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E-Mail from Ogle to Masters, Crystal River Containment Wall
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2010
From: Ogle C
To: Masters A
Download: ML102710335 (5)


Masters, Ahthony From: Ogle, Chuck Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 12:14 PM.

To: Masters, Anthony


FW: INFO: Crystal River Containment Wall Attachments: Kaiga containment delamination.pdf; Kaiga containment delamination safety evaluation.pdf; Crystal River crack 3.JPG; Crystal River crack 2.JPG; Crystal River crack 1.JPG Please observe highlighted comment below on official use only Chuck Ogle RII, Divisioni ofConstruction Inspection (0) 404,562*:0. 46.,

From: Ogle, Chuck Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 4:17 PM To: Sykes, Marvin


FW: INFO: Crystal River Containment Wall One of the references in the Kaiga report is a TP report. (In addition to CR)

From: Plisco, Loren Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:19 PM To: Ogle, Chuck


FW: INFO: Crystal River Containment Wall From:, Tabatabai, Omid Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 12:43 PM To: Snodderly, Michael; Thomas, Brian Cc: Dudes, Laura; Bergman, Thomas; Plisco, Loren; Tappert, John


INFO: Crystal River Containment Wall Just fyi, keeping you all updated on the subject. We are following up the issue and will be processing the info per our ConE program.

Status: The plant is in mode 6, green risk. Reactor head is removed and the water level is 158 feet (23 feet above RV flange) and 99F. Fuel in vessel with time to boil at 404 minutes. The equipment hatch is open.

Defueling started last night and thirty assemblies have been removed. Offload is scheduled to be completed by 23:00 on 10/9.

Containment Hydro-demolition of concrete was completed. Licensee is planning to perform a modification to support an outside lift system as a result of cracks identified in concrete. A root cause investigation is in progress. Sargent and Lundy is involved with the investigation and corrective actions. The concrete around the containment liner is nominally 42 inches thick. CR Containment Picl 10-8.ipq; CR Containment Pic 2 10-8.ipg; CR Containment Pic 3 10-8.ipq - treat these pictures as Official Use Only are located in the area of the horizontal tendons, leaving at least 30 inches of concrete between the containment liner and the crack. The licensee analysis is continuing with the assumption that the crack is around the entire 360 degree circumference, and the full height of the structure is affected.

infom'ation in this record vs deleted In dacnce w2 the Freedom of inWniattion AM.

FOIM'A g,2/ 0 /

Region has-determined that the designer of the CR containment (Gilbert Associates) also designed the containments at VC Summer, Perry, TMI and Ginna. Region II has confirmed that VC Summer has been in contact with CR to discussthis'issue. Region II has alerted Regions I and"Ill. (NOTE: VC Summer confirmed that they did NOT have to cut a hole in containment to perform a steam generator replacement in the past.

Ginna performed a SG replacement in the 1990s where containment was cut, and TMI has an upcoming refueling outage where SGs will be replaced.) The region planson performing a special inspectioinat Crystal River, regarding the containment crack, tentatively starting on Monday, October 12, 2009.

Excerpts from Crystal River FSAR:

The design and construction of the reactor building has'been" given a`thorough re-evaluation subsequent to the discovery on April 14, 1976, of a delaminated condition in the dome.. The upper part (approximately 12 inches thick) of the 3 feet design concrete thickness separated from the lower part of the-dome structure parallel to the membrane over an approximate diameter of 105 inches, Extensive analytical and field investigations were conducted to establish an acceptable repair program. This repair program included removal of the upper part of the dome, placement of non-prestressed reinforcing steel mats, installation of radial reinforcement, and placement of concrete to restore the dome to a thickness of 3 feet. Details of the delaminated condition of the dome, reevaluations of the dome, and the dome repair program are described in the report: "Final Report - Reactor Building Dome Deaminatin g oe mer 10, elmiaton',D~ecemlber10 1976.

The Reactor Building is similar in design to the containment buildings for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 11(Docket No. 50-289), the Turkey Point Plant (Docket Nos. 50-250 andh 251), the Palisades Plant (Docket No. 50-255), the Point Beach Plant.(Docket No. 50-226), and the Oconee Nuclear Station (Docket Nos. 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287).

NOTE: Crystal River - License Renewal Application received by the NRC on December 18, 2008. Click on the link to view the status.

The licensee was contacted by the State of Florida DEP Coordinator and asked whether they were in an unusual event due to contaminated water leaking from a crack in containment:. The licensee* corrected the misinformation and MAY contact the local press to inform them of the RB crack issue to preclude any further misunderstandings.