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Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal RAI
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/2008
From: Gettys E
To: Mckinney B
Gettys Evelyn, NRR/DLR/RLRA 415-4029
Download: ML081790066 (8)


July 3, 2008 Mr. Britt T. McKinney Sr. Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer PPL Susquehanna, LLC 769 Salem Blvd., NUCSB3 Berwick, PA 18603-0467



Dear Mr. McKinney:

By letter dated September 13, 2006, PPL Susquehanna, LLC submitted an application pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 54 (10 CFR Part 54), to renew the operating licenses for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, for review by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff). The staff is reviewing the information contained in the license renewal application (LRA) and has identified, in the enclosure, areas where additional information is needed to complete the review. Further requests for additional information may be issued in the future.

Items in the enclosure were discussed with Duane Filchner, and a mutually agreeable date for the response is within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 301-415-4029 or e-mail



Evelyn Gettys, Project Manager Projects Branch A Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-387 and 50-388


As stated cc w/encl: See next page

ML081790066 OFFICE LA:DLR PM:RPB1:DLR BC(A): RPB1:DLR NAME SFigueroa EGettys BPham DATE 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08

SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION (SSES), UNITS 1 AND 2 LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RAI B.3.1-1 Under the Program Description of the Fatigue Monitoring Program (FMP), B.3.1, the LRA states that the aging management program (AMP) monitors and tracks the number and severity of critical thermal and pressure transients for the selected reactor coolant system components.

Describe how this tracking and monitoring is accomplished.

RAI B.3.1-2 The GALL Program X.M1 recommends under the program element parameters monitored/inspected, that the program monitors all plant transients that cause cyclic strains which are significant to the fatigue usage factor. Page 4.3-7 of Section 4.3 of the LRA states that PPL monitors the design transients listed in Table 4.3-1 using FatiguePro. Confirm whether or not FatiguePro is used for stress-based monitoring of components, and if so list the components that are stress-based monitored. In addition, confirm whether or not FatiguePro is a part of the FMP and if so, please describe the role FatiguePro has in the Fatigue Monitoring Program.

RAI B.3.1-3 The GALL Program X.M1 recommends under the program element preventative actions, that components be monitored to provide adequate margin against fatigue cracking due to anticipated cyclic strains. Under the Preventive Actions and the Monitoring and Trending program element enhancement, the LRA states that additional actions may be taken when sufficient fatigue accumulation has occurred if determined necessary to address fatigue-related concerns. Describe what constitutes as sufficient fatigue accumulation, describe the criteria used to determine if further actions are required, and provide the periodicity of the updates of cumulative usage factor (CUF)s.

RAI B.3.1-4 The program elements, preventative actions and acceptance criteria of the GALL Program X.M1 relates to maintaining the fatigue usage factor below the design limit and monitoring the plant transients. It does not appear that SSES proposed enhancement to the program elements preventative actions and acceptance criteria made on LRA page B-149 are applicable to the GALL Program element recommendations. Provide your justification on how the enhancement to address environmental effects is applicable under preventive actions and acceptance criteria of this AMP.

RAI B.3.1-5 Consistent with the GALL Program X.M1, the FMP, B.3.1, will provide for periodic updates of the fatigue usage calculations. However, the LRA is not clear on the actions that will be taken if ENCLOSURE

the updated calculations project higher than the allowable limits CUF values. State the exact actions that will be taken if the FMP projects higher than the allowable limit for the CUF values.

Identify the procedure that would be used for these actions.

RAI B.3.1-6 The GALL Program X.M1 recommends that industry experience is reviewed as part of the program and any applicable experience should be considered to be incorporated into the FMP.

The operating experience program element of the FMP, B.3.1 indicates that industry experience has been factored into the SSES FMP but did not list or describe the applicable operating experience that was reviewed. Please provide the list of documents reviewed by SSES in considering the industry experience on metal fatigue and provide the corresponding follow-up actions taken by SSES.

RAI B.3.1-7 Section 4.3.3 provides the result of CUFs including environmental effects for NUREG/CR-6260 locations:

a) Provide the details of the management of environmentally-assisted fatigue components during the period of extended operation, including elements to the AMP such as scope, qualification, method and frequency.

b) For all locations where 60-year environmental CUF is below 1.0, clarify whether any of these values were calculated using the Green's Function Methodology and if so please describe the details of how Greens Function was used to calculate the CUF values.

RAI B.3.1-8 10 CFR 54.21(d) states that the FSAR supplement for the facility must contain a summary description of the programs and activities for managing the effects of aging. Provide the FSAR supplement for Fatigue Monitoring Program.

Section 4.3 Questions RAI 4.3-1 Table 4.3-1 of the LRA provides the reactor design transients and 60-year cycle projections:

a) For each transient listed, provide the cycles accrued to date and explain how the 60-year projections values were calculated.

b) Table 3.9-1 of FSAR provides different number of design cycles (than the LRA) for loss of feedwater heaters and pre-op blowdown. Please explain the discrepancy.

c) Scram transient is comprised of turbine generator trip and other scrams, explain why these scrams are grouped together and projected together in the LRA, including how scram transient conditions bound all scrams that may be experienced by the plant.

d) Loss of feedwater heaters and partial feedwater heater bypass are combined as a single transient in the LRA, provide the basis for this, including the effect on feedwater nozzle CUF analysis.

RAI 4.3-2 Table 4.3-2 of the LRA provides the Fatigue Usage for Limiting Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Locations. Provide a complete list of design transients that were used to calculate the 60-year CUF projections for the components listed, and describe the details of how they are monitored.

RAI 4.3-3 Table 4.3-3 indicates that the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) (Shell at Shroud Support) CUF, including the environmental effects, is projected to exceed 1.0 prior to the period of extended operation. List the transients and corresponding usage factors used for the evaluation. Also, provide the environmental factors used for the evaluation.

RAI 4.3-4 BWR Vessel Internals Program is credited to manage the effects of aging for the reactor vessel internals. However, this AMP only inspects the top guide for the first twelve years of period of extended operation. Top guide is subject to irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking, state how this aging effect will be managed for the remainder for the period of extended operation.

RAI 4.3-5 For Section 4.3.4, provide the technical basis for this statement "fatigue usage is typically much higher on the associated piping systems."

RAI 4.3-6 a) For Section 4.3.5, indicate whether any of the numbers of projected cycles for piping and in-line components were derived from evaluation of "partial cycle" transients, where partial cycles are transient cycles that do not experience the full-temperature design cycles. If yes, provide the equation used to calculate the number of projected cycles.

RAI 4.3-7 The FSAR supplement of the LRA does not disposition the TLAA for metal fatigue analysis nor the HELB analysis according to 10 CFR 54.21(c)(i), (ii), or (iii). Explain why the disposition of these TLAAs is not necessary.

Section 4.7.2 Questions RAI 4.7.2-1 Please clarify whether there are any Class 1 high energy piping locations with a CUF value less than 0.1 by the current design basis where the CUF may exceed 0.1 during the period of extended operation.

Letter to B. McKinney from E. Gettys, dated July 3, 2008 DISTRIBUTION:




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EGettys FJaxheimer

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2 cc:

Cornelius J. Gannon Vice President - Nuclear Operations Joseph J. Scopelliti PPL Susquehanna, LLC Community Relations Manager, 769 Salem Blvd., NUCSB3 Susquehanna Berwick, PA 18603-0467 PPL Susquehanna, LLC 634 Salem Blvd., SSO Robert M. Paley Berwick, PA 18603-0467 General Manager - Plant Support PPL Susquehanna, LLC Bryan A. Snapp, Esq.

769 Salem Blvd., NUCSB2 Associate General Counsel Berwick, PA 18603-0467 PPL Services Corporation Two North Ninth Street, GENTW3 Rocco R. Sgarro Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Manager - Nuclear Regulatory Affairs PPL Susquehanna, LLC Document Control Services Two North Ninth Street, GENPL4 PPL Susquehanna, LLC Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Two North Ninth Street, GENPL4 Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Supervisor - Nuclear Regulatory Affairs PPL Susquehanna, LLC Richard W. Osborne 769 Salem Blvd., NUCSA4 Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Berwick, PA 18603-0467 212 Locust Street P.O. Box 1266 Michael H. Crowthers Harrisburg, PA 17108-1266 Supervisor - Nuclear Regulatory Affairs PPL Susquehanna, LLC Director, Bureau of Radiation Protection Two North Ninth Street, GENPL4 Pennsylvania Department of Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Environmental Protection Rachel Carson State Office Building Ronald E. Smith P.O. Box 8469 General Manager - Site Preparedness Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469 and Services PPL Susquehanna, LLC Senior Resident Inspector 769 Salem Blvd., NUCSA4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Berwick, PA 18603-0467 P.O. Box 35, NUCSA4 Berwick, PA 18603-0035 Michael H. Rose Manager - Quality Assurance Regional Administrator, Region 1 PPL Susquehanna, LLC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 769 Salem Blvd., NUCSB2 475 Allendale Road Berwick, PA 18603-0467 King of Prussia, PA 19406

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2 cc:

Board of Supervisors Salem Township P.O. Box 405 Berwick, PA 18603-0035 Dr. Judith Johnsrud National Energy Committee Sierra Club 443 Orlando Avenue State College, PA 16803