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Initial Exam 2009-301 Final SRO 2008 Retake Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/2010
Duke Energy Corp
50-413/09-301, 50-414/09-301 50-413/09-301, 50-414/09-301
Download: ML100070525 (113)


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oD Final SRO Written Exam (100 'as given' questions with changes made during administration annotated) o D Reference Handouts Provided To Applicants o

D Answer Key Location of Electronic Files:

Not applicable.

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 1 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 75% power and increasing power following a refueling outage.

The following occurs at 1015:

  • 1AD-1, 1AO-1, Et8 "TURB GEN HI VIBRATION" actuates
  • Turbine bearing vibration readings on the OAe OAC indicate:

o Bearing #9 at 11 mils and stable o Bearing #10 at 13 mils and stable What response is required for these conditions per OPt1tBt61 00t01 OB (Alarm OPt1tBt6100t010B Response for Panel 1AD-1 )?


A. Immediately trip the turbine only B. Immediately trip the reactor and verify the turbine trips automatically C. Monitor bearing vibrations and if vibration is unchanged at 1017, trip the turbine only D.

O. Monitor bearing vibrations and if vibration is unchanged at 1017, trip the reactor and verify the turbine automatically trips Page 1loflOO of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 2 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

Initial Conditions

  • 1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl) is in manual
  • PRT pressure is 6 psig and increasing
  • PRT level is 67% and increasing
  • The PRT has a small external leak (0.05 gpm)
  • Pressurizer pressure is 2235 psig Final Conditions 10 minutes later
  • The crew notes pressurizer pressure is 2197 psig and slowly decreasing
  • PRT pressure is 15 psig and increasing
  • PRT level is 68% and increasing Based on the conditions stated above, and assuming no operator action:
1. How (if at all) is charging flow affected?
2. How (if at all) is the external leakage rate from the PRT affected?

A. Charging flow is stable PRT external leakage rate will increase B. Charging flow is stable PRT external leakage rate is stable C. Charging flow is increasing PRT external leakage rate is stable D. Charging flow is increasing PRT external leakage rate will increase Page 2 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 3 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a LOCA occurred. Given the following conditions:

cond itions:

  • The crew is in EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
  • NC pressure is 1200 psig and stable
  • Containment pressure peaked at 2.8 psig and is slowly decreasing
  • NC subcooling is 2°F and stable
  • Pressurizer level is 18% and slowly increasing
  • Total CA flow is 400 gpm and stable
  • All S/G NR levels are approximately 21%21 % and slowly increasing Can safety injection be terminated at this time and why or why not?

A. Yes, safety injection termination criteria are met B. No, CA flow is too low C. No, NC sub cooling is insufficient subcooling D. No, pressurizer level is too low Page 3 of 100 oflOO

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 4 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a LOCA occurred. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • EP/1/N5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)

The crew is performing EP/1/A/5000/E-1

  • 1B train ECCS are RESET 1A train and 18
  • 1A DIG load sequencer is RESET
  • The crew can not reset 18 1 B DIG load sequencer
  • An NLO completes the local action(s) required due to the inability to reset 18 1B DIG load sequencer from the control room
  • A complete loss of offsite power occurs
  • FWST level is 57% and decreasing Assuming no further operator action, which ECCS pumps are running 1 minute after the loss of offsite power?

A. 1A NVonly B. 1A NVand 18 1B NVonly NV only C. 1A NV, 1A NI and 1A ND NO only D. 1A NV, 18 1A 1B NV, 18 1B N NII an andd 18 1B NO ND Page 4 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 5 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating in Mode 3. Given the following temperatures on the 1A NCP at 0200 hrs:

  • Motor bearing temperature is 187.2°F
  • Lower pump bearing temperature is 211.2°F
  • #1 seal outlet temperature is 223.2°F
  • Motor stator winding temperature is 301 .2°F
  • All temperatures are increasing at 1°F per minute What is the earliest time that the 1A NCP must be secured per OP/1/A/61501002A (Reactor Coolant Pump Operation)?

A. 0208 B. 0210 C. 0212 D. 0214 Page 5 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 6 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 5 preparing to enter Mode 6 after being shutdown 10 days ago. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • NC wide range level is 18% and stable
  • 1A ND loop is in service
  • ND Pump A Discharge Temperature is 120°F and stable
  • ND Hx A Outlet Temperature is 100°F and stable
  • The 1A ND pump trips
  • The 1B ND pump can not be started Based on current conditions, what is the minimum time before core boiling occurs?

Reference provided A. 31-32 minutes B. 36-37 minutes C. 47-48 47 -48 minutes D. 55-56 minutes Page 6 0(100 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 7 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • "PZR PRESS CTRL SELECT" switch is in the 1-2 position
  • Pressurizer pressure channel 1 is failed low
  • AP/21A155001011 (Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies), Case" The crew entered AP/2/A/55001011 (Pressurizer Pressure Increasing) and performed the following actions:

o The "PZR PRESS MASTER" is placed in manual o The "PZR PRESS MASTER" output is adjusted to 70% demand Why are the above actions taken prior to selecting an alternate operable channel on the "PZR PRESS CTRL SELECT" switch?

A. To ensure the Pressurizer Pressure Master is increased from 0% back to an approximately normal value B. To ensure the spray valves are open to reduce pressure C. To prevent 1 NC-32B (PZR PORV) and 1NC-36B (PZR PORV) from lifting D. To prevent 1 NC-34A (PZR PORV) from lifting of 100 Page 7 oflOO

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 8 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. The basis for manually inserting control rods during an A TWS event is to reduce reactor power to:

A. prevent exceeding rated thermal power limits defined in Technical S pecifi catio ns B. prevent rapid heatup of the NC system and potential overfill of the pressurizer C. ensure the only heat being added to the NC system is from core decay heat and NC pump heat D. ensure there is sufficient steam dump capacity to prevent opening the steam line code safeties Page 8 of 100 orIOO

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 9 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • 1A CF pump is out of service for maintenance

The crew enters AP/1/A/5500/006 Feedwater). Case I (Loss of CF Supply To S/Gs).

What is the minimum power level which requires a manual reactor trip and what is the basis for manually tripping the reactor above that power level?

A. 5%; to ensure CA can maintain adequate S/G levels B. 10%; to ensure CA can maintain adequate S/G levels C. 5%; to ensure an inadvertent mode change does not occur D. 10%; to ensure an inadvertent mode change does not occur Page 9 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 10 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Regarding the actions of EP/1/A/5000/ECA 0.0 (Loss of All AC Power):

1. What is the basis for rapidly depressurizing intact S/Gs to 165 psig?
2. What is the basis for stopping the depressurization at 165 psig?

A. 1. To enhance natural circulation until forced cooling can be restored

2. To prevent injecting N2 from the CLAs B. 1. To enhance natural circulation until forced cooling can be restored
2. To prevent voiding in the reactor vessel upper head C. 1. To reduce NC temperature and pressure to minimize NC system inventory loss
2. To prevent injecting N2 from the CLAs D. 1. To reduce NC temperature and pressure to minimize NC system inventory loss
2. To prevent voiding in the reactor vessel upper head Page 10 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 11 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 75% power and Unit 2 is operating at 100% power when the following switchyard PCBs open:

  • PCB 17
  • PCB 18
  • PCB 19 Which one of the following statements correctly describes the effect on Units 1 and 2?

A. Unit 1 remains at 75% power and Unit 2 runs back to 48% power at 18% Imin B. Unit 1 runs back to 48% power at 18% 1mImin in and Unit 2 remains at 100% power C. Unit 1 remains at 75% power and Unit 2 runs back to 23% power at 25% Imin D. Unit 1 runs back to 23% power at 25% 1mImin in and Unit 2 remains at 100% power Page 11 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 12 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 30% power when 1 ERPA de-energizes.

Based on the above conditions, which one of the following lists contains operations which would all require manual action? (Evaluate each condition separately)

1. 1A DIG start on a 1 ETA blackout
2. 1A DIG FD Day Tank makeup on low level
3. Swap RN to the pond on a Train A Emergency Lo Pit Level
4. Rod withdrawal on a -1.5°F combined error signal
5. Makeup to VCT A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 1,3,and5 D. 2,4, and 5 Page 12 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 13 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 NC system temperature is at 335°F and decreasing for a refueling outage.

Given the following:

  • Vital charger 1 ECC fails
  • 1EMXA is unavailable to power spare charger 1ECS
1. What other MCC can provide an alternate supply to 1ECS?
2. Does OP/11A163501008 OP/1/A163501008 (125VDC/120VAC Vital Instrument and Control Power System) allow alignment of the alternate supply to 1 ECS based on current Unit 1 conditions? A..

-ro "SlJPPL-Y 10 pOuJ~"-o

-Su PPL-Y POuJ U""Tl> ,~

f ~j)G A. 1. 1EMXC

2. Yes B. 1. 1EMXC
2. No C. 1. 1EMXJ
2. Yes D. 1. 1EMXJ
2. No Page 13 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 14 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Units 1 and 2 are operating at 100% power with RN pump 2A running. Given the following conditions and indications:

  • An Emergency Lo Pit Level actuation occurs
  • The crew is performing AP/O/A/55001020 (Loss of Nuclear Service Water),

Case 2 (Loss of RN Pit Level)

  • During a board walkdown, the following are noted:

o 1RN-538 RN-53B (Station RN Disch Hdr X-Over) is open o 1 RN-54A (Station RN Disch Hdr X-Over) is closed

1. Where is RN discharge flow from the DIGs directed based on current conditions?
2. Which of the above RN valves must be realigned per AP/O/A/55001020?

A. 1. Standby Nuclear Service Water Pond

2. 1RN-53B 1RN-538 8.

B. 1. RL discharge piping to Lake Wylie 1RN-538

2. 1RN-53B C. 1. Standby Nuclear Service Water Pond
2. 1RN-54A D. 1. RL discharge piping to Lake Wylie
2. 1RN-54A Page 14 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 15 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3. Given the following initial valves and positions/functions:

VALVE POSITION/FUNCTION 1 NV-1A (NC Letdn to Regen Hx Isol) Open 1CA-149 (S/G 1A CF Byp To CA Nozzle) Open 1 NV-153A (Letdn Hx Otlt 3-Way Vlv) "DEMIN" 1 RN-291 (1A KC HX Outlet Throttle) "MINIFLOW" The Instrument Air (VI) system completely depressurizes.

When the VI system is re-pressurized, which one of the following valves will return to its initial position/function with no operator action?

A. 1NV-1A B. 1CA-149 1 CA-149 C. 1NV-153A D. 1 RN-291 Page 15 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 16 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Which one of the following indications is used in EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1 EP/1 IA/5000/ECA-1.2

.2 (LOCA Outside Containment) to verify that a leak outside containment has been successfully isolated?

A. NO Pump discharge pressure increasing B. Pressurizer level increasing C. NO/NS room sump levels decreasing O. Reactor coolant pressure increasing Page 16 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 17 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100%. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

Initial Conditions

  • The crew tripped the reactor due to a loss of all feedwater
  • EP/11A15000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) was completed
  • The crew was depressurizing the S/Gs to feed from the condensate booster pumps per EP/11A15000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)

Current Conditions

  • Bleed and feed criteria have been met and the crew is establishing bleed and EP/1 IAl5000/FR-H. 1 feed per EP/11A15000/FR-H.1
1. Which cold leg accumulators provide backup motive force to open the PZR PORVs?
2. What is the function of the NC PORVs when establishing bleed and feed in EP/11A15000/FR-H.1 ?

A. 1. A and B

2. To provide for adequate NC system heat removal until secondary heat sink can be restored B. 1. A and B
2. To depressurize the NC system to protect the S/G tubes from creep failure C. 1. C and D
2. To provide for adequate NC system heat removal until secondary heat sink can be restored D. 1. C and D
2. To depressurize the NC system to protect the S/G tubes from creep failure Page 17 of oflOO 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 18 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. Given the following sequence of events:

0300 Reactor trip occurred due to a general warning 0320 Safety injection actuated due to a large break LOCA 0322 1B NI pump trips due to a faulty breaker 0350 Loss of emergency coolant recirculation occurred and the crew entered EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation) 0351 NV and NI pump status are determined as follows:

1A NV pump flow is 180 gpm and stable

  • 1A
  • 1 B NV pump flow is 170 gpm and stable
  • 1A NI pump flow is 340 gpm and stable
  • 1 B NI pump is tagged out EP/1/A15000/ECA-1.1 to establish the 0420 The crew is performing step 19b RNO of EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1 appropriate safety injection flow per Enclosure 5 When the actions required per Step 19b RNO are complete, which ECCS pump(s) are in service?

Reference provided A. 1A NI pump B. 1A NV pump and 1B NV pump C. 1A NV pump and 1A NI pump D. 1B NV pump and 1A NI pump Page 18 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 19 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • While performing the RCCA movement test, control rod H-8 slips into the core to 200 steps withdrawn
  • All other Bank 0 control rods are at 216 steps withdrawn as indicated on DRPI DR PI and step demand counters
  • The crew is performing AP/1/A/5500/014 (Control Rod Misalignment) and currently referring to OP/1/A/6150/008 OP/1/A/6150/o08 (Rod Control)
1. What is the maximum time allowed to restore rod H-8 to within limits per Technical Specification 3.1.4 (Rod Group Alignment Limits)?
2. Which control rod lift coil(s) will be disconnected per OP/1/A/6150/008 (Rod Control), when initially attempting to recover control rod H-8?

A. 1. 30 minutes

2. Rod H-8 B. 1. 30 minutes
2. All rods in the affected bank except H-8 C. 1. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
2. Rod H-8 D. 1. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
2. All rods in the affected bank except H-8 Page 19 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 20 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is increasing power when vvhen the following OAC indications are noted:

OAC reading Point Color N 3.12E-5 3 .12E-5 amps GREEN N 2.7 2.75E-6 5E-6 amps GREEN N-41 -11.3% BLUE N-42 -11.2% GREEN N-43 --0.0%

0.0% MAGENTA N-44 -10.8% GREEN

1. Which intermediate range instrument is reading correctly?
2. What does the BLUE color of the OAC pointfor point for N-41 indicate?

A. 1. N-35

2. The OAC point quality is "suspect" B. 1. N-35
2. The OAC point quality is "bad" C. 1. N-36
2. The OAC point quality is "suspect" D. 1. N-36
2. The OAC point quality is "bad" Page 20 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 21 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 50% power. Given the following:

  • Both ICC monitors are unavailable
  • Current NC pressure is 665 psig
  • Core exit thermocouple temperatures are 488°F 487.rF
  • T-Colds are 487.7°F
1. Based on current conditions, what subcooling value would the ICC monitors be reading if they were available?
2. Based on current conditions, what is steam header pressure?

Reference provided A. 1. -8 ° F

2. 608 psig B. 1. -8 OF of
2. 593 psig C. 1. +12°F

+12° F

2. 608 psig D. 1. +12°F

+12° F

2. 593 psig Page 21 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 22 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

The Spent Fuel Pool Ventilation (VF) system is operating in unfiltered mode when a recycle paper bin near the Spent Fuel Pool truck bay doors catches fire and smoke is drawn into the VF system supply ductwork.

1. What affect will this condition have on the operation of the VF system?
2. How is this fire classified?

A. 1. The VF Supply fan trips only

2. ClassA Class A B. 1. The VF Supply fan trips only
2. Class B C. 1. The VF Supply fan trips and the VF Filtered Exhaust fans will swap to filter mode
2. Class A D. 1. The VF Supply fan trips and the VF Filtered Exhaust fans will swap to filter mode
2. Class B Page 22 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 23 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • A small break LOCA occurs
  • The crew is performing EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depress Dep ress urization)
  • All NC pumps are secured
1. What is the NC cooldown rate specified in this procedure?
2. Which method is the first choice for the NC system depressurization for the given conditions?

A. 1. As close as possible without exceeding 100°F in an hour

2. NV auxiliary spray B. 1. At the maximum rate
2. NV auxiliary spray C. 1. As close as possible without exceeding 100°F in an hour
2. NC PORV D. 1. At the maximum rate
2. NC PORV Page 23 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 24 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • A large steam line break occurred 20 minutes ago
  • All MSIVs fail to close by any means
  • NC cold leg temperatures are 248°F and slowly decreasing
  • NC pressure is S20520 psig and slowly increasing
  • The crew has completed EP/11A15000/E-O EP/1/A/SOOO/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)
1. Based on current conditions, which procedure will the crew transition to when EP/11A15000/E-0 EP/1/A/SOOO/E-0 is exited?
2. At what point during this steam line break accident is the reactor vessel most susceptible to failure and why?

A. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock)

1. EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1
2. During the initial cooldown cool down because total stress on the inner wall of the vessel is higher at this time B. 1. EP/1/A/5000/E-2 EP/1 IA/SOOO/E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)
2. During the initial cooldown because total stress on the inner wall of the vessel is higher at this time C. 1. EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1 EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock)
2. During the subsequent heatup after the S/Gs depressurize because total stress on the outer wall of the vessel is higher at this time D. 1. EP/1/A/5000/E-2 EP/1 IA/SOOO/E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)
2. During the subsequent heatup after the S/Gs depressurize because total stress on the outer wall of the vessel is higher at this time Page 24 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 25 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • 1A S/G pressure is 1212 psig and increasing
  • 1A S/G level is approximately 18% N/R level and stable
  • The crew is performing EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.4 EP/11A15000/FR-H.4 (Response to Loss of Normal Steam Release Capabilities)
  • Operators have been dispatched to manually operate the 1A 1A S/G PORV
1. How will1A S/G indicated level initially respond when the PORV is opened?
2. What is the reason for this response?

A. 1. Indicated level will initially decrease

2. Increased voiding in the S/G downcomer region B. 1. Indicated level will initially increase
2. Increased voiding in the S/G downcomer region C. 1. Indicated level will initially decrease
2. Increased voiding in the S/G tube bundle area D. 1. Indicated level will initially increase
2. Increased voiding in the S/G tube bundle area Page 25 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 26 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • NC Tcold temperatures are 278°F and slowly decreasing
  • Containment pressure is 3.2 psig and increasing
  • No NS pump flow is indicated
  • All S/G NR levels are offscale low
  • CA flow is 640 gpm
  • EP/1/A/SOOO/E-0 The crew is preparing to exit EP/1 IA/SOOO/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)

Which one of the following procedures is the crew required to enter next?

A. EP/1/A/SOOO/E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)

B. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)

C. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-P.2 (Response to Anticipated Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition)

D. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-Z.1 (Response to High Containment Pressure)

Page 26 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 27 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • At 1100 a large break LOCA occurs
  • At 1215, when the crew is in EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant), waiting for the time to swap to hot leg recirc, containment sump level is 13 feet and slowly increasing
1. If containment sump level is increasing at a constant rate of 0.25 feet per minute, at what time is entry into EP/1/N5000/FR-Z.2 (Response to Containment Flooding) required?
2. What signal closes valves inside containment that are not qualified for sub mergen ce?


A. 1. 1225

2. St B. 1. 1245
2. St C. 1. 1225
2. Sp D. 1. 1245
2. Sp Page 27 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 28 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Regarding the reactor coolant pump motor stator:

1. What system provides cooling water?
2. What signal will isolate that cooling water source?

A. 1. KG KC

2. PhaseA Phase A B. 1. KG KC
2. Phase B G.

C. 1. YV

2. Phase A D. 1. YV
2. Phase B Page 28 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 29 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 2 is operating at 100% when the following conditions are noted:

  • 2AD-7, Cf4 "NCP Seal Water lo Lo Flow" actuates
  • 2AD-7, Ef1 "Charging Line Hillo HilLo Flow" actuates
  • 2AD-7, Ef2 "Regen Hx letdnLetdn Hi Temp" actuates
  • 2NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl) fully closes Which single failure caused all the symptoms noted above?

A. Charging flow feedback signal has failed low B. Pzr level program has failed to its no load value C. pressurizer The pressu rizer level master output has failed high D. Charging flow feedback signal has failed high Page 29 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 30 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.

For current conditions, what is the normal position of 1NO-33 (NO Sys Rtn To FWST) and how is this position administratively controlled?

A. Closed; white tagged in position B. Closed; locked in position C. Open; white tagged in position O. Open; locked in position Page 30 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 31 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when a large break LOCA occurs.

  • The crew has just transitioned to EP/1 IA/5000/ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 Recirculation) and no manual actions have been taken
1. Based on the above conditions, which ECCS pump(s) are currently taking suction from the containment sump?

kill recirculation, to which NC hot legs will NO

2. If NO is required to be aligned for hot J!m inject?

A. 1. NO pumps only

2. Band C NC hot legs only B. 1. NO pumps only
2. All 4 hot legs C. 1. NV pumps, NI pumps, NO pumps
2. Band C NC hot legs only O. 1. NV pumps, NI pumps, NO pumps
2. All 4 hot legs Page 31 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 32 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when it experienced a steam line break accident EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor Trip resulting in a safety injection and the crew has entered EP/1/A/5000/E-O or Safety Injection).

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

EP/1/A/5000/E-0, when NC pressure decreases to less than Per Enclosure 1 of EP/1/A15000/E-0,

_ _ _ the crew will close 1NV-202B and 1 NV-203A (NV Pumps A&B Recirc lsol) and when NC pressure increases to greater than the crew will re-open these valves.

Closed Re-opened A. 1500 psig 2000 psig B. 1500 psig 1955 psig C. 1620 psig 2000 psig D. 1620 psig 1955 psig Page 32 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 33 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a LOCA occurred at Time o. O. Given the NC System pressure trend shown below:

2500 2000

...u 1.1




1.1 n.


1500 +-----+--

E u

1.1 1;; 1000 +------~c----

in u

z soo o

o 1 2 3 4 4 55 6 6 7 8 9 8 9 W 10 U 11 Time (minutes)

Which of the following describes when each of the ECCS pumps listed begins to inject flow into the NC system?

NI Pumps ND Pumps A. Between 0 and 1 minute Between 8 and 9 minutes B. Between 1 and 2 minutes Between 8 and 9 minutes C. Between 0 and 1 minute Between 9 and 10 minutes D. Between 1 and 2 minutes Between 9 and 10 minutes Page 33 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 34 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 completed NC fill and vent activities following a forced outage. Given the following:

  • A nitrogen blanket was placed on the pressurizer during the outage
  • NC level is 85% and stable
  • The crew is in the process of drawing a bubble in the pressurizer
1. Per Selected Licensee Commitment 16.5-4 (Pressurizer), what is the limit on pressurizer heat up rate?
2. Per OP/1/A161 OP/1/A/61 001001 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Startup), when a pressurizer PORV is opened, what indication verifies nitrogen venting is complete?

A. 1. 100°F in anyone hour period

2. PRT temperature equalizes with Pzr steam space temperature B. 1OO°F in anyone hour period
1. 100°F
2. PRT level increases without a corresponding PRT pressure increase C. 1. 80°F in anyone hour period
2. PRT temperature equalizes with Pzr steam space temperature D. 1. 80°F in anyone hour period
2. PRT level increases without a corresponding PRT pressure increase Page 34 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 35 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3. Given the following:

  • 1AD-6, E/1 (NGP A Thermal Barrier KG Outlet Hillo Flow) actuates
  • The flow trend below:

100 ,----,--**--r----**, ..........---.-,--.---..,--..----,.-.---,---........,.-...---,

90 .:---+-.--1 80 70 .



.!!! E 50 tt: a..

0-rc Qj)

~ ~

m - 40 30 30 ..

+............ +....... ...+. **-.;.***********. .**f***

20 ....

10 o

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Time (seconds)

1. At what time on the above graph should 1 KG-394A (NG Pump 1A Therm Bar Otlt) have automatically closed?
2. If the NGP 1A thermal barrier can not be isolated from the KG System by any means, how is over pressurization of the KG surge tanks prevented?

A. 1. 100 seconds

2. The KG surge tanks vent line is large enough to prevent over pressurization B. 1. 130 seconds
2. The KG surge tanks vent line is large enough to prevent over pressurization G. 1. 100 seconds
2. The KG surge tanks relief valve to the KG drain sump is large enough to prevent over pressurization D. 1. 130 seconds
2. The KG surge tanks relief valve to the KG drain sump is large enough to prevent over pressurization Page 35 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 36 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 2 is operating at 100%. Given the following:

  • Pressurizer pressure select switch is in the 3-2 position
  • Channel 3 pressurizer pressure fails low Assuming no operator action, how will pressurizer pressure respond as a result of this control system failure?

A. Pressure will increase to the reactor trip setpoint B. Pressure will be controlled at approximately 2235 psig by modulation of the spray valves C. Pressure will vary between 2315 psig and 2335 psig as 2NC-34A (NC PORV) cycles D. Pressure will vary between 2315 psig and 2335 psig as 2NC-32B and 2NC-36B (NC PORVs) cycle Page 36 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 37 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is increasing power following a refueling outage. Given the following:

  • At 45% reactor power, the P-8 permissive failed "as-is"
  • Reactor power is currently at 50%

Based on the current conditions:

1. What is the condition "H i Pwr Lo Flo Rx Trip Block" status light cond ition of the P-8 "Hi lig ht on 1SI-18?


2. If one NC pump were to trip, would an automatic reactor trip occur?

A. 1. Lit

2. Yes B. 1. Lit
2. No C. 1. Dark
2. Yes D. 1. Dark
2. No Page 37 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 38 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3 and reducing NC pressure and temperature for a refueling outage.

Given the following:

  • Pressurizer pressure channel 2 fails "as-is" at 1985 psig
  • Other pressurizer pressure channels indicate as follows:

o Channel 1 is 1972 psig and slowly decreasing o Channel 3 is 1965 psig and slowly decreasing o Channel 4 is 1951 psig and slowly decreasing

  • No operator actions have been taken Of the remaining channels that input into the P-11 circuit, how many of these must be below the P-11 setpoint before "ECCS TRN AlB PZR PRESS" can be blocked?

A. 1 of the other 2 B. 2 of the other 2 C. 1 of the other 3 D. 2 of the other 3 Page 38 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 39 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power with lower containment temperature stable at 10rF. Given the following events:

  • 1A,1 B, and 1C Lower Containment Ventilation Units (LCVU's) are in service
  • LCVU 1B fan trips on over-current Based on the conditions above, what is the first action OP/1/Al6450/001 (Containment Ventilation (VV) Systems) specifies to provide additional cooling to lower containment?

A. Start 1D LCVU in LOW speed B. Place 1A and 1C LCVUs in "MAX" cooling only C. Place 1A 1A and 1C 1C LCVUs in "MAX" cooling and HIGH speed D. Start 1 1DD LCVU in HIGH speed and place 1A and 1 C LCVUs in HIGH speed Page 39 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 40 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

Initial Conditions

  • Lower Containment Vent Unit (LCVU) status and outlet temperatures per the OAC are:

LCVU Status Outlet Temperature readings 1A Running 1 -108.1°F 2 -1 07.5°F 1B Running 1 - 109.9°F 2 -1 08.9°F 1C Running 1-112.4°F 2 -111.2°F

- 111.2°F 1D 10 Secured 1 --105.6°F 105.6°F 2 -1 04.4°F Current Conditions

  • The crew notes that 1B LCVU has just tripped
  • OAC temperature readings as stated above have not begun to change yet Based on current plant conditions, and per PT/1/A/46001002A (Mode 1 Periodic Surveillance SUNeillance Items):
1. What temperature would be recorded for "Primary Containment Lower Compartment Average Air Temp"?
2. What are the Technical Specification temperature range limits for lower containment temperature?

A. 1. 108.5°F

2. 60°F -120°F B. 1. 109.8°F
2. 60°F -120°F C. 1. 108.5°F
2. 100°F -120°F o.

D. 1. 109.8°F

2. 100°F -120°F Page 40 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 41 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Which one of the following lists of conditions would all result in 1NF-228A (NF Supply Containment Isolation Valve) closing? (Evaluate each condition separately)

1. Manual Phase A
2. Manual Phase B
3. Loss of instrument air
4. Glycol Expansion Tank Lo Lo Level
5. Trip of all running Ice Condenser Glycol Pumps A. 1 and 5 B. 2 and 5 C. 1,3 and 4 D. 2,3 and 4 Page 41 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 42 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

One hour ago, Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a LOCA occurred requiring a reactor trip and safety injection. Given the following:

  • The automatic and manual swap to cold leg recirculation failed and both ND pumps have been secured
  • The crew implemented EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation)
  • Current conditions are:

o Containment pressure is 11.211 .2 psig and slowly increasing o FWST level is 4.9% and decreasing For the current conditions, how many of each type of pump listed is required to be running?

A. 1 1 B. 1 o C. o 1 D. o o Page 42 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 43 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a 6 gpm tube leak occurred in 1A 1A S/G.

Given the following:

  • The crew is operating the turbine controls in manual to quickly reduce load per AP/1/A155001009 AP/1 /A/5500/009 (Rapid Downpower)
  • Current power level is 30% and decreasing
1. Assuming a stable tube leakage rate, how does 1EMF-71 (S/G A Leakage) count rate for current conditions compare to the 100% power readings?
2. Per NSD 513 (Primary to Secondary Leak Monitoring Program), which method(s) is/are islare used to monitor S/G leak rate based on the current power level?

A. 1. Lower counts now than when power was at 100%

1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust) only

2. 1EMF-33 B. 1. The same counts now as when power was at 100%
2. 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust) only C. 1. Lower counts now than when power was at 100%
2. 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust) and 1 EMF-71 D. 1. The same counts now as when power was at 100%
2. 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust) and 1 EMF-71 Page 43 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 44 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3 preparing for reactor startup. Given the following 1SV-19 (S/G 1A PORV) nitrogen bottle pressures:

  • Bottle #1 - 1970 psig
  • Bottle #2 - 2165 psig What action (if any) is required for 1SV-19 per Selected Licensee Commitment 16.10-1 (Steam Ventto Vent to Atmosphere)?

A. No action is required B. Immediately take action to restore the nitrogen supply to operable status only C. Immediately enter the applicable conditions of Technical Specification 3.7.4 (S/G PORVs) only D. Immediately take action to restore the nitrogen supply to operable status and immediately enter the applicable conditions of Technical Specification 3.7.4 (S/G PORVs)

Page 44 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 45 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following conditions:

Initial Conditions

  • 1CF-37 (S/G 1 B CF Ctrl) is in manual and throttled
  • 1CF-39 (S/G 1 B CF Byp Ctrl) is in manual and full open
  • S/G 1B Level is 66% and stable Current Conditions
  • 1CF-37 has just been placed in automatic Based on current conditions:
1. Howwill 1CF-37 respond?
2. What is the status of 1B S/G level control?

A. 1. Throttle further open

2. Automatic B. 1. Throttle further open
2. Manual C. 1. Throttle further closed
2. Automatic D. 1. Throttle further closed
2. Manual Page 45 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 46 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Initial conditions:

  • Unit 1 was operating at 100% power
  • A loss of offsite power occurred
  • The reactor tripped 30 minutes later the following sequence of events occurred:
  • All CA pumps are running
  • Train "A" CA is RESET
  • Train "8" CA is not RESET
  • The CA common suction piping from condensate grade sources ruptures
  • 1AD-5, E/1 "CA Pumps Train A Loss of Norm Suet" Suct" actuates
  • 1AD-5, E/2 "CA Pumps Train 8 Loss of Norm Suct" Suet" actuates aetuates One minute later, what is the status of the CA system assuming no operator action?

A. 1A CA pump is tripped CAPT #1 is tripped 18 CA pump suction is shifted to the RN system B. 1A 1A CA pump suction is shifted to the RN system CAPT #1 suction is shifted to the RN system 18 CA pump is tripped C. 1A 1A CA pump suction is shifted to the RN system CAPT #1 is tripped 18 CA pump is tripped D. 1A CA pump is tripped CAPT #1 suction is shifted to the RN system 18 1 8 CA pump suction is shifted to the RN system Page 46 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 47 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • The incoming breaker to 1ETB spuriously opened
  • 1B DIG automatically started and loaded
  • While monitoring DIG operating parameters, the crew noted that DIG 18 "VOLTS" was 4000 V
  • Voltage was adjusted to normal How did 1B DIG output "AMPS" and "P/F" indications respond to this adjustment?

AMPS P/F PIF A. increase more lagging B. increase stay the sam e c.

C. decrease more lagging D. decrease stay the same sam e Page 47 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 48 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • A complete loss of offsite power occurs
  • All DIG load sequencing is complete Which one of the following Fire Protection (RF/RY) system pumps does not have an available power supply?

A. RYpumpA RYpump A B. RF Jockey Pump A

c. RY Pump C D. RF Jockey Pump C Page 48 oflOO of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 49 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Which one of the following sets of equipment receives power from the 250VDC Auxiliary Power System?

A. CF Pump Control Power and Turbine Emergency Bearing Oil Pump B. Deadlight Panels and Turbine Emergency Bearing Oil Pump C. CF Pump Control Power and 6.9 KV Switchgear Control Power D. Deadlight Panels and 6.9 KV Switchgear Control Power Page 49 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 50 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

Initial Conditions

  • A blackout occurs on 1ETA
  • All 1A D/G sequencing is complete
  • 1AD-11, A/8 "125VDC Diesel Gen A Control Pwr Sys Trbl" actuates
  • 1AD-11, B/7 "D/G 1A Panel Trouble" actuates
  • 1A D/G Panel alarm E/5 El5 "Loss of DC Control Power" actuates Final Conditions
  • Normal power is restored to 1ETA
  • 1A D/G is secured
  • The annunciators listed above are still lit Based on the final conditions:
1. Which of the following methods could have been used to secure the 1A D/G locally?
2. Will 1A D/G start on a subsequent 1ETA blackout?

A. 1. The RUN/STOP knob only

2. Yes B. 1. The RUN/STOP knob only
2. No C. 1. The RUN/STOP knob or the STOP pushbutton
2. Yes D. 1. The RUN/STOP knob or the STOP pushbutton
2. No Page 50 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 51 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3 preparing for a reactor startup. Given the following:

  • 1ETA experiences a blackout
  • The 1A DIG starts and is sequencing on loads per the accelerated sequence
  • Half way through the accelerated sequence, the fuel racks stick in an open position causing DIG speed to rapidly increase
1. What is the setpoint for the DIG overspeed trip?
2. For the conditions stated above will the DIG trip on overspeed if the setpoint is exceeded?

A. 1. 495 rpm

2. No B. 1. 495 rpm
2. Yes
c. 1. 517.5 rpm
2. No D. 51 7.5 rpm
1. 517.5
2. Yes Page 51 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 52 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 50% power when a power spike causes a 1EMF-33 (CSAE EXHAUST) Trip 2 alarm.

What manual actions (if any) does OP/1/B/61 00101 OX (Annunciator Response to Radiation Monitoring Panel 1RAD-1) direct the operator to take to place systems affected by this EMF alarm in their post alarm condition?

A. Swap "Unit 1 CSAE EXH" discharge from "UNIT VENT" to "AUTO" B. Close 1 BB-48 (BB Pumps Disch to TB Sump)

C. Close S/G Sample valves D. None Page 52 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 53 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Both units are operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • Only 1A RN pump in service
  • An 86N relay actuates on 1ETB Based on the above conditions, which RN pumps are operating one minute later?

A. 1A only B. 1A and 1B only

c. 1A and 2B only D. 1A, 1B, and 2B only Page 53 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 54 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 automatically trips from 100% power and the crew entered EP/1/A/5000/E-O EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection). Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • Both trains of CA SYS VL V RESET are "RESET"
  • CA flow is throttled to maintain proper S/G levels
  • A complete loss of VI pressure occurs How is manual control of the CA flow control valves and CA flow affected by the loss of VI pressure?

A. Control of the CA flow control valves is immediately lost and CA flow will immediately decrease B. Control of the CA flow control valves is immediately lost and CA flow will immediately increase C. Control of the CA flow control valves is maintained for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and then CA flow will decrease D. Control of the CA flow control valves is maintained for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and then CA flow will increase Page 54 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 55 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. At 1000, a secondary steam leak occurred in the Unit 1 containment. The crew has started a controlled shutdown using AP/1/A/55001009 AP/1 IA/55001009 (Rapid Downpower). Containment pressure and temperature trends indicate:

Time Tem peratu re Pressure 1000 113°F 0.15 psig 0.15psig 1005 117°F 11rF 0.28 psig 1010 119°F 0.42 psig 1015 122°F 0.48 psig 1020 126°F 0.65 psig 1025 129°F 0.91 psig No manual operator actions have been taken related to LCVU operation.

During which time period did the Lower Containment Ventilation Units (LCVUs) cooling water bypass valves (full flow valves) automatically open?

A. Between 1005 and 1010 B. Between 1010 and 1015 C. Between 1015 and 1020 D. Between 1020 and 1025 Page 55 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 56 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was in Mode 3 at 55]oF and 2235 psig with shutdown banks withdrawn in preparation for startup. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • 1TXS is red tagged
  • A fault results in a loss of all loads on the short side of 1TC Which MG set(s) 8et(s) has/have a power supply available and what procedure is entered to address the above conditions?

A. EP/1/AI5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)

Only 1B MG set; EP/1/A/5000/E-O B. Only 1B MG set; AP/1/A/55001004 (Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump)

C. EP/1/A15000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) 1A and 1B MG sets; EP/1/A/5000/E-O D. AP/1/A155001004 (Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump) 1A and 1B MG sets; AP/1/A/55001004 Page 56 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 57 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in a mid loop condition conducting a vacuum refill of the NC system at the end of a refueling outage.

Which one of the following reactor vessel level instruments will provide the greatest accuracy for this condition?

A. NC level loop indication B. Sight glass loop indication C. Ultrasonic level indication D. RVLlS lower range indication Page 57 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 58 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. Given the following indications:

  • PZR level control is in the 1-2 position
  • PZR level channel 1 fails low
1. What affect does this failure have on NV charging flow?
2. What is one of the actions AP/21A155001012 AP/2/A/5500/012 (Loss of Charging or Letdown) will direct in response to this failure?

A. 1. Charging flow increases to maximum

2. Swap PZR level control to the 3-2 position B. 1. Charging flow increases to maximum
2. Ensure 2NV-1A and 2NV-2A (NC Letdn To Regen Hx Isols) are closed C. 1. Charging flow decreases to 47 gpm
2. Swap PZR level control to the 3-2 position D. 1. Charging flow decreases to 47 gpm
2. Ensure 2NV-1A and 2NV-2A (NC Letdn To Regen Hx Isols) are closed Page 58 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 59 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Assuming intermediate range N-35 channel compensation voltage is lost and a reactor trip occurs:

1. How will N-35 indication compare to N-36 when actual reactor power has decreased into the source range?
2. What is the minimum number of intermediate range instruments required to be below the P6 setpoint to automatically re-energize the source range instruments N-31 and N-32?

A. 1. N-35 will read higher than N-36

2. One B. 1. N-35 will read higher than N-36
2. Two c.

C. 1. N-35 will read lower than N-36

2. One D. 1. N-35 will read lower than N-36
2. Two 59 of 100 Page S9

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 60 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • Containment Pressure Channel I failed high
  • The failed channel is bypassed Which of the following lists the logic for a Containment Spray actuation based on the cond itions above?

conditions A. 1/3 8.

B. 2/3 C. 1/2 D. 2/2 Page 60 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 61 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Regarding hydrogen production during a design basis large break LOCA:

1. Which one of the following is a larger contributor to post LOCA hydrogen buildup in containment?

OP/11A16450101 0 (Containment Hydrogen Control Systems), what minimum

2. Per OP/1/A/6450101 containment hydrogen concentration requires Technical Support Center (TSC) approval prior to placing the Hydrogen Recombiners in service?

A. 1. Zirc-Water reaction in core region

2. 4%

B. 1. Zirc-Water reaction in core region

2. 6%

C. 1. Dissolved hydrogen in the NC System

2. 4%


D. 1. Dissolved hydrogen in the NC System

2. 6%

Page 61 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 62 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • A transfer of control to the Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) has been completed
  • Natural circulation is being verified per OP/0/B/61 001013 (Standby Shutdown OP/OIBI61001013 Facility Operations)
  • NC system pressure is 1700 psig
  • In-core thermocouple readings are:

o 582°F o 610°F o 588°F o 600°F o 585°F

1. Per OP/0/B/61 001013, what NC system pressure indication is used for the purpose of determining the status of natural circulation?
2. For the given conditions, does natural circulation currently exist?

Reference provided A. 1. Pressurizer pressure

2. Yes B. 1. Pressurizer pressure
2. No C. 1. NC Loop B WR pressure
2. Yes D. 1. NC Loop B WR pressure
2. No Page 62 oflOO of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 63 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power.

Initial Conditions

  • Both CF pumps tripped
  • No CA pumps could be started
  • WR level in all S/Gs is 0%
  • The crew established bleed and feed per EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)

Current Conditions

  • CA is available
  • Core exit thermocouple temperatures are decreasing Based on the current conditions, how does EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 initially direct CA flow to be established?

A. Feed 1 S/G at greater than 450 gpm B. Feed 4 S/Gs at a total flow of greater than 450 gpm C. Feed 1 S/G at less than or equal to 100 gpm D. Feed 4 S/Gs at less than or equal to 100 gpm each Page 63 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 64 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is at 14% power synchronizing the turbine to the grid.

1. What is the normal position of the "STEAM DUMP SELECT" switch for current conditions?
2. How will steam dump demand respond to a turbine trip under current conditions?

A. 1. "PRESS"

2. decrease B. 1. "PRESS"
2. increase C. 1. "T-AVG"
2. decrease D. 1. "T-AVG"
2. increase Page 64 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 65 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 80% power when the turbine tripped due to an inadvertent generator over frequency signal.

Which of the following lists automatic actions that will all occur as a result of this turbine trip?

1. Steam dumps actuate in Plant Trip mode
2. Zone 1A and Zone 1 B Lockouts occur
3. C-Heater Drain Pumps trip
4. Feedwater heater extraction steam check valves close A. 1,2 and 3 B. 1,3 and 4 C. 2,3 and 4 D. 1,2 and 4 Pag~ 65 of 100 Page

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 66 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Per NSD 512 (Maintenance of RO/SRO Licenses), which of the following lists two requirements to maintain an Active RO License?

A. 1. Serve in the RO or BOP position for 5 complete 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts per quarter

2. Complete a plant tour in the areas listed in NSD 512 once per quarter B. 1. Serve in the RO or BOP position for 5 complete 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts per quarter
2. Maintain respirator qualifications current C. 1. Serve in the RO or BOP position for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> per quarter including shift turnovers
2. Complete a plant tour in the areas listed in NSD 512 once per quarter.

D. 1. Serve in the RO or BOP position for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> per quarter including shift turnovers

2. Maintain respirator qualifications current Page 66 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 67 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Per OMP 2-31 (Control Room Instrumentation Status):

1. Where is a list of active Increased Surveillances required to be maintained?
2. Who (by title) determines the monitoring frequency of an Increased Surveillance?

A. 1. OPS Shift Routine Logbook 2.0SM B. 1. OPS Shift Routine Logbook

2. Unit Supervisor C. 1. AUTOLOG 2.0SM
2. Unit Supervisor Page 67 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 68 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

The crane operator has determined that a fuel handling interlock must be bypassed that is not addressed by a procedure.

Assume approval has been obtained to bypass the interlock.

In accordance with OP/1/A/6550/007 (Reactor Building Manipulator Crane Operation) which of the following, by title, must be notified when any "Interlock Bypass" is placed into and removed from bypass when handling new fuel assemblies?

A. WCCSRO B. Control Room Supervisor C. Reactor Systems Engineer D. Fuel Handling Equipment Engineer Page 68 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 69 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Which one of the following completes the statement:

At power and increasing, the flow restricting orifice on the _ _ _ S/Gs will begin forcing flow through the CA nozzle.

A. 15%; Unit 1 B. 40%; Unit 1 C. 15%; Unit 2 D. 40%; Unit 2 Page 69 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 70 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 NC system conditions are 248°F and 600 psig.

1. For the stated plant conditions, is the FWST required to be operable per Technical Specification 3.5.4 (Refueling Water Storage Tank)?
2. When the FWST is required to be operable, and the FWST is below the borated water volume required by SR, what is the required action?

A. 1. No

2. Immediately take action to restore the FWST to operable status B. 1. No
2. Restore the FWST to operable status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> C. 1. Yes
2. Immediately take action to restore the FWST to operable status D. 1. Yes
2. Restore the FWST to operable status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Page 70 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 71 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

The NV system is being aligned for startup. The procedure being used calls for independent verification of a single valve located in a room with a general dose rate of 130mR/hr.

Given the following conditions:

  • Estimated time to independently verify the valve's position is 10 minutes
  • There are no known hot spots in the area
  • There is no airborne activity in this room
  • The room has no surface contamination areas
  • Assume any necessary approvals are obtained Per NSD 700 (Verification Techniques), can independent verification of the valve above be waived and why or why not?

A. Yes, because the general area dose rate is greater than 100mRlhr B. No, because the general area dose rate is less than 1 Rlhr C. Yes, because the radiation exposure for a single verification would exceed the allowable limit D. No, because radiation exposure for a single verification is within the allowable limit Page 71 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 72 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 75% power. An engineer needs to enter the Reador Reactor Building pipechase area to perform some scoping work for a future modification.

Per Site Directive 3.1.2 (Access to Reactor Building and Areas Having High Pressure Steam Relief Devices):

1. For current plant conditions, whose permission is required to allow entry into this area?
2. What operational modes require use of the "buddy system" for entry into the Reactor Building?

A. 1. Radiation Protection and the wee SRO

2. Modes 1 and 2 only B. 1. Radiation Protection and the wee SRO
2. Modes 1,2,3 and 4
e. 1. Radiation Protection only
2. Modes 1 and 2 only D. 1. Radiation Protection only
2. Modes 1,2,3 and 4 Page 72 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 73 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

An RWP that you are preparing to work under states that the highest dose rate in a particular area (at 30 cm) is 325 mRlhr. When you arrive at the work site, a flashing yellow light is noted in the entry path to the area.

1. How would an area with the dose rate specified in the RWP be designated?
2. What is the significance of the flashing yellow light?

A. 1. Radiation Rad iation Area

2. Radiography is in progress B. 1. High Radiation Area
2. Radiography is in progress c.

C. 1. Radiation Area

2. The area has been designated as a "Locked" High Radiation Area D. 1. High Radiation Area
2. The area has been designated as a "Locked" High Radiation Area Page 73 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 74 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a complete loss of offsite power occurred.

A LOCA occurred as a result of the transient. Given the following conditions:

  • 1A DIG did not start and manual start attempts have failed
  • Containment pressure is 3.4 psig
  • NC subcooling is -8°F
  • Core exit thermocouples are 642°F
  • RVLlS level is 37%
  • SIG NR levels are all 13%
  • CA has not been reset
  • CA flow is 470 gpm
  • IIR SUR is 0 DPM
  • SIR SUR is 0.3 DPM Which one of the following is the highest priority Critical Safety Function for the given plant conditions?


CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 75 2008 SRONRC SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

During an emergency event, which one of the following identifies:

1. The on-site emergency facility that assumes responsibility for commu communications nications with offsite agencies including the NRC once it is activated?
2. What minimum level of emergency classification always requires an evacuation of all non-essential personnel?

A. 1. Technical Support Center (TSC)

2. Site Area Emergency B. 1. Technical Support Center (TSC)
2. General Emergency C. 1. Operations Support Center (OSC)
2. Site Area Emergency D. 1. Operations Support Center (OSC)
2. General Emergency Page 75 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 76 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100%. Given the following conditions:

  • A pressurizer safety valve opened and did not fully reclose
  • Current Conditions per the OAC are shown to the right:
1. Based on the current conditions what is the temperature downstream of the partially open pressurizer safety valve?
2. Which NC overpressure transient establishes the required relief capacity of the pressurizer safety valves per the Technical Specification Bases?

Reference provided A. 1. 550°F

2. NCP locked rotor B. 1. 550°F
2. Main turbine trip C. 1. 320°F
2. NCP locked rotor D. 1. 320°F
2. Main turbine trip Page 76 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 77 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was heating up after a refueling outage. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • NC temperature is 225°F and stable
  • 1A NV pump was in service
  • An oil leak resulted in damage to the pump rotating element and work is currently in progress to replace the damaged rotating element
1. Which one of the following Selected Licensee Commitments (SLCs) applies based on current conditions?
2. What post maintenance requirement(s) must be completed prior to restoring 1A NV pump to OPERABLE status per the SLCs?

A. 1. SLC 16.9-9 (Boration Systems Charging Pump-Shutdown)

2. Post maintenance work order functional only B. 1. SLC 16.9-9 (Boration Systems Charging Pump-Shutdown)
2. Post maintenance work order functional and in-service testing C. 1. SLC 16.9-10 (Boration Systems Charging Pump-Operating)
2. Post maintenance work order functional only D. 1. SLC 16.9-10 (Boration Systems Charging Pump-Operating)
2. Post maintenance work order functional and in-service testing Page 77 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 78 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • A complete loss of offsite power occurs
  • All S/G pressures have been maintained stable by automatic operation of the S/G PORVs
  • The crew is in EP/1/A/5000/E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture) cooling down the NC system to the required core exit temperature based on 1A S/G pressure
  • Current NC loop Tcolds are as follows and decreasing:

o A Loop - 245°F o BLoop - 530°F o C Loop - 526°F o D 0 Loop - 528°F

1. What is the basis for the required core exit temperature selection?
2. What is the correct procedure flowpath for this situation?

A. 1. To ensure intact S/G pressures will remain above the main steam isolation setpoint during the NC system cooldown and depressurization

2. Transition to EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition)

B. 1. To ensure intact S/G pressures will remain above the main steam isolation setpoint during the NC system cooldown and depressurization

2. Continue in EP/1/A/5000/E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)

C. 1. To establish and maintain subcooling for the NC system cooldown and depressurization

2. Transition to EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition)

D. 1. To establish and maintain subcooling for the NC system cooldown and depressurization

2. Continue in EP/1/A/5000/E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)

Page 78 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 79 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power and Unit 2 was in No Mode. Given the following events and conditions:

  • Terrorist attack resulted in a total loss of switchyard
  • 1A DIG D/G failed to start
  • The OSM orders an evacuation of the control room due to the ongoing security threat per AP/1/A/5500/017 AP/1/A/55001017 (Loss of Control Room)
1. Which Unit 1 CA pump(s) is/are currently available and can be controlled from the location to which the crew is evacuated?
2. How is secondary side pressure control maintained automatically from the location to which the crew is evacuated?

A. 1. CAPT #1 only

2. By the steam line code safety valves B. 1. CAPT #1 only
2. By the S/G PORVs C. 1. CAPT #1 and 1 B motor driven CA Pump
2. By the steam line code safety valves D. 1. CAPT #1 and 1 B motor driven CA Pump
2. By the S/G PORVs Page 79 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 80 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power and Unit 2 was in No Mode. Given the following:

  • 1100 The TCC reported that RTCA (Real Time Contingency Analysis) indicates CNS switchyard voltage would not be adequate if Unit 1 should trip
  • 1102 The crew entered AP/1 /A/5500/037 (Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances), Case I (Abnormal Generator or Grid Voltage)
  • SP~C to install jumpers per AM/1/A/51 00/008 (4Kv 1300 The crew notified SPOC Essential Power (EPC) System Degraded Voltage Logic)
1. Which one of the following describes the operability of the VCIYC system per Technical Specifications at 1100?
2. What is the basis for installing these jumpers under the current conditions?

A. 1. VC/YC is operable

2. To bypass the 8 second time delay for load shed/sequencer actuation on a blackout signal B. 1. VC/YC is operable
2. To prevent the D/G sequencer from double sequencing if a LOCA occurs C. 1. VC/YC is not operable
2. To bypass the 8 second time delay for load shed/sequencer actuation on a blackout signal D. 1. VC/YC is not operable
2. To prevent the D/G sequencer from double sequencing if a LOCA occurs Page 80 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 81 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 50% power. Given the following:

Initial Conditions

  • 1A CA pump red tagged for PMs
  • UST level is 104%
  • During a board walkdown, 1 CA-6 (CA Pmps Suct From CA CST) was noted to 1CA-6 be closed Current Conditions
  • All power is lost to 1ETB
  • 1SM-5 (S/G 1B 1B SM Isol) failed to close
  • 1SM-3 (S/G 1C SM Isol) failed to close
  • 1A S/G conditions - NR level is 10%; 10% ; pressure is 650 psig and stable
  • 1B S/G conditions - NR level is 0% ; pressure is 5 psig and stable
  • 1C S/G conditions - NR level is 0% ; pressure is 7 psig and stable
  • 1 D S/G conditions - NR level is 8% ; pressure is 675 psig and stable 1D
1. Based on the Initial Conditions, which CA pump(s) was/were required to be declared inoperable per Technical Specifications?
2. Based on the Current Conditions, what procedure will the crew transition to upon exit of EP/1 EP/1/A/5000/E-0

/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)?

A. 1. 1A CA Pump only

2. EP/1/A/5000/E-2 ( Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)

B. 1. All three CA pumps

2. EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)

C. 1. 1A CA Pump only

2. EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)

D. 1. All three CA pumps

2. EP/1/A/5000/E-2 ( Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)

Page 81 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 82 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 98% power. A surveillance test per PT/1/A/46001001 (RCCA Movement Test) is in progress. As Control Bank D was being moved, one control rod in Control Bank D slipped to 120 steps withdrawn and stopped. This is an incore thermocouple map one minute later.

R P N M L K J H G FED C B A 576 572 576 605 546 599 611 603 2

3 605 624 BAD 569 4 597 602 609 617 5 602 625 616 614 6 563 611 611 626 623 568 7 602 606 617 620 8 561 612 634 572 626 9 619 611 613 614 10 548 610 606 613 574 11 627 BAD 610 614 12 612 599 608 622 13 620 619 576 626 562 14 540 628 613 608 614 15 BAD 622 580

1. Which single rod has slipped into the core to 120 steps withdrawn?
2. In addition to reducing power to less than 75% and verifying SDM, what other surveillances (if any) are required per Technical Specification 3.1.4 (Rod Group Alignment Limits) to allow continued power operation in Mode 1?

A. Rod D-12; no additional surveillances are required B. Rod M-4; no additional surveillances are required C. Rod D-12; FNL\H(X,Y) and Fo(X,Y,Z)

D. Rod M-4; FNL\H(X,Y) and Fo(X,Y,Z)

Page 82 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 83 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was in Mode 6 performing core alterations. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • N-31 was removed from service 3 days ago 2
  • N-32 indicates 1.1 x1 02 cps
  • BDMS Train A indicates IE1" "E1 "


  • BDMS Train B indicates 1.4 x10 2 cps
1. What procedure is entered to address the stated conditions?
2. Are core alterations required to be stopped based on the above conditions?

A. 1. AP/1 IA/55001013 (Boron Dilution)


2. No B. AP/1 IA/55001013 (Boron Dilution)
1. AP/1/A/55001013
2. Yes
c. AP/1 IA/55001016 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation System)
1. AP/1/A/55001016
2. No D. 1. AP/1 IA/55001016 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation System)


2. Yes Page 83 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 84 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was at 3% power performing a startup. Given the following:

Initial conditions

  • Intermediate Range channel N-35 failed low
  • The crew removed N-35 from service per the applicable abnormal procedure Current conditions
  • IAE retumed returned the channel to service and reported that the SUR circuitry for N-35 had to be disabled as part of the channel repair
  • Engineering has evaluated the repair and determined that all other functions will operate as designed with the SUR circuitry disabled
1. When the crew removed N-35 from service per the abnormal procedure, which fuses (if any) were removed?
2. For the conditions above, is N-35 operable?

A. 1. The control power fuses

2. No B. 1. The control power fuses
2. Yes C. 1. No fuses were removed
2. No D. 1. No fuses were removed
2. Yes Page 84 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 85 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was in Mode 3 and Unit 2 was operating at 100% power when a fire occurred on site. Given the following:

  • A large amount of smoke entered the Auxiliary Building Ventilation (VA) system ductwork
  • 1A main transformer was de-energized due to the fire Based on the above conditions:
1. How will the VA system respond?
2. What is the status of the "A" train VA system per Technical Specifications?

A. 1. VA Supply fans (ABSU) will trip and then the Unfiltered Exhaust Fans will trip

2. Only 1A train is not operable B. 1. VA Supply fans (ABSU) will trip and then the Unfiltered Exhaust Fans will trip
2. Both 1A and 2A trains are not operable
c. 1. VA Supply fans (ABSU) will trip and then the ABSU inlet dampers will close
2. Only 1A 1A train is not operable D. 1. VA Supply fans (ABSU) will trip and then the ABSU inlet dampers will close
2. Both 1A 1A and 2A trains are not operable Page 85 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 86 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is at 3% power and increasing. Given the following has just occurred:

  • 1AD-7 C/1 NCP #1 "SEAL LEAKOFF HI FLOW" actuates
  • 1B NCP sealleakoff is 6.5 gpm and stable
  • 1B NCP Seal Outlet temperature is 165°F and stable
  • 1B 1B NCP Lower Bearing temperature is 140°F and stable

The crew enters AP/1/A/55001008 Per AP/1/A/55001008, what is the maximum time 1B NCP can remain in service and what procedure will the crew be directed to enter when the pump is tripped?

A. 5 minutes; EP/1/AI5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)

B. 5 minuts; AP/1/A155001004 (Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump)

C. OP/11A161001002 (Controlling Procedure For Unit Shutdown) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />; OP/1/A/61001002 D. AP/1/A/55001004 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />; AP/1 IA/55001004 (Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump)

Page 86 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 87 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is at 450°F and 1860 psig heating up with shutdown banks withdrawn following a refueling outage. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

Initial Conditions

  • YO has been manually aligned to provide cooling to 1A NV pump per AP/11A155001021 (Loss of Component Cooling)

AP/1/A/55001021 Current Conditions

  • KC has not been restored
  • A 100 gpm NC system leak occurs on an NC loop crossover pipe AP/11A155001021
1. If a safety injection becomes necessary, what guidance does AP/1/A/55001021 provide for maintaining Unit 1 NC pump seal injection?

AP/11A155001021 direct the crew to implement next?

2. What procedure will AP/1/A/55001021 A. 1. Maintain YO aligned to 1A NV pump and continuously monitor motor parameters
2. AP/1/A/55001005 (Reactor Trip or Inadvertent S/ISII Below P-11)

P-11 )

B. 1. Maintain YO aligned to 1A NV pump and continuously monitor motor parameters

2. AP/1/A/55001027 (Shutdown LOCA)

C. 1. Realign KC to the 1A NV pump and start the Standby Makeup Pump

2. AP/1/A/55001005 (Reactor Trip or Inadvertent S/ISII Below P-11)

O. 1. Realign KC to the 1A NV pump and start the Standby Makeup Pump

2. AP/1/A/55001027 (Shutdown LOCA)

Page 87 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 88 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

Initial Conditions

  • Reactor power was 100% and stable
  • Turbine impulse pressure was 693 psig and stable Final Conditions
  • Security has reported significant steam escaping from the interior doghouse
  • The crew is performing actions in AP/11A155001028 (Secondary Steam Leak)
  • Reactor power is 99.9% and stable
  • Turbine impulse pressure is 657 psig and stable
1. What single steam relief valve passing full flow produced the conditions noted?
2. What actions will be directed by AP/11A155001028 based on the final conditions?

A. 1. A steam line safety

2. Trip the reactor and go to EP/11A15000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection B. 1. A steam line safety
2. Initiate a unit shutdown per AP/11A155001009 (Rapid Downpower)

C. 1. A S/G PORV

2. Trip the reactor and go to EP/11A15000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection D. 1. A S/G PORV AS/G
2. Initiate a unit shutdown per AP/11A155001009 (Rapid Downpower)

Page 88 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 89 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Given the following timeline:

12/15/09 1500 During the review of completed procedures it was noted that 12/07109 at 0300 was the last time the 7 day surveillance was performed on the 1A DIG battery cells.

12/15/09 1800 IAE completed the 1 A DIG battery cell surveillance and noted one bad battery cell.

Based on the above conditions and in accordance with Technical Specification 3.8.4 (DC Sources - Operating):


(SA-SEt> otJ c.o;J D:t~ ..

0fJ cui "'r r 15(;0:

15(;0 : CDfJW ~

coWl) flAv£. BEEt..!

1~What 1~What is the latest time that this surveiliance.GaA surveillance .GaA be be-completed completed before the LCO for

.will !lQ! be I"liet9 Technical Specification 3.8.4 .will!lQ! wClAL-O ~ ,I~"E lIiet9 v.,Jcu.t,..D ....."IE- SEe:", M.--r ~

i3£p.J M£--r

2. When is the cascade to Technical Specification 3.8.1 (AC Sources - Operating) required to be made based on the bad battery cell?

A. 1. 12/15/09 at 2100

2. Immediately B. 1.12/15/09
1. 12/15/09 at2100 at 2100
2. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> C. 1. 12/22/09 at 1500
2. Immediately D. 1. 12/22/09 at 1500
2. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Page 89 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 90 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 and 2 are operating at 100% power with 2A RN pump in service. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • 1A DIG is tagged for PMs

o 1AD-12, Al2N2 - uRN "RN Essential Hdr A Pressure - Lo" o 2AD-12, Al2N2 - uRN "RN Essential Hdr A Pressure - Lo" o 1AD-12, Al5N5 - uRN "RN Essential Hdr B Pressure - Lo" o 2AD-12, Al5N5 - "RN Essential Hdr B Pressure - Lo"

  • The 2A RN pump trips
  • The 1A RN pump is started and the alarms listed above clear
1. Is the 2A DIG operable per Technical Specifications for the conditions stated above?
2. What actions are required per OP/O/A/64001006C OP/0/A/64001006C (Nuclear Service Water System)?

A. 1. No

2. Ensure the RN essential header supply crossover valves are open B. 1. No
2. Rackout and tag the "A" VC Compressor breaker C. 1. Yes
2. Ensure the RN essential header supply crossover valves are open D. 1. Yes
2. Rackout and tag the "A" VC Compressor breaker Page 90 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 91 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is performing a power decrease required by Technical Specifications
  • At 45% power, 1SMPS5219 (Turbine Impulse Pressure 1 ATWSI AMSAC Related) stopped decreasing
  • The power supply to 1SMPS5218 (Turbine Impulse Pressure 1 ATWSI AMSAC Related) has failed
  • IAE has been notified to repair failed channels
  • Current reactor power is 28.5%

OP/11A161 001003 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation)

1. What guidance does OP/1/A/61 provide for the AMSAC system for this situation?
2. Per the Selected Licensee Commitment (SLC), the basis for AMSAC, is to provide indep~ndent means of initiating a turbine trip signal and a indePE?ndent under ATWS conditions.

A. 1. Continue the power decrease

2. reactor trip signal B. 1. Continue the power decrease
2. CA autostart signal C. 1. Stop the power decrease
2. reactor trip signal D. 1. Stop the power decrease
2. CA autostart signal Page 91 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 92 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 entered Mode 6 three days ago. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • The head crew is currently lifting the reactor vessel upper intemals internals
  • The B train Containment Purge Exhaust System (VP) duct heaters lose power
  • The B train VP system fan status! system flow is unchanged
1. For the conditions above, is the VP system required to be operable per Technical Specification 3.9.3 (Containment Penetrations)?
2. Is proper functioning of the VP duct heaters required for operability of the VP system per the bases of Technical Specification 3.9.3?

A. 1. Yes

2. Yes B. 1. No
2. Yes C. 1. Yes
2. No D. 1. No
2. No Page 92 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 93 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 6 with core unload in progress. Given the following:

  • An RP technician in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) building calls the control room and reports that level in the SFP is decreasing
  • The fuel assembly most recently removed from the core is currently in the reactor building manipulator crane
1. Based on current conditions, what procedure will direct movement of the fuel assembly being handled to a safe location?
2. Where is the fuel assembly in the reactor building manipulator crane required to be placed?

A. 1. AP/1/A/55001026 (Loss of Refueling Canal Level)

2. Into the upender and lowered to the fully down position B. 1. AP/1/A/55001026 (Loss of Refueling Canal Level)
2. Fully down in the core or the deep end of the canal C. 1. AP/1/A/55001041 (Loss of Spent Fuel Cooling or Level)
2. Into the upender and lowered to the fully down position D. 1. AP/1/A/55001041 (Loss of Spent Fuel Cooling or Level)
2. Fully down in the core or the deep end of the canal Page 93 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 94 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 entered a forced outage 3 days ago to replace an NC pump motor.

  • 2 work crews are involved in replacing the NC pump motor, an NC pump crew and an IAE crew. The tagout boundary is being shared by both crews
  • The NC pump crew has the new motor in place and has outstanding Work Order Task Assignments (WOTAs) for wiring completion
  • The IAE crew has asked the Unit 1 SRO for clearance of their WOT WOTA A to allow electrical testing of the new motor which requires connecting an outside power source Per NSD 500 (Red Tags/Configuration Control Tags), in addition to ensuring the work can be performed safely, what other condition is required to be met by the Unit 1 SRO prior to 9 granting ranti n9 clearance clearan ce to the IAE crew WOTA?


A. The Unit 1 SRO must obtain OSM concurrence B. The Unit 1 SRO must ensure the two crews have established constant communication C. The Unit 1 SRO must ensure all affected crews have been informed of the intent to apply an outside power source D. The Unit 1 SRO must ensure a Safety Group representative has walked down the area where the outside power source will be applied Page 94 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 95 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. Given the following:

  • 1N0-64 (1 B ND NO Train Cold Leg Injection Return Safety Relief) lifted and did not reseat
  • The crew used the closest valves in the piping available to isolate the leak
  • Oue to parts availability it will be 4-5 days before repairs can be completed
  • The crew began a Technical Specification shutdown
1. Which trains of NO, if any, are operable?
2. When shutting down, what is the next operational mode in which Technical Specification 3.5.2 (ECCS - Operating) will no longer apply?

Reference provided A. 1. No trains of NO are operable

2. Mode4 Mode 4 B. 1. No trains of NO are operable
2. Mode 5 C. 1. 1A Train of NO only
2. Mode4 Mode 4 O. 1. 1A Train of NO only
2. Mode 5 Page 95 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 96 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 is in Mode 3. Given the following:

  • An operator is bleeding off nitrogen pressure from the 1A NN NW surge tank
  • At the completion of venting, the crew notes NW surge tank pressure is 21 psig Per Technical Specification 3.6.17 (Containment Valve Injection Water System):
1. What are the modes of applicability for this Technical Specification?
2. What is the current status of 1A Train of NW?

A. 1. Modes 1,2 and 3 only

2. Operable B. 1. Modes 1, 2 and 3 only
2. Not operable C. 1. Modes 1,2,3 and 4
2. Operable D. 1. Modes 1,2,3 and 4
2. Not operable Page 96 of 100


    • Question: 97 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following:

  • A LOCA has occurred in Unit 1
  • The TSC has been fully staffed and activated
  • An individual is needed for lifesaving activities during which 27 Rem of TEDE exposure is expected to be received
1. Is the individual required to be a volunteer?
2. Who is required to approve the exposure for this lifesaving activity?

A. 1. Yes

2. The TSC Emergency Coordinator B. 1. Yes
2. The Operations Shift Manager C. 1. No
2. The TSC Emergency Coordinator D. 1. No
2. The Operations Shift Manager Page 97 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 98 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

An individual with a current year Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 1500 mR is preparing to perform a job in the RCA. The RWP states that the dose rate in the area is 200 mR/hr.


Per NSD 507 (Radiation Protection):

1. What is the maximum time he can work in this area until he accumulates enough dose to require an extension prior to the next entry into the RCA?
2. What is the minimum level RP position that could provide the approval of a dose extension if needed?

A. 1. 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />

2. An RP Supervisor B. 1. 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />
2. The RP Manager C. 1. 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />
2. An RP Supervisor D. 1. 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />
2. The RP Manager Page 98 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 99 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Unit 1 was at 25% and increasing following a refueling outage. Given the following conditions and sequence of events:

  • Unit 1 experiences a large break LOCA
  • Containment sump level is 5.2 ft and increasing
  • During the swap to cold leg recirculation, 1NI-136B (NO Supply To NI Pump 1B) could not be opened
  • The crew verified S/I flow per EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation)
  • The crew is preparing to transition out of EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 when all running ECCS pumps begin showing signs of cavitation
1. What action, if any, was required per EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 when 1NI-136B would not open?
2. What procedure will EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 direct the crew to enter to address cavitation of the ECCS pumps?

A. 1. 1B N I pump was secured EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1

2. EP/1 /A/5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation)

B. 1. 1B 1B NI N I pump pu mp was secured EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.3

2. EP/1 /A/5000/ECA-1.3 (Containment Sump Blockage)

C. 1. No action required EP/1/AI5000/ECA-1.1

2. EP/1 /A/5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation)

D. 1. No action required EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.3

2. EP/1 /A/5000/ECA-1.3 (Containment Sump Blockage)

Page 99 of 100

CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Question: 100 2008 SRO NRC Retake Examination (1 point)

Given the following two events:

  • Earthquake o Seismic instrumentation indicates .04 g vertical acceleration and .05 g horizontal acceleration o 1AD-4, B/8 "OBE Exceeded" is not actuated
  • High Auxiliary Building radiation o 1RAD-1, B/3 "EMF41 Aux Bldg Vent Hi Rad" is actuated 6

o EMF41 is reading 1.2 x 106 counts per minute and slowly increasing Which one of the above events requires activation of the site assembly alarm per RP/O/A/50001010 (Conducting a Site Assembly or Preparing the Site for an RP/0/A/50001010 Evacuation) and from what location(s) is this alarm activated?

A. Earthquake Event; Control Room only B. Earthquake Event; Control Room and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS)

C. High Auxiliary Building radiation; Control Room only D. High Auxiliary Building radiation; Control Room and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS)

Page 100 of 100

Reference List for: 2008 SRO NRC Retake Exam CN-1561-1.1 CN-1562-1.3 CN-1562-1 .3 Databook Figure 148 Databook Figure 158 Databook Figure 57 EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1 Enclosure 5 Steam Tables

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Unit 1 Data Book Source: DPC*1552.0S-00*0014, DPC*1552.08-00*0014, Rev. 8 Figure 16-2 16*2 95 JI

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Unit 1 Data Book Source: DPC*1552.0S-00-0014, DPC-1552.08-00-0014, Rev. S 8 Figure 16-S 16-8 140 l I  !

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Unit 1 Data Book Source: OAC Reactor Coolant Saturation Calculations 2500~------~------~------~------~--------r-------~------~------~------~V~----~

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Rev. 2, 4/5r" Figure 57 - Reactor Coolant Satur ' Curve Pagf


EP/1/N5000/ECA-1.1 74 of 83 Enclosure 5 - Page 1 of 1 Rev 31 DCS Minimum 5/1 Flowrate Versus Time After Trip S/I FLOW REQUIRED TO MATCH DECAY HEAT FLOW RATE (GPM) 600 600~--~--~~~~~--~--~~~~~--~--~~~~



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Examination KEYfor: 2008 SRO NRC Retake Exami Question Answer Number 1 B 2 D D

3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 D D

8 C 9 A 10 C 11 B 12 D 13 D 14 A 15 D D

16 D D

17 A 18 A 19 D 20 A 21 B 22 A 23 C 24 A 25 D D

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. Question Answer Number 26 0 D

27 A 28 0 D

29 0 D

30 B 31 A 32 A 33 0 D

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41 C 42 0 D

43 A 44 B 45 C 46 0 D

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Examination KEY for: 2008 SRO NRC Retake Exami Question Answer Number 51 0D 52 A 53 A 54 0D 55 C 56 B 57 C 58 A 59 B 60 B 61 B 62 0D 63 C 64 B 65 B 66 B 67 B 68 B 69 0D 70 0D 71 C 72 B 73 0D 74 B 75 B Printed 1211712009 5:20:01 PM 12117120095:20:01 Page30f4 Page 3 0/4

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80 D 81 C 82 D 83 A A

84 D 85 D 86 D 87 C 88 A A

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