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Notice of Annual Assessment Meeting with Amergen Management to Discuss Nrc'S Assessment of the Safety Performance of the Three Mile Island, Unit 1 for Calendar Year 2007
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/2008
From: Bellamy R
MN 08-012
Download: ML080790705 (4)



Facilities: Three Mile Island Power Station, Unit 1 Docket No(s). 50-289 Time and Date: April 3, 2008, 7:00 - 9:00pm Location: Londonderry Town Hall 738 South Geyers Church Road Middletown, PA 17057


The NRC requested an Annual Assessment Meeting with AmerGen management to discuss NRCs assessment of the safety performance of the Three Mile Island Power Station Unit 1 for calendar year 2007 as described in the Annual Assessment Letter dated March 3, 2008.

AmerGen management will be given the opportunity to respond to the information in the letter and inform the NRC of new or existing programs to maintain or improve their performance. The NRC will also be available to engage interested stakeholders on performance of the plant and our role in ensuring safe plant operations.

NRC Attendees: R. Bellamy, Chief, Projects Branch 6, Region I D. Kern, Senior Resident Inspector, Three Mile Island J. Brand, Resident Inspector, Three Mile Island Licensee Attendees: B. Noll, Three Mile Island Site Vice President, AmerGen T. Dougherty, Three Mile Island Plant Manager, AmerGen B. Carsky, Three Mile Island Operations Director, AmerGen S. Queen, Three Mile Island Engineering Director, AmerGen Public Participation: This is a Category 1 Meeting. The public is invited to observe this meeting and will have one or more opportunities to communicate with the NRC after the business portion, but before the meeting is adjourned.



Dr. Ronald Bellamy, Chief, Projects Branch 6 610-337-5200 E-mail:

2 The NRC assessment letter can be found in ADAMS with an Accession Number ML080600622.

This meeting notice with the enclosed agenda can be located in ADAMS with the Accession Number ML080790705. The NRC slides for the meeting can be accessed with the Accession Number ML080790674. ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web Site at

Additional information relative to the NRCs Annual Assessment process and the safety performance of the Three Mile Island Power Station can be found on the NRCs web site at: The NRC=s Policy Statement, AEnhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings,@ effective May 28, 2002, applies to this meeting. The policy statement may be found on the NRC Web site, and contains information regarding visitors and security.

Handicapped persons requiring assistance to attend the meeting shall make their requests known to the NRC meeting contact no later than 2 business days prior to the meeting.

Attendance by NRC personnel at this meeting should be made known by April 1, 2008, via telephone to the NRC meeting contact.

Approved by: ______/RA/________________

Ronald R. Bellamy, Ph.D., Chief Projects Branch 6 Division of Reactor Projects Distribution:

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Exelon Generation Site Vice President, TMI Unit 1, AmerGen Plant Manager - TMI, Unit 1, AmerGen Regulatory Assurance Manager - TMI, Unit 1, AmerGen Senior Vice President, Nuclear Services, AmerGen Senior Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Operations, AmerGen Vice President, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, AmerGen Director Licensing - AmerGen Manager Licensing - TMI, AmerGen Vice President, General Counsel/Secretary Correspondence Control Desk, AmerGen Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Dauphin County Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Londonderry Township R. Janati, Director, Bureau of Radiation Protection, State of PA J. Johnsrud, National Energy Committee E. Epstein, TMI-Alert (TMIA)

D. Allard, Director, PADEP J. Powers, Director, PA Office of Homeland Security R. French, Director, PA Emergency Management Agency

3 Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Annual Assessment Meeting Agenda:

April 3, 2008

  • Introduction and NRC Organization
  • Review of NRC Reactor Oversight Process
  • Regulatory Summary of National Plant Performance
  • NRC Assessment of Plant Performance Results
  • AmerGens Response and Remarks
  • NRC Closing Remarks
  • Break
  • NRC Available to Address Public Questions

4 Distribution w/encl: (VIA E-MAIL)

Executive Director for Operations, OEDO (RIDSEDOMAILCENTER RESOURCE)

Deputy Executive Director for Reactor Programs,OEDO (RIDSEDOMAILCENTER RESOURCE)

Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRR (RIDSNRROD)

Associate Director, Office of Operating Reactor Oversight and Licensing, NRR/ADRO (RIDSNRRADRO)

Director, Division of Inspection and Regional Support, NRR/DIRS (RIDSNRRDIRS)

Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, NRR/DORL (RIDSNRRDORL)

Project Directorate I-1 (PD1/2), NRR (RIDSNRRDILPI 1-2)

Asst. General Counsel Materials Litigation and Enforcement, OGC (RIDSOGCMAILCENTER)

S. Collins, RA R. Bellamy, DRP M. Dapas, DRA S. Barber, DRP M. Gamberoni, DRS A. Rosebrook, DRP D. Roberts, DRS J. Bream, DRP G. West, RI OEDO D. Kern, DRP - Senior Resident Inspector J. Lubinski, NRR J. Brand, DRP - Resident Inspector H. Chernoff, NRR C. LaRegina, DRP - Resident OA P. Bamford, PM, NRR N. McNamara, SLO E. Miller, NRR M. McLaughlin, SLO K. Farrar, Regional Counsel DRP Division Secretary, RI D. Screnci, Senior PAO DRS Division Secretary, RI N. Sheehan, Field PAO G. Matakas, ORA, Secretary D. Lew, DRP PMNS J. Clifford, DRP Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Accession Number ML080790705 SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE: ____AAR__ (Reviewers Initials)

DOC NAME: G:\DRP\BRANCH6\ROP Assessment Folders\ROP 9\AA Meeting Notices and slides\TMI AA Meeting Notice 2008.doc After declaring this document AAn Official Agency Record@ it will be released to the Public.

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