist Attack (Al Queda or Domestic like Oklahoma City)
2. Industrial Sabotage (Bhopal or 'The Mad Bomber')
b. It could be unintentional, like one or more operator errors B. We don't know when it will occur - in millennia or tomorrow
1. We can hope that it won't happen for millennia
2. We cannot know that it will not happen tomorrow (eg 9/1f )

C. But we know that it will occur

1. Regardless of whether adhering to Murphy's Law: Given a Sufficient Amount of Time, Anythingthat can go Wrong, Will
2. Or adopt the 'Black Swan' paraphrased that events at ends of Bell-Shaped Curves occur more often with much more dire consequences II. THE RISK.REWARD NNUO A. We Make Risk-Reward Decisions Constantlv
1. The Chance of an Automobile Accident Coming Here v. Home 2.But These Must Be Made Rationally Weighing Risk & Reward
3. Let's Look at a Riverfront Property on the Hudson River
a. There was a Flood in 1947
b. Could Decide to Build a 500 Year Flood Barrier
c. Could Decide to Save $ & Build a 5 Year Flood Barrier
i. Flood is a finite event (the water comes; then it goes) ii. Clean-Up Cost Might Even be Less than Buitding 500 B. Risk-Reward Decisions are Different with Nuclear Plants
1. Theoretically couldve started work on new WTC next day
2. Dead Zone @ Chernobyl 250 Years (Plutonium 250K yrs)
3. People Here Would Lose Most Valuable Asset (Home)
4. Most Would Lose Their Jobs & Way of Life
5. For What? The Reward is Trivial Compared to Risk III.WHAT HAPPENED @FUKUSHIMA IS PREDICTABLE A. There have been 5 Such Earthquakes in recorded history B. Much Recent Evidence that Tsunamis follow Earthquakes C. Responsible Parties Should Have Foreseen & Prepared
a. Construct Electrical Cables Very High Above Ground
b. Have supplemental power system in case of electrical failure
4. OFFICIALS > lST RESPONDERS SHLD KNOW WHAT 2 DO eg helicopters w/water prob killed cooling pumps so when electric return
a. This week UN Report Praised Plant Workers
b. Also Evacuation Program Worked Pretty Well D. Point: Cldn't've prevented Earthq & Ts but Could Mitigate Damage rV. HOW DOES THAT RELATE TO II\DIAN POINT?

A. Many analogies between Fukushima & Indian Point are chilling

1. From the NRC's Assessment that IP3 is most susceptible to E damage 2.To the Questionable Inspections and Oversight to be discussed below B. Other Aspects are Quite Different l.Here l0 times as many people within 50 miles & no viable escape plan 2.Altho we do not have Tsunamis, there are many other dangers (eg Lightning hifiing the Natural Gas Pipeline near IP & creating a fireball
3. Altho we are grateful nothing dire happened yet doesn't mean it won't
a. Fukushima up to March 9th
b. Record in the Gulf before Deepwater Horizon V. THE ROLE OF THE I{RC A. Your Motto is "Protecting People and the Environment" B. You say 'All Nuclear Plants in the U.S. are Safe' 1 . At worst, it is arro gant; at best, it is misleading about Indian Point 2.F-ven on a comparative basis,IPz & IP3 have abysmal safety records
a. The # of leaks, unplanned shutdowns, etc. are woeful
b. More importantly, what is the state of the plants now?

C. Most Importantly, Cannot Understand Why Standards Not Enforced D. I Believe NRC Should be Aggressive in Its Enforcement (Risk/Reward)

E. It is Clear that Indian Point Does Not Want to do the Right Thing

1. They are constantly seeking Exemptions (eg Fire Safety)
2. They do not want the cooling towers in the Hudson
3. They don't want to Spend $ to get the safest Spent Fuel Storage F. OKo Maybe they feel it is most important to maximize profits G. Thatos Why You're Protect People and the Environment H. Giving So Many Exemptions that You Canot Remember, You're Not I. Everyone f knowo even the most pro-nuclear, want Maximum Safety VI. CONCLUSIONS A. 1 of My Jobs in the Military was to Review Accident Reports
1. There were Practically No Accidents
2. Altho Unintended These Incidents Resulted From Human Acts
a. Acts of Commission
b. Acts of Omission B. The Risks are Very High Compared to the Rewards re Indian Pt.

C. The NRC Must set and Enforce the Highest Safety Standards D. The Record Here Shows the NRC is Not Doing Its Job Properly VII. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS A. Admit the Widest Range of Information Possible (eg Seismic)

B. Get Widest Range of Expertise (eg re Aging Nuclear Plants)

C. Use the Risk-Reward Decision-Making Process re Re-Licensing l{

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Page 1 of3 K317 Jaffee No Same as Resolutions, Legislative TITLE....Expressing concern and proposing requirements for re-licensing of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant II and III 03129111 referred to corporations, authorities and commissions 05ll0ll1 reported to calendar for consideration 05123111 adopted I\IYSLBDC 1 /bstfrme.cgi 6/2/20Tr

RESOLUTIONS Page2 of3 Assembly Resolution No. 3I7 BY: M. of A. .laffee EXPRESSING concern and proposing requirements for re-licensing of Indian Point Nucl-ear Power Pl-ant II and IfI by the Nucfear Regulatory Commissj-on WHEREAS, The radioactive rel-eases from the Fukushima Daiichi Nucl-ear Pfant in the aftermath of Japan's catastrophic earthquake have intensified fears that. a failure at Indian Point. Nucfear Plant, with its proximity to New York City, coul-d resuft in far more loss of lives, long-term health complications and could precipitate an unprecedented downturn in the world economy; and

$IIIEREAS, ScienEists at Col-umbia University's Lamont Dougherty Earth Observatory found that Indian Point sits on two active seismic zones, with the risk of an earthquake as high as 7.0 on the Richter scaLe; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has refused to consider these findings in its pending decision to re-l-icense Tndian Point II and III,'

and WIIEREAS, The Indian Point Nucl-ear Pl-ant was l-isted by the Nuclear Regulat.ory Commission (NRC) as the most likely plant in the United States to suffer core damage from an earthquake; and WIIEREAS, There is consensus among emergency preparedness experts and the Governor of New York State that lhe evacuation plan for the 300,000 people in Indian Point's Emergency Planning Zone is unworkable, and that the inadeguacy of the evacuation plan in a fast breaking scenario is corroborated by the 2003 Witt Report commissioned by former New York SLate Governor Georqe Pataki; and WHEREAS, The United States government recommended evacuation for all-those living within a 50 mile radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant and applying Lhat standard to Indian Point would require the evacuation in a timely manner of the 20 mil-l-ion people within Indian Point's 50 mile radius, and would render an evacuation highly impractical if not impossibl-e; and ITTHEREAS, While adequate provision of energy is essential to the region, New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has stated if the risk of an accident at Indian Point is too high, the plant shoul-d not be in operation,' and WHEREAS, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo also reported that replacing the power Indian Point generates is possible and doable; and IlIHEREAS, The NRC's criteria for re-licensing, applied for by Indian Point owner and operator, the Entergy Corporation, does not include an Independent Safety Assessment (ISA), consideration of the evacuation pIans, seismic or terrorist events, and many other criteria that are considered in the building and placement of new nuclear plantsi now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legisl-ative Body pause in its defiberations to oppose the re-l-icensj-ng of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant fI and IlI by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission unless the plan undergoes a true http:l/ 6/2/20rr

RESOLUTIONS Page 3 of3 Independent Safety Assessment (ISA), is found Eo pose no risk to the i-mmense population that encircLes the facility, that emergency experts from outside the NRC agree that a mass evacuation in the region could work; that all factors in the vetting process of new reactors are considered and applied; and be it further RESOLVED, That a commission be formed t.o study and recommend the most efficient, sustainable energy sources to replace what Indian Point Nuclear Plant generates; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitt.ed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York.

http://leginfo.nysa.usA.trYSLBDCl/bstfrme.cgi 6/2l20rr



COUNry OF WESTCHESTER, l(APLOWITZ & ABINANTI STATE OF NEW YORK Res ol ution N o..l t ?,,-, ?fl9.f WHEREAS, the operating license$ for Indian Point 2 and lndian Point 3, located in Buchanan, New York, expire in 2013 and 2015, respectively, and WHEREAS, Entergy Corporation, tho owner and operator of these power plants has submitted their application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission (NRC) for license renewal which would extend the plants' operations for another twenty years, and WHEREAS, this Honorable Board has passed numerous Resolutions regarding the lndian Point Nuclear Power Plants, calling for, among other things, the NRC to change their siting regulations as stated in 10 CFR Part 54 to require nuclear power plants applying for license renewal to be held to the same standards a$ a new plant, and VVHEREAS, on May 3,2007, U.$. Rdpresentatives Nita Lowey, John Hall and Maurice Hinchey, introduced the Nuclear Power Licensing Reform Act af 2007 (H.R. 2162) which, if passed, would amend Section 103 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, subsection c. by adding at the end the following: 'Any such renewal shall be subject to the same criteria and requirements that would be applicable for an original application for initial construction, and the Commission shall ensure that any changes in the size or distribution of the surrounding population have not resulted in the facility being located at a site at which a new facility would not be allowed to be built.', now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Westchester County Legislature urges the imrnediate passage of H.R. 2162, which would mandate the *iteria for llcense renewal of a nuclear be the same as that required for a new , and be it furthef RESOLVED, that the Westchester County Legislature requests that New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer and New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo join the Westchester County Legislature, and make a formal request to New York's Congressional Defegation urging the immediate passage of H.R. 2162, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Westchester County Legislature forward copies of this Resolution to U.S. Representatives Nita Lowey, Eliot Engel, Maurice Hinchey, John Hall, Kirsten Gillibrand and Christopher Shays, U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Hiilary Rodham Clinton, New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer and New York State Attorney GeneralAndrew Cuorno, so the intent of this Honorable Board be widely known.



) ss.


I I I{EREBY CERTII"Y that have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. I 12 - 2007 with the original on file in my office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original Resolution which was duly adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators of said County on June 4, 2047.

IN WITNESS WIIER"EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County Board of Legislators on this 5fr day of June, 2007.

-1 't JtAa.,Vdl,, a -.

Tina Seckerson The Clerk ofthe Westchester Counfy Board of Legislators County of Westchester, New York (seal)


COUNTY OF WFSTCHESTER, KAPLOWITZ & ABINANTI STATE OF NEW YORK R"eqol,utip.ttNo. . sz . 20Q4 WHEREAS, the operating licenses for Indian Point 2 and Indian Point 3, located in Buchanan, New York, expire in 2013 and 2019, respectively, and WHEREAS, this Honorable Board has passed numerous Resolutions regarding the lndian Point Nuclear Power Plants, calling for, among other things, the NRC to deny the applications for license renewalfor lndian Point 2 and lndian Point 3, and WHEREAS, Entergy Corporation, the owner and operator of these power plants has submitted their application to the LJ.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for license renewal which would extend the plants' operations for another twenty years, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Westchester County Legislature urges the NRC to hold hearings in Westqbcste1coglsatatimeandplaceinatwittallowfoimaximuminputfroiff Westchester residents, and be it further RESOLVED, that NRC representatives coordinate these meetings with this Honorable Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Westchester County Legislature fonnrard a copy of this Resolution to U.S. Representatives Nita Lowey, Eliot Engel and John Hall, U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Rodham Cfinton, and the appropriate NRC personnel, so the intent of this Honorable Board be widely known.

Ddg sg-?*39, thtwafl@ oJ 6r.,lut Fo^]f,r.^Jf 4-6^/q4-4-T



I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. 87 - 2007 with the original on {ile in my office and that the same is a correct tanscript therefrom and of the whole of said original Resolution which was duly adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators of said County on May 7 , 2007 .

IN WITNESS WIIERDOF, I have hereualo set my hand and alfixed the corporate seal of said County Board of Leg;islators on this 8m day of May,2007.

M .r/'t Tina Seckerson The Clerk of the Westchester County Board of Legislators Counfy of Westchester, New York (seal)


COUNTY OF WESTGHESTER, LEGISLATOR ABINA,NTI STATE OF NEIA/ YORK WHEREAS, Entergy is the owner and operator of two nuclear power plants, Indian Point 2 and Indian Point 3, located in the Village of Buchanan, Westchester County, New York; and WHEREAS, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is thefederal regulatory agency overseeing, regulating and licensing lP2 and lP3; and WHEREA$, the NRC has the power and authority to order an Independent Safety Assessrnent (lSA) of lP2 and lPS; and WHEREAS, such an ISA was.conducted atthe Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.

and WHEREAS, there are concerns over the historicalsafety record of Indian Point, especially in light of the age of the lndian Point facilities, which could compromise the health and safety of Westchester residents; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Westchester County, because of their close proximity to lndian Point, deserve to have a clear and accurate assessment of any and alf safety problems or issues that are currently known or may be discovered at Indian Point and these issues should be presented to the public in a timely manner after discovery; and WHEREAS, the NRC, in spite of the problems and safety issues experienced by lP2 and lP3, has refused to order an ISA of IPZ and lP3: and WHEREAS, legislation was introduced in both Houses of the 109th U.S. Congress (H.R.4891 and 5.2488) that Would have mandated the NRC to order a Maine Yankee-style ISA on ths vital syElems of lndlan Point and require FEMA to justiff, with ffilTl9ffitrJ';lH3i'fi".

the impossibility of evacuation should an incident occur at the lndian Point site; and ",

WHEREAS, that legislation which would have required:

1) a "vertical slice" review of all operating systems;
2) a "hodzontal" review of all plant maintenance;
3) a rigorous re-evaluation of the feasibility of the evacuation plan for Indian Point;
4) a mandate that independent experts conduct the review, and
5) a mandate that the review be monitored by local officials; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Westchester County Board of Legislators requests that the 11Otr United States Congress enact legislation that would require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an Independent Safetv Assessment of the lndian Point Nuclear Power Plants through tfre r 4891 and 5.2488 (109th Congress); and be it further RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board requests that New York State GovernorElioJ Spitzer and New York State Attorney GeneralAndrew Cuomo join the Westchester County Legislature, on behalf of the public health and safety of Westchester residents, and also make a formal request to New York's 110rh Congressional Delegation to immediately reintroduce and pass 5.2488 and H.R.4891 as introduced in the 109h Congress; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board forward a copy of this Resolution to New York State Governor Eliot $pitzer and NewYork State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, United States Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Rodharn Clinton, United States Representatives Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, John Hall, Maurice Hinchey and Christopher Shays, so that the intent of this Honorable Board be widely known.

CommitteeG) on:


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) ss.


I IIEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolutlon No. 17 - 2AA7 with the original on file in my office and t'hat the same is a conect transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original Resolution which was duly adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators of said County on February 12, 2007.

IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said. County Board of Legislators on this i3e day of February, 2007.


\/,UlLA-,W, o _

Tina Seckerson The Clerk of the Westchester County Board of Legislators Cowrfy of Westchestero New York (seal)

RESOLUTION 119 - 2005 WHEREAS, Federal law roquires that licensees ofnuclear generating facilities develop Radiologioal Emergenoy Preparednoss (REP) Plans; WHEREAS, County governments where the nuclear gonerating facilities are located carry the bulk of the responsibility for developing updating and periodically evaluating the REP plan's effoctiveness; WHEREAS, New York State currently requires licensees to pay an annual fee of

$550,000 per nuclear generating facility, half of which amount is given to counties whose boundaries are within a lO-mile radius of said nuclear generating facility; WHEREAS, While Westchester receives $412,500 pr year under this arrangement, the actual costs to County taxpayers for radiological em-elqency preparednes! is over ten times that amount - $4.6 million annually; WHEREAS, Virtually evory County department is called on to maintain andparticipate in the REP plan for the Indian Point Nuclear Facilities, and the Department of Emergency Services, the Deparhnent of Health and the Department of Public Safety in particular, conhibute enorrnous resources to ensure that the REP plan requirements af,e met; WHBREAS, Countyproperty tax dollars are utilized to supplement the difference between the licensee fee that Westchester receives and the total amount that the County subsidizes; WHEREAS, Countv sovetnlnentialaJrBqlp4Eqlglo.d4-v igREP planning. however County property taxpayers should not have to subsidiz.e the entirilcost of thafplanning; WHEREAS, Legislation (A.2099/5.241) cunently pending before the state logislature would offset the local costs for radiological preparedness by requiring that the fee paid by the licensees of nuclear plants be increased to reflEct the actual costs incuned by looal governments associated with radiological preparedness; TIIEREFOR.E, LET IT BE RESOLVED, That the Westchester County Board of Legislators supports A.209915.241 and urges the New York State Legislature to enact this legislation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Governor George Pataki, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, the members of Westchester County's state Senate and Assembly delegations, and the members of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Energy and Telecommunic ations Corunittee,

It oateaz/t/o-9/ 83,zoo4 White F1ains. New York COMMITTEES ON k-pWr!*.





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I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. 119 - 2005 with the original on file in my office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and ofthe whole of said original Resolutions which was duly adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators of said County on May 31, 2005.

IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County Boatd of kgislators on this lth day of June, 2005.


// /*t 4. z-l-*'r-*

The Clerk of the Westchester County Board of legislators and Chief of Staff County of Westchester, New York (seal)

RESOLUI9_N Np. 269 "?9Q3 Whereas, Entergy Corp., owner and operator of the lndian Point Nuclear Power Plants, has expressed its intent to apply for operating license extensions of20 years for IP2 and IP3, and being that the Westchester County Board of Legislators has previously expressed its concern over the continued operation of the nuclear power plants at the Indian Point Energy Center through several resolutions passed by this Honorable Board, including Resolutioq fi,o,142-2002 which calls on officials from the Federal, State and Local governments to work with relevant parties to develop a plan that includes the below listed action steps, namely:

l. the development of an altemative, unintemrpted, and affordable cnergy source to replace the power currently produced at Indian Point,
2. the development of a financial plan that will mitigate the negative real estate tax implications on the local communities, school district, and county govemment,
3. the development of a plan to positively consider the current employees, such consideration will include job placement, retraining of affected workers, and other employment skategies, and
4. the development of a plan that ensures that spent fuel rods will be immediately secured and properly protected on site from the threat ofa terrorist attack or accident, and that an orderly closure and decommissioning of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants begin at the earliest possible time, and Whereas, this Honorable Board reiterates its resolve, based on the potential of a terror attack on the plants, a concern about the age of the plants, and the potential results of a failure of equipment or human error in the operations of the plants, and Whereas, Indian Point 2 and 3 were initially licensed based on Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations promulgated over 30 years ago, and if plant owners were to apply for a license to operate a nuclear power plant at the Indian Point site today, it would not likely be granted by the NRC under its current standards and regulations, specifically prohibiting the siting of nuclear power plants based on population density considerations, now therefore be it, Resolved, that the { of Indian Point 2 and Indian 3 when current licenses ,ild NR s being re-licensed, and to make this finding as soon as possible so that all concemed and involved parties can devote their time and resources to finding altematives to the existing nuclear power plants, and be it further Resolved, that the NRC should modify, through its GEIS process, its siting regulations to reflect current considerations including that of terrorism, and be it further Resolved, that the Clerk of the Board of Legislators forward the text of this resolution to Westchester County's State and Federal delegation, to all legislative bodies and elected oflicials within the 50-mile zone surrounding the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Corp., so that the intent of this Honorable Board be widely known.


) ss.


I IIEREBY CERTIHY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. 269 - 2003 with the original on file in my office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original Resolutions which was duly adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators of said County onNovember 24, 2003.

IN WITNESS WHEREOtr', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County Board of Legislators on thiszsttay of November ,


PerryM. Ochacher The Clerk of the Westchester County Board of Legislators and Chief of Staff County of Westchester, New York (seai)

RESOLUTION 10 -2003 (As Anended)

WIIEREAS, arnong its duties and responsibilities, the WestchesterCountyBoard of kgislators is charged with overseeing and guaranteeing the public health and safety of those who live and/or work within Westchester County, and WHEREAS, cornistent with this charge, this Honorable Board, through its Committees on Public Safety and Criminal Justice and on Environment and Health, has, for the past three years, been monitod"q th that would be puf into effect in the event of a radiologicallncident at the tndian p6lnfNGlEipower plant, and WHEREAS, as a result of serious questions raised regarding this Plan the two aforemdntioned Committees did urge that an independent, no-n-governmental assessment be made of the abilityof Plan to achieve its goats of protecting public health and ensuring public safety, and WHEREAS, undercontract with t@ an assessment has been

  • ra" *a ,n" irnA-iri WHEREAS, th9-se findings have pornr!g!_.!g deep deficiencies iqthe Plan, many of which had already been noted by your Honorabl and' WHEREAS, these deficiencies have, in turn, called into question the ability of the plan to achieve the goals of protecting public heatth and ensuring public safety, and WHEREAS, acting on the recommendation of its two aforernentioned Committees, this Honorable Board has determined that these deficiencies must, as a matter of the public good, be addressed and remedied with the greatest possible speed, and WHEREAS, by Charter, this Honorable Board is responsible for setting the policies that are to be carried out by the County of Westchester, especialty, but not limited io, those that protect public health and ensure public safety, Now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board does reaffirm with utmost urgency its call made through Resolution No. 265 - zOAt that seggglfy4lrhe krdian Poinr Nuctear powei plants be placedunderthecontroloftheUnited@,dthatthisbedonewithoutfurtherdelay, and be it further

. RESOLVED, that as a matter of policy, this Honorable Board does hereby direct the County Executive or any other oflicial and/oiemployee of the County of Westchester not to issue a radiological emergericy preparedness activities form or otlr", official communication that would in any way state or imply that the Emergency Evacuation"ny Plan as it curently exists is capable of achieving is goals of protecting public health and ensuringpublic safety in the event of a radiological incident, and be it further RESOLVED, that, should such communication be mandated by a higher authority, this Honorable Board does hereby direct, as a matter of policy, that it shalf not 6 issued without an accompanying disclaimer that the Emergency Evacuation Plan as it cunently exists should not be construed as capable of achieving its goals of protecting public health and ensuring public safety, and be it further

RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board, as a matter of policy, does hereby direct that the County Executive immediately begin to incorporate the germane recornmendations of the Witt Report into the Emergency Evacuation Plan and that he report back to this Honorable Board no later than 120 days following the passage of this Resolution on the progress that has been made with respect to this direotive, and be it further RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board does hereby call upon the State and Federal Governments to immediately begin to implement those recommendations of the Witt Report relevant to their iespective responsibilities in and for the Emergency Evacuation Plan, and be it fu*her RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board does hereby call upon the Nuclear Regulatory

. Commission to immediately shutdown the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants and provide for the proper safeguarding of all of the fuel rods by removal or safe storage until such time as it can be demonshated that the Emergency Evacuation Plan can achieve its goals of protecting public health and ensuring public safety, and be it further RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board does hereby reaffirm anew its wishes that the Indian PointNuclear Power Plants be decommissioned at the earliestpossible date in accordance with the guidelines specified inResolutionNo. 142-2002, and be it further RESOLVED, that this Honorable Board does herebydirect that its will and its desire as expressed through.the Resolution here passed be.tansmitted to all parties appropriate within the county, State and Federal Governments empowered to act upon and effect the provisions as stated herein.

Dated: January l3,2OO3 WhitePlains, Ny

?* fi"tG Gr

,ftaf.taJ,tr^-- M



) ss.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. .l'o -20A3 (as ameaded) viith the original on file in my offioe and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original Resolutions which was duly adopted by thp Westchester County Board of l*gislators of said County January 2L,20A3.

IN WITNESS WHEREOT', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County Boardil of Legislators on thiszf tay of January ,


PerryM. Ochacher The Clerk of the Westchester County Board of Legislators and Chiefof Staff County of Westchester, New York (seal)

5t-RESoLUTION ., 142,. , -2002 Whereas, residents of Westchester County and other citizens have voiced their concem about the safety of the lndian Point Nuolear Power Plants, particularly since the events of September I l, 2001, and Whereag concern has been raised about the potential results of a teffor attack on tlre plants, or the poiential results sf a failure of equipment or human error in the operations of the plants, in such a densely populated region of the country, now therefore be it Resolved, that offrcials from the Federal, State and l,ocal governments working with relevant parties develop a plan that includes ths below listed action steps, namely:

l. the development of an al&emative, unintemrpted, and affordable energy source to replace the powercurrently produced at hdian Point,
2. the development of a finanoial plan that will mitigate the negative real estate tax implications on the local communities, school district, and county government,
3. the development of a plan to positively consider the currnt employees, such consideration will include job placement tetaining of affectsd wotkers, and other employment strategies, and
4. the deyelopment of a plan that ensures that speirt fuel rods will be immediatelysecured and properly protected on site from the threat ofa terrorist attack or accident, and be it firther Resolved, that an the Indian Point Nuclear Powsr Plants begin at the earliest Resolved, that this Resolution be fansmi$ed to the Governor of the State of NewYorkand all of Westchester's Federal and State representatives so that they may know the will and intent of this HonorableBoard.

Dited: qwo>

.l WhitePlains, NewYork 1pa r\v o^l eNV,of/wtnl COortrn Jl or0 Cornrvr flu$r 11,- sft%t/j#YttJ*


) ss.


I IIEREBY CERTIF'Y that I have compared the foregoing Resolution, Resolution No. r42 - 2AO2 with the original on file in my office and that the same is a conect transcript thereftom and of the whole of said original Resolutions which was duly adopted by the Westchester Corrnty Board of Legislators of said County onseptember 9, 2402.

IN WITNESS WFfEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County Board of Legislators on thisl0Etay of september ,


Eticiareorski The Clerk ofthe Westchester County

/ " Board of Legislators and Chief of Staff County of Westchester, New York (seal)

Reolutlot..lfp J 2f6i20ot ,l WIIBREA$, in liglrt of rocsnt evnts end in this agc of terroris4 lho cpectre o?tnAio Pointboingdamagedbytermdslsistoohoniblelocomprchcndand ;.

WIIEREA,S, Entergyiecontlybought tndiarPointtr and III andthedeconrrrissioucd Indian Point I nuclcar powcr planrs located in Buohamrl Ncw York, and WHEREAII, Entogy stales its commitrnent lo safely producing elcctic errerry for this rcgion wilh significant accompanying economic'benefits ofjobs creatod and taxes pairf and

-WEBREA{I, of lhonation'u liveswithin miles of Indian Point and woutd bo WffiREA,S, lhere is a natural gas linc lhat prcerrtly feeds into the facilities and that Entcrgy is planning to build a sepanatc fini$ing plant that would rue uatural gas, and rmderslanding lherc are large resourcs of rnhnal gas in North Amecicn, now, haefore, beit  :

nf,SOLllED lhat the WestcbesterCorurtyBoard of lrgislators callsonEntergn ttrc Ncw York State Public Serrrice Commission and all other relevantparties to imrpediately bgin a detailad fcasibility study on converrting Indian Points tr and III from nddcar eirergy to nahual gas or olher non-nuclear firE and fifSOf,fryO &at whil Uie potintiat cost of conversion is expersive, it is an expenss that'inlhe interest of safety and sanity mustbe made given thc potential danger to life and pmpcrty, and be it firrthcr RDSOLYED; this resolution bc hawmitted to oru entire Federal and State delegation

.Dated O&bet#,rzwt WhitePlains, NewYork 7rG.H-Uu!*f, tffi*

RDsottmoN ?fJ.2q{u WHERDAS, in li*ht of rwcnt cvslts rnd our prcsont and incroasingly gFo$ng conccm il*j1m:"miu*anenoil-p;ffi ;r;"rr.*po*riilil;porenriattargersof wtrEnEAS, * **r 3 r$iur noiy-y*g facilirvcourd population living

  • r'6;; i,9 ,ryry,am.rcth;;;**t aroa wesrchestcr residnre lrrc bo devasrering to r*

of rho wirhin nny miJolfi;,* point wno would.bc

'sr rvrlrr who woutd narion,s scalo incidenT ord . i at risk from e large-

  • HEREAS' wc rocognizo that thc dcbajegn nt
  • but we ane now mo$r concerned th9 rong
  • i[i"fu term ftt'rc of Indianofpoint w'r ff thc praot, WHEREA'S' we as-rprcsentativcs of all westchesterco'ntyresidents that the tidcrar and stqti got'"ril";d; ,r&i[;i;;#lio need to t<now nuclearplants, and *o"*o to protect rha fwffi ffiffi ffi .j;ff
    w*ffi rrij;#H*::$rff H:*?fr HrHr" RBSoLVED' we the menrbers of the lveslchcster countyBoardof Legistators ca, on

$ifm:::,**% rhe state orNew yn,,. ln .,^--^, _

arsN$ ofattach and &rom atl potenGi

' RrsoLvED' we fi'tlercall:ry oontcxt ofnational security th: appropnat Foderal andstateof'ciars, concerns, to ii"uiurrrat.*di""t-d;;;* withinthe protoct our instailations are being and a"ilia*' *jilt"r"guard taken rs our citizenrlr, and RDSoLVED' that the above mentioncd governmeoh deplov all appmpri"t" as well as necessary

  • iriyy roo*"*,"io.iuoog iryrdi{ury
  1. ffid
    *i-ship and permauentrv uoiee s-t"to prope{y defend the plants rirtpffi -"- york state (hrarapersonner *opon J,,


&om any anA al attacks, and RES0LVED ttrat this resolutt-or Crovemor of the State hansmithd to:ttg presidont oil.te* yo,t9u ofthe united states, the il;;.lft Federat and Stde representativos

. Dated: October29,200l

    • =".*,'""**qCIilM. F{gk""lktuXp*...,.,


tf l-/N. > 4eD

  1. .-St iorss t trSt'

\,t RESOLUTION dts - 2001 WI{EREAS, the safety of its resideuts is of the uftrost import:ance to tbe Westchester County Board of Legislators, and WHERLAS, this board previously resolved under Board Resolution No. 265-2001 the need for imrnediate protection of the Indian Point Power Plants and urged the deployrnent of appropriate military resoruces and personnel, and resolved under Board Resolution No..Xe-ZOOt. the need for a long-term solution to this serious security issue and called on &e Pubtic Service Commission to conduct a feasibility study on converting these nuclear power plants to natural gas, and WHEREAS, Entergy Corporation is now requesting permission to build eight 45-megawatt natural gas units on the Indian Point site, and WIIEREAS, said conversion of the entire E:risting Nuclear Power Plants, along with the proposed eight 45-megawatt natural gas units, would require a significant supply of nahual gas beyond the supply already available, therefore be it RESOLYED, tlnt the Colombia Gas Transmission Corporation immediately amend their applicationto the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Millennium Piieline, and alter their route by proposing that the 420 mile Millerurium Pipeline, currently intended to bavel throughout Westchester County and termiuate in tlre City of Mt. Vernon, be reconfigured to end at the Indian Point Nuclear Facility in Buchanan, NewYork, and RESOLVED, that the Governor of the State of New York, atong with all appropriate officials ancl agencies, support'the immediate and intense negotiations between Entergy Corporation and Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation in order to reach an agreement thalwould supply a sufticient amount of nahual gas to Indian Point, and RESOLVED, that the Public Service Commission should support such alteration of the MillenniumPlan, and RESOLVED, that the Public Service Commission deny approval for the proposed eight 45 megawatt natural gas units unless and until the existing facilities at Indian Point are completely converted, and be it further RESOLYf,D, that this Honorable Board directs its clerk to transmit a copy of this resolution to Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, Entergy Corporation, the Governor of the State ofNew York arrd all State and Federal Officials, so that the conlent and intent ofthis resolution be widely known.

Dated: Novenber 19, 2001 Committee oD the nnvironnent