Category:Meeting Notice
MONTHYEARMN 19-001, Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment Meeting for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station2019-03-11011 March 2019 Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment Meeting for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML18361A5452018-12-27027 December 2018 Notice of Public Webinar Meeting for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station to Discuss the Decommissioning Process for Nuclear Power Reactors ML18073A1402018-03-14014 March 2018 Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment Meeting for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station MN 17-017, Open Regulatory Conference July 13, 20172017-06-28028 June 2017 Open Regulatory Conference July 13, 2017 ML17069A0942017-03-10010 March 2017 3/21/2017 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment and 95003 Inspection Exit Meeting for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML17020A0032017-01-19019 January 2017 1/31/2017 - Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting - Preliminary Findings and Status of 95003 Inspection at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station MN 16-014, 4/13/2016 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment of Safety Performance at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for 20152016-03-30030 March 2016 4/13/2016 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment of Safety Performance at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for 2015 IR 05000293/20150072015-06-22022 June 2015 Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Regulatory Conference to Discuss Preliminary White Finding and Associated Apparent Violation for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (IR 05000293/2015007) MN 15-003, 3/18/2015 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Pilgrim 2014 Annual Assessment Meeting2015-03-0404 March 2015 3/18/2015 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting - Pilgrim 2014 Annual Assessment Meeting ML14098A3162014-04-0808 April 2014 5/1/2014 - Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting to Discuss Entergy Performance at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station During Cy 2013 MN 13-027, Webinar to Discuss Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Basics and Planned Use at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station2013-12-0202 December 2013 Webinar to Discuss Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Basics and Planned Use at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML13108A3282013-04-22022 April 2013 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioners Requesting Action Against Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Regarding Operations at FitzPatrick, Pilgrim, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Stations ML13086A5902013-03-27027 March 2013 Revised: April 2, 2013 Notice of Public Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss Pilgrim'S Performance During FY12 ML13079A0202013-03-18018 March 2013 G20130209/LTR-13-0224 - Ltr. Representatives Edward J. Markey, John F. Tierney and Bill Keating Request for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Alter Plans to Hold Open House Style Meetings to Review the 2012 Performance of Pilgrim and Sea ML13072A6782013-03-13013 March 2013 Notice of Public Meeting, April 2, 2013 ML12074A0832012-03-14014 March 2012 Notice of Meeting with Public to Discuss the NRCs Assessment of Safety Performance at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for 2011 ML11250A1712011-09-14014 September 2011 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of the Operating Licenses of General Electric (GE) Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (Bwrs) ML1115704052011-06-0606 June 2011 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Implementation of Quality Oversight and Verification Programs at Entergy Sites Including Actions Being Taken to Enhance Effectiveness ML1115403882011-06-0202 June 2011 08/02-03/2011 Meeting Announcement - 2011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Examination Writers Workshop ML11126A0962011-05-12012 May 2011 Notice of Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10CFR2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of Operating Licenses of General Electric Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors ML1113102952011-05-11011 May 2011 Notice of Meeting with the Public to the NRCs Assessment of Safety Performance at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for 2010 ML1107504052011-03-21021 March 2011 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Fleetwide Submittal for Proposed Technical Specification and Quality Assurance Program Manual Changes Related to Unit Staff Qualification Requirements MN 10-014, Entergy Nuclear Operations (Entergy) Notice of Meeting with NRC2010-03-23023 March 2010 Entergy Nuclear Operations (Entergy) Notice of Meeting with NRC ML1006805402010-03-0909 March 2010 Notice of Meeting with Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station to Discuss Safety Performance for Calendar Year 2009 and NRCs Role in Ensuring Safe Plant Operations ML0906807852009-03-0909 March 2009 Notice of Meeting to Discuss NRCs Assessment of the Safety Performance of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant for Calendar Year 2008 and the Role of the Agency in Ensuring Safe Plant Operations ML0807100682008-03-10010 March 2008 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations to Discuss NRCs Assessment of the Safety Performance of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for Calendar Year 2007 ML0709204592007-03-30030 March 2007 Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., to Discuss Nrc'S Assessment of the Safety Performance of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for Calendar Year 2006 ML0701706102007-01-17017 January 2007 Notice of Meeting Between NRC Staff & Entergy Management to Inform Entergy Management of Results of NRC Team Inspection Covering Scoping & Aging Management Portions of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Application for a Renewed License ML0700501532007-01-0808 January 2007 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0618104242006-06-30030 June 2006 Notice of Forthcoming Exit Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., on License Renewal Scoping and Screening Methodology and the Aging Management Program / Aging Management Review Audits for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0634703382006-05-0909 May 2006 E-mail: (Intergovernmental) Planners Event on Current Trends in Metroboston ML0611804242006-04-28028 April 2006 Notice of Meeting to Discuss the Environmental Scoping Process for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, License Renewal Application (LRA) ML0609403702006-04-0404 April 2006 Public Meeting Notice for the Annual Assessment Meeting with Entergy (Pilgrim Station) to Discuss CY2005 Performance ML0604405432006-02-13013 February 2006 Notice of Forthcoming Public Information Session for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff to Describe the License Renewal Process ML0531904612005-11-15015 November 2005 Forthcoming Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff and Entergy Nuclear, Inc. (Entergy), Regarding License Renewal Applications for the Pilgrim and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Stations MN 05-022, Closed Notice of Meeting Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Re a Former Senior Reactor Operator Involving Sleeping While on Duty in the Control Room on June 29, 20042005-04-13013 April 2005 Closed Notice of Meeting Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Re a Former Senior Reactor Operator Involving Sleeping While on Duty in the Control Room on June 29, 2004 ML0508401332005-03-29029 March 2005 Notice for Closed Pilgrim Predecisional Enforcement Conference Regarding Apparent Violations Involving Failures of Control Room Staff to Follow Pilgrim Procedures ML0507500032005-03-16016 March 2005 Revised - Pilgrim Annual Assessment Meeting Notice W/Nrc Slides MN 05-004, 3/24/05 Pilgrim Annual Assessment Meeting Notice2005-03-0404 March 2005 3/24/05 Pilgrim Annual Assessment Meeting Notice ML0432304512004-11-19019 November 2004 Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Re Pilgrim I Nuclear Generating Station Regarding Relief Request Related to High Pressure Coolant Injection Pump Vibrations ML0406406452004-03-0404 March 2004 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. NRCs Assessment of the Safety Performance of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for Calendar Year 2003 ML0307000432003-03-10010 March 2003 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Generation Co Re NRCs Annual Assessment of the Safety Performance at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0219106652002-07-12012 July 2002 Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO) on Safety Relief Valve Seismic Analysis Methodology for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0207301872002-03-14014 March 2002 Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Generation Company (Pilgrim) Re Results of NRCs Assessment of the Safety Performance at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for the Period April 1, 2001 Through December 31, 2001 2019-03-11
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MN No.13-005 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING March 13, 2013 Licensee: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Facility: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Docket No: 50-293 Date/Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m Location: Plymouth Town Hall 11 Lincoln Street Plymouth, MA 02360
The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will meet with the public to discuss the NRCs assessment of safety performance at Pilgrim for 2012, as described in the annual assessment letter dated March 5, 2013. The NRC will respond to questions on specific performance issues at the plant and our role in ensuring safe plant operations.
NRC Attendees: R. Bellamy, Chief, Division of Reactor Projects, Branch 5 M. Schneider, Senior Resident Inspector T. Setzer, Senior Project Engineer B. Smith, Resident Inspector S. Campbell, Office Assistant Public Participation: This is a Category 3 Meeting. The NRC staff will hold an open house to discuss Entergys performance at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station during calendar year 2012. NRC staff will be available, in an informational setting, to answer questions from members of the public and discuss issues or concerns related to Pilgrim.
Ronald R. Bellamy Ph.D., Chief, Projects Branch 5 610-337-5200 E-mail: Ronald.Bellamy@nrc.gov The NRCs annual assessment letter regarding Pilgrim performance during 2012 can be found in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) with Accession Number ML13060A340. ADAMS is accessible from the NRC website at:
2 Additional information relative to the NRCs annual assessment process and the safety performance of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station can be found on the NRCs website at:
The NRCs Policy Statement, Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings, effective May 28, 2002, applies to this meeting. The policy statement may be found on the NRC website, http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/policy/67fr36920.html, and contains information regarding visitors and security.
The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting, or need the meeting notice or other information from the meeting in another format (e.g., Braille, large print), please notify the NRCs meeting contact. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. Persons requiring assistance to attend the meeting shall make their requests known to the NRC meeting contact no later than two business days prior to the meeting.
Attendance by other NRC personnel at this meeting should be made known by March 26, 2013, via telephone to the NRC meeting contact.
Meetings are sometimes canceled or rescheduled as a result of unforeseen circumstances.
Please confirm the meeting schedule on the NRC website under public meetings.
/RA Steven Shaffer Acting for/
Approved by:
Ronald R. Bellamy Ph.D., Chief Projects Branch 5 Division of Reactor Projects cc: Distribution via ListServ
ML13072A678 Non-Sensitive Publicly Available SUNSI Review Sensitive Non-Publicly Available OFFICE RI/DRP RI/DRP NAME SShaffer/ SS RBellamy/SS for DATE 03/ 13/13 03/13/13