ML081200906 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png |
Issue date: | 04/28/2008 |
From: | Lahti L Entergy Nuclear Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
Download: ML081200906 (40) | |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Palisades Nuclear Plant EnteW 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, MC 49043 Tel 269 764 2000 April 28, 2008 10 CFR 50, Appendix I Technical Specification 6.6.3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington , DC 20555-0001 Big Rock Point Plant Dockets 50-155 and 72-043 License No. DPR-6 2007 Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Dear Sir or Madam:
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. is submitting the enclosed Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the Big Rock Point Plant. This report was prepared in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B, and Technical Specification 6.6.3. The period covered by the enclosed report is January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2007.
Summary of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revision to existing commitments.
Laurie A. Lahti Licensing Manager Palisades Nuclear Plant Enclosure CC Administrator, Region III, USNRC NRC Decommissioning Inspector, Big Rock Point NRC NMSS Project Manager
- 1. Introduction The 2007 Big Rock Point (BRP) Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report provides a summary and data interpretation of the BRP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) as conducted during the 2007 reporting period. Reporting requirements are detailed in the BRP Defueled Technical Specification, Section 6.6.3, and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)
Section III, Subsection 2.0.
During 2006, site decommissioning activities were completed. The last activity was the final site survey which concluded that the former BRP Nuclear Plant met the radiological criteria for unrestricted use in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1402. On April 11, 2007, the BRP license was transferred to Entergy Nuclear Palisades, LLC.
The BRP ODCM,Section III, contains the requirements for the REMP. The radiological environmental monitoring sampling requirements are greatly reduced from the plant's operating period and now encompass independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) operations.
There was a revision to the ODCM in 2007 that provided clarification of which thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are required for ISFSI-only operation.
Tables 1, 2 and 3 provide a summary of 2007 BRP REMP sample requirements and results. Detailed sample station identification and location information is included in Attachment 2.
Discussion and Interpretation of Results A. TLDs - Gamma Dose The BRP Gamma Dose Assessment Program consists of 11 TLD locations:
Four at the outside perimeter of the ISFSI (locations: BR-18, BR-19, BR-20 and BR-21), four at the ISFSI protected area fence line (locations: BR-22, BR-23, BR-24 and BR-25), and three control TLDs, 10.5 to 50 miles out (locations: BR-5 Petoskey, BR-6 Boyne City and BR-7 Traverse City).
Environmental gamma doses are measured quarterly and annually by placement of two TLD badges per designated location. Attachment 2 provides a description and diagram of TLD locations.
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For 2007 the average quarterly gamma readings were:
20.4 millirem for protected area fence TLDs, 15.2 millirem for ISFSI outside perimeter TLDs, and 17.8 millirem for the control TLD locations.
For 2007 the average annual gamma readings were:
96.8 millirem for protected area fence TLDs, 53.4 millirem for ISFSI outside perimeter TLDs, and 73.3 millirem for the control TLD locations.
The comparative evaluation of the protected area fence line quarterly TLD mean and the ISFSI outside perimeter TLD mean measured in 2007 are nominally elevated from that of 2006. This is comparable to the nominal elevation of the control TLD data for 2007.
A comparative evaluation was also completed of the 2007 offsite control TLD data to the ISFSI outside perimeter TLD data. The ISFSI outside perimeter mean, although lower than the offsite control mean, is not statistically different than the offsite control TLD mean.
Each TLD badge contains a 4-zone CaSO2 phosphor wafer (the wafer also includes an additional backup/reserve read-out zone). Sensitivity for the multi-zone TLDs are 1.0 millirem with a linear response to 1000 rem.
B. Air Samples The BRP REMP no longer requires that airborne surveillance be conducted.
C. Milk The BRP REMP no longer requires that milk samples be collected.
D. Lake Water The BRP REMP no longer requires that lake water samples be collected.
E. Drinking Water The BRP REMP no longer requires that drinking water samples be collected.
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F. Crops The collection of food crops/vegetation is not required by the BRP REMP.
G. Sediment The BRP REMP no longer requires that well water samples be collected.
H. Aquatic Biota The collection of aquatic biota (algae and periphyton) is no longer required by the BRP REMP.
III. Assessment of BRP's Operational Environmental Impact Review and comparison of the 2007 BRP radiological environmental monitoring data to previous data shows that the parameters analyzed support the conclusion that ISFSI operations have had minimal environmental impact.
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Table 1 . Samplinq and Analysis Summar Number of Samples Frequency o Medium Description Location(s) Type of Analysis Collected Analysis TLD Continuous BRP 18-25, 5-PT, Gamma Isotopic 44 Quarterly 6-BC, 7-TR 11 Annual a Lake Water 1 gallon composite 1-ST Tritium, 0 No Longer Required Gamma Isotopic Well Water 1 gallon Site Well Tritium, 0 No Longer Required grab/composite Gamma Isotopic Monitoring Wells 1 gallon grab MW 1-9 Tritium, 0 No Longer Required Gamma Isotopic Sediment Grab 1-ST, 24-STS, Gamma Isotopic 0 No Longer Required 25-STN, 26-LP Fish Grab 1-ST Discharge Gamma Isotopic 0 No Longer Required Table Notes a Only quarterly TLD's are required per Big Rock Point ODCM Page 1 of 1
Table 2. Sample Data Summary a Medium or Pathway Analysis Evaluated Lower Limit All Indicator Locations All Control Locations Nonroutine Sampled Versus Total Number of Detection Mean ° Mean ° Measurements (Units) Analyses Performed (LLD) b (Range) (Range)
Direct Radiation:
TLD - Protected Area TLD (quarterly) d e 16/16 1.0 16/16 20.4 12/12 17.8 None (mR) Fence (6.8-38.7) (11.7-27.8)
TLD (annual) e 4/4 1.0 4/4 96.8 3/3 73.3 None (68.7-165.0) (50.5-111.4)
TLD - ISFSI Outside TLD (quarterly) d e 16/16 1.0 16/16 15.2 12/12 17.8 None (mR) Perimeter (10.1-40.4) (11.7-27.8)
TLD (annual) 4/4 1.0 4/4 53.4 3/3 73.3 None (45.2-61.2) (50.5-111.4)
Lake Water Sample not (pCi/L) required Well Water Sample not (pCi/L) required Lake Sediment:
Sediment Sample not (pCi/g dry) required Biota:
Fish Sample not (pCi/g wet) required Crayfish Sample not (pCi/g wet) required Table Notes:
Values for sample locations with the greatest annual mean are provided in Table 3.
t' Nominal LLD as defined in the Big R ock Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Section I, Table 1-3 and vendor analytical capabilities.
Mean and range data reported are based upon detectable measurements.
d Quarterly TLD results are normalized for 91 days net.
e Annual TLDs are read annually, and quarterly TLDs are read quarterly . Annual and quarterly measurements are compared to control measurements to evaluate compliance with 10 CFR 72.104.
The results for the ISFSI TLDs and the average of the control TLDs measured in 2007 are summarized in the Table.
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Table 3. Reporting Results Greatest Mean Sampling Location Medium Type of Analysis Location High Low Mean TLD - Protected Area Fence TLD (Quarterl^r) a b BRP-23 38.7 19.1 31.0 (mR) TLD (Annual) BRP-23 --- --- 165.0 TLD - ISFSI Outside Perimeter TLD (Quarterly) a b BRP-21 40.4 10.4 18.9 (mR) TLD (Annual) BRP-21 --- --- 61.2 Lake Water No Longer Required (pCi/L)
Well Water No Longer Required (pCi/L Sediment No Longer Required (pCi/g dry)
Fish No Longer Required (pCi/g wet)
Crayfish No Longer Required (pCi/g wet)
Table Notes:
a Quarterly TLD results are normalized for 91 days net.
b Annual TLDs are read annually, and quarterly TLDs are read quarterly. Annual and quarterly measurements are compared to control measurements to evaluate compliance with 10 CFR 72.104. The results for the ISFSI TLDs and the average of the control TLDs measured in 2007 are summarized in the Table.
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Attachments Sample Collection Anomalies
- 2. Big Rock Point Environmental Sample Schedule and Sample Location Maps
- 3. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program data as provided by Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory, Northbrook, IL
- 4. Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory EPA Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results Page 1 of 1
Attachment 1 Sample Collection Anomalies There were no sample anomalies in 2007.
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Attachment 2 Big Rock Point Environmental Sample Schedule and Sample Location Maps TABLE 1-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway and/or Number of Representative Samples and Sample Sampling and Collection Type and frequency of Sample Locations a Frequency Analysis
- 1. Direct Radiation b 21 monitoring stations either with two or more TLDs or Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly one instrument for measuring and recording dose rate continuously, placed as follows d:
a) Miscellaneous site locations (4) b) A ring of stations (6) at or near the Site boundary c) Balance of stations (3) placed to serve as control stations d) Outside perimeter of ISFSI (4)e e) ISFSI protected area fence line (4)e
- 2. Waterborne
- a. Lake 1 sample near site Semiannual (grab) Tritium and gamma isotopic'
- b. Well (drinking) and 1 sample from Site well, if in use, and Semiannual (grab) Tritium and gamma groundwater 1 sample from minimum of 6 monitor wells Semiannual (grab) isotopic semiannually monitorinq wells
- 3. Biota
- a. Marine 1 fish or invertebrate sample where clarified, detained Semiannual (grab) Gamma Isotopic water enters lake Apr-Nov Semiannually
- 4. Lake Sediment
- a. Shoreline 1 sample where clarified, detained water enters lake Semiannual (grab) Gamma Isotopic Apr-Nov Semiannually
- b. Shoreline 1 sample each side of 4.a (above), within -1/2 mile Semiannual (grab) Gamma Isotopic Apr-Nov Semiannually Page 1 of 4
Table 1 -1 Notations
- a. Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to the Reporting Requirements of ODCM,Section III. Alternative media and locations may be chosen for any particular pathway if designated locations or media are not available, and appropriate substitutions are made within 30 days in the radiological environmental monitoring program.
- b. One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to, integrating dosimeters. The background dosimetry requirement also may be met through use of dosimeters shared with another facility, or from data provided by another entity, such as the State of Michigan, as appropriate for this site.
- c. Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to licensed materials in the effluents from the facility.
- d. For the purposes of this table, a TAD is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors or phosphor readout zones in a packet are considered as two or more dosimeters.
- e. TLDs designated for ISFSI-only operation.
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Big Rock Point Environmental Sample Location Map Page 3 of 4
Big Rock Point Control TAD Locations
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Attachment 3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program data as provided by Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory, Northbrook, IL 7 Pages Follow
Environmental, Inc.
Midwest Laboratory OP erry^ ^ c .
r of -a bxrr_ bar. W asf^
FOR BI G ROCK I ND EPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE I NSTAL LAT IO N PRE PARED AND S U B MI TT ED BY ENVIRON ME NTAL INCORPORATED MIDWEST LABORATORY Project Numb r: 8022 Reporting Period Januar=y a December, 21307 R eviewed an Approved by Date 1 [7 e Distribution Larry Potter (1 copy)
BIG ROCK POPN'T T E OF CONTENTS Section List of Tables .,..,.. _.... .... .. ............. .... ...._.... lii I INTRODUCTION ...... ................................ _..,..,...... ..... ......._........ 1 2 LISTING OF MISSED SAMP LES ... ...... ............ ...... 2 ppaIi A Irate of rratr ry Comparison Program Results ......... ..................... A-f B Data Reportin Conventions..................................... ...................... Si -
Special Analyses ........................................... .................. c-1
BIG ROCK UST OF TABL S No, 1 Gamma Radiation, as measured by TL.Ds, Quarterly Exposure-- ., 1-1 2Gamma Radiation, as measur by TLDs, Annual Exposure ._.......... 2-1
FALQ^RQ t 0 ihlLRQQ cTI N The 1oiIc n constitutes a first 2007 Progress Report for t Radiological Environmental Monitor Pram conducted at the Entergy Nuclear Operat ons, Big Ro Independent Spent F ;t Storage Install on. Results of completed analyses are presented in the attached tables.
All concentrations, except gross alpha and gross lets, are decay corrected to the r of collection.
Allsamples were collected within the scheduled period unless noted otherwise =rn the Listing of Missed Samples, iv
BIG ROCK 2.0 LI ;TIt7G ftI E 1 L Expected Collection Sample Type Location Date Reason
BiG ROCK Table 1. Gamma radiation, as measured by i LOs, quarterly exposure Units; r KISI days 1 t tr. 2nd Oar. 3rd Otr. 4th Qtr.
Date Piaced 12-01-06 04-03-07 07-0-07 10-01-07 Date Removed 04-02-07 07-05-07 10-01-07 01-02-08 ntr nst(mR) 3.0 1 0.4 2.6 +/- 1.5 4.511.0 5.210.4 BRP-05 (T) (Gontrol) `1.8 +/- 0.6 16.1 11,6 11,1 t 1.5 14.7 +/-0.9 BRP-06 (BC) (Control) 14.1 10-6 17.9 +/- 1.7 13.6 t 1.2 17.7 +/- 1.2 BRP-07 (TR) (Control) 22.3 t 1.1 25.5 +/- 1.7 20.5 +/- 12 27.8 +/-Q_7 BRP-18 (ISFSI-N ) 10.4 .+/- 1.0 14,3 +/- 1.5 10.1 t 1.1 12.3 +/- 0.6 BF '19(1 F I W) 112.6+/-0.6 16.9+/-1.5 13.5+/-1.1 12.6+/-0.5 B RP-20 (I FSI ) 13.4+/-0.6 16.4+/-1.5 14.8+/-1.2 2.1.0 t 1,2 BRP-21 (lSFSI-NE) 10,4 +/- 0.66 14.3 +/- 1.4 10.5 t 1.1 40.4 11.5 BRP-22 (I FSI-F lE) 16.7 +/- 1.0 20.9 +/- 1.6 15.8 1 1.2 23.3 +/- 0. 9 BRP-23 # FSI-F .} 32.8 +/- 1.0 38.7 +/- 3.3 33.3 t 2.8 19.3 t O.7 BRP-24 (lSFSI-FS ) 19.3 +/- 0.8 22.8 +/- 1.5 18.7 +/- 1.2 7.3 +/- 0,6 BRP-25 (I F I-F #W) 1 6 .5 +/- 0 8 20.1 +/- I.5 15.2 +/- 1.2 6.8 *-0.5 Intransit exposure has been sub tracted.
BGa ROCK Table 2. Gamma radiation, as measured by TLOs, annual exposure.
Units: mR13 5 days" 2007 Date Placed 01-03-07 Date Removed 01-02-08 mire s it (mR) T4 +/- 1.1 BRP-05 (PT) (Control) 60 ,; a 1.7 BRP-06 (SC (Control) 58.1 3.0 B RP-07 (TR) (Control) 111.4 +/- 2.4 B <<18 (IFS NW) 47.9 a 1.3 BRP-19 (1SF i- W) 59.3 2,9 BRP-20 tl F I- E) 61.2 +/-. 1 2 BRP 21 (FSF i-N ) 45.2 +/- 2,6 BRP-22 (I F I- NE) 71.8 +- 2.2 B P23(IiF - E) 165.0x2.9 BR -2# (ISFSI-FS ) 61,5 1.7 BR -25 (ISF -FN ) 68.7 a 2.0 Control 1 (ield) 27.3 a 1 5 Cont 2 (Shield" 27.6 t 1.5 Intransit exposure has been e ,framed.
Attachment 4 Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory EPA Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results 18 Pages Follow
Environmental, Inc.
Mkhvest Laboratory APPENDIX A INTERLABO ATO Y COMPARISON PROGRAM RESULTS NOTE: Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory participates in intercompan sUbes admi sE d by Envlr nmentat Resources Associates, and serves as a _epi merit for studies conducted proviousty by the U.S. EPA Er vi rents Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Los Vegas, Nevada- Results are reported in Appendix A. TLD in ,.or ison esul , er-house; spikes, btanks, duplicates and-rrix .f anal ; p 'rsrmance evatua sn pram results are afso r pie. Appendix A is Mated fry b rive-A a year the complete Ap dix is i lueed n March. June. S t5mbber and December rnon y progress reports only.
January trough E tuber , 2007
j r on are Reswts^
Attachment A tsts acar cret ra f `spiked" sam es Out-of-limit = s ks are explained directly below the rescil3 Al
Atta h nt A ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR 'SPIKED' SAMPLES LABORATORY P lSE d ONE STANDARD DEVIATION VALUES FOR VA RIOU S ANA L YSES One standard deviation Analysis Levei for single detern, nation Gamma Emitters 5 to 100 p %litet rr kg 5,0 ° iter
> 100 pCi l_ r or kg 5% of known value Stroniturn " 5 to 50 pCi iter at kg 5.0 pf"Oiter
> 50 p t/liter kg 10" of roar=. value n ura 2 to 30 pC41 t r or kg 5.0 : iter
> 30 p i/liter or kg 10% of krxw, value Pot iu 3 a 0. 111 or k 5% of kt value Gross alpha 5 20 pC PIiter 5,0 pO/I 20 p illit 25% of known value, Gross be!a ri 100 pCAAer 5.O p i/lit r 1 00 p0li ter 5% of known value Tritura s 4,O pCi/liter +/- la r 169.86 x(k +n)"
4,G pC ter 10% of krown value Radium-226,-228 a0 1 i/liter 15% of known value ut a a 0 1 p i/liter, gram same 10% of known value Iod ne-I31 s 55 p i/lit &r.0 p i/li Iodine-12 > 55 ,rliiter 10% of kriovvrl value Ur iu 23 , 35 pCi iter 6.0 pCi/liter Nickel-63 > 35 i/lit r 5% of known value
`tint5um-9 "
trc - 5b 50 to 100 pCiliter 10 p i; iter
' 1 00 pCi/liter 10% of known value Others" - 20% of known value From E PA, put , 'Environmental Radsoa. ay Laboratory lmar marscn Sty 'mss Program, Fiscal' Year, I MI-1982- EPA-600?4-8-004 A2
TABLE A..1. @nt attar iry Comparison Crosscheck pram. E.nwi rren t Resource Assmsates (ERA,,,',
Lab C,-de Data Analysts L raory ERA Co tol Rem& Result" Ltm Acceptance S' -1121 04..07 Sr-89 30.7 t 4.3 35.5 26.7 - 44.1 Pass S7W-1121, 0 /07 5r- 'r 39,3 +/- 1.8 42.1 33.1 - 50,8 Pass S'TW-1 J {10;'07 Ba-7 30.0 +/- 2.4 29.3 20.6 -38.0 Pass 51W-1122 74/0 /07 o-160 118.5 t 3.9 119.0 109.0 - 129.4 Pass 81311-1122 04(09/)7 C -134 52.6 1 41 ,3 54.3 45.6 - 63.0 Pass S T't -1122 04'09/07 Cs-137 49.5 +/- 3.13 -qG .3 41.6 - 59.0 Pass 51311-1122 04/09/01,7 Zn 5 91.7 +/- 63 68.6 73,3 - 104.0 Pass S -I 123 07 Or. Alpha 33,8 13,5 6.5 32 81,01 Pass
'P'-1'123 04/09/0? . Beta 24.2 t 2.3 25.3 18.6 -34.0 Pass STW-1124 04 d/07 1-131 19.2 +/- 1.2 18-9 13.7 - 24.1 Parks 81W- 125 0a4/°7 183 7540.0 1,255 G 8m'0 8660.0 - 0.0 Pass STW-1125 9 7 Ra-226 13.0 +/-16 13-4 9. 9 - 16.9 pass S'#' ' £ 12a 04-0VU7 Ra-228 19.9 +/- 2.7 18-2 10-3-26,1 mss STW- t 125 49,'1x7 Uranium 4.5 +/- 0. 4^6 0, - 9.8 Pass 87 -1127 07f W Sr-89 551.7 +/-5.0 58.2 49.5 - 66.9 Pass STW-1127 07 a90.17 51-90 21.4 123 19.0 14,3 _ 27,7 Pass 71, -1128 07109 7 Ba-133 19.4 x 2,2 19.4 10-7-28.1 Pass ST v-11 8 07(Wt7 x,:-60 32.8 +/- 2.4 33.5 24.8 -42.2 Pass 87W-1128 07/ /7 Cs-134 67.0 +/-2 9 88.9 60.2 - 77.6 Pm STVV-1 Q7/7 Cs-137 1.8 +/-3.8 61.3 52-6-70.0 Pas S-M-1128 07/69/07 Zn-85 55 .6 +/- 7.5 54-6 45.2 - 64.0 pass 81' -1129 07107 Or. AApa 19.2 t 1.6 27.1 15.4 - 39.8 Pass 87W-1120 0710107 Or. Beta 9.1 +/-.-1,1.9 11.5 2,119-20-2 Pass 51 -1130 0VW7 Fla-- 6 7.0 > 0.5 7.7 5.7 - 9.7 pass S +-1130 7/0 7 Ra-228 9.2 +/-2.3 9.1 5.2 - 111 P 51311-1130 07/ 07 Uranium 23.9 11 25.1 19.9 - 30,3 Pass STW-1131 101'06rl7 Sf-89 213+/-13 27.4 19.3-33 ,9 Pass 5130-1 131 10/05107 51-9 17.7 +/- 1.2 18.2 12.9-21-6 Pass STW-1132 19/05/07 -133 122 +/- 3.3 12.6 8.6 - 15.5 Pm STW-1132 190M7 Co-60 218 +/- 1.4 232 10.9 - 28.3 Pass 8T41.1132 104'05M7 Cs- 70.5 t 4,2 71.1 58.0 - 78.2 Pass 10-1132 10/05/07 Cs-137 178.1 _+/-3.3 180.0 162.0 -200.0 Pass 8130-1132 1005107 26415 263. 9 +/- 6. 251. 228.0 - 294.0 Pass TW-113-3 10:1,15;07 O= Alpha 64.7 + 2.1 58.8 30. - 72,9 pass ST`1-1233 16'05W 0+/-. #_s 11.9+/-0.9 91 4.3-1$.2 Pass 8130-1134 1:75 !7 1-131 33.0 t 1.5 28.9 24.0-33-8 Pa" 130.1135 M'05107 5,0 +/- 250.0 9700.0 430.0 - 1070.4 Pass STW-1136 M0 5W -222 12.7 +/-0.2 129 9.6 - 14.9 Pass 8770-1135 1'W0507 Fla-228 19.6 +/- 2.4 17,9 12.0 -21.5 Pass STW-1135 10/05/07 Uranium 27.3 +/- 1.1 27.5 22.1 -30,8 Pass aP fined try En* n ta'-.. c., t 3eeat t. stc y a Wtctpsna o the rr sech program for fea t' tasVig a d i`wking *a w ecr,-`uctad L't' E,-Niro'rimews; Reset ces As -,ate (ERAS I
° Us of rase wxticared, th e abe^atory resutt is pfr as mean i standard dea euvn Fat three, d t rm<n ns Rau/t+/- roe presented as the k res^i s values. eapect la ctrr pr^--i sror, ;1 sigma- <. deter mtnaI/oc) and c ntrc4 its o; o,..,4^ y E R A .
TABLE A-2. Ccos thc4 program results; thermofur ina nt Dosimetry ,17L0, CaS0 : Dy mI Lab Code Date Known Lab Result Contrui t= tm0 r Jar +/- 2 sior a mite e n Et`vi.rort rneretat. Inc 2 `i7-1 711312007 cm. 54-25 60, 56 t 5 554 37.98 - 70.33 Pass 21007-1 7(1 112M7 40 cm. 3031 34.23 +/- 0, 96 21,36 - 29.66 Pass 2007-1 7/13 2007 cm. 19.53 17.95 1.86 13.67 - 25.39 Pass 337-1 7i1 3/2 00 t 60 Om 13.56 16 6 1 t 0- 60 9,49-17,63 Pass 2007-1 7`13/2007 70 cm, 9.96 9,72 t 0. 0 6.97 -12,95 Pass 2007-1 71I N200 7 cm. 7.63 179 +/- 4=33 5.34 92 Pass 2007-1 711 312, 007 90 Cm 6.03 5,53 +/-0,72 4.22-7.8c4 Pass 2007-1 7/13/2007 1 e , 4.88 5.32 +/-O.17 3.42 - 6.34 Pass 2007-1 7/13 007 110 4.03 3.49 +/- 014 2.82 -6,24 Pass 2007-1 7/13/2007 120 i. 3 39 2-64 +/- 0.14 2.37 -4,41 Pass 2007-1 71 312, 007 1, 50 cm. 217 2.13 M 7 1. 152 -2,82 Pass 2007-2 11112,12007 6cm 54.37 65.47 +/- 5.25 38.06 70.68 Fuss 2007-2 11/1212077 40 cm 38.59 37.43 +/- 2.18 21.41 4 35.77 Pa ;s 2007-2 11112//2007 60 cm, 13.59 15.18 +/-0, 50 9,51 -1767 Pass 2t 7-2 11/12/2007 70 cry. 9. + 12.18 +/- 0.46 8.99 - 12..99 Pass 2007-2 11/1212007 80 err, 7.65 8.74 +/- q, 39 5.36-9-95 pass 2007-2 11/121`2007 cm, &04 5.89 +/- 0.25 4,23-7,85 Pass 2007-2 11/12/2007 110 cm. 4.04 413 +/- 0.41 2A3 - 5.25 Pa 2007-2 11%12=21107 120 cm. 3.4 2.92 +/- 0.13 2.38 -4,42 pass 2007-2 11 /"12'2007 120 :m. 3.4 2.91 +/- 0.31 2.38 42 Pass 7-2 11112/2007 150 cm. 2,17 1.95 +/- 0.72 1.52 -'2.82 Pass 2007-2 11/12/2007 150 ctn, 1.51 1.38 +/- 0.05 1.06 - t96 Pass 4,2-1
TAB LE A-3, In-House "Spike" Sarr es Co entral£on p^x.L;"
Lab Code Date Anal `s Laboratory results Known Control 2s, n^,f" Activity Limitsr can W-30707 %X 7 Sr. Alpha 71351 +-0,40 20.E 10.0 -30,12 Pass W-30707 ;/7r" 3? r. Bata 67.45 10.46 65.73 5533 - 76.73 Pass SPAP-1566 113 7 Cs-134 25.35 +/- 1.31 27.62 17.62 - 37.82 Pass SPAP-1566 3/2/2 7 Cs-137 107,52 +/-3.02 116.48 104.83 - 128.13 Pass SF W-11 78 WW2007 H-3 65595.00+/-672.00 71118.00 56894.46 - 85241.60 Pass SPIN 1678 3r2&/20017 Tr, 26 44 +/- 1.12 32.35 20.35 - 44.35 Pass SPW-1505 4/5 2007 Cs-134 54.48 12.12 54,99 44.99 - 64.99 Pass 3979-1596 4;&2007 5-137 59.03 +/- 2.94 58.19 48,19 - 68.10 pass SM-1595 4/5/2007 -131(3) 83,11 +/-3,61 82.07 72.07 -92.07 Pass S +/--15. 4)57007 1-131 740 11.10 82.07 65.66 - 98.4E Pass SPW-16958 4/ 607 1-131 78,97 11 10 82 .07 M 66 - 98.48 Pass SSP I-1597 4./52007 Cs-134 54.03 12.15 54.99 44.99 - 64.99 P ass SSPMI-1597 4/512007 Cs-137 51.61 +/- 4.75 58,19 48.19 66.19 Dass 99PMI-1597 4/512067 1-131(3) 83,97 +/- 4,07 82.07 72,07 - 92.07 pass SPMI-15974 007 1-131 79.53 +/- 1.03 82.07 666.66 -98.46 Pass SPM11-16675 4/512007 1-131 63.51 +/- 1.05 62.07 85.66 - 86.411 P ass SPCH-2639 5/17/2007 1>131(3) 71.70 +/- 7.36 711.40 80.40 40 pass 397 -2847 /17/200 -134 55.42. +/- 1.556 52.85 42,85 - 62 a5 Pass 979-2847 5117/247 135-937 59. +/- 2.71 58.63 46.03 - 66 03 Pass SPIN-2847 5,17,2007 1-137(5; 83.95 +/- 2.89 70.67 60.87 _80.81 pass PMF-264.9 5/17/2007 Cs-134 51.37 +/-1,65 52.65 42,65 - 62.85 Pass SI I-2549 ;17,20707 0 137 60.42 5 4.31 56.03 48.03 - 680 pass SP ,-.,=2649 55'1712007 1-131(3) 82.44 = 3.14 70.87 60.87 - 80.87 Pass SP CH-2922 5117i2007 1-931(3) 80.1/0 +/-6.40 70.40 41.60 - °.20 Pass 8PW-284 511112 007 1-131 0.14 t 0.89 70,67 56.70
- 66.04 Pass S !-2447 511W2007 554-9 104.93 +/- 6.64 121.90 97.52. 146.28 Pass SPW-2847 5/182007 51-66 46.72 +/- 1.9? 48.06 36,08 - 56.008 Pa .
SPMI-2849 5'1 /007 1-131 67.97 +/-:13 70.87 56.76 -5.04 Pa SPVV-2909 " 5/222007 Fs-55 11137.00 +/- 316.00 14271,50 11417,20 - 17125.60 Fail SPW-2911 4:22,'2007 14-3 65023.00 t 679.00 70485.00 515388,00 - 645 2,00 Pass SPAP-2913 5/22/2007 r. Beta 55.27 t 8,51 52.65 42.12 - 73.71 Pass SPAP-2915 WW2007 Cs-134 22,53 +/- 1,12 26,42 16.42 - 36.42 pass SPAP-2915 5/122Y200 7 Cs-137 111.14 +/- 157 116,016 104.45 - 127.67 Pass SPF-2922 6x22/2001 Cs- .34 0.52 +/- 0.03 0.53 0.32 -0.74 Pass SPf -2922 5:22/2001 Cs-137 2.58 i 0.07 2.32 1,39 - 3.25 Pass SPW-3223 5;2 007 -883 2233.10 5 10122 2135.90 1261.54 - 299 0,26 Pass W -60507 6/82007 Sr. Alpha 20.93 +/- 0 42 20.08 10.04 - 30.12 amass W -60507 6/512007 Sr. Beta 6050 2 646 65.73 56.73 - 75.73 Pass SPVV 7 7/161200' 148 25.58 1 1.11 32.35 20.35 - 44.35 Pass SPW-5476 81712007 81-83 1925.18 +/- 9.612 21,x5. 0 1281.54 - 29,26 Pass 1/1-02107 91212013 7 Sr.. Alpha 23.02 +/-; 0.44 21.08 10.04 - 30 12 Pass 1//-92107 1321: 7 C3y-. 1/eta 61.42 x 6 47 65 73 55 73 - 76, 73 Pass A3-1
TABLE A3. in-House "Sri " Sanpes Lib Code D `e Anaiysis Laboratory r u t+/- Known control 2s, n=1" Actvity Limits' ct rt SPW-6' 1011012007 1C-90 30,97 t 121 32.35 20.35 - 44.35 Pass W- 1 11001 11110/2007 Go_ Alpha 22.43 +/- 0.42 2008 10.04 - 30.12 P-w-1 11007 1111 0 7 Gr. Beta 6-1.49 10.48 65.73 55.73 - 7513 pass SPAP-7742 11,11;1,2007 Cs-131 21.18 +/- 1,29 22.41 12.41 - 32_41 Pass PAP-7742 11113 017 ^4-137 113.61 +/-3.16 113.76 103.28 - 126.24 Pass SPAP-7744 11/13/2007 Gr. Sala 533.41 +/- 0.13 52.03 41,62 - 72.84 Pass SPNII-7746 11113/47 04-134 42,20 +/- I.48 44 a3 34.83 - 54.83 pass SPMI-7746 11113/ 7 Cs-137 56,06 +/- 2.83 57.40 47.40 - 87.40 Pass SPMI-7746 11,'13,2007 Sr-90 41.02 +/- 1.61 45.54 36.43 - 54.65 Pass SPW-7745 1,'13'2007 Cs- 134 43.11 t 1.52 44.40 34.80 - 54.80 pass SM-7748 11/13/2007 04-137 59.28 +/- 3.50 5740 47,40 - 67 0 Pass SPW-7748 11/13x2607 Sr-90 37.23 t 1.51 4554 36.43 - 54.65 Pass SP A' -7762 11:'13;2007 Fe-55 12935,10 +/- 357.08 12641).50 10112.40 - 15168,60 pass SPIN-77 11 N2007 H-3 6W5,00 +/- 712M 6861&00 54994,40 - 82341.60 Pass, SPF-7760 11/13/2007 C s-134 0.45 +/- 0.02 0.45 027-063 Pass SPF-7760 11113/2007 Cs-137 2.45 +0,07 2.29 1.37 - 3.21 Pass SPW-8034 11113/2007 W-63 2194.06 +/- 10.77 129.03 1277.42 - 2980,64 Pass Lew sample esu115 are reported in fl ite:: 910 M 1 pCl4fI }, c: - szai (pCJm, and solid r# a IsCa'g.
r Laboratory Codes as tr rrs. 6d (walerI Ml (milk r . (a 'DtpC, SO ( /, V ( g# tool, CM Ichsrrrsl :50415=1, F ice .
f ;rtta an s et on single oet rn ru4one,
'Control StS are wed on At csrr erit A. P a 42 of this repot
'Sam recount: 12557 z 335.
NOTE: ;:c,f .ice is used ix the Spike oatsx 'v ebi1 r2. rat is used far +.ha Spike matt.
TABLE A Ir4ious-e"Blank 'Samviks Concentration (pCi/L)
Lab Cvxk Sample Data Anal ar Laboratory :e t (4.6 r} A ep n T' LLD AetivitV Criteria f4:6 j W-30707 water rel)07 Gr, Alma 0.40 0.01 +/- 028 2 W-30707 water 3/727 Dr Beta 0.75 0,06+/-053 4 SP -1567 Air Fitter 3r3/207 Ca-134 9 19 100 SIPW-1567 Air Filter 31212007 Ce-137 1.01 100 8 -15568 water 3/2 312007 H-3 176.10 -26. 10 +/- 91.62 2007 SFW-1596 water 41WO07 Cs-134 3.28 to S WW-1596 Water 4./5,/2017 C OP 3 45 10 Sf W-1593 water 4/57 1-131 0.27 8,81 10 , to 0,5 SfWW-15 5 watiar 41512M7 I-131(3) 2.91 20 SPM-1598 Milk 4, 7 C s-134 3,30 to S MIX- 15f18 Milk 4/5/2007 Ca-137 5- 08 to SP I-1598 Milk 4154200 7 1-131 0.26 -0,1 +/-0.17 (..5 89141-1598 KMI 4/ 7 1--131(1) 4.10 20 S H-2139 Charcoal Cani r :742007 i-131(0.1 224 9 .6 SF 1-2848 water 17/2007 Ca-134 3.14 10 SM'-2848 water 5;`" 7/7007 Cs-137 1.37 10 SPW-2,B48 . water 5/17/2007 9-131(0) 5.34 20 SP I-2850 1s i 1M2007 Cs1 3.32 10 S MI- 850 Milk 5/17/2001 Ca-137 2.60 10 S AI-29.50 Milk 5z"1712007 -131(0) 4.77 t' S# -23 8 water 55/1F? 007 -131 0.34 19 0.5 5(3/1-2848 water 5/18/2007 Sr- 0.81 -0.02 +/-0a5 5 S Wil-2848 water 5/1 200? Sr-90 0.53 101 = 0.25 1 SOM1-2850 Milk 5%18/2001 x-131 6.45 0.20 10-26 0.5 5^ I-2850 Milk 5118 607 Sr-89 0. 96 -0. 3 +/- 1112 5 S.. I-2850 mils 5,11fV2 0417 Sr-90 0.58 0.913 +/- 0.38 SPAP-2914 Air Filter 5/2212007 Or, Beta 0004 -0;002 +/- 0,002 0,0-1 SPAP-2916 Air Filter 5/22,007 O s-134 2.84 100 SPAP-2916 Ale Miter rzL 2007 Cs-137 2.24 100 SPF-2923 Fish 5/22/2007 Cs-134 6.71 100 SPF-2923 Fish 5:' 2,12007 Cs-137 8.35 1 Ord SPW-3224 water 5/2412007 NL-63 1.61 -0,30 t 05.84 20 W-60507 water &15 2 007 Dr Alpha O,43 3.61 +/- 0.30 2 W -60507 water 65:"2007 Or. Beta U.77 001 +/-0.54 4 PW-4325 water 711 7 Tc-99 6.41 12 t 3,84 10 SPW-5477 water 81 1MIN7 M-63 1.48 4.38 +/- 1,01 20 12-92107 water 9/21 r 7 Dr Alpha 041 0.09 +/- 0.29 2
'8d 9218? water 911212007 Or. Beta 0 175 .26 10,51 4 A-4-1
T L8 A.-4. In-House 'Blank' S rt pes Concord atbn ( i/Lf Lab Coda Sae Date alyeas' Laboratory results W s'i A ,r LLD r c1 s illy' rit-na {&, a es SPW-6891 water 10/1012001 Tc-99 6,82 -6.58 t 4.04 1 SPAP-7743 Ae F r 11'1;/2007 Or Beta 0,003 -0.002 +/- 0,002 0.01 SPMI-7745 Ik 11/13/2001 Cs-134 2.16 10 SP !I-7745 Milk 11,/13/20 7 x-137 3.46 1 SPMI-T745 Milk 1111 007 1-131(7 5.89 20 SPMI-7745 Milk, 11111 007 Sr-90 01 0.73 +/-0.35 1 SOW-7747 wafer 11,1112007 Cs-134 2,39 10 SPW-7741 wa r I1/3/2001 Cs-137 3.53 SPW-7747 wCt r 1111 /217 I-13=(G) 12.51 -10 SPW-7747 water 1I,'13WW ? Sr-90 0.71 -0.04 t 0.32 1 SPIN-7751 water 11113,12 00 7 F 45760 -4.18 +/-9,20 1000 SPW-7757 wa te r M1 312007 H(2 151,35 -14.98 +/-78,85 200 SPF -77159 Fish 11/13t2007 Ca-1134 5.50 100 SPF-T759 Fish 11'1: 007 Ca-137 5.10 100 PW-F0t33 water 1V13,12 00 7 N¢-OS 1.45 -0.19 t 0.87 21)
W-120607 *>>ter 1 2,W2 007 Or A/sha 0.40 0.02 It 0.28 2 W-120807 craleer 12/8x`2007 Or Reim 0.77 -0.70 +/-0.51 4 Li . WO Pie rwiuft a We r pC /Liter, air htler iI/hert , tear f {p 'chard .-' den aler/, a solid aarrplec (c tg2.
I-131/Ge: vdfw°731 ci aria/yted by garhma p cdowcn .
AoM/tly re rt- 3 is as o f act-ilyy result, For %*m na ctrc ao& a . ttaty dit-toutotl bales (b i r.) malue is not r , t t.
Low Laves al Sr-90 c 8711 dnte it t e c^ummmant, A s i of (1-u pCiil.) in m6k si rot u: ?
TABLE A.5. In-Hou a "Dt rate' Samples Concentrations A -
Lab Code Date Aria rats Fig t se=nd Result Result Esc ,c E-20, 21 12112007 Or. Beta 1,76 s 0.07 1.70 +/- 0.06 1.73 : 0.05 Pass E-20 ,21, 17212007 K-40 1.44 +/- 0,24 1,57 +/- 0-27 1.53 +/- 0.18 Pass CF-41, 42 1/12007 Or. Beta 18.02 0.41 18.81 x 0.42 18.42 +/- 0.29 Pass CF-41, 42 11212007 K-40 ,1.68 +/- 1.12 12.67 +/- 0.97 12 16 +/- 0_74 Pa CF-41, 42 111 17 S r-90 0.038 +/- 0.011 0.026 +/- 0.0310 0.033 +/- 000 7 Pass P-05 16, 9517 U31200 7 H-3 270.78 x 9134 3031.18 +/- 92.89 285.88 +/- 65,31 Pass LW-9579, 0580 1/4/2007 0r. Bata 0.91 +/- 0-31 1.93 +/- 0.30 0.92 t 0.22 F's 71]1]85, 700M 1%9171107 r- Alpha 7.95 +/- 1.20 7,92 a 1.42 7.94 +/- 0.93 pa DVI.1-70037, 7 038 1/11/2007 '. Alpha 55.47 +/- 3.99 52, 7 +/-4,.02 54.17 +/- 2.83 pass DW-18054, 70055 1/1 +2007 Or. Alpha 2,68 10,88 1.88 +/- 0,78 2.28 +/- 0.59 {ass DW-70122, 70123 111&2W7 0+/-. Alpha 4,30 +/- 1.14 6.25 = 1.16 6.28 101.81 Pass
-70122, 70123 111 8/2 00 1 . 1a 4.22 +/- 0.70 5.3,3
- 0.75 4.78 +/- 0.51 pass M-70098, 7 1/25/2001 Or, A.: 3,27 +/- 0.90 1, 97 2 0.92 2.92 +/- GA4 pass MV-70110,70111 1 /2512907 Or, Alpha 2.19 +/- 0.92 1.69 +/- 0.79 194 +/- 0.61 Pass S .1-67 , 677 1136.2047 Gf , Beta 1.77 +/- 0.39 2.11 +/- 0..39 1.94 +/- 0,28 Pass DW-70148, 70149 1' 0X17 Gr o n a 4.65 a 1.37 5.,20 +/- 1,81 4,93 +/- 1.14 Pats SW-600, 611 211;2007 K-40 1.24 +/- 0.12 1-20 +/- 0.12 1.22 +/- 0,08 pass SW-8111, 602 2/112007 Or, Beta 0.8 +/-0.37 1.02 F 0.25 0.96 +/-0.22 Pass DVV-1138, 1129 2f 007 6- 2707.00 +/- 161.00 2700.00 +/- 161.00 2703.50 +/- 113.84 Pass MI721, 722 V1312007 4-40 e330,40 +/- 117,60 1316,40 +/- 116,550 1323.40 +/- 82.77 Pass SW.847, 8 2.;1 00 7 Or. bra 3.82 +/- 1.67 2.61 a 1,24 3.22 +/- 1.04 Pass SW-847, 848 2./13/2007 Sr. Beta 7.33 a. 1.37 5.89 a 0.90 6.81 +/- 0-82 Fns OW-70175,M116 210412007 r. Alpha 11.72 +/- 1.68 8.84 +/- 1.32 18.28 +/- 1.07 Pass DW-70187. 70188 2,/1412007 Or. Alpha 6.79 +/- 1.18 6.47 +/- 1.08 6.63 +/- 0.80 Pass SW U 1162, 1163 212712007 Or. Beta 3 63
- 0.69 2,61 t 0,44 3,12 +/- 0,41 Pass D f7020 , 70206 212812007 Or. Alpha 0.88 10.80 1.31 +/- 0,79 1,10 +/-0:56 Pass PW-1117, 1118 311 1200 7 Or. Alpha 3 79 a 1.91 3,62 +/- 2.09 3.71 +/-1,42 Pass PW-1117, 1118 1(2007 Or Beta 7.12 +/- 1,40 7.20 +/- 1.39 7.16 +/- 0.99 Pass W-2122, 2123 ;3 55/2007 Or. Alph a 1110 4.16 3.80 +/- 4.30 4.95 +/- 2.99 Pass W-2122, 2123 3 " 5;2007 Or. Bob 10,85 +/- 2,15 13,11 +/- 2.42 11.88 n 1.62 pass W-2086, 2086 3/8/2007 Or. Alpha 2,51 +/- 2,29 1.10 +/-2,78 1,81 +/- 1, 80 Pass W-2083; 3/6.12007 Oa Beta 11,02
- 1.15 9,50 +/- 2.01 10.26 +/- 1,37 Pass DW-10232, 70233 '812 07 Or phi 4.16 +/- 1.28 5.98 +/- 1.31 5.37 +/- 0222 Pass WV -1477, 1478 31/2,^2C 7 +/-. Beta 6.41 11 A 4,10 +/- 1.25 5.26 +/-0.97 Pass W°N-14 , 1 &99 3)1512(37 at. Beta 0.83 +/- 8.31 0.97 t 0 , 33 8.90 4 0.22 Pass W-2140,2141 /191207 _ Alph a 2.31 t 1,57 1.33 +/- 1.64 1,82 +/- 1,14 Pass W-2140,2141 31191 7 Or. Bea 4.26 +/- 1.00 5.58 +/- 1,02 4.92
- 0,71 Pass W-16.26, 1621 2 1/2007 H-3 4973.00 i 209.00 5199100.t213,00 5081,50 1149.21 Pass MI-1647,1648 12112007 -40 10.80 +/- 120.20 1439.30 +/- 126.00 1444.06 +/- 87.07 Pass DW-70248, 70249 3,12112007 Or. Feria 11,10 +/- 1.18 T90+/- 1.16 10.50 10.83 P"S 1(/-2150, 2151 3+/-2612007 Sr. Alpha 3.56 +/- 2.20 3.30 z 1.81 3.43 +/- 1.42 Pass W-2150,2151 12612007 Or. Beta 9.26
- 1.00 10 174-1,90 9.72 +/- 1.07 Pass LW-1941, 1942 3,3112007 Or. Beta 1.35 10 .43 1 > *. 0.41 1.36
- 0.30 Pass A5.1
TABLE A-5. tart " p ate" amp s Concentration (i1L)
Averaged lab Code Data Analysis First Result Sownd Result Result Acceptance 141.1624, 1825 4(2;2007 -40 1316,10 +/- tIO- 60 1229.80 +/- 110.50 1272/35 +/- 78.17 pasg
.1824, 18266 402001 38-90 1.20 +/- 0.50 1.10 1 0.38 1.15 +/- 031 Pam:
40-2170. 2111 41 007 e-7 0.08 +/- 0.01 0.08 +/- 0.01 0.0 8 t 0,01 Paws WW- 1850, 1851 4'3`2087 H-3 -5.83 +/- 10229 ' 50.05 180-14 12.11 +/- 64.97 pass AP-2198, 2199 WN20077 Be-? 0.01 +/- 0.01 0.08 +/- 0.01 0,0 8 t ,01 Pass 40-2370, 2371 4132007 Be-7 0.07 +/- 8.01 0,07 +/- 001 01.07
- 0.l 1 Pass D -70 , 70301 4/4/2007 Dr. AVha 3.78 +/-0.89 3.66 +/-0.96 172 x 0.85 Pass I -70300, 70301 41412007 Dr. Seta 2.93 +/- 0.61 2,91 t 0.6e 2.92 +/- 0.44 Pass UW- 70335, 70338 4( 07 Sr. Alpha 24.37 +/- 2.89 22.72 i 2.91 23.55 : 2.05 P<<
03 -703, 70338 4112007 dir. Bets 20.26 a 1.37 18.E 1. 19.30 0 ,96 pass SW-1 898, 18M 41012007 Or, Alpha 3.86 +/- 1.40 4.78 +/- 1.51 4.32 a f.03 P 1-189 . 1899 4/101007 Or, Beta 6.31 +/- 1.36 7.03 s 1.42 6.67 +/-0.98 Pass SW-1898,1899 4110112007 H-3 241.99 191 35 318.10 +/- 96.48 280.04 +/- 67.12 Pass DW.70348. 7037 411112007 Sr. Alpha 1.83 a 1.0 2-54 t 1. 2.19 +/-0.75 Pass GW-70348, 70347 4/1112007 Cr. eta 4.62 s 0,72 4.01 +/- 0.71 4.32 a 0,51 Paw OW-70378. 70377 4,111/2 07 O r, Alpha 181 +/- 0,80 1.66 +/- 01,86 1.74 +/- 0.59 Pass DWW1-70376, 70377 4:11/2007 r. Beta 184 1 0.62 2.24 +/- 0 .61 2 +/- 0.44 Pass 0W70311. 70312 411;22007 r. Alpha 10.82 +/- 1.50 13.20 11,66 12.01 +/- 1.08 Pass WW-2349, 2350 4117/2007 r. Alpha 0.71 a 0.56 0.62 +/- 0.62 0.88 +/- 0.38 Pass WW-2481, 2462 4r2 &'2007 H-3 190.30 +/- 100.31 115.115 +/- 97.35 153"13 +/- 70.00 Pass LW-2437, 2438 412WO07 Sr. Bela 2,71 10, 50 2.15 r 0.45 2.43 +/- 03A pass LW-2917, 2918 4130(007 r. Beta T, 97 +/- 0. 79 2J8 +/-0,81 2,38 x 8,57 Pass S O-2583,2584 5/1/2 07 Be-? 544.99 +/- 247.70 601.13 +/- 192,20 573.16 +/- 156.76 Pass30-283.2584 1,2007 Cs-137 119.22 +/- 36.61 87.46 +/- 23.97 103.34 +/- 21.88 Pass SO-2583- 24 '1 017 K-40 11825.00 +/- 749.90 17672.9 +/- 729.31 17748. +/- 521 Pass SO-2,583,2 584 5,11J2007 Or. Alpha 11.49 13.96 8.04 +/- 3.88 9.77 +/- 2.77 Pass 0-2583, 2,584 &111007 Or. Bets 31.02 +/- 3.74 26 , +/- 3.40 28.581 a 2.53 Pass S O-2583,2584 511:2007 Sr-9-0 0.086 +/- 0.024 M68 88 +/-'3,025 0,077 +/- 0 017 Pass S-2620,2621 5'22/X07 1.3 277,30 +/- 126.70 3N,40 +/- 101.00 291.15 +/- 81.02 Pass Pail-2610, 2611 5/312007 K-40 1549.20 +/- 184.0 1398.850 s 128.20 1969.00 +/- 112,21 Pass W-4469,44-70 51'712007 Or. B eta 10.60 +/- 1.90 11,10 t 1.80 11.85 +/- 1.31 Pass 55-2697, 2688 5/512007 Cs-137 0.06 10.02 0.05 t 0,03 C1.05 t 0,02 Pass 5-2697, 2888 5,1&'200 7 K-40 8,003 +/- 0.57 7.36 + 0.68 7,70 +/- 0.44 Pass MI-2790,279t 5/1432087 K-40 18584.38 +/- 126.20 167.60 +/- 128.81 1 WJ.95 +/- 90.1E Pass W-4505,4506 511412007 Gr. Beta 3.3i 110 3.90 i 1,50 3.60 +/- 1.13 Past, D - 1 . 3220 512 7 1-131 0.62 +/- 0.32 0 69 i 0.31 0.66 +/- 0.22 Pass S0-3416. 341; 5/`1:2 7? Ca- 137 0.15 +/-0.C 0"15 s 0.113 0.15 +/-0.02 Pass
-3416, 3417 5/3112107 Dr_ Std 22 +/- 2.33 22.46 a 2.37 22.67
- 1. Pass SO.-3416, 3417 531/2007 1-40 12.26 +/- 0 80 12.36 E 0.65 12.31 t 01,52 Pass F-3561, 3562 5131/2007 K-40 3.063 +/- 0.39 3 37 a 0145 3.21 +/- 0 340 Pass SL-331 1, 3312 6/42007 Be-7 0.61 t029 0.55 +/- 025 0.58 10 19 Pass 51-3311. 3312 6/42007 K-40 5.78 +/- 0.67 4.87 a 0.25 5.33 +/- 0.36 Pass A5-2
TABLE A-S. 9444ou "Bu kris # Samples Conce ntration r +L_ "
Averaged Lab Co Date Ar pis Fist Result seco Result suft - nt SL-3992, 3903 6/4/2007 Be-7 0.75 +/-0.19 0.74 +/- 0 . 32 0.75 +/- 0.19 Pass S l--3992, 3993 4'2007 tSr. Beta 13,61 +/- 1112 14,08 +/- 1,08 13,84 +/- 01.78 Pass SL-3992, 3993 W02007 K-40 2,43 t 0.36 2. i t 0.40 2.36 +/- 0,27 Pass W-5087, 5088 B=1112007 Sr. Beta 8,70 +/- 1,90 T70 -1,90 8 20 i 1.34 Pass SW-3710. 3711 14i2007 14-3 9571,511 1287.22 9979.21 *_ 291.42 9725.36 i 204.59 Pass W-4062,4063 6,2/20007 ter. Alpha 8.76 +/- 0.63 0.32 +/- 0.66 0.54 t 0.45 Pass, W-4062, 4063 6/28/2007 Or. Beta 0.87 i 0.53 0.58 t 0.57 0.78 a 0, 3 9 Pass AP-4448, 4449 &12 &2007 Be-7 0,10 +/- 0 ,02 0.09 +/- 0.02 0.10
- 0.01 Pas s 55-3735, 3736 30/2007 9e-7 0.84 +/- 0 ,12 9.82 +/- 0.18 0.83 a G.11 pass.
5 -3735. 3736 6,'3012007 Cs-137 0.07 3 0.01 0. 7 10,01 0.07 a 8.01 Past, S -373..5. 3736 63012007 Sr. Beta 20.51 12-22 30,81
- 2.22 30.1 +/- 1.51 Pass 5-3735, 3736 8f311a"2§7 K-40 9.41 +/- 0.31 8.90 +/-0.46 9.18 a 0,29 Pass LW-4175, 4176 8130 2007 (Sr. Beta 2,18 a O.60 1.93 +/- 0.66 2.06 +/- 0.45 Pass 50-5422.5423 7020 07 r. A shai 10.31 4 1.98 10.57 i 1.99 10.44 i 1.40 Pass SG-5422. 5423 712/2007 Sr. Beta 18.50 _ 1.46 20.97 a 1.49 19.78 +/- 1.04 Pass AP -4656, 41557 71 "007 -7 0.019 +/- 0.12 0.10 +/-0-02 0.10 +/- DIM Pass AP-4763.4784 71M2007 -7 0.11 t 0.02 9.10 > 0.02 0.11 +/- 0 01 Pass 50-5430, 5431 711112007 Be-7 10 17 a 0.48 10.06 +/-Q,51 10,12 a 0.35 Pass 55-5430.5431 7/1112007 0x437 0.050 +/- 0.010 0.059 +/- 0 011 0.055 t 0,017 Pass SG-5930, 5431 711112007 Sr. Alpha 17.86 +/- 2.78 15,74 a 2 70 16.30 +/- 1.94 Pass S G -5430, 543f 7!11/1007 S r.rBeta 266.191 1.74 25-04
- 1,86 25.E +/- 1.27 Pass 50-5430, 543f 7/11 2007 K-40 7.69 t 0.30 7,6+/- 0-28 7.67 10.21 Pass WW-4298, 4211 7/12/24707 r Beta 1,74 +/- M4 2.22 +/- 0. 0 1.98 t. 0.5S Pass DW-70612, 70613 7/20'2007 r Alpha 4.54 +/- 1,11 419 +/- 00.47 4.37 +/- 0.74 Pass WW-4916, 4919 7i2 t2007 H-3 240.43 +/- 111.12 210.68 +/- 110.27 228.56 +/- 78.27 Pass Mt-4742,4743 7/2612007 K-40 1820.30 1134.10 1802.90 +/- 199.50 1811.60 +/- 129.1 Pass VE-4939, 494-0 8114007 E0-7 0.39 +/-0.21 0.45 +/- 0.20 0.42 +/-0.15 pass VE-4938, 4910 81112007 Of , Bela 5.50 +/- 0.14 5.76 +/- 0.13 5.63 +/- :3.11 Pass VE-4939, 4940 811/207 K-40 336 +/- 0.45 3,36 # 0.21 3.36 +/- 0.25 Pass 0-6274, 6275 8&62007 Sr.ra 16,68 +/- 3.29 19.26 +/- 3.39 17.97 +/- 2.36 Pass SG-6274, 6215 8/612007 Gr Beta 40,93 +/- 2.74 42.42 +/- 2.66 41,68 +/- 1..91 Pass SW-5218, 5219 6/7 2107 1-131 1.31 10.24 1.42 +/- 0.24 1.37 s 0.17 Pass 55-0264, 8285 818,2007 8-137 0.043 +/- 0.006 0.051 +/- 0.007 4.047 +/- 0.005 Pass 55-63284, 6285 8/8 00 r. Alpha 9.38 +/- 2.93 13.61 +/- 3.38 11.50 +/- 2.24 Pass S G-6284 ,6285 0./8/7007 Or. Beta 33.46 a 2.84 32,87
- 2,93 33.17
- 2.04 Pass S,284,6285 378120007 K-40 16 15 +/- 0 24 16.23 +/- 025 1619 t 0.17 Pass WW 53110, 5311 819i2007 h-3 644 00 +/- 106 00 831.00 +/- 113,00 737 .50 1 77.47 Pass SW-5393. 5394 8/14/2007 . Beta 2.32 11,31 1.71 ;1.17 2.02 +/- 8.92 Pass S'1"d-5391 6394 614/2907 14-3 1905.18 a 845 .80 69.05 +/- 80.88 129.65 a *59.32 Pars W-5468, 8/16120007 H-3 262.58 +/- 108.43 346.53 +/- 111.42 304.55 a 77.74 Pass
TABLE A-5. In-4m>> i)up y Samplts or lri4ion i, ..}° Averaged Lab Cats Bate Ar, psi First Result S ew rid Resu lt Result Ameptare VE-5553. 5554 812 007 K-40 1.89 10,33 9.83 +/- 0.22 1.89 +/- 0.20 Pa WW-5643, 4 8/22/2007 8-3 250.00 1 110.00 266,00
- 110.00 262.50 +/- 77.78 Pass M-1-5799, - 8,2812 007 Or. Beta 2.14 +/- 1.18 3.62 +/- 1.06 3.13 +/- 6.79 pa" Cam'`-70752, 70753 8,'31,,'2()07 Or, Alpha 14.41 +,1.48 12.4 1 +/- 1.5( 13.66 +/- 1.35 Pass VE-5917 , 5918 91412007 8e-7 0.94 +/- 0.17 0.53 +/- 0,20 0.89 +/-013 Pass VE-5017, 5918 9/4/2007 K-40 3, 73 +/- 0,37 3.59 +/- 0.36 3.66 +/- 0 28 Pass VE-5917, 5918 914;20 07 Sr. Beta 211 +/-0.10 2.6°9 +/- 0.14 2210 +/- 0.07 pass M1-6009, 010 111/20 7 K-40 f348.00 +/- 113.40 1388.10 +/-.116.40 1388.50 +/-81.25 Pass M)-6030. 6031 9112i2007 10-40 1242.70 +/- 110.)0 1475110 +/- 119110 4 3,% A5 +/- M -01 p M1 -6030 , 6031 9112/2007 Sr-90 1.010 t 0.38 0.91 t 0.34 0.95 +/- 0.26 pass, DW-70718, 70719 9112/2001 r. Alpha 23.04 +/- 331 23.22 +/- 3.61 233,13 12.59 P M -M'118, 701719 91121280 1 Sr. Beta 16.13 +/- 1.59 1736 t 1,69 1 6 75 +/- 1.16 Pass 0-8158,6157 9;142007 14-3 181.99 +/- 90.67 232 - 19 +/- 92.95 207.019 +/- 64.92 pass SO-6484, 6485 91171007 CS-137 0.01 +/- 0.00 0.111 +/- 0.00 0.01 +/-&00 paft SO-6484; 6405 17r2807 Sr. Bela 2420 # 2.60 23.30 +/- 2.30 23.75 +/- 1.74 pass 80-8484, 6485 9/17,120037 K-40 11.52 +/- 1.16 10.89 +/- 1.10 11.20 +/-0.80 Pass WW-6489, 6470 9121/2007 Sr. Beta 27.19 +/- 2.51 24.23 +/- 2,29 25.71 +/- 1 70 P E-6647,6 648 10`1x2 7 tr.Bala 1.82+/-0,10 1.93+/-0,11 1,88 Pass 0- 47, 66411 10"1"2007 K-40 1.48 t 0.24 1.31 +/- 0.23 1.40 a 0.17 Pass
-658. 66,57 10(112007 Sr. Beta 2.50 +/-0.97 1.15 .a 0.817 2.38 +/-0.65 Pass TD-7080, 7081 1002007 8-3 3,32 00 +/- 229,00 383.00 +/- 191.00 357.50 t 149.10 P SG-6691, 6892 10,W00 7 G. Alpa 12,93 +/- 2.12 13.52 t 2,07 13.23 +/- 1.48 Pass Sv 1, 6892 10:!3'2007 Sr a 18 +/- 1.41 18 27 +/- 1,36 18,18 +/-098 Pass AP-7191, 7192 W31200 7 Bes7 0.00 10.011 4,09 +/- 0.01 0,09 +/- 0.01 Pass WW-6786,6787 101W2007 14-3 13333
- 322 13532 +/- 324 13433 1228 pats WW-6786,6787 10(82007 8-3 13189 t 322 13558 t 326 13372 +/-229 Pass VJ X 28.8829 10)80007 Sr.r Alpha 0 066 +/- 0.04 GM t 0.0.11 0.06 +/- 0.03 Pass
'VE -6828,6829 1f 007 Or, to 5 55 +/- 01.21 5.20 +/- 0,22 5.38 10.10 Pass VE-68 , 882 10(2007 10-40 6.45 t 0,43 5x10 t 0,49 5.32 +/- 0.33 PM S S-6870,6871 10/9/201 Sr. Beta 18.10 a 2-08 21.71 +/-2.19 19,10 +/- 151 Pass S S-6870,6871 110 9/2007 1040 10.19 +/- Oat 9.72 +/- 0. 60 9.95 10.47 Pass LW-7507, 750-8 W11,12007 Or Beta 1 40 +/- 0. 1.44 +/- 0.54 1.42 +/- 0.39 PH" 811-68-33, 6934 10116/2007 1386.60 +/- 104,70 1331.20 +/- 106,70 1W.90 t 74,74 Pass MI- 61M, 69-34 1011 6r2 007 Sr-90 1.73 +/- 0.52 2.17 +/- 0.57 1.95 +/- 0.39 P
-759, 70 10/17,2087 1040 1424.-30 a 108.81 1448.60 t 115,30 1436,70 17&51 Pass F-7213, 7214 10,'2412W-7 14-3 6.83 +/- 0,22 7.24 +/- 0.22 7.03 +/- 0.16 Pass F-7213, 7714 10/2412007 K-40 3.13 s 8.51 3.16 +/- 0.4.5 3.15 +/- 0.; pass
'#WW-7 3, 7409 10t24/207 H-3 340.71 +/- 90.45 34.22 +/- 90.87 343.46 164,65 Pa DW-7 0&W 70857 10/24/2007 Or. Alpha 11.03 +/- 1,66 10.71 +/- 1.34 10.87 +/- 1,07 Pass 80.7 , 7509 10,26 7 C s-137 0:30 +/- 8.04 0,29 +/- 0.05 0a s +/- 0.03 Pass SO-7 5W , 7509 10/28/2007 Gr. Bela 34.43 a 2.72 37.25 +/- 3.07 35.84 a 2.05 Pass SO-7 508 , 75(19 10/261201317 10-4 10,84 +/- 0-84 17.43 +/- 1,05 17,14 +/-0.67 Pass
TABLE A-5, In.Hou D pt1ca ' Samples C6nCCnvati00 { fl.
Avw"ed Lab Cade Date Ar S First Reslt nd R a R lt Acceptan 8-7529, 1530 1012/2007 Cs-131 0.12 0.0 0.12 t 0,02 012 +/- 0.02 Pass SS-7529,7530 102W2 0 07 K- tip 11.35 +/- 013 11.75 .1 0 .58 1110 +/- 0.46 pal^s v -1589, 7" 10 007 Gr. Pket-i 1.75 +/- 6.29 1.21 +/- 0.26 1. } 0.18 Pass SWU-T733, 7724 10-131112007 Or, W 1,6151 1-01 2.43 +/- 1.13 2.05 +/- 0.76 Pass M -76 18, 7619 10131 12007 K-40 1376.80 4 14.30 1426,70 +/- 128,80 1401,75 186.40 Pass V -7 , 7667 91' 007 Sr. Alpha 0,07 +/- 0,04 0.16 t 0.05 G.11 +/-0.03 Pass VE366 , 7667 11/2007 Sr. Beta 6,013 +/- 1,15 6.13 +/- (1,15 6.08 W 0310 Pass
%,S-1688, 767 11 /5/2007 10 5.82 +/- 0.38 5.14 +/- 0.36 518 +/- 0.25 pas's ONNI-7853, 7854 11/9/2007 1-131 1.81 s 0A0 1.08 +/- 0.39 1,35 : 05.28 s MI-7874, 7875 11 1 4J2ID07 K40 1407.70 +/- 1(11.30 *62 M +/- 114.50 1385.15 t 76.44 Pass WW-8142, 8143 11/2 8/2007 G . Bela 9.51 +/- 2.21 T8 6 t 2,01 8.68 +/- 1.49 P DW-8094, 6095 11/29/2007 Sr, Beta 1.80 +/- 0.58 1.25 10,54 1.43 +/- 0.4 Pam F -832 8, 8329 1211111071 Gr, Bela 3,07 +/- 0, 08 4.00 +/- 0.08 3.90 +/- 0.05 pis WW-8370, 8319 12./11/2001 t /I 296 , 00 +/- 103.00 407.100 1 107.90 351.5 0 +/- 74.2-6 Pass Norte, Duplicate analyses paeWr*d on e'r ry nt th sa mple rwa-ar in-house. Resuft are not I`ssted for tho analyses with actwilies that measure below the LLD, Results are reported in units of coif, :. for air filters ( inter), food crocucts, vegetafion, soil, sedwnent i 119),
TABLE A-S_ Department Energy's Wed Anatyte Perfomance Evaluation Program tM P .
Kno vvr ir Lab Code` Date Analysis Laboratory res ult Activity Limits d A t ce 31W-1110 011181 7 Sr. Alpha 11.45 # 0.08 0.33 0.0 - 0.65 Pass STW-I 01101 x117 Or. Beta 0.90 +/- 0.14 0.86 .43 - 1.28 Paw, STW-1111 01101 07 Am-281 2.10 +/-0.21 131 1.20 - 2.22 5 0 31W-1111 01101/07 Co-57 151.80 +/- 10.00 143.70 180. -'86.90 Pass 374'0-1111 C 1101.+ 7 Cr,134 79.20 +/- &W 83.E 58.50 - 108.80 Pan.
STW-1 I I I 01,10 1W Cs-131 166.70 +/- 12,10 1 6300 114.10 - 211.90 Par STW--1111 001 1,`07 Pe-55 130.30 +/- 19.90 129.".x} 90.50 -168.10 Parr 5190-1111 011101107 14.3 26220 19.10 283,00 198.10 - 367.90 Pan 5T:'d-1111 01,/01/01 Mrr-64 130.83 +/- 11.60 12380 $6.70 - 180.90 Pan STW-1111 1101 7 Ni-63 127.80 x 3.60 13040 91.30 - 169.50 Parr ST'W-1111 01101/07 NI- 63 127.80 +/- 3.60 13540 91.30 -169.7 Pan 37W-1111 011/01107 MPu-238 2.0+/- 6.17 2.25 1.58-2.93 Parr STW-1111 1/011 7 Pu-23910 2.27 10.17 2.22 155 - 2.89 Parr STW-l 101/0/ sr-90 9.8 +/- 1.40 8.87 6.21 - 11.53 Pars STW-1111 0110110/ Tomes 8.81 t 1.50 98 -00 7.40 - 1 3 ,70 Pass
-1111 0110117 U-23314 2,44 +/- 0.11 2.49 1.74 - 3.24 P --
TW-1111 01}1;07 1-238 2.44 : 0.21 2.46 1,74-3,22 Parr.
STW-1111 0101107 Zn-OS 1,23.70 +/- 17.00 114.80 1.40 - 1,49,2 0 P 1S0-1112' 01101107 Arr-241 46.40
- 9.00 34-80 24.40 - 45.20 Fait 8180-1112 01101107 Co-57 51,1120 +/- 2,90 471.20 3M80 - 812.60 PISS..
15130-1112 01101,107 C 286.90 +/- 2.10 274.70 192.30 - 357,10 P: ;
3780-1112 01/01107 Co,134 325.90 +/- 1,40 327.40 229.20 .425,60 P S TS O-I 112 01/01/07 Co-137 855.70 4,60 799.70 559.80 - 1039.80 P 51^80-1112 01(011007 t-54 750,90 +/- 4.70 685.20 479.60 - 890.80 Pass S TAP-1113 01/01,/07 Se. AioIta 0.27 _ 0.04 0.60 0.0- 1,20 Pa"
. ` AP-1113 010107 ter. Beta 0.57 r 0 ,05 0.49 0.22 - 0,56 Pas" STAP-1114 0#11111, `7 1-241 10 ^ 00.03 0,10 Q. G 7 -0.13 Parr 5746-1114 01111107 Co-61 3.51 +/- Q k7 2.89 2.02 -3,75 Pass STAP-1114 01/01/07 1-4O 2.98 t 0.10 2.91 2.03 - 3,78 Pass STAP-1114 01101 , Ce-134 4.02 +/- 0.16 4,20 2.94 - 5A5 Prr+/-
STAP-1114 01901/017 Cs-137 2,75 10.12 2.57 180-3,34 Parr STAFF-1114 01/01/07 Mn.54 3.94 t 0.12 3.52 2,46 - 4.57 Pass 8746-1114 01, 110"r Pu-2.38 007 +/- G .0 1 0.07 0,05-0,09 Pass STAP-1114 011.01107 Pu-239140 0,08
- 0.01 0.08 0.08 - 0.11 P as s STAP-4114 0110307 Sr-%, 0.58 10,18 0.61 0.43 -0,79 Parr TAP-1114 011101/07 U-233/4 0.00 <<0.01 0.10 0.07 -0.13 TAP-1114 001/01/07 U-238 0.00 +/- 0,01 0.10 0.07 -0.13 Pam STAP-1114 G 1,/0 1101 i-65 2.70 +/- 01.10 2.68 1.88 - 3.49 5 46-1
°A E A-S_ art^nrt of . y's Mixer, Analy P fom,^anco E' kua4on P Aram (, PEP),
CorwenfrAorr '
Known Contr Lab CMG Date Ana9ysfi; Laboratory resoff Activity Limits ° AoC4;+lar s 51VW-1115 01/06/07 Co-57 8.90 a 0,27i 8_1 5.73 - 10.64 Pats ST -1115 01101107 C(-60 6.50 + 020 5,82 4,08 - 7,57 P,es SWE 1115 01301.07 C--- ; 3 6, 90 +/- 0.30 6,21 4,35-8,07 Pass SIVE-1115 01101107 Ca-137 820 +/- 0 ,30 6119 4.90 9, 09 Pass 1' -1115 0110 11V Mq-54 10.10 +/- 0.30 8,46 ,.01 - 10.98 Paei Results otrt , d by Eru n '
fI: Inc., WbOsvrst Laboratory m% a t atticipe= fr the O r1*xnent of E "s taxed A afyte Performance E u^C sc a r, Idaho Operators office, Idaho Falls, k104 ROSUIN are rePortoo In ;mot, of SeA (fiord. It Bor ers -of tIa,tai Sams (filters, c. tafenb
! ab tory ood as follows- v motor . STAID (r fter).. 8167 land), STVE (vege t4or .
' ,MAPEa results are pren t as the krowq v-W and part la ratory precision (1 -lgma. '_ d erm=ine kr find c tr^x Iemitrr no defined by the MAP P.
r 2eanuff or rnenef n, 2 Dc's, e 0.1 FOOL.
t 4 r pk _ ,t 4 ^ Eza^ r i ct Rcaat t r$c ris° ^. .v- BgIg_
TABLE 7i- 7. 1r rt&iorato y nparas n Cross heck p ram. Env ronrr i Res ource As bag/s (RA) .
concentration tpCWLI Lab Code Date Analysis Lat at0ry ERA Control Result = Result L Nts ia+ ce ST '-1116 0311 + 7 rr_Alpha 34.64 +/-2. 25.8 12.4 - 39 Fuss STAP-1 T 16 03/ 17 r, Beta 03.41 +/- 3.20 79,5 48.8 - 116 Pass TAP-1117 03/19/07 Arm-241 56.04 +/- 3.90 57.5 33 ,1 - 80 Pass S TAP-1 4311 437 co 60 1610.00 +/- 8.40 1300.0 10M O - 1620 Pass STAP-1117 03/1.7 Cs-134 1340.40 148.4 1120.8 732.0 - 138.2 Pass
$1AP-1117 " 03119/07 Cs-137 345,30 +/- 8 . 20 255.0 102.01 - 336 Fait STAP-1117` G3i%007 Fe-55 e 0447 i.0 Pass ST -111 v' 03119v'07 4.54 -50 0.0 Pass STAP-1117 03(1 01'07 Pu-230 43, 32 +/- 2 , 28 37,1 25.7 - 9 Pass STAP-1117 0311 "90,0 7 P-2390 36623 +/-2.24 31.6 22,9-41 Pass STAP-1117 0311 07 Sr-9D 1 .100 t .8 156.0 66.6 - 246 Pass STAFF-11,17 fl 19/07 8-233/4 42.22 +/- 1.84 47.8 30.1 .71 Pass STAP-1117 93'07 Li-238 42,00 +/- 1.84 474 304.2 - 68 Pass STAP-1 117 03/19431 UFafflum 85.79 +/- a,60 97.3 49,5 -155 Pass STAP-1 117 p i 7 Zn-85 363.0 +/- 11.90 245.0 20B, O - 412 Pass STSO-1118 03,11M7 64-228 3097.77 f 94.911 2790.8 1700.4 - 3930 Pass 5180-1118 0341907 Am-241 1000,70 +/- 155.10 927.0 548.0 - 1200 Pass ST O-1118 030"1 81-212 2467.87 +/- 114.33 2500.0 058.0 - 3730 Pass 5180-1118 03;1.7 C 7847.441 +/- 86,60 7330 0 5340,0 - 0820 pass 8150--1118 0/3%19/07 Cs -134 7910-0 s 356-88 7 560,0 48,50,0 - 9070 Pass 518 0-1118 03/`1 / 7 137 4635 047 t 99.10 4.4-10.0 3290.0 - 5580 Pass 51 0.1 t 18 0119,W K-40 12201.60 +/- 423.20 11100.01 8050.0 - 16000 Par 5150.1118 ` 03/1 'G'7 Mo-54 < 34.O 0.0 Pass ST -1115 03119/07 P6-212 4'046.80 w 1 "27.20 1730.0 1120.0 - 2430 Pass 5750-1118 0.31 1 7 P6-214 414 a 110.40 3330.0 1980.6 - 4980 Pa STSO-1118 031107 80- 109920 z 73.10 857.8 490.0 - 1200 Pass 8740-1116 03/19/07 P v239!40 1586,10 +/-82.00 1360.0 828.0 - 1818 Pass 5150-11 t8 03/40/17 Sr-90 6163.30 ° 791,60 7500,0 2610.0 - 12400 P-Ass STS -11119 03/19/77 T h-2-34 4329.40 589.10 3590 ,0 2190.0 -4 Pass ST O-1118 93/10 8-233/4 3236.70 +/- 1 06, 00 ?620.0 2280.0 - 4520 Pass 8180-1118 03/19'07 U-238 342520 1 134.00 3590.0 2190.0 - 4580 Pass 5780-1118 03/19/07 Uranium 678730 +/- 240.00 7380,0 4210.0 - 9938 Pass 81 8 0-1118 03/191+07 rarbum 6787,E
- 240.004 7380,0 4210.0 - 9930 Pass 8180-1118 ` 03119/07 Zn-85 0.00 +/- 0. 00 0, 0 0.0 -0 Pass A7-1
TARL E A-7. In erto rmttwy Compar e aw, EroAiromn-antal Resource Associates ($ .
Lab Code Date Aral". s Laboratory ERA C nr^
Result ` Ro_ # Limbo roc p r STS. -1119 0111W07 Am-241 3249.60 +/- 150.30 3550.0 2020.0 -48 Pass ST -1119 03/19107 Crn-2 1 .70 +/-91. 1840.0 905.0 - 2810 Pass STI,i -1119 03/19/07 CO-60 2827.80 +/-6240 2 '00.0 1760,0 - 3720 pas
-1119 0111 9,07 C 134 664.80 +/- 48 40 579.0 308,0-822 Farr 57316 -1118 1/07 X131 3 30 7.30 +/- 58. 80 2920.0 2150.0 - A0 60 Pass ST -1119 03/19/07 K-40 40814,20 +/-618.90 37900.0 27200.0 - 63600 Pass aT+.E-1119 03119,107 Mrr- 4 < 27.0 GO pass, 573,x6.1119 03/19007 Pa-238 2762,00 +/-251.10 2434J.0 1250.0 - ;7 Pass 9131E-1110 03/19101 Pu_239t s 2158.E +/- 83.40 1900.0 118.4 - 2600 Pass 57315-111 9301' 7 5890 8"91f) s 580 ,90 88.0 498.9 - 118000 Pass STVE-1119 .1,190 0-233/4 2821,90 +/- 73.50 0.0 1930,0 20 Pass STV -11119 03/19/07 U-238 2 6.00 +/- 50.70 2910.0 2090.0 - 361 Pass 8 -1119 0 3A 9!'07 tram; 5718,00 +/- 124.15 5980.0 4110.0 - 7770 Pass S"3'5-1119 03/197 Zn-65 414.30 +/-4 5 .70 3636,0 26T O - 5W Pass 57184120 03;19/07 Am-241 133.50 > 10.60 119.0 123.0 - 243 Pass 87881120 03/19/07 Co-60 541.40 °+/- 9,0 536.0 4 67.0-631 Pa S W- =120 011 07 Gs-134 162 180 +/-8911 1750.0 1288. - 21,320 Pam; 57W-0120 03.*'/9x'07 Cs-131 1839.10 +/- 1790 1850.0 1570.0 - 2220 Pam tV-11200 0311 }7 Fa-55 828.50 1226.80 6 7 1.0 392,0- 8% Pass S -1120 t 03119,107 Mn-Sd .c 8.1 0.0 Pass S"W.1120 03%19107 Pu-238 123 30 +/- 4 30 115. $7.6-144 pass STN-1120 01`19/07 Fist-239/40 95.1 +/- 38 90.9 570.3 - 113 Pass S rV-1120 03/19/07 sf-90 949,40 161J 969.0 6300 - 1320 Pass S iV -1120 031191' 7 0-233/4 164.20 +/- .! 192.0 145.0 - 247 Pass 5Tvsi-1120 0 1WW07 U-230 10620 +/- 8,22 100.0 145.0 - 236 Pass STW-1120 43°15/07 Uranium 339.6 1- 10.66 391.0 292.0 - 521 ps 1W-1120 0`19/07 7-n- 2009.00 +/-36 40 1911.0 1600,0 - 2410 paw Results o*a.aine by Enxirannsnts(. §nc.. Midwest Laboratory a per , nt in ft croCscfi --# warn Sr prot: ncy te Ir, aft red by Eavir re es l Resow^. Associates, serving as a rep lacement for studii c iucted previc #y by Ifft Environmental Measurements Laboratory ality assessment Pr am (EML),.
Lard codes fo!irrvs: 9W {wirer(, TAP' (air 81 0, 5190 f. O, SIPS ; vei^ifirbw,'v un ss cthart mdoca d- the ratory resto is gss as the meant standard, 1es n threee dewmii bons, c t i h k an r r_ e ^t fit ry { eci n?8 i ti. I d rmirstkmn}and control hats
.-'s Pen
'A high Was _. 20%) was observed r gamma rez fo air fitters., A np i e filter g +metr-y x+S$ reed ^ the ac stmons vs.. a sirrgAe War goo s . R ult of re : C --' 37, 305 8 t 6.0 pOWMI e -
included in the to g 5cries ad a le'p I :s iivo" t rttrtg expected.