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Nysg'S Hard Clam Research Initiative
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/02/2007
State of NY
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Davis J NRR/DLR/REBB, 415-3835
Shared Package
ML072060321 List:
Download: ML072060618 (1)


NYSG: Hard Clamn Research Initiative- Publications Page I of I N< C( VY l's %VýJ' Wh~o ~re Resea rch E~xti' ion Publs In TlehC inif("f Site Related ti~e N*vS(;'? New %VWe' ' tlr*f/ iO~c.. News/P~~n "~ (1e

11) Sites "Briniuh -, Science to the Shores" for oer'huler, dccodes Click on icons or related text above for links NYSG t s IHard Clam Research Initiative Publications Home

" Article:

New insights about South Shore Estuary hard clams (Fall 2004) I lext I PDIF

" Article:

W L ts New! Ljnknox)'n parasite in hard clams (QPX) j l[F (Spring 2004)


" Brochure:

QPX disease in hard clams ] (July 2003)

Rese trch. " Fact Sheet:.

Hard clam research protjects 11P.-.) F (August 2001 Fact Sheet:

BackgrouItd on the Ilard C.lamn Inatitive PI.D.1. (December 2000)


NYSG's I lard Clam Population Dynamics Initiative (1999)

Hard Clam: At Danford's on 011bruary 26. 1999. New York Sea Grant, the South Shore Publications lstiuarv Reserve C(ounctil and the NYSDI)C sponsored a Il'Vorkshof on flard Clain I/ol/tOaf on Dnuius-Refe2rC>i Pioriliesl ;br ihe t ozuth Shore of Long lsland. This session provided a forumn where knowledgeable Individuals could Sdefine and discuLss what is known and what need,,s to be known about hard clam lHard Clam: population dynarmics as applicable to restoring and enhancing the dwindling hard 7Media clam resource and its fishery. With research goals in focus, Newxx York Sea Grant will administer $450.000 in hard clam research funds from NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service after a recent appropriation initiated by Congressman Michael Forbes.

4laro Clam:

Contact Info:. For a hard copy of the rough transcript for this workshop, please contact Cornelia Schlenk at New York Sea Grant (63 1-632-6906 or Corn.ell,.i.Sch.len.!kf./73'.*ystonvbrook.eL.u). Thank you for your interest in the Ilard Clam workshop transcript. 7/2/2007 Wi W 4RA -iA'