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E-mail from J. Thorp, NRR to R. Sigmon, NRR Summary of Ta Brief
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/2011
From: Thorp J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Garmon D, Rebecca Sigmon
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12041A446 (1)


Sigmon, Rebecca 0-From: Thorp, John Au ,

Sent: Wednesday, AuguVt2, 2011 11:21 AM To: Sigmon, Rebecca; Garmon, David


RE: Summary of TA Brief Many Thanks!

This looks pretty thorough. I'll use it with some tweaks and pass to the ET/LT audience. Dave, if you have any adds or suggested edits, please let me know, otherwise I think this will be fine.

John From: Sigmon, Rebecca Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 201l 11:12 AM To: Thorp, John; Garmon, David


Summary of TA Brief Offsite power was restored last night (first bus was place on offsite power about 1740 on 8/23), and the plant is now back in a normal shutdown electrical lineup with all EDGs secured.

Both units have a reactor coolant pump running. Unit 1 is being taken to cold shutdown, at which point the licensee will conduct a thorough walkdown inside containment. Once the Unit 1 containment walkdown is complete, Unit 2 will be taken to cold shutdown for containment walkdown.

The 2H EDG which was secured due to a cooling leak yesterday has been repaired and placed in standby. It is considered available, however post-maintenance testing has not yet been completed to consider it operable.

The only damage noted so far was to the bushings of the main transformers of both plants.

The spent fuel pool area radiation monitor is reading about 0.1 mrem/hr as opposed to the normal reading of 0.05 mrem/hr. The SFP itself is cloudy. This is believed to be simply the result of the shaking motions causing debris to unsettle. SFP cooling is in service, however the SFP filtration system tripped off with the loss of power and has not been placed back in service, which is probably contributing to the cloudy appearance.

There are no current concerns for the SFP.

The licensee is in the process of removing plates from the seismic ground motion monitors. These plates need to be sent to California to be read in order to determine what ground acceleration was actually experienced at the site.

The licensee was planning to exit the Alert around 1030 on 8/24, but will remain in a NOUE until the containment walkdowns are complete for both units.

Rebecca Sigmon Reactor Systems Engineer NRR/DIRS/IOEB Operating Experience Branch (301) 415-4018 Rebecca. Sigmon(anrc..ov 1 -V 6