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June 2007 TSTF Traveler Schedule Update Letter
Person / Time
Site: Technical Specifications Task Force
Issue date: 06/21/2007
From: Kobetz T
Technical Specifications Task Force
Download: ML071100280 (6)


June 21, 2007 Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) 11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852


June 2007 TSTF Traveler Milestone Schedule Update (Docket No. PROJ0753)

Dear Members of the TSTF:

This letter serves to update the schedule for review of all in-process TSTF travelers.1 NRC reviewed the schedule with your representative, Mr. Brian Mann, on June 18, 2007. This schedule updates and supercedes any previously-submitted schedules.

Table 1 summarizes milestone date changes since this schedule was last published on March 16, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. ML070680120). Table 2, explains shorthand notations used in the enclosed TSTF Status Spreadsheet (ADAMS Accession No. ML071140427).

Should circumstances lead to anticipated or actual schedule delay, the causing party should promptly inform the other party and coordinate to re-establish and publish an appropriately revised schedule. The cause of the schedule delay should be documented along with the agreed-upon revised schedule.

Changes to milestone dates that do not affect the projected notice of availability (NOA) milestone date may be accomplished informally with the mutual concurrence of the impacted stakeholders. Effective coordination of schedule changes is of particular importance in connection with TSTF response to NRC staff requests for additional information (RAIs). Failure to provide a timely and responsive reply in accordance with the agreed schedule (see updated Table 2 and attached TSTF Traveler Milestone Schedule) or to successfully negotiate a revised schedule may result in termination of the NRC review process.

Early completion of any activity will not necessitate schedule revision. However, NRC staff will endeavor to accommodate early completions by completing subsequent tasks early.

1 As new TSTF travelers are opened and active travelers are closed on an ongoing basis, it should be recognized that recent changes may not appear in this schedule.

TSTF Technical Specifications Branch project leads are listed for each TSTF traveler. Please contact these individuals in coordinating activities specific to their review. Matthew Hamm may also be contacted at (301) 415-1472 or in the event one of these individuals is unavailable or should you have questions or need further information in connection with the TSTF traveler review process.



Timothy J. Kobetz, Chief Technical Specifications Branch Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: See next page

TSTF Technical Specifications Branch project leads are listed for each TSTF traveler. Please contact these individuals in coordinating activities specific to their review. Matthew Hamm may also be contacted at (301) 415-1472 or in the event one of these individuals is unavailable or should you have questions or need further information in connection with the TSTF traveler review process.



Timothy J. Kobetz, Chief Technical Specifications Branch Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

ITSB r/f ITSB Staff RidsNrrAdro RidsNrrDirsItsb ADAMS ACCESSION NO: ML071130315-pkg; ML071100280-letter; ML071140427-Spreadsheet OFFICE ITSB:DIRS BC:ITSB:DIRS NAME MHamm TJKobetz DATE 6/21/2007 6/21/2007 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

TABLE 1: Summary of Changes The following table summarizes TSTF Traveler approvals, cancellations, and schedule changes subsequent to the last-published schedule (ADAMS Accession No. ML070680120) published on March 16, 2007. For schedule changes, only the immediately-impacted milestone is listed in this summary. Cascading milestone changes are shown in the attached TSTF Traveler Milestone Schedule.

TSTF / Lead Previous Revised TAC Impacted Milestone (if applicable) FR / ADAMS Proj. Date Proj. Date & Reason For Change ML#(s) &

Hyperlinks 412 / Wertz 5/23/07 6/27/07 MD0685 Fed Reg NOA (f) rescheduled by NRC.

425 / Tjader n/a n/a MD5371 New TSTF received 4/25/2007. The ADAMS Accession number of the acceptance letter ML071140427 and milestone schedule is listed to the right.

431 / Tjader 4/15/07 5/15/07 MD3763 RAI (c) rescheduled to 5/15/07 and ML070880638 subsequently sent on 5/3/2007.

446 / Tjader 4/13/07 TBD MD1808 TSTF review stopped by NRC due to lack of ML071490023 timely revised topical reports. Review will be ML071630408 TBD recommenced shortly.

476/ Tjader 4/16/07 5/15/07 MC4442 TSTF approved subsequent to Fed Reg Vol 72 FR, NOA (f) being rescheduled. p29004-29010 ML070880921 477 / Hearn MC4443 TSTF approved. See NOA issued Vol 72 FR, p14143-14145 478 / Lewin n/a n/a MC8336 TSTF rejected see document listed for ML071090368 explanation.

486 / Tjader 4/26/07 7/2/07 MC8896 Fed Reg NFC (e) rescheduled by NRC due to receipt of revised TSTF on 5/10/2007 n/a 487 / Telson 5/24/07 6/6/07 MC8594 TSTF approved subsequent to Fed Reg Vol 72 FR, NOA (f) being rescheduled. p31108-31112 493 / Schulten n/a n/a MD5249 New TSTF received 4/16/2007. The ADAMS Accession number of the acceptance letter ML071440183 and milestone schedule is listed to the right Enclosure

TABLE 2: In-process TSTF Traveler Schedule Milestones & Explanation Milestone Meaning (Milestone dates in the attached spreadsheet may be interpreted as follows)

Dates Application This is the date the application was received by the NRC. The document processing (a) center (DPC) will typically place the document into ADAMS within a few days of receipt. For electronic submittals, the DPC confirms, via email, both receipt and placement into ADAMS.

RAI Issued This is the projected (actual) date a Request for Additional Information (RAI) letter will (c) be (is) available to- or delivered to TSTF. If a copy of the signed RAI will be (is) emailed or faxed, it is this date. Otherwise, it is the date at which the RAI letter will become (is) publically available in ADAMS, permitting public access (typically the signature date plus six (6) days).

RAI Resp. (d) This is the projected (actual) date when TSTFs complete RAI response documentation will be (is) available to technical staff. If a copy of the signed RAI response document will be (is) emailed or faxed to the TSTF lead, it is this date.

Otherwise, it is the date at which the RAI response becomes available in ADAMS, permitting staff access (typically three days following receipt by the DPC).

In the event an RAI Response document references a future submittal (e.g. a revised TSTF, a Topical Report, etc.) deemed necessary by staff to complete the TSTF review, then the actual RAI response date becomes the date of receipt of the referenced document. Failure to provide RAI response (or RAI-referenced documentation) by the RAI Response projected milestone date, without promptly informing the NRC in writing and coordinating to re-establish and publish an appropriately revised schedule, may result in termination of the NRC review process.

Fed Reg NFC For TSTFs processed in accordance with the Consolidated Line Item Improvement (e)

  • Program (CLIIPd), this is the projected (actual) date that both the model application (Model LAR) and safety evaluation (Model SE) will become (are) Noticed in the Federal Register for public comment.

This milestone is N/A for non-CLIIPd TSTFs which are not typically Noticed to the Federal Register for public comment Fed Reg NOA For TSTFs processed in accordance with the Consolidated Line Item Improvement (f)

  • Program (CLIIPd), this is the projected (actual) date that both the model application (Model LAR) and safety evaluation (Model SE) will become (are) Advertised in the Federal Register as Available for Industry Adoption.

For non-CLIIPd TSTFs, there is no Fed Reg NOA. In this instance, this milestone reflects the earlier of the following dates: (i) The date at which the letter approving the TSTF will become (is) publically available in ADAMS (typically 6 days after being signed) or (ii) the date the signed letter will be (is) faxed or emailed to TSTF.

Technical Specifications Task Force Mailing List cc:

Techncial Specifications Task Force Donald R. Hoffman 11921 Rockville, Pike EXCEL Services Corporation Suite 100 11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 George G. Yates Brian Mann AmerenUE EXCEL Services Corporation P.O. Box 666149, Mail Code 470 11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 100 Fulton, MO 65251 Rockville, MD 20852 St. Louis, MO 63166-6149 Jim Kenny John Messina 924 Liberty Street First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Emmaus, PA 18049 76 South Main Street Mail Sto: Akron-GO-14 Akron, OH 44308 Dana Millar Entergy P.O. Box 31995 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Reene V. Gambrell Duke Energy Mailcode: ON03RC 7800 Rochester Highway Seneca, SC 29672